コード例 #1
void initClocks(void)
int main(void)
    /* Halting WDT  */
    resPos = 0;

    /* Setting up clocks
     * MCLK = MCLK = 3MHz
     * ACLK = REFO/4 = 32Khz */

    /* Initializing ADC (MCLK/1/1) */

    /* Configuring GPIOs (5.5 A0) */
    MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin(GPIO_PORT_P5, GPIO_PIN5,

    /* Configuring ADC Memory */
    MAP_ADC14_configureSingleSampleMode(ADC_MEM0, true);
    MAP_ADC14_configureConversionMemory(ADC_MEM0, ADC_VREFPOS_AVCC_VREFNEG_VSS,
    ADC_INPUT_A0, false);

    /* Configuring Timer_A in continuous mode and sourced from ACLK */
    MAP_Timer_A_configureContinuousMode(TIMER_A0_MODULE, &continuousModeConfig);

    /* Configuring Timer_A0 in CCR1 to trigger at 16000 (0.5s) */
    MAP_Timer_A_initCompare(TIMER_A0_MODULE, &compareConfig);

    /* Configuring the sample trigger to be sourced from Timer_A0  and setting it
     * to automatic iteration after it is triggered*/
    MAP_ADC14_setSampleHoldTrigger(ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE1, false);

    /* Enabling the interrupt when a conversion on channel 1 is complete and
     * enabling conversions */

    /* Enabling Interrupts */

    /* Starting the Timer */

    /* Going to sleep */
    while (1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: bbdomingue/Mechatronics
int main(void) 

    //Configure Timer
    unsigned int dcoFrequency = 3E+6;
    MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_SMCLK, CS_DCOCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); // ( 1Mhz / 64 ) / (Period = 15625) = 1 second

	//            Buttons init
    // Set switch 1 (S1) as input button (connected to P1.1)
    MAP_GPIO_setAsInputPinWithPullUpResistor( GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1 );

    // Set switch 2 (S2) as input button (connected to P1.4)
    MAP_GPIO_setAsInputPinWithPullUpResistor( GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN4 );

	//            Timer A 0 and PWM on 2.4

    GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN4, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); //writes 0's in PXSEL registers for pins 1.2 and 1.3
    // Set Timer A period (PWM signal period)
    TA0CCR0 = 10000 ; // i think i wrote this wring, his example he showed in class is is 10000
    // Set Duty cycle
    TA0CCR1 = 0 ; //inital DutyCycle of 0% (we don't want the motor to move unless we push button
    // Set output mode to Reset/Set
    TA0CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7 ;    // Macro which is equal to 0x00e0, defined in msp432p401r.h
        // Initialize Timer A
    TA0CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK | MC__UP | TACLR ;  // this bitwise or’s multiple settings at the same time (this just sets different bits in the register to set these functionalities/settings)

	//Timer_A_startCounter(TIMER_A0_MODULE, TIMER_A_UP_MODE);

	//            Timer A 2 and PWM on P5.6

    GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P5, GPIO_PIN6, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); //writes 0's in PXSEL registers for pins 1.2 and 1.3

    // Set Timer A period (PWM signal period)
    TA2CCR0 = 10000 ; // i think i wrote this wring, his example he showed in class is is 10000
    // Set Duty cycle
    TA2CCR1 = 0 ; //inital DutyCycle of 0% (we don't want the motor to move unless we push button
    // Set output mode to Reset/Set
    TA2CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7 ;    // Macro which is equal to 0x00e0, defined in msp432p401r.h
        // Initialize Timer A
    TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK | MC__UP | TACLR ;  // this bitwise or’s multiple settings at the same time (this just sets different bits in the register to set these functionalities/settings)
    											//Does this start the timer?? (is next line necessary?)

	//Timer_A_startCounter(TIMER_A1_MODULE, TIMER_A_UP_MODE);
    //Set LED's as outputs and turn off
    MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
    MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);
	int countedges1 = 1;
	int countedges2 = 1;

    	//infinite loop

    	//           Turn one direction
    	if(GPIO_INPUT_PIN_LOW == MAP_GPIO_getInputPinValue ( GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1 )){

    		//stop timer 2
    		MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P5, GPIO_PIN6);
    		//start timer 1
    		Timer_A_startCounter(TIMER_A0_MODULE, TIMER_A_UP_MODE);

    		TA0CCR1 = 1000 * countedges1; //increse Duty Cycle by 10% (period is 10000)

    		if (TA0CCR1 > TA0CCR0){ //if Dutcy Cycle = 100%, go back to 0%
    			TA0CCR1 = 0;
    		}//end nested if
    		if (countedges1>11){
    			countedges1 = 0;

    		while(GPIO_INPUT_PIN_LOW == MAP_GPIO_getInputPinValue ( GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1 )){
        		MAP_GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
        		MAP_GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);

    		}//end nested while
    		MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
    		MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);
    	}//end switch 1 if
    	else{ //the button is not being pushed so do not spin motor (DutyCycle = 0);
    		TA0CCR1 = 0;

    	//           Turn other direction
    	if(GPIO_INPUT_PIN_LOW == MAP_GPIO_getInputPinValue ( GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN4 )){

    		//stop timer 1
    		MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN4);
    		//start timer 2
    		Timer_A_startCounter(TIMER_A2_MODULE, TIMER_A_UP_MODE);

    		TA2CCR1 = countedges2 * 1000; //increse Duty Cycle by 10% (period is 10000)

    		if (TA2CCR1 > TA2CCR0){ //if Dutcy Cycle = 100%, go back to 0%
    			TA2CCR1 = 0;
    		}//end nested if
    		if (countedges2>11){
    			countedges2 = 0;

    		while(GPIO_INPUT_PIN_LOW == MAP_GPIO_getInputPinValue ( GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN4 )){
        		MAP_GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
        		MAP_GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);

    		}//end nested while
    		MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
    		MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);
    	}//end switch 2 if
    	else{ //the button is not being pushed so do not spin motor (DutyCycle = 0)
    		TA2CCR1 = 0;

    }//end while
}//end main
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: bbdomingue/Mechatronics
int main(void) 

    //Configure Timer
    unsigned int dcoFrequency = 3E+6;
    MAP_CS_initClockSignal(CS_SMCLK, CS_DCOCLK_SELECT, CS_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1); // ( 3Mhz / 64 ) / (Period = 46875) = 1 second

    //Set LED's as outputs and turn off
    MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
    MAP_GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);


    /* Initializing ADC */

    GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin(GPIO_PORT_P5, GPIO_PIN5, GPIO_TERTIARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); //writes 0's in PXSEL registers for pins 1.2 and 1.3
    MAP_ADC14_setResolution(ADC_10BIT); // initialize to use a 10 Bit ADC

    /* Configuring ADC Memory */
    MAP_ADC14_configureSingleSampleMode(ADC_MEM0, false); //put results in this 16 bit register location to hold results, false means we are manually triggering
    MAP_ADC14_configureConversionMemory(ADC_MEM0, ADC_VREFPOS_AVCC_VREFNEG_VSS, ADC_INPUT_A0, false); //pin 5.5 is tied to channel 0 (A0)
    /* Configuring Sample Timer */

    //Timer A setup
    MAP_Timer_A_configureUpMode(TIMER_A0_MODULE, &upConfig0);
	Timer_A_startCounter(TIMER_A0_MODULE, TIMER_A_UP_MODE);

    /* Enabling/Toggling Conversion */

    //			END ADC

	//            Timer A 2 and PWM on P5.6

    GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P5, GPIO_PIN6, GPIO_PRIMARY_MODULE_FUNCTION); //writes 0's in PXSEL registers for pins 1.2 and 1.3

    // Set Timer A period (PWM signal period)
    TA2CCR0 = 10000 ; // i think i wrote this wring, his example he showed in class is is 10000
    // Set Duty cycle
    TA2CCR1 = DUTY_CYCLE * 10000; //inital DutyCycle of 0%.. Duty_Cycle is macro
    // Set output mode to Reset/Set
    TA2CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7 ;    // Macro which is equal to 0x00e0, defined in msp432p401r.h
        // Initialize Timer A
    TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK | MC__UP | TACLR ;  // this bitwise or’s multiple settings at the same time (this just sets different bits in the register to set these functionalities/settings)
    											//Does this start the timer?? (is next line necessary?)

	Timer_A_startCounter(TIMER_A2_MODULE, TIMER_A_UP_MODE);
	//          END Timer A 2 and PWM on 5.6

    Interrupt_enableMaster() ;


    	while(MAP_ADC14_isBusy()==0){ // poll the busy flag. we have a conversion going bc we already triggerted it above, so we are waiting for the conversion to be done, when it is, we are going to call the get result function. this just returns the 16 bit value rsults
    		ADC_result = (uint16_t)MAP_ADC14_getResult(ADC_MEM0); //just goes to memory location takes results and returns the 16 bit value... this just continues to get repopulted.
    		MAP_ADC14_toggleConversionTrigger(); ////once we got the result we start a new conversion and we go back to top and begin wiaitng until its dones again
    	}//end nested while
    }//end inf while
}//end main
コード例 #5
int main (void)
	//============== Local Variables =====================
	int encoderValue = 0;
	int16_t temp0, temp2, temp3;
	unsigned int temp1;
	int refreshValues = YES, i, t = 0, h = 0;
	double temptemp1, temptemp2;
	screen = 2;
	tempFormat = CEL;
	tempCharacter[0] = 'C';

	// Turning off watch dog timer

	//Configuring pins for peripheral/crystal usage.
	MAP_FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK0, 2);
	MAP_FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK1, 2);
	//Setting other clocks to speeds needed throughout the project

	//Initialization functions for variable peripherals
	err = DisplayInit();
	err |= InitOneWire();
	err |= RF_Init();
		printf("ERROR occured in initialization functions.\n");

	//Setting variables to initial values
	temperatureOUT[0] = 250;	temperatureOUT[1] = 251;
	temperatureIN[0] = 220;		temperatureIN[1] = 221;
	humidityOUT[0] = 440;		humidityOUT[1] = 441;
	humidityIN[0] = 330;		humidityIN[1] = 331;
	pressure[0] = 60;			pressure[1] = 61;
	lux[0] = 9000;				lux[1] = 9001;
	lightIndex[0] = 1;			lightIndex[1] = 2;

	//Enable interupts and set the interupt for the One-Wire to have highest priority
	MAP_Interrupt_setPriority(INT_TA0_0, 0x00);

	//Keep process in infinite loop
		while(!Setup) //'Setup' controls whether or not the user is view the data from
					  //the remote system, or is editing the time for the RTC
	        if (status) //'status' is set high when the IQR pin is set high -- meaning there is a packet
	        			//available to be read in from the RF chip
	        	status = 0;
	        	r_rx_payload((uint8_t)PACKET_SIZE, &data);	//retrieve data
	        	sscanf(data, "<T%dP%dH%dL%d>", &temp0, &temp1, &temp2, &temp3);  //parse data
	        	temperatureOUT[0] = temp0;
	        	pressure[0] = temp1;
	        	humidityOUT[0] = temp2;
	        	lux[0] = temp3;
	        	calculateLighting(lux[0], lightIndexString[0], &lightIndex[0]); 	//Figure out the lighting condition

	        	//Convert to F if 'tempFormat' is set high when tempFormat is set high, indicating that there needs to be a
	        	//C to F convserion. The data is C from the sensors.
				if(tempFormat == FAR)
					//C to F convserion
					temptemp2 =  ((float)temperatureOUT[0]);
					temperatureOUT[0] = (int)((temptemp2 * 1.8));
					temperatureOUT[0] += 320;

	        //Tick is set high every second from the RTC interupt
				i = 0;
				MAP_SysTick_disableModule(); // disable the systick interupt during while getting the
											 // temperature and humidity data from sensor
				//Getting the temp and humidity data
				t = dht_get_temp();
				h = dht_get_rh();
				MAP_SysTick_enableModule(); //Enable the systick interupt again

				//put the humidity and temperature values in the needed variables
				humidityIN[0] = h;
				temperatureIN[0] = t;

				//Convert to F if 'tempFormat' is set high when tempFormat is set high, indicating that there needs to be a
				//C to F convserion. The data is C from the sensors.
				if(tempFormat == FAR)
					//C to F conversion
					temptemp1 =  ((float)temperatureIN[0]);
					temperatureIN[0] = (int)((temptemp1 * 1.8));
					temperatureIN[0] += 320;

			//'screen' is either set to the value of 1 or 2.
			// screen == 1 is the main screen with only the temperatures and lighting condition displayed
			if(screen == 1)
				//If the time has been updated or the screen has been switched, update the string
				if(tick || refreshValues)
					tick = 0;
					//Create the time and date strings
					sprintf(dateString, "%s %02X, %X", months[newTime.month], newTime.dayOfmonth, newTime.year);
					sprintf(timeString, "%02X:%02X:%02X", newTime.hours, newTime.minutes, newTime.seconds);

					//Write "IN:" in the lower part of the screen to indicate to the user which temperature is the
					//inside tempterature
					if(refreshValues == YES)
						ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(50, 140, "IN:", ST7735_Color565(255, 255, 255), 1);

					//Printing the time
					for(i = 0; i < strlen(timeString); i++)
						ST7735_DrawChar(22+(11*i), 10, timeString[i], timeStringColor[i], 0x0000, 2);

					//Printing the date
					for(i = 0; i < strlen(dateString); i++)
						ST7735_DrawChar(30+(6*i), 30, dateString[i], dateStringColor[i], 0x0000, 1);

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureOUT[0] != temperatureOUT[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[1]/10, temperatureOUT[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(20, 80, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 4);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((20 + strlen(tempString)*4*6), 80, tempCharacter[1], ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[0]/10, temperatureOUT[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(20, 80, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 4);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((20 + strlen(tempString)*4*6), 80, tempCharacter[0], ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureOUT[1] = temperatureOUT[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureIN[0] != temperatureIN[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[1]/10, temperatureIN[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(70, 130, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((70 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 130, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[0]/10, temperatureIN[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(70, 130, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((70 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 130, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureIN[1] = temperatureIN[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((lightIndex[0] != lightIndex[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(0, 60, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(0, 60, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 255, 0), 2);
					memcpy(lightIndexString[1], lightIndexString[0], sizeof(lightIndexString[0]));
					lightIndex[1] = lightIndex[0];
				//Reset the refreshValues variable. This variable will be set high when the user swithces screen by turning the knob
				refreshValues = NO;
			//'screen' equalling 2 is the screen that displays all the data to the user
			if(screen == 2)
				//If the time has been updated or the screen has been switched, update the string
				if(time || refreshValues)
					tick = 0;
					//Create the time string that will be written
					sprintf(timeString, "%02X:%02X:%02X", newTime.hours, newTime.minutes, newTime.seconds);

					//Write the new time string
					for(i = 0; i < strlen(timeString); i++)
						ST7735_DrawChar(35+(6*i), 5, timeString[i], ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 255, 255), 1);

				//When update the items on the screen that will remain constant when the screen is changed.
				if(refreshValues == YES)
					sprintf(tempString, "Inside");
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(0, 10, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 255, 0), 1);

					sprintf(tempString, "Outside");
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(120, 90, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 255, 0), 1);

					sprintf(tempString, "_______________________");
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 55, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 255, 255), 1);

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureIN[0] != temperatureIN[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[1]/10, temperatureIN[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(12, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((12 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 25, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[0]/10, temperatureIN[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(12, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((12 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 25, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureIN[1] = temperatureIN[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((humidityIN[0] != humidityIN[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityIN[1]/10, humidityIN[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(74, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((74 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 27, '%', ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityIN[0]/10, humidityIN[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(74, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((74 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 27, '%', ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					humidityIN[1] = humidityIN[0];


				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureOUT[0] != temperatureOUT[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[1]/10, temperatureOUT[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 68, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[0]/10, temperatureOUT[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 68, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureOUT[1] = temperatureOUT[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((humidityOUT[0] != humidityOUT[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityOUT[1]/10, humidityOUT[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 90, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 87, '%', ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityOUT[0]/10, humidityOUT[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 90, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 87, '%', ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					humidityOUT[1] = humidityOUT[0];

				if((lux[0] != lux[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", lux[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 112, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 112, 'L', ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", lux[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 112, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 112, 'L', ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					lux[1] = lux[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((pressure[0] != pressure[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", pressure[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 135, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 135, "Pa", ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", pressure[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 135, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 135, "Pa", ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					pressure[1] = pressure[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((lightIndex[0] != lightIndex[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(105, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(105, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 255), 2);
					memcpy(lightIndexString[1], lightIndexString[0], sizeof(lightIndexString[0]));
					lightIndex[1] = lightIndex[0];

				refreshValues = NO;

			//Check to see in the knob has been changed at all
			encoderValue = EncoderDecipher(&Encoder1, &Encoder2, &PushButton);

			//If encoder has been held, this indicates enting the setting of the RTC time
			if(encoderValue == HOLD)
				Setup = YES;	//Now that is this set high, the process will exit the while loop above

				//Set all varaibles to what is needed for editing the time and date
				memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
				memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
				dateStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				dateStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				dateStringColor[2] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);

				//Getting the current RTC values and put them into variables that will then used to manipulate
				sprintf(temp, "%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x", newTime.month, newTime.dayOfmonth, newTime.year, newTime.hours, newTime.minutes, newTime.seconds);
				sscanf(temp, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", &date[0], &date[1], &date[2], &time[0], &time[1], &time[2]);

				//Fill the screen in all black
				//Variable controlling the whether editing the time or date
				Top = YES;
			//If the user turns the knob, change the screen variable and set the refreshValues high so that the screen will change for the user
			else if (encoderValue == RIGHT || encoderValue == LEFT)
				if(screen == 1)
					screen = 2;
					ST7735_FillScreen(0);	//Clear screen
					refreshValues = YES;
				else if(screen == 2)
					screen = 1;
					ST7735_FillScreen(0); 	//Clear screen
					refreshValues = YES;
			//If the user just pressed the encoder (not holds it) change the temperature to be displayed in the opposite type
			else if(encoderValue == PRESS)
				if(tempFormat == CEL)
					tempFormat = FAR;
					tempCharacter[0] = 'F';
					tempFormat = CEL;
					tempCharacter[0] = 'C';

		//Keep process inside this loop while the encoder is not being touched
				//Getting the movement of the encoder
				movement = EncoderDecipher(Encoder1, Encoder2, PushButton);
				encoderRefresh = 0;
				flag = 0;
				//Write the date and time strings
				for(i = 0; i < strlen(dateString); i++)
					ST7735_DrawChar((11*i), 10, dateString[i], dateStringColor[i], 0x0000, 2);
				for(i = 0; i < strlen(timeString); i++)
					ST7735_DrawChar(22+(11*i), 40, timeString[i], timeStringColor[i], 0x0000, 2);

		//Is user turned the knob right, increment withever value the user is editing
		if(movement == RIGHT)
			flag = 1;
			if(Top)		// Up
				if(dateStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(++date[0] > 11)
						date[0] = 0;
				else if(dateStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(++date[1] > 31)
						date[1] = 0;
					if(++date[2] > 2050)
						date[2] = 1950;
				if(timeStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(++time[0] > 24)
						time[0] = 0;
				else if(timeStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(++time[1] > 59)
						time[1] = 0;
					if(++time[2] > 59)
						time[2] = 0;

		//Is user turned the knob left, decrement withever value the user is editing
		if(movement == LEFT)
			flag = 1;
			if(Top)		// Up
				if(dateStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(--date[0] < 0)
						date[0] = 11;
				else if(dateStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(--date[1] < 0)
						date[1] = 31;
					if(--date[2] < 1950)
						date[2] = 2050;
				if(timeStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(--time[0] < 0)
						time[0] = 23;
				else if(timeStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(--time[1] < 0)
						time[1] = 59;
					if(--time[2] < 0)
						time[2] = 59;

		//Is user presses the right, swith which what is highlighted, to indicate to the user
		//what is being edited
		if(movement == PRESS)
			flag = 1;

			if(Top)		// XXX XX XXXX
				if(dateStringColor[1] == 31)
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					dateStringColor[4] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[5] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(dateStringColor[4] == 31)
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					dateStringColor[7] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[8] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[9] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[10] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(dateStringColor[8] == 31)
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					timeStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					timeStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					Top = NO;
			else				//XX XX XX
				if(timeStringColor[1] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					timeStringColor[3] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					timeStringColor[4] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(timeStringColor[4] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					timeStringColor[6] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					timeStringColor[7] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(timeStringColor[7] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					dateStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[2] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					Top = YES;
		//Update the new time and date strings
		sprintf(dateString, "%s %02d,%d", months[date[0]], date[1], date[2]);
		sprintf(timeString, "%02d:%02d:%02d", time[0], time[1], time[2]);

		//If used holds the encoder down, the time and date will be written to the RTC and the process will return
		//to the top where the temp, humid... data is diplayed. Editing the time/date is exited.
		if(movement == HOLD)
			{	//Setting new time
				Setup = 1;
				flag = 1;
				if(dateStringColor[0] == 31 || dateStringColor[4] == 31 || dateStringColor[8] == 31 || timeStringColor[0] == 31 || timeStringColor[4] == 31 || timeStringColor[7] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					dateStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[2] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					Top = YES;
			else //Exiting setup
				//Setup new time into system. Exiting setup
				Setup = 0;
				tick = 1;
				memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
				memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));

				//Set the values (in the correct type) back into the RTC structure so that it can be updated.
				sprintf(temp, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", date[0], date[1], date[2], time[0], time[1], time[2]);
				sscanf(temp, "%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x", &setTime.month, &setTime.dayOfmonth, &setTime.year, &setTime.hours, &setTime.minutes, &setTime.seconds);

				//Set the RTC with the values the uset chose
				MAP_RTC_C_initCalendar(&setTime, RTC_C_FORMAT_BCD);

				//Clear screen
		movement = NONE;