コード例 #1
ファイル: TextGrid_Sound.cpp プロジェクト: dellison/APILPraat
void TextGrid_Pitch_drawSeparately (TextGrid grid, Pitch pitch, Graphics g, double tmin, double tmax,
	double fmin, double fmax, int showBoundaries, int useTextStyles, int garnish, int speckle, int unit)
	int ntier = grid -> tiers -> size;
	if (tmax <= tmin) tmin = grid -> xmin, tmax = grid -> xmax;
	if (Function_isUnitLogarithmic (pitch, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, unit)) {
		fmin = Function_convertStandardToSpecialUnit (pitch, fmin, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, unit);
		fmax = Function_convertStandardToSpecialUnit (pitch, fmax, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, unit);
	if (unit == kPitch_unit_HERTZ_LOGARITHMIC)
		Pitch_draw (pitch, g, tmin, tmax, pow (10, fmin - 0.25 * (fmax - fmin) * ntier), pow (10, fmax), FALSE, speckle, unit);
		Pitch_draw (pitch, g, tmin, tmax, fmin - 0.25 * (fmax - fmin) * ntier, fmax, FALSE, speckle, unit);
	TextGrid_Sound_draw (grid, NULL, g, tmin, tmax, showBoundaries, useTextStyles, FALSE);
	 * Restore window for the sake of margin drawing.
	Graphics_setWindow (g, tmin, tmax, fmin - 0.25 * (fmax - fmin) * ntier, fmax);
	if (unit == kPitch_unit_HERTZ_LOGARITHMIC)
		fmin = pow (10, fmin), fmax = pow (10, fmax);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		if (unit == kPitch_unit_HERTZ_LOGARITHMIC) {
			Graphics_markLeftLogarithmic (g, fmin, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
			Graphics_markLeftLogarithmic (g, fmax, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
			autoMarks_logarithmic (g, fmin, fmax, FALSE);
		} else if (unit == kPitch_unit_SEMITONES_100) {
			Graphics_markLeft (g, fmin, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
			Graphics_markLeft (g, fmax, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
			autoMarks_semitones (g, fmin, fmax, FALSE);
		} else {
			Graphics_markLeft (g, fmin, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
			Graphics_markLeft (g, fmax, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
			autoMarks (g, fmin, fmax, FALSE);
		static MelderString buffer = { 0 };
		MelderString_empty (& buffer);
		MelderString_append (& buffer, L"Pitch (", Function_getUnitText (pitch, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, unit, Function_UNIT_TEXT_GRAPHICAL), L")");
		Graphics_textLeft (g, true, buffer.string);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, true, L"Time (s)");
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, true, true, true);
コード例 #2
void Pitch_draw (Pitch me, Graphics g, double tmin, double tmax, double fmin, double fmax, int garnish, int speckle, int unit) {
	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Pitch_drawInside (me, g, tmin, tmax, fmin, fmax, speckle, unit);
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, TRUE, L"Time (s)");
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
		static MelderString buffer = { 0 };
		MelderString_empty (& buffer);
		MelderString_append (& buffer, L"Pitch (", Function_getUnitText (me, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, unit, Function_UNIT_TEXT_GRAPHICAL), L")");
		Graphics_textLeft (g, TRUE, buffer.string);
		if (Function_isUnitLogarithmic (me, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, unit)) {
			Graphics_marksLeftLogarithmic (g, 6, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
		} else {
			Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
コード例 #3
static void EEG_setChannelNames_selected (EEG me, const wchar_t *precursor, long *channelNumbers, long numberOfChannels) {
	autoMelderString name;
	const wchar_t *zero = L"0";
	for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfChannels; i++) {
		MelderString_append (&name, precursor);
		if (my d_numberOfChannels > 100) {
			if (i < 10) {
				MelderString_append (&name, zero);
			if (i < 100) {
				MelderString_append (&name, zero);
		} else if (i < 10) {
			MelderString_append (&name, zero);
		MelderString_append (&name, Melder_integer (i));
		my f_setChannelName (channelNumbers[i], name.string);
		MelderString_empty (&name);
コード例 #4
void FilesInMemory_showAsCode (FilesInMemory me, const wchar_t *name, long numberOfBytesPerLine) {
	autoMelderString one_fim;
	autoMelderString all_fims;
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"#include \"Collection.h\"");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"#include \"FileInMemory.h\"");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"#include \"melder.h\"\n");
	MelderInfo_writeLine3 (L"FilesInMemory create_", name, L" () {");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"\ttry {");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"\t\tautoFilesInMemory me = FilesInMemory_create ();");
	for (long ifile = 1; ifile <= my size; ifile++) {
		FileInMemory fim = (FileInMemory) my item[ifile];
		MelderString_append (&one_fim, name, Melder_integer (ifile));
		FileInMemory_showAsCode (fim, one_fim.string, numberOfBytesPerLine);
		MelderInfo_writeLine3 (L"\t\tCollection_addItem (me.peek(), ", one_fim.string, L".transfer());\n");
		MelderString_empty (&one_fim);
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"\t\treturn me.transfer();");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"\t} catch (MelderError) {");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"\t\tMelder_throw (L\"FilesInMemory not created.\");");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"\t}");
	MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"}\n\n");
コード例 #5
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: spirineta/tala
void Graphics_setWsViewport (I,
                             long x1DC, long x2DC, long y1DC, long y2DC)
    iam (Graphics);
    if (x1DC < my x1DCmin || x2DC > my x2DCmax || y1DC < my y1DCmin || y2DC > my y2DCmax) {
        static MelderString warning = { 0 };
        MelderString_empty (& warning);
        MelderString_append8 (& warning, L"Graphics_setWsViewport: coordinates too large:\n",
                              Melder_integer (x1DC), L"..", Melder_integer (x2DC), L" x ", Melder_integer (y1DC), L"..", Melder_integer (y2DC));
        MelderString_append9 (& warning, L" goes outside ",
                              Melder_integer (my x1DCmin), L"..", Melder_integer (my x2DCmax), L" x ", Melder_integer (my y1DCmin), L"..", Melder_integer (my y2DCmax), L".");
        Melder_warning1 (warning.string);
        x1DC = my x1DCmin;
        x2DC = my x2DCmax;
        y1DC = my y1DCmin;
        y2DC = my y2DCmax;
    my x1DC = x1DC;
    my x2DC = x2DC;
    my y1DC = y1DC;
    my y2DC = y2DC;
    widgetToWindowCoordinates (me);
#if win
    if (my screen && my printer) {
        iam (GraphicsScreen);
         * Map page coordinates to paper coordinates.
        my x1DC -=  GetDeviceCaps (my dc, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
        my x2DC -=  GetDeviceCaps (my dc, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
        my y1DC -=  GetDeviceCaps (my dc, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
        my y2DC -=  GetDeviceCaps (my dc, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
    computeTrafo (me);
コード例 #6
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void Melder_warning3 (const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3) {
	if (theWarningDepth < 0) return;
	MelderString_empty (& theWarningBuffer);
	MelderString_append3 (& theWarningBuffer, s1, s2, s3);
	theMelder. warning (theWarningBuffer.string);
コード例 #7
static Strings Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList (const wchar_t *path, int type) {
		 * Initialize.
		DIR *d = NULL;
		try {
			autoMelderString filePath, searchDirectory, left, right;
			 * Parse the path.
			 * Example: in /Users/paul/sounds/h*.wav",
			 * the search directory is "/Users/paul/sounds",
			 * the left environment is "h", and the right environment is ".wav".
			MelderString_copy (& searchDirectory, path);
			wchar_t *asterisk = wcsrchr (searchDirectory. string, '*');
			if (asterisk != NULL) {
				*asterisk = '\0';
				searchDirectory. length = asterisk - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
				wchar_t *lastSlash = wcsrchr (searchDirectory. string, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				if (lastSlash != NULL) {
					*lastSlash = '\0';   // This fixes searchDirectory.
					searchDirectory. length = lastSlash - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
					MelderString_copy (& left, lastSlash + 1);
				} else {
					MelderString_copy (& left, searchDirectory. string);   // quickly save...
					MelderString_empty (& searchDirectory);   // ...before destruction
				MelderString_copy (& right, asterisk + 1);
			char buffer8 [1+kMelder_MAXPATH];
			Melder_wcsTo8bitFileRepresentation_inline (searchDirectory. string, buffer8);
			d = opendir (buffer8 [0] ? buffer8 : ".");
			if (d == NULL)
				Melder_throw ("Cannot open directory ", searchDirectory. string, ".");
			//Melder_casual ("opened");
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <wchar_t *> (1, 1000000);
			struct dirent *entry;
			while ((entry = readdir (d)) != NULL) {
				MelderString_copy (& filePath, searchDirectory. string [0] ? searchDirectory. string : L".");
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& filePath, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				wchar_t bufferW [1+kMelder_MAXPATH];
				Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToWcs_inline (entry -> d_name, bufferW);
				MelderString_append (& filePath, bufferW);
				//Melder_casual ("read %s", filePath. string);
				Melder_wcsTo8bitFileRepresentation_inline (filePath. string, buffer8);
				struct stat stats;
				if (stat (buffer8, & stats) != 0) {
					Melder_throw ("Cannot look at file ", filePath. string, ".");
					//stats. st_mode = -1L;
				//Melder_casual ("statted %s", filePath. string);
				//Melder_casual ("file %s mode %s", filePath. string, Melder_integer (stats. st_mode / 4096));
				if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE && S_ISREG (stats. st_mode)) ||
					(type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && S_ISDIR (stats. st_mode)))
					Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToWcs_inline (entry -> d_name, bufferW);
					unsigned long length = wcslen (bufferW);
					if (bufferW [0] != '.' &&
						(left. length == 0 || wcsnequ (bufferW, left. string, left. length)) &&
						(right. length == 0 || (length >= right. length && wcsequ (bufferW + (length - right. length), right. string))))
						my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_wcsdup (bufferW);
			closedir (d);
			Strings_sort (me.peek());
			return me.transfer();
		} catch (MelderError) {
			if (d) closedir (d);   // "finally"
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		try {
			wchar_t searchPath [1+kMelder_MAXPATH];
			int len = wcslen (path), hasAsterisk = wcschr (path, '*') != NULL, endsInSeparator = len != 0 && path [len - 1] == '\\';
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <wchar_t *> (1, 1000000);
			swprintf (searchPath, 1+kMelder_MAXPATH, L"%ls%ls%ls", path, hasAsterisk || endsInSeparator ? L"" : L"\\", hasAsterisk ? L"" : L"*");
			WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
			HANDLE searchHandle = FindFirstFileW (searchPath, & findData);
			if (searchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
				do {
					if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE &&
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
					 || (type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && 
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0))
						if (findData. cFileName [0] != '.') {
							my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_wcsdup (findData. cFileName);
				} while (FindNextFileW (searchHandle, & findData));
				FindClose (searchHandle);
			Strings_sort (me.peek());
			return me.transfer();
		} catch (MelderError) {
コード例 #8
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
int Melder_progress8 (double progress, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3, const wchar_t *s4, const wchar_t *s5, const wchar_t *s6, const wchar_t *s7, const wchar_t *s8) {
	MelderString_empty (& theProgressBuffer);
	MelderString_append8 (& theProgressBuffer, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8);
	//return _Melder_progress (progress, theProgressBuffer.string);
コード例 #9
ファイル: EEG.cpp プロジェクト: guilhermegarcia/praat-1
autoEEG EEG_readFromBdfFile (MelderFile file) {
	try {
		autofile f = Melder_fopen (file, "rb");
		char buffer [81];
		fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
		bool is24bit = buffer [0] == (char) 255;
		fread (buffer, 1, 80, f); buffer [80] = '\0';
		trace (U"Local subject identification: \"", Melder_peek8to32 (buffer), U"\"");
		fread (buffer, 1, 80, f); buffer [80] = '\0';
		trace (U"Local recording identification: \"", Melder_peek8to32 (buffer), U"\"");
		fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
		trace (U"Start date of recording: \"", Melder_peek8to32 (buffer), U"\"");
		fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
		trace (U"Start time of recording: \"", Melder_peek8to32 (buffer), U"\"");
		fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
		long numberOfBytesInHeaderRecord = atol (buffer);
		trace (U"Number of bytes in header record: ", numberOfBytesInHeaderRecord);
		fread (buffer, 1, 44, f); buffer [44] = '\0';
		trace (U"Version of data format: \"", Melder_peek8to32 (buffer), U"\"");
		fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
		long numberOfDataRecords = strtol (buffer, nullptr, 10);
		trace (U"Number of data records: ", numberOfDataRecords);
		fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
		double durationOfDataRecord = atof (buffer);
		trace (U"Duration of a data record: ", durationOfDataRecord);
		fread (buffer, 1, 4, f); buffer [4] = '\0';
		long numberOfChannels = atol (buffer);
		trace (U"Number of channels in data record: ", numberOfChannels);
		if (numberOfBytesInHeaderRecord != (numberOfChannels + 1) * 256)
			Melder_throw (U"Number of bytes in header record (", numberOfBytesInHeaderRecord,
				U") doesn't match number of channels (", numberOfChannels, U").");
		autostring32vector channelNames (1, numberOfChannels);
		for (long ichannel = 1; ichannel <= numberOfChannels; ichannel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 16, f); buffer [16] = '\0';   // labels of the channels
			 * Strip all final spaces.
			for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i --) {
				if (buffer [i] == ' ') {
					buffer [i] = '\0';
				} else {
			channelNames [ichannel] = Melder_8to32 (buffer);
			trace (U"Channel <<", channelNames [ichannel], U">>");
		bool hasLetters = str32equ (channelNames [numberOfChannels], U"EDF Annotations");
		double samplingFrequency = NUMundefined;
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= numberOfChannels; channel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 80, f); buffer [80] = '\0';   // transducer type
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= numberOfChannels; channel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';   // physical dimension of channels
		autoNUMvector <double> physicalMinimum (1, numberOfChannels);
		for (long ichannel = 1; ichannel <= numberOfChannels; ichannel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
			physicalMinimum [ichannel] = atof (buffer);
		autoNUMvector <double> physicalMaximum (1, numberOfChannels);
		for (long ichannel = 1; ichannel <= numberOfChannels; ichannel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
			physicalMaximum [ichannel] = atof (buffer);
		autoNUMvector <double> digitalMinimum (1, numberOfChannels);
		for (long ichannel = 1; ichannel <= numberOfChannels; ichannel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
			digitalMinimum [ichannel] = atof (buffer);
		autoNUMvector <double> digitalMaximum (1, numberOfChannels);
		for (long ichannel = 1; ichannel <= numberOfChannels; ichannel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';
			digitalMaximum [ichannel] = atof (buffer);
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= numberOfChannels; channel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 80, f); buffer [80] = '\0';   // prefiltering
		long numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord = 0;
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= numberOfChannels; channel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 8, f); buffer [8] = '\0';   // number of samples in each data record
			long numberOfSamplesInThisDataRecord = atol (buffer);
			if (samplingFrequency == NUMundefined) {
				numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord = numberOfSamplesInThisDataRecord;
				samplingFrequency = numberOfSamplesInThisDataRecord / durationOfDataRecord;
			if (numberOfSamplesInThisDataRecord / durationOfDataRecord != samplingFrequency)
				Melder_throw (U"Number of samples per data record in channel ", channel,
					U" (", numberOfSamplesInThisDataRecord,
					U") doesn't match sampling frequency of channel 1 (", samplingFrequency, U").");
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= numberOfChannels; channel ++) {
			fread (buffer, 1, 32, f); buffer [32] = '\0';   // reserved
		double duration = numberOfDataRecords * durationOfDataRecord;
		autoEEG him = EEG_create (0, duration);
		his numberOfChannels = numberOfChannels;
		autoSound me = Sound_createSimple (numberOfChannels, duration, samplingFrequency);
		Melder_assert (my nx == numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord * numberOfDataRecords);
		autoNUMvector <unsigned char> dataBuffer (0L, 3 * numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord - 1);
		for (long record = 1; record <= numberOfDataRecords; record ++) {
			for (long channel = 1; channel <= numberOfChannels; channel ++) {
				double factor = channel == numberOfChannels ? 1.0 : physicalMinimum [channel] / digitalMinimum [channel];
				if (channel < numberOfChannels - EEG_getNumberOfExtraSensors (him.peek())) factor /= 1000000.0;
				if (is24bit) {
					fread (& dataBuffer [0], 3, numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord, f);
					unsigned char *p = & dataBuffer [0];
					for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord; i ++) {
						long sample = i + (record - 1) * numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord;
						Melder_assert (sample <= my nx);
						uint8_t lowByte = *p ++, midByte = *p ++, highByte = *p ++;
						uint32_t externalValue = ((uint32_t) highByte << 16) | ((uint32_t) midByte << 8) | (uint32_t) lowByte;
						if ((highByte & 128) != 0)   // is the 24-bit sign bit on?
							externalValue |= 0xFF000000;   // extend negative sign to 32 bits
						my z [channel] [sample] = (int32_t) externalValue * factor;
				} else {
					fread (& dataBuffer [0], 2, numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord, f);
					unsigned char *p = & dataBuffer [0];
					for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord; i ++) {
						long sample = i + (record - 1) * numberOfSamplesPerDataRecord;
						Melder_assert (sample <= my nx);
						uint8 lowByte = *p ++, highByte = *p ++;
						uint16 externalValue = (uint16) ((uint16) highByte << 8) | (uint16) lowByte;
						my z [channel] [sample] = (int16) externalValue * factor;
		int numberOfStatusBits = 8;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			unsigned long value = (long) my z [numberOfChannels] [i];
			if (value & 0x0000FF00) {
				numberOfStatusBits = 16;
		autoTextGrid thee;
		if (hasLetters) {
			thee = TextGrid_create (0, duration, U"Mark Trigger", U"Mark Trigger");
			autoMelderString letters;
			double time = NUMundefined;
			for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
				unsigned long value = (long) my z [numberOfChannels] [i];
				for (int byte = 1; byte <= numberOfStatusBits / 8; byte ++) {
					unsigned long mask = byte == 1 ? 0x000000ff : 0x0000ff00;
					char32 kar = byte == 1 ? (value & mask) : (value & mask) >> 8;
					if (kar != U'\0' && kar != 20) {
						MelderString_appendCharacter (& letters, kar);
					} else if (letters. string [0] != U'\0') {
						if (letters. string [0] == U'+') {
							if (NUMdefined (time)) {
								try {
									TextGrid_insertPoint (thee.peek(), 1, time, U"");
								} catch (MelderError) {
									Melder_throw (U"Did not insert empty mark (", letters. string, U") on Mark tier.");
								time = NUMundefined;   // defensive
							time = Melder_atof (& letters. string [1]);
							MelderString_empty (& letters);
						} else {
							if (! NUMdefined (time)) {
								Melder_throw (U"Undefined time for label at sample ", i, U".");
							try {
								if (Melder_nequ (letters. string, U"Trigger-", 8)) {
									try {
										TextGrid_insertPoint (thee.peek(), 2, time, & letters. string [8]);
									} catch (MelderError) {
										Melder_clearError ();
										trace (U"Duplicate trigger at ", time, U" seconds: ", & letters. string [8]);
								} else {
									TextGrid_insertPoint (thee.peek(), 1, time, & letters. string [0]);
							} catch (MelderError) {
								Melder_throw (U"Did not insert mark (", letters. string, U") on Trigger tier.");
							time = NUMundefined;   // crucial
							MelderString_empty (& letters);
			if (NUMdefined (time)) {
				TextGrid_insertPoint (thee.peek(), 1, time, U"");
				time = NUMundefined;   // defensive
		} else {
			thee = TextGrid_create (0, duration,
				numberOfStatusBits == 8 ? U"S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8" : U"S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16", U"");
			for (int bit = 1; bit <= numberOfStatusBits; bit ++) {
				unsigned long bitValue = 1 << (bit - 1);
				IntervalTier tier = (IntervalTier) thy tiers -> item [bit];
				for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
					unsigned long previousValue = i == 1 ? 0 : (long) my z [numberOfChannels] [i - 1];
					unsigned long thisValue = (long) my z [numberOfChannels] [i];
					if ((thisValue & bitValue) != (previousValue & bitValue)) {
						double time = i == 1 ? 0.0 : my x1 + (i - 1.5) * my dx;
						if (time != 0.0)
							TextGrid_insertBoundary (thee.peek(), bit, time);
						if ((thisValue & bitValue) != 0)
							TextGrid_setIntervalText (thee.peek(), bit, tier -> intervals -> size, U"1");
		f.close (file);
		his channelNames = channelNames.transfer();
		his sound = me.move();
		his textgrid = thee.move();
		if (EEG_getNumberOfCapElectrodes (him.peek()) == 32) {
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 1, U"Fp1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 2, U"AF3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 3, U"F7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 4, U"F3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 5, U"FC1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 6, U"FC5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 7, U"T7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 8, U"C3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 9, U"CP1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 10, U"CP5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 11, U"P7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 12, U"P3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 13, U"Pz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 14, U"PO3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 15, U"O1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 16, U"Oz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 17, U"O2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 18, U"PO4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 19, U"P4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 20, U"P8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 21, U"CP6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 22, U"CP2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 23, U"C4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 24, U"T8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 25, U"FC6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 26, U"FC2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 27, U"F4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 28, U"F8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 29, U"AF4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 30, U"Fp2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 31, U"Fz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 32, U"Cz");
		} else if (EEG_getNumberOfCapElectrodes (him.peek()) == 64) {
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 1, U"Fp1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 2, U"AF7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 3, U"AF3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 4, U"F1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 5, U"F3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 6, U"F5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 7, U"F7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 8, U"FT7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 9, U"FC5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 10, U"FC3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 11, U"FC1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 12, U"C1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 13, U"C3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 14, U"C5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 15, U"T7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 16, U"TP7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 17, U"CP5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 18, U"CP3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 19, U"CP1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 20, U"P1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 21, U"P3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 22, U"P5");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 23, U"P7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 24, U"P9");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 25, U"PO7");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 26, U"PO3");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 27, U"O1");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 28, U"Iz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 29, U"Oz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 30, U"POz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 31, U"Pz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 32, U"CPz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 33, U"Fpz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 34, U"Fp2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 35, U"AF8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 36, U"AF4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 37, U"AFz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 38, U"Fz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 39, U"F2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 40, U"F4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 41, U"F6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 42, U"F8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 43, U"FT8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 44, U"FC6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 45, U"FC4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 46, U"FC2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 47, U"FCz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 48, U"Cz");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 49, U"C2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 50, U"C4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 51, U"C6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 52, U"T8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 53, U"TP8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 54, U"CP6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 55, U"CP4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 56, U"CP2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 57, U"P2");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 58, U"P4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 59, U"P6");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 60, U"P8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 61, U"P10");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 62, U"PO8");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 63, U"PO4");
			EEG_setChannelName (him.peek(), 64, U"O2");
		return him;
	} catch (MelderError) {
コード例 #10
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void * Melder_monitor1 (double progress, const wchar_t *s1) {
	MelderString_empty (& theProgressBuffer);
	MelderString_append1 (& theProgressBuffer, s1);
	//return _Melder_monitor (progress, theProgressBuffer.string); // FIXME
コード例 #11
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void Melder_warning9 (const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3, const wchar_t *s4, const wchar_t *s5, const wchar_t *s6, const wchar_t *s7, const wchar_t *s8, const wchar_t *s9) {
	if (theWarningDepth < 0) return;
	MelderString_empty (& theWarningBuffer);
	MelderString_append9 (& theWarningBuffer, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9);
	theMelder. warning (theWarningBuffer.string);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Strings.cpp プロジェクト: mlufei/praat
static autoStrings Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList (const char32 *path /* cattable */, int type) {
		 * Initialize.
		DIR *d = nullptr;
		try {
			autoMelderString filePath, searchDirectory, left, right;
			 * Parse the path.
			 * Example: in /Users/paul/sounds/h*.wav",
			 * the search directory is "/Users/paul/sounds",
			 * the left environment is "h", and the right environment is ".wav".
			MelderString_copy (& searchDirectory, path);
			char32 *asterisk = str32rchr (searchDirectory. string, '*');
			if (asterisk) {
				*asterisk = '\0';
				searchDirectory. length = asterisk - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
				char32 *lastSlash = str32rchr (searchDirectory. string, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				if (lastSlash) {
					*lastSlash = '\0';   // This fixes searchDirectory.
					searchDirectory. length = lastSlash - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
					MelderString_copy (& left, lastSlash + 1);
				} else {
					MelderString_copy (& left, searchDirectory. string);   // quickly save...
					MelderString_empty (& searchDirectory);   // ...before destruction
				MelderString_copy (& right, asterisk + 1);
			char buffer8 [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
			Melder_str32To8bitFileRepresentation_inline (searchDirectory. string, buffer8);
			d = opendir (buffer8 [0] ? buffer8 : ".");
			if (! d)
				Melder_throw (U"Cannot open directory ", searchDirectory. string, U".");
			//Melder_casual (U"opened");
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <char32 *> (1, 1000000);
			struct dirent *entry;
			while (!! (entry = readdir (d))) {
				MelderString_copy (& filePath, searchDirectory. string [0] ? searchDirectory. string : U".");
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& filePath, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				char32 buffer32 [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
				Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToStr32_inline (entry -> d_name, buffer32);
				MelderString_append (& filePath, buffer32);
				//Melder_casual (U"read ", filePath. string);
				Melder_str32To8bitFileRepresentation_inline (filePath. string, buffer8);
				struct stat stats;
				if (stat (buffer8, & stats) != 0) {
					//Melder_throw (U"Cannot look at file ", filePath. string, U".");
					//stats. st_mode = -1L;
				//Melder_casual (U"statted ", filePath. string);
				//Melder_casual (U"file ", filePath. string, U" mode ", stats. st_mode / 4096);
				if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE && S_ISREG (stats. st_mode)) ||
					(type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && S_ISDIR (stats. st_mode)))
					Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToStr32_inline (entry -> d_name, buffer32);
					int64 length = str32len (buffer32);
					if (buffer32 [0] != U'.' &&
						(left. length == 0 || str32nequ (buffer32, left. string, left. length)) &&
						(right. length == 0 || (length >= right. length && str32equ (buffer32 + (length - right. length), right. string))))
						my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_dup (buffer32);
			closedir (d);
			Strings_sort (me.get());
			return me;
		} catch (MelderError) {
			if (d) closedir (d);   // "finally"
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		try {
			char32 searchPath [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
			int len = str32len (path);
			bool hasAsterisk = !! str32chr (path, U'*');
			bool endsInSeparator = ( len != 0 && path [len - 1] == U'\\' );
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <char32 *> (1, 1000000);
			Melder_sprint (searchPath, kMelder_MAXPATH+1, path, hasAsterisk || endsInSeparator ? U"" : U"\\", hasAsterisk ? U"" : U"*");
			WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
			HANDLE searchHandle = FindFirstFileW (Melder_peek32toW (searchPath), & findData);
			if (searchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
				do {
					if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE &&
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
					 || (type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && 
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0))
						if (findData. cFileName [0] != L'.') {
							my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_dup (Melder_peekWto32 (findData. cFileName));
				} while (FindNextFileW (searchHandle, & findData));
				FindClose (searchHandle);
			Strings_sort (me.get());
			return me;
		} catch (MelderError) {
コード例 #13
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
int Melder_progress4 (double progress, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3, const wchar_t *s4) {
	MelderString_empty (& theProgressBuffer);
	MelderString_append4 (& theProgressBuffer, s1, s2, s3, s4);
	//return _Melder_progress (progress, theProgressBuffer.string);
コード例 #14
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void * Melder_monitor2 (double progress, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) {
	MelderString_empty (& theProgressBuffer);
	MelderString_append2 (& theProgressBuffer, s1, s2);
	//return _Melder_monitor (progress, theProgressBuffer.string);
コード例 #15
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void Melder_warning1 (const wchar_t *s1) {
	if (theWarningDepth < 0) return;
	MelderString_empty (& theWarningBuffer);
	MelderString_append1 (& theWarningBuffer, s1);
	theMelder. warning (theWarningBuffer.string);
コード例 #16
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void * Melder_monitor9 (double progress, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3, const wchar_t *s4, const wchar_t *s5, const wchar_t *s6, const wchar_t *s7, const wchar_t *s8, const wchar_t *s9) {
	MelderString_empty (& theProgressBuffer);
	MelderString_append9 (& theProgressBuffer, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9);
	//return _Melder_monitor (progress, theProgressBuffer.string);
コード例 #17
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void * Melder_monitor5 (double progress, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3, const wchar_t *s4, const wchar_t *s5) {
	MelderString_empty (& theProgressBuffer);
	MelderString_append5 (& theProgressBuffer, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
	//return _Melder_monitor (progress, theProgressBuffer.string);
コード例 #18
ファイル: melder.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void Melder_warning6 (const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, const wchar_t *s3, const wchar_t *s4, const wchar_t *s5, const wchar_t *s6) {
	if (theWarningDepth < 0) return;
	MelderString_empty (& theWarningBuffer);
	MelderString_append6 (& theWarningBuffer, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
	theMelder. warning (theWarningBuffer.string);
コード例 #19
TableOfReal TableOfReal_readFromHeaderlessSpreadsheetFile (MelderFile file) {
	try {
		autostring string = MelderFile_readText (file);
		long nrow, ncol, nelements;

		 * Count columns.
		ncol = 0;
		wchar_t *p = & string [0];
		for (;;) {
			wchar_t kar = *p++;
			if (kar == '\n' || kar == '\0') break;
			if (kar == ' ' || kar == '\t') continue;
			ncol ++;
			do { kar = *p++; } while (kar != ' ' && kar != '\t' && kar != '\n' && kar != '\0');
			if (kar == '\n' || kar == '\0') break;
		ncol --;
		if (ncol < 1) Melder_throw ("No columns.");

		 * Count elements.
		p = & string [0];
		nelements = 0;
		for (;;) {
			wchar_t kar = *p++;
			if (kar == '\0') break;
			if (kar == ' ' || kar == '\t' || kar == '\n') continue;
			nelements ++;
			do { kar = *p++; } while (kar != ' ' && kar != '\t' && kar != '\n' && kar != '\0');
			if (kar == '\0') break;

		 * Check if all columns are complete.
		if (nelements == 0 || nelements % (ncol + 1) != 0)
			Melder_throw ("The number of elements (", nelements, ") is not a multiple of the number of columns plus 1 (", ncol + 1, ").");

		 * Create empty table.
		nrow = nelements / (ncol + 1) - 1;
		autoTableOfReal me = TableOfReal_create (nrow, ncol);

		 * Read elements.
		p = & string [0];
		while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { Melder_assert (*p != '\0'); p ++; }
		while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t') { Melder_assert (*p != '\0'); p ++; }   // ignore the header of the zeroth column ("rowLabel" perhaps)
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= ncol; icol ++) {
			while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { Melder_assert (*p != '\0'); p ++; }
			static MelderString buffer = { 0 };
			MelderString_empty (& buffer);
			while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n') {
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& buffer, *p);
				p ++;
			TableOfReal_setColumnLabel (me.peek(), icol, buffer.string);
			MelderString_empty (& buffer);
		for (long irow = 1; irow <= nrow; irow ++) {
			while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n') { Melder_assert (*p != '\0'); p ++; }
			static MelderString buffer = { 0 };
			MelderString_empty (& buffer);
			while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t') {
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& buffer, *p);
				p ++;
			TableOfReal_setRowLabel (me.peek(), irow, buffer.string);
			MelderString_empty (& buffer);
			for (long icol = 1; icol <= ncol; icol ++) {
				while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n') { Melder_assert (*p != '\0'); p ++; }
				MelderString_empty (& buffer);
				while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0') {
					MelderString_appendCharacter (& buffer, *p);
					p ++;
				my data [irow] [icol] = Melder_atof (buffer.string);   /* If cell contains a string, this will be 0. */
				MelderString_empty (& buffer);
		return me.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw ("TableOfReal: tab-separated file ", file, " not read.");