コード例 #1
    void ProcessNativeEvent(const inotify_event& inevt)
        wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, InotifyEventToString(inevt));

        // after removing inotify watch we get IN_IGNORED for it, but the watch
        // will be already removed from our list at that time
        if (inevt.mask & IN_IGNORED)
            // It is now safe to remove it from the stale descriptors too, we
            // won't get any more events for it.
            // However if we're here because a dir that we're still watching
            // has just been deleted, its wd won't be on this list
            const int pos = m_staleDescriptors.Index(inevt.wd);
            if ( pos != wxNOT_FOUND )
                       "Removed wd %i from the stale-wd cache", inevt.wd);

        // get watch entry for this event
        wxFSWatchEntryDescriptors::iterator it = m_watchMap.find(inevt.wd);
        if (it == m_watchMap.end())
            // It's not in the map; check if was recently removed from it.
            if (m_staleDescriptors.Index(inevt.wd) != wxNOT_FOUND)
                           "Got an event for stale wd %i", inevt.wd);
                wxFAIL_MSG("Event for unknown watch descriptor.");

            // In any case, don't process this event: it's either for an
            // already removed entry, or for a completely unknown one.

        wxFSWatchEntry& watch = *(it->second);
        int nativeFlags = inevt.mask;
        int flags = Native2WatcherFlags(nativeFlags);

        // check out for error/warning condition
        if (flags & wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING || flags & wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR)
            wxString errMsg = GetErrorDescription(Watcher2NativeFlags(flags));
            wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, errMsg);
        // filter out ignored events and those not asked for.
        // we never filter out warnings or exceptions
        else if ((flags == 0) || !(flags & watch.GetFlags()))

        // Creation
        // We need do something here only if the original watch was recursive;
        // we don't watch a child dir itself inside a non-tree watch.
        // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_CREATEs.
        // Distinguish by whether nativeFlags contain IN_ISDIR
        else if ((nativeFlags & IN_CREATE) &&
                 (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree) && (inevt.mask & IN_ISDIR))
            wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            // Though it's a dir, fn treats it as a file. So:

            if (m_watcher->AddAny(fn, wxFSW_EVENT_ALL,
                                   wxFSWPath_Tree, watch.GetFilespec()))
                // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
                // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
                if (watch.GetFilespec().empty())
                    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn);

        // Deletion
        // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_DELETEs.
        // We obviously can't check using DirExists() as the object has been
        // deleted; and nativeFlags here doesn't contain IN_ISDIR, even for
        // a dir. Fortunately IN_DELETE_SELF doesn't happen for files. We need
        // to do something here only inside a tree watch, or if it's the parent
        // dir that's deleted. Otherwise let the parent dir cope
        else if ((nativeFlags & IN_DELETE_SELF) &&
                    ((watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Dir) ||
                     (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree)))
            // We must remove the deleted directory from the map, so that
            // DoRemoveInotify() isn't called on it in the future. Don't assert
            // if the wd isn't found: repeated IN_DELETE_SELFs can occur
            wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            wxString path(fn.GetPathWithSep());

            if (m_watchMap.erase(inevt.wd) == 1)
                // Delete from wxFileSystemWatcher
                wxDynamicCast(m_watcher, wxInotifyFileSystemWatcher)->

                // Now remove from our local list of watched items
                wxFSWatchEntries::iterator wit =
                if (wit != m_watches.end())

                // Cache the wd in case any events arrive late

            // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
            // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
            if (watch.GetFilespec().empty())
                wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn);

        // renames
        else if (nativeFlags & IN_MOVE)
            wxInotifyCookies::iterator it2 = m_cookies.find(inevt.cookie);
            if ( it2 == m_cookies.end() )
                int size = sizeof(inevt) + inevt.len;
                inotify_event* e = (inotify_event*) operator new (size);
                memcpy(e, &inevt, size);

                wxInotifyCookies::value_type val(e->cookie, e);
                inotify_event& oldinevt = *(it2->second);

                // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
                // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
                if ( watch.GetFilespec().empty() )
                    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags);
                    if ( inevt.mask & IN_MOVED_FROM )
                        event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt));
                        event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt));
                        event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt));
                        event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt));

                delete &oldinevt;
        // every other kind of event
            wxFileName path = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            // For files, check that it matches any filespec
            if ( MatchesFilespec(path, watch.GetFilespec()) )
                wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, path, path);
コード例 #2
    void ProcessNativeEvent(const inotify_event& inevt)
        wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, InotifyEventToString(inevt));

        // after removing inotify watch we get IN_IGNORED for it, but the watch
        // will be already removed from our list at that time
        if (inevt.mask & IN_IGNORED)
            // It is now safe to remove it from the stale descriptors too, we
            // won't get any more events for it.
            // However if we're here because a dir that we're still watching
            // has just been deleted, its wd won't be on this list
            const int pos = m_staleDescriptors.Index(inevt.wd);
            if ( pos != wxNOT_FOUND )
                       "Removed wd %i from the stale-wd cache", inevt.wd);

        // get watch entry for this event
        wxFSWatchEntryDescriptors::iterator it = m_watchMap.find(inevt.wd);

        // wd will be -1 for IN_Q_OVERFLOW, which would trigger the wxFAIL_MSG
        if (inevt.wd != -1)
            if (it == m_watchMap.end())
                // It's not in the map; check if was recently removed from it.
                if (m_staleDescriptors.Index(inevt.wd) != wxNOT_FOUND)
                               "Got an event for stale wd %i", inevt.wd);
                    // In theory we shouldn't reach here. In practice, some
                    // events, e.g. IN_MODIFY, arrive just after the IN_IGNORED
                    // so their wd has already been discarded. Warn about them.
                             _("Unexpected event for \"%s\": no "
                               "matching watch descriptor."),
                             inevt.len ? inevt.name : ""


                // In any case, don't process this event: it's either for an
                // already removed entry, or for an unknown one.

        int nativeFlags = inevt.mask;
        int flags = Native2WatcherFlags(nativeFlags);

        // check out for error/warning condition
        if (flags & wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING || flags & wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR)
            wxFSWWarningType warningType;
            if ( flags & wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING )
                warningType = nativeFlags & IN_Q_OVERFLOW
                                ? wxFSW_WARNING_OVERFLOW
                                : wxFSW_WARNING_GENERAL;
            else // It's an error, not a warning.
                warningType = wxFSW_WARNING_NONE;

            wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, warningType);

        if (inevt.wd == -1)
            // Although this is not supposed to happen, we seem to be getting
            // occasional IN_ACCESS/IN_MODIFY events without valid watch value.
                        _("Invalid inotify event for \"%s\""),
                        inevt.len ? inevt.name : ""

        wxFSWatchEntry& watch = *(it->second);

        // Now IN_UNMOUNT. We must do so here, as it's not in the watch flags
        if (nativeFlags & IN_UNMOUNT)
            wxFileName path = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(wxFSW_EVENT_UNMOUNT, path, path);
        // filter out ignored events and those not asked for.
        // we never filter out warnings or exceptions
        else if ((flags == 0) || !(flags & watch.GetFlags()))

        // Creation
        // We need do something here only if the original watch was recursive;
        // we don't watch a child dir itself inside a non-tree watch.
        // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_CREATEs.
        // Distinguish by whether nativeFlags contain IN_ISDIR
        else if ((nativeFlags & IN_CREATE) &&
                 (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree) && (inevt.mask & IN_ISDIR))
            wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            // Though it's a dir, fn treats it as a file. So:

            if (m_watcher->AddAny(fn, wxFSW_EVENT_ALL,
                                   wxFSWPath_Tree, watch.GetFilespec()))
                // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
                // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
                if (watch.GetFilespec().empty())
                    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn);

        // Deletion
        // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_DELETEs.
        // We obviously can't check using DirExists() as the object has been
        // deleted; and nativeFlags here doesn't contain IN_ISDIR, even for
        // a dir. Fortunately IN_DELETE_SELF doesn't happen for files. We need
        // to do something here only inside a tree watch, or if it's the parent
        // dir that's deleted. Otherwise let the parent dir cope
        else if ((nativeFlags & IN_DELETE_SELF) &&
                    ((watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Dir) ||
                     (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree)))
            // We must remove the deleted directory from the map, so that
            // DoRemoveInotify() isn't called on it in the future. Don't assert
            // if the wd isn't found: repeated IN_DELETE_SELFs can occur
            wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            wxString path(fn.GetPathWithSep());
            const wxString filespec(watch.GetFilespec());

            if (m_watchMap.erase(inevt.wd) == 1)
                // Delete from wxFileSystemWatcher
                wxDynamicCast(m_watcher, wxInotifyFileSystemWatcher)->

                // Now remove from our local list of watched items
                wxFSWatchEntries::iterator wit =
                if (wit != m_watches.end())

                // Cache the wd in case any events arrive late

            // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
            // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
            if (filespec.empty())
                wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn);

        // renames
        else if (nativeFlags & IN_MOVE)
            // IN_MOVE events are produced in the following circumstances:
            // * A move within a dir (what the user sees as a rename) gives an
            //   IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO pair, each with the same path.
            // * A move within watched dir foo/ e.g. from foo/bar1/ to foo/bar2/
            //   will also produce such a pair, but with different paths.
            // * A move to baz/ will give only an IN_MOVED_FROM for foo/bar1;
            //   if baz/ is inside a different watch, that gets the IN_MOVED_TO.

            // The first event to arrive, usually the IN_MOVED_FROM, is
            // cached to await a matching IN_MOVED_TO; should none arrive, the
            // unpaired event will be processed later in ProcessRenames().
            wxInotifyCookies::iterator it2 = m_cookies.find(inevt.cookie);
            if ( it2 == m_cookies.end() )
                int size = sizeof(inevt) + inevt.len;
                inotify_event* e = (inotify_event*) operator new (size);
                memcpy(e, &inevt, size);

                wxInotifyCookies::value_type val(e->cookie, e);
                inotify_event& oldinevt = *(it2->second);

                // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
                // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
                if ( watch.GetFilespec().empty() )
                    // The only way to know the path for the first event,
                    // normally the IN_MOVED_FROM, is to retrieve the watch
                    // corresponding to oldinevt. This is needed for a move
                    // within a watch.
                    wxFSWatchEntry* oldwatch;
                    wxFSWatchEntryDescriptors::iterator oldwatch_it =
                    if (oldwatch_it != m_watchMap.end())
                        oldwatch = oldwatch_it->second;
                            "oldinevt's watch descriptor not in the watch map");
                        // For want of a better alternative, use 'watch'. That
                        // will work fine for renames, though not for moves
                        oldwatch = &watch;

                    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags);
                    if ( inevt.mask & IN_MOVED_FROM )
                        event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt));
                        event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(*oldwatch, oldinevt));
                        event.SetPath(GetEventPath(*oldwatch, oldinevt));
                        event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt));

                delete &oldinevt;
        // every other kind of event
            wxFileName path = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            // For files, check that it matches any filespec
            if ( MatchesFilespec(path, watch.GetFilespec()) )
                wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, path, path);