コード例 #1

Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string
into a more C friendly form.
void SV_UserinfoChanged( client_t *cl )
	const char *val;
	int  i;

	// name for C code
	Q_strncpyz( cl->name, Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" ), sizeof( cl->name ) );

	// rate command

	// if the client is on the same subnet as the server and we aren't running an
	// Internet server, assume that they don't need a rate choke
	if ( Sys_IsLANAddress( cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
		&& SV_Private(ServerPrivate::LanOnly)
		&& sv_lanForceRate->integer == 1 )
		cl->rate = 99999; // lans should not rate limit
		val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "rate" );

		if ( strlen( val ) )
			i = atoi( val );
			cl->rate = i;

			if ( cl->rate < 1000 )
				cl->rate = 1000;
			else if ( cl->rate > 90000 )
				cl->rate = 90000;
			cl->rate = 5000;

	// snaps command
	val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "snaps" );

	if ( strlen( val ) )
		i = atoi( val );

		if ( i < 1 )
			i = 1;
		else if ( i > sv_fps->integer )
			i = sv_fps->integer;

		cl->snapshotMsec = 1000 / i;
		cl->snapshotMsec = 50;

	// TTimo
	// maintain the IP information
	// this is set in SV_DirectConnect (directly on the server, not transmitted), may be lost when client updates its userinfo
	// the banning code relies on this being consistently present
	// zinx - modified to always keep this consistent, instead of only
	// when "ip" is 0-length, so users can't supply their own IP address
	//Log::Debug("Maintain IP address in userinfo for '%s'", cl->name);
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress( cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) )
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString( cl->netchan.remoteAddress ), false );
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "geoip", NET_GeoIP_Country( &cl->netchan.remoteAddress ), false );
		// force the "ip" info key to "loopback" for local clients
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "ip", "loopback", false );
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "geoip", nullptr, false );
コード例 #2

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from, const Cmd::Args& args )
	if ( args.Argc() < 2 )

	Log::Debug( "SVC_DirectConnect ()" );

	InfoMap userinfo = InfoStringToMap(args.Argv(1));

	// DHM - Nerve :: Update Server allows any protocol to connect
	// NOTE TTimo: but we might need to store the protocol around for potential non http/ftp clients
	int version = atoi( userinfo["protocol"].c_str() );

	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
		Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i (yours is %i).", PROTOCOL_VERSION, version );
		Log::Debug( "    rejected connect from version %i", version );

	int qport = atoi( userinfo["qport"].c_str() );

	auto clients_begin = svs.clients;
	auto clients_end = clients_begin + sv_maxclients->integer;

	client_t* reconnecting = std::find_if(clients_begin, clients_end,
		[&from, qport](const client_t& client)
			return NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, client.netchan.remoteAddress )
		     && ( client.netchan.qport == qport || from.port == client.netchan.remoteAddress.port );

	if ( reconnecting != clients_end &&
		svs.time - reconnecting->lastConnectTime < sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000 )
		Log::Debug( "%s: reconnect rejected: too soon", NET_AdrToString( from ) );

	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
		userinfo["ip"] = "loopback";
		// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
		Challenge::Duration ping_duration;
		if ( !ChallengeManager::MatchString( from, userinfo["challenge"], &ping_duration ) )
			Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]No or bad challenge for address." );

		userinfo["ip"] = NET_AdrToString( from );

	client_t *new_client = nullptr;

	// if there is already a slot for this IP address, reuse it
	if ( reconnecting != clients_end )
		Log::Notice( "%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString( from ) );
		new_client = reconnecting;
		// find a client slot
		// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
		// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
		// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
		// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
		// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
		// to a full server.
		// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
		// servers so we can play without having to kick people.
		// check for privateClient password

		int startIndex = 0;
		if ( userinfo["password"] != sv_privatePassword->string )
			// skip past the reserved slots
			startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

		new_client = std::find_if(clients_begin, clients_end,
			[](const client_t& client) {
				return client.state == clientState_t::CS_FREE;

		if ( new_client == clients_end )
			if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
				int count = std::count_if(clients_begin+startIndex, clients_end,
					[](const client_t& client) { return SV_IsBot(&client); }

				// if they're all bots
				if ( count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex )
					SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ], "only bots on server" );
					new_client = &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ];
					Com_Error( errorParm_t::ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
				Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", sv_fullmsg->string );
				Log::Debug( "Rejected a connection." );

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	memset( new_client, 0, sizeof( client_t ) );
	int clientNum = new_client - svs.clients;

		const char * country = NET_GeoIP_Country( &from );

		if ( country )
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from %s\n", clientNum, country );
			userinfo["geoip"] = country;
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from somewhere unknown\n", clientNum );
		Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting\n", clientNum );

	new_client->gentity = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	new_client->gentity->r.svFlags = 0;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, &new_client->netchan, from, qport );
	// init the netchan queue

	// Save the pubkey
	Q_strncpyz( new_client->pubkey, userinfo["pubkey"].c_str(), sizeof( new_client->pubkey ) );
	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( new_client->userinfo, InfoMapToString(userinfo).c_str(), sizeof( new_client->userinfo ) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	char reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
	if ( gvm.GameClientConnect( reason, sizeof( reason ), clientNum, true, false ) )
		Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]%s", reason );
		Log::Debug( "Game rejected a connection: %s.", reason );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( new_client );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Log::Debug( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s", new_client->name );

	new_client->state = clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED;
	new_client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	new_client->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	new_client->lastConnectTime = svs.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	new_client->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	int count = std::count_if(clients_begin, clients_end,
		[](const client_t& client) {
			return client.state >= clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED;

	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer )
コード例 #3
ファイル: sv_client.cpp プロジェクト: Zilor/Unvanquished

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from, const Cmd::Args& args )
	char                userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
	int                 i;
	client_t            *cl, *newcl;
	client_t            temp;
	sharedEntity_t      *ent;
	int                 clientNum;
	int                 version;
	int                 qport;
	int                 challenge;
	const char                *password;
	int                 startIndex;
	bool            denied;
	char                reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
	int                 count;
	const char          *ip;
	const char          *country = nullptr;

	if ( args.Argc() < 2 )

	Log::Debug( "SVC_DirectConnect ()" );

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, args.Argv(1).c_str(), sizeof( userinfo ) );

	// DHM - Nerve :: Update Server allows any protocol to connect
	// NOTE TTimo: but we might need to store the protocol around for potential non http/ftp clients
	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );

	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i (yours is %i).", PROTOCOL_VERSION, version );
		Log::Debug( "    rejected connect from version %i", version );

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		// DHM - Nerve :: This check was allowing clients to reconnect after zombietime(2 secs)
		//if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
		     && ( cl->netchan.qport == qport
		          || from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) )
			if ( ( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime )
			     < ( sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000 ) )
				Log::Debug( "%s: reconnect rejected: too soon", NET_AdrToString( from ) );


	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = NET_AdrToString( from );

	if ( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from,
		                    "print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
		                    "Try removing setu cvars from your config." );

	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip, false );

	// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
		int ping;

		for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++ )
			if ( NET_CompareAdr( from, svs.challenges[ i ].adr ) )
				if ( challenge == svs.challenges[ i ].challenge )
					break; // good

		if ( i == MAX_CHALLENGES )
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]No or bad challenge for address." );

		// force the IP address key/value pair, so the game can filter based on it
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString( from ), false );

		if ( svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing == 0 )
			ping = svs.time - svs.challenges[ i ].pingTime;
			svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing = ping;
			ping = svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing;

		country = NET_GeoIP_Country( &from );

		if ( country )
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from %s with %i challenge ping\n", i, country, ping );
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from somewhere unknown with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );
		Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );

		svs.challenges[ i ].connected = true;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) )
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value )
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]Server is for high pings only" );
				Log::Debug( "Client %i rejected on a too low ping", i );

			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value )
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]Server is for low pings only" );
				Log::Debug( "Client %i rejected on a too high ping: %i", i, ping );
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost", false );

	newcl = &temp;
	memset( newcl, 0, sizeof( client_t ) );

	// if there is already a slot for this IP address, reuse it
	for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if ( cl->state == clientState_t::CS_FREE )

		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
		     && ( cl->netchan.qport == qport
		          || from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) )
			Log::Notice( "%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString( from ) );
			newcl = cl;

			// this doesn't work because it nukes the players userinfo

//			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
//			// player might have are dropped
//			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );

	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) )
		startIndex = 0;
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = nullptr;

	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
		cl = &svs.clients[ i ];

		if ( cl->state == clientState_t::CS_FREE )
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl )
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
			count = 0;

			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
				cl = &svs.clients[ i ];

				if ( SV_IsBot(cl) )

			// if they're all bots
			if ( count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex )
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ], "only bots on server" );
				newcl = &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ];
				Com_Error( errorParm_t::ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", sv_fullmsg->string );
			Log::Debug( "Rejected a connection." );

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = std::move(temp);
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;
	ent->r.svFlags = 0;


	if ( country )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "geoip", country, false );

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport );
	// init the netchan queue

	// Save the pubkey
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->pubkey, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "pubkey" ), sizeof( newcl->pubkey ) );
	Info_RemoveKey( userinfo, "pubkey", false );
	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( newcl->userinfo ) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = gvm.GameClientConnect( reason, sizeof( reason ), clientNum, true, false );  // firstTime = true

	if ( denied )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]%s", reason );
		Log::Debug( "Game rejected a connection: %s.", reason );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// DHM - Nerve :: Clear out firstPing now that client is connected
	svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing = 0;

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Log::Debug( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;

	for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if ( svs.clients[ i ].state >= clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED )

	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer )