コード例 #1
ファイル: EAWebKit.cpp プロジェクト: emuikernel/EAWebKit
void Tick()
	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeLibTick, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusStarted, 0);


	WTF::dispatchFunctionsFromMainThread(); // This is required for any children threads to work, for example, web workers.    

	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeTransportTick, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusStarted, 0);
	if(SocketTransportHandler* pSocketTxHandler = EA::WebKit::GetSocketTransportHandler())
	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeTransportTick, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded, 0);


	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeLibTick, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded, 0);
コード例 #2
JSValue* ScriptController::evaluate(const String& filename, int baseLine, const String& str) 
    // 11/09/09 CSidhall - Added notify process start to user 
	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeScript, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusStarted);
    // evaluate code. Returns the JS return value or 0
    // if there was none, an error occured or the type couldn't be converted.

    // inlineCode is true for <a href="javascript:doSomething()">
    // and false for <script>doSomething()</script>. Check if it has the
    // expected value in all cases.
    // See smart window.open policy for where this is used.
    ExecState* exec = m_windowShell->window()->globalExec();
    m_processingInlineCode = filename.isNull();

    JSLock lock;

    // Evaluating the JavaScript could cause the frame to be deallocated
    // so we start the keep alive timer here.

    Completion comp = Interpreter::evaluate(exec, exec->dynamicGlobalObject()->globalScopeChain(), filename, baseLine, StringSourceProvider::create(str), m_windowShell);

	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeScript, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded);

    if (comp.complType() == Normal || comp.complType() == ReturnValue) {
        m_processingInlineCode = false;
        return comp.value();

    if (comp.complType() == Throw) {
        UString errorMessage = comp.value()->toString(exec);
        int lineNumber = comp.value()->toObject(exec)->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "line"))->toInt32(exec);
        UString sourceURL = comp.value()->toObject(exec)->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "sourceURL"))->toString(exec);
        m_frame->domWindow()->console()->addMessage(JSMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, errorMessage, lineNumber, sourceURL);

    m_processingInlineCode = false;
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BCFontCacheWK.cpp プロジェクト: GRGSIBERIA/EAWebKit
FontPlatformData* FontCache::getCachedFontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, 
                                                       const AtomicString& familyName,
                                                       bool checkingAlternateName)
	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeFontLoading, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusStarted);
    if (!gFontPlatformDataCache) {
        gFontPlatformDataCache = new FontPlatformDataCache;

    FontPlatformDataCacheKey key(familyName, fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), fontDescription.weight(), fontDescription.italic(),
                                 fontDescription.usePrinterFont(), fontDescription.renderingMode());
    FontPlatformData* result = 0;
    bool foundResult;
    FontPlatformDataCache::iterator it = gFontPlatformDataCache->find(key);
    if (it == gFontPlatformDataCache->end()) {
        result = createFontPlatformData(fontDescription, familyName);
            gFontPlatformDataCache->set(key, result);
        foundResult = result;
    } else {
        result = it->second;
        foundResult = true;

    if (!foundResult && !checkingAlternateName) {
        // We were unable to find a font.  We have a small set of fonts that we alias to other names, 
        // e.g., Arial/Helvetica, Courier/Courier New, etc.  Try looking up the font under the aliased name.
        const AtomicString* pAlternateName = alternateFamilyName(familyName);
        if (!pAlternateName->isEmpty())
            result = getCachedFontPlatformData(fontDescription, *pAlternateName, true);
        if (result) { 
            gFontPlatformDataCache->set(key, new FontPlatformData(*result)); // Cache the result under the old name.

	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeFontLoading, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded);
    return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: BCFontEA.cpp プロジェクト: GRGSIBERIA/EAWebKit
// We need to draw the glyphBuffer glyphs/advances with the pSimpleFontData font onto the 
// pGraphicsContext pSurface. We draw glyphCount glyphs starting at the glyphIndexBegin.
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* pGraphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* pSimpleFontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                        int glyphIndexBegin, int glyphCount, const FloatPoint& point) const
    // 11/09/09 CSidhall Added notify start of process to user
	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeDrawGlyph, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusStarted);
    #if defined(EA_DEBUG) && defined(AUTHOR_PPEDRIANA_DISABLED) && defined(EA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
        TraceGlyphBufferToString(pSimpleFontData, glyphBuffer, glyphIndexBegin, glyphCount, point);

    GlyphBufferGlyph*               glyphs      = const_cast<GlyphBufferGlyph*>(glyphBuffer.glyphs(glyphIndexBegin));
    float                           offset      = 0;   
    int                             x_offset    = 0;
    EA::Internal::IFont*            pFont       = pSimpleFontData->m_font.mpFont;
    EA::Internal::IGlyphCache*      pGlyphCache = EA::WebKit::GetGlyphCache(); 
    EAW_ASSERT_MSG(pGlyphCache, "GlyphCache is not set");
		NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeDrawGlyph, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded);
    EA::Internal::ITextureInfo*     pTI         = pGlyphCache->GetTextureInfo(0); // Right now we hard-code usage of what is the only texture.
	EAW_ASSERT_MSG(pTI, "GlyphCache is not initialized with enough number of textures");
		NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeDrawGlyph, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded);

	const int32_t                   textureSize = (int32_t)pTI->GetSize();
    EA::Internal::IGlyphTextureInfo gti;
    EA::Internal::GlyphMetrics      glyphMetrics;
    GlyphDrawInfoArray              gdiArray((size_t)(unsigned)glyphCount);

    // Walk through the list of glyphs and build up render info for each one.
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
        EA::Internal::GlyphId g = glyphs[i];

        if(!pFont->GetGlyphMetrics(g, glyphMetrics))
            EAW_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Font::drawGlyphs: invalid glyph/Font combo.");
            pFont->GetGlyphIds(L"?", 1, &g, true);
            pFont->GetGlyphMetrics(g, glyphMetrics);

        if(!pGlyphCache->GetGlyphTextureInfo(pFont, g, gti))
            const EA::Internal::GlyphBitmap* pGlyphBitmap;

            if(pFont->RenderGlyphBitmap(&pGlyphBitmap, g))
                if(pGlyphCache->AddGlyphTexture(pFont, g, pGlyphBitmap->mpData, pGlyphBitmap->mnWidth, pGlyphBitmap->mnHeight, 
                                                              pGlyphBitmap->mnStride, (uint32_t)pGlyphBitmap->mBitmapFormat, gti))
                    EAW_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Font::drawGlyphs: AddGlyphTexture failed.");
                    gti.mX1 = gti.mX2 = 0; // Make this an empty glyph. Normally this should never execute.

                EAW_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Font::drawGlyphs: invalid glyph/Font combo.");
                gti.mX1 = gti.mX2 = 0; // Make this an empty glyph. Normally this should never execute.

        // Apply kerning.
        // Note by Paul Pedriana: Can we really apply kerning here at the render stage without it looking 
        // wrong? It seems to me this cannot work unless kerning is also taken into account at the 
        // layout stage. To do: See if in fact kerning is taken into account at the layout stage.
        EA::Internal::Kerning kerning;

        if((i > 0) && pFont->GetKerning(glyphs[i - 1], g, kerning, 0))
            offset += kerning.mfKernX;

        // The values we calculate here are relative to the current pen position at the 
        // baseline position of [xoffset, 0], where +X is rightward and +Y is upward.
        gdiArray[i].x1 = (int)(offset + glyphMetrics.mfHBearingX);
        gdiArray[i].x2 = (int)(offset + glyphMetrics.mfHBearingX + glyphMetrics.mfSizeX);
        gdiArray[i].y1 = (int)(glyphMetrics.mfHBearingY);
        gdiArray[i].y2 = (int)(glyphMetrics.mfHBearingY - glyphMetrics.mfSizeY);
        gdiArray[i].tx = (int)(gti.mX1 * textureSize); // Convert [0..1] to [0..textureSize]
        gdiArray[i].ty = (int)(gti.mY1 * textureSize);

        // advanceAt should return a value that is usually equivalent to glyphMetrics.mfHAdvanceX, at least 
        // for most simple Western text. A case where it would be different would be Arabic combining glyphs,
        // and custom kerning, though kerning adjustments are handled above.
        offset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(glyphIndexBegin + i);
        // Free wrapper

	// Find the X and Y minima and maxima of the glyph boxes.
    // To do: We can improve the efficiency of this code in a couple of ways, including moving the 
    // min/max tests up into the glyphMetrics code above.
    int xMin = gdiArray[0].x1;
    int xMax = gdiArray[0].x2;
    int yMin = gdiArray[0].y2;    // y2 is min because y goes upward.
    int yMax = gdiArray[0].y1;

    for (GlyphDrawInfoArray::const_iterator it = gdiArray.begin(); it != gdiArray.end(); ++it)
        const GlyphDrawInfo& gdi = *it;

        // We assume tha x1 is always <= x2.
        if (gdi.x1 < xMin)
            xMin = gdi.x1;

        if (gdi.x2 > xMax)
            xMax = gdi.x2;

        // if (gdi.y1 < yMin)  // We normally don't need this check, because y2 will usually (or always?) be less than y1.
        //     yMin = gdi.y1;

        if (gdi.y2 < yMin)
            yMin = gdi.y2;

        if (gdi.y1 > yMax)
            yMax = gdi.y1;

        // if (gdi.y2 > yMax)  // We normally don't need this check, because y1 will usually (or always?) be greater than y2.
        //     yMax = gdi.y2;

    const uint16_t destWidth  = (abs(xMin) + xMax);  // abs(xMin) because it's possible the left of the first glyph is to the left of the origin. Note by Paul Pedriana: Shouldn't this instead be (xMax - min(xMin, 0))?
    const uint16_t destHeight = (yMax - yMin);

    if(destWidth && destHeight)  // (If we are drawing just space chars (which often happens), then destWidth and/or destHeight will be zero)
        // Question by Paul Pedriana: What is the following code doing? I copied this from the 
        // WebKit Freetype equivalent of this function assuming it must be useful. It seems to 
        // me that it is chopping off any glyph pixels to the left of zero. This is probably 
        // going to usually be OK, because it is abnormal for the first char of just about any
        // written language to be a combining char (and thus drawn to the left of the pen position).
        if (gdiArray[0].x1 < 0)
            x_offset = gdiArray[0].x1;
            gdiArray[0].x1 = 0;

        EA::Raster::Surface* const pSurface = pGraphicsContext->platformContext();
        const Color                penColor = pGraphicsContext->fillColor();

        // Write the glyphs into a linear buffer.
        // To consider: See if it's possible to often get away with using stack space for this by
        //              using Vector<uint32_t, N> in order to avoid a memory allocation. A typical
        //              width is ~400 pixels and a typical height ~16 pixels, which is 25600 bytes.
        //              So unless the string is small there won't be any benefit to this.
        Vector<uint32_t> glyphRGBABuffer(destWidth * destHeight);
        const int        penA   = penColor.alpha();
        const int        penR   = penColor.red();
        const int        penG   = penColor.green();
        const int        penB   = penColor.blue();
        const int        penRGB = (penR << 16) | (penG << 8) | penB;


		for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
			const GlyphDrawInfo& gdi         = gdiArray[i];
            const uint8_t*       pGlyphAlpha = (pTI->GetData()) + (gdi.ty * pTI->GetStride()) + gdi.tx;
            const int            yOffset     = (destHeight + yMin) - gdi.y1;
			// Note by Arpit Baldeva: Old index calculation below caused a memory overrun(or I should say underrun on http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/).
			// Basically, yOffset * destWidth) + gdi.x1 could end up being negative if the yOffset is 0 and gdi.x1 is negative. Since I do want
			// to make sure that index is positive, I just force it to be at least 0. There is not enough understanding about this code as of now
			// and Paul said that he would take a look at this along with other Font problems he is currently looking at.
			const int bufferIndex = (yOffset * destWidth) + gdi.x1;
			EAW_ASSERT_FORMATTED(bufferIndex>=0, "Buffer Index is negative. This would corrupt memory. yOffset:%d,destWidth:%u,gdi.x1:%d",yOffset,destWidth,gdi.x1);
			uint32_t*            pDestColor  = glyphRGBABuffer.data() + (bufferIndex >= 0 ? bufferIndex : 0);//Old Index calculation- (yOffset * destWidth) + gdi.x1;
            const int            glyphWidth  = (gdi.x2 - gdi.x1);
            const int            glyphHeight = (gdi.y1 - gdi.y2);

			for (int y = 0; y < glyphHeight; ++y)
				for (int x = 0; x < glyphWidth; ++x)
					//+ 1/5/10 CSidhall - When building the text string texture map, kerning can make certain letters overlap and stomp over the alpha of previous letters so 
                    // we need to preserve texels that were aleady set. Should be able to OR herer because we have a clean buffer and penRGB is the same.
                    // Old code:
                    // pDestColor[x] = ((penA * pGlyphAlpha[x] / 255) << 24) | penRGB;
                    // New code:
                    pDestColor[x] |= ((penA * pGlyphAlpha[x] / 255) << 24) | penRGB;
                    // -CS
                pDestColor  += destWidth;
                pGlyphAlpha += pTI->GetStride();


        // It would probably be faster if we kept around a surface for multiple usage instead of 
        // continually recreating this one.
        EA::Raster::Surface* const pGlyphSurface = EA::Raster::CreateSurface((void*)glyphRGBABuffer.data(), destWidth, destHeight, destWidth * 4, EA::Raster::kPixelFormatTypeARGB, false, false);
        EA::Raster::Rect rectSrc;
        EA::Raster::Rect rectDest;

        rectSrc.w  = destWidth;
        rectSrc.h  = destHeight;
        rectSrc.x  = 0;
        rectSrc.y  = 0;
        rectDest.x = (int)point.x() + x_offset + pGraphicsContext->origin().width();
        rectDest.y = (int)point.y() - yMax     + pGraphicsContext->origin().height();

        if (pGraphicsContext->transparencyLayer() == 1.0)
            EA::Raster::Blit(pGlyphSurface, &rectSrc, pSurface, &rectDest);
            const float fTransparency = pGraphicsContext->transparencyLayer();
            EA::Raster::Surface* const pSurfaceWithAlpha = EA::Raster::CreateTransparentSurface(pGlyphSurface, (int)(fTransparency * 255));
            EA::Raster::Blit(pSurfaceWithAlpha, &rectSrc, pSurface, &rectDest);


	NOTIFY_PROCESS_STATUS(EA::WebKit::kVProcessTypeDrawGlyph, EA::WebKit::kVProcessStatusEnded);