コード例 #1
ファイル: mapperUtils.c プロジェクト: rubund/berkeley-abc

  Synopsis    [Verify one useful property.]

  Description [This procedure verifies one useful property. After
  the FRAIG construction with choice nodes is over, each primary node
  should have fanins that are primary nodes. The primary nodes is the
  one that does not have pNode->pRepr set to point to another node.]

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Map_ManCheckConsistency( Map_Man_t * p )
    Map_Node_t * pNode;
    Map_NodeVec_t * pVec;
    int i;
    pVec = Map_MappingDfs( p, 0 );
    for ( i = 0; i < pVec->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = pVec->pArray[i];
        if ( Map_NodeIsVar(pNode) )
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Primary input %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
        else if ( Map_NodeIsConst(pNode) )
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Constant 1 %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( Map_Regular(pNode->p1)->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d has first fanin that is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( Map_Regular(pNode->p2)->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d has second fanin that is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
    Map_NodeVecFree( pVec );
    return 1;
コード例 #2

  Synopsis    [Computes the array of mapping.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

float Map_MappingGetSwitching( Map_Man_t * pMan, Map_NodeVec_t * vMapping )
    Map_Node_t * pNode;
    float Switch;
    int i;
    Switch = 0.0;
    for ( i = 0; i < vMapping->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = vMapping->pArray[i];
        // at least one phase has the best cut assigned
        assert( pNode->pCutBest[0] != NULL || pNode->pCutBest[1] != NULL );
        // at least one phase is used in the mapping
        assert( pNode->nRefAct[0] > 0 || pNode->nRefAct[1] > 0 );
        // compute the array due to the supergate
        if ( Map_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
            // count switching of the negative phase
            if ( pNode->pCutBest[0] && (pNode->nRefAct[0] > 0 || pNode->pCutBest[1] == NULL) )
                Switch += pNode->Switching;
            // count switching of the positive phase
            if ( pNode->pCutBest[1] && (pNode->nRefAct[1] > 0 || pNode->pCutBest[0] == NULL) )
                Switch += pNode->Switching;
        // count switching of the interver if we need to implement one phase with another phase
        if ( (pNode->pCutBest[0] == NULL && pNode->nRefAct[0] > 0) || 
             (pNode->pCutBest[1] == NULL && pNode->nRefAct[1] > 0) )
            Switch += pNode->Switching; // inverter switches the same as the node
    // add buffers for each CO driven by a CI
    for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
        if ( Map_NodeIsVar(pMan->pOutputs[i]) && !Map_IsComplement(pMan->pOutputs[i]) )
            Switch += pMan->pOutputs[i]->Switching;
    return Switch;
コード例 #3

  Synopsis    [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Map_MappingDfsMarked2_rec( Map_Node_t * pNode, Map_NodeVec_t * vNodes, Map_NodeVec_t * vBoundary, int fFirst )
    assert( !Map_IsComplement(pNode) );
    if ( pNode->fMark1 )
    if ( pNode->fMark0 || Map_NodeIsVar(pNode) )
        pNode->fMark1 = 1;
        Map_NodeVecPush(vBoundary, pNode);
    // visit the transitive fanin
    if ( Map_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
        Map_MappingDfsMarked2_rec( Map_Regular(pNode->p1), vNodes, vBoundary, 0 );
        Map_MappingDfsMarked2_rec( Map_Regular(pNode->p2), vNodes, vBoundary, 0 );
    // visit the equivalent nodes
    if ( !fFirst && pNode->pNextE )
        Map_MappingDfsMarked2_rec( pNode->pNextE, vNodes, vBoundary, 0 );
    // make sure the node is not visited through the equivalent nodes
    assert( pNode->fMark1 == 0 );
    // mark the node as visited
    pNode->fMark1 = 1;
    // add the node to the list
    Map_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
コード例 #4

  Synopsis    [Computes the array of mapping.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

float Map_MappingGetArea( Map_Man_t * pMan )
    Map_Node_t * pNode;
    float Area = 0.0;
    int i;
    if ( pMan->fUseProfile )
        Mio_LibraryCleanProfile2( pMan->pSuperLib->pGenlib );
    for ( i = 0; i < pMan->vMapObjs->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = pMan->vMapObjs->pArray[i];
        if ( pNode->nRefAct[2] == 0 )
        if ( Map_NodeIsBuf(pNode) )
        // at least one phase has the best cut assigned
        assert( pNode->pCutBest[0] != NULL || pNode->pCutBest[1] != NULL );
        // at least one phase is used in the mapping
        assert( pNode->nRefAct[0] > 0 || pNode->nRefAct[1] > 0 );
        // compute the array due to the supergate
        if ( Map_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
            // count area of the negative phase
            if ( pNode->pCutBest[0] && (pNode->nRefAct[0] > 0 || pNode->pCutBest[1] == NULL) )
                Area += pNode->pCutBest[0]->M[0].pSuperBest->Area;
                if ( pMan->fUseProfile )
                    Mio_GateIncProfile2( pNode->pCutBest[0]->M[0].pSuperBest->pRoot );
            // count area of the positive phase
            if ( pNode->pCutBest[1] && (pNode->nRefAct[1] > 0 || pNode->pCutBest[0] == NULL) )
                Area += pNode->pCutBest[1]->M[1].pSuperBest->Area;
                if ( pMan->fUseProfile )
                    Mio_GateIncProfile2( pNode->pCutBest[1]->M[1].pSuperBest->pRoot );
        // count area of the interver if we need to implement one phase with another phase
        if ( (pNode->pCutBest[0] == NULL && pNode->nRefAct[0] > 0) || 
             (pNode->pCutBest[1] == NULL && pNode->nRefAct[1] > 0) )
            Area += pMan->pSuperLib->AreaInv;
    // add buffers for each CO driven by a CI
    for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
        if ( Map_NodeIsVar(pMan->pOutputs[i]) && !Map_IsComplement(pMan->pOutputs[i]) )
            Area += pMan->pSuperLib->AreaBuf;
    return Area;
コード例 #5

  Synopsis    [Computes actual reference counters.]

  Description [Collects the nodes used in the mapping in array pMan->vMapping.
  Nodes are collected in reverse topological order to facilitate the 
  computation of required times.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Map_MappingSetRefs_rec( Map_Man_t * pMan, Map_Node_t * pNode )
    Map_Cut_t * pCut;
    Map_Node_t * pNodeR;
    unsigned uPhase;
    int i, fPhase, fInvPin;
    // get the regular node and its phase
    pNodeR = Map_Regular(pNode);
    fPhase = !Map_IsComplement(pNode);
    // quit if the node was already visited in this phase
    if ( pNodeR->nRefAct[fPhase]++ )
    // quit if this is a PI node
    if ( Map_NodeIsVar(pNodeR) )
    // propagate through buffer
    if ( Map_NodeIsBuf(pNodeR) )
        Map_MappingSetRefs_rec( pMan, Map_NotCond(pNodeR->p1, Map_IsComplement(pNode)) );
    assert( Map_NodeIsAnd(pNode) );
    // get the cut implementing this or opposite polarity
    pCut = pNodeR->pCutBest[fPhase];
    if ( pCut == NULL )
        fPhase = !fPhase;
        pCut   = pNodeR->pCutBest[fPhase];
    if ( pMan->fUseProfile )
        Mio_GateIncProfile2( pCut->M[fPhase].pSuperBest->pRoot );
    // visit the transitive fanin
    uPhase = pCut->M[fPhase].uPhaseBest;
    for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
        fInvPin = ((uPhase & (1 << i)) > 0);
        Map_MappingSetRefs_rec( pMan, Map_NotCond(pCut->ppLeaves[i], fInvPin) );