コード例 #1
ファイル: XMLNode.cpp プロジェクト: bincker/Webkey
status_t parseXMLResource(const sp<AaptFile>& file, ResXMLTree* outTree,
                          bool stripAll, bool keepComments,
                          const char** cDataTags)
    sp<XMLNode> root = XMLNode::parse(file);
    if (root == NULL) {
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    root->removeWhitespace(stripAll, cDataTags);

    NOISY(printf("Input XML from %s:\n", (const char*)file->getPrintableSource()));
    sp<AaptFile> rsc = new AaptFile(String8(), AaptGroupEntry(), String8());
    status_t err = root->flatten(rsc, !keepComments, false);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        return err;
    err = outTree->setTo(rsc->getData(), rsc->getSize(), true);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        return err;

    NOISY(printf("Output XML:\n"));

    return NO_ERROR;
コード例 #2
ファイル: testapp.c プロジェクト: kcrazy/winekit
    __in char *filename
Routine Description:

    Called by main() to open an instance of our device after obtaining its name



Return Value:

    Device handle on success else NULL

    int success = 1;
    HANDLE h;

    if ( !GetUsbDeviceFileName(
            completeDeviceName) )
            NOISY(("Failed to GetUsbDeviceFileName err - %d\n", GetLastError()));
            return  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    (void) StringCchCat (completeDeviceName, MAX_LENGTH, "\\" );                      

    if(FAILED(StringCchCat (completeDeviceName, MAX_LENGTH, filename))) {
        NOISY(("Failed to open handle - possibly long filename\n"));
        return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    printf("completeDeviceName = (%s)\n", completeDeviceName);

    h = CreateFile(completeDeviceName,

    if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        NOISY(("Failed to open (%s) = %d", completeDeviceName, GetLastError()));
        success = 0;
    } else {
        NOISY(("Opened successfully.\n"));

    return h;
コード例 #3
ファイル: XMLNode.cpp プロジェクト: bincker/Webkey
status_t XMLNode::assignResourceIds(const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
                                    const ResourceTable* table)
    bool hasErrors = false;
    if (getType() == TYPE_ELEMENT) {
        String16 attr("attr");
        const char* errorMsg;
        const size_t N = mAttributes.size();
        for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
            const attribute_entry& e = mAttributes.itemAt(i);
            if (e.ns.size() <= 0) continue;
            bool nsIsPublic;
            String16 pkg(getNamespaceResourcePackage(e.ns, &nsIsPublic));
            NOISY(printf("Elem %s %s=\"%s\": namespace(%s) %s ===> %s\n",
                    (nsIsPublic) ? "public" : "private",
            if (pkg.size() <= 0) continue;
            uint32_t res = table != NULL
                ? table->getResId(e.name, &attr, &pkg, &errorMsg, nsIsPublic)
                : assets->getIncludedResources().
                    identifierForName(e.name.string(), e.name.size(),
                                      attr.string(), attr.size(),
                                      pkg.string(), pkg.size());
            if (res != 0) {
                NOISY(printf("XML attribute name %s: resid=0x%08x\n",
                             String8(e.name).string(), res));
                setAttributeResID(i, res);
            } else {
                SourcePos(mFilename, getStartLineNumber()).error(
                        "No resource identifier found for attribute '%s' in package '%s'\n",
                        String8(e.name).string(), String8(pkg).string());
                hasErrors = true;
    const size_t N = mChildren.size();
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        status_t err = mChildren.itemAt(i)->assignResourceIds(assets, table);
        if (err < NO_ERROR) {
            hasErrors = true;

    return hasErrors ? UNKNOWN_ERROR : NO_ERROR;
コード例 #4
ファイル: XMLNode.cpp プロジェクト: bincker/Webkey
status_t XMLNode::parseValues(const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
                              ResourceTable* table)
    bool hasErrors = false;
    if (getType() == TYPE_ELEMENT) {
        const size_t N = mAttributes.size();
        String16 defPackage(assets->getPackage());
        for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
            attribute_entry& e = mAttributes.editItemAt(i);
            AccessorCookie ac(SourcePos(mFilename, getStartLineNumber()), String8(e.name),
            table->setCurrentXmlPos(SourcePos(mFilename, getStartLineNumber()));
            if (!assets->getIncludedResources()
                    .stringToValue(&e.value, &e.string,
                                  e.string.string(), e.string.size(), true, true,
                                  e.nameResId, NULL, &defPackage, table, &ac)) {
                hasErrors = true;
            NOISY(printf("Attr %s: type=0x%x, str=%s\n",
                   String8(e.name).string(), e.value.dataType,
    const size_t N = mChildren.size();
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        status_t err = mChildren.itemAt(i)->parseValues(assets, table);
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            hasErrors = true;
    return hasErrors ? UNKNOWN_ERROR : NO_ERROR;
コード例 #5
ファイル: StringPool.cpp プロジェクト: 0359xiaodong/OpenAtlas
ssize_t StringPool::offsetForString(const String16& val) const
    const Vector<size_t>* indices = offsetsForString(val);
    ssize_t res = indices != NULL && indices->size() > 0 ? indices->itemAt(0) : -1;
    NOISY(printf("Offset for string %s: %d (%s)\n", String8(val).string(), res,
            res >= 0 ? String8(mEntries[mEntryArray[res]].value).string() : String8()));
    return res;
コード例 #6
ssize_t StringPool::add(const String16& ident, const String16& value,
                        bool mergeDuplicates)
    if (ident.size() > 0) {
        ssize_t idx = mIdents.valueFor(ident);
        if (idx >= 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Duplicate string identifier %s\n",
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    ssize_t vidx = mValues.indexOfKey(value);
    ssize_t pos = vidx >= 0 ? mValues.valueAt(vidx) : -1;
    ssize_t eidx = pos >= 0 ? mEntryArray.itemAt(pos) : -1;
    if (eidx < 0) {
        eidx = mEntries.add(entry(value));
        if (eidx < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failure adding string %s\n", String8(value).string());
            return eidx;

    const bool first = vidx < 0;
    if (first || !mergeDuplicates) {
        pos = mEntryArray.add(eidx);
        if (first) {
            vidx = mValues.add(value, pos);
            const size_t N = mEntryArrayToValues.size();
            for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
                size_t& e = mEntryArrayToValues.editItemAt(i);
                if ((ssize_t)e >= vidx) {
        if (!mSorted) {
            entry& ent = mEntries.editItemAt(eidx);

    if (ident.size() > 0) {
        mIdents.add(ident, vidx);

    NOISY(printf("Adding string %s to pool: pos=%d eidx=%d vidx=%d\n",
            String8(value).string(), pos, eidx, vidx));
    return pos;
コード例 #7
ファイル: XMLNode.cpp プロジェクト: bincker/Webkey
void XMLNode::setAttributeResID(size_t attrIdx, uint32_t resId)
    attribute_entry& e = mAttributes.editItemAt(attrIdx);
    if (e.nameResId) {
    } else {
    NOISY(printf("Elem %s %s=\"%s\": set res id = 0x%08x\n",
    mAttributes.editItemAt(attrIdx).nameResId = resId;
    mAttributeOrder.add(resId, attrIdx);
コード例 #8
ファイル: StringPool.cpp プロジェクト: 0359xiaodong/OpenAtlas
status_t StringPool::writeStringBlock(const sp<AaptFile>& pool)
    // Allow appending.  Sorry this is a little wacky.
    if (pool->getSize() > 0) {
        sp<AaptFile> block = createStringBlock();
        if (block == NULL) {
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        ssize_t res = pool->writeData(block->getData(), block->getSize());
        return (res >= 0) ? (status_t)NO_ERROR : res;

    // First we need to add all style span names to the string pool.
    // We do this now (instead of when the span is added) so that these
    // will appear at the end of the pool, not disrupting the order
    // our client placed their own strings in it.
    const size_t STYLES = mEntryStyleArray.size();
    size_t i;

    for (i=0; i<STYLES; i++) {
        entry_style& style = mEntryStyleArray.editItemAt(i);
        const size_t N = style.spans.size();
        for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
            entry_style_span& span = style.spans.editItemAt(i);
            ssize_t idx = add(span.name, true);
            if (idx < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error adding span for style tag '%s'\n",
                return idx;
            span.span.name.index = (uint32_t)idx;

    const size_t ENTRIES = mEntryArray.size();

    // Now build the pool of unique strings.

    const size_t STRINGS = mEntries.size();
    const size_t preSize = sizeof(ResStringPool_header)
                         + (sizeof(uint32_t)*ENTRIES)
                         + (sizeof(uint32_t)*STYLES);
    if (pool->editData(preSize) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Out of memory for string pool\n");
        return NO_MEMORY;

    const size_t charSize = mUTF8 ? sizeof(uint8_t) : sizeof(uint16_t);

    size_t strPos = 0;
    for (i=0; i<STRINGS; i++) {
        entry& ent = mEntries.editItemAt(i);
        const size_t strSize = (ent.value.size());
        const size_t lenSize = strSize > (size_t)(1<<((charSize*8)-1))-1 ?
            charSize*2 : charSize;

        String8 encStr;
        if (mUTF8) {
            encStr = String8(ent.value);

        const size_t encSize = mUTF8 ? encStr.size() : 0;
        const size_t encLenSize = mUTF8 ?
            (encSize > (size_t)(1<<((charSize*8)-1))-1 ?
                charSize*2 : charSize) : 0;

        ent.offset = strPos;

        const size_t totalSize = lenSize + encLenSize +
            ((mUTF8 ? encSize : strSize)+1)*charSize;

        void* dat = (void*)pool->editData(preSize + strPos + totalSize);
        if (dat == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Out of memory for string pool\n");
            return NO_MEMORY;
        dat = (uint8_t*)dat + preSize + strPos;
        if (mUTF8) {
            uint8_t* strings = (uint8_t*)dat;

            ENCODE_LENGTH(strings, sizeof(uint8_t), strSize)

            ENCODE_LENGTH(strings, sizeof(uint8_t), encSize)

            strncpy((char*)strings, encStr, encSize+1);
        } else {
            uint16_t* strings = (uint16_t*)dat;

            ENCODE_LENGTH(strings, sizeof(uint16_t), strSize)

            strcpy16_htod(strings, ent.value);

        strPos += totalSize;

    // Pad ending string position up to a uint32_t boundary.

    if (strPos&0x3) {
        size_t padPos = ((strPos+3)&~0x3);
        uint8_t* dat = (uint8_t*)pool->editData(preSize + padPos);
        if (dat == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Out of memory padding string pool\n");
            return NO_MEMORY;
        memset(dat+preSize+strPos, 0, padPos-strPos);
        strPos = padPos;

    // Build the pool of style spans.

    size_t styPos = strPos;
    for (i=0; i<STYLES; i++) {
        entry_style& ent = mEntryStyleArray.editItemAt(i);
        const size_t N = ent.spans.size();
        const size_t totalSize = (N*sizeof(ResStringPool_span))
                               + sizeof(ResStringPool_ref);

        ent.offset = styPos-strPos;
        uint8_t* dat = (uint8_t*)pool->editData(preSize + styPos + totalSize);
        if (dat == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Out of memory for string styles\n");
            return NO_MEMORY;
        ResStringPool_span* span = (ResStringPool_span*)(dat+preSize+styPos);
        for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
            span->name.index = htodl(ent.spans[i].span.name.index);
            span->firstChar = htodl(ent.spans[i].span.firstChar);
            span->lastChar = htodl(ent.spans[i].span.lastChar);
        span->name.index = htodl(ResStringPool_span::END);

        styPos += totalSize;

    if (STYLES > 0) {
        // Add full terminator at the end (when reading we validate that
        // the end of the pool is fully terminated to simplify error
        // checking).
        size_t extra = sizeof(ResStringPool_span)-sizeof(ResStringPool_ref);
        uint8_t* dat = (uint8_t*)pool->editData(preSize + styPos + extra);
        if (dat == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Out of memory for string styles\n");
            return NO_MEMORY;
        uint32_t* p = (uint32_t*)(dat+preSize+styPos);
        while (extra > 0) {
            *p++ = htodl(ResStringPool_span::END);
            extra -= sizeof(uint32_t);
        styPos += extra;

    // Write header.

    ResStringPool_header* header =
    if (header == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Out of memory for string pool\n");
        return NO_MEMORY;
    memset(header, 0, sizeof(*header));
    header->header.type = htods(RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE);
    header->header.headerSize = htods(sizeof(*header));
    header->header.size = htodl(pool->getSize());
    header->stringCount = htodl(ENTRIES);
    header->styleCount = htodl(STYLES);
    if (mUTF8) {
        header->flags |= htodl(ResStringPool_header::UTF8_FLAG);
    header->stringsStart = htodl(preSize);
    header->stylesStart = htodl(STYLES > 0 ? (preSize+strPos) : 0);

    // Write string index array.

    uint32_t* index = (uint32_t*)(header+1);
    for (i=0; i<ENTRIES; i++) {
        entry& ent = mEntries.editItemAt(mEntryArray[i]);
        *index++ = htodl(ent.offset);
        NOISY(printf("Writing entry #%d: \"%s\" ent=%d off=%d\n", i,
                mEntryArray[i], ent.offset));

    // Write style index array.

    for (i=0; i<STYLES; i++) {
        *index++ = htodl(mEntryStyleArray[i].offset);

    return NO_ERROR;
コード例 #9
ファイル: StringPool.cpp プロジェクト: 0359xiaodong/OpenAtlas
void StringPool::sortByConfig()
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mOriginalPosToNewPos.size() > 0, "Can't sort string pool after already sorted.");

    const size_t N = mEntryArray.size();

    // This is a vector that starts out with a 1:1 mapping to entries
    // in the array, which we will sort to come up with the desired order.
    // At that point it maps from the new position in the array to the
    // original position the entry appeared.
    Vector<size_t> newPosToOriginalPos;
    for (size_t i=0; i < N; i++) {

    // Sort the array.
    // Vector::sort uses insertion sort, which is very slow for this data set.
    // Use quicksort instead because we don't need a stable sort here.
    qsort_r_compat(newPosToOriginalPos.editArray(), N, sizeof(size_t), this, config_sort);
    //newPosToOriginalPos.sort(config_sort, this);

    // Create the reverse mapping from the original position in the array
    // to the new position where it appears in the sorted array.  This is
    // so that clients can re-map any positions they had previously stored.
    mOriginalPosToNewPos = newPosToOriginalPos;
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        mOriginalPosToNewPos.editItemAt(newPosToOriginalPos[i]) = i;

#if 0
    SortedVector<entry> entries;

    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        printf("#%d was %d: %s\n", i, newPosToOriginalPos[i],

    for (size_t i=0; i<entries.size(); i++) {
        printf("Sorted config #%d: %s\n", i,

    // Now we rebuild the arrays.
    Vector<entry> newEntries;
    Vector<size_t> newEntryArray;
    Vector<entry_style> newEntryStyleArray;
    DefaultKeyedVector<size_t, size_t> origOffsetToNewOffset;

    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        // We are filling in new offset 'i'; oldI is where we can find it
        // in the original data structure.
        size_t oldI = newPosToOriginalPos[i];
        // This is the actual entry associated with the old offset.
        const entry& oldEnt = mEntries[mEntryArray[oldI]];
        // This is the same entry the last time we added it to the
        // new entry array, if any.
        ssize_t newIndexOfOffset = origOffsetToNewOffset.indexOfKey(oldI);
        size_t newOffset;
        if (newIndexOfOffset < 0) {
            // This is the first time we have seen the entry, so add
            // it.
            newOffset = newEntries.add(oldEnt);
        } else {
            // We have seen this entry before, use the existing one
            // instead of adding it again.
            newOffset = origOffsetToNewOffset.valueAt(newIndexOfOffset);
        // Update the indices to include this new position.
        // And add the offset of the entry to the new entry array.
        // Add any old style to the new style array.
        if (mEntryStyleArray.size() > 0) {
            if (oldI < mEntryStyleArray.size()) {
            } else {

    // Now trim any entries at the end of the new style array that are
    // not needed.
    for (ssize_t i=newEntryStyleArray.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
        const entry_style& style = newEntryStyleArray[i];
        if (style.spans.size() > 0) {
            // That's it.
        // This one is not needed; remove.

    // All done, install the new data structures and upate mValues with
    // the new positions.
    mEntries = newEntries;
    mEntryArray = newEntryArray;
    mEntryStyleArray = newEntryStyleArray;
    for (size_t i=0; i<mEntries.size(); i++) {
        const entry& ent = mEntries[i];
        mValues.add(ent.value, ent.indices[0]);

#if 0
    for (size_t i=0; i<mEntries.size(); i++) {
        const entry& ent = mEntries[i];
        printf("#" ZD " %s: %s\n", (ZD_TYPE)i, ent.makeConfigsString().string(),
コード例 #10
ファイル: StringPool.cpp プロジェクト: 0359xiaodong/OpenAtlas
ssize_t StringPool::add(const String16& value,
        bool mergeDuplicates, const String8* configTypeName, const ResTable_config* config)
    ssize_t vidx = mValues.indexOfKey(value);
    ssize_t pos = vidx >= 0 ? mValues.valueAt(vidx) : -1;
    ssize_t eidx = pos >= 0 ? mEntryArray.itemAt(pos) : -1;
    if (eidx < 0) {
        eidx = mEntries.add(entry(value));
        if (eidx < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failure adding string %s\n", String8(value).string());
            return eidx;

    if (configTypeName != NULL) {
        entry& ent = mEntries.editItemAt(eidx);
        NOISY(printf("*** adding config type name %s, was %s\n",
                configTypeName->string(), ent.configTypeName.string()));
        if (ent.configTypeName.size() <= 0) {
            ent.configTypeName = *configTypeName;
        } else if (ent.configTypeName != *configTypeName) {
            ent.configTypeName = " ";

    if (config != NULL) {
        // Add this to the set of configs associated with the string.
        entry& ent = mEntries.editItemAt(eidx);
        size_t addPos;
        for (addPos=0; addPos<ent.configs.size(); addPos++) {
            int cmp = ent.configs.itemAt(addPos).compareLogical(*config);
            if (cmp >= 0) {
                if (cmp > 0) {
                    NOISY(printf("*** inserting config: %s\n", config->toString().string()));
                    ent.configs.insertAt(*config, addPos);
        if (addPos >= ent.configs.size()) {
            NOISY(printf("*** adding config: %s\n", config->toString().string()));

    const bool first = vidx < 0;
    const bool styled = (pos >= 0 && (size_t)pos < mEntryStyleArray.size()) ?
        mEntryStyleArray[pos].spans.size() : 0;
    if (first || styled || !mergeDuplicates) {
        pos = mEntryArray.add(eidx);
        if (first) {
            vidx = mValues.add(value, pos);
        entry& ent = mEntries.editItemAt(eidx);

    NOISY(printf("Adding string %s to pool: pos=%d eidx=%d vidx=%d\n",
            String8(value).string(), pos, eidx, vidx));
    return pos;