コード例 #1
ファイル: msa.c プロジェクト: hyphaltip/subopt-kaks
/* Function: MSAGetSeqidx()
 * Date:     SRE, Wed May 19 15:08:25 1999 [St. Louis]
 * Purpose:  From a sequence name, return seqidx appropriate
 *           for an MSA structure.
 *           1) try to guess the index. (pass -1 if you can't guess)
 *           2) Look up name in msa's hashtable.
 *           3) If it's a new name, store in msa's hashtable;
 *                                  expand allocs as needed;
 *                                  save sqname.
 * Args:     msa   - alignment object
 *           name  - a sequence name
 *           guess - a guess at the right index, or -1 if no guess.
 * Returns:  seqidx
MSAGetSeqidx(MSA *msa, char *name, int guess)
  int seqidx;
				/* can we guess? */
  if (guess >= 0 && guess < msa->nseq && strcmp(name, msa->sqname[guess]) == 0) 
    return guess;
				/* else, a lookup in the index */
  if ((seqidx = GKIKeyIndex(msa->index, name)) >= 0)
    return seqidx;
				/* else, it's a new name */
  seqidx = GKIStoreKey(msa->index, name);
  if (seqidx >= msa->nseqalloc)  MSAExpand(msa);

  msa->sqname[seqidx] = sre_strdup(name, -1);
  return seqidx;
コード例 #2
ファイル: a2m.c プロジェクト: rforge/phyexe
/* Function: ReadA2M()
 * Date:     SRE, Sun Jun  6 17:11:29 1999 [bus from Madison 1999 worm mtg]
 * Purpose:  Parse an alignment read from an open A2M format
 *           alignment file. A2M is a single alignment format.
 *           Return the alignment, or NULL if we've already
 *           read the alignment.
 * Args:     afp - open alignment file
 * Returns:  MSA *  - an alignment object. 
 *                    Caller responsible for an MSAFree()
ReadA2M(MSAFILE *afp)
  MSA  *msa;
  char *buf;
  char *name;
  char *desc;
  char *seq;
  int   idx;
  int   len1, len2;
  if (feof(afp->f)) return NULL;

  name = NULL;
  msa  = MSAAlloc(10, 0);
  idx  = 0;
  while ((buf = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) != NULL) 
      if (*buf == '>') 
	  buf++;		/* skip the '>' */
	  if ((name = sre_strtok(&buf, WHITESPACE, &len1)) == NULL)
	    Die("Blank name in A2M file %s (line %d)\n", afp->fname, afp->linenumber);
	  desc = sre_strtok(&buf, "\n", &len2);
	  idx = GKIStoreKey(msa->index, name);
	  if (idx >= msa->nseqalloc) MSAExpand(msa);

	  msa->sqname[idx] = sre_strdup(name, len1);
	  if (desc != NULL) MSASetSeqDescription(msa, idx, desc);
      else if (name != NULL) 
	  if ((seq = sre_strtok(&buf, WHITESPACE, &len1)) == NULL) continue; 
	  msa->sqlen[idx] = sre_strcat(&(msa->aseq[idx]), msa->sqlen[idx], seq, len1);
  if (name == NULL) { MSAFree(msa); return NULL; }

  return msa;
コード例 #3
/* Function: ReadMSF()
 * Date:     SRE, Tue Jun  1 08:07:22 1999 [St. Louis]
 * Purpose:  Parse an alignment read from an open MSF format
 *           alignment file. (MSF is a single-alignment format.)
 *           Return the alignment, or NULL if we've already
 *           read the alignment.
 * Args:     afp  - open alignment file
 * Returns:  MSA * - an alignment object
 *                   caller responsible for an MSAFree()
 *           NULL if no more alignments
 * Diagnostics: 
 *           Will Die() here with a (potentially) useful message
 *           if a parsing error occurs.
  MSA    *msa;
  char   *s;
  int     alleged_alen;
  int     alleged_type;
  int     alleged_checksum;
  char   *tok;
  char   *sp;
  int     slen;
  int     sqidx;
  char   *name;
  char   *seq;

  if (feof(afp->f)) return NULL;
  if ((s = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) == NULL) return NULL;

  /* The first line is the header.
   * This is a new-ish GCG feature. Don't count on it, so
   * we can be a bit more tolerant towards non-GCG software
   * generating "MSF" files.
  msa = MSAAlloc(10, 0);
  if      (strncmp(s, "!!AA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT", 23) == 0) {
    msa->type = kAmino;
    if ((s = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) == NULL) return NULL;
  } else if (strncmp(s, "!!NA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT", 23) == 0) {
    msa->type = kRNA;
    if ((s = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) == NULL) return NULL;

  /* Now we're in the free text comment section of the MSF file.
   * It ends when we see the "MSF: Type: Check: .." line.
   * This line must be present. 
      if ((strstr(s, "..") != NULL && strstr(s, "MSF:") != NULL) &&
	  Strparse("^.+MSF: +([0-9]+) +Type: +([PNX]).+Check: +([0-9]+) +\\.\\.", s, 3))
	  alleged_alen     = atoi(sqd_parse[0]);
	  switch (*(sqd_parse[1])) {
	  case 'N' : alleged_type = kRNA;      break;
	  case 'P' : alleged_type = kAmino;    break;  
	  case 'X' : alleged_type = kOtherSeq; break;
	  default  : alleged_type = kOtherSeq; 
	  alleged_checksum = atoi(sqd_parse[3]);
	  if (msa->type == kOtherSeq) msa->type = alleged_type;
	  break;		/* we're done with comment section. */
      if (! IsBlankline(s)) 
	MSAAddComment(msa, s);
    } while ((s = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) != NULL); 

  /* Now we're in the name section.
   * GCG has a relatively poorly documented feature: only sequences that
   * appear in this list will be read from the alignment section. Commenting
   * out sequences in the name list (by preceding them with "!") is
   * allowed as a means of manually defining subsets of sequences in
   * the alignment section. We can support this feature reasonably
   * easily because of the hash table for names in the MSA: we
   * only add names to the hash table when we see 'em in the name section.
  while ((s = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) != NULL) 
      while ((*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') && *s) s++; /* skip leading whitespace */

      if      (*s == '\n')   continue;                 /* skip blank lines */
      else if (*s == '!')    MSAAddComment(msa, s);
      else if ((sp  = strstr(s, "Name:")) != NULL) 
				/* We take the name and the weigh, and that's it */
	  sp   += 5;
	  tok   = sre_strtok(&sp, " \t", &slen); /* <sequence name> */
	  sqidx = GKIStoreKey(msa->index, tok);
	  if (sqidx >= msa->nseqalloc) MSAExpand(msa);
	  msa->sqname[sqidx] = sre_strdup(tok, slen);

	  if ((sp = strstr(sp, "Weight:")) == NULL)
	    Die("No Weight: on line %d for %s in name section of MSF file %s\n",
		afp->linenumber, msa->sqname[sqidx],  afp->fname);
	  sp += 7;
	  tok = sre_strtok(&sp, " \t", &slen);
	  msa->wgt[sqidx] = atof(tok);
	  msa->flags |= MSA_SET_WGT;
      else if (strncmp(s, "//", 2) == 0)
	  Die("Invalid line (probably %d) in name section of MSF file %s:\n%s\n",
	      afp->linenumber, afp->fname, s);
	  squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; /* NOT THREADSAFE */
	  return NULL;


  /* And now we're in the sequence section. 
   * As discussed above, if we haven't seen a sequence name, then we
   * don't include the sequence in the alignment.
   * Also, watch out for coordinate-only lines.
  while ((s = MSAFileGetLine(afp)) != NULL) 
      sp  = s;
      if ((name = sre_strtok(&sp, " \t", NULL)) == NULL) continue;
      if ((seq  = sre_strtok(&sp, "\n",  &slen)) == NULL) continue;
      /* The test for a coord line: digits starting both fields
      if (isdigit((int) *name) && isdigit((int) *seq))
      /* It's not blank, and it's not a coord line: must be sequence
      sqidx = GKIKeyIndex(msa->index, name);
      if (sqidx < 0) continue;	/* not a sequence we recognize */
      msa->sqlen[sqidx] = sre_strcat(&(msa->aseq[sqidx]), msa->sqlen[sqidx], seq, slen); 
  /* We've left blanks in the aseqs; take them back out.
  for (sqidx = 0; sqidx <  msa->nseq; sqidx++)
      if (msa->aseq[sqidx] == NULL)
	Die("Didn't find a sequence for %s in MSF file %s\n", msa->sqname[sqidx], afp->fname);
      for (s = sp = msa->aseq[sqidx]; *s != '\0'; s++)
	  if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') {
	  } else {
	    *sp = *s;
      *sp = '\0';
  MSAVerifyParse(msa);		/* verifies, and also sets alen and wgt. */
  return msa;