コード例 #1
ファイル: type_contiguous.c プロジェクト: NexMirror/MPICH
int MPIR_Type_contiguous_x_impl(MPI_Count count,
                              MPI_Datatype oldtype,
			      MPI_Datatype *newtype)
    /* to make 'count' fit MPI-3 type processing routines (which take integer
     * counts), we construct a type consisting of N INT_MAX chunks followed by
     * a remainder.  e.g for a count of 4000000000 bytes you would end up with
     * one 2147483647-byte chunk followed immediately by a 1852516353-byte
     * chunk */
    MPI_Datatype chunks, remainder;
    MPI_Aint lb, extent, disps[2];
    int blocklens[2];
    MPI_Datatype types[2];
    int mpi_errno;

    /* truly stupendously large counts will overflow an integer with this math,
     * but that is a problem for a few decades from now.  Sorry, few decades
     * from now! */
    MPIR_Assert(count/INT_MAX == (int)(count/INT_MAX));
    int c = (int)(count/INT_MAX); /* OK to cast until 'count' is 256 bits */
    int r = count%INT_MAX;

    mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_vector_impl(c, INT_MAX, INT_MAX, oldtype, &chunks);
    if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) goto fn_fail;
    mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_contiguous_impl(r, oldtype, &remainder);
    if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) goto fn_fail;

    MPIR_Type_get_extent_impl(oldtype, &lb, &extent);

    blocklens[0] = 1;      blocklens[1] = 1;
    disps[0]     = 0;      disps[1]     = c*extent*INT_MAX;
    types[0]     = chunks; types[1]     = remainder;

    mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_struct_impl(2, blocklens, disps, types, newtype);


    return mpi_errno;
    goto fn_exit;
コード例 #2
   MPI_Type_create_struct - Create an MPI datatype from a general set of
   datatypes, displacements, and block sizes

   Input Parameters:
+ count - number of blocks (integer) --- also number of entries in arrays
  array_of_types, array_of_displacements and array_of_blocklengths
. array_of_blocklength - number of elements in each block (array of integer)
. array_of_displacements - byte displacement of each block (array of address integer)
- array_of_types - type of elements in each block (array of handles to
  datatype objects)

   Output Parameter:
. newtype - new datatype (handle)

.N ThreadSafe

.N Fortran

.N Errors
int MPI_Type_create_struct(int count,
			   int array_of_blocklengths[],
			   MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[],
			   MPI_Datatype array_of_types[],
			   MPI_Datatype *newtype)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;



	    int j;
	    MPID_Datatype *datatype_ptr = NULL;

            if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) goto fn_fail;

	    if (count > 0) {
		MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(array_of_blocklengths, "blocklens", mpi_errno);
		MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(array_of_displacements, "indices", mpi_errno);
		MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(array_of_types, "types", mpi_errno);
		if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) goto fn_fail;

	    for (j=0; j < count; j++) {
		MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNEG(array_of_blocklengths[j], "blocklen", mpi_errno);
		MPIR_ERRTEST_DATATYPE(array_of_types[j], "datatype[j]",
		if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) goto fn_fail;
		if (array_of_types[j] != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL && HANDLE_GET_KIND(array_of_types[j]) != HANDLE_KIND_BUILTIN) {
		    MPID_Datatype_get_ptr(array_of_types[j], datatype_ptr);
		    MPID_Datatype_valid_ptr(datatype_ptr, mpi_errno);
		    if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) goto fn_fail;
#   endif /* HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING */

    /* ... body of routine ... */

    mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_struct_impl(count, array_of_blocklengths, array_of_displacements,
                                             array_of_types, newtype);
    if (mpi_errno) goto fn_exit;
    /* ... end of body of routine ... */

    return mpi_errno;

	mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(
	    mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**mpi_type_create_struct",
	    "**mpi_type_create_struct %d %p %p %p %p", count, array_of_blocklengths, array_of_displacements,
	    array_of_types, newtype);
#   endif
    mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_return_comm(NULL, FCNAME, mpi_errno);
    goto fn_exit;
    /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */
コード例 #3
int MPIR_Igather_sched_intra_binomial(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPIR_Comm *comm_ptr, MPIR_Sched_t s)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int comm_size, rank;
    int relative_rank, is_homogeneous;
    int mask, src, dst, relative_src;
    MPI_Aint recvtype_size, sendtype_size, curr_cnt=0, nbytes;
    int recvblks;
    int tmp_buf_size, missing;
    void *tmp_buf = NULL;
    int blocks[2];
    int displs[2];
    MPI_Aint struct_displs[2];
    MPI_Aint extent=0;
    int copy_offset = 0, copy_blks = 0;
    MPI_Datatype types[2], tmp_type;

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    if (((rank == root) && (recvcount == 0)) || ((rank != root) && (sendcount == 0)))
        goto fn_exit;

    is_homogeneous = TRUE;
    is_homogeneous = !comm_ptr->is_hetero;

    MPIR_Assert(comm_ptr->comm_kind == MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTRACOMM);

    /* Use binomial tree algorithm. */

    relative_rank = (rank >= root) ? rank - root : rank - root + comm_size;

    if (rank == root)
        MPIR_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, extent);
        MPIR_Ensure_Aint_fits_in_pointer(MPIR_VOID_PTR_CAST_TO_MPI_AINT recvbuf+

    if (is_homogeneous)
        /* communicator is homogeneous. no need to pack buffer. */
        if (rank == root)
            MPIR_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype, recvtype_size);
            nbytes = recvtype_size * recvcount;
            MPIR_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype, sendtype_size);
            nbytes = sendtype_size * sendcount;

        /* Find the number of missing nodes in my sub-tree compared to
         * a balanced tree */
        for (mask = 1; mask < comm_size; mask <<= 1);
        while (relative_rank & mask) mask >>= 1;
        missing = (relative_rank | mask) - comm_size + 1;
        if (missing < 0) missing = 0;
        tmp_buf_size = (mask - missing);

        /* If the message is smaller than the threshold, we will copy
         * our message in there too */
        if (nbytes < MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE) tmp_buf_size++;

        tmp_buf_size *= nbytes;

        /* For zero-ranked root, we don't need any temporary buffer */
        if ((rank == root) && (!root || (nbytes >= MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE)))
            tmp_buf_size = 0;

        if (tmp_buf_size) {
            MPIR_SCHED_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, tmp_buf_size, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf", MPL_MEM_BUFFER);

        if (rank == root) {
            if (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) {
                mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
                                           ((char *) recvbuf + extent*recvcount*rank), recvcount, recvtype);
                if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
        else if (tmp_buf_size && (nbytes < MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE)) {
            /* copy from sendbuf into tmp_buf */
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
                                       tmp_buf, nbytes, MPI_BYTE);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
        curr_cnt = nbytes;

        mask = 0x1;
        while (mask < comm_size) {
            if ((mask & relative_rank) == 0) {
                src = relative_rank | mask;
                if (src < comm_size) {
                    src = (src + root) % comm_size;

                    if (rank == root) {
                        recvblks = mask;
                        if ((2 * recvblks) > comm_size)
                            recvblks = comm_size - recvblks;

                        if ((rank + mask + recvblks == comm_size) ||
                            (((rank + mask) % comm_size) < ((rank + mask + recvblks) % comm_size)))
                            /* If the data contiguously fits into the
                             * receive buffer, place it directly. This
                             * should cover the case where the root is
                             * rank 0. */
                            char *rp = (char *)recvbuf + (((rank + mask) % comm_size)*recvcount*extent);
                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_recv(rp, (recvblks * recvcount), recvtype, src, comm_ptr, s);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_barrier(s);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                        else if (nbytes < MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE) {
                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_recv(tmp_buf, (recvblks * nbytes), MPI_BYTE, src, comm_ptr, s);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_barrier(s);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                            copy_offset = rank + mask;
                            copy_blks = recvblks;
                        else {
                            blocks[0] = recvcount * (comm_size - root - mask);
                            displs[0] = recvcount * (root + mask);
                            blocks[1] = (recvcount * recvblks) - blocks[0];
                            displs[1] = 0;

                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_indexed_impl(2, blocks, displs, recvtype, &tmp_type);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_commit_impl(&tmp_type);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_recv(recvbuf, 1, tmp_type, src, comm_ptr, s);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_barrier(s);
                            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

                            /* this "premature" free is safe b/c the sched holds an actual ref to keep it alive */
                    else { /* Intermediate nodes store in temporary buffer */
                        MPI_Aint offset;

                        /* Estimate the amount of data that is going to come in */
                        recvblks = mask;
                        relative_src = ((src - root) < 0) ? (src - root + comm_size) : (src - root);
                        if (relative_src + mask > comm_size)
                            recvblks -= (relative_src + mask - comm_size);

                        if (nbytes < MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE)
                            offset = mask * nbytes;
                            offset = (mask - 1) * nbytes;
                        mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_recv(((char *)tmp_buf + offset), (recvblks * nbytes),
                                                    MPI_BYTE, src, comm_ptr, s);
                        if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                        mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_barrier(s);
                        if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                        curr_cnt += (recvblks * nbytes);
            else {
                dst = relative_rank ^ mask;
                dst = (dst + root) % comm_size;

                if (!tmp_buf_size) {
                    /* leaf nodes send directly from sendbuf */
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_send(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dst, comm_ptr, s);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_barrier(s);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                else if (nbytes < MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE) {
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_send(tmp_buf, curr_cnt, MPI_BYTE, dst, comm_ptr, s);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_barrier(s);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                else {
                    blocks[0] = sendcount;
                    struct_displs[0] = MPIR_VOID_PTR_CAST_TO_MPI_AINT sendbuf;
                    types[0] = sendtype;
		    /* check for overflow.  work around int limits if needed*/
		    if (curr_cnt - nbytes != (int)(curr_cnt-nbytes)) {
			blocks[1] = 1;
			MPIR_Type_contiguous_x_impl(curr_cnt - nbytes,
				MPI_BYTE, &(types[1]));
		    } else {
			MPIR_Assign_trunc(blocks[1], curr_cnt - nbytes, int);
			types[1] = MPI_BYTE;
                    struct_displs[1] = MPIR_VOID_PTR_CAST_TO_MPI_AINT tmp_buf;

                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_struct_impl(2, blocks, struct_displs, types, &tmp_type);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_commit_impl(&tmp_type);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_send(MPI_BOTTOM, 1, tmp_type, dst, comm_ptr, s);
                    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

                    /* this "premature" free is safe b/c the sched holds an actual ref to keep it alive */

            mask <<= 1;

        if ((rank == root) && root && (nbytes < MPIR_CVAR_GATHER_VSMALL_MSG_SIZE) && copy_blks) {
            /* reorder and copy from tmp_buf into recvbuf */
            /* FIXME why are there two copies here? */
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_copy(tmp_buf, nbytes * (comm_size - copy_offset), MPI_BYTE,
                                       ((char *)recvbuf + extent * recvcount * copy_offset),
                                       recvcount * (comm_size - copy_offset), recvtype, s);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_copy((char *)tmp_buf + nbytes * (comm_size - copy_offset),
                                        nbytes * (copy_blks - comm_size + copy_offset), MPI_BYTE,
                                        recvbuf, recvcount * (copy_blks - comm_size + copy_offset),
                                        recvtype, s);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
    else {