static int daq2_handle_driver(const char *attrib, const char *value) { if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dds_mode")) { dac_data_manager_set_dds_mode(dac_tx_manager, DAC_DEVICE, 1, atoi(value)); } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "tx_channel_", sizeof("tx_channel_") - 1)) { int tx = atoi(attrib + sizeof("tx_channel_") - 1); dac_data_manager_set_tx_channel_state( dac_tx_manager, tx, !!atoi(value)); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dac_buf_filename")) { if (dac_data_manager_get_dds_mode(dac_tx_manager, DAC_DEVICE, 1) == DDS_BUFFER) dac_data_manager_set_buffer_chooser_filename( dac_tx_manager, value); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("SYNC_RELOAD")) { if (can_update_widgets) { rx_update_values(); tx_update_values(); dac_data_manager_update_iio_widgets(dac_tx_manager); } } else { return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
static int dmm_handle_driver(struct osc_plugin *plugin, const char *attrib, const char *value) { GtkTreeIter iter; char *device, *channel, tmp[256]; gboolean loop; unsigned int enabled; if (MATCH_ATTRIB("device_list")) { GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL(device_list_store); loop = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter); while (loop) { gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 0, &device, 1, &enabled, -1); /* load/restore */ if (strstr(value, device)) { enabled = value[strlen(value) - 1] == '1'; gtk_list_store_set(device_list_store, &iter, 1, enabled, -1); } g_free(device); loop = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter); } build_channel_list(); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("channel_list")) { GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL(channel_list_store); loop = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter); while (loop) { gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 1, &enabled, 2, &device, 3, &channel, -1); /* load/restore */ sprintf(tmp, "%s:%s", device, channel); if (strstr(value, tmp)) { enabled = 1; gtk_list_store_set(channel_list_store, &iter, 1, enabled, -1); } g_free(channel); g_free(device); loop = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter); } } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("running")) { /* load/restore */ gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_TOOL_BUTTON(dmm_button), !strcmp(value, "Yes")); } else { return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
static int pr_config_handle_driver(const char *attrib, const char *value) { if (MATCH_ATTRIB("config_file")) { pr_config_file_apply(value); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("adc_active")) { gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(regmap_select), atoi(value) ? ADC_REGMAP : DAC_REGMAP); } else { return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
static int fmcomms2adv_handle_driver(struct osc_plugin *plugin, const char *attrib, const char *value) { int ret = 0; if (MATCH_ATTRIB("calibrate")) { /* Set a timer for 20 seconds that calibration should succeed within. */ struct timespec ts_current, ts_end; unsigned long long nsecs; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_current); nsecs = ts_current.tv_nsec + (20000 * pow(10.0, 6)); ts_end.tv_sec = ts_current.tv_sec + (nsecs / pow(10.0, 9)); ts_end.tv_nsec = nsecs % (unsigned long long) pow(10.0, 9); do_calibration(NULL, NULL); while (!auto_calibrate && (timespeccmp(&ts_current, &ts_end, >) == 0)) { gtk_main_iteration(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_current); } /* Calibration timed out or failed, probably running an old board * without an ADF5355 on it. */ if (auto_calibrate < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FMCOMMS5 calibration failed.\n"); ret = -1; } /* reset calibration completion flag */ auto_calibrate = 0; } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("SYNC_RELOAD") && atoi(value)) {
static char *handle_item(struct osc_plugin *plugin, const char *attrib, const char *value) { int i; if (MATCH_ATTRIB(SYNC_RELOAD)) { if (value) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(attrs); i++) update_widget(builder, &attrs[i]); gtk_button_clicked(GTK_BUTTON(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "initialize"))); } else { return "1"; } } else { if (value) { printf("Unhandled tokens in ini file,\n" "\tSection %s\n\tAtttribute : %s\n\tValue: %s\n", "FMComms2 Advanced", attrib, value); return "FAIL"; } } return NULL; }
static int fmcomms2_handle_driver(const char *attrib, const char *value) { if (MATCH_ATTRIB("load_fir_filter_file")) { if (value[0]) { load_fir_filter(value); gtk_file_chooser_set_filename( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(filter_fir_config), value); } } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dds_mode_tx1")) { dac_data_manager_set_dds_mode(dac_tx_manager, DDS_DEVICE, 1, atoi(value)); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dds_mode_tx2")) { dac_data_manager_set_dds_mode(dac_tx_manager, DDS_DEVICE, 2, atoi(value)); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("global_settings_show")) { gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active( section_toggle[SECTION_GLOBAL], !!atoi(value)); hide_section_cb(section_toggle[SECTION_GLOBAL], section_setting[SECTION_GLOBAL]); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("tx_show")) { gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active( section_toggle[SECTION_TX], !!atoi(value)); hide_section_cb(section_toggle[SECTION_TX], section_setting[SECTION_TX]); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("rx_show")) { gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active( section_toggle[SECTION_RX], !!atoi(value)); hide_section_cb(section_toggle[SECTION_RX], section_setting[SECTION_RX]); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("fpga_show")) { gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active( section_toggle[SECTION_FPGA], !!atoi(value)); hide_section_cb(section_toggle[SECTION_FPGA], section_setting[SECTION_FPGA]); } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "tx_channel_", sizeof("tx_channel_") - 1)) { int tx = atoi(attrib + sizeof("tx_channel_") - 1); dac_data_manager_set_tx_channel_state( dac_tx_manager, tx, !!atoi(value)); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dac_buf_filename")) { dac_data_manager_set_buffer_chooser_filename( dac_tx_manager, value); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("SYNC_RELOAD")) { if (can_update_widgets) reload_button_clicked(NULL, NULL); } else { return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
static int ad9739a_handle_driver(struct osc_plugin *plugin, const char *attrib, const char *value) { if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dds_mode")) { dac_data_manager_set_dds_mode(dac_tx_manager, DAC_DEVICE, 1, atoi(value)); } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "tx_channel_", sizeof("tx_channel_") - 1)) { int tx = atoi(attrib + sizeof("tx_channel_") - 1); dac_data_manager_set_tx_channel_state( dac_tx_manager, tx, !!atoi(value)); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("dac_buf_filename")) { if (dac_data_manager_get_dds_mode(dac_tx_manager, DAC_DEVICE, 1) == DDS_BUFFER) dac_data_manager_set_buffer_chooser_filename( dac_tx_manager, value); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("SYNC_RELOAD")) { if (can_update_widgets) { reload_button_clicked(NULL, NULL); } } else { return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
static int fmcomms2adv_handle_driver(const char *attrib, const char *value) { if (MATCH_ATTRIB("calibrate")) { do_calibration(NULL, NULL); while (!auto_calibrate) gtk_main_iteration(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown token in ini file; key:'%s' value:'%s'\n", attrib, value); return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
static char *scpi_handle_profile(struct osc_plugin *plugin, const char *attrib, const char *value) { gchar **elems, **min_max; char *buf; int i; double lvl; long long j; FILE *fd; if (value) buf = NULL; else { buf = malloc(128); memset(buf, 0, 128); } current_instrument = NULL; elems = g_strsplit(attrib, ".", 0); if (!strncmp(elems[0], "rx", 2)) current_instrument = &spectrum_analyzer; if (!strncmp(elems[0], "tx", 2)) current_instrument = &signal_generator; if (!current_instrument) return NULL; if (strcmp(elems[1], SERIAL_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { if (atoi(value) == 1) current_instrument->serial = TRUE; } else { if (current_instrument->serial) sprintf(buf, "1"); } } else if (strcmp(elems[1], NET_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { if (atoi(value) == 1) current_instrument->network = TRUE; } else { if (current_instrument->network) sprintf(buf, "1"); } } else if (strcmp(elems[1], REGEX_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { current_instrument->id_regex = strdup(value); } else { if (current_instrument->id_regex) sprintf(buf, "%s", current_instrument->id_regex); } } else if (strcmp(elems[1], IP_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { current_instrument->ip_address = strdup(value); } else { if (current_instrument->ip_address && current_instrument->network) sprintf(buf, "%s", current_instrument->ip_address); } } else if (strcmp(elems[1], TTY_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { current_instrument->tty_path = strdup(value); } else { if (current_instrument->tty_path && current_instrument->serial) sprintf(buf, "%s", current_instrument->tty_path); } } else if (strcmp(elems[1], GPIB_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { current_instrument->gpib_addr = atoi(value); } else { if (current_instrument->gpib_addr && current_instrument->serial) sprintf(buf, "%i", current_instrument->gpib_addr); } } else /* There are some things testers need to add by hand to do things */ if (strcmp(elems[1], CON_TOK) == 0) { if (value) { if (atoi(value) == 1) if (scpi_connect(current_instrument) != 0) return "FAIL"; } /* We don't save the connect state */ } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("tx.freq")) { if (value) tx_freq_set_Hz(&signal_generator, atoll(value)); /* We don't save the frequency */ } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("tx.mag")) { if (value) tx_mag_set_dBm(&signal_generator, atof(value)); /* Don't save the magintude */ } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("tx.on")) { if (value) tx_output_set(&signal_generator, atoi(value)); /* Don't save the on/off state */ } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("rx.setup")) { if (value) scpi_rx_setup(&spectrum_analyzer); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("")) { if (value) scpi_rx_set_center_frequency(atoll(value)); } else if (MATCH_ATTRIB("rx.span")) { if (value) scpi_rx_set_span_frequency(atoll(value)); } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "rx.marker", strlen("rx.marker"))) { if (value) { i = atoi(&attrib[strlen("rx.marker")]); j = atoll(value); if (i && j) scpi_rx_set_marker_freq(i, j); else printf("problems with %s = %s\n", attrib, value); } } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "rx.log.marker", strlen("rx.log.marker"))) { if (value) { i = atoi(&attrib[strlen("rx.log.marker")]); if (i) { scpi_rx_get_marker_level(i, true, &lvl); fd = fopen(value, "a"); if (!fd) return NULL; fprintf (fd, "%f, ", lvl); fclose (fd); } } } else if (!strncmp(attrib, "rx.test.marker", strlen("rx.test.marker"))) { if (value) { i = atoi(&attrib[strlen("rx.test.marker")]); if (i) { scpi_rx_get_marker_level(i, true, &lvl); min_max = g_strsplit(value, " ", 0); if (lvl >= atof(min_max[1]) && lvl <= atof(min_max[0])) { printf("Marker%i (%f) didn't match requirements (%f - %f)\n", i, lvl, atof(min_max[0]), atof(min_max[1])); return "FAIL"; } } else { return "FAIL"; } } } else { printf("Unhandled tokens in ini file,\n" "\tSection %s\n\tAtttribute : %s\n\tValue: %s\n", "SCPI", attrib, value); if (value) return "FAIL"; } return buf; }
int cssstat(const char *filename) { struct _hash_drv_map map; hash_drv_header_t header; hash_drv_spam_record_t rec; unsigned long filepos = sizeof(struct _hash_drv_header); unsigned long nfree = 0, nused = 0; unsigned long efree, eused; unsigned long extents = 0; unsigned long i; unsigned long hash_rec_max = HASH_REC_MAX; unsigned long max_seek = HASH_SEEK_MAX; unsigned long max_extents = 0; unsigned long extent_size = HASH_EXTENT_MAX; int flags = 0; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashRecMax")) hash_rec_max = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashRecMax"), NULL, 0); if (READ_ATTRIB("HashExtentSize")) extent_size = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashExtentSize"), NULL, 0); if (READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxExtents")) max_extents = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxExtents"), NULL, 0); if (MATCH_ATTRIB("HashAutoExtend", "on")) flags = HMAP_AUTOEXTEND; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxSeek")) max_seek = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxSeek"), NULL, 0); if (_hash_drv_open(filename, &map, 0, max_seek, max_extents, extent_size, 0, flags)) { return EFAILURE; } header = map.addr; printf("filename %s length %ld\n", filename, (long) map.file_len); while(filepos < map.file_len) { printf("extent %lu: record length %lu\n", extents, (unsigned long) header->hash_rec_max); efree = eused = 0; for(i=0;i<header->hash_rec_max;i++) { rec = map.addr+filepos; if (rec->hashcode) { eused++; nused++; } else { efree++; nfree++; } filepos += sizeof(struct _hash_drv_spam_record); } header = map.addr + filepos; filepos += sizeof(struct _hash_drv_header); extents++; printf("\textent records used %lu\n", eused); printf("\textent records free %lu\n", efree); } _hash_drv_close(&map); printf("total database records used %lu\n", nused); printf("total database records free %lu\n", nfree); printf("total extents %lu\n", extents); return 0; }
int dspam_init_driver (DRIVER_CTX *DTX) { DSPAM_CTX *CTX; char *HashConcurrentUser; #ifdef DAEMON unsigned long connection_cache = 1; #endif if (DTX == NULL) return 0; CTX = DTX->CTX; HashConcurrentUser = READ_ATTRIB("HashConcurrentUser"); #ifdef DAEMON /* * Stateful concurrent hash databases are preloaded into memory and * shared using a reader-writer lock. At the present moment, only a single * user can be loaded into any instance of the daemon, so it is only useful * if you are running with a system-wide filtering user. */ if (DTX->flags & DRF_STATEFUL) { char filename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; hash_drv_map_t map; unsigned long hash_rec_max = HASH_REC_MAX; unsigned long max_seek = HASH_SEEK_MAX; unsigned long max_extents = 0; unsigned long extent_size = HASH_EXTENT_MAX; int pctincrease = 0; int flags = HMAP_AUTOEXTEND; int ret, i; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashConnectionCache") && !HashConcurrentUser) connection_cache = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashConnectionCache"), NULL, 0); DTX->connection_cache = connection_cache; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashRecMax")) hash_rec_max = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashRecMax"), NULL, 0); if (READ_ATTRIB("HashExtentSize")) extent_size = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashExtentSize"), NULL, 0); if (READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxExtents")) max_extents = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxExtents"), NULL, 0); if (!MATCH_ATTRIB("HashAutoExtend", "on")) flags = 0; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashPctIncrease")) { pctincrease = atoi(READ_ATTRIB("HashPctIncrease")); if (pctincrease > 100) { LOG(LOG_ERR, "HashPctIncrease out of range; ignoring"); pctincrease = 0; } } if (READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxSeek")) max_seek = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxSeek"), NULL, 0); /* Connection array (just one single connection for hash_drv) */ DTX->connections = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _ds_drv_connection *) * connection_cache); if (DTX->connections == NULL) goto memerr; /* Initialize Connections */ for(i=0;i<connection_cache;i++) { DTX->connections[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _ds_drv_connection)); if (DTX->connections[i] == NULL) goto memerr; /* Our connection's storage structure */ if (HashConcurrentUser) { DTX->connections[i]->dbh = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _hash_drv_map)); if (DTX->connections[i]->dbh == NULL) goto memerr; pthread_rwlock_init(&DTX->connections[i]->rwlock, NULL); } else { DTX->connections[i]->dbh = NULL; pthread_mutex_init(&DTX->connections[i]->lock, NULL); } } /* Load concurrent database into resident memory */ if (HashConcurrentUser) { map = (hash_drv_map_t) DTX->connections[0]->dbh; /* Tell the server our connection lock will be reader/writer based */ if (!(DTX->flags & DRF_RWLOCK)) DTX->flags |= DRF_RWLOCK; _ds_userdir_path(filename, DTX->CTX->home, HashConcurrentUser, "css"); _ds_prepare_path_for(filename); LOGDEBUG("preloading %s into memory via mmap()", filename); ret = _hash_drv_open(filename, map, hash_rec_max, max_seek, max_extents, extent_size, pctincrease, flags); if (ret) { LOG(LOG_CRIT, "_hash_drv_open(%s) failed on error %d: %s", filename, ret, strerror(errno)); free(DTX->connections[0]->dbh); free(DTX->connections[0]); free(DTX->connections); return EFAILURE; } } } #endif return 0; #ifdef DAEMON memerr: if (DTX) { if (DTX->connections) { int i; for(i=0;i<connection_cache;i++) { if (DTX->connections[i]) free(DTX->connections[i]->dbh); free(DTX->connections[i]); } } free(DTX->connections); } LOG(LOG_CRIT, ERR_MEM_ALLOC); return EUNKNOWN; #endif }
int _ds_init_storage (DSPAM_CTX * CTX, void *dbh) { struct _hash_drv_storage *s = NULL; hash_drv_map_t map = NULL; int ret; if (CTX == NULL) return EINVAL; if (!CTX->home) { LOG(LOG_ERR, ERR_AGENT_DSPAM_HOME); return EINVAL; } if (CTX->flags & DSF_MERGED) { LOG(LOG_ERR, ERR_DRV_NO_MERGED); return EINVAL; } if (CTX->storage) return EINVAL; /* Persistent driver storage */ s = calloc (1, sizeof (struct _hash_drv_storage)); if (s == NULL) { LOG(LOG_CRIT, ERR_MEM_ALLOC); return EUNKNOWN; } /* If running in HashConcurrentUser mode, use existing hash mapping */ if (dbh) { map = dbh; s->dbh_attached = 1; } else { map = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _hash_drv_map)); if (!map) { LOG(LOG_CRIT, ERR_MEM_ALLOC); free(s); return EUNKNOWN; } s->dbh_attached = 0; } s->map = map; /* Mapping defaults */ s->hash_rec_max = HASH_REC_MAX; s->max_seek = HASH_SEEK_MAX; s->max_extents = 0; s->extent_size = HASH_EXTENT_MAX; s->pctincrease = 0; s->flags = HMAP_AUTOEXTEND; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashRecMax")) s->hash_rec_max = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashRecMax"), NULL, 0); if (READ_ATTRIB("HashExtentSize")) s->extent_size = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashExtentSize"), NULL, 0); if (READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxExtents")) s->max_extents = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxExtents"), NULL, 0); if (!MATCH_ATTRIB("HashAutoExtend", "on")) s->flags = 0; if (READ_ATTRIB("HashPctIncrease")) { s->pctincrease = atoi(READ_ATTRIB("HashPctIncrease")); if (s->pctincrease > 100) { LOG(LOG_ERR, "HashPctIncrease out of range; ignoring"); s->pctincrease = 0; } } if (READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxSeek")) s->max_seek = strtol(READ_ATTRIB("HashMaxSeek"), NULL, 0); if (!dbh && CTX->username != NULL) { char db[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; int lock_result; if (CTX->group == NULL) _ds_userdir_path(db, CTX->home, CTX->username, "css"); else _ds_userdir_path(db, CTX->home, CTX->group, "css"); lock_result = _hash_drv_lock_get (CTX, s, (CTX->group) ? CTX->group : CTX->username); if (lock_result < 0) goto BAIL; ret = _hash_drv_open(db, s->map, s->hash_rec_max, s->max_seek, s->max_extents, s->extent_size, s->pctincrease, s->flags); if (ret) { _hash_drv_close(s->map); free(s); return EFAILURE; } } CTX->storage = s; s->dir_handles = nt_create (NT_INDEX); if (_hash_drv_get_spamtotals (CTX)) { LOGDEBUG ("unable to load totals. using zero values."); memset (&CTX->totals, 0, sizeof (struct _ds_spam_totals)); } return 0; BAIL: free(s); return EFAILURE; }