コード例 #1
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
 * Proximal function for f(z) = 0.5 || y - A z ||_2^2.
 * Solution is (A^H A + (1/mu) I)z = A^H y + (1/mu)(x_plus_u)
 * @param prox_data should be of type prox_normaleq_data
 * @param mu proximal penalty
 * @param z output
 * @param x_plus_u input
static void prox_normaleq_fun(const operator_data_t* prox_data, float mu, float* z, const float* x_plus_u)
	struct prox_normaleq_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_normaleq_data, prox_data);

	if (0 == mu) {

		md_copy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, x_plus_u, FL_SIZE);

	} else {

		float rho = 1. / mu;
		float* b = md_alloc_sameplace(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), FL_SIZE, x_plus_u);
		md_copy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), b, pdata->adj, FL_SIZE);
		md_axpy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), b, rho, x_plus_u);

		if (NULL == pdata->op->norm_inv) {

			struct iter_conjgrad_conf* cg_conf = pdata->cgconf;
			cg_conf->l2lambda = rho;

			iter_conjgrad(CAST_UP(cg_conf), pdata->op->normal, NULL, pdata->size, z, (float*)b, NULL);

		} else {

			linop_norm_inv_iter((struct linop_s*)pdata->op, rho, z, b);

コード例 #2
ファイル: iter3.c プロジェクト: Markusjsommer/bart
static void inverse(void* _data, float alpha, float* dst, const float* src)
        struct irgnm_s* data = _data;

	md_clear(1, MD_DIMS(data->size), dst, FL_SIZE);

        float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(data->size), src);
        conjgrad(100, alpha, 0.1f * eps, data->size, (void*)data, select_vecops(src), normal, dst, src, NULL, NULL, NULL);
コード例 #3
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
static void prox_ineq_fun(const operator_data_t* _data, float mu, float* dst, const float* src)
	struct prox_ineq_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_ineq_data, _data);

	if (NULL == pdata->b)
		(pdata->positive ? md_smax : md_smin)(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), dst, src, 0.);
		(pdata->positive ? md_max : md_min)(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), dst, src, pdata->b);
コード例 #4
ファイル: wavelet.c プロジェクト: hcmh/bart
void fwt1(unsigned int N, unsigned int d, const long dims[N], const long ostr[N], complex float* low, complex float* hgh, const long istr[N], const complex float* in, const long flen, const float filter[2][2][flen])
	debug_printf(DP_DEBUG4, "fwt1: %d/%d\n", d, N);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG4, N, dims);

	assert(dims[d] >= 2);

	long odims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, odims, dims);
	odims[d] = bandsize(dims[d], flen);

	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG4, N, odims);

	long o = d + 1;
	long u = N - o;

	// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6|7
	// --d-- * --u--|N
	// ---o---

	assert(d == md_calc_blockdim(d, dims + 0, istr + 0, CFL_SIZE));
	assert(u == md_calc_blockdim(u, dims + o, istr + o, CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, dims)));

	assert(d == md_calc_blockdim(d, odims + 0, ostr + 0, CFL_SIZE));
	assert(u == md_calc_blockdim(u, odims + o, ostr + o, CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, odims)));

	// merge dims

	long wdims[3] = { md_calc_size(d, dims), dims[d], md_calc_size(u, dims + o) };
	long wistr[3] = { CFL_SIZE, istr[d], CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, dims) };
	long wostr[3] = { CFL_SIZE, ostr[d], CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, odims) };

#ifdef  USE_CUDA
	if (cuda_ondevice(in)) {


		float* flow = md_gpu_move(1, MD_DIMS(flen), filter[0][0], FL_SIZE);
		float* fhgh = md_gpu_move(1, MD_DIMS(flen), filter[0][1], FL_SIZE);

		wl3_cuda_down3(wdims, wostr, low, wistr, in, flen, flow);
		wl3_cuda_down3(wdims, wostr, hgh, wistr, in, flen, fhgh);


	// no clear needed
	wavelet_down3(wdims, wostr, low, wistr, in, flen, filter[0][0]);
	wavelet_down3(wdims, wostr, hgh, wistr, in, flen, filter[0][1]);
コード例 #5
ファイル: wavelet.c プロジェクト: hcmh/bart
void iwt1(unsigned int N, unsigned int d, const long dims[N], const long ostr[N], complex float* out, const long istr[N], const complex float* low, const complex float* hgh, const long flen, const float filter[2][2][flen])
	debug_printf(DP_DEBUG4, "ifwt1: %d/%d\n", d, N);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG4, N, dims);

	assert(dims[d] >= 2);

	long idims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, idims, dims);
	idims[d] = bandsize(dims[d], flen);

	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG4, N, idims);

	long o = d + 1;
	long u = N - o;

	// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6|7
	// --d-- * --u--|N
	// ---o---

	assert(d == md_calc_blockdim(d, dims + 0, ostr + 0, CFL_SIZE));
	assert(u == md_calc_blockdim(u, dims + o, ostr + o, CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, dims)));
	assert(d == md_calc_blockdim(d, idims + 0, istr + 0, CFL_SIZE));
	assert(u == md_calc_blockdim(u, idims + o, istr + o, CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, idims)));

	long wdims[3] = { md_calc_size(d, dims), dims[d], md_calc_size(u, dims + o) };
	long wistr[3] = { CFL_SIZE, istr[d], CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, idims) };
	long wostr[3] = { CFL_SIZE, ostr[d], CFL_SIZE * md_calc_size(o, dims) };

	md_clear(3, wdims, out, CFL_SIZE);	// we cannot clear because we merge outputs

#ifdef  USE_CUDA
	if (cuda_ondevice(out)) {


		float* flow = md_gpu_move(1, MD_DIMS(flen), filter[1][0], FL_SIZE);
		float* fhgh = md_gpu_move(1, MD_DIMS(flen), filter[1][1], FL_SIZE);

		wl3_cuda_up3(wdims, wostr, out, wistr, low, flen, flow);
		wl3_cuda_up3(wdims, wostr, out, wistr, hgh, flen, fhgh);


	wavelet_up3(wdims, wostr, out, wistr, low, flen, filter[1][0]);
	wavelet_up3(wdims, wostr, out, wistr, hgh, flen, filter[1][1]);
コード例 #6
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
 * Proximal function for f(z) = lambda / 2 || y - z ||_2^2.
 * Solution is z =  (mu * lambda * y + x_plus_u) / (mu * lambda + 1)
 * @param prox_data should be of type prox_leastsquares_data
 * @param mu proximal penalty
 * @param z output
 * @param x_plus_u input
static void prox_leastsquares_fun(const operator_data_t* prox_data, float mu, float* z, const float* x_plus_u)
	struct prox_leastsquares_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_leastsquares_data, prox_data);

	md_copy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, x_plus_u, FL_SIZE);

	if (0 != mu) {

		if (NULL != pdata->y)
			md_axpy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, pdata->lambda * mu, pdata->y);

		md_smul(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, z, 1. / (mu * pdata->lambda + 1));
コード例 #7
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
 * Proximal function for f(z) = lambda  || z ||_2.
 * Solution is z =  ( 1 - lambda * mu / norm(z) )_+ * z,
 * i.e. block soft thresholding
 * @param prox_data should be of type prox_l2norm_data
 * @param mu proximal penalty
 * @param z output
 * @param x_plus_u input
static void prox_l2norm_fun(const operator_data_t* prox_data, float mu, float* z, const float* x_plus_u)
	struct prox_l2norm_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_l2norm_data, prox_data);

	md_clear(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, FL_SIZE);

	double q1 = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), x_plus_u);

	if (q1 != 0) {
		double q2 = 1 - pdata->lambda * mu / q1;

		if (q2 > 0.)
			md_smul(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, x_plus_u, q2);
コード例 #8
ファイル: wavelet.c プロジェクト: Markusjsommer/bart
void wavelet3_thresh(unsigned int N, float lambda, unsigned int flags, const long shifts[N], const long dims[N], complex float* out, const complex float* in, const long minsize[N], long flen, const float filter[2][2][flen])
	unsigned long coeffs = wavelet_coeffs(N, flags, dims, minsize, flen);

	long istr[N];
	md_calc_strides(N, istr, dims, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* tmp = md_alloc_sameplace(1, MD_DIMS(coeffs), CFL_SIZE, out);

	fwt(N, flags, shifts, dims, tmp, istr, in, minsize, flen, filter);
	md_zsoftthresh(1, MD_DIMS(coeffs), lambda, 0u, tmp, tmp);
	iwt(N, flags, shifts, dims, istr, out, tmp, minsize, flen, filter);

コード例 #9
ファイル: iter2.c プロジェクト: mrirecon/bart
void iter2_conjgrad(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	assert(0 == D);
	assert(NULL == prox_ops);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == biases);

	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_conjgrad_conf, _conf);

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	conjgrad(conf->maxiter, conf->l2lambda, eps * conf->tol, size, select_vecops(image_adj),
			OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), image, image_adj, monitor);

コード例 #10
ファイル: iter2.c プロジェクト: mrirecon/bart
void iter2_fista(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	assert(D == 1);
	assert(NULL == biases);
#if 0
	assert(NULL == ops);

	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_fista_conf, _conf);

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	assert((conf->continuation >= 0.) && (conf->continuation <= 1.));

	fista(conf->maxiter, eps * conf->tol, conf->step, conf->continuation, conf->hogwild, size, select_vecops(image_adj),
		OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[0]), image, image_adj, monitor);

コード例 #11
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
 * Proximal function for f(z) = 0
 * Solution is z = x_plus_u
 * @param prox_data should be of type prox_zero_data
 * @param mu proximal penalty
 * @param z output
 * @param x_plus_u input
static void prox_zero_fun(const operator_data_t* prox_data, float mu, float* z, const float* x_plus_u)
	struct prox_zero_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_zero_data, prox_data);

	md_copy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, x_plus_u, FL_SIZE);
コード例 #12
void iter2_conjgrad(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	assert(0 == D);
	assert(NULL == prox_ops);
	assert(NULL == ops);

	struct iter_conjgrad_conf* conf = _conf;

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	conjgrad(conf->maxiter, conf->l2lambda, eps * conf->tol, size, (void*)normaleq_op, select_vecops(image_adj), operator_iter, image, image_adj, image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);

コード例 #13
void iter2_ist(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	assert(D == 1);
#if 0
	assert(NULL == ops);

	struct iter_ist_conf* conf = _conf;

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	assert((conf->continuation >= 0.) && (conf->continuation <= 1.));

	ist(conf->maxiter, eps * conf->tol, conf->step, conf->continuation, conf->hogwild, size, (void*)normaleq_op, select_vecops(image_adj), operator_iter, operator_p_iter, (void*)prox_ops[0], image, image_adj, image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);

コード例 #14
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
static void prox_rvc_apply(const operator_data_t* _data, float mu, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	struct prox_rvc_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_rvc_data, _data);

	md_zreal(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), dst, src);
コード例 #15
ファイル: iter.c プロジェクト: cbasasif/bart
void iter_landweber(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		const struct operator_p_s* thresh_prox,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* objval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	struct iter_landweber_conf* conf = CONTAINER_OF(_conf, struct iter_landweber_conf, base);

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	assert(NULL == thresh_prox);


	landweber_sym(conf->maxiter, 1.E-3 * eps, conf->step, size, (void*)normaleq_op, select_vecops(image_adj), operator_iter, image, image_adj);

コード例 #16
ファイル: prox.c プロジェクト: mjacob75/bart
 * Proximal function for f(z) = Ind{ || y - z ||_2 < eps }
 * @param prox_data should be of type prox_l2ball_data
 * @param mu proximal penalty
 * @param z output
 * @param x_plus_u input
static void prox_l2ball_fun(const operator_data_t* prox_data, float mu, float* z, const float* x_plus_u)
	struct prox_l2ball_data* pdata = CAST_DOWN(prox_l2ball_data, prox_data);

	if (NULL != pdata->center)
		md_sub(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, x_plus_u, pdata->center);
		md_copy(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, x_plus_u, FL_SIZE);

	float q1 = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z);

	if (q1 > pdata->eps)
		md_smul(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, z, pdata->eps / q1);

	if (NULL != pdata->center)
		md_add(1, MD_DIMS(pdata->size), z, z, pdata->center);
コード例 #17
ファイル: lsqr.c プロジェクト: andruw17/bart
static void normaleq_l2_apply(const void* _data, unsigned int N, void* args[N])
	const struct lsqr_data* data = _data;

	assert(2 == N);

	linop_normal_unchecked(data->model_op, args[0], args[1]);

	md_axpy(1, MD_DIMS(data->size), args[0], data->l2_lambda, args[1]);
コード例 #18
ファイル: iter.c プロジェクト: jaeseung16/bart
void iter_admm(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		const struct operator_p_s* thresh_prox,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	const struct linop_s* eye[1] = { linop_identity_create(1, MD_DIMS(size / 2)) }; // using complex float identity operator... divide size by 2

	iter2_admm(_conf, normaleq_op, 1, &thresh_prox, eye, NULL, NULL, size, image, image_adj, monitor);

コード例 #19
ファイル: iter3.c プロジェクト: Markusjsommer/bart
void iter3_irgnm(iter_conf* _conf,
		void (*frw)(void* _data, float* dst, const float* src),
		void (*der)(void* _data, float* dst, const float* src),
		void (*adj)(void* _data, float* dst, const float* src),
		void* data2,
		long N, float* dst, long M, const float* src)
	struct iter3_irgnm_conf* conf = CONTAINER_OF(_conf, struct iter3_irgnm_conf, base);

	float* tmp = md_alloc_sameplace(1, MD_DIMS(M), FL_SIZE, src);
	struct irgnm_s data = { frw, der, adj, data2, tmp, N };

	float* x0 = md_alloc_sameplace(1, MD_DIMS(N), FL_SIZE, src);
	md_copy(1, MD_DIMS(N), x0, dst, FL_SIZE);

	irgnm(conf->iter, conf->alpha, conf->redu, &data, N, M, select_vecops(src),
		forward, adjoint, inverse, dst, x0, src);

コード例 #20
ファイル: iter.c プロジェクト: cbasasif/bart
void iter_admm(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		const struct operator_p_s* thresh_prox,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* objval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	const struct linop_s* eye[1] = { linop_identity_create(1, MD_DIMS(size / 2)) }; // using complex float identity operator... divide size by 2

	iter2_admm(_conf, normaleq_op, 1, &thresh_prox, eye, NULL, size, image, image_adj, image_truth, objval_data, obj_eval);

コード例 #21
ファイル: iter3.c プロジェクト: Markusjsommer/bart
void iter3_landweber(iter_conf* _conf,
		void (*frw)(void* _data, float* dst, const float* src),
		void (*der)(void* _data, float* dst, const float* src),
		void (*adj)(void* _data, float* dst, const float* src),
		void* data2,
		long N, float* dst, long M, const float* src)
	struct iter3_landweber_conf* conf = CONTAINER_OF(_conf, struct iter3_landweber_conf, base);

	assert(NULL == der);

	float* tmp = md_alloc_sameplace(1, MD_DIMS(N), FL_SIZE, src);

	landweber(conf->iter, conf->epsilon, conf->alpha, N, M,
		data2, select_vecops(src), frw, adj, dst, src, NULL);

コード例 #22
ファイル: iter2.c プロジェクト: mrirecon/bart
/* Chambolle Pock Primal Dual algorithm. Solves G(x) + F(Ax)
 * Assumes that G is in prox_ops[0], F is in prox_ops[1], A is in ops[1]
void iter2_chambolle_pock(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	assert(D == 2);
	assert(NULL == biases);
	assert(NULL == normaleq_op);


	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_chambolle_pock_conf, _conf);

	const struct iovec_s* iv = linop_domain(ops[1]);
	const struct iovec_s* ov = linop_codomain(ops[1]);

	assert((long)md_calc_size(iv->N, iv->dims) * 2 == size);

	// FIXME: sensible way to check for corrupt data?
#if 0
	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;
	float eps = 1.;

	chambolle_pock(conf->maxiter, eps * conf->tol, conf->tau, conf->sigma, conf->theta, conf->decay, 2 * md_calc_size(iv->N, iv->dims), 2 * md_calc_size(ov->N, ov->dims), select_vecops(image),
			OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[1]->forward), OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[1]->adjoint), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[1]), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[0]), 
			image, monitor);

コード例 #23
ファイル: iter.c プロジェクト: jaeseung16/bart
void iter_landweber(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		const struct operator_p_s* thresh_prox,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	struct iter_landweber_conf* conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_landweber_conf, _conf);

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	assert(NULL == thresh_prox);

	landweber_sym(conf->maxiter, 1.E-3 * eps, conf->step, size, select_vecops(image_adj),
			OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), image, image_adj, monitor);

コード例 #24
ファイル: iter2.c プロジェクト: Markusjsommer/bart
		const struct linop_s* ops[static D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	assert(0 == D);
	assert(NULL == prox_ops);
	assert(NULL == ops);

	struct iter_conjgrad_conf* conf = CONTAINER_OF(_conf, struct iter_conjgrad_conf, base);

	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;

	conjgrad(conf->maxiter, conf->l2lambda, eps * conf->tol, size, (void*)normaleq_op, select_vecops(image_adj), operator_iter, image, image_adj, image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);


void iter2_ist(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[static D],
コード例 #25
void iter2_admm(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	struct iter_admm_conf* conf = _conf;

	struct admm_plan_s admm_plan = {

		.maxiter = conf->maxiter,
		.maxitercg = conf->maxitercg,
		.rho = conf->rho,
		.image_truth = image_truth,
		.num_funs = D,
		.do_warmstart = conf->do_warmstart,
		.dynamic_rho = conf->dynamic_rho,
		.hogwild = conf->hogwild,
		.ABSTOL = conf->ABSTOL,
		.RELTOL = conf->RELTOL,
		.alpha = conf->alpha,
		.tau = conf->tau,
		.mu = conf->mu,
		.fast = conf->fast,

	struct admm_op a_ops[D];
	struct admm_prox_op a_prox_ops[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		a_ops[i].forward = linop_forward_iter;
		a_ops[i].normal = linop_normal_iter;
		a_ops[i].adjoint =  linop_adjoint_iter;
		a_ops[i].data = (void*)ops[i];

		a_prox_ops[i].prox_fun = operator_p_iter;
		a_prox_ops[i].data = (void*)prox_ops[i];

	admm_plan.ops = a_ops;
	admm_plan.prox_ops = a_prox_ops;

	admm_plan.xupdate_fun = operator_p_iter;
	admm_plan.xupdate_data = (void*)xupdate_op;

	struct admm_history_s admm_history;

	long z_dims[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)
		z_dims[i] = 2 * md_calc_size(linop_codomain(ops[i])->N, linop_codomain(ops[i])->dims);

	if (NULL != image_adj) {

		float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

		if (checkeps(eps))
			goto cleanup;

	admm(&admm_history, &admm_plan, admm_plan.num_funs, z_dims, size, (float*)image, image_adj, select_vecops(image), operator_iter, (void*)normaleq_op, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);



void iter2_pocs(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	const struct iter_pocs_conf* conf = _conf;

	assert(NULL == normaleq_op);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == image_adj);

	struct pocs_proj_op proj_ops[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		proj_ops[i].proj_fun = operator_p_iter;
		proj_ops[i].data = (void*)prox_ops[i];

	pocs(conf->maxiter, D, proj_ops, select_vecops(image), size, image, image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);

void iter2_call_iter(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	assert(D <= 1);
	assert(NULL == ops);


	struct iter_call_s* it = _conf;
	it->fun(it->_conf, normaleq_op, (1 == D) ? prox_ops[0] : NULL,
		size, image, image_adj,
		image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);
コード例 #26
ファイル: iter2.c プロジェクト: mrirecon/bart
void iter2_admm(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_admm_conf, _conf);

	struct admm_plan_s admm_plan = {

		.maxiter = conf->maxiter,
		.maxitercg = conf->maxitercg,
		.cg_eps = conf->cg_eps,
		.rho = conf->rho,
		.num_funs = D,
		.do_warmstart = conf->do_warmstart,
		.dynamic_rho = conf->dynamic_rho,
		.dynamic_tau = conf->dynamic_tau,
		.relative_norm = conf->relative_norm,
		.hogwild = conf->hogwild,
		.ABSTOL = conf->ABSTOL,
		.RELTOL = conf->RELTOL,
		.alpha = conf->alpha,
		.tau = conf->tau,
		.tau_max = conf->tau_max,
		.mu = conf->mu,
		.fast = conf->fast,
		.biases = biases,

	struct admm_op a_ops[D ?:1];
	struct iter_op_p_s a_prox_ops[D ?:1];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		a_ops[i].forward = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[i]->forward),
		a_ops[i].normal = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[i]->normal);
		a_ops[i].adjoint = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[i]->adjoint);

		a_prox_ops[i] = OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[i]);

	admm_plan.ops = a_ops;
	admm_plan.prox_ops = a_prox_ops;

	admm_plan.xupdate = OPERATOR_P2ITOP(xupdate_op);

	long z_dims[D ?: 1];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)
		z_dims[i] = 2 * md_calc_size(linop_codomain(ops[i])->N, linop_codomain(ops[i])->dims);

	if (NULL != image_adj) {

		float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

		if (checkeps(eps))
			goto cleanup;

	admm(&admm_plan, admm_plan.num_funs, z_dims, size, (float*)image, image_adj, select_vecops(image), OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), monitor);



void iter2_pocs(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_pocs_conf, _conf);

	assert(NULL == normaleq_op);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == biases);
	assert(NULL == image_adj);

	struct iter_op_p_s proj_ops[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)
		proj_ops[i] = OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[i]);

	pocs(conf->maxiter, D, proj_ops, select_vecops(image), size, image, monitor);
コード例 #27
ファイル: iter2.c プロジェクト: mrirecon/bart
void iter2_niht(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)

	assert(D == 1);
	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_niht_conf, _conf);
	struct niht_conf_s niht_conf = {
		.maxiter = conf->maxiter,
		.N = size,
		.trans = 0,
		.do_warmstart = conf->do_warmstart,

	struct niht_transop trans;

	if (NULL != ops) {

		trans.forward = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[0]->forward);
		trans.adjoint = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[0]->adjoint);
		trans.N = 2 * md_calc_size(linop_codomain(ops[0])->N, linop_codomain(ops[0])->dims);
		niht_conf.trans = 1;
	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;
	niht_conf.epsilon = eps * conf->tol;

	niht(&niht_conf, &trans, select_vecops(image_adj), OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[0]), image, image_adj, monitor);

void iter2_call_iter(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	assert(D <= 1);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == biases);


	auto it = CAST_DOWN(iter_call_s, _conf);

	it->fun(it->_conf, normaleq_op, (1 == D) ? prox_ops[0] : NULL,
		size, image, image_adj, monitor);