コード例 #1
void SpatialGrid::getClosestVoxelCoords( 
	const MPoint& point, 
	gridPoint3<int>& coords) const
	//	Description:
	//		Given a point, compute the x,y,z indices of the voxel grid
	//		that it is closest to.   
	MPoint c1 = fBounds.min() + MVector(fBounds.width()/4, fBounds.height()/4, fBounds.depth()/4);
	MPoint c2 = fBounds.max() - MVector(fBounds.width()/4, fBounds.height()/4, fBounds.depth()/4);
	MBoundingBox bounds(c1,c2);
	MPoint relPoint;
		relPoint = point - fBounds.min();
	} else {
		//snap to bbox
		MPoint closestPoint = point;
		GPUCache::gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnBox(point, bounds, closestPoint);
		relPoint = closestPoint - fBounds.min();

	for( int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ )
		//	figure out which cell point resides in
		float voxSpace = relPoint[axis] / fVoxelSizes[axis];
		coords[axis] = (int)floor( voxSpace );
コード例 #2

 	m_pointArr[0] = MFloatPoint(  1,  0, 0 );
	m_pointArr[1] = MFloatPoint( -1,  0, 0 );
	m_pointArr[2] = MFloatPoint(  0, -1, 0 );
	m_pointArr[3] = MFloatPoint(  0,  1, 0 );
	m_pointArr[4] = MFloatPoint(  0,  0, 1 );
	m_pointArr[5] = MFloatPoint(  0,  0, -1 );

    m_boundingBox.expand( MVector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
    m_boundingBox.expand( MVector( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ) );

	m_colorActive =  MColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
	m_colorLead   =	 MColor( .26f, 1.0f, .64f );
	m_colorDefault = MColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );

	m_lineWidth = 1;

	MFnDependencyNode fnNode( thisMObject() );
	MPlug plugOutput = fnNode.findPlug( aOutputValue );
	MPlug plugVis    =fnNode.findPlug( "v" );

	MDGModifier dgModifier;
	dgModifier.connect( plugOutput, plugVis );
コード例 #3
ファイル: ffdPlanarNode.cpp プロジェクト: jonntd/mayatools-1
 * Deforms a point in the STU space into another point in the STU space using a lattice.
MPoint ffdPlanar::getDeformedPoint( MPoint& point,
                                    MVector (& lattice)[FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_S][FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_T][FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_U] )
    MPoint ffd1 = MPoint();
    MVector ffd2 = MVector();
    MVector ffd3 = MVector();
    for ( int i = 0; i < FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_S; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0; j < FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_T; j++ )
            for ( int k = 0; k < FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_U; k++ )
                double bernstein_u = bernsteinPoly( k, FFD_DIMENSIONS_U, point.z);
                ffd3 += lattice[i][j][k] * bernstein_u;
            double bernstein_t = bernsteinPoly( j, FFD_DIMENSIONS_T, point.y );
            ffd2 += ffd3 * bernstein_t;
            ffd3.x = 0;
            ffd3.y = 0;
            ffd3.z = 0;
        double bernstein_s = bernsteinPoly( i, FFD_DIMENSIONS_S, point.x );
        ffd1 += ffd2 * bernstein_s;
        ffd2.x = 0;
        ffd2.y = 0;
        ffd2.z = 0;
    return ffd1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: cylinder.cpp プロジェクト: adairrabbit/LiuSalon
void CylinderMesh::initCylinderMesh(double r1, double r2)
    int numslices = 10;
    double angle = M_PI*2/numslices;

    // Add points and normals

    for (int i = 0; i < numslices; i++)
        gPoints.append(MPoint(0,r1*cos(angle*i), r1*sin(angle*i)));
        gNormals.append(MVector(0,r1*cos(angle*i), r1*sin(angle*i)));
    for (int i = 0; i < numslices; i++)
        gPoints.append(MPoint(1,r2*cos(angle*i), r2*sin(angle*i)));
        gNormals.append(MVector(0,r2*cos(angle*i), r2*sin(angle*i)));
    // endcap 1

    // endcap 2

    // Set indices for endcap 1
    for (int i = 0; i < numslices; i++)
        gFaceCounts.append(3); // append triangle
    // Set indices for endcap 2
    for (int i = numslices; i < 2*numslices; i++)
        gFaceCounts.append(3); // append triangle
        int next = i+1;
        if (next >= 2*numslices) next = numslices;
    // Set indices for middle
    for (int i = 0; i < numslices; i++)
        gFaceCounts.append(4); // append quad
コード例 #5
ファイル: uToPercentage.cpp プロジェクト: kattkieru/mgear
// COMPUTE ======================================
MStatus gear_uToPercentage::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Error check
    if (plug != percentage)
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Curve
	MFnNurbsCurve crv( data.inputValue( curve ).asNurbsCurve() );

	// Sliders
	bool in_normU = data.inputValue( normalizedU ).asBool();
	double in_u = (double)data.inputValue( u ).asFloat();
	unsigned in_steps = data.inputValue( steps ).asShort();

	// Process
	if (in_normU)
		in_u = normalizedUToU(in_u, crv.numCVs());

	// Get length
	MVectorArray u_subpos(in_steps);
	MVectorArray t_subpos(in_steps);
	MPoint pt;
	double step;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < in_steps ; i++){

		step = i * in_u / (in_steps - 1.0);
		crv.getPointAtParam(step, pt, MSpace::kWorld);
		u_subpos[i] = MVector(pt);

        step = i/(in_steps - 1.0);
		crv.getPointAtParam(step, pt, MSpace::kWorld);
		t_subpos[i] = MVector(pt);

	double u_length = 0;
	double t_length = 0;
	MVector v;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < in_steps ; i++){
		if (i>0){
			v = u_subpos[i] - u_subpos[i-1];
			u_length += v.length();
			v = t_subpos[i] - t_subpos[i-1];
			t_length += v.length();

	double out_perc = (u_length / t_length) * 100;
	// Output
    MDataHandle h = data.outputValue( percentage );
    h.setDouble( out_perc );
    data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
コード例 #6
ファイル: boingRBCmds.cpp プロジェクト: ristopuukko/boing
MDoubleArray boingRbCmd::getBulletVectorAttribute(MString &name, MString &attr) {
    MVector vec;
    MDoubleArray result;
    shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
    MStringArray nodes;
    if (name == "*") {
        nodes = b_solv->get_all_keys();
    } else {
    //std::cout<<"nodes : "<<nodes<<std::endl;
    //std::cout<<"nodes.length() : "<<nodes.length()<<std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<nodes.length(); i++) {
        std::cout<<"trying to get rb...."<<std::endl;
        rigid_body_t::pointer rb = b_solv->getdata(nodes[i])->m_rigid_body;
        std::cout<<"got rb : "<<b_solv->getdata(nodes[i])->name<<std::endl;
        //rigid_body_t::pointer rb = getPointerFromName(name);
        if (rb != 0) {
            float mass = rb->get_mass();
            bool active = (mass>0.f);
            if(active) {
                if (attr=="velocity") {
                    vec3f vel;
                    vec = MVector((double)vel[0], (double)vel[1], (double)vel[2]);
                } else if (attr=="position") {
                    vec3f pos;
                    quatf rot;
                    rb->get_transform(pos, rot);
                    vec = MVector((double)pos[0], (double)pos[1], (double)pos[2]);
                } else if (attr=="angularVelocity") {
                    vec3f av;
                    vec = MVector((double)av[0], (double)av[1], (double)av[2]);
                } /*else {
                   boing *b = static_cast<boing*>( rb->impl()->body()->getUserPointer() );
                   MString vecStr = b->get_data(attr);
                   MStringArray vecArray = parseArguments(vecStr, ",");
                   vec = MVector(vecArray[0].asDouble(), vecArray[1].asDouble(), vecArray[2].asDouble());
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            //std::cout<<"vec["<<j<<"] : "<<vec[j]<<std::endl;
    return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: retargetLocator.cpp プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
	discAxis = 0;
	discDivision = 32;
	discSize = MVector( 1,1,1 );
	discOffset = MVector( 0,0,0 );
	float discFillAlpha = 0.1f;
	float discLineAlpha = 1.0f;
	int arrowNum = 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: bciosVizNode.cpp プロジェクト: ahmidou/aphid
char BCIViz::checkFirstFour(const MPointArray & p) const
	const MVector e01 = p[1] - p[0];
	const MVector e02 = p[2] - p[0];
	MVector nor = e01^e02;
	const float d = -(MVector(p[0])*nor); // P.N + d = 0 , P = P0 + Vt, (P0 + Vt).N + d = 0, t = -(P0.N + d)/(V.N)
	const float t = MVector(p[3])*nor + d; // where V = -N
	if(t > -10e-5 && t < 10e-5) return 0;
	return 1;
コード例 #9
// Convert from cartesian to spherical coordinates
void sphericalBlendShape::cartesianToSpherical(const MPoint& point, short poleAxis, short seamAxis, MPoint& warpPoint, MPoint& outPoint) {
	double radius, zenith, azimuth;

	radius = MVector(point).length();
	azimuth = getAzimuth(point, poleAxis, seamAxis);

	zenith = 0.0;
	if (!isNearZero(radius)) {
		zenith = acos(getAxis(MVector(point), poleAxis) / radius);

	outPoint.x = radius;
	outPoint.y = zenith;
	outPoint.z = azimuth;
コード例 #10
ファイル: nodeCmd.cpp プロジェクト: duxing/HandOfMidas
MStatus OParticleCmd::redoIt()
	MStatus status;
	MObject tr = dgMod.createNode("transform");
	MObject op = dgMod.createNode(OParticleNode::typeId,tr,&status);
	static int count=0;
	MString name = "transformOfOParticles";
	name += count;
	MString command = "select -add ";
	command += name;
	dgMod.commandToExecute( command);

	MFnTransform fn(tr);
	MPlug radius(op,OParticleNode::radius);
	bool update;
	return dgMod.doIt();
コード例 #11
MStatus HairToolContext::doDrag( MEvent& event )
		 //Our Viewer
		m_View = M3dView::active3dView();

		//Get Screen click position
		event.getPosition( m_storage[0], m_storage[1] );
		screenPoints.push_back(vec2(m_storage[0], m_storage[1]));

		//Camera stuff
		MPoint origin = MPoint();
		MVector direction = MVector();
		m_View.viewToWorld(m_storage[0], m_storage[1], origin, direction);

		float tValue = ((point - origin)*normal) / (direction * normal);
		MPoint newPoint = tValue*direction + origin;

		//Draw GL curve
		m_View.beginXorDrawing(true, true, 1.0f, M3dView::kStippleDashed);
			glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP );
				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < screenPoints.size() ; i++ ){
					glVertex2i( screenPoints[i][0], screenPoints[i][1] );
	 return MPxContext::doDrag(event);
コード例 #12
double sphericalBlendShape::getAzimuth(MPoint point, short aPoleAxis, short aSeamAxis)
	double azimuth = atan2(getAxis(MVector(point), axisCross(aPoleAxis, aSeamAxis)), getAxis(MVector(point), aSeamAxis));

	// atan2 returns the range [-pi, pi].  remap to [0, 2pi).
    if (azimuth < 0 && isNearZero(azimuth)) {
        azimuth += 2 * M_PI;

	return azimuth;
コード例 #13
ファイル: dynamicaRbCmd.cpp プロジェクト: ristopuukko/boing
MVector boingRbCmd::getBulletVectorAttribute(MObject node, MString attr) {
    MVector vec;
    MFnDagNode fnDagNode(node);
    if(fnDagNode.typeId() == boingRBNode::typeId) {
        boingRBNode *rbNode = static_cast<boingRBNode*>(fnDagNode.userNode());
        rigid_body_t::pointer rb = rbNode->rigid_body();
        if (rb)
            if(fnDagNode.parentCount() == 0) {
                std::cout << "No transform found!" << std::endl;
                return vec;
            MPlug plgMass(node, boingRBNode::ia_mass);
            float mass = 0.f;
            bool active = (mass>0.f);
            if(active) {
                if (attr=="velocity") {
                    vec3f vel;
                    vec = MVector((double)vel[0], (double)vel[1], (double)vel[2]);
                } else if (attr=="position") {
                    vec3f pos;
                    quatf rot;
                    rb->get_transform(pos, rot);
                    vec = MVector((double)pos[0], (double)pos[1], (double)pos[2]);
                } else if (attr=="angularVelocity") {
                    vec3f av;
                    vec = MVector((double)av[0], (double)av[1], (double)av[2]);
    return vec;
コード例 #14
ファイル: MVC.cpp プロジェクト: rarietta/Stitch-Meshes
MStatus MVC::computeMVCPosition(MVCWeights &weights, MPoint &p)
	if (cageVertices.length() != weights.length())
		return MStatus::kInvalidParameter;

	MPoint weightedPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	for (int i = 0; i < weights.length(); i++)
		weightedPoint += weights[i] * MVector(cageVertices[i]);
	p = weightedPoint;

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
コード例 #15
ファイル: quatcurve.cpp プロジェクト: jonntd/Public
void n_tentacle::removeMatrixScale(MMatrix &matrix)
	MVector axisX = MVector(matrix(0, 0), matrix(0, 1), matrix(0, 2));
	MVector axisY = MVector(matrix(1, 0), matrix(1, 1), matrix(1, 2));
	MVector axisZ = MVector(matrix(2, 0), matrix(2, 1), matrix(2, 2));


	matrix[0][0] = axisX.x;
	matrix[0][1] = axisX.y;
	matrix[0][2] = axisX.z;

	matrix[1][0] = axisY.x;
	matrix[1][1] = axisY.y;
	matrix[1][2] = axisY.z;

	matrix[2][0] = axisZ.x;
	matrix[2][1] = axisZ.y;
	matrix[2][2] = axisZ.z;
コード例 #16
	double gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnBox(const MPoint& point, const MBoundingBox& bbox, MPoint& closestPoint){
		MVector diff = point - bbox.center();

		MVector axis[3] = { MVector(1.0,0.0,0.0),

		double dimensions[3] = {0.5*bbox.width(),0.5*bbox.height(),0.5*bbox.depth()};

		double sqrDistance = 0.0;
		double delta;
		MPoint closest;

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
			closest[i] = diff * axis[i];
			if (closest[i] < -dimensions[i])
				delta = closest[i] + dimensions[i];
				sqrDistance += delta*delta;
				closest[i] = -dimensions[i];
			else if (closest[i] > dimensions[i])
				delta = closest[i] - dimensions[i];  
				sqrDistance += delta*delta;
				closest[i] = dimensions[i];

		closestPoint = bbox.center();
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
			closestPoint += closest[i]*axis[i];

		return sqrt(sqrDistance);
コード例 #17
MStatus sgBLocator_fromGeo::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

    m_boundingBox.expand( MVector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
    m_boundingBox.expand( MVector( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ) );

 	m_pointArr[0] = MFloatPoint(  1,  0, 0 );
	m_pointArr[1] = MFloatPoint( -1,  0, 0 );
	m_pointArr[2] = MFloatPoint(  0, -1, 0 );
	m_pointArr[3] = MFloatPoint(  0,  1, 0 );
	m_pointArr[4] = MFloatPoint(  0,  0, 1 );
	m_pointArr[5] = MFloatPoint(  0,  0, -1 );

	m_lineWidth = data.inputValue( aLineWidth ).asInt();

	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
コード例 #18
ファイル: cylinder.cpp プロジェクト: adairrabbit/LiuSalon
void CylinderMesh::transform(MPointArray& points, MVectorArray& normals)
    MVector forward = mEnd - mStart;
    double s = forward.length();

    MVector left = MVector(0,0,1)^forward;
    MVector up;
    if (left.length() < 0.0001)
        up = forward^MVector(0,1,0);
        left = up^forward;
        up = forward^left;

    MMatrix mat;
    mat[0][0] = forward[0]; mat[0][1] = left[0]; mat[0][2] = up[0]; mat[0][3] = 0;
    mat[1][0] = forward[1];   mat[1][1] = left[1]; mat[1][2] = up[1]; mat[1][3] = 0;
    mat[2][0] = forward[2];   mat[2][1] = left[2]; mat[2][2] = up[2]; mat[2][3] = 0;
    mat[3][0] = 0;            mat[3][1] = 0;       mat[3][2] = 0;     mat[3][3] = 1;
    mat = mat.transpose();

    for (int i = 0; i < gPoints.length(); i++)
        MPoint p = gPoints[i];
        p.x = p.x * s; // scale
        p = p * mat + mStart; // transform

        MVector n = gNormals[i] * mat;
コード例 #19
    bool DagHelper::getPlugValue ( const MPlug& plug, MVector& value )
        MObject obj;
        plug.getValue ( obj );

        MStatus status = plug.getValue ( obj );
		COLLADABU_ASSERT ( status );
        MFnNumericData data ( obj );

        double x, y, z;
        status = data.getData ( x, y, z );
		COLLADABU_ASSERT ( status );
        value = MVector ( x,y,z );

        return true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: SGNormalManip.cpp プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
void SGNormalManipIntersector::build()
	MMatrix camMatrix = SGMatrix::getCamMatrix();

	MFnMesh fnMesh = SGMesh::pMesh->dagPath;
	MIntArray selIndices = SGSelection::sels.getSelVtxIndices();
	MMatrix worldToView = SGMatrix::getWorldToViewMatrix(camMatrix);

	int targetIndex = selIndices[0];
	MPoint mousePoint(SGMouse::x, SGMouse::y);
	double closeDist = 100000.0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < selIndices.length(); i++) {
		MPoint point, viewPoint;
		fnMesh.getPoint(selIndices[i], point, MSpace::kWorld);
		viewPoint = SGMatrix::getViewPointFromWorld(point, camMatrix, &worldToView);
		double dist = mousePoint.distanceTo(viewPoint);
		if (dist < closeDist) {
			closeDist = dist;
			targetIndex = selIndices[i];

	if (closeDist > catchDist) {
		exists = false;

	fnMesh.getPoint(targetIndex, center, MSpace::kWorld);
	fnMesh.getVertexNormal(targetIndex, normal, MSpace::kWorld);

	double manipSize = SGMatrix::getManipSizeFromWorldPoint(center, camMatrix);
	double normalSize = axisSize / manipSize;
	double coneMatrixSize = coneSize / manipSize;

	normal *= normalSize;
	normalLine[0] = center;
	normalLine[1] = center + normal;

	MMatrix rotMatrix = SGMatrix::getRotateMatrix(MVector(0, 1, 0), normal);
	rotMatrix *= coneMatrixSize;
	rotMatrix(3, 0) = normalLine[1].x; rotMatrix(3, 1) = normalLine[1].y; rotMatrix(3, 2) = normalLine[1].z; rotMatrix(3, 3) = 1;
	coneMatrix = rotMatrix;
	exists = true;
コード例 #21
		const MString& tag, 
		const float* value, 
		const uint& size )
// Description : ( public method )
//		Constructor
	blockTag = tag;
	group = false;

	for( uint i = 0; i < size * 3; i+=3 ) {
		vectorArrayData.append( MVector( value[i], value[i+1], value[i+2] ) );
コード例 #22
ファイル: VMesh.cpp プロジェクト: esotericDisciple/makoto
void VMesh::init()
	MStatus status;
	MItMeshVertex vertIter(pgrow, &status);
	for( int i=0; !vertIter.isDone(); vertIter.next(), i++ )
		m_p_buf.append( vertIter.position(MSpace::kWorld) );
	for( int i=0; i<m_v_buf.length(); i++ )
		m_v_buf[i] = MVector(0,0,0);
コード例 #23
MMatrix sgHair_controlJoint::getAngleWeightedMatrix( const MMatrix& targetMtx, double weight )
	MMatrix mtx;
	if( m_bStaticRotation )
		mtx = MMatrix() * ( weight-1 ) + targetMtx * weight;
		cleanMatrix( mtx );
		MVector vUpDefault( 0, 1, 0 );
		MVector vCrossDefault( 0,0,1 );
		MVector vUpInput( targetMtx(1,0), targetMtx(1,1), targetMtx(1,2) );

		double angleUp = vUpInput.angle( vUpDefault ) * weight;

		if( vUpInput.x == 0 && vUpInput.z == 0 ) vUpInput.x = 1;
		MVector direction( vUpInput.x, 0, vUpInput.z );

		MVector vUp( sin( angleUp ) * direction.x, cos( angleUp ), sin( angleUp ) * direction.z );
		double dot = vUp * MVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
		MVector vCross( 0.0, -dot, (dot+1) );
		MVector vAim = vUp ^ vCross;

		vCross = vAim ^ vUp;

		mtx( 0, 0 ) = vAim.x;
		mtx( 0, 1 ) = vAim.y;
		mtx( 0, 2 ) = vAim.z;
		mtx( 1, 0 ) = vUp.x;
		mtx( 1, 1 ) = vUp.y;
		mtx( 1, 2 ) = vUp.z;
		mtx( 2, 0 ) = vCross.x;
		mtx( 2, 1 ) = vCross.y;
		mtx( 2, 2 ) = vCross.z;
	return mtx;
コード例 #24
MThreadRetVal slidingDeformer2::compute_getDist( void* voidPThread )
	slidingDeformer2GetDistThread* pThread = ( slidingDeformer2GetDistThread* )voidPThread;
	slidingDeformer2GetDistTask*   pTask   = pThread->pTask;
	MPointOnMesh  pointOnMesh;
	MVectorArray& vectorArr   = *pTask->pVectors;
	MPointArray&  pointsOrig = *pTask->pPointsOrig;

	MVector vPoint;
	MVector getPoint;
	MVector normal;
	double dot;
	for( int i = pThread->start; i < pThread->end; i++ )
		pTask->pMeshIntersector->getClosestPoint( pointsOrig[i], pointOnMesh );
		getPoint = pointOnMesh.getPoint();
		vectorArr[i] = MVector( pointsOrig[i] ) - getPoint;
	return MThreadRetVal( 0 );
コード例 #25
ファイル: ropeGenerator.cpp プロジェクト: skarone/PipeL
void ropeGenerator::createRopesRings( int ropesCount, MMatrix bMatrix, MFloatPointArray &points, int pointsCount, float ropeStrength, float radius )
	MAngle angle( (180.0/ ropesCount ), MAngle::kDegrees );
	float distanceToMoveRope = cos( angle.asRadians() );
	float singleRopeRadius = sin( angle.asRadians() );
	float baseAngle = 360.0f / float( ropesCount ); 
	for ( int d = 1; d < ropesCount + 1; d++)
		MFloatPointArray ropePoints( createHalfRope( pointsCount, singleRopeRadius ) );
		for ( int ropP = 0; ropP < ropePoints.length(); ropP++)
			MFloatPoint ropPoint( ropePoints[ropP] );
			MVector ropV( ropPoint.x, ropPoint.y, ropPoint.z * ropeStrength );
			ropV = ropV + MVector( 0,0,-distanceToMoveRope );
			ropV = ropV.rotateBy( MVector::kYaxis, MAngle( baseAngle * float( d ), MAngle::kDegrees).asRadians() );
			MPoint ropFinalPoint( ropV * radius );
			ropFinalPoint = ropFinalPoint * bMatrix;
			points.append( MFloatPoint( ropFinalPoint.x, ropFinalPoint.y, ropFinalPoint.z ) );
コード例 #26
ファイル: ropeGenerator.cpp プロジェクト: skarone/PipeL
void ropeGenerator::createRopesUvs( int ropesCount, int pointsCount, float ropeStrength, float uvCapSize,MFloatArray &uArray, MFloatArray &vArray, float direction )
	MAngle angle( (180.0/ ropesCount ), MAngle::kDegrees );
	float distanceToMoveRope = cos( angle.asRadians() );
	float singleRopeRadius = sin( angle.asRadians() );
	float baseAngle = 360.0f / float( ropesCount ); 
	for ( int d = 1; d < ropesCount + 1; d++)
		MFloatPointArray ropePoints( createHalfRope( pointsCount, singleRopeRadius ) );
		for ( int ropP = 0; ropP < ropePoints.length(); ropP++)
			MFloatPoint ropPoint( ropePoints[ropP] );
			MVector ropV( ropPoint.x, ropPoint.y, ropPoint.z * ropeStrength );
			ropV = ropV + MVector( 0,0,-distanceToMoveRope );
			ropV = ropV.rotateBy( MVector::kYaxis, MAngle( baseAngle * float( d ), MAngle::kDegrees).asRadians() );
			ropV = ropV * 0.5 * uvCapSize;
			uArray.append( (( ropV.x * direction) + 0.5 ) );
			vArray.append( ropV.z + 0.5 );

コード例 #27
ファイル: pushDeformer.cpp プロジェクト: kattkieru/MayaNodes
MThreadRetVal PushDeformer::threadEvaluate( void *pParam )
    MStatus status;
    ThreadData* pThreadData = (ThreadData*)(pParam);
    TaskData* pData = pThreadData->pData;
    unsigned int start = pThreadData->start;
    unsigned int end = pThreadData->end;

    MPointArray& points = pData->points;
    MFloatVectorArray& normals = pData->normals;
    //MDataBlock& dataBlock  = pData->dataBlock;
    MDoubleArray& stressV = pData->stressV;
    double bulgeAmount = pData->bulgeAmount;
    bool useStressV = pData->useStressV;
    float envelope = pData->envelope;
    int geomIndex = pData->geomIndex;

    for ( unsigned int i = start; i < end; ++i )
		  //float w = weightValue(dataBlock, geomIndex, i);
      float w = 1.0;
		  if (useStressV == true && (stressV.length() > 0))
			  points[i] += (MVector(normals[i]) * bulgeAmount * envelope * w * stressV[i]);
			  points[i] += normals[i] * bulgeAmount * envelope * w;

    return 0;
コード例 #28
ファイル: Convert.cpp プロジェクト: AtomicFiction/cortex
MVector convert( const Imath::Color3f &from )
	return MVector( from[0], from[1], from[2] );
コード例 #29
ファイル: Convert.cpp プロジェクト: AtomicFiction/cortex
MVector convert( const Imath::V3d &from )
	return MVector( from[0], from[1], from[2] );
コード例 #30
ファイル: translatorMesh.cpp プロジェクト: JT-a/USD

/* static */
        const UsdGeomMesh& mesh,
        MObject parentNode,
        const PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderArgs& args,
        PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderContext* context)
    if (!mesh) {
        return false;

    const UsdPrim& prim = mesh.GetPrim();

    MStatus status;

    // Create node (transform)
    MObject mayaNodeTransformObj;
    if (!PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::CreateTransformNode(prim,
                                                          &mayaNodeTransformObj)) {
        return false;

    VtArray<GfVec3f> points;
    VtArray<GfVec3f> normals;
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexCounts;
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexIndices;
    UsdAttribute fvc = mesh.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr();
    if (fvc.ValueMightBeTimeVarying()){
        // at some point, it would be great, instead of failing, to create a usd/hydra proxy node
        // for the mesh, perhaps?  For now, better to give a more specific error
            TfStringPrintf("<%s> is a topologically varying Mesh (animated faceVertexCounts). Skipping...", 
        return false;
    } else {
        // for any non-topo-varying mesh, sampling at zero will get us the right answer
        fvc.Get(&faceVertexCounts, 0);

    UsdAttribute fvi = mesh.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr();
    if (fvi.ValueMightBeTimeVarying()){
        // at some point, it would be great, instead of failing, to create a usd/hydra proxy node
        // for the mesh, perhaps?  For now, better to give a more specific error
            TfStringPrintf("<%s> is a topologically varying Mesh (animated faceVertexIndices). Skipping...", 
        return false;
    } else {
        // for any non-topo-varying mesh, sampling at zero will get us the right answer
        fvi.Get(&faceVertexIndices, 0);
    // Sanity Checks. If the vertex arrays are empty, skip this mesh
    if (faceVertexCounts.size() == 0 || faceVertexIndices.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("FaceVertex arrays are empty [Count:%zu Indices:%zu] on Mesh <%s>. Skipping...", 
                faceVertexCounts.size(), faceVertexIndices.size(), 
        return false; // invalid mesh, so exit

    // Gather points and normals
    // If args.GetReadAnimData() is TRUE,
    // pick the first avaiable sample or default
    UsdTimeCode pointsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    UsdTimeCode normalsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    std::vector<double> pointsTimeSamples;
    size_t pointsNumTimeSamples = 0;
    if (args.GetReadAnimData()) {
        PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::GetTimeSamples(mesh.GetPointsAttr(), args,
        pointsNumTimeSamples = pointsTimeSamples.size();
        if (pointsNumTimeSamples>0) {
            pointsTimeSample = pointsTimeSamples[0];
    	std::vector<double> normalsTimeSamples;
        PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::GetTimeSamples(mesh.GetNormalsAttr(), args,
        if (normalsTimeSamples.size()) {
            normalsTimeSample = normalsTimeSamples[0];
    mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSample);
    mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&normals, normalsTimeSample);
    if (points.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("Points arrays is empty on Mesh <%s>. Skipping...", 
        return false; // invalid mesh, so exit

    // == Convert data
    size_t mayaNumVertices = points.size();
    MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
    for (size_t i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
        mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

    MIntArray polygonCounts( faceVertexCounts.cdata(),  faceVertexCounts.size() );
    MIntArray polygonConnects( faceVertexIndices.cdata(), faceVertexIndices.size() );

    // == Create Mesh Shape Node
    MFnMesh meshFn;
    MObject meshObj = meshFn.create(mayaPoints.length(), 
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        return false;

    // Since we are "decollapsing", we will create a xform and a shape node for each USD prim
    std::string usdPrimName(prim.GetName().GetText());
    std::string shapeName(usdPrimName); shapeName += "Shape";
    // Set mesh name and register
    meshFn.setName(MString(shapeName.c_str()), false, &status);
    if (context) {
        std::string usdPrimPath(prim.GetPath().GetText());
        std::string shapePath(usdPrimPath);
        shapePath += "/";
        shapePath += shapeName;
        context->RegisterNewMayaNode( shapePath, meshObj ); // used for undo/redo

    // If a material is bound, create (or reuse if already present) and assign it
    // If no binding is present, assign the mesh to the default shader    
    const TfToken& shadingMode = args.GetShadingMode();
    PxrUsdMayaTranslatorMaterial::AssignMaterial(shadingMode, mesh, meshObj,
    // Mesh is a shape, so read Gprim properties
    PxrUsdMayaTranslatorGprim::Read(mesh, meshObj, context);

    // Set normals if supplied
    MIntArray normalsFaceIds;
    if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {

        for (size_t i=0; i < polygonCounts.length(); i++) {
            for (int j=0; j < polygonCounts[i]; j++) {
        if (normalsFaceIds.length() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {
            MVectorArray mayaNormals(normals.size());
            for (size_t i=0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
                mayaNormals.set( MVector(normals[i][0], normals[i][1], normals[i][2]), i);
            if (meshFn.setFaceVertexNormals(mayaNormals, normalsFaceIds, polygonConnects) != MS::kSuccess) {

    // Determine if PolyMesh or SubdivMesh
    TfToken subdScheme = PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivScheme(mesh, meshFn, args.GetDefaultMeshScheme());

    // If we are dealing with polys, check if there are normals
    // If we are dealing with SubdivMesh, read additional attributes and SubdivMesh properties
    if (subdScheme == UsdGeomTokens->none) {
        if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {
            PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setEmitNormals(mesh, meshFn, UsdGeomTokens->none);
    } else {
        PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivInterpBoundary(mesh, meshFn, UsdGeomTokens->edgeAndCorner);
        PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivFVLinearInterpolation(mesh, meshFn);
        _AssignSubDivTagsToMesh(mesh, meshObj, meshFn);
    // Set Holes
    VtArray<int> holeIndices;
    mesh.GetHoleIndicesAttr().Get(&holeIndices);   // not animatable
    if ( holeIndices.size() != 0 ) {
        MUintArray mayaHoleIndices;
        mayaHoleIndices.setLength( holeIndices.size() );
        for (size_t i=0; i < holeIndices.size(); i++) {
            mayaHoleIndices[i] = holeIndices[i];
        if (meshFn.setInvisibleFaces(mayaHoleIndices) == MS::kFailure) {
            MGlobal::displayError(TfStringPrintf("Unable to set Invisible Faces on <%s>", 

    std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> primvars = mesh.GetPrimvars();
    TF_FOR_ALL(iter, primvars) {
        const UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar = *iter;
        const TfToken& name = primvar.GetBaseName();
        const SdfValueTypeName& typeName = primvar.GetTypeName();

        // If the primvar is called either displayColor or displayOpacity check
        // if it was really authored from the user.  It may not have been
        // authored by the user, for example if it was generated by shader
        // values and not an authored colorset/entity.
        // If it was not really authored, we skip the primvar.
        if (name == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayColorColorSetName || 
                name == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayOpacityColorSetName) {
            if (!PxrUsdMayaRoundTripUtil::IsAttributeUserAuthored(primvar)) {

        // XXX: Maya stores UVs in MFloatArrays and color set data in MColors
        // which store floats, so we currently only import primvars holding
        // float-typed arrays. Should we still consider other precisions
        // (double, half, ...) and/or numeric types (int)?
        if (typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float2Array) {
            // We assume that Float2Array primvars are UV sets.
            if (!_AssignUVSetPrimvarToMesh(primvar, meshFn)) {
                    TfStringPrintf("Unable to retrieve and assign data for UV set <%s> on mesh <%s>", 
        } else if (typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->FloatArray   || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float3Array  || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Color3fArray ||
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float4Array  || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Color4fArray) {
            if (!_AssignColorSetPrimvarToMesh(mesh, primvar, meshFn)) {
                    TfStringPrintf("Unable to retrieve and assign data for color set <%s> on mesh <%s>",

    // We only vizualize the colorset by default if it is "displayColor".  
    MStringArray colorSetNames;
    if (meshFn.getColorSetNames(colorSetNames)==MS::kSuccess) {
        for (unsigned int i=0; i < colorSetNames.length(); i++) {
            const MString colorSetName = colorSetNames[i];
            if (std::string(colorSetName.asChar()) 
                    == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayColorColorSetName.GetString()) {
                MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation csRep=
                if (csRep==MFnMesh::kRGB || csRep==MFnMesh::kRGBA) {

                    // both of these are needed to show the colorset.
                    MPlug plg=meshFn.findPlug("displayColors");
                    if ( !plg.isNull() ) {
    // == Animate points ==
    //   Use blendShapeDeformer so that all the points for a frame are contained in a single node
    if (pointsNumTimeSamples > 0) {
        MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
        MObject meshAnimObj;

        MFnBlendShapeDeformer blendFn;
        MObject blendObj = blendFn.create(meshObj);
        if (context) {
            context->RegisterNewMayaNode( blendFn.name().asChar(), blendObj ); // used for undo/redo

        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
             mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
                mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

            // == Create Mesh Shape Node
            MFnMesh meshFn;
            if ( meshAnimObj.isNull() ) {
                meshAnimObj = meshFn.create(mayaPoints.length(), 
                if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
            else {
                // Reuse the already created mesh by copying it and then setting the points
                meshAnimObj = meshFn.copy(meshAnimObj, mayaNodeTransformObj, &status);

            // Set normals if supplied
            // NOTE: This normal information is not propagated through the blendShapes, only the controlPoints.
             mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&normals, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);
             if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices()) &&
                normalsFaceIds.length() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {

                MVectorArray mayaNormals(normals.size());
                for (size_t i=0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
                    mayaNormals.set( MVector(normals[i][0], normals[i][1], normals[i][2]), i);
                if (meshFn.setFaceVertexNormals(mayaNormals, normalsFaceIds, polygonConnects) != MS::kSuccess) {

            // Add as target and set as an intermediate object
            blendFn.addTarget(meshObj, ti, meshAnimObj, 1.0);
            if (context) {
                context->RegisterNewMayaNode( meshFn.fullPathName().asChar(), meshAnimObj ); // used for undo/redo

        // Animate the weights so that mesh0 has a weight of 1 at frame 0, etc.
        MFnAnimCurve animFn;

        // Construct the time array to be used for all the keys
        MTimeArray timeArray;
        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
            timeArray.set( MTime(pointsTimeSamples[ti]), ti);

        // Key/Animate the weights
        MPlug plgAry = blendFn.findPlug( "weight" );
        if ( !plgAry.isNull() && plgAry.isArray() ) {
            for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
                MPlug plg = plgAry.elementByLogicalIndex(ti, &status);
                MDoubleArray valueArray(pointsNumTimeSamples, 0.0);
                valueArray[ti] = 1.0; // Set the time value where this mesh's weight should be 1.0
                MObject animObj = animFn.create(plg, NULL, &status);
                animFn.addKeys(&timeArray, &valueArray);
                if (context) {
                    context->RegisterNewMayaNode(animFn.name().asChar(), animObj ); // used for undo/redo

    return true;