int MPIDO_Gatherv_simple(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPID_Comm * comm_ptr, int *mpierrno) { #ifndef HAVE_PAMI_IN_PLACE if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { MPID_Abort (NULL, 0, 1, "'MPI_IN_PLACE' requries support for `PAMI_IN_PLACE`"); return -1; } #endif TRACE_ERR("Entering MPIDO_Gatherv_optimized\n"); int snd_contig = 1, rcv_contig = 1; void *snd_noncontig_buff = NULL, *rcv_noncontig_buff = NULL; void *sbuf = NULL, *rbuf = NULL; int *rcounts = NULL; int *rdispls = NULL; int send_size = 0; int recv_size = 0; int rcvlen = 0; int totalrecvcount = 0; pami_type_t rtype = PAMI_TYPE_NULL; MPID_Segment segment; MPID_Datatype *data_ptr = NULL; int send_true_lb, recv_true_lb = 0; int i, tmp; volatile unsigned gatherv_active = 1; const int rank = comm_ptr->rank; const int size = comm_ptr->local_size; #if ASSERT_LEVEL==0 /* We can't afford the tracing in ndebug/performance libraries */ const unsigned verbose = 0; #else const unsigned verbose = (MPIDI_Process.verbose >= MPIDI_VERBOSE_DETAILS_ALL) && (rank == 0); #endif const struct MPIDI_Comm* const mpid = &(comm_ptr->mpid); int recvok=PAMI_SUCCESS, recvcontinuous=0; if(sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) { MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(sendcount, sendtype, snd_contig, send_size, data_ptr, send_true_lb); if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT, 64, advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Gatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } else if(advisor_algorithms[0].metadata && advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) { comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests; int tmpmpierrno; if(unlikely(verbose)) fprintf(stderr,"Query barrier required for %s\n", advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->name); MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno); } } } sbuf = (char *)sendbuf + send_true_lb; if(!snd_contig) { snd_noncontig_buff = MPL_malloc(send_size); sbuf = snd_noncontig_buff; if(snd_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } DLOOP_Offset last = send_size; MPID_Segment_init(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, &segment, 0); MPID_Segment_pack(&segment, 0, &last, snd_noncontig_buff); } } else { MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, recvtype, rcv_contig, rcvlen, data_ptr, recv_true_lb); if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT, 64, advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Gatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } else if(advisor_algorithms[0].metadata && advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) { comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests; int tmpmpierrno; if(unlikely(verbose)) fprintf(stderr,"Query barrier required for %s\n", advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->name); MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno); } } } } pami_xfer_t gatherv; rbuf = (char *)recvbuf + recv_true_lb; rcounts = (int*)recvcounts; rdispls = (int*)displs; if(rank == root) { if((recvok = MPIDI_Datatype_to_pami(recvtype, &rtype, -1, NULL, &tmp)) != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, recvtype, rcv_contig, rcvlen, data_ptr, recv_true_lb); totalrecvcount = recvcounts[0]; recvcontinuous = displs[0] == 0? 1 : 0 ; rcounts = (int*)MPL_malloc(size); rdispls = (int*)MPL_malloc(size); rdispls[0] = 0; rcounts[0] = rcvlen * recvcounts[0]; for(i = 1; i < size; i++) { rdispls[i]= rcvlen * totalrecvcount; totalrecvcount += recvcounts[i]; if(displs[i] != (displs[i-1] + recvcounts[i-1])) recvcontinuous = 0; rcounts[i] = rcvlen * recvcounts[i]; } recv_size = rcvlen * totalrecvcount; rcv_noncontig_buff = MPL_malloc(recv_size); rbuf = rcv_noncontig_buff; rtype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE; if(rcv_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } if(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { size_t extent; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,extent); MPIR_Localcopy(recvbuf + displs[rank]*extent, recvcounts[rank], recvtype, rcv_noncontig_buff + rdispls[rank], rcounts[rank],MPI_CHAR); } } if(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.sndbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE; } else { gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.sndbuf = sbuf; } gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE;/* stype is ignored when sndbuf == PAMI_IN_PLACE */ gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stypecount = send_size; } else { gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.sndbuf = sbuf; gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE; gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stypecount = send_size; } gatherv.cb_done = cb_gatherv; gatherv.cookie = (void *)&gatherv_active; gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.root = MPIDI_Task_to_endpoint(MPID_VCR_GET_LPID(comm_ptr->vcr, root), 0); gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rcvbuf = rbuf; gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rtype = rtype; gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rtypecounts = (int *) rcounts; gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rdispls = (int *) rdispls; const pami_metadata_t *my_gatherv_md; gatherv.algorithm = mpid->coll_algorithm[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT][0][0]; my_gatherv_md = &mpid->coll_metadata[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT][0][0]; MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, my_gatherv_md->name); MPIDI_Post_coll_t gatherv_post; TRACE_ERR("%s gatherv\n",>0?"Posting":"Invoking"); MPIDI_Context_post(MPIDI_Context[0], &gatherv_post.state, MPIDI_Pami_post_wrapper, (void *)&gatherv); TRACE_ERR("Gatherv %s\n",>0?"posted":"invoked"); TRACE_ERR("Waiting on active %d\n", gatherv_active); MPID_PROGRESS_WAIT_WHILE(gatherv_active); if(!rcv_contig || recvok != PAMI_SUCCESS) { if(recvcontinuous) { MPIR_Localcopy(rcv_noncontig_buff, recv_size, MPI_CHAR, recvbuf, totalrecvcount, recvtype); } else { size_t extent; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,extent); for(i=0; i<size; ++i) { char* scbuf = (char*)rcv_noncontig_buff+ rdispls[i]; char* rcbuf = (char*)recvbuf + displs[i]*extent; MPIR_Localcopy(scbuf, rcounts[i], MPI_CHAR, rcbuf, recvcounts[i], recvtype); TRACE_ERR("Pack recv src extent %zu, displ[%zu]=%zu, count[%zu]=%zu buf[%zu]=%u\n", (size_t)extent, (size_t)i,(size_t)precvdispls[i],(size_t)i,(size_t)precvcounts[i],(size_t)precvdispls[i], *(int*)scbuf); TRACE_ERR("Pack recv dest extent %zu, displ[%zu]=%zu, count[%zu]=%zu buf[%zu]=%u\n", (size_t)extent, (size_t)i,(size_t)displs[i],(size_t)i,(size_t)recvcounts[i],(size_t)displs[i], *(int*)rcbuf); } } MPL_free(rcv_noncontig_buff); if(rank == root) { MPL_free(rcounts); MPL_free(rdispls); } } if(!snd_contig) MPL_free(snd_noncontig_buff); TRACE_ERR("Leaving MPIDO_Gatherv_optimized\n"); return MPI_SUCCESS; }
int MPIDO_Scatterv_simple(const void *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *displs, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPID_Comm *comm_ptr, int *mpierrno) { #ifndef HAVE_PAMI_IN_PLACE if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { MPID_Abort (NULL, 0, 1, "'MPI_IN_PLACE' requries support for `PAMI_IN_PLACE`"); return -1; } #endif int snd_contig = 1; int rcv_contig = 1; int send_size = 0, recv_size = 0; int ssize = 0; MPID_Datatype *dt_ptr = NULL; MPI_Aint send_true_lb=0, recv_true_lb=0; void *snd_noncontig_buff = NULL, *rcv_noncontig_buff = NULL; void *sbuf = NULL, *rbuf = NULL; int *sdispls = NULL, *scounts = NULL; int sndcount = 0; MPID_Segment segment; int tmp, i; pami_type_t stype = PAMI_TYPE_NULL; const int rank = comm_ptr->rank; const int size = comm_ptr->local_size; const struct MPIDI_Comm* const mpid = &(comm_ptr->mpid); if (rank == root && sendtype != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL && sendcounts[0] >= 0) { MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, sendtype, snd_contig, ssize, dt_ptr, send_true_lb); if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_SCATTERV_INT, 64, advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Scatterv(sendbuf, sendcounts, displs, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } else if(advisor_algorithms[0].metadata && advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) { comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests; int tmpmpierrno; MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno); } } } } if (recvtype != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL && recvcount >= 0) { MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(recvcount, recvtype, rcv_contig, recv_size, dt_ptr, recv_true_lb); if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_SCATTERV_INT, 64, advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Scatterv(sendbuf, sendcounts, displs, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } else if(advisor_algorithms[0].metadata && advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) { comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests; int tmpmpierrno; MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno); } } } } pami_xfer_t scatterv; const pami_metadata_t *my_scatterv_md; volatile unsigned scatterv_active = 1; sbuf = (char *)sendbuf + send_true_lb; rbuf = (char *)recvbuf + recv_true_lb; scounts = (int*)sendcounts; sdispls = (int*)displs; if(rank == root) { if(MPIDI_Datatype_to_pami(sendtype, &stype, -1, NULL, &tmp) != MPI_SUCCESS) { if (!snd_contig) { scounts = (int*)MPIU_Malloc(size); sdispls = (int*)MPIU_Malloc(size); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { scounts[i] = ssize * sendcounts[i]; sdispls[i] = ssize * displs[i]; send_size += scounts[i]; sndcount += sendcounts[i]; } snd_noncontig_buff = MPIU_Malloc(send_size); sbuf = snd_noncontig_buff; stype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE; if(snd_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } DLOOP_Offset last = send_size; MPID_Segment_init(sendbuf, sndcount, sendtype, &segment, 0); MPID_Segment_pack(&segment, 0, &last, snd_noncontig_buff); } } if(recvbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { rbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE; } } if(recvbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) { if (!rcv_contig) { rcv_noncontig_buff = MPIU_Malloc(recv_size); rbuf = rcv_noncontig_buff; if(rcv_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } } } scatterv.cb_done = cb_scatterv; scatterv.cookie = (void *)&scatterv_active; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.root = MPIDI_Task_to_endpoint(MPID_VCR_GET_LPID(comm_ptr->vcr, root), 0); scatterv.algorithm = mpid->coll_algorithm[PAMI_XFER_SCATTERV_INT][0][0]; my_scatterv_md = &mpid->coll_metadata[PAMI_XFER_SCATTERV_INT][0][0]; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.rcvbuf = rbuf; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.sndbuf = sbuf; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.stype = stype; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.rtype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE;/* rtype is ignored when rcvbuf == PAMI_IN_PLACE */ scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.stypecounts = (int *) scounts; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.rtypecount = recv_size; scatterv.cmd.xfer_scatterv_int.sdispls = (int *) sdispls; MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, my_scatterv_md->name); MPIDI_Post_coll_t scatterv_post; TRACE_ERR("%s scatterv\n",>0?"Posting":"Invoking"); MPIDI_Context_post(MPIDI_Context[0], &scatterv_post.state, MPIDI_Pami_post_wrapper, (void *)&scatterv); TRACE_ERR("Waiting on active %d\n", scatterv_active); MPID_PROGRESS_WAIT_WHILE(scatterv_active); if(!rcv_contig) { MPIR_Localcopy(rcv_noncontig_buff, recv_size, MPI_CHAR, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype); MPIU_Free(rcv_noncontig_buff); } if(!snd_contig) { MPIU_Free(snd_noncontig_buff); MPIU_Free(scounts); MPIU_Free(sdispls); } TRACE_ERR("Leaving MPIDO_Scatterv_optimized\n"); return MPI_SUCCESS; }
int MPIDO_Bcast_simple(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPID_Comm *comm_ptr, int *mpierrno) { TRACE_ERR("Entering MPIDO_Bcast_optimized\n"); int data_contig; void *data_buffer = NULL, *noncontig_buff = NULL; volatile unsigned active = 1; MPI_Aint data_true_lb = 0; MPID_Datatype *data_ptr; MPID_Segment segment; MPIDI_Post_coll_t bcast_post; const struct MPIDI_Comm* const mpid = &(comm_ptr->mpid); const int rank = comm_ptr->rank; /* Must calculate data_size based on count=1 in case it's total size is > integer */ int data_size_one; MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, datatype, data_contig, data_size_one, data_ptr, data_true_lb); if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_BROADCAST, data_size_one * count, advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Bcast_intra(buffer, count, datatype, root, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } } } const int data_size = data_size_one*(size_t)count; data_buffer = (char *)buffer + data_true_lb; if(!data_contig) { noncontig_buff = MPIU_Malloc(data_size); data_buffer = noncontig_buff; if(noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } if(rank == root) { DLOOP_Offset last = data_size; MPID_Segment_init(buffer, count, datatype, &segment, 0); MPID_Segment_pack(&segment, 0, &last, noncontig_buff); } } pami_xfer_t bcast; const pami_metadata_t *my_bcast_md; int queryreq = 0; bcast.cb_done = cb_bcast; bcast.cookie = (void *)&active; bcast.cmd.xfer_broadcast.root = MPIDI_Task_to_endpoint(MPID_VCR_GET_LPID(comm_ptr->vcr, root), 0); bcast.algorithm = mpid->coll_algorithm[PAMI_XFER_BROADCAST][0][0]; bcast.cmd.xfer_broadcast.buf = data_buffer; bcast.cmd.xfer_broadcast.type = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE; /* Needs to be sizeof(type)*count since we are using bytes as * the generic type */ bcast.cmd.xfer_broadcast.typecount = data_size; my_bcast_md = &mpid->coll_metadata[PAMI_XFER_BROADCAST][0][0]; MPIDI_Context_post(MPIDI_Context[0], &bcast_post.state, MPIDI_Pami_post_wrapper, (void *)&bcast); MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, my_bcast_md->name); MPID_PROGRESS_WAIT_WHILE(active); TRACE_ERR("bcast done\n"); if(!data_contig) { if(rank != root) MPIR_Localcopy(noncontig_buff, data_size, MPI_CHAR, buffer, count, datatype); MPIU_Free(noncontig_buff); } TRACE_ERR("Exiting MPIDO_Bcast_optimized\n"); return 0; }
int MPIDO_Allgather_simple(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPID_Comm * comm_ptr, int *mpierrno) { #ifndef HAVE_PAMI_IN_PLACE if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { MPID_Abort (NULL, 0, 1, "'MPI_IN_PLACE' requries support for `PAMI_IN_PLACE`"); return -1; } #endif /* ********************************* * Check the nature of the buffers * ********************************* */ const struct MPIDI_Comm* const mpid = &(comm_ptr->mpid); MPID_Datatype * dt_null = NULL; void *snd_noncontig_buff = NULL, *rcv_noncontig_buff = NULL; MPI_Aint send_true_lb = 0; MPI_Aint recv_true_lb = 0; int snd_data_contig = 1, rcv_data_contig = 1; size_t send_size = 0; size_t recv_size = 0; MPID_Segment segment; volatile unsigned allgather_active = 1; const int rank = comm_ptr->rank; const int size = comm_ptr->local_size; #if ASSERT_LEVEL==0 /* We can't afford the tracing in ndebug/performance libraries */ const unsigned verbose = 0; #else const unsigned verbose = (MPIDI_Process.verbose >= MPIDI_VERBOSE_DETAILS_ALL) && (rank == 0); #endif const pami_metadata_t *my_md; char *rbuf = NULL, *sbuf = NULL; if ((sendcount < 1 && sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) || recvcount < 1) return MPI_SUCCESS; /* Gather datatype information */ MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(recvcount, recvtype, rcv_data_contig, recv_size, dt_null, recv_true_lb); send_size = recv_size; if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_ALLGATHER, send_size, advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Allgather(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } else if(advisor_algorithms[0].metadata && advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) { comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests; int tmpmpierrno; if(unlikely(verbose)) fprintf(stderr,"Query barrier required for %s\n", advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->name); MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno); } } } rbuf = (char *)recvbuf+recv_true_lb; if(!rcv_data_contig) { rcv_noncontig_buff = MPL_malloc(recv_size * size); rbuf = rcv_noncontig_buff; if(rcv_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } if(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { sbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE; size_t extent; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,extent); MPIR_Localcopy(recvbuf + (rank*recvcount*extent), recvcount, recvtype, rcv_noncontig_buff + (rank*recv_size), recv_size,MPI_CHAR); } } if(sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) { MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(sendcount, sendtype, snd_data_contig, send_size, dt_null, send_true_lb); sbuf = (char *)sendbuf+send_true_lb; if(!snd_data_contig) { snd_noncontig_buff = MPL_malloc(send_size); sbuf = snd_noncontig_buff; if(snd_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } DLOOP_Offset last = send_size; MPID_Segment_init(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, &segment, 0); MPID_Segment_pack(&segment, 0, &last, snd_noncontig_buff); } } else sbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE; TRACE_ERR("Using PAMI-level allgather protocol\n"); pami_xfer_t allgather; allgather.cb_done = allgather_cb_done; allgather.cookie = (void *)&allgather_active; allgather.cmd.xfer_allgather.rcvbuf = rbuf; allgather.cmd.xfer_allgather.sndbuf = sbuf; allgather.cmd.xfer_allgather.stype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE;/* stype is ignored when sndbuf == PAMI_IN_PLACE */ allgather.cmd.xfer_allgather.rtype = PAMI_TYPE_BYTE; allgather.cmd.xfer_allgather.stypecount = send_size; allgather.cmd.xfer_allgather.rtypecount = recv_size; allgather.algorithm = mpid->coll_algorithm[PAMI_XFER_ALLGATHER][0][0]; my_md = &mpid->coll_metadata[PAMI_XFER_ALLGATHER][0][0]; TRACE_ERR("Calling PAMI_Collective with allgather structure\n"); MPIDI_Post_coll_t allgather_post; MPIDI_Context_post(MPIDI_Context[0], &allgather_post.state, MPIDI_Pami_post_wrapper, (void *)&allgather); TRACE_ERR("Allgather %s\n",>0?"posted":"invoked"); MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, my_md->name); MPID_PROGRESS_WAIT_WHILE(allgather_active); if(!rcv_data_contig) { MPIR_Localcopy(rcv_noncontig_buff, recv_size * size, MPI_CHAR, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype); MPL_free(rcv_noncontig_buff); } if(!snd_data_contig) MPL_free(snd_noncontig_buff); TRACE_ERR("Allgather done\n"); return MPI_SUCCESS; }
int MPIDO_Allgatherv_simple(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPID_Comm * comm_ptr, int *mpierrno) { #ifndef HAVE_PAMI_IN_PLACE if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) { MPID_Abort (NULL, 0, 1, "'MPI_IN_PLACE' requries support for `PAMI_IN_PLACE`"); return -1; } #endif TRACE_ERR("Entering MPIDO_Allgatherv_optimized\n"); /* function pointer to be used to point to approperiate algorithm */ /* Check the nature of the buffers */ MPID_Datatype *dt_null = NULL; MPI_Aint send_true_lb = 0; MPI_Aint recv_true_lb = 0; size_t send_size = 0; size_t recv_size = 0; size_t rcvtypelen = 0; int snd_data_contig = 0, rcv_data_contig = 0; void *snd_noncontig_buff = NULL, *rcv_noncontig_buff = NULL; int scount=sendcount; char *sbuf, *rbuf; pami_type_t stype = NULL, rtype; const int rank = comm_ptr->rank; const int size = comm_ptr->local_size; const struct MPIDI_Comm* const mpid = &(comm_ptr->mpid); #if ASSERT_LEVEL==0 /* We can't afford the tracing in ndebug/performance libraries */ const unsigned verbose = 0; #else const unsigned verbose = (MPIDI_Process.verbose >= MPIDI_VERBOSE_DETAILS_ALL) && (rank == 0); #endif int recvcontinuous=0; size_t totalrecvcount=0; int *lrecvdispls = NULL; /* possible local displs calculated for noncontinous */ int *lrecvcounts = NULL;/* possible local counts calculated for noncontinous */ const int *precvdispls = displs; /* pointer to displs to use as pami parmi */ const int *precvcounts = recvcounts; /* pointer to counts to use as pami parmi */ int inplace = sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE? 1 : 0; volatile unsigned allgatherv_active = 1; int recvok=PAMI_SUCCESS, sendok=PAMI_SUCCESS; int tmp; const pami_metadata_t *my_md; MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, recvtype, rcv_data_contig, rcvtypelen, dt_null, recv_true_lb); if(MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise != NULL && mpid->collsel_fast_query != NULL) { advisor_algorithm_t advisor_algorithms[1]; int num_algorithms = MPIDI_Pamix_collsel_advise(mpid->collsel_fast_query, PAMI_XFER_ALLGATHERV_INT, rcvtypelen * recvcounts[0], advisor_algorithms, 1); if(num_algorithms) { if(advisor_algorithms[0].algorithm_type == COLLSEL_EXTERNAL_ALGO) { return MPIR_Allgatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype, comm_ptr, mpierrno); } else if(advisor_algorithms[0].metadata && advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) { comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests; int tmpmpierrno; if(unlikely(verbose)) fprintf(stderr,"Query barrier required for %s\n", advisor_algorithms[0].metadata->name); MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno); } } } if(!inplace) { sendok = MPIDI_Datatype_to_pami(sendtype, &stype, -1, NULL, &tmp); MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(sendcount, sendtype, snd_data_contig, send_size, dt_null, send_true_lb); sbuf = (char *)sendbuf + send_true_lb; if(!snd_data_contig || (sendok != PAMI_SUCCESS)) { stype = PAMI_TYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR; scount = send_size; if(!snd_data_contig) { snd_noncontig_buff = MPIU_Malloc(send_size); sbuf = snd_noncontig_buff; if(snd_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, snd_noncontig_buff, send_size,MPI_CHAR); } } } else sbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE; recvok = MPIDI_Datatype_to_pami(recvtype, &rtype, -1, NULL, &tmp); rbuf = (char *)recvbuf+recv_true_lb; if(!rcv_data_contig || (recvok != PAMI_SUCCESS)) { rtype = PAMI_TYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR; totalrecvcount = recvcounts[0]; recvcontinuous = displs[0] == 0? 1 : 0 ; int i; precvdispls = lrecvdispls = MPIU_Malloc(size*sizeof(int)); precvcounts = lrecvcounts = MPIU_Malloc(size*sizeof(int)); lrecvdispls[0]= 0; lrecvcounts[0]= rcvtypelen * recvcounts[0]; for(i=1; i<size; ++i) { lrecvdispls[i]= rcvtypelen * totalrecvcount; totalrecvcount += recvcounts[i]; if(displs[i] != (displs[i-1] + recvcounts[i-1])) recvcontinuous = 0; lrecvcounts[i]= rcvtypelen * recvcounts[i]; } recv_size = rcvtypelen * totalrecvcount; TRACE_ERR("Pack receive rcv_contig %zu, recvok %zd, totalrecvcount %zu, recvcontinuous %zu, rcvtypelen %zu, recv_size %zu\n", (size_t)rcv_data_contig, (size_t)recvok, (size_t)totalrecvcount, (size_t)recvcontinuous,(size_t)rcvtypelen, (size_t)recv_size); rcv_noncontig_buff = MPIU_Malloc(recv_size); rbuf = rcv_noncontig_buff; if(rcv_noncontig_buff == NULL) { MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, 1, "Fatal: Cannot allocate pack buffer"); } if(inplace) { size_t extent; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,extent); MPIR_Localcopy(recvbuf + displs[rank]*extent, recvcounts[rank], recvtype, rcv_noncontig_buff + precvdispls[rank], precvcounts[rank],MPI_CHAR); scount = precvcounts[rank]; stype = PAMI_TYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR; sbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE; } } pami_xfer_t allgatherv; allgatherv.cb_done = allgatherv_cb_done; allgatherv.cookie = (void *)&allgatherv_active; allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.sndbuf = sbuf; allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.rcvbuf = rbuf; allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.stype = stype;/* stype is ignored when sndbuf == PAMI_IN_PLACE */ allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.rtype = rtype; allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.stypecount = scount; allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.rtypecounts = (int *) precvcounts; allgatherv.cmd.xfer_allgatherv_int.rdispls = (int *) precvdispls; allgatherv.algorithm = mpid->coll_algorithm[PAMI_XFER_ALLGATHERV_INT][0][0]; my_md = &mpid->coll_metadata[PAMI_XFER_ALLGATHERV_INT][0][0]; TRACE_ERR("Calling allgatherv via %s()\n",>0?"PAMI_Collective":"PAMI_Context_post"); MPIDI_Post_coll_t allgatherv_post; MPIDI_Context_post(MPIDI_Context[0], &allgatherv_post.state, MPIDI_Pami_post_wrapper, (void *)&allgatherv); MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, my_md->name); TRACE_ERR("Rank %d waiting on active %d\n", rank, allgatherv_active); MPID_PROGRESS_WAIT_WHILE(allgatherv_active); if(!rcv_data_contig || (recvok != PAMI_SUCCESS)) { if(recvcontinuous) { MPIR_Localcopy(rcv_noncontig_buff, recv_size,MPI_CHAR, recvbuf, totalrecvcount, recvtype); } else { size_t extent; int i; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,extent); for(i=0; i<size; ++i) { char* scbuf = (char*)rcv_noncontig_buff+ precvdispls[i]; char* rcbuf = (char*)recvbuf + displs[i]*extent; MPIR_Localcopy(scbuf, precvcounts[i], MPI_CHAR, rcbuf, recvcounts[i], recvtype); TRACE_ERR("Pack recv src extent %zu, displ[%zu]=%zu, count[%zu]=%zu buf[%zu]=%u\n", (size_t)extent, (size_t)i,(size_t)precvdispls[i],(size_t)i,(size_t)precvcounts[i],(size_t)precvdispls[i], *(int*)scbuf); TRACE_ERR("Pack recv dest extent %zu, displ[%zu]=%zu, count[%zu]=%zu buf[%zu]=%u\n", (size_t)extent, (size_t)i,(size_t)displs[i],(size_t)i,(size_t)recvcounts[i],(size_t)displs[i], *(int*)rcbuf); } } MPIU_Free(rcv_noncontig_buff); } if(!snd_data_contig) MPIU_Free(snd_noncontig_buff); if(lrecvdispls) MPIU_Free(lrecvdispls); if(lrecvcounts) MPIU_Free(lrecvcounts); return MPI_SUCCESS; }