bool MdispGtkView::saveROIAs(const char *filename) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Get current ROI in buffer-related coordinates. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIL_INT OffsetX = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_OFFSET_X, M_NULL); MIL_INT OffsetY = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_OFFSET_Y, M_NULL); MIL_INT SizeX = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_X, M_NULL); MIL_INT SizeY = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_Y, M_NULL); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Create a child of the selected buffer, with the ROI coordinates. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIL_ID ChildBuffer = MbufChildColor2d(m_MilImage, M_ALL_BANDS, OffsetX, OffsetY, SizeX, SizeY, M_NULL); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Save the buffer in the path given by the user. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MbufSave(filename, ChildBuffer); MbufFree(ChildBuffer); return true; }
void MdispGtkView::ROIDefine(bool on) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Write code that will be executed when 'ROI Define ' // menu is clicked. State toggles. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(m_MilDisplay && m_isROISupported) { MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_DEFINE, on?(M_START+M_RESET):M_STOP); m_isInROIDefineMode = on; // Make sure Interpolation Mode combo box shows current interpolation mode m_currentInterpolationMode = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_INTERPOLATION_MODE, M_NULL); if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_DISPLAY_TYPE, M_NULL) & M_EXCLUSIVE) { //when ROI mode is active, allow the mouse to be used in the exclusive display monitor if(m_isInROIDefineMode) { MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_RESTRICT_CURSOR, M_DISABLE); } else { MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_RESTRICT_CURSOR, M_ENABLE); } } } }
void MdispGtkView::ChangeAsynchronousMode(bool Enabled, MIL_INT FrameRate) { if(Enabled && (FrameRate != m_currentAsynchronousFrameRate)) { if(m_MilDisplay) { // Apply asynchronous frame rate to display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE_RATE_MAX, FrameRate); // Check if control worked correctly before considering it successful [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE_RATE_MAX, M_NULL) == FrameRate) { m_currentAsynchronousFrameRate = FrameRate; } } } if((Enabled && !m_isInAsynchronousMode) || (!Enabled && m_isInAsynchronousMode)) { if(m_MilDisplay) { // Apply asynchronous update to display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_ASYNC_UPDATE, (Enabled ? M_ENABLE : M_DISABLE)); // Check if control worked correctly before considering it successful [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ASYNC_UPDATE, M_NULL) == (Enabled ? M_ENABLE : M_DISABLE)) { m_isInAsynchronousMode = Enabled; } } } }
RoiPrefsDlg::RoiPrefsDlg(QWidget *parent, MIL_ID MilDisplay) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::RoiPrefsDlg), m_MilDisplay(MilDisplay) { QPalette palette; ui->setupUi(this); MIL_INT linecolor = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_LINE_COLOR, M_NULL); MIL_INT anchorcolor= MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_HANDLE_COLOR, M_NULL); m_LineColor.setRgb(M_RGB888_r(linecolor), M_RGB888_g(linecolor), M_RGB888_b(linecolor)); m_AnchorColor.setRgb(M_RGB888_r(anchorcolor), M_RGB888_g(anchorcolor), M_RGB888_b(anchorcolor)); palette.setColor(ui->RoiLineButton->backgroundRole(), m_LineColor); ui->RoiLineButton->setPalette(palette); ui->RoiLineButton->setAutoFillBackground(true); ui->RoiLineButton->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); ui->RoiHandlesButton->setPalette(QPalette(m_AnchorColor)); ui->RoiHandlesButton->setAutoFillBackground(true); ui->RoiHandlesButton->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(ui->RoiOkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close())); }
MIL_INT MFTYPE ROIChangeFct(MIL_INT /*HookType*/, MIL_ID /*EventID*/, void MPTYPE *UserDataPtr) { MdispGtkView *pCurrentView = (MdispGtkView *)UserDataPtr; if(pCurrentView) { MIL_ID DisplayID = pCurrentView->m_MilDisplay; MIL_INT OffsetX = MdispInquire(DisplayID, M_ROI_BUFFER_OFFSET_X, M_NULL); MIL_INT OffsetY = MdispInquire(DisplayID, M_ROI_BUFFER_OFFSET_Y, M_NULL); MIL_INT SizeX = MdispInquire(DisplayID, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_X, M_NULL); MIL_INT SizeY = MdispInquire(DisplayID, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_Y, M_NULL); pCurrentView->UpdateStatusBarWithROI(OffsetX, OffsetY, SizeX, SizeY); } return 0; }
bool MdispGtkView::IsFileSaveRoiAsEnabled() { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: If no ROI exist, we do not allow user to select this item. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(m_MilDisplay) { if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_X, M_NULL)&& MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_Y, M_NULL)) { return true; } } return false; }
// interfaz con Clasificacion para clasificar la imagen m_Milimagen (ya cargada y perteneciente a ControlImagen) // devuelve false, si ha habido un error o si ya se habia clasificado y unicamente se ha mostrado la imagen ya clasificada bool ControlImagenes::Clasificar(CStatic* pDisplay, list<CMineralClasificado> &listClasificados, unsigned int& nCountOscuros, CRect* pRect, double dRefMin) { if (M_Clasificacion == M_NULL) // hace falta clasificar de nuevo, no se hizo con anterioridad if (!theApp.clasificacion.CargarImagenes(&m_Milimagen[1],m_numImagenes,pRect)) // nos saltamos la banda pancromatica (no usada) return false; if (pDisplay!=NULL) { MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); DisplayBits(8); //para que el display muestre las imagenes de la profundidad leida if (!theApp.clasificacion.InicializaDisplay(pDisplay,m_Mildisplay,M_Clasificacion,M_Confiabilidad,M_Distancia)) { ASSERT(m_bufClasificacionSelectiva != NULL); return false; } if (m_bufClasificacionSelectiva == NULL) m_bufClasificacionSelectiva = new BYTE[m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen];//buffer para la imagen de salida (clasificada selectivamente) } if (!theApp.clasificacion.Clasificar(listClasificados,nCountOscuros,theApp.m_dEscalaReflectancia, theApp.m_nBitsProfundidad, dRefMin)) return false; return true; }
void ControlImagenes::Distancia(CStatic& m_control) { MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay, M_Distancia, m_control); }
void MdispGtkView::UpdateROIWithCurrentState() { if(m_MilDisplay) { if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_DEFINE, M_NULL) == M_STOP) m_isInROIDefineMode = false; else m_isInROIDefineMode = true; } }
void ControlImagenes::Confiabilidad(CStatic& m_control) { MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); DisplayBits(8); //para que el display muestre las imagenes en profundidad 8 bit MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay, M_Confiabilidad, m_control); }
gboolean MdispGtkView::timerEvent(gpointer user_data) { MdispGtkView* pCurrentView = (MdispGtkView *) user_data; if(pCurrentView && pCurrentView->m_MilDisplay) { MIL_DOUBLE CurrentFrameRate = M_NULL; MdispInquire(pCurrentView->m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE_RATE, &CurrentFrameRate); g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(pCurrentView->m_cf->Window()), pCurrentView->m_cf->frameRateChangedSignal(), 0, CurrentFrameRate); } return true; }
// Se reserva memoria, se carga y se presenta la imagen "nomFich" // Se presupone que no hay otra imagen cargada con el mismo numero de filtro ("numFiltro") // m_control es el control al dialogo // bMostrar indica si debe de mostrarse la imagen en pantalla o solo cargar la imagen en memoria // Se inicializa M_overlay_normal // Se deja el zoom a 0.5 bool ControlImagenes::CargarImagen(char* nomFich, CStatic& m_control, int numFiltro, bool bMostrar) { // Comprobaciones struct stat stFileInfo; if (stat(nomFich,&stFileInfo) != 0) return false; if (m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1] != NULL) return false; long lSizeX, lSizeY; MbufDiskInquire(nomFich,M_SIZE_X, &lSizeX); MbufDiskInquire(nomFich,M_SIZE_Y, &lSizeY); MbufAlloc2d(M_DEFAULT_HOST, lSizeX,lSizeY, 16 + M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE + M_DISP + M_PROC, &m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1]); if (MbufImport(nomFich,M_TIFF,M_LOAD,M_NULL,&m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1]) == M_NULL) // if (MbufImport(nomFich,M_TIFF,M_RESTORE,M_DEFAULT_HOST,&m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1]) == M_NULL) return false; if (m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1] == NULL) return false; m_numImagenes++; if (bMostrar) { MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay,m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1],m_control); // Inicializar Overlay la primera vez que se carga una imagen // Esto se hace aqui porque no funciona si no hay un buffer asociado con el display // ha de usarse la variable global M_overlay_normal para que funcionen las funciones graficas if (M_overlay_normal == M_NULL) { MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay, M_OVERLAY_ID, &M_overlay_normal); // Relleno el buffer overlay con el color TRANSPARENTE // MbufClear(M_overlay_normal, TRANSPARENTE ); } // TRUCO para evitar que los rectangulos se pinten con un reborde negro. Pero la carga de imagenes es mas lenta // Se deja el zoom a 0.5 // Los rectangulos se pintan con un reborde negro cuando el zoom esta entre 0.5 y 1 en MIL 8 // por razones desconocidas. Este truco funciona, pero tampoco se sabe porque // MdispZoom(m_Mildisplay, 0.5, 0.5); //En la funcion llamante, se debe actualizar correctamente el zoom } // Solo una vez cada vez que se cargan todas las imagenes if (numFiltro == 2) { // Recuperamos las dimensiones de la imagen MbufInquire(m_Milimagen[1],M_SIZE_X,&m_nAnchoImagen); MbufInquire(m_Milimagen[1],M_SIZE_Y,&m_nAltoImagen); } return true; }
// Se presenta la imagen (previamente cargada) correspondiente al numero de Filtro "numFIltro" bool ControlImagenes::MostrarImagen(int numFiltro, CStatic& m_control) { MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); DisplayBits(theApp.m_nBitsProfundidad); //para que el display muestre las imagenes de la profundidad de la imagen (puede que no estuviese si se estaba presentando la imagen de clasificacion) MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay,m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1],m_control); return true; }
void MdispGtkView::ChangeCompressionType(MIL_INT CompressionType) { if(m_MilDisplay) { // Apply compression type to display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_COMPRESSION_TYPE, CompressionType); // Check if control worked correctly before considering it successful [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_COMPRESSION_TYPE, M_NULL) == CompressionType) { m_currentCompressionType = CompressionType; } } }
void MdispGtkView::ChangeQFactor(MIL_INT QFactor) { if(m_MilDisplay) { // Apply Q factor to display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_Q_FACTOR, QFactor); // Check if control worked correctly before considering it successful [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_Q_FACTOR, M_NULL) == QFactor) { m_currentQFactor = QFactor; } } }
void MdispGtkView::ChangeInterpolationMode(long InterpolationMode) { if(m_MilDisplay) { //Apply interpolation mode on display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_INTERPOLATION_MODE, InterpolationMode); //Check if control worked correctly before considering it as successful [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_INTERPOLATION_MODE,M_NULL)==InterpolationMode) { //Make sure Interpolation Mode combo box shows current interpolation mode m_currentInterpolationMode = InterpolationMode; } } }
void MdispGtkView::RestrictCursor(bool on) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Write code that will be executed when 'Restrict Cursor' menu item is clicked ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(m_MilDisplay) { MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_RESTRICT_CURSOR,on?M_ENABLE:M_DISABLE); // Check if control worked correctly before considering it successful [CALL TO MIL] MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_RESTRICT_CURSOR, &m_currentRestrictCursor); } }
void ControlImagenes::EliminarTodas() { if (M_overlay_normal != M_NULL) { MbufClear(M_overlay_normal, TRANSPARENTE );// Relleno el buffer overlay con el color TRANSPARENTE M_overlay_normal = M_NULL; } MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); for (int i=0;i<MAX_NUM_IMAGENES;i++) { if (m_Milimagen[i] != M_NULL) { MbufFree(m_Milimagen[i]); m_Milimagen[i] = M_NULL; } } m_numImagenes = 0; //Liberamos RGB if (m_MilRGB != M_NULL) { MbufFree(m_MilRGB); m_MilRGB = M_NULL; } //Liberamos imagen identificacion if (M_Clasificacion != M_NULL) { MbufFree(M_Clasificacion); M_Clasificacion = M_NULL; } if (m_bufClasificacionSelectiva != NULL) { delete [] m_bufClasificacionSelectiva; m_bufClasificacionSelectiva = NULL; } theApp.clasificacion.Liberar(); }
void MdispGtkView::ChangeViewMode(long ViewMode,long ShiftValue) { if(m_MilDisplay) { //Apply view mode on display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_VIEW_MODE, ViewMode); if(ViewMode == M_BIT_SHIFT) MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_VIEW_BIT_SHIFT, ShiftValue); //Check if control worked correctly before considering it as successful [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_VIEW_MODE,M_NULL)==ViewMode) { //Make sure ViewMode Mode combo box shows current interpolation mode m_currentViewMode = ViewMode; m_currentShiftValue = ShiftValue; } } }
void MdispGtkView::NoTearing( bool on ) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Write code that will be executed when 'No Tearing' button or menu is clicked ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // No Notearing in windowed mode in linux if(m_isWindowed) return; if(m_MilDisplay) { //Enable/disable No-Tearing mode on display [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_NO_TEARING, on ? M_ENABLE : M_DISABLE); //Check if it worked before considering it as enabled [CALL TO MIL] if(MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_NO_TEARING, M_NULL) == on ? M_ENABLE : M_DISABLE) { m_isNoTearingEnabled = on; } } }
ROIDialog::ROIDialog(MIL_INT MilDisplay):m_MilDisplay(MilDisplay) { GtkWidget *pickerLine; GtkWidget *pickerAnchor; GtkWidget *closeButton; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *label; MIL_INT linecolor = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_LINE_COLOR, M_NULL); MIL_INT anchorcolor= MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_HANDLE_COLOR, M_NULL); = M_RGB888_R(linecolor)<<8; = M_RGB888_G(linecolor)<<8; = M_RGB888_B(linecolor)<<8; = M_RGB888_R(anchorcolor)<<8; = M_RGB888_G(anchorcolor)<<8; = M_RGB888_B(anchorcolor)<<8; m_window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(m_window), "ROI Preferences"); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (m_window), 0); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (m_window), vbox); label = gtk_label_new ("Color :"); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), label); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 8); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 8); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), hbox); label = gtk_label_new ("Line Color"); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), label); pickerLine = gtk_color_button_new (); gtk_color_button_set_use_alpha (GTK_COLOR_BUTTON (pickerLine), TRUE); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), pickerLine); gtk_color_button_set_color(GTK_COLOR_BUTTON(pickerLine),&m_LineColor); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 8); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 8); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), hbox); label = gtk_label_new ("Anchor Color"); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), label); pickerAnchor = gtk_color_button_new (); gtk_color_button_set_use_alpha (GTK_COLOR_BUTTON (pickerAnchor), TRUE); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), pickerAnchor); gtk_color_button_set_color(GTK_COLOR_BUTTON(pickerAnchor),&m_AnchorColor); closeButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Close"); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), closeButton); //signals g_signal_connect (closeButton,"clicked",G_CALLBACK(ROIDialog::OnClose),this); g_signal_connect (pickerAnchor,"color-set",G_CALLBACK(ROIDialog::OnROIAnchorColorChange),this); g_signal_connect (pickerLine,"color-set",G_CALLBACK(ROIDialog::OnROILineColorChange),this); g_signal_connect (m_window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(ROIDialog::OnDestroy), this); }
void MdispGtkView::Initialize() { // Allocate a display [CALL TO MIL] MdispAlloc(((MdispGtkApp*)dispGtkApp())->m_MilSystem, M_DEFAULT, "M_DEFAULT", M_DEFAULT, &m_MilDisplay); if(m_MilDisplay) { MIL_INT DisplayType = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_DISPLAY_TYPE, M_NULL); // Check display type [CALL TO MIL] if((DisplayType&(M_WINDOWED|M_EXCLUSIVE)) !=M_WINDOWED) m_isWindowed = false; if(DisplayType&(M_EXCLUSIVE)) m_isExclusive = true; // ROI are supported with windowed display m_isROISupported = (DisplayType&M_WINDOWED) != 0; // Initially set interpolation mode and view mode to default ChangeInterpolationMode(M_DEFAULT); ChangeViewMode(M_DEFAULT); if(m_isWindowed) { #if USE_ANNOTATION // The connection to the X display must be given to Mil so it // can update the window when ROI is enabled MdispControl(m_MilDisplay,M_WINDOW_ANNOTATIONS,M_PTR_TO_DOUBLE(GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY(m_window->window))); #else m_isROISupported = false; #endif } if(m_isROISupported) { // Set ROI-show mode. ROIShow(m_isInROIShowMode); // Install hooks for ROI info in status bar and to keep current status // in toolbar MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_CHANGE, ROIChangeFct, (void*)this); MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_CHANGE_END, ROIChangeEndFct, (void*)this); } if(IsNetworkedSystem()) { // Check compression type [CALL TO MIL] MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_COMPRESSION_TYPE, &m_currentCompressionType); // Check asynchronous mode [CALL TO MIL] m_isInAsynchronousMode = (MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ASYNC_UPDATE, M_NULL) == M_ENABLE); // Check asynchronous frame rate [CALL TO MIL] MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE_RATE_MAX, &m_currentAsynchronousFrameRate); // Check Q factor [CALL TO MIL] MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_Q_FACTOR, &m_currentQFactor); } if(m_isExclusive) { MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_RESTRICT_CURSOR, &m_currentRestrictCursor); } //Select the buffer from it's display object and given window [CALL TO MIL] MdispSelectWindow(m_MilDisplay, m_MilImage, m_isWindowed?GDK_WINDOW_XID(m_window->window):0); } // Hook a function to mouse-movement event, to update cursor position in status bar. MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_MOVE, MouseFct, (void*)this); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Code that will be executed when a view is first attached to the document ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
// Calcula las imagenes monocromas para R, G y B segun los porcentajes dados, // reservando memoria y presentando la imagen RGB // Devuelve true si se ha realizado el calculo, false si no (porque ya se realizó antes) bool ControlImagenes::MostrarImagenRGB(int arrFiltroPorcentajesR[MAX_NUM_IMAGENES], int arrFiltroPorcentajesG[MAX_NUM_IMAGENES], int arrFiltroPorcentajesB[MAX_NUM_IMAGENES], CStatic& m_control, int nTotalR,int nTotalG,int nTotalB, bool bModificado) { MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); DisplayBits(8); //para que el display muestre las imagenes en profundidad 8 bit // Si es la primera vez, reservar la memoria de la imagen RGB if (m_MilRGB == M_NULL) MbufAllocColor(M_DEFAULT_HOST, 3, m_nAnchoImagen, m_nAltoImagen, 8+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_DISP, &m_MilRGB); //16 por si las imagenes estan en 16bit else if (!bModificado) { MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay,m_MilRGB,m_control); return false; } unsigned short* pBuffImagen; //auxiliar para volcar cada imagen de cada filtro, 16 bit unsigned char* pRed; // auxiliar para calcular la banda de color (8 bit) unsigned char* pGreen; // auxiliar para calcular la banda de color (8 bit) unsigned char* pBlue; // auxiliar para calcular la banda de color (8 bit) pBuffImagen = (unsigned short*)calloc(m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen, sizeof(unsigned short)); pRed = (unsigned char*)calloc(m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen, sizeof(unsigned char)); pGreen = (unsigned char*)calloc(m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen, sizeof(unsigned char)); pBlue = (unsigned char*)calloc(m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen, sizeof(unsigned char)); for (int i= 0; i<MAX_NUM_IMAGENES;i++) { // Cargar buffers de filtros solo si se necesita en alguna de las bandas if (arrFiltroPorcentajesR[i] != 0 || arrFiltroPorcentajesG[i] != 0 || arrFiltroPorcentajesB[i] != 0) { MbufGet(m_Milimagen[i],pBuffImagen); //Acumular el pocentaje adecuado de este filtro en cada color if(arrFiltroPorcentajesR[i] != 0) { Acumular(pRed, pBuffImagen, ((double)arrFiltroPorcentajesR[i])/nTotalR, m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen); } if(arrFiltroPorcentajesG[i] != 0) { Acumular(pGreen, pBuffImagen, ((double)arrFiltroPorcentajesG[i])/nTotalG, m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen); } if(arrFiltroPorcentajesB[i] != 0) { Acumular(pBlue, pBuffImagen, ((double)arrFiltroPorcentajesB[i])/nTotalB, m_nAnchoImagen*m_nAltoImagen); } } } // Volcar el array auxiliar calculado al color correspondiente MbufPutColor(m_MilRGB,M_SINGLE_BAND,M_BLUE/*2*/,pBlue); MbufPutColor(m_MilRGB,M_SINGLE_BAND,M_GREEN/*1*/,pGreen); MbufPutColor(m_MilRGB,M_SINGLE_BAND,M_RED/*0*/,pRed); free(pBuffImagen); free(pBlue); free(pGreen); free(pRed); // Mostar la imagen en color MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay,m_MilRGB,m_control); // Inicializar Overlay la primera vez que se carga una imagen // Esto se hace aqui porque no funciona si no hay un buffer asociado con el display // ha de usarse la variable global M_overlay_normal para que funcionen las funciones graficas // y porque puede ser que no se haya hecho al cargar las imagenes pancromaticas (en el caso // de que la primera imagen mostrada sea la pancromatica, ver CAnalisisDlg::AbrirTodas y CargarImagen) if (M_overlay_normal==NULL) { MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay, M_OVERLAY_ID, &M_overlay_normal); // Relleno el buffer overlay con el color TRANSPARENTE MbufClear(M_overlay_normal, TRANSPARENTE ); } return true; }
void MdispGtkView::InitializeOverlay() { MIL_TEXT_CHAR chText[80]; // Initialize overlay if not already done if ((!m_isOverlayInitialized) && (m_MilDisplay)) { //Only do it on a valid windowed display [CALL TO MIL] if (m_MilImage && m_MilDisplay ) { // Prepare overlay buffer // //////////////////////////// // Enable display overlay annotations. MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_OVERLAY, M_ENABLE); // Inquire the Overlay buffer associated with the displayed buffer [CALL TO MIL] MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_OVERLAY_ID, &m_MilOverlayImage); // Clear the overlay to transparent. MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_OVERLAY_CLEAR, M_DEFAULT); // Disable the overlay display update to accelerate annotations. MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_OVERLAY_SHOW, M_DISABLE); // Draw MIL monochrome overlay annotation * //***************************************** // Inquire MilOverlayImage size x and y [CALL TO MIL] long imageWidth = MbufInquire(m_MilOverlayImage,M_SIZE_X,M_NULL); long imageHeight = MbufInquire(m_MilOverlayImage,M_SIZE_Y,M_NULL); // Set graphic text to transparent background. [CALL TO MIL] MgraControl(M_DEFAULT, M_BACKGROUND_MODE, M_TRANSPARENT); // Set drawing color to white. [CALL TO MIL] MgraColor(M_DEFAULT, M_COLOR_WHITE); // Print a string in the overlay image buffer. [CALL TO MIL] MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilOverlayImage, imageWidth/9, imageHeight/5, " -------------------- "); MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilOverlayImage, imageWidth/9, imageHeight/5+25, " - MIL Overlay Text - "); MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilOverlayImage, imageWidth/9, imageHeight/5+50, " -------------------- "); // Print a green string in the green component overlay image buffer. [CALL TO MIL] MgraColor(M_DEFAULT, M_COLOR_GREEN); MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilOverlayImage, imageWidth*11/18, imageHeight/5, " -------------------- "); MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilOverlayImage, imageWidth*11/18, imageHeight/5+25, " - MIL Overlay Text - "); MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilOverlayImage, imageWidth*11/18, imageHeight/5+50, " -------------------- "); // Draw GDI color overlay annotation * //************************************ // Disable hook to MIL error because control might not be supported MappControl(M_ERROR_HOOKS, M_DISABLE); // Create a device context to draw in the overlay buffer with GDI. [CALL TO MIL] MbufControl(m_MilOverlayImage, M_XPIXMAP_ALLOC, M_COMPENSATION_ENABLE); // Reenable hook to MIL error MappControl(M_ERROR_HOOKS, M_ENABLE); // Retrieve the XPIXMAP of the overlay [CALL TO MIL] Pixmap XPixmap = (Pixmap)MbufInquire(m_MilOverlayImage, M_XPIXMAP_HANDLE, M_NULL); /* convert it to gdkpixmap */ GdkPixmap *gdkpixmap = gdk_pixmap_foreign_new(XPixmap); if(gdkpixmap) { GdkPoint Hor[2]; GdkPoint Ver[2]; GdkColor color[3]; GdkFont *font = NULL; font = gdk_font_load ("-misc-*-*-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-1"); int i; /* get graphic context from pixmap*/ GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new(gdkpixmap); /* allocate colors */ gdk_color_parse("blue",&color[0]); gdk_color_parse("red",&color[1]); gdk_color_parse("yellow",&color[2]); for(i=0;i<3;i++) gdk_color_alloc(gdk_colormap_get_system(), &color[i]); /* set the foreground to our color */ gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &color[0]); // Draw a blue cross in the overlay buffer. Hor[0].x = 0; Hor[0].y = imageHeight/2; Hor[1].x = imageWidth; Hor[1].y = imageHeight/2; gdk_draw_lines(gdkpixmap,gc,Hor,2); Ver[0].x = imageWidth/2; Ver[0].y = 0; Ver[1].x = imageWidth/2; Ver[1].y = imageHeight; gdk_draw_lines(gdkpixmap,gc,Ver,2); // Write Red text in the overlay buffer. MosStrcpy(chText, 80, "X Overlay Text "); gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &color[1]); gdk_draw_string(gdkpixmap, font, gc, imageWidth*3/18, imageHeight*4/6, chText); // Write Yellow text in the overlay buffer. gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &color[2]); gdk_draw_string(gdkpixmap, font, gc, imageWidth*12/18, imageHeight*4/6, chText); /* flush */ gdk_display_flush(gdk_display_get_default()); /* Free graphic context.*/ g_object_unref(gc); // Delete created Pixmap. [CALL TO MIL] MbufControl(m_MilOverlayImage, M_XPIXMAP_FREE, M_DEFAULT); // Signal MIL that the overlay buffer was modified. [CALL TO MIL] MbufControl(m_MilOverlayImage, M_MODIFIED, M_DEFAULT); } // Now that overlay buffer is correctly prepared, we can show it [CALL TO MIL] MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_OVERLAY_SHOW, M_ENABLE); // Overlay is now initialized m_isOverlayInitialized = true; } } }