void AdaptiveSaMLParameterListInterpreter<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::SetParameterList(const Teuchos::ParameterList & paramList_in) {
    Teuchos::ParameterList paramList = paramList_in;

    RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout)); // TODO: use internal out (GetOStream())

    // Read top-level of the parameter list

    // hard-coded default values == ML defaults according to the manual
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "ML output",                                int,                   0,       verbosityLevel);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "max levels",                               int,                  10,       maxLevels);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "PDE equations",                            int,                   1,       nDofsPerNode);

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "coarse: max size",                         int,                 128,       maxCoarseSize);

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: type",                std::string,         "Uncoupled",       agg_type);
    //MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: threshold",                double,                 0.0,       agg_threshold);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: damping factor",           double, (double)4/(double)3,       agg_damping);
    //MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: smoothing sweeps",            int,                   1,       agg_smoothingsweeps);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: nodes per aggregate",         int,                   1,       minPerAgg);

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "null space: type",                 std::string,   "default vectors",       nullspaceType);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "null space: dimension",                    int,                  -1,       nullspaceDim); // TODO: ML default not in documentation
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "null space: vectors",                   double*,               NULL,       nullspaceVec); // TODO: ML default not in documentation

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "energy minimization: enable",             bool,               false,       bEnergyMinimization);

    // Move smoothers/aggregation/coarse parameters to sublists

    // ML allows to have level-specific smoothers/aggregation/coarse parameters at the top level of the list or/and defined in sublists:
    // See also: ML Guide section 6.4.1, MueLu::CreateSublists, ML_CreateSublists
    ParameterList paramListWithSubList;
    MueLu::CreateSublists(paramList, paramListWithSubList);
    paramList = paramListWithSubList; // swap

    // std::cout << std::endl << "Parameter list after CreateSublists" << std::endl;
    // std::cout << paramListWithSubList << std::endl;

    int maxNbrAlreadySelected = 0;

    // Matrix option
    this->blksize_ = nDofsPerNode;

    // Translate verbosity parameter
    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel eVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_NONE;
    if (verbosityLevel == 0) eVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_NONE;
    if (verbosityLevel >  0) eVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_LOW;
    if (verbosityLevel >  4) eVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM;
    if (verbosityLevel >  7) eVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_HIGH;
    if (verbosityLevel >  9) eVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME;

    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(agg_type != "Uncoupled" && agg_type != "Coupled", Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter::Setup(): parameter \"aggregation: type\": only 'Uncoupled' or 'Coupled' aggregation is supported.");

    // Create MueLu factories
    // RCP<NullspaceFactory>     nspFact = rcp(new NullspaceFactory());
    RCP<CoalesceDropFactory> dropFact = rcp(new CoalesceDropFactory());

    RCP<FactoryBase> CoupledAggFact = Teuchos::null;
    if(agg_type == "Uncoupled") {
      // Uncoupled aggregation
      RCP<UncoupledAggregationFactory> CoupledAggFact2 = rcp(new UncoupledAggregationFactory());
      CoupledAggFact2->SetMinNodesPerAggregate(minPerAgg); //TODO should increase if run anything other than 1D
      CoupledAggFact = CoupledAggFact2;
    } else {
      // Coupled Aggregation (default)
      RCP<CoupledAggregationFactory> CoupledAggFact2 = rcp(new CoupledAggregationFactory());
      CoupledAggFact2->SetMinNodesPerAggregate(minPerAgg); //TODO should increase if run anything other than 1D
      CoupledAggFact = CoupledAggFact2;
    if (verbosityLevel > 3) { // TODO fix me: Setup is a static function: we cannot use GetOStream without an object...
      *out << "========================= Aggregate option summary  =========================" << std::endl;
      *out << "min Nodes per aggregate :               " << minPerAgg << std::endl;
      *out << "min # of root nbrs already aggregated : " << maxNbrAlreadySelected << std::endl;
      *out << "aggregate ordering :                    natural" << std::endl;
      *out << "=============================================================================" << std::endl;

    RCP<Factory> PFact;
    RCP<Factory> RFact;
    RCP<Factory> PtentFact = rcp( new TentativePFactory() );
    if (agg_damping == 0.0 && bEnergyMinimization == false) {
      // tentative prolongation operator (PA-AMG)
      PFact = PtentFact;
      RFact = rcp( new TransPFactory() );
    } else if (agg_damping != 0.0 && bEnergyMinimization == false) {
      // smoothed aggregation (SA-AMG)
      RCP<SaPFactory> SaPFact =  rcp( new SaPFactory() );
      SaPFact->SetParameter("sa: damping factor", ParameterEntry(agg_damping));
      PFact  = SaPFact;
      RFact  = rcp( new TransPFactory() );
    } else if (bEnergyMinimization == true) {
      // Petrov Galerkin PG-AMG smoothed aggregation (energy minimization in ML)
      PFact  = rcp( new PgPFactory() );
      RFact  = rcp( new GenericRFactory() );

    RCP<RAPFactory> AcFact = rcp( new RAPFactory() );
    for (size_t i = 0; i<TransferFacts_.size(); i++) {
      AcFact->AddTransferFactory(TransferFacts_[i]); // THIS WILL BE REPLACED with a call to the MLParamterListInterpreter

    // Nullspace factory

    // Set fine level nullspace
    // extract pre-computed nullspace from ML parameter list
    // store it in nullspace_ and nullspaceDim_
    if (nullspaceType != "default vectors") {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nullspaceType != "pre-computed", Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter: no valid nullspace (no pre-computed null space). error.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nullspaceDim  == -1,             Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter: no valid nullspace (nullspace dim == -1). error.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nullspaceVec  == NULL,           Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter: no valid nullspace (nullspace == NULL). You have to provide a valid fine-level nullspace in \'null space: vectors\'");

      nullspaceDim_ = nullspaceDim;
      nullspace_    = nullspaceVec;

    Teuchos::RCP<NullspaceFactory> nspFact = Teuchos::rcp(new NullspaceFactory());
    nspFact->SetFactory("Nullspace", PtentFact);

    // Hierarchy + FactoryManager

    // Hierarchy options
    this->numDesiredLevel_ = maxLevels;
    this->maxCoarseSize_   = maxCoarseSize;

    // init smoother
    RCP<SmootherFactory> initSmootherFact = Teuchos::null;
    if(paramList.isSublist("init smoother")) {
      ParameterList& initList = paramList.sublist("init smoother"); // TODO move this before for loop
      initSmootherFact = MLParameterListInterpreter::GetSmootherFactory(initList); // TODO: missing AFact input arg.
    } else {
      std::string ifpackType = "RELAXATION";
      Teuchos::ParameterList smootherParamList;
      smootherParamList.set("relaxation: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
      smootherParamList.set("smoother: sweeps", 1);
      smootherParamList.set("smoother: damping factor", 1.0);
      RCP<SmootherPrototype> smooProto = rcp( new TrilinosSmoother(ifpackType, smootherParamList, 0) );

      initSmootherFact = rcp( new SmootherFactory() );
      initSmootherFact->SetSmootherPrototypes(smooProto, smooProto);

    // Coarse Smoother
    ParameterList& coarseList = paramList.sublist("coarse: list");
    //    coarseList.get("smoother: type", "Amesos-KLU"); // set default
    //RCP<SmootherFactory> coarseFact = this->GetSmootherFactory(coarseList);
    RCP<SmootherFactory> coarseFact = MLParameterListInterpreter::GetSmootherFactory(coarseList);

    // Smoothers Top Level Parameters

    RCP<ParameterList> topLevelSmootherParam = ExtractSetOfParameters(paramList, "smoother");
    // std::cout << std::endl << "Top level smoother parameters:" << std::endl;
    // std::cout << *topLevelSmootherParam << std::endl;


    // Prepare factory managers
    // TODO: smootherFact can be reuse accross level if same parameters/no specific parameterList

    for (int levelID=0; levelID < maxLevels; levelID++) {

      // Level FactoryManager

      RCP<FactoryManager> manager = rcp(new FactoryManager());
      RCP<FactoryManager> initmanager = rcp(new FactoryManager());

      // Smoothers

        // Merge level-specific parameters with global parameters. level-specific parameters takes precedence.
        // TODO: unit-test this part alone

        ParameterList levelSmootherParam = GetMLSubList(paramList, "smoother", levelID); // copy
        MergeParameterList(*topLevelSmootherParam, levelSmootherParam, false); /* false = do no overwrite levelSmootherParam parameters by topLevelSmootherParam parameters */
        // std::cout << std::endl << "Merged List for level  " << levelID << std::endl;
        // std::cout << levelSmootherParam << std::endl;

        //RCP<SmootherFactory> smootherFact = this->GetSmootherFactory(levelSmootherParam); // TODO: missing AFact input arg.
        RCP<SmootherFactory> smootherFact = MLParameterListInterpreter::GetSmootherFactory(levelSmootherParam); // TODO: missing AFact input arg.
        manager->SetFactory("Smoother", smootherFact);

        initmanager->SetFactory("Smoother", initSmootherFact);
        initmanager->SetFactory("CoarseSolver", initSmootherFact);


      // Misc


      manager->SetFactory("CoarseSolver", coarseFact); // TODO: should not be done in the loop
      manager->SetFactory("Graph", dropFact);
      manager->SetFactory("Aggregates", CoupledAggFact);
      manager->SetFactory("DofsPerNode", dropFact);
      manager->SetFactory("A", AcFact);
      manager->SetFactory("P", PFact);
      manager->SetFactory("Ptent", PtentFact);
      manager->SetFactory("R", RFact);
      manager->SetFactory("Nullspace", nspFact);

      //initmanager->SetFactory("CoarseSolver", coarseFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("Graph", dropFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("Aggregates", CoupledAggFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("DofsPerNode", dropFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("A", AcFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("P", PtentFact); // use nonsmoothed transfers
      initmanager->SetFactory("Ptent", PtentFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("R", RFact);
      initmanager->SetFactory("Nullspace", nspFact);

      this->AddFactoryManager(levelID, 1, manager);
      this->AddInitFactoryManager(levelID, 1, initmanager);
    } // for (level loop)
コード例 #2
  void MLParameterListInterpreter<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::SetParameterList(const Teuchos::ParameterList & paramList_in) {
    Teuchos::ParameterList paramList = paramList_in;

    RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout)); // TODO: use internal out (GetOStream())

    // Read top-level of the parameter list

    // hard-coded default values == ML defaults according to the manual
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "ML output",                                int,                   0,       verbosityLevel);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "max levels",                               int,                  10,       maxLevels);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "PDE equations",                            int,                   1,       nDofsPerNode);

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "coarse: max size",                         int,                 128,       maxCoarseSize);

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: type",                std::string,         "Uncoupled",       agg_type);
    //MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: threshold",                double,                 0.0,       agg_threshold);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: damping factor",           double, (double)4/(double)3,       agg_damping);
    //MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: smoothing sweeps",            int,                   1,       agg_smoothingsweeps);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: nodes per aggregate",         int,                   1,       minPerAgg);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: keep Dirichlet bcs",         bool,               false,       bKeepDirichletBcs); // This is a MueLu specific extension that does not exist in ML
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "aggregation: max neighbours already aggregated", int,             0,       maxNbrAlreadySelected); // This is a MueLu specific extension that does not exist in ML

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "null space: type",                 std::string,   "default vectors",       nullspaceType);
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "null space: dimension",                    int,                  -1,       nullspaceDim); // TODO: ML default not in documentation
    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "null space: vectors",                   double*,               NULL,       nullspaceVec); // TODO: ML default not in documentation

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "energy minimization: enable",             bool,               false,       bEnergyMinimization);

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "RAP: fix diagonal",                       bool,               false,       bFixDiagonal); // This is a MueLu specific extension that does not exist in ML

    // Move smoothers/aggregation/coarse parameters to sublists

    // ML allows to have level-specific smoothers/aggregation/coarse parameters at the top level of the list or/and defined in sublists:
    // See also: ML Guide section 6.4.1, MueLu::CreateSublists, ML_CreateSublists
    ParameterList paramListWithSubList;
    MueLu::CreateSublists(paramList, paramListWithSubList);
    paramList = paramListWithSubList; // swap

    // std::cout << std::endl << "Parameter list after CreateSublists" << std::endl;
    // std::cout << paramListWithSubList << std::endl;

    // Validate parameter list

      bool validate = paramList.get("ML validate parameter list", true); /* true = default in ML */
      if (validate) {

#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_ML) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA)
        // Validate parameter list using ML validator
        int depth = paramList.get("ML validate depth", 5); /* 5 = default in ML */
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(! ML_Epetra::ValidateMLPParameters(paramList, depth), Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                   "ERROR: ML's Teuchos::ParameterList contains incorrect parameter!");
        // If no validator available: issue a warning and set parameter value to false in the output list
        *out << "Warning: MueLu_ENABLE_ML=OFF. The parameter list cannot be validated." << std::endl;
        paramList.set("ML validate parameter list", false);

#endif // HAVE_MUELU_ML
      } // if(validate)
    } // scope


    // Matrix option
    blksize_ = nDofsPerNode;

    // Translate verbosity parameter

    // Translate verbosity parameter
    MsgType eVerbLevel = None;
    if (verbosityLevel == 0) eVerbLevel = None;
    if (verbosityLevel >  0) eVerbLevel = Low;
    if (verbosityLevel >  4) eVerbLevel = Medium;
    if (verbosityLevel >  7) eVerbLevel = High;
    if (verbosityLevel >  9) eVerbLevel = Extreme;
    if (verbosityLevel >  9) eVerbLevel = Test;
    this->verbosity_ = eVerbLevel;

    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(agg_type != "Uncoupled" && agg_type != "Coupled", Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter::Setup(): parameter \"aggregation: type\": only 'Uncoupled' or 'Coupled' aggregation is supported.");

    // Create MueLu factories
    RCP<CoalesceDropFactory> dropFact = rcp(new CoalesceDropFactory());

    RCP<FactoryBase> CoupledAggFact = Teuchos::null;
    if(agg_type == "Uncoupled") {
      // Uncoupled aggregation
      RCP<UncoupledAggregationFactory> CoupledAggFact2 = rcp(new UncoupledAggregationFactory());
      /*CoupledAggFact2->SetMinNodesPerAggregate(minPerAgg); //TODO should increase if run anything other than 1D
      CoupledAggFact2->SetFactory("Graph", dropFact);
      CoupledAggFact2->SetFactory("DofsPerNode", dropFact);
      CoupledAggFact2->SetParameter("UsePreserveDirichletAggregationAlgorithm", Teuchos::ParameterEntry(bKeepDirichletBcs));
      CoupledAggFact2->SetParameter("aggregation: ordering",                Teuchos::ParameterEntry(std::string("natural")));
      CoupledAggFact2->SetParameter("aggregation: max selected neighbors",  Teuchos::ParameterEntry(maxNbrAlreadySelected));
      CoupledAggFact2->SetParameter("aggregation: min agg size",            Teuchos::ParameterEntry(minPerAgg));

      CoupledAggFact = CoupledAggFact2;
    } else {
      // Coupled Aggregation (default)
      RCP<CoupledAggregationFactory> CoupledAggFact2 = rcp(new CoupledAggregationFactory());
      CoupledAggFact2->SetMinNodesPerAggregate(minPerAgg); //TODO should increase if run anything other than 1D
      CoupledAggFact2->SetFactory("Graph", dropFact);
      CoupledAggFact2->SetFactory("DofsPerNode", dropFact);
      CoupledAggFact = CoupledAggFact2;
    if (verbosityLevel > 3) { // TODO fix me: Setup is a static function: we cannot use GetOStream without an object...
      *out << "========================= Aggregate option summary  =========================" << std::endl;
      *out << "min Nodes per aggregate :               " << minPerAgg << std::endl;
      *out << "min # of root nbrs already aggregated : " << maxNbrAlreadySelected << std::endl;
      *out << "aggregate ordering :                    natural" << std::endl;
      *out << "=============================================================================" << std::endl;

    RCP<Factory> PFact;
    RCP<Factory> RFact;
    RCP<Factory> PtentFact = rcp( new TentativePFactory() );
    if (agg_damping == 0.0 && bEnergyMinimization == false) {
      // tentative prolongation operator (PA-AMG)
      PFact = PtentFact;
      RFact = rcp( new TransPFactory() );
    } else if (agg_damping != 0.0 && bEnergyMinimization == false) {
      // smoothed aggregation (SA-AMG)
      RCP<SaPFactory> SaPFact =  rcp( new SaPFactory() );
      PFact  = SaPFact;
      RFact  = rcp( new TransPFactory() );
    } else if (bEnergyMinimization == true) {
      // Petrov Galerkin PG-AMG smoothed aggregation (energy minimization in ML)
      PFact  = rcp( new PgPFactory() );
      RFact  = rcp( new GenericRFactory() );

    RCP<RAPFactory> AcFact = rcp( new RAPFactory() );
    AcFact->SetParameter("RepairMainDiagonal", Teuchos::ParameterEntry(bFixDiagonal));
    for (size_t i = 0; i<TransferFacts_.size(); i++) {

    // introduce rebalancing
#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_ISORROPIA) && defined(HAVE_MPI)
    Teuchos::RCP<Factory>            RebalancedPFact = Teuchos::null;
    Teuchos::RCP<Factory>            RebalancedRFact = Teuchos::null;
    Teuchos::RCP<Factory>            RepartitionFact = Teuchos::null;
    Teuchos::RCP<RebalanceAcFactory> RebalancedAFact = Teuchos::null;

    MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "repartition: enable",                      int,                   0,       bDoRepartition);
    if (bDoRepartition == 1) {
      // The Factory Manager will be configured to return the rebalanced versions of P, R, A by default.
      // Everytime we want to use the non-rebalanced versions, we need to explicitly define the generating factory.
      RFact->SetFactory("P", PFact);
      AcFact->SetFactory("P", PFact);
      AcFact->SetFactory("R", RFact);

      MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "repartition: max min ratio",            double,                 1.3,       maxminratio);
      MUELU_READ_PARAM(paramList, "repartition: min per proc",                int,                 512,       minperproc);

      // create "Partition"
      Teuchos::RCP<MueLu::IsorropiaInterface<LO, GO, NO, LMO> > isoInterface = Teuchos::rcp(new MueLu::IsorropiaInterface<LO, GO, NO, LMO>());
      isoInterface->SetFactory("A", AcFact);

      // Repartitioning (creates "Importer" from "Partition")
      RepartitionFact = Teuchos::rcp(new RepartitionFactory());
        Teuchos::ParameterList paramListRepFact;
        paramListRepFact.set("repartition: min rows per proc", minperproc);
        paramListRepFact.set("repartition: max imbalance", maxminratio);
      RepartitionFact->SetFactory("A", AcFact);
      RepartitionFact->SetFactory("Partition", isoInterface);

      // Reordering of the transfer operators
      RebalancedPFact = Teuchos::rcp(new RebalanceTransferFactory());
      RebalancedPFact->SetParameter("type", Teuchos::ParameterEntry(std::string("Interpolation")));
      RebalancedPFact->SetFactory("P", PFact);

      RebalancedRFact = Teuchos::rcp(new RebalanceTransferFactory());
      RebalancedRFact->SetParameter("type", Teuchos::ParameterEntry(std::string("Restriction")));
      RebalancedRFact->SetFactory("R", RFact);
      RebalancedRFact->SetFactory("Nullspace", PtentFact);

      // Compute Ac from rebalanced P and R
      RebalancedAFact = Teuchos::rcp(new RebalanceAcFactory());
      RebalancedAFact->SetFactory("A", AcFact);