コード例 #1
ファイル: out_str.c プロジェクト: CplusHua/yafu-setup-package
mpf_out_str (FILE *stream, int base, size_t n_digits, mpf_srcptr op)
    char *str;
    mp_exp_t exp;
    size_t written;


    if (base == 0)
        base = 10;
    if (n_digits == 0)
        MPF_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS (n_digits, base, op->_mp_prec);

    if (stream == 0)
        stream = stdout;

    /* Consider these changes:
       * Don't allocate memory here for huge n_digits; pass NULL to mpf_get_str.
       * Make mpf_get_str allocate extra space when passed NULL, to avoid
         allocating two huge string buffers.
       * Implement more/other allocation reductions tricks.  */

    str = (char *) TMP_ALLOC (n_digits + 2); /* extra for minus sign and \0 */

    mpf_get_str (str, &exp, base, n_digits, op);
    n_digits = strlen (str);

    written = 0;

    /* Write sign */
    if (str[0] == '-')
        fputc ('-', stream);
        written = 1;

        const char  *point = GMP_DECIMAL_POINT;
        size_t      pointlen = strlen (point);
        putc ('0', stream);
        fwrite (point, 1, pointlen, stream);
        written += pointlen + 1;

    /* Write mantissa */
        size_t fwret;
        fwret = fwrite (str, 1, n_digits, stream);
        written += fwret;

    /* Write exponent */
        int fpret;
        fpret = fprintf (stream, (base <= 10 ? "e%ld" : "@%ld"), exp);
        written += fpret;

    return ferror (stream) ? 0 : written;
コード例 #2
ファイル: out_str.c プロジェクト: mahdiz/mpclib
mpf_out_str (FILE *stream, int base, size_t n_digits, mpf_srcptr op)
    char *str;
    mp_exp_t exp;
    size_t written;
    TMP_DECL (marker);

    TMP_MARK (marker);

    if (base == 0)
        base = 10;
    if (n_digits == 0)
        MPF_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS (n_digits, base, op->_mp_prec);

    if (stream == 0)
        stream = stdout;

    str = (char *) TMP_ALLOC (n_digits + 2); /* extra for minus sign and \0 */

    mpf_get_str (str, &exp, base, n_digits, op);
    n_digits = strlen (str);

    written = 0;

    /* Write sign */
    if (str[0] == '-')
        fputc ('-', stream);
        written = 1;

        const char  *point = localeconv()->decimal_point;
        size_t      pointlen = strlen (point);
        putc ('0', stream);
        fwrite (point, 1, pointlen, stream);
        written += pointlen + 1;
    fwrite ("0.", 1, 2, stream);
    written += 2;

    /* Write mantissa */
        size_t fwret;
        fwret = fwrite (str, 1, n_digits, stream);
        written += fwret;

    /* Write exponent */
        int fpret;
        fpret = fprintf (stream, (base <= 10 ? "e%ld" : "@%ld"), exp);
        written += fpret;

    TMP_FREE (marker);
    return ferror (stream) ? 0 : written;