int main() { Nef_polyhedron N1(Nef_polyhedron::COMPLETE); Sphere_circle c(1,1,1); // c : x + y + z = 0 Nef_polyhedron N2(c, Nef_polyhedron::INCLUDED); Nef_polyhedron N3(N2.complement()); CGAL_assertion(N1 == N2.join(N3)); Sphere_point p1(1,0,0), p2(0,1,0), p3(0,0,1); Sphere_segment s1(p1,p2), s2(p2,p3), s3(p3,p1); Sphere_segment triangle[3] = { s1, s2, s3 }; Nef_polyhedron N4(triangle, triangle+3); Nef_polyhedron N5; N5 += N2; N5 = N5.intersection(N4); CGAL_assertion(N5 <= N2 && N5 != N4); return 0; }
bool Mda::write16ui(const QString& path) const { FILE* output_file = fopen(path.toLatin1().data(), "wb"); if (!output_file) { printf("Warning: Unable to open mda file for writing: %s\n", path.toLatin1().data()); return false; } MDAIO_HEADER H; H.data_type = MDAIO_TYPE_UINT16; H.num_bytes_per_entry = 2; for (int i = 0; i < MDAIO_MAX_DIMS; i++) H.dims[i] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < MDA_MAX_DIMS; i++) H.dims[i] = d->dims(i); H.num_dims = d->determine_num_dims(N1(), N2(), N3(), N4(), N5(), N6()); mda_write_header(&H, output_file); mda_write_float64((double*)d->constData(), &H, d->totalSize(), output_file); d->incrementBytesWrittenCounter(d->totalSize() * H.num_bytes_per_entry); fclose(output_file); return true; }
int main() { Nef_polyhedron N0; Nef_polyhedron N1(Nef_polyhedron::EMPTY); Nef_polyhedron N2(Nef_polyhedron::COMPLETE); Nef_polyhedron N3(Plane_3( 1, 2, 5,-1)); Nef_polyhedron N4(Plane_3( 1, 2, 5,-1), Nef_polyhedron::INCLUDED); Nef_polyhedron N5(Plane_3( 1, 2, 5,-1), Nef_polyhedron::EXCLUDED); CGAL_assertion(N0 == N1); CGAL_assertion(N3 == N4); CGAL_assertion(N0 != N2); CGAL_assertion(N3 != N5); CGAL_assertion(N4 >= N5); CGAL_assertion(N5 <= N4); CGAL_assertion(N4 > N5); CGAL_assertion(N5 < N4); N5 = N5.closure(); CGAL_assertion(N4 >= N5); CGAL_assertion(N4 <= N5); return 0; }
int Mda::ndims() const { return d->determine_num_dims(N1(), N2(), N3(), N4(), N5(), N6()); }
// mcmc_helper(im,im_prev,buf,int(xwho),int(xwho2)); void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){ // trw_bprop_helper2(model, psi_ij_rho, psi_i, rho, maxiter, n, m1, m2, b_i,... // dm1, dm2, dn, dpsi_i, dpsi_ij); int i=0; int nnodes = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"nnodes"))(0); int ncliques = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"ncliques"))(0); int nvals = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"nvals"))(0); MatrixXi pairs = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"pairs")).cast<int>(); pairs.array() -= 1; MatrixXi N1 = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N1")).cast<int>(); N1.array() -= 1; MatrixXi N2 = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N2")).cast<int>(); N2.array() -= 1; i++; MatrixMd psi_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd psi_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); double rho = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); int maxiter = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); MatrixMd n = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd m1 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd m2 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd b_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd mstor = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dm1 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dm2 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dn = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dpsi_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dpsi_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd b_ij0 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd db_ij0 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); int dorec = mapdouble(prhs[i++]).cast<int>()(0); int w = mstor.rows()-1; MatrixXd S (nvals,nvals); MatrixXd m0(nvals,1); for(int c=0; c<ncliques; c++){ int i = pairs(c, 0); int j = pairs(c, 1); for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; //b_ij0(index,c) = b_ij0(index,c)*psi_i(yi,i)*psi_i(yj,j)*n(yi,i)*n(yj,j)/m1(yi,c)/m2(yj,c); dpsi_i(yi, i) = dpsi_i(yi, i) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/psi_i(yi, i); dpsi_i(yj, j) = dpsi_i(yj, j) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/psi_i(yj, j); dn(yi, i) = dn(yi, i) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/n(yi, i); dn(yj, j) = dn(yj, j) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/n(yj, j); dm1(yi, c) = dm1(yi, c) - db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/m1(yi, c); dm2(yj, c) = dm2(yj, c) - db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/m2(yj, c); } } } for(int i=0; i<b_i.cols(); i++){ for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; //n(yi, i) *= m1(yi, d); dm1(yi,d) += rho * dn(yi,i)*n(yi,i)/m1(yi,d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; //n(yi, i) *= m2(yi, d); dm2(yi,d) += rho * dn(yi,i)*n(yi,i)/m2(yi,d); } } } int reps; double conv; for(reps=0; reps<maxiter; reps++){ for(int c0=2*ncliques-1; c0>=0; c0--){ int c, mode; if(c0<ncliques){ c = c0; mode = 1; } else{ c = ncliques - 1 - (c0-ncliques); mode = 2; } int i = pairs(c,0); int j = pairs(c,1); if( mode==1 ){ for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) = 1; for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) *= m1(yi, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) *= m2(yi, d); } // n.col(i) = n.col(i).array().pow(rho); if(rho==1){ //nothing } else if(rho==.5){ n.col(i) = n.col(i).array().sqrt(); } else n.col(i) = n.col(i).array().pow(rho); // compute m(y_j) for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ m0(yj) = 0; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; S(yi,yj) = psi_ij(index, c)*psi_i(yi, i)*n(yi, i)/m1(yi, c); m0(yj) += S(yi,yj); } } double k = S.sum(); MatrixXd dm0 = dm2.col(c)/k; dm0.array() -= (dm2.col(c).array()*m0.array()).sum()/(k*k); MatrixXd dn = 0*n.col(i); //#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(2) for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; dpsi_ij(index,c) += dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/psi_ij(index,c); dpsi_i(yi,i) += dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/psi_i(yi,i); dn(yi) += dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/n(yi,i); dm1(yi,c) -= dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/m1(yi,c); } } for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm1(yi,d) += rho*dn(yi)*n(yi,i)/m1(yi,d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm2(yi,d) += rho*dn(yi)*n(yi,i)/m2(yi,d); } } dm2.col(c) *= 0.0; if( dorec ) for(int yj=nvals-1; yj>=0; yj--){ m2(yj,c)=mstor(w); w--;} } else{ for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) = 1; for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) *= m1(yj, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) *= m2(yj, d); } // n.col(j) = n.col(j).array().pow(rho); if(rho==1){ //nothing } else if(rho==.5){ n.col(j) = n.col(j).array().sqrt(); } else n.col(j) = n.col(j).array().pow(rho); for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ m0(yi) = 0; for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; S(yi,yj) = psi_ij(index, c)*psi_i(yj, j)*n(yj, j)/m2(yj, c); m0(yi) += S(yi,yj); } } double k = S.sum(); MatrixXd dm0 = dm1.col(c)/k; dm0.array() -= (dm1.col(c).array()*m0.array()).sum()/(k*k); MatrixXd dn = 0*n.col(i); for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; dpsi_ij(index,c) += dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/psi_ij(index,c); dpsi_i(yj,j) += dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/psi_i(yj,j); dn(yj) += dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/n(yj,j); dm2(yj,c) -= dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/m2(yj,c); } } for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm1(yj, d) += rho*dn(yj)*n(yj, j)/m1(yj, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm2(yj, d) += rho*dn(yj)*n(yj, j)/m2(yj, d); } } dm1.col(c) *= 0.0; if( dorec ) for(int yi=nvals-1; yi>=0; yi--){ m1(yi,c)=mstor(w); w--;} } } } }
void CreateDoubleWayInteraction::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* anEvent) { if (anEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { if (!HaveFirst) { HaveFirst = true; view()->setInteracting(true); FirstPoint = XY_TO_COORD(anEvent->pos()); FirstDistance = DockData.RoadDistance->text().toDouble(); } else if (R1) { int i1 = R1->size()-1; int i2 = 1; LineF P1( COORD_TO_XY(R1->getNode(i1-1)), COORD_TO_XY(R1->getNode(i1))); LineF P2( COORD_TO_XY(R2->getNode(i2-1)), COORD_TO_XY(R2->getNode(i2))); Coord PreviousPoint = PreviousPoints[R1->size()-1]; if (distance(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint), LastCursor) > 1) { qreal rB = view()->pixelPerM()*DockData.RoadDistance->text().toDouble()/2; qreal rA = FirstDistance * view()->pixelPerM()/2; LineF FA1(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint),LastCursor); LineF FA2(FA1); LineF FB1(FA1); LineF FB2(FA1); qreal Modifier = DockData.DriveRight->isChecked()?1:-1; FA1.slide(rA*Modifier); FA2.slide(-rA*Modifier); FB1.slide(rB*Modifier); FB2.slide(-rB*Modifier); LineF N1(FA1.project(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint)), FB1.project(LastCursor)); LineF N2(FA2.project(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint)), FB2.project(LastCursor)); Node* A1; Node* A2; CommandList* L = new CommandList(MainWindow::tr("Add nodes to double-way Road %1").arg(R1->id().numId), R1); A1 = R1->getNode(i1); A2 = R2->getNode(i2-1); L->add(new MoveNodeCommand(A1,XY_TO_COORD( P1.intersectionWith(N1).toPoint()))); L->add(new MoveNodeCommand(A2,XY_TO_COORD( P2.intersectionWith(N2).toPoint()))); Node* B1 = g_backend.allocNode(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(), XY_TO_COORD( FB1.project(LastCursor).toPoint())); Node* B2 = g_backend.allocNode(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(), XY_TO_COORD( FB2.project(LastCursor).toPoint())); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),B1,true)); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),B2,true)); L->add(new WayAddNodeCommand(R1,B1)); L->add(new WayAddNodeCommand(R2,B2,(int)0)); document()->addHistory(L); view()->invalidate(true, true, false); //FirstPoint = view()->projection().inverse(anEvent->pos()); PreviousPoints[R1->size()-1] = XY_TO_COORD(anEvent->pos()); FirstDistance = DockData.RoadDistance->text().toDouble(); } } else { Coord PreviousPoint = FirstPoint; if (distance(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint), LastCursor) > 1) { qreal rB = view()->pixelPerM()*DockData.RoadDistance->text().toDouble()/2; qreal rA = FirstDistance * view()->pixelPerM()/2; LineF FA1(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint),LastCursor); LineF FA2(FA1); LineF FB1(FA1); LineF FB2(FA1); qreal Modifier = DockData.DriveRight->isChecked()?1:-1; FA1.slide(rA*Modifier); FA2.slide(-rA*Modifier); FB1.slide(rB*Modifier); FB2.slide(-rB*Modifier); Node* A1 = g_backend.allocNode(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(), XY_TO_COORD( FA1.project(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint)).toPoint())); Node* A2 = g_backend.allocNode(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(), XY_TO_COORD( FA2.project(COORD_TO_XY(PreviousPoint)).toPoint())); Node* B1 = g_backend.allocNode(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(), XY_TO_COORD( FB1.project(LastCursor).toPoint())); Node* B2 = g_backend.allocNode(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(), XY_TO_COORD( FB2.project(LastCursor).toPoint())); R1 = g_backend.allocWay(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer()); R2 = g_backend.allocWay(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer()); CommandList* L = new CommandList(MainWindow::tr("Create double-way Road %1").arg(R1->id().numId), R1); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),A1,true)); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),A2,true)); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),B1,true)); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),B2,true)); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),R1,true)); L->add(new AddFeatureCommand(theMain->document()->getDirtyOrOriginLayer(),R2,true)); if (M_PREFS->getAutoSourceTag()) { QStringList sl = theMain->document()->getCurrentSourceTags(); if (sl.size()) { R1->setTag("source", sl.join(";")); R2->setTag("source", sl.join(";")); } } R1->setTag("oneway","yes"); R2->setTag("oneway","yes"); L->add(new WayAddNodeCommand(R1,A1)); L->add(new WayAddNodeCommand(R1,B1)); L->add(new WayAddNodeCommand(R2,B2)); L->add(new WayAddNodeCommand(R2,A2)); document()->addHistory(L); view()->invalidate(true, true, false); //FirstPoint = view()->projection().inverse(anEvent->pos()); PreviousPoints[R1->size()-1] = XY_TO_COORD(anEvent->pos()); FirstDistance = DockData.RoadDistance->text().toDouble(); } } } else Interaction::mousePressEvent(anEvent); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { ImageDataset d; d.loadImagesFromFile("train-images-idx3-ubyte"); d.loadLabelsFromFile("train-labels-idx1-ubyte"); std::shared_ptr<clneural::ActivationFunction> act(new clneural::SigmoidActivationFunction()); std::shared_ptr<clneural::ActivationFunction> act2(new clneural::LinearActivationFunction()); std::vector<std::list<unsigned int>> C1_connections(6, std::list<unsigned int>({0})); clneural::ConvolutionalLayer::Dimension C1_input; clneural::ConvolutionalLayer::Dimension C1_filter; float training_speed = 0.7f; C1_input.width = 32; C1_input.height = 32; C1_filter.width = 5; C1_filter.height = 5; std::shared_ptr<clneural::NeuralNetworkLayer> C1(new clneural::ConvolutionalLayer(C1_input, C1_filter, C1_connections, act, training_speed)); clneural::SubsamplingLayer::Dimension S2_input; clneural::SubsamplingLayer::Dimension S2_filter; S2_input.width = 28; S2_input.height = 28; S2_filter.width = 2; S2_filter.height = 2; std::shared_ptr<clneural::NeuralNetworkLayer> S2(new clneural::SubsamplingLayer(S2_input, S2_filter, 6, act2, training_speed)); std::vector<std::list<unsigned int>> C3_connections(16); C3_connections[0] = std::list<unsigned int>({0,1,2}); C3_connections[1] = std::list<unsigned int>({1,2,3}); C3_connections[2] = std::list<unsigned int>({2,3,4}); C3_connections[3] = std::list<unsigned int>({3,4,5}); C3_connections[4] = std::list<unsigned int>({4,5,0}); C3_connections[5] = std::list<unsigned int>({5,0,1}); C3_connections[6] = std::list<unsigned int>({0,1,2,3}); C3_connections[7] = std::list<unsigned int>({1,2,3,4}); C3_connections[8] = std::list<unsigned int>({2,3,4,5}); C3_connections[9] = std::list<unsigned int>({3,4,5,0}); C3_connections[10] = std::list<unsigned int>({4,5,0,1}); C3_connections[11] = std::list<unsigned int>({5,0,1,2}); C3_connections[12] = std::list<unsigned int>({0,1,3,4}); C3_connections[13] = std::list<unsigned int>({1,2,4,5}); C3_connections[14] = std::list<unsigned int>({0,2,3,5}); C3_connections[15] = std::list<unsigned int>({0,1,2,3,4,5}); clneural::ConvolutionalLayer::Dimension C3_input; clneural::ConvolutionalLayer::Dimension C3_filter; C3_input.width = 14; C3_input.height = 14; C3_filter.width = 5; C3_filter.height = 5; std::shared_ptr<clneural::NeuralNetworkLayer> C3(new clneural::ConvolutionalLayer(C3_input, C3_filter, C3_connections, act, training_speed)); clneural::SubsamplingLayer::Dimension S4_input; clneural::SubsamplingLayer::Dimension S4_filter; S4_input.width = 10; S4_input.height = 10; S4_filter.width = 2; S4_filter.height = 2; std::shared_ptr<clneural::NeuralNetworkLayer> S4(new clneural::SubsamplingLayer(S4_input, S4_filter, 16, act2, training_speed)); std::shared_ptr<clneural::NeuralNetworkLayer> N1(new clneural::FullFeedforwardLayer(400, 84, act, training_speed)); std::shared_ptr<clneural::NeuralNetworkLayer> N2(new clneural::FullFeedforwardLayer(84, 10, act, training_speed)); clneural::NeuralNetwork n; n.addLayer(C1); n.addLayer(S2); n.addLayer(C3); n.addLayer(S4); n.addLayer(N1); n.addLayer(N2); std::shared_ptr<OpenCLInterface> ocl = OpenCLInterface::getInstance(); ocl->initialize(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU); float dist = 0.0f; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 60000; i++) { std::pair<std::vector<float>, uint8_t> trainelem = d.popRandomElementWithLabel(); std::vector<float> desired(10, 0.0f); desired[trainelem.second] = 1.0f; dist += n.trainNetwork(trainelem.first, desired); std::vector<float> nout = n.getLastOutput(); if ((i % 1000) == 0) { std::cout << "TIME: " << ((float) clock())/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << ", STEP:" << (i + 1) << ", MDIST: " << dist/1000.0f << ", OUT: (" << nout[0]; for (unsigned int j = 1; j < nout.size(); j++) std::cout << "," << nout[j]; std::cout << "), DESIRED: (" << desired[0]; for (unsigned int j = 1; j < desired.size(); j++) std::cout << "," << desired[j]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; dist = 0.0f; } } n.saveToFile(""); verifyNetwork(n); return 0; }
void ViewmdaModel::reset_selections() { m_zoom_rect=QRect(-1,-1,1,1); m_selected_rect=QRect(-1,-1,1,1); m_selected_points=QImage(N1(),N2(),QImage::Format_Mono); }
N (THREAD_CPUTIME), N (THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT), N (THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT), N (THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING), N (THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED), N (THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS), N (THREAD_SPORADIC_SERVER), N (THREADS), N (TIMEOUTS), N (TIMERS), N (TRACE), N (TRACE_EVENT_FILTER), N (TRACE_INHERIT), N (TRACE_LOG), N (TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS), N2 (C_BIND), N2 (C_DEV), N2 (CHAR_TERM) }; #define nposix_options (sizeof (posix_options) / sizeof (posix_options[0])) static int do_test (void) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nposix_options; ++i) { long int scret = sysconf (posix_options[i]._SC_val); if (scret == 0)
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // trw_bprop_helper2(model, psi_ij_rho, psi_i, rho, maxiter, n, m1, m2, b_i,... // dm1, dm2, dn, dpsi_i, dpsi_ij); int i=0; int nnodes = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"nnodes"))(0); int ncliques = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"ncliques"))(0); int nvals = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"nvals"))(0); MatrixXi pairs = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"pairs")).cast<int>(); pairs.array() -= 1; MatrixXi N1 = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N1")).cast<int>(); N1.array() -= 1; MatrixXi N2 = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N2")).cast<int>(); N2.array() -= 1; MatrixXi tree2clique = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"tree2clique")).cast<int>(); tree2clique.array() -= 1; MatrixXi treeschedule = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"treeschedule")).cast<int>(); treeschedule.array() -= 1; i++; MatrixMd psi_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd psi_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); double rho = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); int maxiter = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); MatrixMd n = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd m1 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd m2 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd b_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd mstor = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dm1 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dm2 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dn = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dpsi_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd dpsi_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd b_ij0 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd db_ij0 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); int dorec = mapdouble(prhs[i++]).cast<int>()(0); MatrixMi w = mapint32(prhs[i++]); #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(NTHREAD) for(int c=0; c<ncliques; c++) { int i = pairs(c, 0); int j = pairs(c, 1); for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) { int index = yi + yj*nvals; //b_ij0(index,c) = b_ij0(index,c)*psi_i(yi,i)*psi_i(yj,j)*n(yi,i)*n(yj,j)/m1(yi,c)/m2(yj,c); dpsi_i(yi, i) = dpsi_i(yi, i) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/psi_i(yi, i); dpsi_i(yj, j) = dpsi_i(yj, j) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/psi_i(yj, j); dn(yi, i) = dn(yi, i) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/n(yi, i); dn(yj, j) = dn(yj, j) + db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/n(yj, j); dm1(yi, c) = dm1(yi, c) - db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/m1(yi, c); dm2(yj, c) = dm2(yj, c) - db_ij0(index, c)*b_ij0(index, c)/m2(yj, c); } } } #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(NTHREAD) for(int i=0; i<b_i.cols(); i++) { for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++) { int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; //n(yi, i) *= m1(yi, d); dm1(yi,d) += rho * dn(yi,i)*n(yi,i)/m1(yi,d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++) { int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; //n(yi, i) *= m2(yi, d); dm2(yi,d) += rho * dn(yi,i)*n(yi,i)/m2(yi,d); } } } //tree_ncliques = sum(double(model.tree2clique>0),1); //ntree = length(tree_ncliques); int ntree = tree2clique.cols(); MatrixXi tree_ncliques = MatrixXi::Zero(ntree,1); for(int tree=0; tree<tree2clique.cols(); tree++) for(i=0; i<tree2clique.rows(); i++) if(tree2clique(i,tree) != -1) tree_ncliques(tree)++; int reps; double conv; for(reps=0; reps<maxiter; reps++) { // must re-order blocks //for(int block=0; block<treeschedule.cols(); block++){ for(int block=treeschedule.cols()-1; block>=0; block--) { // need not re-order trees, but why not... // helps if someone specifies not parallel trees // for(int treenum=treeschedule.rows()-1; treenum>=0; treenum--){ #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads(NTHREAD) for(int treenum=0; treenum<treeschedule.rows(); treenum++) { MatrixXd S (nvals,nvals); MatrixXd m0(nvals,1); int tree = treeschedule(treenum,block); if(tree==-1) continue; int ncliques = tree_ncliques(tree); for(int c0=2*ncliques-1; c0>=0; c0--) { int c, mode; if(c0<ncliques) { c = tree2clique(c0,tree); mode = 1; } else { c = tree2clique(ncliques - 1 - (c0-ncliques),tree); mode = 2; } //cout << "BW c " << c << " mode " << mode << endl; int i = pairs(c,0); int j = pairs(c,1); if( mode==1 ) { for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) = 1; for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++) { int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) *= m1(yi, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++) { int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) *= m2(yi, d); } // n.col(i) = n.col(i).array().pow(rho); if(rho==1) { //nothing } else if(rho==.5) { n.col(i) = n.col(i).array().sqrt(); } else n.col(i) = n.col(i).array().pow(rho); // compute m(y_j) for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) { m0(yj) = 0; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { int index = yi + yj*nvals; S(yi,yj) = psi_ij(index, c)*psi_i(yi, i)*n(yi, i)/m1(yi, c); m0(yj) += S(yi,yj); } } double k = S.sum(); MatrixXd dm0 = dm2.col(c)/k; dm0.array() -= (dm2.col(c).array()*m0.array()).sum()/(k*k); MatrixXd dn = 0*n.col(i); for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) { for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { int index = yi + yj*nvals; dpsi_ij(index,c) += dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/psi_ij(index,c); dpsi_i(yi,i) += dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/psi_i(yi,i); dn(yi) += dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/n(yi,i); dm1(yi,c) -= dm0(yj)*S(yi,yj)/m1(yi,c); } } for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++) { int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm1(yi,d) += rho*dn(yi)*n(yi,i)/m1(yi,d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++) { int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm2(yi,d) += rho*dn(yi)*n(yi,i)/m2(yi,d); } } dm2.col(c) *= 0.0; if( dorec ) for(int yj=nvals-1; yj>=0; yj--) { w(tree)=w(tree)-1; m2(yj,c)=mstor(w(tree),tree); } } else if( mode==2 ) { for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) = 1; for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++) { int d = N1(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) *= m1(yj, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++) { int d = N2(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) *= m2(yj, d); } // n.col(j) = n.col(j).array().pow(rho); if(rho==1) { //nothing } else if(rho==.5) { n.col(j) = n.col(j).array().sqrt(); } else n.col(j) = n.col(j).array().pow(rho); for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { m0(yi) = 0; for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) { int index = yi + yj*nvals; S(yi,yj) = psi_ij(index, c)*psi_i(yj, j)*n(yj, j)/m2(yj, c); m0(yi) += S(yi,yj); } } double k = S.sum(); MatrixXd dm0 = dm1.col(c)/k; dm0.array() -= (dm1.col(c).array()*m0.array()).sum()/(k*k); MatrixXd dn = 0*n.col(i); for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) { for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) { int index = yi + yj*nvals; dpsi_ij(index,c) += dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/psi_ij(index,c); dpsi_i(yj,j) += dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/psi_i(yj,j); dn(yj) += dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/n(yj,j); dm2(yj,c) -= dm0(yi)*S(yi,yj)/m2(yj,c); } } for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) { for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++) { int d = N1(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm1(yj, d) += rho*dn(yj)*n(yj, j)/m1(yj, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++) { int d = N2(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; dm2(yj, d) += rho*dn(yj)*n(yj, j)/m2(yj, d); } } dm1.col(c) *= 0.0; if( dorec ) for(int yi=nvals-1; yi>=0; yi--) { w(tree)=w(tree)-1; m1(yi,c)=mstor(w(tree),tree); } } } } } } }
void AnalyticCompoundOptionEngine::calculate() const { QL_REQUIRE(strikeDaughter()>0.0, "Daughter strike must be positive"); QL_REQUIRE(strikeMother()>0.0, "Mother strike must be positive"); QL_REQUIRE(spot() >= 0.0, "negative or null underlying given"); /* Solver Setup ***************************************************/ Date helpDate(process_->riskFreeRate()->referenceDate()); Date helpMaturity=helpDate+(maturityDaughter()-maturityMother())*Days; Real vol =process_->blackVolatility()->blackVol(helpMaturity, strikeDaughter()); Time helpTimeToMat=process_->time(helpMaturity); vol=vol*std::sqrt(helpTimeToMat); DiscountFactor dividendDiscount = process_->dividendYield()->discount(helpMaturity); DiscountFactor riskFreeDiscount = process_->riskFreeRate()->discount(helpMaturity); boost::shared_ptr<ImpliedSpotHelper> f( new ImpliedSpotHelper(dividendDiscount, riskFreeDiscount, vol, payoffDaughter(), strikeMother())); Brent solver; solver.setMaxEvaluations(1000); Real accuracy = 1.0e-6; Real X=0.0; Real sSolved=0.0; sSolved=solver.solve(*f, accuracy, strikeDaughter(), 1.0e-6, strikeDaughter()*1000.0); X=transformX(sSolved); // transform stock to return as in Wystup's book /* Solver Setup Finished*****************************************/ Real phi=typeDaughter(); // -1 or 1 Real w=typeMother(); // -1 or 1 Real rho=std::sqrt(residualTimeMother()/residualTimeDaughter()); BivariateCumulativeNormalDistributionDr78 N2(w*rho) ; DiscountFactor ddD=dividendDiscountDaughter(); DiscountFactor rdD=riskFreeDiscountDaughter(); //DiscountFactor ddM=dividendDiscountMother(); DiscountFactor rdM=riskFreeDiscountMother(); Real XmSM=X-stdDeviationMother(); Real S=spot(); Real dP=dPlus(); Real dPT12=dPlusTau12(sSolved); Real vD=volatilityDaughter(); Real dM=dMinus(); Real strD=strikeDaughter(); Real strM=strikeMother(); Real rTM=residualTimeMother(); Real rTD=residualTimeDaughter(); Real rD=riskFreeRateDaughter(); Real dD=dividendRateDaughter(); Real tempRes=0.0; Real tempDelta=0.0; Real tempGamma=0.0; Real tempVega=0.0; Real tempTheta=0.0; Real N2XmSM=N2(-phi*w*XmSM,phi*dP); Real N2X=N2(-phi*w*X,phi*dM); Real NeX=N_(-phi*w*e(X)); Real NX=N_(-phi*w*X); Real NT12=N_(phi*dPT12); Real ndP=n_(dP); Real nXm=n_(XmSM); Real invMTime=1/std::sqrt(rTM); Real invDTime=1/std::sqrt(rTD); tempRes=phi*w*S*ddD*N2XmSM-phi*w*strD*rdD*N2X-w*strM*rdM*NX; tempDelta=phi*w*ddD*N2XmSM; tempGamma=(ddD/(vD*S))*(invMTime*nXm*NT12+w*invDTime*ndP*NeX); tempVega=ddD*S*((1/invMTime)*nXm*NT12+w*(1/invDTime)*ndP*NeX); tempTheta+=phi*w*dD*S*ddD*N2XmSM-phi*w*rD*strD*rdD*N2X-w*rD*strM*rdM*NX; tempTheta-=0.5*vD*S*ddD*(invMTime*nXm*NT12+w*invDTime*ndP*NeX); results_.value=tempRes;; results_.gamma=tempGamma; results_.vega=tempVega; results_.theta=tempTheta; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { # include "addTimeOptions.H" # include "setRootCase.H" # include "createTime.H" // Get times list instantList Times = runTime.times(); // set startTime and endTime depending on -time and -latestTime options # include "checkTimeOptions.H" runTime.setTime(Times[startTime], startTime); # include "createMesh.H" for (label i=startTime; i<endTime; i++) { runTime.setTime(Times[i], i); Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl; mesh.readUpdate(); IOobject tauHeader ( "tau", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); // Check tau exists if (tauHeader.headerOk()) { mesh.readUpdate(); Info<< " Reading tau" << endl; volSymmTensorField tau(tauHeader, mesh); Info<< " Calculating N1"<< endl; volScalarField N1 ( IOobject ( "N1", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ ), tau.component(symmTensor::XX) - tau.component(symmTensor::YY) ); N1.write(); Info<< " Calculating N2"<< endl; volScalarField N2 ( IOobject ( "N2", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ ), tau.component(symmTensor::YY) - tau.component(symmTensor::ZZ) ); N2.write(); } else { Info<< " No tau" << endl; } Info<< endl; } //for time Info<< endl; Info<< " End"<< nl << endl; return(0); }
dtype32* Mda32::dataPtr(bigint i1, bigint i2, bigint i3) { return d->data() + (i1 + N1() * i2 + N1() * N2() * i3); }
void distribution(Particle& p, State& st) { static const double Gamma = GlobalConfig.get<double>("Gamma"); show_message(msgStart, Module_electronDistribution); const ParamSpace& ps{ }; const double rmin = ps[DIM_R].first(); const double rmax = ps[DIM_R].last(); const int nR = ps[DIM_R].size()-1; ParamSpaceValues N2(; N2.fill([&](const SpaceIterator& i){ return 0.0; }); ParamSpaceValues N12(; N12.fill([&](const SpaceIterator& i){ return 0.0; }); static const std::string injector = GlobalConfig.get<std::string>("injector"); bool multiple = (injector == "multiple"); bool single = (injector == "single"); int superior; superior =[1].size(); //este es el caso de multiple for (int t_ix = 0; t_ix <[2].size(); t_ix++) { //for (int z_ix = 0; z_ix <[1].size(); z_ix++) { //emisores para todo z //for (int z_ix = 0; z_ix <= t_ix; z_ix++) { //unico emisor en z=0 if (single) { superior = t_ix + 1; } //el +1 es para que el for incluya el t_ix for (int z_ix = 0; z_ix < superior; z_ix++) {[&](const SpaceIterator& i){ N2.set(i, p.distribution.get(i)); //copia del N }); //ver si quizas lo puedo copiar en t-1 que es donde lo necesito[&](const SpaceIterator& i){ const double E = i.val(DIM_E); const double r = i.val(DIM_R); const double t = i.val(DIM_T); const double magf = st.magf.get(i); // // equivale a: // i.its[0].val(); // i.its[0].peek(DIM_E); // // equivalia a: // ex i.par.T; double Emax = eEmax(r, magf); double tp = t / Gamma; //time in the FF if (E < Emax){ double Eeff = effectiveE(E, Emax, tp, r, p, st, i); double dist1(0.0), dist2(0.0); dist1 = timeDistribution(E, r, tp, p, st, Eeff, i); if (t_ix != 0) { //estos son los puntos donde Q=0, y las particulas vienen de ti-1 //if (i.its[2].canPeek(-1)) double dist = N2.interpolate({ { DIM_E, Eeff }, { DIM_R, r }, { DIM_T, i.its[2].peek(-1) } }); double ratioLosses = losses(Eeff, r, p, st, i) / losses(E, r, p, st, i); dist2 = dist*ratioLosses; } N12.set(i, dist1 + dist2); //lo cargo en N12 mientras interpolo de N2 //N12.set(i, dist1); //lo cargo en N12 mientras interpolo de N2 } else { N12.set(i, 0.0); //si E>Emax entonces anulo la N } }, { -1, z_ix, t_ix });[&](const SpaceIterator& i){ double ni = N12.get(i); //el ni es que que obtengo con N12 double dist3; double ri = i.its[1].peek(0); double rip1; if (i.its[1].canPeek(-1)) //if (z_ix != 0) { SpaceCoord coord = i.moved({ 0, -1, 0 }); //N(ri-1) double ni_1 = p.distribution.get(coord); //este lo calculo con el p.dist porque ya esta en r-1 double ri_1 = i.its[1].peek(-1); if (i.its[1].canPeek(1)) { rip1 = i.its[1].peek(+1); } else{ double r_int = pow((rmax / rmin), (1.0 / nR)); rip1 = ri*r_int; } dist3 = ni*(1.0 - ri / rip1) + ni_1*(ri_1 / ri); } else //z_ix=0 { rip1 = i.its[1].peek(+1); dist3 = ni*(1.0 - ri / rip1); } p.distribution.set(i,dist3); // lleno p.distribution e interpolo en N12 //p.distribution.set(i, ni); // prueba } , { -1, z_ix, t_ix }); }//for sobre r }//for sobre t show_message(msgEnd, Module_electronDistribution); }
double* Mda::dataPtr(bigint i1, bigint i2, bigint i3) { return d->data() + (i1 + N1() * i2 + N1() * N2() * i3); }
double vpHomography::computeDisplacement(unsigned int nbpoint, vpPoint *c1P, vpPoint *c2P, vpPlane *oN, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mc1, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, int userobust ) { vpColVector e(2) ; double r_1 = -1 ; vpColVector p2(3) ; vpColVector p1(3) ; vpColVector Hp2(3) ; vpColVector Hp1(3) ; vpMatrix H2(2,6) ; vpColVector e2(2) ; vpMatrix H1(2,6) ; vpColVector e1(2) ; int only_1 = 1 ; int only_2 = 0 ; int iter = 0 ; unsigned int i ; unsigned int n=0 ; n = nbpoint ; if ((only_1==1) || (only_2==1)) ; else n *=2 ; vpRobust robust(n); vpColVector res(n) ; vpColVector w(n) ; w =1 ; robust.setThreshold(0.0000) ; vpMatrix W(2*n,2*n) ; W = 0 ; vpColVector N1(3), N2(3) ; double d1, d2 ; double r =1e10 ; iter =0 ; while (vpMath::equal(r_1,r,threshold_displacement) == false ) { r_1 =r ; // compute current position //Change frame (current) vpHomogeneousMatrix c1Mc2, c2Mo ; vpRotationMatrix c1Rc2, c2Rc1 ; vpTranslationVector c1Tc2, c2Tc1 ; c1Mc2 = c2Mc1.inverse() ; c2Mc1.extract(c2Rc1) ; c2Mc1.extract(c2Tc1) ; c2Mc1.extract(c1Rc2) ; c1Mc2.extract(c1Tc2) ; c2Mo = c2Mc1*c1Mo ; vpMatrix L(2,3), Lp ; int k =0 ; for (i=0 ; i < nbpoint ; i++) { getPlaneInfo(oN[i], c1Mo, N1, d1) ; getPlaneInfo(oN[i], c2Mo, N2, d2) ; p2[0] = c2P[i].get_x() ; p2[1] = c2P[i].get_y() ; p2[2] = 1.0 ; p1[0] = c1P[i].get_x() ; p1[1] = c1P[i].get_y() ; p1[2] = 1.0 ; vpMatrix H(3,3) ; Hp2 = ((vpMatrix)c1Rc2 + ((vpMatrix)c1Tc2*N2.t())/d2)*p2 ; // p2 = Hp1 Hp1 = ((vpMatrix)c2Rc1 + ((vpMatrix)c2Tc1*N1.t())/d1)*p1 ; // p1 = Hp2 Hp2 /= Hp2[2] ; // normalisation Hp1 /= Hp1[2] ; // set up the interaction matrix double x = Hp2[0] ; double y = Hp2[1] ; double Z1 ; Z1 = (N1[0]*x+N1[1]*y+N1[2])/d1 ; // 1/z H2[0][0] = -Z1 ; H2[0][1] = 0 ; H2[0][2] = x*Z1 ; H2[1][0] = 0 ; H2[1][1] = -Z1 ; H2[1][2] = y*Z1 ; H2[0][3] = x*y ; H2[0][4] = -(1+x*x) ; H2[0][5] = y ; H2[1][3] = 1+y*y ; H2[1][4] = -x*y ; H2[1][5] = -x ; H2 *=-1 ; vpMatrix c1CFc2(6,6) ; { vpMatrix sTR = c1Tc2.skew()*(vpMatrix)c1Rc2 ; for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < 3 ; k++) for (unsigned int l=0 ; l<3 ; l++) { c1CFc2[k][l] = c1Rc2[k][l] ; c1CFc2[k+3][l+3] = c1Rc2[k][l] ; c1CFc2[k][l+3] = sTR[k][l] ; } } H2 = H2*c1CFc2 ; // Set up the error vector e2[0] = Hp2[0] - c1P[i].get_x() ; e2[1] = Hp2[1] - c1P[i].get_y() ; x = Hp1[0] ; y = Hp1[1] ; Z1 = (N2[0]*x+N2[1]*y+N2[2])/d2 ; // 1/z H1[0][0] = -Z1 ; H1[0][1] = 0 ; H1[0][2] = x*Z1 ; H1[1][0] = 0 ; H1[1][1] = -Z1 ; H1[1][2] = y*Z1; H1[0][3] = x*y ; H1[0][4] = -(1+x*x) ; H1[0][5] = y ; H1[1][3] = 1+y*y ; H1[1][4] = -x*y ; H1[1][5] = -x ; // Set up the error vector e1[0] = Hp1[0] - c2P[i].get_x() ; e1[1] = Hp1[1] - c2P[i].get_y() ; if (only_2==1) { if (k == 0) { L = H2 ; e = e2 ; } else { L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H2) ; e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e2) ; } } else if (only_1==1) { if (k == 0) { L = H1 ; e= e1 ; } else { L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H1) ; e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e1) ; } } else { if (k == 0) {L = H2 ; e = e2 ; } else { L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H2) ; e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e2) ; } L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H1) ; e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e1) ; } k++ ; } if (userobust) { robust.setIteration(0); for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < n ; k++) { res[k] = vpMath::sqr(e[2*k]) + vpMath::sqr(e[2*k+1]) ; } robust.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY, res, w); // compute the pseudo inverse of the interaction matrix for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < n ; k++) { W[2*k][2*k] = w[k] ; W[2*k+1][2*k+1] = w[k] ; } } else { for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < 2*n ; k++) W[k][k] = 1 ; } (W*L).pseudoInverse(Lp, 1e-16) ; // Compute the camera velocity vpColVector c2Tcc1 ; c2Tcc1 = -1*Lp*W*e ; // only for simulation c2Mc1 = vpExponentialMap::direct(c2Tcc1).inverse()*c2Mc1 ; ; // UpdatePose2(c2Tcc1, c2Mc1) ; r =(W*e).sumSquare() ; if (r < 1e-15) {break ; } if (iter>1000){break ; } if (r>r_1) { break ; } iter++ ; } return (W*e).sumSquare() ; }
// mcmc_helper(im,im_prev,buf,int(xwho),int(xwho2)); void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){ // trw_simple_helper(model,c_ij, psi_i, rho, n, m1, m2); // need from model struct: //model = // // nnodes: 10000 //ncliques: 20000 // nvals: 2 // pairs: [20000x2 double] // N1: {10000x1 cell} // N2: {10000x1 cell} int i=0; int nnodes = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"nnodes"))(0); int ncliques = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"ncliques"))(0); int nvals = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"nvals"))(0); MatrixXi pairs = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"pairs")).cast<int>(); pairs.array() -= 1; MatrixXi N1 = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N1")).cast<int>(); N1.array() -= 1; MatrixXi N2 = mapdouble(mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N2")).cast<int>(); N2.array() -= 1; //vector<MatrixXi> N1; //vector<MatrixXi> N2; //mxArray *mxN1 = mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N1"); //mxArray *mxN2 = mxGetField(prhs[i],0,"N2"); //for(int node=0; node<nnodes; node++){ // N1.push_back( mapdouble(mxGetCell(mxN1,node)).cast<int>() ); // N2.push_back( mapdouble(mxGetCell(mxN2,node)).cast<int>() ); // N1[node].cwise() -= 1; // N2[node].cwise() -= 1; //} i++; MatrixMd psi_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd psi_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); double rho = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); int maxiter = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); double damp = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); double convthresh = mapdouble(prhs[i++])(0); MatrixMd n = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd m1 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd m2 = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd b_i = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd b_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixMd Z_ij = mapdouble(prhs[i++]); MatrixXd b_i_save = b_i; MatrixXd S (nvals,nvals); MatrixXd m0(nvals,1); int reps; double conv; for(reps=0; reps<maxiter; reps++){ for(int c0=0; c0<ncliques*2; c0++){ int c, mode; if(c0<ncliques){ c = c0; mode = 1; } else{ c = ncliques - 1 - (c0-ncliques); mode = 2; } int i = pairs(c,0); int j = pairs(c,1); if( mode==1 ){ for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) = 1; for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) *= m1(yi, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(i, k); if(d==-2) continue; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) *= m2(yi, d); } for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++) n(yi, i) = pow(n(yi, i), rho); // compute m(y_j) for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ m0(yj) = 0; for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; S(yi,yj) = psi_ij(index, c)*psi_i(yi, i)*n(yi, i)/m1(yi, c); m0(yj) += S(yi,yj); } } double k = S.sum(); m2.col(c) = m0/k; } else{ for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) = 1; for(int k=0; k<N1.cols(); k++){ int d = N1(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) *= m1(yj, d); } for(int k=0; k<N2.cols(); k++){ int d = N2(j, k); if(d==-2) continue; for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) *= m2(yj, d); } for( int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++) n(yj, j) = pow(n(yj, j), rho); for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ m0(yi) = 0; for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; S(yi,yj) = psi_ij(index, c)*psi_i(yj, j)*n(yj, j)/m2(yj, c); m0(yi) += S(yi,yj); } } double k = S.sum(); m1.col(c) = m0/k; } } b_i = n.array()*psi_i.array(); norm_cols(b_i); conv = (b_i-b_i_save).array().abs().maxCoeff(); //cout << "reps: " << reps << " conv: " << conv << endl; if(conv < convthresh) break; b_i_save = b_i; } //cout << "reps: " << reps << " conv: " << conv << endl; b_ij = psi_ij; for(int c=0; c<ncliques; c++){ int i = pairs(c,0); int j = pairs(c,1); for(int yi=0; yi<nvals; yi++){ for(int yj=0; yj<nvals; yj++){ int index = yi + yj*nvals; b_ij(index,c) = b_ij(index,c)*psi_i(yi,i)*psi_i(yj,j)*n(yi,i)*n(yj,j)/m1(yi,c)/m2(yj,c); } } } Z_ij = b_ij.colwise().sum(); for(int c=0; c<ncliques; c++) b_ij.col(c) = b_ij.col(c)/Z_ij(c); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL); double *outArray; outArray = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); outArray[0] = reps; }