//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void MMMSiliconSort(float *ADC_import, int ntdc, int *TDC_channel_import, float *TDC_value_import, SiliconData *si) { //SiliconData *si = new SiliconData(); //Loop over ADC and TDC events and do the following: //Check whether there are front-back coincidences for a detector and test the energies //Check to see whether there's a TDC event for the same channel as the front hit ADC - TDCs are apparently in single-hit mode. Don't need to worry about multihits //Calculate the theta and phi for the valid events multiTDC mTDC;// = new multiTDC(); mTDC.multiTDCSort(ntdc, TDC_channel_import, TDC_value_import); for(int k=0;k<mTDC.GetSize();k++)//Loop over all of the TDC values - there should only be a small number of these relative to the ADC values { if(MMMTDCFrontTest(mTDC.GetChannel(k))) { for(int l=0;l<mTDC.GetSize();l++)//Loop over all of the TDC values *again* but in this case, looking for the N sides { if(MMMTDCBackTest(mTDC.GetChannel(l)) && MMMTDCFrontBackTest(mTDC.GetChannel(k),mTDC.GetChannel(l))) { //printf("MMMSiliconSort L116 test\n"); int DetNum = MMMTDCIdentifyDetector(mTDC.GetChannel(k),mTDC.GetChannel(l)); if(DetNum>0) { //for(int i=MMMADCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][0];i<=MMMADCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][1];i++) int i = MMMADCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][0] + (mTDC.GetChannel(k) - MMMTDCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][0]); { //printf("MMMSiliconSort L122 test\n"); //Don't want to run for events w if(MMMADCTDCChannelTestPSide(i,mTDC.GetChannel(k)) && ADC_import[i]>0) { //printf("MMMSiliconSort L126 test\n"); //for(int j=MMMADCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][2];j<=MMMADCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][3];j++) int j = MMMADCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][2] + (mTDC.GetChannel(l) - MMMTDCChannelLimits[DetNum-1][2]); { //printf("MMMSiliconSort L129 test\n"); if(ADC_import[j]>0) {//printf("test\n"); double energyi = MMMEnergyCalc(i,ADC_import[i]); double energyj = MMMEnergyCalc(j,ADC_import[j]); //Test whether the hits are in the front and back of the same detector and whether the energies are good if(MMMFrontBackTest(i,j,energyi,energyj,si) && MMMADCTDCChannelTestNSide(j,mTDC.GetChannel(l)) && 0.5*(energyi+energyj)>400) { //printf("MMMSiliconSort L134 test\n"); si->SetEnergy(energyi); si->SetTheta(MMMThetaCalc(i)); // RN 7 March 16: I propose a different way si->SetPhi(MMMPhiCalc(DetNum,j)); // RN 7 March 16: I proposa a different way si->SetTime(mTDC.GetValue(k)); si->SetTimeFront(mTDC.GetValue(k)); si->SetTimeBack(mTDC.GetValue(l)); si->SetOffsetTime(mTDC.GetValue(k) - TDCOffsets[mTDC.GetChannel(k)]); si->SetDetectorHit(MMMDetHitNumber(i,j)); si->SetADCChannelFront(i); si->SetADCChannelBack(j); si->SetStripFront(MMMStripFront(i)); si->SetStripBack(MMMStripBack(j)); si->SetTDCChannelFront(mTDC.GetChannel(k)); si->SetTDCChannelBack(mTDC.GetChannel(l)); si->SetADCValueFront(ADC_import[i]); si->SetADCValueBack(ADC_import[j]); si->SetTDCValueFront(mTDC.GetValue(k)); si->SetTDCValueBack(-1); si->SetEnergyFront(energyi); si->SetEnergyBack(energyj); si->SetMult(mTDC.GetMult(k)); } } } } } } } } } } si->SetHits(si->SizeOfEvent()); //printf("SiliconData PrintEvent routine: Silicon hits: %d\n",si->SizeOfEvent()); //si->PrintEvent(); //printf("MMM.c L180\n"); if(!si->TestEvent()) si->ClearEvent(); //If the event fails for some reason, we void it and clear it here. The number of these should be logged and, ideally, should be zero. A VOIDED EVENT IS ONE IN WHICH ALL SILICON DATA ARE THROWN AWAY BECAUSE THE RESULT IS **WRONG**. There are more energy hits than theta hits, for example. IT THEY ARE HAPPENING, THEN YOU'VE DONE IT WRONG. //printf("MMM.c L182\n"); //MMMGhostBuster(SiliconData *si); mTDC.ClearEvent(); //return si; }
SiliconData *MMMSiliconSort(float *ADC_import, int ntdc, int *TDC_channel_import, float *TDC_value_import) { SiliconData *si = new SiliconData(); MMMInit(); //Loop over ADC and TDC events and do the following: //Check whether there are front-back coincidences for a detector and test the energies //Check to see whether there's a TDC event for the same channel as the front hit ADC - TDCs are apparently in single-hit mode. Don't need to worry about multihits //Calculate the theta and phi for the valid events multiTDC *mTDC = new multiTDC(ntdc, TDC_channel_import, TDC_value_import); // printf("L37\n"); for(int k=0;k<mTDC->GetSize();k++)//Loop over all of the TDC values - there should only be a small number of these relative to the ADC values { // if(TDC_channel_import[k]>6*128)//This limits the code to only consider TDC values in the last TDC module, which is the one that deals with the silicon timing values { for(int i=0;i<ADCsize;i++) { //Don't want to run for events which are below pedestal. Set this to be 250 generally for the moment. In future, might want to increase it a bit if(MMMADCTDCChannelTest(i,mTDC->GetChannel(k)) && ADC_import[i]>300) { for(int j=0;j<ADCsize;j++) { if(ADC_import[j]>300) { double energyi = MMMEnergyCalc(i,ADC_import[i]); double energyj = MMMEnergyCalc(j,ADC_import[j]); //Test whether the hits are in the front and back of the same detector and whether the energies are good if(MMMFrontBackTest(i,j,energyi,energyj,si)) { // printf("TEST57\n"); si->SetEnergy(0.5*(energyi+energyj)); si->SetTheta(MMMThetaCalc(i)); si->SetPhi(MMMPhiCalc(i)); si->SetTime(mTDC->GetValue(k)); // si->SetTime(TDC_value_import[k]); // si->SetTime(0); si->SetDetectorHit(MMMDetHitNumber(i,j)); si->SetADCChannelFront(i); si->SetADCChannelBack(j); si->SetStripFront(MMMStripFront(i)); si->SetStripBack(MMMStripBack(j)); si->SetTDCChannelFront(mTDC->GetChannel(k)); // si->SetTDCChannelFront(TDC_channel_import[k]); // si->SetTDCChannelFront(-1); si->SetTDCChannelBack(-1); si->SetADCValueFront(ADC_import[i]); si->SetADCValueBack(ADC_import[j]); si->SetTDCValueFront(mTDC->GetValue(k)); // si->SetTDCValueFront(TDC_value_import[k]); // si->SetTDCValueFront(-1); si->SetTDCValueBack(-1); si->SetEnergyFront(energyi); si->SetEnergyBack(energyj); si->SetMult(mTDC->GetMult(k)); } } } } } } } si->SetHits(si->SizeOfEvent()); if(!si->TestEvent())si->ClearEvent(); //If the event fails for some reason, we void it and clear it here. The number of these should be logged and, ideally, should be zero. A VOIDED EVENT IS ONE IN WHICH ALL SILICON DATA ARE THROWN AWAY BECAUSE THE RESULT IS **WRONG**. There are more energy hits than theta hits, for example. IT THEY ARE HAPPENING, THEN YOU'VE DONE IT WRONG. mTDC->ClearEvent(); delete mTDC; return si; }