コード例 #1
static void
mex_search_plugin_search_cb (MexSearchPlugin *self)
  MexSearchPluginPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  const gchar *search = mx_entry_get_text (MX_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));

  /* don't run a search if the search entry was empty */
  if (!search || search[0] == '\0')

  /* Stop the suggestions search */
  if (priv->suggest_timeout)
      g_source_remove (priv->suggest_timeout);
      priv->suggest_timeout = 0;

  /* Start a new search */
  mex_search_plugin_search (self, search);

  /* Update the history list */
  mex_search_plugin_update_history (self, search);

  /* Present the search model */
  mex_model_provider_present_model (MEX_MODEL_PROVIDER (self),

  /* Hide the search page, if it was visible */
  if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (priv->search_page))
    mex_tool_provider_remove_actor (MEX_TOOL_PROVIDER (self),

  /* TODO: Maybe use weak references to stop the search if the application
   *       didn't use it?
コード例 #2
static void
mex_search_plugin_search_cb (MexSearchPlugin *self)
  MexModelInfo *info;
  MexSearchPluginPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  const gchar *search = mx_entry_get_text (MX_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));

  /* Stop the suggestions search */
  if (priv->suggest_timeout)
      g_source_remove (priv->suggest_timeout);
      priv->suggest_timeout = 0;

  /* Start a new search */
  mex_search_plugin_search (self, search);

  /* Update the history list */
  mex_search_plugin_update_history (self, search);

  /* Present the search model */
  info = mex_model_info_new_with_sort_funcs (priv->search_model,
                                             "search-results", 0);
  mex_model_provider_present_model (MEX_MODEL_PROVIDER (self), info);
  mex_model_info_free (info);

  /* Hide the search page, if it was visible */
  if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (priv->search_page))
    mex_tool_provider_remove_actor (MEX_TOOL_PROVIDER (self),

  /* TODO: Maybe use weak references to stop the search if the application
   *       didn't use it?