コード例 #1
ファイル: LapackDrivers.c プロジェクト: dmt4/atomeye
int main ()
    double A[DIM][DIM], B[DIM][DIM];
    Vfrandom(DIM*DIM, A[0]);
    Minv (DIM, A[0], B[0]);
    S3pr("\nA = %M\n ", A[0]);
    S3pr("B = %M\n ", B[0]);
} /* end main() */
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: phelrine/NBTools
/*! solve */
int32_t gmres
 const CPPL::dgsmatrix& A,
 const CPPL::dcovector& b,
 CPPL::dcovector& x,
 const double& eps
  //////////////// preconditioner ///////////////
  CPPL::dgbmatrix Minv(x.l, x.l, 0, 0);
  //////// no precondition ////////
  ///////////////// mid values //////////////////
  long m(10);//restart number
  CPPL::dcovector r(b-A*x);
  CPPL::dcovector s(m+1), co(m+1), si(m+1), w;
  std::vector<CPPL::dcovector> v(m+1);
  CPPL::dgematrix H(m+1,m);
  //////// norm ////////
  double norm_r, norm_r_min(DBL_MAX);
  const double norm_r_ini(fabs(damax(r)));
  std::cerr << "[NOTE]@gmres: norm_r_ini=" << norm_r_ini << ", eps=" << eps<< std::endl;
  if( norm_r_ini<DBL_MIN ){
    std::cerr << "[NOTE]@gmres: already converged. v(^^)" << std::endl;
    return 0;
  //////////////////// loop /////////////////////
  int itc(1);
  //int itmax(int(2.1*x.l));
  int itmax(int(1.1*x.l));
  //int itmax(int(0.6*x.l));
    std::cerr << "** itc=" << itc << " ********************************************" << std::endl;
    //////// 0 ////////
    v[0] =r/nrm2(r);
    s(0) =nrm2(r);
    for(long i=0; i<m; i++){
      //std::cerr << "++++ i=" << i << " ++++" << std::endl;
      w =A*v[i];
      w =Minv*w;
      for(long k=0; k<i+1; k++){
        H(k,i) =w%v[k];
        w -=H(k,i)*v[k];
      H(i+1,i) =nrm2(w);
      v[i+1] =w/H(i+1,i);
      //// J,s ////
      for(long k=0; k<i; k++){
        rotate(H(k,i), H(k+1,i), co(k), si(k));
      make_rotator( H(i,i), H(i+1,i), co(i), si(i) );
      //std::cerr << "co = " << t(co) << std::endl; std::cerr << "si = " << t(si) << std::endl;
      rotate( H(i,i), H(i+1,i), co(i), si(i) );//necessary
      //std::cerr << "H =\n" << H << std::endl;
      rotate( s(i), s(i+1), co(i), si(i) );
      //std::cerr << "s = " << t(s) << std::endl;
    //for(long i=0; i<m+1; i++){ for(long j=i+1; j<m+1; j++){ std::cerr << "vv = " << v[i]%v[j] << std::endl; } }// v check
    //std::cerr << "H =\n" << H << std::endl;
    //std::cerr << "s =" << t(s) << std::endl;
    //for(long i=0; i<m+1; i++){ std::cerr << "v["<<i<<"] =" << t(v[i]) << std::flush; }
    //////// y ////////
    CPPL::dcovector y(s);
    for(long i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
      y(i) /= H(i,i);
      for(long j=i-1; j>=0; j--){
        y(j) -= H(j,i) * y(i);
    //std::cerr << "H*y = " << t(H*y) << std::endl;    
    //std::cerr << "s   = " << t(s) << std::endl;
    //std::cerr << "y = " << t(s) << std::endl;
    //////// update ////////
    for(long i=0; i<m; i++){
      x += v[i] * y(i);
    //std::cerr << "x = " << t(x) << std::endl;
    //////// residual ////////
    r =b-A*x;
    r =Minv*r;
    //std::cerr << "r = " << t(r) << std::endl;
    //////// convergence check ////////
    norm_r =fabs(damax(r));
    std::cerr << "norm_r = " << norm_r << std::endl;
    if( isnan(norm_r) ){ break; }//failed
    if( !std::isnormal(norm_r) ){ break; }//failed
    if( !std::isfinite(norm_r) ){ break; }//failed
    if( norm_r>1e3*norm_r_ini ){ break; }//failed (getting so worse)
    if( norm_r<=eps ){//r satistied
      std::cerr << "[NOTE]@gmres: converged. v(^^)  itc=" << itc << "/" << itmax << ", norm=" << norm_r << std::endl;
      return 0;
  //////// failed ////////
  std::cerr << "[NOTE]@gmres: itc=" << itc << ", norm=" << norm_r << ", r_satisfied=" << (norm_r<=eps) << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "[NOTE]@gmres: failed to converge. orz" << std::endl;
  return 1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if(argc < 2)
        std::cerr << "You should provide a system as argument, either gazebo or flat_fish." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    //                                  SETTING VARIABLES

    std::string system = argv[1];

    double weight;
    double buoyancy;
    std::string dataFolder;

    if(system == "gazebo")
        weight = 4600;
        buoyancy = 4618;
        dataFolder = "./config/gazebo/";
    else if(system == "flatfish" || system == "flat_fish")
        weight = 2800;
        buoyancy = 2812;
        dataFolder = "./config/flatfish/";
        std::cerr << "Unknown system " << system << "." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    double uncertainty = 0;

     /* true  - Export the code to the specified folder
      * false - Simulates the controller inside Acado's environment */
    std::string rockFolder = "/home/rafaelsaback/rock/1_dev/control/uwv_model_pred_control/src";


    // Prediction and control horizon
    double horizon         = 2;
    double sampleTime      = 0.1;
    int    iteractions     = horizon / sampleTime;
    bool   positionControl = false;

    //                                  DEFINING VARIABLES

    DifferentialEquation f;                     // Variable that will carry 12 ODEs (6 for position and 6 for velocity)

    DifferentialState v("Velocity", 6, 1);      // Velocity States
    DifferentialState n("Pose", 6, 1);          // Pose States
    DifferentialState tau("Efforts", 6, 1);     // Effort
    Control tauDot("Efforts rate", 6, 1);       // Effort rate of change

    DVector rg(3);                              // Center of gravity
    DVector rb(3);                              // Center of buoyancy

    DMatrix M(6, 6);                            // Inertia matrix
    DMatrix Minv(6, 6);                         // Inverse of inertia matrix
    DMatrix Dl(6, 6);                           // Linear damping matrix
    DMatrix Dq(6, 6);                           // Quadratic damping matrix

    // H-representation of the output domain's polyhedron
    DMatrix AHRep(12,6);
    DMatrix BHRep(12,1);

    Expression linearDamping(6, 6);             // Dl*v
    Expression quadraticDamping(6, 6);          // Dq*|v|*v
    Expression gravityBuoyancy(6);              // g(n)
    Expression absV(6, 6);                      // |v|
    Expression Jv(6);                           // J(n)*v
    Expression vDot(6);                         // AUV Fossen's equation

    Function J;                                 // Cost function
    Function Jn;                                // Terminal cost function

    AHRep = readVariable("./config/", "a_h_rep.dat");
    BHRep = readVariable("./config/", "b_h_rep.dat");
    M = readVariable(dataFolder, "m_matrix.dat");
    Dl = readVariable(dataFolder, "dl_matrix.dat");
    Dq = readVariable(dataFolder, "dq_matrix.dat");


    // Cost Functions
    if (positionControl)
        J  << n;
        Jn << n;
        J  << v;
        Jn << v;

    J << tauDot;

    // Weighting Matrices for simulational controller
    DMatrix Q  = eye<double>(J.getDim());
    DMatrix QN = eye<double>(Jn.getDim());

    Q = readVariable("./config/", "q_matrix.dat");

    //                                  MOTION MODEL EQUATIONS
    rg(0) = 0;  rg(1) = 0;  rg(2) = 0;
    rb(0) = 0;  rb(1) = 0;  rb(2) = 0;

    M  *= (2 -(1 + uncertainty));
    Dl *= 1 + uncertainty;
    Dq *= 1 + uncertainty;

    SetAbsV(absV, v);

    Minv = M.inverse();
    linearDamping = Dl * v;
    quadraticDamping = Dq * absV * v;
    SetGravityBuoyancy(gravityBuoyancy, n, rg, rb, weight, buoyancy);
    SetJv(Jv, v, n);

    // Dynamic Equation
    vDot = Minv * (tau - linearDamping - quadraticDamping - gravityBuoyancy);

    // Differential Equations
    f << dot(v) == vDot;
    f << dot(n) == Jv;
    f << dot(tau) == tauDot;

    //                              OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM (OCP)

    OCP ocp(0, horizon, iteractions);

    // Weighting Matrices for exported controller
    BMatrix Qexp = eye<bool>(J.getDim());
    BMatrix QNexp = eye<bool>(Jn.getDim());

    ocp.minimizeLSQ(Qexp, J);
    ocp.minimizeLSQEndTerm(QNexp, Jn);

    // Individual degrees of freedom constraints
    ocp.subjectTo(tau(3) == 0);
    ocp.subjectTo(tau(4) == 0);

    /* Note: If the constraint for Roll is not defined the MPC does not
     * work since there's no possible actuation in that DOF.
     * Always consider Roll equal to zero. */

    // Polyhedron set of inequalities
    ocp.subjectTo(AHRep*tau - BHRep <= 0);

    //                                  CODE GENERATION

    // Export code to ROCK
    OCPexport mpc(ocp);

    int Ni = 1;

    mpc.set(INTEGRATOR_TYPE, INT_RK4);
    mpc.set(NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, iteractions * Ni);
    mpc.set(HOTSTART_QP, YES);
    mpc.set(QP_SOLVER, QP_QPOASES);
    mpc.set(GENERATE_TEST_FILE, NO);
    mpc.set(GENERATE_MAKE_FILE, NO);

    if (mpc.exportCode(rockFolder.c_str()) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN)
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;