MF_API size_t MFString_URLEncode(char *pDest, const char *pString, const char *pExcludeChars) { size_t sourceLen = MFString_Length(pString); size_t destLen = 0; for(size_t a=0; a<sourceLen; ++a) { int c = (uint8)pString[a]; if(MFIsAlphaNumeric(c) || MFString_Chr("-_.!~*'()", c) || (pExcludeChars && MFString_Chr(pExcludeChars, c))) { if(pDest) pDest[destLen] = (char)c; destLen++; } else if(c == ' ') { if(pDest) pDest[destLen] = '+'; destLen++; } else { if(pDest) destLen += sprintf(pDest + destLen, "%%%02X", c); else destLen += 3; // *** surely this can't write more than 3 chars? '%xx' } } if(pDest) pDest[destLen] = 0; return destLen; }
MF_API const char* MFStr_URLEncodeString(const char *pString, const char *pExcludeChars) { char *pBuffer = &gStringBuffer[gStringOffset]; size_t sourceLen = MFString_Length(pString); size_t destLen = 0; for(size_t a=0; a<sourceLen; ++a) { int c = (uint8)pString[a]; if(MFIsAlphaNumeric(c) || MFString_Chr("-_.!~*'()", c) || (pExcludeChars && MFString_Chr(pExcludeChars, c))) pBuffer[destLen++] = (char)c; else if(c == ' ') pBuffer[destLen++] = '+'; else destLen += sprintf(pBuffer + destLen, "%%%02X", c); } pBuffer[destLen] = 0; gStringOffset += destLen+1; if(gStringOffset >= sizeof(gStringBuffer) - 1024) gStringOffset = 0; return pBuffer; }
void HKStringEntryLogic::Update() { bool shiftL = !!MFInput_Read(Key_LShift, IDD_Keyboard); bool shiftR = !!MFInput_Read(Key_RShift, IDD_Keyboard); bool ctrlL = !!MFInput_Read(Key_LControl, IDD_Keyboard); bool ctrlR = !!MFInput_Read(Key_RControl, IDD_Keyboard); int keyPressed = 0; bool shift = shiftL || shiftR; bool ctrl = ctrlL || ctrlR; #if defined(MF_WINDOWS) if(ctrl && MFInput_WasPressed(Key_C, IDD_Keyboard) && selectionStart != selectionEnd) { BOOL opened = OpenClipboard(apphWnd); if(opened) { int selMin = MFMin(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int selMax = MFMax(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int numChars = selMax-selMin; HANDLE hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, numChars + 1); char *pString = (char*)GlobalLock(hData); MFString_Copy(pString, GetRenderString().SubStr(selMin, numChars).CStr()); GlobalUnlock(hData); EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hData); CloseClipboard(); } } else if(ctrl && MFInput_WasPressed(Key_X, IDD_Keyboard) && selectionStart != selectionEnd) { BOOL opened = OpenClipboard(apphWnd); if(opened) { int selMin = MFMin(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int selMax = MFMax(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int numChars = selMax-selMin; HANDLE hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, numChars + 1); char *pString = (char*)GlobalLock(hData); MFString_Copy(pString, GetRenderString().SubStr(selMin, numChars).CStr()); GlobalUnlock(hData); EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hData); CloseClipboard(); ClearSelection(); } } else if(ctrl && MFInput_WasPressed(Key_V, IDD_Keyboard)) { BOOL opened = OpenClipboard(apphWnd); if(opened) { int selMin = MFMin(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int selMax = MFMax(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int numChars = selMax-selMin; HANDLE hData = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); MFString paste((const char*)GlobalLock(hData), true); buffer.Replace(selMin, numChars, paste); GlobalUnlock(hData); cursorPos = selMin + paste.NumBytes(); selectionStart = selectionEnd = cursorPos; GlobalUnlock(hData); CloseClipboard(); if((numChars || cursorPos != selMin) && changeCallback) changeCallback(buffer.CStr()); } } else #endif { // check for new keypresses for(int a=0; a<255; a++) { if(MFInput_WasPressed(a, IDD_Keyboard)) { keyPressed = a; holdKey = a; repeatDelay = gRepeatDelay; break; } } // handle repeat keys if(holdKey && MFInput_Read(holdKey, IDD_Keyboard)) { repeatDelay -= MFSystem_TimeDelta(); if(repeatDelay <= 0.f) { keyPressed = holdKey; repeatDelay += gRepeatRate; } } else holdKey = 0; // if there was a new key press if(keyPressed) { switch(keyPressed) { case Key_Backspace: case Key_Delete: { if(selectionStart != selectionEnd) { ClearSelection(); } else { if(keyPressed == Key_Backspace && cursorPos > 0) { buffer.ClearRange(--cursorPos, 1); selectionStart = selectionEnd = cursorPos; if(changeCallback) changeCallback(buffer.CStr()); } else if(keyPressed == Key_Delete && cursorPos < buffer.NumBytes()) { buffer.ClearRange(cursorPos, 1); selectionStart = selectionEnd = cursorPos; if(changeCallback) changeCallback(buffer.CStr()); } } break; } case Key_Left: case Key_Right: case Key_Home: case Key_End: { if(ctrl) { if(keyPressed == Key_Left) { while(cursorPos && MFIsWhite(buffer[cursorPos-1])) --cursorPos; if(MFIsAlphaNumeric(buffer[cursorPos-1])) { while(cursorPos && MFIsAlphaNumeric(buffer[cursorPos-1])) --cursorPos; } else if(cursorPos) { --cursorPos; while(cursorPos && buffer[cursorPos-1] == buffer[cursorPos]) --cursorPos; } } else if(keyPressed == Key_Right) { while(cursorPos < buffer.NumBytes() && MFIsWhite(buffer[cursorPos])) ++cursorPos; if(MFIsAlphaNumeric(buffer[cursorPos])) { while(cursorPos < buffer.NumBytes() && MFIsAlphaNumeric(buffer[cursorPos])) ++cursorPos; } else if(cursorPos < buffer.NumBytes()) { ++cursorPos; while(cursorPos < buffer.NumBytes() && buffer[cursorPos] == buffer[cursorPos-1]) ++cursorPos; } } else if(keyPressed == Key_Home) cursorPos = 0; else if(keyPressed == Key_End) cursorPos = buffer.NumBytes(); } else { if(keyPressed == Key_Left) cursorPos = (!shift && selectionStart != selectionEnd ? MFMin(selectionStart, selectionEnd) : MFMax(cursorPos-1, 0)); else if(keyPressed == Key_Right) cursorPos = (!shift && selectionStart != selectionEnd ? MFMax(selectionStart, selectionEnd) : MFMin(cursorPos+1, buffer.NumBytes())); else if(keyPressed == Key_Home) cursorPos = 0; // TODO: if multiline, go to start of line.. else if(keyPressed == Key_End) cursorPos = buffer.NumBytes(); // TODO: if multiline, go to end of line... } if(shift) selectionEnd = cursorPos; else selectionStart = selectionEnd = cursorPos; break; } default: { bool caps = MFInput_GetKeyboardStatusState(KSS_CapsLock); int ascii = MFInput_KeyToAscii(keyPressed, shift, caps); if(ascii && (!maxLen || buffer.NumBytes() < maxLen-1)) { // check character exclusions if(MFIsNewline(ascii) && type != ST_MultiLine) break; if(ascii == '\t' && type != ST_MultiLine) break; if(type == ST_Numeric && !MFIsNumeric(ascii)) break; if(include) { if(include.FindChar(ascii) < 0) break; } if(exclude) { if(exclude.FindChar(ascii) >= 0) break; } int selMin = MFMin(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int selMax = MFMax(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int selRange = selMax - selMin; const uint16 wstr[] = { (uint16)ascii, 0 }; char insert[5]; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(insert, wstr); buffer.Replace(selMin, selRange, insert); cursorPos = selMin + 1; selectionStart = selectionEnd = cursorPos; if(changeCallback) changeCallback(buffer.CStr()); } break; } } } } }