/** * @brief Called from the precache check to queue a download. * @sa CL_CheckOrDownloadFile */ bool CL_QueueHTTPDownload (const char *ufoPath) { /* no http server (or we got booted) */ if (!cls.downloadServer[0] || abortDownloads || !cl_http_downloads->integer) return false; dlqueue_t** anchor = &cls.downloadQueue; for (; *anchor; anchor = &(*anchor)->next) { /* avoid sending duplicate requests */ if (Q_streq(ufoPath, (*anchor)->ufoPath)) return true; } dlqueue_t* const q = Mem_AllocType(dlqueue_t); q->next = NULL; q->state = DLQ_STATE_NOT_STARTED; Q_strncpyz(q->ufoPath, ufoPath, sizeof(q->ufoPath)); *anchor = q; /* special case for map file lists */ if (cl_http_filelists->integer) { const char *extension = Com_GetExtension(ufoPath); if (extension != NULL && !Q_strcasecmp(extension, "bsp")) { char listPath[MAX_OSPATH]; const size_t len = strlen(ufoPath); Com_sprintf(listPath, sizeof(listPath), BASEDIRNAME"/%.*s.filelist", (int)(len - 4), ufoPath); CL_QueueHTTPDownload(listPath); } } /* if a download entry has made it this far, CL_FinishHTTPDownload is guaranteed to be called. */ pendingCount++; return true; }
/** * @brief Build a patch for a surface that emits light * @note This is called in the lighting stage * @param fn The face number of the surface that emits the light * @param w The winding * @sa BuildLights */ static void BuildPatch (int fn, winding_t* w) { patch_t* patch; dBspPlane_t* plane; patch = Mem_AllocType(patch_t); face_patches[fn] = patch; patch->face = &curTile->faces[fn]; patch->winding = w; /* resolve the normal */ plane = &curTile->planes[patch->face->planenum]; if (patch->face->side) VectorNegate(plane->normal, patch->normal); else VectorCopy(plane->normal, patch->normal); WindingCenter(w, patch->origin); /* nudge the origin out along the normal */ VectorMA(patch->origin, 2.0, patch->normal, patch->origin); patch->area = WindingArea(w); if (patch->area < 1.0) /* clamp area */ patch->area = 1.0; EmissiveLight(patch); /* surface light */ }
/** * @brief Allocates a tree and initializes it */ tree_t *AllocTree (void) { tree_t *tree = Mem_AllocType(tree_t); tree->aabb.clearBounds(); return tree; }
/** * @sa FreePortal */ static portal_t *AllocPortal (void) { if (threadstate.numthreads == 1) c_active_portals++; if (c_active_portals > c_peak_portals) c_peak_portals = c_active_portals; return Mem_AllocType(portal_t); }
static void GAME_SCP_InitStartup (void) { static saveSubsystems_t mission_subsystemXML = {"staticcampaign", SCP_Save, SCP_Load}; GAME_CP_InitStartup(); SAV_AddSubsystem(&mission_subsystemXML); ccs.missionSpawnCallback = SCP_SpawnNewMissions; ccs.missionResultCallback = SCP_CampaignProgress; scd = Mem_AllocType(staticCampaignData_t); }
void SetKeyValue (entity_t* ent, const char* key, const char* value) { epair_t* ep; for (ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next) if (Q_streq(ep->key, key)) { ep->value = Mem_StrDup(value); return; } ep = Mem_AllocType(epair_t); ep->next = ent->epairs; ent->epairs = ep; ep->key = Mem_StrDup(key); ep->value = Mem_StrDup(value); }
epair_t* AddEpair (const char* key, const char* value, int entNum) { epair_t* e = Mem_AllocType(epair_t); if (IsInvalidEntityToken(value) || IsInvalidEntityToken(key)) Sys_Error("Invalid entity %i found with key '%s' and value '%s'", entNum, key, value); if (strlen(key) >= MAX_KEY - 1) Sys_Error("ParseEpar: token too long"); e->key = key; if (strlen(value) >= MAX_VALUE - 1) Sys_Error("ParseEpar: token too long"); e->value = value; return e; }
/** * @brief Chops the patch by a global grid */ static void SubdividePatch(patch_t* patch) { winding_t* w, *o1, *o2; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t split; vec_t dist; int i; patch_t* newp; w = patch->winding; WindingBounds(w, mins, maxs); VectorClear(split); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (floor((mins[i] + 1) / PATCH_SUBDIVIDE) < floor((maxs[i] - 1) / PATCH_SUBDIVIDE)) { split[i] = 1.0; break; } } /* no splitting needed */ if (i == 3) return; /* split the winding */ dist = PATCH_SUBDIVIDE * (1 + floor((mins[i] + 1) / PATCH_SUBDIVIDE)); ClipWindingEpsilon(w, split, dist, ON_EPSILON, &o1, &o2); /* create a new patch */ newp = Mem_AllocType(patch_t); newp->next = patch->next; patch->next = newp; patch->winding = o1; newp->winding = o2; FinishSubdividePatch(patch, newp); SubdividePatch(patch); SubdividePatch(newp); }
/** * @sa AllocBrush * @sa AllocTree */ node_t *AllocNode (void) { return Mem_AllocType(node_t); }
static void testMove (void) { vec3_t vec; pos3_t pos; pos_t gridPos; if (FS_CheckFile("maps/%s.bsp", mapName) != -1) { char entityString[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; CM_LoadMap(mapName, true, "", entityString, &mapData, &mapTiles); CM_LoadMap(mapName, true, "", entityString, &mapData, &mapTiles); } else { UFO_CU_FAIL_MSG_FATAL(va("Map resource '%s.bsp' for test is missing.", mapName)); } VectorSet(vec, 16, 16, 48); VecToPos(vec, pos); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos[0], 128); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos[1], 128); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos[2], 0); VectorSet(vec, 80, 16, 80); VecToPos(vec, pos); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos[0], 130); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos[1], 128); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos[2], 1); gridPos = Grid_Fall(mapData.routing, ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL, pos); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(gridPos, 1); { const byte crouchingState = 0; const int maxTUs = MAX_ROUTE_TUS; int lengthStored; pos3_t to; pathing_t* path = Mem_AllocType(pathing_t); VectorSet(vec, 80, 80, 32); VecToPos(vec, pos); Grid_CalcPathing(mapData.routing, ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL, path, pos, maxTUs, nullptr); Grid_MoveStore(path); /* move downwards */ { int lengthUnstored; VectorSet(vec, 80, 48, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthUnstored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, false); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthUnstored, lengthStored); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* try to move three steps upwards - there is a brush*/ { VectorSet(vec, 80, 176, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, ROUTING_NOT_REACHABLE); } /* try move into the nodraw */ { VectorSet(vec, 48, 16, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, ROUTING_NOT_REACHABLE); } /* move into the lightclip */ { VectorSet(vec, 48, 48, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } /* move into the passable */ { VectorSet(vec, 144, 48, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL + TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* go to the other side - diagonal, followed by six straight moves */ { VectorSet(vec, -16, 48, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 6 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT + TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } /* try to walk out of the map */ { VectorSet(vec, 48, 272, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, ROUTING_NOT_REACHABLE); } /* walk to the map border */ { VectorSet(vec, 48, 240, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 4 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT + TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } /* walk a level upwards */ { VectorSet(vec, 240, 80, 96); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 5 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* move to the door (not a func_door) */ { VectorSet(vec, 176, -80, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 4 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT + 2 * TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } /* move into the trigger_touch */ { VectorSet(vec, -48, -80, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 5 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT + 3 * TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } /* try to walk into the actorclip */ { VectorSet(vec, -48, -48, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, ROUTING_NOT_REACHABLE); } } }
static void testMoveEntities (void) { pos3_t pos; vec3_t vec; pathing_t* path = Mem_AllocType(pathing_t); forbiddenList_t forbiddenList; const byte crouchingState = 0; const int maxTUs = MAX_ROUTE_TUS; forbiddenList.reset(); SV_Map(true, mapName, nullptr); /* starting point */ VectorSet(vec, 240, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, pos); G_CompleteRecalcRouting(); { Edict* ent = nullptr; while ((ent = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(ent))) { /* Dead 2x2 unit will stop walking, too. */ if (ent->type == ET_SOLID) { int j; for (j = 0; j < ent->forbiddenListSize; j++) { forbiddenList.add(ent->forbiddenListPos[j], (byte*) &ent->fieldSize); } } } } { int lengthStored; pos3_t to; Grid_CalcPathing(sv->mapData.routing, ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL, path, pos, maxTUs, &forbiddenList); Grid_MoveStore(path); /* walk onto the func_breakable */ { VectorSet(vec, 112, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 4 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* walk over the func_breakable */ { VectorSet(vec, 80, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 5 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* walk over the func_breakable */ { VectorSet(vec, 16, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 7 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } } /* starting point */ VectorSet(vec, 144, 144, 32); VecToPos(vec, pos); { int lengthStored; pos3_t to; Grid_CalcPathing(sv->mapData.routing, ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL, path, pos, maxTUs, &forbiddenList); Grid_MoveStore(path); /* walk through the opened door */ { VectorSet(vec, 112, 144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* walk around the opened door */ { VectorSet(vec, 144, 208, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, true); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 2 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT + TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } } SV_ShutdownGameProgs(); }
/** * @brief Allocate a sequence context * @return Context */ sequenceContext_t *SEQ_AllocContext (void) { sequenceContext_t *context; context = Mem_AllocType(sequenceContext_t); return context; }
static face_t* AllocFace (void) { c_faces++; return Mem_AllocType(face_t); }
/** * @brief Decides if following events should be delayed. The delay is the amount of time the actor needs to walk * from the start to the end pos. */ int CL_ActorDoMoveTime (const eventRegister_t* self, dbuffer* msg, eventTiming_t* eventTiming) { int time = 0; const int eventTime = eventTiming->nextTime; const int number = NET_ReadShort(msg); /* get le */ le_t* le = LE_Get(number); if (!le) LE_NotFoundError(number); pos3_t pos; VectorCopy(le->pos, pos); byte crouchingState = LE_IsCrouched(le) ? 1 : 0; leStep_t* newStep = Mem_AllocType(leStep_t); if (le->stepList == nullptr) { le->stepList = newStep; le->stepIndex = 0; } else { /* append to the list */ leStep_t* step = le->stepList; while (step) { if (step->next == nullptr) { step->next = newStep; le->stepIndex++; break; } step = step->next; } } /* the end of this event is marked with a 0 */ while (NET_PeekLong(msg) != 0) { newStep->steps = NET_ReadByte(msg); const dvec_t dvec = NET_ReadShort(msg); const byte dir = getDVdir(dvec); pos3_t oldPos; VectorCopy(pos, oldPos); PosAddDV(pos, crouchingState, dvec); const int stepTime = LE_ActorGetStepTime(le, pos, oldPos, dir, NET_ReadShort(msg)); newStep->stepTimes[newStep->steps] = stepTime; time += stepTime; NET_ReadShort(msg); } ++newStep->steps; if (newStep->steps > MAX_ROUTE) Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "route length overflow: %i", newStep->steps); /* skip the end of move marker */ NET_ReadLong(msg); /* Also skip the final position */ NET_ReadByte(msg); NET_ReadByte(msg); NET_ReadByte(msg); assert(NET_PeekByte(msg) == EV_NULL); eventTiming->nextTime += time + 400; newStep->lastMoveTime = eventTime; newStep->lastMoveDuration = time; return eventTime; }
static void testMoveEntities (void) { routing_t *routing; pos3_t pos; vec3_t vec; pathing_t *path = Mem_AllocType(pathing_t); pos_t *forbiddenList[MAX_FORBIDDENLIST]; int forbiddenListLength = 0; const byte crouchingState = 0; const int distance = MAX_ROUTE; SV_Map(qtrue, mapName, NULL); /* starting point */ VectorSet(vec, 240, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, pos); routing = &sv->mapData.map[ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL - 1]; G_CompleteRecalcRouting(); { edict_t *ent = NULL; while ((ent = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(ent))) { /* Dead 2x2 unit will stop walking, too. */ if (ent->type == ET_SOLID) { int j; for (j = 0; j < ent->forbiddenListSize; j++) { forbiddenList[forbiddenListLength++] = ent->forbiddenListPos[j]; forbiddenList[forbiddenListLength++] = (byte*) &ent->fieldSize; } } } } { int lengthStored; pos3_t to; Grid_MoveCalc(routing, ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL, path, pos, crouchingState, distance, forbiddenList, forbiddenListLength); Grid_MoveStore(path); /* walk onto the func_breakable */ { VectorSet(vec, 112, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, qtrue); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 4 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* walk over the func_breakable */ { VectorSet(vec, 80, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, qtrue); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 5 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* walk over the func_breakable */ { VectorSet(vec, 16, -144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, qtrue); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 7 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } } /* starting point */ VectorSet(vec, 144, 144, 32); VecToPos(vec, pos); { int lengthStored; pos3_t to; Grid_MoveCalc(routing, ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL, path, pos, crouchingState, distance, forbiddenList, forbiddenListLength); Grid_MoveStore(path); /* walk through the opened door */ { VectorSet(vec, 112, 144, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, qtrue); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT); } /* walk around the opened door */ { VectorSet(vec, 144, 208, 32); VecToPos(vec, to); lengthStored = Grid_MoveLength(path, to, crouchingState, qtrue); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lengthStored, 2 * TU_MOVE_STRAIGHT + TU_MOVE_DIAGONAL); } } SV_ShutdownGameProgs(); }
/** * @brief Create lights out of patches and entity lights * @sa LightWorld * @sa BuildPatch */ void BuildLights (void) { int i; light_t* l; /* surfaces */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_FACES; i++) { /* iterate subdivided patches */ for(const patch_t* p = face_patches[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (VectorEmpty(p->light)) continue; numlights[config.compile_for_day]++; l = Mem_AllocType(light_t); VectorCopy(p->origin, l->origin); l->next = lights[config.compile_for_day]; lights[config.compile_for_day] = l; l->type = emit_surface; l->intensity = ColorNormalize(p->light, l->color); l->intensity *= p->area * config.surface_scale; } } /* entities (skip the world) */ for (i = 1; i < num_entities; i++) { float intensity; const char* color; const char* target; const entity_t* e = &entities[i]; const char* name = ValueForKey(e, "classname"); if (!Q_strstart(name, "light")) continue; /* remove those lights that are only for the night version */ if (config.compile_for_day) { const int spawnflags = atoi(ValueForKey(e, "spawnflags")); if (!(spawnflags & 1)) /* day */ continue; } numlights[config.compile_for_day]++; l = Mem_AllocType(light_t); GetVectorForKey(e, "origin", l->origin); /* link in */ l->next = lights[config.compile_for_day]; lights[config.compile_for_day] = l; intensity = FloatForKey(e, "light"); if (!intensity) intensity = 300.0; color = ValueForKey(e, "_color"); if (color && color[0] != '\0'){ if (sscanf(color, "%f %f %f", &l->color[0], &l->color[1], &l->color[2]) != 3) Sys_Error("Invalid _color entity property given: %s", color); ColorNormalize(l->color, l->color); } else VectorSet(l->color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); l->intensity = intensity * config.entity_scale; l->type = emit_point; target = ValueForKey(e, "target"); if (target[0] != '\0' || Q_streq(name, "light_spot")) { l->type = emit_spotlight; l->stopdot = FloatForKey(e, "_cone"); if (!l->stopdot) l->stopdot = 10; l->stopdot = cos(l->stopdot * torad); if (target[0] != '\0') { /* point towards target */ entity_t* e2 = FindTargetEntity(target); if (!e2) Com_Printf("WARNING: light at (%i %i %i) has missing target '%s' - e.g. create an info_null that has a 'targetname' set to '%s'\n", (int)l->origin[0], (int)l->origin[1], (int)l->origin[2], target, target); else { vec3_t dest; GetVectorForKey(e2, "origin", dest); VectorSubtract(dest, l->origin, l->normal); VectorNormalize(l->normal); } } else { /* point down angle */ const float angle = FloatForKey(e, "angle"); if (angle == ANGLE_UP) { l->normal[0] = l->normal[1] = 0.0; l->normal[2] = 1.0; } else if (angle == ANGLE_DOWN) { l->normal[0] = l->normal[1] = 0.0; l->normal[2] = -1.0; } else { l->normal[2] = 0; l->normal[0] = cos(angle * torad); l->normal[1] = sin(angle * torad); } } } } /* handle worldspawn light settings */ { const entity_t* e = &entities[0]; const char* ambient, *light, *angles, *color; float f; int i; if (config.compile_for_day) { ambient = ValueForKey(e, "ambient_day"); light = ValueForKey(e, "light_day"); angles = ValueForKey(e, "angles_day"); color = ValueForKey(e, "color_day"); } else { ambient = ValueForKey(e, "ambient_night"); light = ValueForKey(e, "light_night"); angles = ValueForKey(e, "angles_night"); color = ValueForKey(e, "color_night"); } if (light[0] != '\0') sun_intensity = atoi(light); if (angles[0] != '\0') { VectorClear(sun_angles); if (sscanf(angles, "%f %f", &sun_angles[0], &sun_angles[1]) != 2) Sys_Error("wrong angles values given: '%s'", angles); AngleVectors(sun_angles, sun_normal, nullptr, nullptr); } if (color[0] != '\0') { GetVectorFromString(color, sun_color); ColorNormalize(sun_color, sun_color); } if (ambient[0] != '\0') GetVectorFromString(ambient, sun_ambient_color); /* optionally pull brightness from worldspawn */ f = FloatForKey(e, "brightness"); if (f > 0.0) config.brightness = f; /* saturation as well */ f = FloatForKey(e, "saturation"); if (f > 0.0) config.saturation = f; else Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "Invalid saturation setting (%f) in worldspawn found\n", f); f = FloatForKey(e, "contrast"); if (f > 0.0) config.contrast = f; else Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "Invalid contrast setting (%f) in worldspawn found\n", f); /* lightmap resolution downscale (e.g. 4 = 1 << 4) */ i = atoi(ValueForKey(e, "quant")); if (i >= 1 && i <= 6) config.lightquant = i; else Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "Invalid quant setting (%i) in worldspawn found\n", i); } Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "light settings:\n * intensity: %i\n * sun_angles: pitch %f yaw %f\n * sun_color: %f:%f:%f\n * sun_ambient_color: %f:%f:%f\n", sun_intensity, sun_angles[0], sun_angles[1], sun_color[0], sun_color[1], sun_color[2], sun_ambient_color[0], sun_ambient_color[1], sun_ambient_color[2]); Verb_Printf(VERB_NORMAL, "%i direct lights for %s lightmap\n", numlights[config.compile_for_day], (config.compile_for_day ? "day" : "night")); }