コード例 #1
ファイル: mios32_enc28j60.c プロジェクト: gillspice/mios32
//! Sends the System Reset SPI command to the Ethernet controller.
//! It resets all register contents (except for ECOCON) and returns the 
//! device to the power on default state.
//! \return < 0 on errors
s32 MIOS32_ENC28J60_SendSystemReset(void)
  s32 status = 0;
#if 0
  // sequence taken from SendSystemReset() of Microchip driver

  // Note: The power save feature may prevent the reset from executing, so 
  // we must make sure that the device is not in power save before issuing 
  // a reset.
  if( (status=MIOS32_ENC28J60_BFCReg(ECON2, ECON2_PWRSV)) < 0 )
    return status;

  // Give some opportunity for the regulator to reach normal regulation and 
  // have all clocks running
  MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(1000); // 1 mS
  // Execute the System Reset command
  status = 0;
  status |= MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte(MIOS32_ENC28J60_SPI, SR);
  if( status < 0 )
    return status;

  // Wait for the oscillator start up timer and PHY to become ready
  MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(1000); // 1 mS

  return 0; // no error
コード例 #2
// Initializes application specific LCD driver
// IN: <mode>: optional configuration
// OUT: returns < 0 if initialisation failed
s32 APP_LCD_Init(u32 mode)
  // currently only mode 0 supported
  if( mode != 0 )
    return -1; // unsupported mode

  if( MIOS32_BOARD_J15_PortInit(APP_LCD_OUTPUT_MODE) < 0 )
    return -2; // failed to initialize J15

  // enable display by default
  display_available |= (1 << mios32_lcd_device);

  // set LCD type
  mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type = MIOS32_LCD_TYPE_GLCD_CUSTOM;
  mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x = APP_LCD_NUM_X;
  mios32_lcd_parameters.width = APP_LCD_WIDTH;
  mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x = APP_LCD_NUM_Y;
  mios32_lcd_parameters.height = APP_LCD_HEIGHT;
  mios32_lcd_parameters.colour_depth = APP_LCD_COLOUR_DEPTH;

  // initialize LCD
  u32 delay;
  for(delay=0; delay<50000; ++delay) MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RW_Set(0); // ca. 50 mS Delay
  MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(50000); // exact 50 mS delay
  APP_LCD_Cmd(0x58); // contrast(0x00-0xff Default 0x5f
  //APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd0); //Greyscale control

  return (display_available & (1 << mios32_lcd_device)) ? 0 : -1; // return -1 if display not available
コード例 #3
//! Initializes LCD driver
//! \param[in] mode currently only mode 0 supported
//! \return < 0 if initialisation failed
s32 MIOS32_LCD_Init(u32 mode)
  s32 ret;

  // currently only mode 0 supported
  if( mode != 0 )
    return -1; // unsupported mode

  // fetch config from BSL info range

  // disable font bitmap
  font_bitmap.width = 0;

  // set initial cursor map for character LCDs
  u8 cursor_map[] = {0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54}; // offset line 0/1/2/3
  // note: this has to be done before APP_LCD_Init() is called, so that
  // the driver is able to modify the default cursor mapping
  // usage example: "dog" LCDs

  // initial delay - some LCDs need this!

  // call application specific init function
  if( (ret=APP_LCD_Init(mode)) < 0 )
    return ret;

  // clear screen

  // set character and graphical cursor to initial position
  MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
  MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(0, 0);

  return 0; // no error
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.c プロジェクト: JKcompute/395_midi_controller
// This task is running endless in background
void APP_Background(void)
  int num_lcds = mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x * mios32_lcd_parameters.num_y;

  // print configured LCD parameters
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Multi-CLCD Demo started.");
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Configured LCD Parameters in MIOS32 Bootloader Info Range:\n");
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("lcd_type: 0x%02x (%s)\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type, MIOS32_LCD_LcdTypeName(mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type));
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("num_x:    %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("num_y:    %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.num_y);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("width:    %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.width);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("height:   %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.height);

  if( mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type != MIOS32_LCD_TYPE_CLCD &&
      mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type != MIOS32_LCD_TYPE_CLCD_DOG ) {
    // print warning if correct LCD hasn't been selected
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("WARNING: your core module hasn't been configured for CLCD or CLCD_DOG!\n");
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Please do this with the bootloader update application!\n");

  // initialize all LCDs (although programming_models/traditional/main.c will only initialize the first two)
  int lcd;
  for(lcd=0; lcd<num_lcds; ++lcd) {
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Initialize LCD #%d\n", lcd+1);
    if( MIOS32_LCD_Init(0) < 0 ) {
      MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Failed - no response from LCD #%d.%d\n",
				   (lcd % mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x) + 1,
				   (lcd / mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x) + 1);

  // init special characters for all LCDs
  for(lcd=0; lcd<num_lcds; ++lcd) {
    MIOS32_LCD_SpecialCharsInit((u8 *)charset_vert_bars);

  // print text on all LCDs
  for(lcd=0; lcd<num_lcds; ++lcd) {
    MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
    MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("LCD #%d.%d",
				    (lcd % mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x) + 1,
				    (lcd / mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x) + 1);
    MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 1);

  // print animated vertical bar
  while( 1 ) {
    int i, j;
    for(i=0; i<8; ++i) {
      // print vertical bars depending on i
      for(lcd=0; lcd<num_lcds; ++lcd) {
	MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(12, 0);

	for(j=0; j<8; ++j) {
	  u8 c = (i + j) % 8;

      // wait for 100 mS
      for(j=0; j<100; ++j)
コード例 #5
ファイル: terminal.c プロジェクト: glocklueng/MIOS32
//! Parser for a complete line - also used by shell.c for telnet
s32 TERMINAL_ParseLine(char *input, void *_output_function)
  void (*out)(char *format, ...) = _output_function;
  char *separators = " \t";
  char *brkt;
  char *parameter;

  if( UIP_TERMINAL_ParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed by UIP Terminal

  if( KEYBOARD_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed by Keyboard Terminal

  if( MIDIMON_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed

  if( MIDI_ROUTER_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed

  if( AOUT_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) >= 1 )
    return 0; // command parsed

#ifdef MIOS32_LCD_universal
  if( APP_LCD_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) >= 1 )
    return 0; // command parsed

  if( (parameter = strtok_r(input, separators, &brkt)) ) {
    if( strcmp(parameter, "help") == 0 ) {
      out("Welcome to " MIOS32_LCD_BOOT_MSG_LINE1 "!");
      out("Following commands are available:");
      out("  system:                           print system info");
      out("  memory:                           print memory allocation info\n");
      out("  sdcard:                           print SD Card info\n");
      out("  sdcard_format:                    formats the SD Card (you will be asked for confirmation)\n");
#ifdef MIOS32_LCD_universal
      out("  set dout <pin> <0|1>:             directly sets DOUT (all or 0..%d) to given level (1 or 0)", MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8 - 1);
      out("  show douts:                       prints the current DOUT patterns");
      out("  set debug <on|off>:               enables debug messages (current: %s)", debug_verbose_level ? "on" : "off");
      out("  set autoload <on|off>:            enables autoload after filebrowser upload (current: %s)", autoload_enabled ? "on" : "off");
      out("  save <name>:                      stores current config on SD Card");
      out("  load <name>:                      restores config from SD Card");
      out("  show file:                        shows the current configuration file");
      out("  show pool:                        shows the items of the event pool");
      out("  show poolbin:                     shows the event pool in binary format");
      out("  show id <element>:<id>            shows informations about the given element id (e.g. BUTTON:1)");
      out("  show hw_id <element>:<hw_id>      shows informations about the given element hw_id (e.g. BUTTON:1)");
      out("  show ngr_tokens:                  shows .NGR token information");
      out("  lcd <string>:                     directly prints a string on LCD (can be formatted!)");
      out("  run [<section>] [<value>]:        executes the .NGR script with the optional section and value");
      out("  ngr_value:                        value used for 'run' (without parameter) and 'ngr' (is: %d)", ngr_value);
      out("  ngr_section:                      section used for 'run' (without parameter) and 'ngr' (is: %d)", ngr_section);
      out("  ngr <command>:                    directly executes a NGR command");
      out("  ngc <command>:                    directly executes a NGC command");
      out("  msd <on|off>:                     enables Mass Storage Device driver");
      out("  reset:                            resets the MIDIbox (!)\n");
      out("  help:                             this page");
      out("  exit:                             (telnet only) exits the terminal");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "system") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "memory") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "sdcard") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "sdcard_format") == 0 ) {
      if( !brkt || strcasecmp(brkt, "yes, I'm sure") != 0 ) {
	out("ATTENTION: this command will format your SD Card!!!");
	out("           ALL DATA WILL BE DELETED FOREVER!!!");
	out("           Check the current content with the 'sdcard' command");
	out("           Create a backup on your computer if necessary!");
	out("To start formatting, please enter: sdcard_format yes, I'm sure");
	if( brkt ) {
	  out("('%s' wasn't the right \"password\")", brkt);
      } else {
	out("Formatting SD Card...");
	if( (res=f_mkfs(0,0,0)) != FR_OK ) {
	  out("Formatting failed with error code: %d!", res);
	} else {
	  out("...with success!");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "msd") == 0 ) {
      char *arg = NULL;
      if( (arg = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	if( strcmp(arg, "on") == 0 ) {
	  if( TASK_MSD_EnableGet() ) {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode already activated!\n");
	  } else {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode activated - USB MIDI will be disabled!!!\n");
	    // wait a second to ensure that this message is print in MIOS Terminal
	    int d;
	    for(d=0; d<1000; ++d)
	    // activate MSD mode
	} else if( strcmp(arg, "off") == 0 ) {
	  if( !TASK_MSD_EnableGet() ) {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode already deactivated!\n");
	  } else {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode deactivated - USB MIDI will be available again\n");
	} else
	  arg = NULL;
      if( arg == NULL ) {
	out("Please enter 'msd on' or 'msd off'\n");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "lcd") == 0 ) {
      if( !brkt || !strlen(brkt) ) {
	out("Please specify string (can be optionally formatted)");
      } else {
	out("Print '%s'", brkt);


	// print from a dummy item
	mbng_event_item_t item;
	item.label = brkt;
	MBNG_LCD_PrintItemLabel(&item, NULL, 0);

    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "run") == 0 ) {
      s32 section, value;
      if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	if( (section=get_dec(parameter)) < 0 || section >= 256 ) {
	  out("Section number should be between 0..255!");
	} else {
	  ngr_section = section;

	if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	  if( (value=get_dec(parameter)) < -16384 || value >= 16383 ) {
	    out("Value should be between -16384..16383!");
	  } else {
	    ngr_value = value;

      if( !MBNG_FILE_R_Valid() ) {
	out("ERROR: can't execute - missing %s.NGR file!", mbng_file_r_script_name);
      } else {
	out("Executing %s.NGR with ^section==%d ^value==%d", mbng_file_r_script_name, ngr_section, ngr_value);
	MBNG_FILE_R_ReadRequest(NULL, ngr_section, ngr_value, 1);
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "runstop") == 0 ) {
      if( MBNG_FILE_R_RunStop() > 0 ) {
	out("Stopped the execution of %s.NGR", mbng_file_r_script_name);
      } else {
	out("%s.NGR script not running.", mbng_file_r_script_name);
    } else if( strcasecmp(parameter, "ngr_section") == 0 ) {
      s32 section;
      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("Please specify <ngr-section>! Current value: %d", ngr_section);
      } else if( (section=get_dec(parameter)) < 0 || section >= 256 ) {
	out("Section number should be between 0..255!");
      } else {
	ngr_section = section;
	out(".NGR section set to %d", ngr_section);
    } else if( strcasecmp(parameter, "ngr_value") == 0 ) {
      s32 value;

      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("Please specify <ngr-value>! Current value: %d", ngr_value);
      } else if( (value=get_dec(parameter)) < -16384 || value >= 16383 ) {
	out("Value should be between -16384..16383!");
      } else {
	ngr_value = value;
	out(".NGR value set to %d", ngr_value);
    } else if( strcasecmp(parameter, "ngr") == 0 ) {
      if( brkt == NULL ) {
	out("Please specify command!");
      } else {
	char load_filename[9];
	load_filename[0] = 0;

	MBNG_FILE_R_Parser(0, brkt, NULL, NULL, load_filename, 0);
	out("Executed command with ^section==%d ^value==%d", ngr_section, ngr_value);

	if( load_filename[0] ) {
	  s32 status = MBNG_PATCH_Load(parameter);
	  if( status < 0 ) {
	    out("ERROR: failed to load patch '%s' on SD Card (status %d)!", parameter, status);
    } else if( strcasecmp(parameter, "ngc") == 0 ) {
      if( brkt == NULL ) {
	out("Please specify command!");
      } else {
	u8 got_first_event_item = 0;
	MBNG_FILE_C_Parser(0, brkt, &got_first_event_item);
	out("Executed command.");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "save") == 0 ) {
      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("ERROR: please specify filename for patch (up to 8 characters)!");
      } else {
	if( strlen(parameter) > 8 ) {
	  out("ERROR: 8 characters maximum!");
	} else {
	  s32 status = MBNG_PATCH_Store(parameter);
	  if( status >= 0 ) {
	    out("Patch '%s' stored on SD Card!", parameter);
	  } else {
	    out("ERROR: failed to store patch '%s' on SD Card (status %d)!", parameter, status);
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "load") == 0 ) {
      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("ERROR: please specify filename for patch (up to 8 characters)!");
      } else {
	if( strlen(parameter) > 8 ) {
	  out("ERROR: 8 characters maximum!");
	} else {
	  s32 status = MBNG_PATCH_Load(parameter);
	  if( status >= 0 ) {
	    out("Patch '%s' loaded from SD Card!", parameter);
	  } else {
	    out("ERROR: failed to load patch '%s' on SD Card (status %d)!", parameter, status);
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "show") == 0 ) {
      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("ERROR: please specify the item which should be displayed!");
      } else {
	if( strcmp(parameter, "file") == 0 ) {
	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "douts") == 0 ) {
	  int page;
	  for(page=0; page<MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_DOUT_PAGES; ++page) {
	    char buffer[3*MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR + 20];
	    sprintf(buffer, "Page %2d:", page+0);
	    int i;
	    for(i=0; i<MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR; ++i) {
	      sprintf((char *)&buffer[8+i*3], " %02x", mios32_srio_dout[page][MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR-i-1]);
	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "ngr_tokens") == 0 || strcmp(parameter, "ngrtokens") == 0 ) {
	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "poolbin") == 0 ) {
	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "pool") == 0 ) {
	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "id") == 0 || strcmp(parameter, "hw_id") == 0 ) {
	  u8 search_hw_id = strcmp(parameter, "hw_id") == 0;
	  const char *separator_colon = ":";

	  char *id_str = brkt;
	  if( id_str == NULL || !strlen(id_str) ) {
	    out("Please specify <element>:<id> (e.g. LED:1)!");
	  } else {
	    char *values_str;
	    mbng_event_item_id_t id;
	    if( !(values_str = strtok_r(NULL, separator_colon, &brkt)) ||
		(id=MBNG_EVENT_ItemIdFromControllerStrGet(values_str)) == MBNG_EVENT_CONTROLLER_DISABLED ) {
	      out("Invalid element name '%s'!", id_str);
	    } else {
	      char *id_lower_str = brkt;
	      int id_lower = 0;
	      if( !(values_str = strtok_r(NULL, separator_colon, &brkt)) ||
		  (id_lower=get_dec(values_str)) < 1 || id_lower > 0xfff ) {
		out("Invalid element %s '%s:%s' (expecting %s:1 .. %s:4095)!", search_hw_id ? "hw_id" : "id", id_str, id_lower_str, id_str, id_str);
	      } else {
		id = id | id_lower;

		if( search_hw_id ) {
		  u8 num = MBNG_EVENT_ItemSearchByHwIdAndPrint(id);
		  if( num < 1 ) {
		    out("No items found which are assigned to this hw_id!");
		} else {
		  u8 num = MBNG_EVENT_ItemSearchByIdAndPrint(id);
		  if( num < 1 ) {
		    out("No items found which are assigned to this id!");
	} else {
	  out("ERROR: invalid item which should be showed - see 'show pool' for available items!");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "reset") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "set") == 0 ) {
      if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	if( strcmp(parameter, "dout") == 0 ) {
	  s32 pin = -1;
	  if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	    if( strcmp(parameter, "all") == 0 ) {
	      pin = -42;
	    } else {
	      pin = get_dec(parameter);

	  if( (pin < 0 && pin != -42) || pin >= (MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8) ) {
	    out("Pin number should be between 0..%d", MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8 - 1);
	  } else {
	    s32 value = -1;
	    if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) )
	      value = get_dec(parameter);

	    if( value < 0 || value > 1 ) {
	      out("Expecting value 1 or 0 for DOUT pin %d", pin);
	    } else {
	      if( pin == -42 ) {
		for(pin=0; pin<(MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8); ++pin)
		  MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(pin, value);
		out("All DOUT pins set to %d", value);
	      } else {
		MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(pin, value);
		out("DOUT Pin %d (SR#%d.D%d) set to %d", pin, (pin/8)+1, 7-(pin%8), value);

	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "debug") == 0 ) {
	  int on_off = -1;
	  if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) )
	    on_off = get_on_off(parameter);

	  if( on_off < 0 ) {
	    out("Expecting 'on' or 'off'");
	  } else {
	    debug_verbose_level = on_off ? DEBUG_VERBOSE_LEVEL_INFO : DEBUG_VERBOSE_LEVEL_ERROR;
	    out("Debug mode turned %s", on_off ? "on" : "off");

	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "autoload") == 0 ) {
	  int on_off = -1;
	  if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) )
	    on_off = get_on_off(parameter);

	  if( on_off < 0 ) {
	    out("Expecting 'on' or 'off'");
	  } else {
	    autoload_enabled = on_off;
	    out("Autoload of .NGC file after filebrowser upload %s", on_off ? "on" : "off");
	} else {
	  out("Unknown set parameter: '%s'!", parameter);
      } else {
	out("Missing parameter after 'set'!");
    } else {
      out("Unknown command - type 'help' to list available commands!");

  return 0; // no error
コード例 #6
ファイル: terminal.cpp プロジェクト: glocklueng/MIOS32
// Parser for a complete line - also used by shell.c for telnet
s32 TERMINAL_ParseLine(char *input, void *_output_function)
  void (*out)(char *format, ...) = _output_function;
  char *separators = " \t";
  char *brkt;
  char *parameter;

  if( UIP_TERMINAL_ParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed by UIP Terminal

  if( MIDIMON_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed

  if( MIDI_ROUTER_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed

  if( AOUT_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) > 0 )
    return 0; // command parsed

#ifdef MIOS32_LCD_universal
  if( APP_LCD_TerminalParseLine(input, _output_function) >= 1 )
    return 0; // command parsed

  if( (parameter = strtok_r(input, separators, &brkt)) ) {
    if( strcmp(parameter, "help") == 0 ) {
      out("Welcome to " MIOS32_LCD_BOOT_MSG_LINE1 "!");
      out("Following commands are available:");
      out("  system:                           print system info");
      out("  memory:                           print memory allocation info\n");
      out("  sdcard:                           print SD Card info\n");
      out("  sdcard_format:                    formats the SD Card (you will be asked for confirmation)\n");
      out("  set dout <pin> <0|1>:             directly sets DOUT (all or 0..%d) to given level (1 or 0)", MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8 - 1);
      out("  set update_rate <1..%d>:          sets update rate of sound engine (factor*500 Hz), current: %d\n", APP_CV_UPDATE_RATE_FACTOR_MAX, APP_CvUpdateRateFactorGet());
#ifdef MIOS32_LCD_universal
      out("  save <name>:                      stores current config on SD Card");
      out("  load <name>:                      restores config from SD Card");
      out("  show:                             shows the current configuration file");
      out("  nrpn:                             shows the current NRPN parameters");
      out("  msd <on|off>:                     enables Mass Storage Device driver");
      out("  reset:                            resets the MIDIbox (!)\n");
      out("  help:                             this page");
      out("  exit:                             (telnet only) exits the terminal");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "system") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "memory") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "sdcard") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "sdcard_format") == 0 ) {
      if( !brkt || strcasecmp(brkt, "yes, I'm sure") != 0 ) {
	out("ATTENTION: this command will format your SD Card!!!");
	out("           ALL DATA WILL BE DELETED FOREVER!!!");
	out("           Check the current content with the 'sdcard' command");
	out("           Create a backup on your computer if necessary!");
	out("To start formatting, please enter: sdcard_format yes, I'm sure");
	if( brkt ) {
	  out("('%s' wasn't the right \"password\")", brkt);
      } else {
	out("Formatting SD Card...");
	if( (res=f_mkfs(0,0,0)) != FR_OK ) {
	  out("Formatting failed with error code: %d!", res);
	} else {
	  out("...with success!");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "msd") == 0 ) {
      char *arg = NULL;
      if( (arg = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	if( strcmp(arg, "on") == 0 ) {
	  if( TASK_MSD_EnableGet() ) {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode already activated!\n");
	  } else {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode activated - USB MIDI will be disabled!!!\n");
	    // wait a second to ensure that this message is print in MIOS Terminal
	    int d;
	    for(d=0; d<1000; ++d)
	    // activate MSD mode
	} else if( strcmp(arg, "off") == 0 ) {
	  if( !TASK_MSD_EnableGet() ) {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode already deactivated!\n");
	  } else {
	    out("Mass Storage Device Mode deactivated - USB MIDI will be available again.n");
	} else
	  arg = NULL;
      if( arg == NULL ) {
	out("Please enter 'msd on' or 'msd off'\n");
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "save") == 0 ) {
      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("ERROR: please specify filename for patch (up to 8 characters)!");
      } else {
	if( strlen(parameter) > 8 ) {
	  out("ERROR: 8 characters maximum!");
	} else {
	  s32 status = MBCV_PATCH_StoreGlobal(parameter);
	  if( status >= 0 ) {
	    out("Patch '%s' stored on SD Card!", parameter);
	  } else {
	    out("ERROR: failed to store patch '%s' on SD Card (status %d)!", parameter, status);
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "load") == 0 ) {
      if( !(parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	out("ERROR: please specify filename for patch (up to 8 characters)!");
      } else {
	if( strlen(parameter) > 8 ) {
	  out("ERROR: 8 characters maximum!");
	} else {
	  s32 status = MBCV_PATCH_LoadGlobal(parameter);
	  if( status >= 0 ) {
	    out("Patch '%s' loaded from SD Card!", parameter);
	  } else {
	    out("ERROR: failed to load patch '%s' on SD Card (status %d)!", parameter, status);
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "show") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "nrpn") == 0 || strcmp(parameter, "nrpns") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "reset") == 0 ) {
    } else if( strcmp(parameter, "set") == 0 ) {
      if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	if( strcmp(parameter, "dout") == 0 ) {
	  s32 pin = -1;
	  if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	    if( strcmp(parameter, "all") == 0 ) {
	      pin = -42;
	    } else {
	      pin = get_dec(parameter);

	  if( (pin < 0 && pin != -42) || pin >= (MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8) ) {
	    out("Pin number should be between 0..%d", MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8 - 1);
	  } else {
	    s32 value = -1;
	    if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) )
	      value = get_dec(parameter);

	    if( value < 0 || value > 1 ) {
	      out("Expecting value 1 or 0 for DOUT pin %d", pin);
	    } else {
	      if( pin == -42 ) {
		for(pin=0; pin<(MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_SR*8); ++pin)
		  MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(pin, value);
		out("All DOUT pins set to %d", value);
	      } else {
		MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(pin, value);
		out("DOUT Pin %d (SR#%d.D%d) set to %d", pin, (pin/8)+1, 7-(pin%8), value);
	} else if( strcmp(parameter, "update_rate") == 0 ) {
	  s32 factor = -1;
	  if( (parameter = strtok_r(NULL, separators, &brkt)) ) {
	    factor = get_dec(parameter);

	  if( (factor < 1 || factor > APP_CV_UPDATE_RATE_FACTOR_MAX) ) {
	    out("Update Rate should be between 1..%d!", APP_CV_UPDATE_RATE_FACTOR_MAX);
	  } else {
	    out("Update Rate set to %d Hz (factor %d)", 500*APP_CvUpdateRateFactorGet(), APP_CvUpdateRateFactorGet());
	} else {
	  out("Unknown set parameter: '%s'!", parameter);
      } else {
	out("Missing parameter after 'set'!");
    } else {
      out("Unknown command - type 'help' to list available commands!");

  return 0; // no error
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.c プロジェクト: JKcompute/395_midi_controller
// This task is running endless in background
void APP_Background(void)
#define MAX_LCDS 16
  int num_lcds = mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x * mios32_lcd_parameters.num_y;
  if( num_lcds > MAX_LCDS ) {
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("WARNING: this application only supports up to 16 displays!\n");
    num_lcds = MAX_LCDS;

  // clear LCDs
    u8 n;
    for(n=0; n<num_lcds; ++n) {

  u8 vmeter_icon_ctr[MAX_LCDS][2] = {{0,5},{3,14},{7,1},{3,9},{13,6},{10,2},{1,4},{6,2},{13,6},{10,2},{1,4},{6,2},{1,2},{13,14},{5,5},{6,1}}; // memo: 28 icons (14 used)
  u8 vmeter_icon_dir[MAX_LCDS][2] = {{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{1,1}};
  u8 vmeter_icon_delay_ctr[MAX_LCDS][2] = {{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4},{1,4}};
  const u8 vmeter_icon_x[2] = {0, 120}; // memo: icon width 8
  const u8 vmeter_icon_y[2] = {12, 12}; // memo: icon height 32

  u8 hmeter_icon_ctr[MAX_LCDS][2] = {{6,11},{2,27},{23,1},{15,6},{18,9},{10,12},{3,25},{26,7},{18,9},{10,12},{3,25},{26,7},{6,9},{18,18},{20,10},{3,10}}; // memo: 28 icons (14 used)
  u8 hmeter_icon_dir[MAX_LCDS][2] = {{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0},{1,0}};
  u8 hmeter_icon_delay_ctr[MAX_LCDS][2] = {{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2},{4,2}};
  const u8 hmeter_icon_x[2] = {20, 80}; // memo: icon width 28
  const u8 hmeter_icon_y[2] = {60, 60}; // memo: icon height 8

  // print configured LCD parameters
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("SSD1306 Demo started.");
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Configured LCD Parameters in MIOS32 Bootloader Info Range:\n");
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("lcd_type: 0x%02x (%s)\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type, MIOS32_LCD_LcdTypeName(mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type));
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("num_x:    %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("num_y:    %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.num_y);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("width:    %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.width);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("height:   %4d\n", mios32_lcd_parameters.height);
  MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing %d LCDs\n", num_lcds);

  if( mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type != MIOS32_LCD_TYPE_GLCD_SSD1306 && mios32_lcd_parameters.lcd_type != MIOS32_LCD_TYPE_GLCD_SSD1306_ROTATED ) {
    // print warning if correct LCD hasn't been selected
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("WARNING: your core module hasn't been configured for the SSD1306 GLCD!\n");
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Please do this with the bootloader update application!\n");

  // print static screen
  MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);

  // endless loop - LED will flicker on each iteration
  while( 1 ) {
    // wait some mS

    // toggle the state of all LEDs (allows to measure the execution speed with a scope)
    MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0xffffffff, ~MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Get());

    u8 n;
    for(n=0; n<num_lcds; ++n) {
      int i;
#if 0
      // X/Y "position" of displays
      const u8 lcd_x[MAX_LCDS] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}; // CS#0..7
      const u8 lcd_y[MAX_LCDS] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7};

      // X/Y "position" of displays
      u8 x_offset = 128*lcd_x[n];
      u8 y_offset = 64*lcd_y[n];
      // TK: expired! LCDs now addressed via MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet()
      u8 x_offset = 0;
      u8 y_offset = 0;

      // print text
      MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);
      MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(x_offset + 6*6, y_offset + 1*8);
      MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("SSD1306 #%d", n+1);

      MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(x_offset + 6*6, y_offset + 2*8);
      MIOS32_LCD_PrintString("powered by    ");

      MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_BIG);
      MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(x_offset + 3*6, y_offset + 3*8);

      // print vmeter icons
      MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_METER_ICONS_V); // memo: 28 icons, 14 used, icon size: 8x32
      for(i=0; i<2; ++i) {
	if( ++vmeter_icon_delay_ctr[n][i] ) {
	  vmeter_icon_delay_ctr[n][i] = 0;
	  if( vmeter_icon_dir[n][i] ) {
	    if( ++vmeter_icon_ctr[n][i] >= 13 )
	      vmeter_icon_dir[n][i] = 0;
	  } else {
	    if( --vmeter_icon_ctr[n][i] < 1 )
	      vmeter_icon_dir[n][i] = 1;
	MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(vmeter_icon_x[i]+x_offset, vmeter_icon_y[i]+y_offset);

      // print hmeter icons
      for(i=0; i<2; ++i) {
	MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_METER_ICONS_H); // memo: 28 icons, 14 used, icon size: 28x8
	if( ++hmeter_icon_delay_ctr[n][i] > 7 ) {
	  hmeter_icon_delay_ctr[n][i] = 0;
	  if( hmeter_icon_dir[n][i] ) {
	    if( ++hmeter_icon_ctr[n][i] >= 13 )
	      hmeter_icon_dir[n][i] = 0;
	  } else {
	    if( --hmeter_icon_ctr[n][i] < 1 )
	      hmeter_icon_dir[n][i] = 1;
	MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(hmeter_icon_x[i]+x_offset, hmeter_icon_y[i]+y_offset);

	if( i == 0 ) {
	  MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(0+x_offset, hmeter_icon_y[i]+y_offset);
	  MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%d", hmeter_icon_ctr[n][i]*4);
	} else {
	  MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(128-3*6+x_offset, hmeter_icon_y[i]+y_offset);
	  MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%3d", hmeter_icon_ctr[n][i]*4);
コード例 #8
ファイル: app.c プロジェクト: JKcompute/395_midi_controller
// This hook is called when a MIDI package has been received
void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package)
  if( midi_package.type == NoteOn && midi_package.velocity > 0 ) {

    // determine test number (use note number, remove octave)
    u8 test_number = midi_package.note % 12;

    // set the tested port and RS optimisation
    switch( test_number ) {
      case 0:
	tested_port = USB0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_RS_OptimisationSet(tested_port, 0);
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (USB0) with RS disabled\n", tested_port);

      case 1:
	tested_port = USB0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_RS_OptimisationSet(tested_port, 1);
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (USB0) with RS enabled\n", tested_port);

      case 2:
	tested_port = UART0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_RS_OptimisationSet(tested_port, 0);
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (UART0) with RS disabled\n", tested_port);

      case 3:
	tested_port = UART0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_RS_OptimisationSet(tested_port, 1);
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (UART0) with RS enabled\n", tested_port);

      case 4:
	tested_port = IIC0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_RS_OptimisationSet(tested_port, 0);
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (IIC0) with RS disabled\n", tested_port);

      case 5:
	tested_port = IIC0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_RS_OptimisationSet(tested_port, 1);
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (IIC0) with RS enabled\n", tested_port);

      case 6:
	tested_port = 0xf0; // forwarded to OSC, see NOTIFY_MIDI_Tx()
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (OSC), one datagram per event\n", tested_port);

      case 7:
	tested_port = 0xf1; // forwarded to OSC, see NOTIFY_MIDI_Tx()
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (OSC), 8 events bundled in a datagram\n", tested_port);

      case 8:
	tested_port = SPIM0;
	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Testing Port 0x%02x (SPI0)\n", tested_port);

	MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("This note isn't mapped to a test function.\n", tested_port);

    // add some delay to ensure that there a no USB background traffic caused by the debug message

    // reset benchmark

    portENTER_CRITICAL(); // port specific FreeRTOS function to disable tasks (nested)

    // turn on LED (e.g. for measurements with a scope)
    MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0xffffffff, 1);

    // reset stopwatch

    // start benchmark

    // capture counter value
    benchmark_cycles = MIOS32_STOPWATCH_ValueGet();

    // turn off LED
    MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0xffffffff, 0);

    portEXIT_CRITICAL(); // port specific FreeRTOS function to enable tasks (nested)

    // print result on MIOS terminal
    if( benchmark_cycles == 0xffffffff )
      MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Time: overrun!\n");
      MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Time: %5d.%d mS\n", benchmark_cycles/10, benchmark_cycles%10);

    // print status screen
    print_msg = PRINT_MSG_STATUS;
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: glocklueng/MBMios32
// Main function
int main(void)
  // initialize hardware and MIOS32 modules
#if !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_DIN) && !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_SRIO)
#if !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_DOUT) && !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_SRIO)
#if !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_ENC) && !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_SRIO)
#if !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_MF)
#if !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_AIN)

# if defined(MIOS32_BOARD_MBHP_CORE_STM32) || defined(MIOS32_BOARD_MBHP_CORE_LPC17) || defined(MIOS32_BOARD_STM32F4DISCOVERY) || defined(MIOS32_BOARD_MBHP_CORE_STM32F4)
  // init second LCD as well (if available)
# endif
#ifdef MIOS32_USE_I2S

  // call C++ constructors

  // initialize application

  // print boot message
# ifndef MIOS32_DONT_USE_LCD
# endif

  // wait for given delay (usually 2 seconds)
  int delay = 0;
  for(delay=0; delay<MIOS32_LCD_BOOT_MSG_DELAY; ++delay)
# endif

  // start the task which calls the application hooks
  xTaskCreate(TASK_Hooks, (signed portCHAR *)"Hooks", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, PRIORITY_TASK_HOOKS, NULL);
#if !defined(MIOS32_DONT_USE_MIDI)
  xTaskCreate(TASK_MIDI_Hooks, (signed portCHAR *)"MIDI_Hooks", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, PRIORITY_TASK_HOOKS, NULL);

  // start the scheduler

  // Will only get here if there was not enough heap space to create the idle task
  return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: app.c プロジェクト: JKcompute/395_midi_controller
static void TASK_MatrixScan(void *pvParameters)
  while( 1 ) {
    // wait for next timesplice (1 mS)
    vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_RATE_MS);

    // determine timestamp (we need it for delay measurements)
    mios32_sys_time_t t = MIOS32_SYS_TimeGet();
    u32 timestamp = 1000*t.seconds + t.fraction_ms;

    // loop:
    //   - latch DIN/DOUT values
    //   - shift selection pattern for *next* row to DOUT registers
    //   - read DIN values of previously selected row
    // since we need to select the first row before the first DIN values are latched, we loop from -1
    // to handle the initial state
    int row;
    for(row=-1; row<MATRIX_NUM_ROWS; ++row) {
      if( row >= 0 ) { // not required for initial scan
	// latch DIN values
	MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet(MIOS32_SRIO_SPI, MIOS32_SRIO_SPI_RC_PIN, 0); // spi, rc_pin, pin_value
	MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet(MIOS32_SRIO_SPI, MIOS32_SRIO_SPI_RC_PIN, 1); // spi, rc_pin, pin_value

      // determine selection mask for next row (written into DOUT registers while reading DIN registers)
      u16 select_row_pattern = ~(1 << (row+1));
      select_row_pattern ^= 0xffff; // invert selection pattern if sink drivers are connected to DOUT pins

      // read DIN, write DOUT
      u8 din0 = MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte(MIOS32_SRIO_SPI, (select_row_pattern >> 8) & 0xff);
      u8 din1 = MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte(MIOS32_SRIO_SPI, (select_row_pattern >> 0) & 0xff);

      // latch new DOUT value
      MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet(MIOS32_SRIO_SPI, MIOS32_SRIO_SPI_RC_PIN, 0); // spi, rc_pin, pin_value
      MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet(MIOS32_SRIO_SPI, MIOS32_SRIO_SPI_RC_PIN, 1); // spi, rc_pin, pin_value

      if( row >= 0 ) {
	// combine read DIN bytes to 16bit value
	u16 din_pattern = (din1 << 8) | din0;

	// check if values have been changed via XOR combination with previously scanned value
	u16 changed = din_pattern ^ din_value[row];
	if( changed ) {
	  // store changed value
	  din_value[row] = din_pattern;

	  // notify changed value
	  int column;
	  for(column=0; column<16; ++column) {
	    u16 mask = 1 << column;
	    if( changed & mask )
	      BUTTON_NotifyToggle(row, column, (din_pattern & mask) ? 1 : 0, timestamp);