コード例 #1
// Purpose: Called to Shutdown the game UI system
void CGameUI::Shutdown()
	// notify all the modules of Shutdown

	// unload the modules them from memory

	// release platform mutex
	// close the mutex
	if (g_hMutex)
	if (g_hWaitMutex)

#ifndef _X360
	// SteamAPI_Shutdown(); << Steam shutdown is controlled by engine
コード例 #2
// Purpose: Called to Shutdown the game UI system
void CGameUI::Shutdown()
	// notify all the modules of Shutdown

	// unload the modules them from memory

	// free mod info
	// release platform mutex
	// close the mutex
	if (g_hMutex)
	if (g_hWaitMutex)
コード例 #3
void ParamVisitor::visitCell(AstCell* nodep) {
    // Cell: Check for parameters in the instantiation.
    if (!nodep->modp()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Not linked?");
    if (nodep->paramsp()
	|| 1  // Need to look for interfaces; could track when one exists, but should be harmless to always do this
	) {
	UINFO(4,"De-parameterize: "<<nodep<<endl);
	// Create new module name with _'s between the constants
	if (debug()>=10) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-cell:\t");
	// Evaluate all module constants

	// Make sure constification worked
	// Must be a separate loop, as constant conversion may have changed some pointers.
	//if (debug()) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-cel2:\t");
	string longname = nodep->modp()->name();
	bool any_overrides = false;
	longname += "_";
	if (debug()>8) nodep->paramsp()->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"-cellparams:\t");
	for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->paramsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
	    if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; // No-connect
	    AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
	    if (!modvarp) {
		pinp->v3error("Parameter not found in sub-module: Param "<<pinp->name()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyName());
	    } else if (!modvarp->isGParam()) {
		pinp->v3error("Attempted parameter setting of non-parameter: Param "<<pinp->name()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyName());
	    } else {
		AstConst* constp = pinp->exprp()->castConst();
		AstConst* origconstp = modvarp->valuep()->castConst();
		if (!constp) {
		    //if (debug()) pinp->dumpTree(cout,"error:");
		    pinp->v3error("Can't convert defparam value to constant: Param "<<pinp->name()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyName());
		    pinp->exprp()->replaceWith(new AstConst(pinp->fileline(), V3Number(pinp->fileline(), modvarp->width(), 0)));
		} else if (origconstp && constp->sameTree(origconstp)) {
		    // Setting parameter to its default value.  Just ignore it.
		    // This prevents making additional modules, and makes coverage more
		    // obvious as it won't show up under a unique module page name.
		} else {
		    longname += "_" + paramSmallName(nodep->modp(),pinp->modVarp())+constp->num().ascii(false);
		    any_overrides = true;
	IfaceRefRefs ifaceRefRefs;
	for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
	    AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
	    if (modvarp->isIfaceRef()) {
		AstIfaceRefDType* portIrefp = modvarp->subDTypep()->castIfaceRefDType();
		//UINFO(9,"     portIfaceRef "<<portIrefp<<endl);
		if (!pinp->exprp()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()->subDTypep()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()->subDTypep()->castIfaceRefDType()) {
		    pinp->v3error("Interface port '"<<modvarp->prettyName()<<"' is not connected to interface/modport pin expression");
		} else {
		    AstIfaceRefDType* pinIrefp = pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()->subDTypep()->castIfaceRefDType();
		    //UINFO(9,"     pinIfaceRef "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
		    if (portIrefp->ifaceViaCellp() != pinIrefp->ifaceViaCellp()) {
			UINFO(9,"     IfaceRefDType needs reconnect  "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
			longname += "_" + paramSmallName(nodep->modp(),pinp->modVarp())+paramValueNumber(pinIrefp);
			any_overrides = true;

	if (!any_overrides) {
	    UINFO(8,"Cell parameters all match original values, skipping expansion.\n");
	} else {
	    // If the name is very long, we don't want to overwhelm the filename limit
	    // We don't do this always, as it aids debugability to have intuitive naming.
	    // TODO can use new V3Name hash replacement instead of this
	    string newname = longname;
	    if (longname.length()>30) {
		LongMap::iterator iter = m_longMap.find(longname);
		if (iter != m_longMap.end()) {
		    newname = iter->second;
		} else {
		    newname = nodep->modp()->name();
		    newname += "__pi"+cvtToStr(++m_longId);  // We use all upper case above, so lower here can't conflict
		    m_longMap.insert(make_pair(longname, newname));
	    UINFO(4,"Name: "<<nodep->modp()->name()<<"->"<<longname<<"->"<<newname<<endl);

	    // Already made this flavor?
	    AstNodeModule* modp = NULL;
	    ModNameMap::iterator iter = m_modNameMap.find(newname);
	    if (iter != m_modNameMap.end()) modp = iter->second.m_modp;
	    if (!modp) {
		// Deep clone of new module
		// Note all module internal variables will be re-linked to the new modules by clone
		// However links outside the module (like on the upper cells) will not.
		modp = nodep->modp()->cloneTree(false);
		modp->user5(false); // We need to re-recurse this module once changed
		nodep->modp()->addNextHere(modp);  // Keep tree sorted by cell occurrences

		m_modNameMap.insert(make_pair(modp->name(), ModInfo(modp)));
		iter = m_modNameMap.find(newname);
		VarCloneMap* clonemapp = &(iter->second.m_cloneMap);
		UINFO(4,"     De-parameterize to new: "<<modp<<endl);

		// Grab all I/O so we can remap our pins later
		// Note we allow multiple users of a parameterized model, thus we need to stash this info.
		for (AstNode* stmtp=modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
		    if (AstVar* varp = stmtp->castVar()) {
			if (varp->isIO() || varp->isGParam() || varp->isIfaceRef()) {
			    // Cloning saved a pointer to the new node for us, so just follow that link.
			    AstVar* oldvarp = varp->clonep()->castVar();
			    //UINFO(8,"Clone list 0x"<<hex<<(uint32_t)oldvarp<<" -> 0x"<<(uint32_t)varp<<endl);
			    clonemapp->insert(make_pair(oldvarp, varp));

		// Relink parameter vars to the new module
		relinkPins(clonemapp, nodep->paramsp());

		// Fix any interface references
		for (IfaceRefRefs::iterator it=ifaceRefRefs.begin(); it!=ifaceRefRefs.end(); ++it) {
		    AstIfaceRefDType* portIrefp = it->first;
		    AstIfaceRefDType* pinIrefp = it->second;
		    AstIfaceRefDType* cloneIrefp = portIrefp->clonep()->castIfaceRefDType();
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceOld "<<portIrefp<<endl);
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceTo  "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
		    if (!cloneIrefp) portIrefp->v3fatalSrc("parameter clone didn't hit AstIfaceRefDType");
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceClo "<<cloneIrefp<<endl);
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceNew "<<cloneIrefp<<endl);

		// Assign parameters to the constants specified
		// DOES clone() so must be finished with module clonep() before here
		for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->paramsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
		    AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
		    if (modvarp && pinp->exprp()) {
			AstConst* constp = pinp->exprp()->castConst();
			// Remove any existing parameter
			if (modvarp->valuep()) modvarp->valuep()->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree();
			// Set this parameter to value requested by cell
	    } else {
		UINFO(4,"     De-parameterize to old: "<<modp<<endl);

	    // Have child use this module instead.

	    // We need to relink the pins to the new module
	    VarCloneMap* clonemapp = &(iter->second.m_cloneMap);
	    relinkPins(clonemapp, nodep->pinsp());
	    UINFO(8,"     Done with "<<modp<<endl);
	} // if any_overrides

	// Delete the parameters from the cell; they're not relevant any longer.
	if (nodep->paramsp()) nodep->paramsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree();
	UINFO(8,"     Done with "<<nodep<<endl);
	//if (debug()>=10) v3Global.rootp()->dumpTreeFile(v3Global.debugFilename("param-out.tree"));

    // Now remember to process the child module at the end of the module
コード例 #4
// Purpose: Initialization
void CGameUI::Initialize( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConVar_Register( FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
	ConnectTier3Libraries( &factory, 1 );

	enginesound = (IEngineSound *)factory(IENGINESOUND_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);
	engine = (IVEngineClient *)factory( VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
	bik = (IBik*)factory( BIK_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );

#ifndef _X360

	CGameUIConVarRef var( "gameui_xbox" );
	m_bIsConsoleUI = var.IsValid() && var.GetBool();

	vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList( "GameUI", &factory, 1 );
	vgui::VGui_InitMatSysInterfacesList( "GameUI", &factory, 1 );

	// load localization file
	g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/gameui_%language%.txt", "GAME", true );

	// load mod info

	// load localization file for kb_act.lst
	g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/valve_%language%.txt", "GAME", true );

	bool bFailed = false;
	enginevguifuncs = (IEngineVGui *)factory( VENGINE_VGUI_VERSION, NULL );
	enginesurfacefuncs = (vgui::ISurface *)factory(VGUI_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);
	gameuifuncs = (IGameUIFuncs *)factory( VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION, NULL );
	xboxsystem = (IXboxSystem *)factory( XBOXSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
#ifdef _X360
	xonline = (IXOnline *)factory( XONLINE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
	g_pMatchExtSwarm = ( IMatchExtSwarm * ) factory( IMATCHEXT_SWARM_INTERFACE, NULL );
#ifdef SDK_DLL
	g_pMatchExtSwarm = ( IMatchExtSwarm * ) factory( IMATCHEXT_SWARM_INTERFACE, NULL );
	bFailed = !enginesurfacefuncs || !gameuifuncs || !enginevguifuncs ||
		!xboxsystem ||
#ifdef _X360
		!xonline ||
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
		!g_pMatchExtSwarm ||
#ifdef SDK_DLL
		!g_pMatchExtSwarm ||
	if ( bFailed )
		Error( "CGameUI::Initialize() failed to get necessary interfaces\n" );

	// setup base panel
	UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS& factoryBasePanel = ConstructUiBaseModPanelClass(); // explicit singleton instantiation

	factoryBasePanel.SetBounds( 0, 0, 640, 480 );
	factoryBasePanel.SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
	factoryBasePanel.SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
	factoryBasePanel.SetPaintEnabled( true );
	factoryBasePanel.SetVisible( true );

	factoryBasePanel.SetMouseInputEnabled( IsPC() );
	// factoryBasePanel.SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( IsPC() );
	factoryBasePanel.SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );

	vgui::VPANEL rootpanel = enginevguifuncs->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL );
	factoryBasePanel.SetParent( rootpanel );
コード例 #5
// Purpose: Called to setup the game UI
void CGameUI::Start(struct cl_enginefuncs_s *engineFuncs, int interfaceVersion, IBaseSystem *system)
//	TRACE_FUNCTION("CGameUI::Start");
//	m_pMaster = NULL;

	// copy the engine interface
//	memcpy(&gEngfuncs, engineFuncs, sizeof(gEngfuncs));
//	engine = &gEngfuncs;

	// set SystemWrapper for demo player
//	g_pSystemWrapper = system;

	// load mod info

	// Determine Tracker location.
	// ...If running with Steam, Tracker is in a well defined location relative to the game dir.  Use it if there.
	// ...Otherwise get the tracker location from the registry key
	if (FindPlatformDirectory(m_szPlatformDir, sizeof(m_szPlatformDir)))
		// add the tracker directory to the search path
		// add localized version first if we're not in english
		char language[128];
		if (vgui::system()->GetRegistryString("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\Language", language, sizeof(language)))
			if (strlen(language) > 0 && stricmp(language, "english"))
				char path[256];
				sprintf(path, "platform_%s", language);
				vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath(path, "PLATFORM");
		vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath("platform", "PLATFORM");

		// setup config file directory
		char szConfigDir[512];

		strcpy(szConfigDir, m_szPlatformDir);
		strcat(szConfigDir, "config");

		// make sure the path exists
		_finddata_t findData;
		long findHandle = _findfirst(steamPath, &findData);
		if (steamPath && findHandle != -1)
			// put the config dir directly under steam
			_snprintf(szConfigDir, sizeof(szConfigDir), "%s/config", steamPath);
			// we're not running steam, so just put the config dir under the platform
			_snprintf(szConfigDir, sizeof(szConfigDir), "%sconfig", m_szPlatformDir);

		// add the path
		vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath(szConfigDir, "CONFIG");
		// make sure the config directory has been created

		vgui::ivgui()->DPrintf("Platform config directory: %s\n", szConfigDir);

		// user dialog configuration
		vgui::system()->SetUserConfigFile("InGameDialogConfig.vdf", "CONFIG");

		// localization
		vgui::localize()->AddFile(vgui::filesystem(), "Resource/platform_%language%.txt");
		vgui::localize()->AddFile(vgui::filesystem(), "Resource/vgui_%language%.txt");

		//!! hack to work around problem with userinfo not being uploaded (and therefore *Tracker field) 
		//!! this is done to make sure the *tracker userinfo field is set before we connect so that it
		//!! will get communicated to the server
		//!! this needs to be changed to a system where it is communicated to server when known but not before
		//!! addendum: this may very happen now with the platform changes; needs to be tested before this code
		//!! can be removed
			// get the last known userID from the registry and set it in our userinfo string
			HKEY key;
			DWORD bufSize = sizeof(m_szPlatformDir);
			unsigned int lastUserID = 0;
			bufSize = sizeof(lastUserID);
			if (ERROR_SUCCESS == g_pVCR->Hook_RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Tracker", 0, KEY_READ, &key))
				g_pVCR->Hook_RegQueryValueEx(key, "LastUserID", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *)&lastUserID, &bufSize);

				// close the registry key
			if (lastUserID)
				char buf[32];
				sprintf(buf, "%d", lastUserID);
				engine->PlayerInfo_SetValueForKey("*tracker", buf);

	// task bar - needs to be first thing created
	g_pTaskbar = new CTaskbar(staticPanel,"TaskBar");

//	vgui::surface()->SetWorkspaceInsets( 0, 0, 0, g_pTaskbar->GetTall() );

	// Start loading tracker
	if (m_szPlatformDir[0] != 0)
		vgui::ivgui()->DPrintf2("Initializing platform...\n");

		// open a mutex

		// primary mutex is the platform.exe name
		char szExeName[sizeof(m_szPlatformDir) + 32];
		sprintf(szExeName, "%splatform.exe", m_szPlatformDir);
		// convert the backslashes in the path string to be forward slashes so it can be used as a mutex name
		for (char *ch = szExeName; *ch != 0; ch++)
			*ch = tolower(*ch);
			if (*ch == '\\')
				*ch = '/';

		g_hMutex = Sys_CreateMutex("ValvePlatformUIMutex");
		g_hWaitMutex = Sys_CreateMutex("ValvePlatformWaitMutex");
		if (g_hMutex == NULL || g_hWaitMutex == NULL || Sys_GetLastError() == SYS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
			// error, can't get handle to mutex
			if (g_hMutex)
			if (g_hWaitMutex)
			g_hMutex = NULL;
			g_hWaitMutex = NULL;
			Error("Tracker Error: Could not access Tracker, bad mutex\n");
		unsigned int waitResult = Sys_WaitForSingleObject(g_hMutex, 0);
		if (!(waitResult == SYS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == SYS_WAIT_ABANDONED))
			// mutex locked, need to close other tracker

			// get the wait mutex, so that tracker.exe knows that we're trying to acquire ValveTrackerMutex
			waitResult = Sys_WaitForSingleObject(g_hWaitMutex, 0);
			if (waitResult == SYS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == SYS_WAIT_ABANDONED)
				Sys_EnumWindows(SendShutdownMsgFunc, 1);
		m_bTryingToLoadTracker = true;
		// now we are set up to check every frame to see if we can Start tracker


	// start mp3 playing
	//engine->pfnClientCmd("mp3 loop media/gamestartup.mp3\n");

	// SRC version
	//engine->ClientCmd("loop media/gamestartup.mp3\n");
