コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
	bool operator()(SERVER_s s1, SERVER_s s2) const
		// [BB] NETWORK_AddressToString uses a static char array to generate the string, so we
		// need to cache the string conversion of the first string when comparing to two.
		// Note: Because we need a "<" comparison and not a "!=" comparison we can't use
		// NETWORK_CompareAddress.
		std::string address1 = NETWORK_AddressToString ( s1.Address );
		return ( stricmp ( address1.c_str(), NETWORK_AddressToString ( s2.Address ) ) < 0 );
コード例 #2
ファイル: sv_rcon.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void SERVER_RCON_Tick( )
	// Remove timed-out candidates.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_Candidates.Size( ); )
		if (( gametic - g_Candidates[i].iLastMessageTic ) >= ( RCON_CANDIDATE_TIMEOUT_TIME * TICRATE ))
			g_Candidates.Delete( i );

	// Remove timed-out clients.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_AuthedClients.Size( ); )
		if (( gametic - g_AuthedClients[i].iLastMessageTic ) >= ( RCON_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME * TICRATE ))
			Printf( "RCON client at %s timed out.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_AuthedClients[i].Address ));
			g_AuthedClients.Delete( i );

	g_BadRequestFloodQueue.adjustHead( gametic / 1000 );
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
static void main_AttemptConnection( )
	char	szBuffer[128];

	// Update the GUI.
	time( &g_tLastSentCommand );
	main_SetState( STATE_CONNECTING );
	sprintf( szBuffer, "Connecting to %s...", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_ServerAddress ));
	main_UpdateStatusbar( szBuffer );
	main_UpdateTrayTooltip( szBuffer );
	GetDlgItemText( g_hDlg, IDC_SERVERIP, szBuffer, 128 );

	// Save this server to our config file.
	g_Config.SetSection( "Settings", true );
	g_Config.SetValueForKey( "LastServer", szBuffer );
	g_Config.WriteConfigFile( );

	// Start listening for packets.
	if ( g_hThread == NULL )
		g_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, main_Loop, 0, 0, 0 );
		NETWORK_InitBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer, 8192, BUFFERTYPE_WRITE );

	NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
	NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, CLRC_BEGINCONNECTION );
	NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
	NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, g_ServerAddress );	
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void MASTERSERVER_AddServer( const SERVER_s &Server, std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc> &ServerSet )
	std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator addedServer = ServerSet.insert ( Server ).first;

	if ( addedServer == ServerSet.end() )
		printf( "ERROR: Adding new entry to the set failed. This should not happen!\n" );
		addedServer->lLastReceived = g_lCurrentTime;						
		if ( &ServerSet == &g_Servers )
			printf( "+ Adding %s (revision %d) to the server list.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( addedServer->Address ), addedServer->iServerRevision );
			MASTERSERVER_SendBanlistToServer( *addedServer );
			printf( "+ Adding %s (revision %d) to the verification list.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( addedServer->Address ), addedServer->iServerRevision );
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void MASTERSERVER_SendBanlistToServer( const SERVER_s &Server )
	// [BB] If the server supports it, potentially split the ban list over multiple packets.
	if ( Server.iServerRevision >= 2907 )
		BanlistPacketSender sender ( Server );

		// Write all the bans.
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_BannedIPs.size( ); ++i )
			sender.writeBanEntry ( g_BannedIPs.getEntryAsString( i, false, false, false ).c_str( ), MSB_BAN );

		// Write all the exceptions.
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_BannedIPExemptions.size( ); ++i )
			sender.writeBanEntry ( g_BannedIPExemptions.getEntryAsString( i, false, false, false ).c_str( ), MSB_BANEXEMPTION );

		NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MASTER_SERVER_BANLIST );
		// [BB] If the server sent us a verification string, send it along with the ban list.
		// This allows the server to verify that the list actually was sent from our master
		// (and is not just a packet with forged source IP).
		if ( Server.MasterBanlistVerificationString.size() )
			NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, Server.MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str() );

		// Write all the bans.
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, g_BannedIPs.size( ));
		for ( ULONG i = 0; i < g_BannedIPs.size( ); i++ )
			NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, g_BannedIPs.getEntryAsString( i, false, false, false ).c_str( ));

		// Write all the exceptions.
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, g_BannedIPExemptions.size( ));
		for ( ULONG i = 0; i < g_BannedIPExemptions.size( ); i++ )
			NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, g_BannedIPExemptions.getEntryAsString( i, false, false, false ).c_str( ));

		NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, Server.Address );
	Server.bHasLatestBanList = true;
	Server.bVerifiedLatestBanList = false;
	printf( "-> Banlist sent to %s.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( Server.Address ));
コード例 #6
ファイル: callvote.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void CALLVOTE_Tick( void )
	ULONG	ulNumYes;
	ULONG	ulNumNo;

	switch ( g_VoteState )


		// [RC] Hide the voteing screen shortly after voting.
		if ( g_ulShowVoteScreenTicks )

		if ( g_ulVoteCountdownTicks )
			if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT ) &&
				( CLIENTDEMO_IsPlaying( ) == false ) &&
				( g_ulVoteCountdownTicks == 0 ))
				ulNumYes = callvote_CountPlayersWhoVotedYes( );
				ulNumNo = callvote_CountPlayersWhoVotedNo( );

				if (( ulNumYes > 0 ) && ( ulNumYes > ulNumNo ))
					g_bVotePassed = true;
					g_bVotePassed = false;

				callvote_EndVote( );

		if ( g_ulVoteCompletedTicks )
			if ( --g_ulVoteCompletedTicks == 0 )
				g_PreviousVotes.back( ).bPassed = g_bVotePassed;

				// If the vote passed, execute the command string.
				if (( g_bVotePassed ) && ( !g_bVoteCancelled ) &&
					( NETWORK_GetState( ) != NETSTATE_CLIENT ) &&
					( CLIENTDEMO_IsPlaying( ) == false ))
					// [BB, RC] If the vote is a kick vote, we have to rewrite g_VoteCommand to both use the stored IP, and temporarily ban it.
					// [Dusk] Write the kick reason into the ban reason, [BB] but only if it's not empty.
					// [BB] "forcespec" votes need a similar handling.
					if ( ( strncmp( g_VoteCommand, "kick", 4 ) == 0 ) || ( strncmp( g_VoteCommand, "forcespec", 9 ) == 0 ) )
						if ( strncmp( g_VoteCommand, "kick", 4 ) == 0 )
							g_VoteCommand.Format( "addban %s 10min \"Vote kick", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_KickVoteVictimAddress ) );
							g_VoteCommand.Format( "kickfromgame_idx %d \"Vote forcespec", static_cast<int>(SERVER_FindClientByAddress ( g_KickVoteVictimAddress )) );
						g_VoteCommand.AppendFormat( ", %d to %d", static_cast<int>(callvote_CountPlayersWhoVotedYes( )), static_cast<int>(callvote_CountPlayersWhoVotedNo( )) );
						if ( g_VoteReason.IsNotEmpty() )
							g_VoteCommand.AppendFormat ( " (%s)", g_VoteReason.GetChars( ) );
						g_VoteCommand += ".\"";

					AddCommandString( (char *)g_VoteCommand.GetChars( ));
				// Reset the module.
				CALLVOTE_ClearVote( );
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	BYTESTREAM_s	*pByteStream;

	std::cerr << "=== Zandronum Master ===\n";
	std::cerr << "Revision: "SVN_REVISION_STRING"\n";

	std::cerr << "Port: " << DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Initialize the network system.
	NETWORK_Construct( DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT, ( ( argc >= 4 ) && ( stricmp ( argv[2], "-useip" ) == 0 ) ) ? argv[3] : NULL );

	// Initialize the message buffer we send messages to the launcher in.
	NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );

	// Initialize the bans subsystem.
	std::cerr << "Initializing ban list...\n";
	MASTERSERVER_InitializeBans( );
	int lastParsingTime = I_GetTime( );
	int lastBanlistVerificationTimeout = lastParsingTime;

	// [BB] Do we want to hide servers that ignore our ban list?
	if ( ( argc >= 2 ) && ( stricmp ( argv[1], "-DontHideBanIgnoringServers" ) == 0 ) )
		std::cerr << "Note: Servers that do not enforce our ban list are shown." << std::endl;
		g_bHideBanIgnoringServers = false;
		std::cerr << "Note: Servers that do not enforce our ban list are hidden." << std::endl;
		g_bHideBanIgnoringServers = true;

	// Done setting up!
	std::cerr << "\n=== Master server started! ===\n";

	while ( 1 )
		g_lCurrentTime = I_GetTime( );
		I_DoSelect( );
		while ( NETWORK_GetPackets( ))
			// Set up our byte stream.
			pByteStream = &NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->ByteStream;
			pByteStream->pbStream = NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->pbData;
			pByteStream->pbStreamEnd = pByteStream->pbStream + NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->ulCurrentSize;

			// Now parse the packet.
			MASTERSERVER_ParseCommands( pByteStream );

		// Update the ignore queues.
		g_queryIPQueue.adjustHead ( g_lCurrentTime );
		g_floodProtectionIPQueue.adjustHead ( g_lCurrentTime );
		g_ShortFloodQueue.adjustHead ( g_lCurrentTime );

		// See if any servers have timed out.
		MASTERSERVER_CheckTimeouts( );

		if ( g_lCurrentTime > lastBanlistVerificationTimeout + 10 )
			for( std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator it = g_Servers.begin(); it != g_Servers.end(); ++it )
				if ( ( it->bVerifiedLatestBanList == false ) && ( it->bNewFormatServer == true ) )
					it->bHasLatestBanList = false;
					std::cerr << "No receipt received from " << NETWORK_AddressToString ( it->Address ) << ". Resending banlist.\n";
			lastBanlistVerificationTimeout = g_lCurrentTime;

		// [BB] Reparse the ban list every 15 minutes.
		if ( g_lCurrentTime > lastParsingTime + 15*60 )
			std::cerr << "~ Reparsing the ban lists...\n";
			MASTERSERVER_InitializeBans( );
			lastParsingTime = g_lCurrentTime;
	return ( 0 );
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void MASTERSERVER_CheckTimeouts( std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc> &ServerSet )
	// [BB] Because we are erasing entries from the set, the iterator has to be incremented inside
	// the loop, depending on whether and element was erased or not.
	for( std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator it = ServerSet.begin(); it != ServerSet.end(); )
		// If the server has timed out, make it an open slot!
		if (( g_lCurrentTime - it->lLastReceived ) >= 60 )
			printf( "- %server at %s timed out.\n", ( &ServerSet == &g_UnverifiedServers ) ? "Unverified s" : "S", NETWORK_AddressToString( it->Address ));
			// [BB] The standard does not require set::erase to return the incremented operator,
			// that's why we must use the post increment operator here.
			ServerSet.erase ( it++ );
			// [BB] If the server doesn't have the latest ban list, send it now.
			// This construction has the drawback that all servers are updated at once.
			// Possibly it will be necessary to do this differently.
			if ( it->bHasLatestBanList == false )
				MASTERSERVER_SendBanlistToServer( *it );

コード例 #9
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void MASTERSERVER_ParseCommands( BYTESTREAM_s *pByteStream )
	long			lCommand;
	NETADDRESS_s	AddressFrom;

	AddressFrom = NETWORK_GetFromAddress( );

	// [RC] If this IP is in our flood queue, ignore it completely.
	if ( g_floodProtectionIPQueue.addressInQueue( AddressFrom ) || g_ShortFloodQueue.addressInQueue( AddressFrom ))
		while ( NETWORK_ReadByte( pByteStream ) != -1 ) // [RC] Is this really necessary?

	// Is this IP banned? Send the user an explanation, and ignore the IP for 30 seconds.
	if ( !g_BannedIPExemptions.isIPInList( AddressFrom ) && g_BannedIPs.isIPInList( AddressFrom ))
		NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_IPISBANNED );
		NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );

		printf( "* Received challenge from banned IP (%s). Ignoring for 10 seconds.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( AddressFrom ));
		g_queryIPQueue.addAddress( AddressFrom, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );

	lCommand = NETWORK_ReadLong( pByteStream );
	switch ( lCommand )

	// Server is telling master server of its existence.
			// Certain IPs can be blocked from just hosting.
			if ( !g_BannedIPExemptions.isIPInList( AddressFrom ) && g_BlockedIPs.isIPInList( AddressFrom ))
				NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_IPISBANNED );
				NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );

				printf( "* Received server challenge from blocked IP (%s). Ignoring for 10 seconds.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( AddressFrom ));
				g_queryIPQueue.addAddress( AddressFrom, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );
			SERVER_s newServer;
			newServer.Address = AddressFrom;
			// [BB] If no verification string was send, NETWORK_ReadString just returns an empty string.
			// Thus, this is still compatible with older servers that don't send the string.
			newServer.MasterBanlistVerificationString = NETWORK_ReadString( pByteStream );
			// [BB] If no value was send, NETWORK_ReadByte just returns -1.
			// Thus, this is still compatible with older servers that don't tell us whether they enforce our bans
			// and gives them the benefit of the doubt, i.e. it assumes that they enforce our bans.
			const int temp = NETWORK_ReadByte( pByteStream );
			newServer.bEnforcesBanList = ( temp != 0 );
			newServer.bNewFormatServer = ( temp != -1 );
			newServer.iServerRevision = ( ( pByteStream->pbStreamEnd - pByteStream->pbStream ) >= 4 ) ? NETWORK_ReadLong( pByteStream ) : NETWORK_ReadShort( pByteStream );

			std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator currentServer = g_Servers.find ( newServer );

			// This is a new server; add it to the list.
			if ( currentServer == g_Servers.end() )
				unsigned int iNumOtherServers = 0;

				// First count the number of servers from this IP.
				for( std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::const_iterator it = g_Servers.begin(); it != g_Servers.end(); ++it )
					if ( NETWORK_CompareAddress( it->Address, AddressFrom, true ))

				if ( iNumOtherServers >= 10 && !g_MultiServerExceptions.isIPInList( AddressFrom ))
					printf( "* More than 10 servers received from %s. Ignoring request...\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( AddressFrom ));
					// [BB] 3021 is 98d, don't put those servers on the list.
					if ( ( newServer.bNewFormatServer ) && ( newServer.iServerRevision != 3021 ) )
						std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator currentUnverifiedServer = g_UnverifiedServers.find ( newServer );
						// [BB] This is a new server, but we still need to verify it.
						if ( currentUnverifiedServer == g_UnverifiedServers.end() )
							srand ( time(NULL) );
							newServer.ServerVerificationInt = rand() + rand() * rand() + rand() * rand() * rand();
							// [BB] We don't send the ban list to unverified servers, so just pretent the server already has the list.
							newServer.bHasLatestBanList = true;

							MASTERSERVER_RequestServerVerification ( newServer );
							MASTERSERVER_AddServer( newServer, g_UnverifiedServers );
						printf( "* Received server challenge from old server (%s). Ignoring IP for 10 seconds.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( newServer.Address ));
						g_queryIPQueue.addAddress( newServer.Address, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );

			// Command is from a server already on the list. It's just sending us a heartbeat.
				// [BB] Only if the verification string matches.
				if ( stricmp ( currentServer->MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str(), newServer.MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str() ) == 0 )
					currentServer->lLastReceived = g_lCurrentTime;
					// [BB] The server possibly changed the ban setting, so update it.
					currentServer->bEnforcesBanList = newServer.bEnforcesBanList;

			// Ignore IP for 10 seconds.
		//	if ( !g_MultiServerExceptions.isIPInList( Address ) )
		//		g_floodProtectionIPQueue.addAddress( AddressFrom, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );
			SERVER_s newServer;
			newServer.Address = AddressFrom;
			newServer.MasterBanlistVerificationString = NETWORK_ReadString( pByteStream );
			newServer.ServerVerificationInt = NETWORK_ReadLong( pByteStream );

			std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator currentServer = g_UnverifiedServers.find ( newServer );

			// [BB] Apparently, we didn't request any verification from this server, so ignore it.
			if ( currentServer == g_UnverifiedServers.end() )

			if ( ( stricmp ( newServer.MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str(), currentServer->MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str() ) == 0 )
				&& ( newServer.ServerVerificationInt == currentServer->ServerVerificationInt ) )
				MASTERSERVER_AddServer( *currentServer, g_Servers );
				g_UnverifiedServers.erase ( currentServer );
			SERVER_s server;
			server.Address = AddressFrom;
			server.MasterBanlistVerificationString = NETWORK_ReadString( pByteStream );

			std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator currentServer = g_Servers.find ( server );

			// [BB] We don't know the server. Just ignore it.
			if ( currentServer == g_Servers.end() )

			if ( stricmp ( server.MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str(), currentServer->MasterBanlistVerificationString.c_str() ) == 0 )
				currentServer->bVerifiedLatestBanList = true;
				std::cerr << NETWORK_AddressToString ( AddressFrom ) << " acknowledged receipt of the banlist.\n";
	// Launcher is asking master server for server list.
			NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );

			// Did this IP query us recently? If so, send it an explanation, and ignore it completely for 3 seconds.
			if ( g_queryIPQueue.addressInQueue( AddressFrom ))
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_REQUESTIGNORED );
				NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );

				printf( "* Extra launcher challenge from %s. Ignoring for 3 seconds.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( AddressFrom ));
				g_ShortFloodQueue.addAddress( AddressFrom, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );

			// [BB] The launcher only sends the protocol version with LAUNCHER_MASTER_CHALLENGE.
				// [BB] Check if the requested version of the protocol matches ours.
				const unsigned short usVersion = NETWORK_ReadShort( pByteStream );

				if ( usVersion != MASTER_SERVER_VERSION )
					NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_WRONGVERSION );
					NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );

			printf( "-> Sending server list to %s.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( AddressFrom ));

			// Wait 10 seconds before sending this IP the server list again.
			g_queryIPQueue.addAddress( AddressFrom, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );

			switch ( lCommand )
				// Send the list of servers.
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_BEGINSERVERLIST );
				for( std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::const_iterator it = g_Servers.begin(); it != g_Servers.end(); ++it )
					// [BB] Possibly omit servers that don't enforce our ban list.
					if ( ( it->bEnforcesBanList == true ) || ( g_bHideBanIgnoringServers == false ) )
						MASTERSERVER_SendServerIPToLauncher ( it->Address, &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream );

				// Tell the launcher that we're done sending servers.
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_ENDSERVERLIST );

				// Send the launcher our packet.
				NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );


				const unsigned long ulMaxPacketSize = 1024;
				unsigned long ulPacketNum = 0;

				std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::const_iterator it = g_Servers.begin();

				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_BEGINSERVERLISTPART );
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, ulPacketNum );
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_SERVERBLOCK );
				unsigned long ulSizeOfPacket = 6; // 4 (MSC_BEGINSERVERLISTPART) + 1 (0) + 1 (MSC_SERVERBLOCK)

				while ( it != g_Servers.end() )
					NETADDRESS_s serverAddress = it->Address;
					std::vector<USHORT> serverPortList;

					do {
						// [BB] Possibly omit servers that don't enforce our ban list.
						if ( ( it->bEnforcesBanList == true ) || ( g_bHideBanIgnoringServers == false ) )
							serverPortList.push_back ( it->Address.usPort );
					} while ( ( it != g_Servers.end() ) && NETWORK_CompareAddress( it->Address, serverAddress, true ) );

					// [BB] All servers on this IP ignore the list, nothing to send.
					if ( serverPortList.size() == 0 )

					const unsigned long ulServerBlockNetSize = MASTERSERVER_CalcServerIPBlockNetSize( serverAddress, serverPortList );

					// [BB] If sending this block would cause the current packet to exceed ulMaxPacketSize ...
					if ( ulSizeOfPacket + ulServerBlockNetSize > ulMaxPacketSize - 1 )
						// [BB] ... close the current packet and start a new one.
						NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, 0 ); // [BB] Terminate MSC_SERVERBLOCK by sending 0 ports.
						NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_ENDSERVERLISTPART );
						NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );

						NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
						ulSizeOfPacket = 5;
						NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_BEGINSERVERLISTPART );
						NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, ulPacketNum );
						NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_SERVERBLOCK );
					ulSizeOfPacket += ulServerBlockNetSize;
					MASTERSERVER_SendServerIPBlockToLauncher ( serverAddress, serverPortList, &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream );
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, 0 ); // [BB] Terminate MSC_SERVERBLOCK by sending 0 ports.
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, MSC_ENDSERVERLIST );
				NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, AddressFrom );

	printf( "* Received unknown challenge (%ld) from %s. Ignoring for 10 seconds...\n", lCommand, NETWORK_AddressToString( AddressFrom ));
	g_floodProtectionIPQueue.addAddress( AddressFrom, g_lCurrentTime, &std::cerr );
コード例 #10
ファイル: sv_rcon.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
static void server_rcon_HandleLogin( int iCandidateIndex, const char *pszHash )
	// If there's no slot, the candidate must have timed out, or is hacking. Bye!
	if ( iCandidateIndex == -1 )

	// Combine the salt and password, and hash it.
	FString fsString, fsCorrectHash;
	fsString.Format( "%s%s", g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].szSalt, sv_rconpassword.GetGenericRep(CVAR_String).String );	
	CMD5Checksum::GetMD5( reinterpret_cast<const BYTE *>(fsString.GetChars()), fsString.Len(), fsCorrectHash );

	// Compare that to what he sent us.
	// Printf("Mine: %s\nTheirs: %s\n", fsCorrectHash, pszHash );
	NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
	// [BB] Do not allow the server to let anybody use RCON in case sv_rconpassword is empty.
	if ( fsCorrectHash.Compare( pszHash ) || ( strlen( sv_rconpassword.GetGenericRep(CVAR_String).String ) == 0 ) )
		// Wrong password.
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, SVRC_INVALIDPASSWORD );
		NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].Address ); // [RC] Note: Be sure to finish any packets before calling Printf(). Otherwise SERVER_RCON_Print will clear your buffer.

		// To prevent mass password flooding, ignore the IP for a few seconds.
		g_BadRequestFloodQueue.addAddress( g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].Address, gametic / 1000 );

		Printf( "Failed RCON login from %s. Ignoring IP for 10 seconds...\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].Address ));
		// [BB] Since we log when RCON clients disconnect, we should also log when they connect.
		// Do this before we do anything else so that this message is sent to the new RCON client
		// with the console history.
		Printf( "RCON client at %s connected.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].Address ));

		// Correct password. Promote him to an authed client.
		RCONCLIENT_s Client;
		Client.Address = g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].Address;
		Client.iLastMessageTic = gametic;
		g_AuthedClients.Push( Client );

		NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, SVRC_LOGGEDIN );

		// Tell him some info about the server.
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, sv_hostname.GetGenericRep( CVAR_String ).String );
		// Send updates.
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, NUM_RCON_UPDATES );
		for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_RCON_UPDATES; i++ )
			server_WriteUpdateInfo( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, i );

		// Send the console history.
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, g_RecentConsoleLines.size() );
		for( std::list<FString>::iterator i = g_RecentConsoleLines.begin(); i != g_RecentConsoleLines.end(); ++i )
			NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, *i );

		NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, g_Candidates[iCandidateIndex].Address );

	// Remove his temporary slot.	
	g_Candidates.Delete( iCandidateIndex );
コード例 #11
ファイル: sv_rcon.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void SERVER_RCON_ParseMessage( NETADDRESS_s Address, LONG lMessage, BYTESTREAM_s *pByteStream )
	int iIndex = -1;

	switch ( lMessage )

		server_rcon_HandleNewConnection( Address, NETWORK_ReadByte( pByteStream ));

		server_rcon_HandleLogin( server_rcon_FindCandidate( Address ), NETWORK_ReadString( pByteStream ));
	case CLRC_PONG:

		iIndex = server_rcon_FindClient( Address );
		if ( iIndex != -1 )	
			g_AuthedClients[iIndex].iLastMessageTic = gametic;

		// Execute the command (if this came from an admin).
		iIndex = server_rcon_FindClient( Address );
		if ( iIndex != -1 )
			const char *szCommand = NETWORK_ReadString( pByteStream );
			// [BB] Log the command before adding it. If we don't have a server GUI, the command
			// is executed immediately and may cause Skulltag to exit before the command is logged.
			Printf( "-> %s (RCON by %s)\n", szCommand, NETWORK_AddressToString( Address ) );
			SERVER_AddCommand( szCommand );
			g_AuthedClients[iIndex].iLastMessageTic = gametic;
		iIndex = server_rcon_FindClient( Address );
		if ( iIndex != -1 )	
			g_AuthedClients.Delete( iIndex );
			Printf( "RCON client at %s disconnected.\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( Address ));

		// [TP] RCON client wishes to tab-complete
		iIndex = server_rcon_FindClient( Address );
		if ( iIndex != -1 )
			const char* part = NETWORK_ReadString( pByteStream );
			TArray<FString> list = C_GetTabCompletes( part );
			NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );

			// [TP] Let's not send too many of these though
			if ( list.Size() < 50 )
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, SVRC_TABCOMPLETE );
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, list.Size() );

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < list.Size(); ++i )
					NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, list[i] );
				NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, SVRC_TOOMANYTABCOMPLETES );
				NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, list.Size() );

			NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, g_AuthedClients[iIndex].Address );
コード例 #12
ファイル: callvote.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
void CALLVOTE_BeginVote( FString Command, FString Parameters, FString Reason, ULONG ulPlayer )
	// Don't allow a vote in the middle of another vote.
	if ( g_VoteState != VOTESTATE_NOVOTE )
		if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
			SERVER_PrintfPlayer( PRINT_HIGH, SERVER_GetCurrentClient( ), "Another vote is already underway.\n" );

	// Check and make sure all the parameters are valid.
	if ( callvote_CheckValidity( Command, Parameters ) == false )

	// Prevent excessive re-voting.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER ) && callvote_CheckForFlooding( Command, Parameters, ulPlayer ) == false )

	// Play the announcer sound for this.
	ANNOUNCER_PlayEntry( cl_announcer, "VoteNow" );

	// Create the vote console command.
	g_VoteCommand = Command;
	g_VoteCommand += " ";
	g_VoteCommand += Parameters;
	g_ulVoteCaller = ulPlayer;
	g_VoteReason = Reason.Left(25);

	// Create the record of the vote for flood prevention.
		VOTE_s VoteRecord;
		VoteRecord.fsParameter = Parameters;
		time_t tNow;
		time( &tNow );
		VoteRecord.tTimeCalled = tNow;
		VoteRecord.Address = SERVER_GetClient( g_ulVoteCaller )->Address;
		VoteRecord.ulVoteType = callvote_GetVoteType( Command );

		if ( callvote_IsKickVote ( VoteRecord.ulVoteType ) )
			VoteRecord.KickAddress = g_KickVoteVictimAddress; 

		g_PreviousVotes.push_back( VoteRecord );

	// Display the message in the console.
		FString	ReasonBlurb = ( g_VoteReason.Len( )) ? ( ", reason: \"" + g_VoteReason + "\"" ) : "";
		if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
			Printf( "%s\\c- (%s) has called a vote (\"%s\"%s).\n", players[ulPlayer].userinfo.netname, NETWORK_AddressToString( SERVER_GetClient( ulPlayer )->Address ), g_VoteCommand.GetChars(), ReasonBlurb.GetChars() );
			Printf( "%s\\c- has called a vote (\"%s\"%s).\n", players[ulPlayer].userinfo.netname, g_VoteCommand.GetChars(), ReasonBlurb.GetChars() );

	g_ulVoteCountdownTicks = VOTE_COUNTDOWN_TIME * TICRATE;
	g_ulShowVoteScreenTicks = g_ulVoteCountdownTicks;
	g_bVoteCancelled = false;

	// Inform clients about the vote being called.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_CallVote( ulPlayer, Command, Parameters, Reason );
コード例 #13
void NETWORK_LaunchPacket( NETBUFFER_s *pBuffer, NETADDRESS_s Address )
	LONG				lNumBytes;
	INT					iNumBytesOut;
	struct sockaddr_in	SocketAddress;

	pBuffer->ulCurrentSize = NETWORK_CalcBufferSize( pBuffer );

	// Nothing to do.
	if ( pBuffer->ulCurrentSize == 0 )

	// Convert the IP address to a socket address.
	NETWORK_NetAddressToSocketAddress( Address, SocketAddress );

	HUFFMAN_Encode( (unsigned char *)pBuffer->pbData, g_ucHuffmanBuffer, pBuffer->ulCurrentSize, &iNumBytesOut );

	lNumBytes = sendto( g_NetworkSocket, (const char*)g_ucHuffmanBuffer, iNumBytesOut, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&SocketAddress, sizeof( SocketAddress ));

	// If sendto returns -1, there was an error.
	if ( lNumBytes == -1 )
#ifdef __WIN32__
		INT	iError = WSAGetLastError( );

		// Wouldblock is silent.
		if ( iError == WSAEWOULDBLOCK )

		switch ( iError )

			Printf( "NETWORK_LaunchPacket: Error #%d, WSAEACCES: Permission denied for address: %s\n", iError, NETWORK_AddressToString( Address ));

			Printf( "NETWORK_LaunchPacket: Error #%d, WSAEADDRENOTAVAIL: Address %s not available\n", iError, NETWORK_AddressToString( Address ));

			Printf( "NETWORK_LaunchPacket: Error #%d, WSAEHOSTUNREACH: Address %s unreachable\n", iError, NETWORK_AddressToString( Address ));

			Printf( "NETWORK_LaunchPacket: Error #%d\n", iError );
	if ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK )

          if ( errno == ECONNREFUSED )

		Printf( "NETWORK_LaunchPacket: %s\n", strerror( errno ));
		Printf( "NETWORK_LaunchPacket: Address %s\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( Address ));


	// Record this for our statistics window.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVER_STATISTIC_AddToOutboundDataTransfer( lNumBytes );
コード例 #14
int NETWORK_GetLANPackets( void )
	// [BB] If we know that there is a problem with the socket don't try to use it.
	if ( g_bLANSocketInvalid )
		return 0;

	LONG				lNumBytes;
	INT					iDecodedNumBytes;
	struct sockaddr_in	SocketFrom;
	INT					iSocketFromLength;

    iSocketFromLength = sizeof( SocketFrom );

#ifdef	WIN32
	lNumBytes = recvfrom( g_LANSocket, (char *)g_ucHuffmanBuffer, sizeof( g_ucHuffmanBuffer ), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&SocketFrom, &iSocketFromLength );
	lNumBytes = recvfrom( g_LANSocket, (char *)g_ucHuffmanBuffer, sizeof( g_ucHuffmanBuffer ), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&SocketFrom, (socklen_t *)&iSocketFromLength );

	// If the number of bytes returned is -1, an error has occured.
    if ( lNumBytes == -1 ) 
#ifdef __WIN32__
        errno = WSAGetLastError( );

        if ( errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
            return ( false );

		// Connection reset by peer. Doesn't mean anything to the server.
		if ( errno == WSAECONNRESET )
			return ( false );

        if ( errno == WSAEMSGSIZE )
             Printf( "NETWORK_GetPackets:  WARNING! Oversize packet from %s\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_AddressFrom ));
             return ( false );

        Printf( "NETWORK_GetPackets: WARNING!: Error #%d: %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ));
		return ( false );
        if ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
            return ( false );

        if ( errno == ECONNREFUSED )
            return ( false );

        Printf( "NETWORK_GetPackets: WARNING!: Error #%d: %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ));
        return ( false );

	// No packets or an error, dont process anything.
	if ( lNumBytes <= 0 )
		return ( 0 );

	// Record this for our statistics window.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVER_STATISTIC_AddToInboundDataTransfer( lNumBytes );

	// If the number of bytes we're receiving exceeds our buffer size, ignore the packet.
	if ( lNumBytes >= static_cast<LONG>(g_NetworkMessage.ulMaxSize) )
		return ( 0 );

	// Decode the huffman-encoded message we received.
	HUFFMAN_Decode( g_ucHuffmanBuffer, (unsigned char *)g_NetworkMessage.pbData, lNumBytes, &iDecodedNumBytes );
	g_NetworkMessage.ulCurrentSize = iDecodedNumBytes;
	g_NetworkMessage.ByteStream.pbStream = g_NetworkMessage.pbData;
	g_NetworkMessage.ByteStream.pbStreamEnd = g_NetworkMessage.ByteStream.pbStream + g_NetworkMessage.ulCurrentSize;

	// Store the IP address of the sender.
    NETWORK_SocketAddressToNetAddress( &SocketFrom, &g_AddressFrom );

	return ( g_NetworkMessage.ulCurrentSize );
コード例 #15
void NETWORK_Construct( USHORT usPort, bool bAllocateLANSocket )
	char			szString[128];
	ULONG			ulArg;
	USHORT			usNewPort;
	bool			bSuccess;

	// Initialize the Huffman buffer.
	HUFFMAN_Construct( );

#ifdef __WIN32__
	// [BB] Linux doesn't know WSADATA, so this may not be moved outside the ifdef.
	if ( WSAStartup( 0x0101, &WSAData ))
		network_Error( "Winsock initialization failed!\n" );

	Printf( "Winsock initialization succeeded!\n" );

	const char* pszIPAddress = Args->CheckValue( "-useip" );
	// [BB] An IP was specfied. Check if it's valid and if it is, try to bind our socket to it.
	if ( pszIPAddress )
		ULONG requestedIP = inet_addr( pszIPAddress );
		if ( requestedIP == INADDR_NONE )
			sprintf( szString, "NETWORK_Construct: %s is not a valid IP address\n", pszIPAddress );
			network_Error( szString );
			ulInAddr = requestedIP;

	g_usLocalPort = usPort;

	// Allocate a socket, and attempt to bind it to the given port.
	g_NetworkSocket = network_AllocateSocket( );
	// [BB] If we can't allocate a socket, sending / receiving net packets won't work.
	if ( g_NetworkSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
		network_Error( "NETWORK_Construct: Couldn't allocate socket. You will not be able to host or join servers.\n" );
	else if ( network_BindSocketToPort( g_NetworkSocket, ulInAddr, g_usLocalPort, false ) == false )
		bSuccess = true;
		bool bSuccessIP = true;
		usNewPort = g_usLocalPort;
		while ( network_BindSocketToPort( g_NetworkSocket, ulInAddr, ++usNewPort, false ) == false )
			// Didn't find an available port. Oh well...
			if ( usNewPort == g_usLocalPort )
				// [BB] We couldn't use the specified IP, so just try any.
				if ( ulInAddr != INADDR_ANY )
					ulInAddr = INADDR_ANY;
					bSuccessIP = false;
				bSuccess = false;

		if ( bSuccess == false )
			sprintf( szString, "NETWORK_Construct: Couldn't bind socket to port: %d\n", g_usLocalPort );
			network_Error( szString );
		else if ( bSuccessIP == false )
			sprintf( szString, "NETWORK_Construct: Couldn't bind socket to IP %s, using the default IP instead:\n", pszIPAddress );
			network_Error( szString );
			Printf( "NETWORK_Construct: Couldn't bind to %d. Binding to %d instead...\n", g_usLocalPort, usNewPort );
			g_usLocalPort = usNewPort;

	ulArg = true;
	if ( ioctlsocket( g_NetworkSocket, FIONBIO, &ulArg ) == -1 )
		printf( "network_AllocateSocket: ioctl FIONBIO: %s", strerror( errno ));

	// If we're not starting a server, setup a socket to listen for LAN servers.
	if ( bAllocateLANSocket )
		g_LANSocket = network_AllocateSocket( );
		if ( network_BindSocketToPort( g_LANSocket, ulInAddr, DEFAULT_BROADCAST_PORT, true ) == false )
			sprintf( szString, "network_BindSocketToPort: Couldn't bind LAN socket to port: %d. You will not be able to see LAN servers in the browser.", DEFAULT_BROADCAST_PORT );
			network_Error( szString );
			// [BB] The socket won't work in this case, make sure not to use it.
			g_bLANSocketInvalid = true;

		if ( ioctlsocket( g_LANSocket, FIONBIO, &ulArg ) == -1 )
			printf( "network_AllocateSocket: ioctl FIONBIO: %s", strerror( errno ));

	// Init our read buffer.
	// [BB] Vortex Cortex pointed us to the fact that the smallest huffman code is only 3 bits
	// and it turns into 8 bits when it's decompressed. Thus we need to allocate a buffer that
	// can hold the biggest possible size we may get after decompressing (aka Huffman decoding)
	// the incoming UDP packet.
	NETWORK_InitBuffer( &g_NetworkMessage, ((MAX_UDP_PACKET * 8) / 3 + 1), BUFFERTYPE_READ );
	NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_NetworkMessage );

	// [BB] Get and save our local IP.
	if ( ( ulInAddr == INADDR_ANY ) || ( pszIPAddress == NULL ) )
		g_LocalAddress = NETWORK_GetLocalAddress( );
	// [BB] We are using a specified IP, so we don't need to figure out what IP we have, but just use the specified one.
		NETWORK_StringToAddress ( pszIPAddress, &g_LocalAddress );
		g_LocalAddress.usPort = htons ( NETWORK_GetLocalPort() );

	// Print out our local IP address.
	Printf( "IP address %s\n", NETWORK_AddressToString( g_LocalAddress ));

	// If hosting, update the server GUI.
		SERVERCONSOLE_UpdateIP( g_LocalAddress );

	// [BB] Initialize the checksum of the non-map lumps that need to be authenticated when connecting a new player.
	std::vector<std::string>	lumpsToAuthenticate;
	std::vector<LumpAuthenticationMode>	lumpsToAuthenticateMode;

	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "COLORMAP" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( LAST_LUMP );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "PLAYPAL" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( LAST_LUMP );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "HTICDEFS" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "HEXNDEFS" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "STRFDEFS" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "DOOMDEFS" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "GLDEFS" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "DECORATE" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "LOADACS" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "DEHACKED" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );
	lumpsToAuthenticate.push_back( "GAMEMODE" );
	lumpsToAuthenticateMode.push_back( ALL_LUMPS );

	FString checksum, longChecksum;
	bool noProtectedLumpsAutoloaded = true;

	// [BB] All precompiled ACS libraries need to be authenticated. The only way to find all of them
	// at this point is to parse all LOADACS lumps.
		int lump, lastlump = 0;
		while ((lump = Wads.FindLump ("LOADACS", &lastlump)) != -1)
			FScanner sc(lump);
			while (sc.GetString())
				NETWORK_AddLumpForAuthentication ( Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, ns_acslibrary) );

	// [BB] First check the lumps that were marked for authentication while initializing. This
	// includes for example those lumps included by DECORATE lumps. It's much easier to mark those
	// lumps while the engine parses the DECORATE code than trying to find all included lumps from
	// the DECORATE lumps directly.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_LumpNumsToAuthenticate.Size(); ++i )
		if ( !network_GenerateLumpMD5HashAndWarnIfNeeded( g_LumpNumsToAuthenticate[i], Wads.GetLumpFullName (g_LumpNumsToAuthenticate[i]), checksum ) )
			noProtectedLumpsAutoloaded = false;
		longChecksum += checksum;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lumpsToAuthenticate.size(); i++ )
		switch ( lumpsToAuthenticateMode[i] ){
			case LAST_LUMP:
				int lump;
				lump = Wads.CheckNumForName(lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str());
				// [BB] Possibly we find the COLORMAP lump only in the colormaps name space.
				if ( ( lump == -1 ) && ( lumpsToAuthenticate[i].compare ( "COLORMAP" ) == 0 ) )
					lump = Wads.CheckNumForName("COLORMAP", ns_colormaps);
				if ( lump == -1 )
					Printf ( PRINT_BOLD, "Warning: Can't find lump %s for authentication!\n", lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str() );
				if ( !network_GenerateLumpMD5HashAndWarnIfNeeded( lump, lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str(), checksum ) )
					noProtectedLumpsAutoloaded = false;

				// [BB] To make Doom and Freedoom network compatible, substitue the Freedoom PLAYPAL/COLORMAP hash
				// by the corresponding Doom hash.
				// 4804c7f34b5285c334a7913dd98fae16 Doom PLAYPAL hash
				// 061a4c0f80aa8029f2c1bc12dc2e261e Doom COLORMAP hash
				// 2e01ae6258f2a0fdad32125537efe1af Freedoom PLAYPAL hash
				// bb535e66cae508e3833a5d2de974267b Freedoom COLORMAP hash
				if ( ( stricmp ( lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str(), "PLAYPAL" ) == 0 ) && ( stricmp ( checksum.GetChars(), "2e01ae6258f2a0fdad32125537efe1af" ) == 0 ) )
					checksum = "4804c7f34b5285c334a7913dd98fae16";
				else if ( ( stricmp ( lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str(), "COLORMAP" ) == 0 ) && ( stricmp ( checksum.GetChars(), "bb535e66cae508e3833a5d2de974267b" ) == 0 ) )
					checksum = "061a4c0f80aa8029f2c1bc12dc2e261e";

				longChecksum += checksum;

			case ALL_LUMPS:
				int workingLump, lastLump;

				lastLump = 0;
				while ((workingLump = Wads.FindLump(lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str(), &lastLump)) != -1)
					if ( !network_GenerateLumpMD5HashAndWarnIfNeeded( workingLump, lumpsToAuthenticate[i].c_str(), checksum ) )
						noProtectedLumpsAutoloaded = false;
					longChecksum += checksum;
	CMD5Checksum::GetMD5( reinterpret_cast<const BYTE *>(longChecksum.GetChars()), longChecksum.Len(), g_lumpsAuthenticationChecksum );

	// [BB] Warn the user about problematic auto-loaded files.
	if ( noProtectedLumpsAutoloaded == false )
		Printf ( PRINT_BOLD, "Warning: Above auto-loaded files contain protected lumps.\n" );
		if ( Args->CheckParm( "-host" ) )
			Printf ( PRINT_BOLD, "Clients without these files can't connect to this server.\n" );
			Printf ( PRINT_BOLD, "You can't connect to servers without these files.\n" );

	// [BB] Initialize the actor network class indices.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); i++ )
		PClass* cls = PClass::m_Types[i];
		if ( (cls->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor)))
		     // [BB] The server only binaries don't know DynamicLight and derived classes.
		     && !(cls->IsDescendantOf(PClass::FindClass("DynamicLight"))) )
			cls->ActorNetworkIndex = 1 + g_ActorNetworkIndexClassPointerMap.Push ( cls );
			cls->ActorNetworkIndex = 0;

	// [RC/BB] Init the list of PWADs.
	network_InitPWADList( );

	// Call NETWORK_Destruct() when Skulltag closes.
	atterm( NETWORK_Destruct );

	Printf( "UDP Initialized.\n" );
コード例 #16
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
	char	szBuffer[128];

	while ( 1 )
		while ( NETWORK_GetPackets( ))
			// Set up our byte stream.
			BYTESTREAM_s *pByteStream = &NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->ByteStream;
			pByteStream->pbStream = NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->pbData;
			pByteStream->pbStreamEnd = pByteStream->pbStream + NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->ulCurrentSize;

			// Parse the packet, but only if it came from the server we're trying to reach. Ignore everything else.
			 if ( g_State > STATE_WAITING && NETWORK_CompareAddress( NETWORK_GetFromAddress( ), g_ServerAddress, false ))
				main_ParseCommands( pByteStream );
		time_t tNow = time( 0 );
		// Refresh the "connect" button.
		if ( g_tLastIncorrectLogin > 0 && ( timeGetTime( ) - g_lLastCountdownTime > 250 ))
			g_lLastCountdownTime = timeGetTime( );
			if ( tNow - g_tLastIncorrectLogin < BAD_QUERY_IGNORE_TIME )
				sprintf( szBuffer, "Connect [%d]", BAD_QUERY_IGNORE_TIME - ( tNow - g_tLastIncorrectLogin ));
				strcpy( szBuffer, "Connect" );

			SetDlgItemText( g_hDlg, IDOK, szBuffer );
			EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( g_hDlg, IDOK ), ( tNow - g_tLastIncorrectLogin >= BAD_QUERY_IGNORE_TIME ) && ( g_State == STATE_WAITING ));

		// If we've been waiting for a while without response, try again, then error out.
		if ( g_State == STATE_CONNECTING && ( tNow - g_tLastSentCommand ) > 2 )
			if ( g_iRetries < 3 )
				sprintf( szBuffer, "Retrying (%d) to reach %s...", g_iRetries, NETWORK_AddressToString( g_ServerAddress ));
				main_UpdateStatusbar( szBuffer );
				main_UpdateTrayTooltip( szBuffer );
				main_ShowMessage( "That address doesn't seem valid; there was no response.", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
				main_SetState( STATE_WAITING );
				main_EnableConnectionButtons( TRUE );
				g_iRetries = 0;

		// If we haven't sent a message recently, let the server know we're still here.
		if ( g_State == STATE_CONNECTED && ( tNow - g_tLastSentCommand ) > RCON_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME / 4 )
			NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );
			NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MessageBuffer.ByteStream, CLRC_PONG );
			NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MessageBuffer, g_ServerAddress );
			time( &g_tLastSentCommand );

		Sleep( 200 );

コード例 #17
ファイル: callvote.cpp プロジェクト: WChrisK/Zandronum
bool CALLVOTE_VoteNo( ULONG ulPlayer )
	ULONG	ulIdx;
	ULONG	ulNumYes;
	ULONG	ulNumNo;

	// Don't allow the vote unless we're in the middle of a vote.
	if ( g_VoteState != VOTESTATE_INVOTE )
		return ( false );

	// [RC] If this is our vote, hide the vote screen soon.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_CLIENT ) && ( static_cast<LONG>(ulPlayer) == consoleplayer ) )
		g_ulShowVoteScreenTicks = 1 * TICRATE;

	// [RC] Vote callers can cancel their votes by voting "no".
	if ( ulPlayer == g_ulVoteCaller && ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER ))
		// [BB] If a player canceled his own vote, don't prevent others from making this type of vote again.
		g_PreviousVotes.back( ).ulVoteType = NUM_VOTECMDS;

		SERVER_Printf( PRINT_HIGH, "Vote caller cancelled the vote.\n" );
		g_bVoteCancelled = true;
		g_bVotePassed = false;
		callvote_EndVote( );
		return ( true );

	// Also, don't allow spectator votes if the server has them disabled.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER ) && ( sv_nocallvote == 2 && players[ulPlayer].bSpectating ))
		SERVER_PrintfPlayer( PRINT_HIGH, ulPlayer, "This server requires spectators to join the game to vote.\n" );
		return false;

	// If this player has already voted, ignore his vote.
	for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < ( MAXPLAYERS / 2 ) + 1; ulIdx++ )
		if ( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedYes[ulIdx] == ulPlayer )
			return ( false );

		if ( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedNo[ulIdx] == ulPlayer )
			return ( false );

		// If this person matches the IP of a person who already voted, don't let him vote.
		if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
			if ( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedYes[ulIdx] < MAXPLAYERS )
				if ( NETWORK_CompareAddress( SERVER_GetClient( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedYes[ulIdx] )->Address, SERVER_GetClient( ulPlayer )->Address, true ))
					return ( false );

			if ( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedNo[ulIdx] < MAXPLAYERS )
				if ( NETWORK_CompareAddress( SERVER_GetClient( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedNo[ulIdx] )->Address, SERVER_GetClient( ulPlayer )->Address, true ))
					return ( false );

	// Add this player's vote.
	for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < ( MAXPLAYERS / 2 ) + 1; ulIdx++ )
		if ( g_ulPlayersWhoVotedNo[ulIdx] == MAXPLAYERS )
			g_ulPlayersWhoVotedNo[ulIdx] = ulPlayer;

	// Display the message in the console.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		Printf( "%s\\c- (%s) votes \"no\".\n", players[ulPlayer].userinfo.netname, NETWORK_AddressToString( SERVER_GetClient( ulPlayer )->Address ));
		Printf( "%s\\c- votes \"no\".\n", players[ulPlayer].userinfo.netname );

	// Nothing more to do here for clients.
	if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_CLIENT ) ||
		( CLIENTDEMO_IsPlaying( )))
		return ( true );
	SERVERCOMMANDS_PlayerVote( ulPlayer, false );

	ulNumYes = callvote_CountPlayersWhoVotedYes( );
	ulNumNo = callvote_CountPlayersWhoVotedNo( );

	// If more than half of the total eligible voters have voted, we must have a majority!
	if ( MAX( ulNumYes, ulNumNo ) > ( CALLVOTE_CountNumEligibleVoters( ) / 2 ))
		g_bVotePassed = ( ulNumYes > ulNumNo );

		callvote_EndVote( );

	return ( true );