コード例 #1
ファイル: Deserializer.cpp プロジェクト: boberfly/Urho3D
Matrix3x4 Deserializer::ReadMatrix3x4()
    float data[12];
    Read(data, sizeof data);
    return Matrix3x4(data);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Camera.cpp プロジェクト: evolarium/Urho3D
Matrix3x4 Camera::GetEffectiveWorldTransform() const
    Matrix3x4 worldTransform = node_ ? Matrix3x4(node_->GetWorldPosition(), node_->GetWorldRotation(), 1.0f) : Matrix3x4::IDENTITY;
    return useReflection_ ? reflectionMatrix_ * worldTransform : worldTransform;
コード例 #3
ファイル: OgreImporter.cpp プロジェクト: rokups/Urho3D
void LoadSkeleton(const ea::string& skeletonFileName)
    // Process skeleton first (if found)
    XMLElement skeletonRoot;
    File skeletonFileSource(context_);
    if (!skelFile_->Load(skeletonFileSource))
        PrintLine("Failed to load skeleton " + skeletonFileName);
    skeletonRoot = skelFile_->GetRoot();

    if (skeletonRoot)
        XMLElement bonesRoot = skeletonRoot.GetChild("bones");
        XMLElement bone = bonesRoot.GetChild("bone");
        while (bone)
            unsigned index = bone.GetInt("id");
            ea::string name = bone.GetAttribute("name");
            if (index >= bones_.size())
                bones_.resize(index + 1);

            // Convert from right- to left-handed
            XMLElement position = bone.GetChild("position");
            float x = position.GetFloat("x");
            float y = position.GetFloat("y");
            float z = position.GetFloat("z");
            Vector3 pos(x, y, -z);

            XMLElement rotation = bone.GetChild("rotation");
            XMLElement axis = rotation.GetChild("axis");
            float angle = -rotation.GetFloat("angle") * M_RADTODEG;
            x = axis.GetFloat("x");
            y = axis.GetFloat("y");
            z = axis.GetFloat("z");
            Vector3 axisVec(x, y, -z);
            Quaternion rot(angle, axisVec);

            bones_[index].name_ = name;
            bones_[index].parentIndex_ = index; // Fill in the correct parent later
            bones_[index].bindPosition_ = pos;
            bones_[index].bindRotation_ = rot;
            bones_[index].bindScale_ = Vector3::ONE;
            bones_[index].collisionMask_ = 0;
            bones_[index].radius_ = 0.0f;

            bone = bone.GetNext("bone");

        // Go through the bone hierarchy
        XMLElement boneHierarchy = skeletonRoot.GetChild("bonehierarchy");
        XMLElement boneParent = boneHierarchy.GetChild("boneparent");
        while (boneParent)
            ea::string bone = boneParent.GetAttribute("bone");
            ea::string parent = boneParent.GetAttribute("parent");
            unsigned i = 0, j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < bones_.size() && bones_[i].name_ != bone; ++i);
            for (j = 0; j < bones_.size() && bones_[j].name_ != parent; ++j);

            if (i >= bones_.size() || j >= bones_.size())
                ErrorExit("Found indeterminate parent bone assignment");
            bones_[i].parentIndex_ = j;

            boneParent = boneParent.GetNext("boneparent");

        // Calculate bone derived positions
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < bones_.size(); ++i)
            Vector3 derivedPosition = bones_[i].bindPosition_;
            Quaternion derivedRotation = bones_[i].bindRotation_;
            Vector3 derivedScale = bones_[i].bindScale_;

            unsigned index = bones_[i].parentIndex_;
            if (index != i)
                for (;;)
                    derivedPosition = bones_[index].bindPosition_ + (bones_[index].bindRotation_ * (bones_[index].bindScale_ * derivedPosition));
                    derivedRotation = bones_[index].bindRotation_ * derivedRotation;
                    derivedScale = bones_[index].bindScale_ * derivedScale;
                    if (bones_[index].parentIndex_ != index)
                        index = bones_[index].parentIndex_;

            bones_[i].derivedPosition_ = derivedPosition;
            bones_[i].derivedRotation_ = derivedRotation;
            bones_[i].derivedScale_ = derivedScale;
            bones_[i].worldTransform_ = Matrix3x4(derivedPosition, derivedRotation, derivedScale);
            bones_[i].inverseWorldTransform_ = bones_[i].worldTransform_.Inverse();

        PrintLine("Processed skeleton");