コード例 #1
static bool
ProtoInvoke(NPObject* obj, NPIdentifier name, const NPVariant* args, uint32_t argc, NPVariant* result)
    static const char sNewArray[] = "new Array;";
    static const NPString str = { sNewArray, sizeof(sNewArray) - 1 };
    return NPN_Evaluate(InstanceFromProto(obj)->npp, obj, const_cast<NPString*>(&str), result);
コード例 #2
ファイル: mrb_js.cpp プロジェクト: guofei/JsMruby
static mrb_value mrb_js_obj_get(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value klass)
    mrb_value str;
    mrb_get_args(mrb, "S", &str);

    NPObject *window;
    NPN_GetValue(MRB_UD_NPP(mrb), NPNVWindowNPObject, &window);

    NPUTF8 *s = (NPUTF8 *)NPN_MemAlloc(RSTRING_LEN(str));
    std::copy(RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_END(str), s);
    NPString evaluated_str = { s, RSTRING_LEN(str) };

    NPVariant result;
    std::string js_str(RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str));
    NPN_Evaluate(MRB_UD_NPP(mrb), window, &evaluated_str, &result);

    mrb_value ret;
    if (!convert_js_to_mrb(MRB_UD_NPP(mrb), result, mrb, &ret)){
        return mrb_nil_value();

    return ret;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mmp-script.c プロジェクト: deejay1/moonshine
mmp_script_evaluate (NPP npp, const gchar *code)
	NPObject *host;
	NPString string;
	NPVariant output;
	gboolean result;

	g_return_val_if_fail (npp != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (NPN_GetValue (npp, NPNVWindowNPObject, 
		&host) == NPERR_NO_ERROR, FALSE);

	string.UTF8Characters = code;
	string.UTF8Length = strlen (code);

	if ((result = NPN_Evaluate (npp, host, &string, &output))) {
		NPN_ReleaseVariantValue (&output);

	NPN_ReleaseObject (host);
	return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: plugin.cpp プロジェクト: c5487614/npcert2
CPlugin::CPlugin(NPP pNPInstance) :
#ifdef XP_WIN
  m_hWnd = NULL;

  NPN_GetValue(m_pNPInstance, NPNVWindowNPObject, &sWindowObj);

  NPIdentifier n = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("foof");

  sFoo_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("foo");
  sBar_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("bar");
  sDocument_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("document");
  sBody_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("body");
  sCreateElement_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("createElement");
  sCreateTextNode_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("createTextNode");
  sAppendChild_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("appendChild");
  sPluginType_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("PluginType");
  NPVariant v;
  INT32_TO_NPVARIANT(46, v);

  NPN_SetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, n, &v);

  NPVariant rval;
  NPN_GetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, n, &rval);

  if (NPVARIANT_IS_INT32(rval)) {
    printf("rval = %d\n", NPVARIANT_TO_INT32(rval));

  n = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("document");

  if (!NPN_IdentifierIsString(n)) {
    NPString str;
    str.UTF8Characters = "alert('NPN_IdentifierIsString() test failed!');";
    str.UTF8Length = strlen(str.UTF8Characters);

    NPN_Evaluate(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, &str, NULL);

  NPObject *doc;

  NPN_GetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, n, &rval);

  if (NPVARIANT_IS_OBJECT(rval) && (doc = NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT(rval))) {
    n = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("title");

    NPN_GetProperty(m_pNPInstance, doc, n, &rval);

    if (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(rval)) {
      printf ("title = %s\n", NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(rval).UTF8Characters);


    n = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("plugindoc");

    NPN_SetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, n, &v);

    NPString str;
    str.UTF8Characters = "document.getElementById('result').innerHTML += '<p>' + 'NPN_Evaluate() test, document = ' + this + '</p>';";
    str.UTF8Length = strlen(str.UTF8Characters);

    //NPN_Evaluate(m_pNPInstance, doc, &str, NULL);



  NPVariant barval;
  NPN_GetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, sBar_id, &barval);

  NPVariant arg;
  OBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT(sWindowObj, arg);


  NPN_InvokeDefault(m_pNPInstance, NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT(barval), &arg, 1,

  if (NPVARIANT_IS_INT32(rval) && NPVARIANT_TO_INT32(rval) == 4) {
    printf ("Default function call SUCCEEDED!\n");
  } else {
    printf ("Default function call FAILED!\n");


#if 0
  n = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("prompt");

  NPVariant vars[3];
  STRINGZ_TO_NPVARIANT("foo", vars[0]);
  STRINGZ_TO_NPVARIANT("bar", vars[1]);
  STRINGZ_TO_NPVARIANT("foof", vars[2]);

  NPN_Invoke(sWindowObj, n, vars, 3, &rval);

  if (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(rval)) {
    printf ("prompt returned '%s'\n", NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(rval).UTF8Characters);


  NPObject *myobj =

  n = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("pluginobj");

  NPN_SetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, n, &v);

  NPN_GetProperty(m_pNPInstance, sWindowObj, n, &rval);

  printf ("Object set/get test ");

  if (NPVARIANT_IS_OBJECT(rval) && NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT(rval) == myobj) {
    printf ("succeeded!\n");
  } else {
    printf ("FAILED!\n");


  const char *ua = NPN_UserAgent(m_pNPInstance);
  strcpy(m_String, ua);
コード例 #5
ScriptablePluginObject::Invoke(NPIdentifier name, const NPVariant *args,
                               uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result)
name : method name
args : arguments
argCount : number of arguments
result : return value
	NPIdentifier test_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("test");
	if (name == test_id) {
		printf("temp = %s\n",getTemporaryPath());
		printf("home = %s\n",getHomePath());
		printf("firefox = %s\n",getFirefoxPath());
		printf("conf = %s\n",getConfPath());
		printf("classpath = %s\n",getClassPath());
		printf("spawn = %s\n",getSpawnPath());
		return true;

	NPError err;
	if (!this->HasMethod(name))
		return false;

	//login.jsp test
	NPIdentifier doSignature_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("doSignature");
	NPIdentifier getPublicKeyContent_id = NPN_GetStringIdentifier("getPublicKeyContent");

	NPObject* sWindowNPObj;

	if ((err = NPN_GetValue(mNpp, NPNVWindowNPObject, &sWindowNPObj)) != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
		printf("Error in getting NPNVWindowNPObject: %d\n",err);
		return false;

	const char *tmpdir = getTemporaryPath();
	const char *classpath = getClassPath();
	const char *spawnpath = getSpawnPath();

	if (name == doSignature_id) {
		if ((argCount == 2) && (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(args[0])) && (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(args[1]))) {
			char *randomStr = NULL;
			char *tpmPass = NULL;
			NPString n_randomStr = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(args[0]);
			NPString n_tpmPass = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(args[1]);
			printf("input = %s, %s",randomStr, tpmPass);

			char* ret = NULL;
			char *fname = tempnam(tmpdir,"jni");
			if (fname == NULL)
				fname = "tmp";
			char* margs[12];
			margs[0] = (char*) spawn_file;
			margs[1] = "--file";
			margs[2] = fname;
			margs[3] = "--method";
			margs[4] = "doSignature";
			margs[5] = "--classpath";
			margs[6] = (char*) classpath;
			margs[7] = "--args";
			margs[8] = "2";
			margs[9] = randomStr;
			margs[10] = tpmPass;
			margs[11] = NULL;
			// in windows use registry to find Firefox directory
			// in other OS, use path _spawnvp
			int rval = _spawnv(_P_WAIT,spawnpath,margs);
			if (rval) {
				fprintf(stderr,"error = %d\n",rval);
			else {
				ret = getFileContent(fname);
				if (ret) {
				else {
					fprintf(stderr,"cannot read output file");
		else {
			NPString str;
			str.UTF8Characters = "alert('usage: doSignature(String, String)');";
			str.UTF8Length = strlen(str.UTF8Characters);
			NPN_Evaluate(this->mNpp, sWindowNPObj, &str, NULL);
	else if (name == getPublicKeyContent_id) {
		if (argCount == 0) {
			char *ret = NULL;
			char *fname = tempnam(tmpdir,"jni");
			if (fname == NULL)
				fname = "tmp";
			char* margs[8];
			margs[0] = (char*) spawn_file;
			margs[1] = "--file";
			margs[2] = fname;
			margs[3] = "--method";
			margs[4] = "getPublicKeyContent";
			margs[5] = "--classpath";
			margs[6] = (char*) classpath;
			margs[7] = NULL;
			int rval = _spawnv(_P_WAIT,spawnpath,margs);
			if (rval) {
				fprintf(stderr,"error = %d\n",rval);
			else {
				ret = getFileContent(fname);
				if (ret) {
				else {
					fprintf(stderr,"cannot read output file");
		else {
			NPString str;
			str.UTF8Characters = "alert('usage: getPublicKeyContent()');";
			str.UTF8Length = strlen(str.UTF8Characters);
			NPN_Evaluate(this->mNpp, sWindowNPObj, &str, NULL);
  return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: vlcplugin.cpp プロジェクト: shanewfx/vlc-arib
NPError VlcPlugin::init(int argc, char* const argn[], char* const argv[])
    /* prepare VLC command line */
    const char *ppsz_argv[32];
    int ppsz_argc = 0;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-plugins-cache";

    /* locate VLC module path */
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--plugin-path=/Library/Internet\\ Plug-Ins/VLC\\ Plugin.plugin/Contents/MacOS/modules";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--vout=minimal_macosx";
#elif defined(XP_WIN)
    HKEY h_key;
    DWORD i_type, i_data = MAX_PATH + 1;
    char p_data[MAX_PATH + 1];
    if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\VideoLAN\\VLC",
                      0, KEY_READ, &h_key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
         if( RegQueryValueEx( h_key, "InstallDir", 0, &i_type,
                              (LPBYTE)p_data, &i_data ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
             if( i_type == REG_SZ )
                 strcat( p_data, "\\plugins" );
                 ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--plugin-path";
                 ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = p_data;
         RegCloseKey( h_key );
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-one-instance";

#endif /* XP_MACOSX */

    /* common settings */
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "-vv";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-stats";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-media-library";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--intf=dummy";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-video-title-show";

    const char *progid = NULL;

    /* parse plugin arguments */
    for( int i = 0; (i < argc) && (ppsz_argc < 32); i++ )
       /* fprintf(stderr, "argn=%s, argv=%s\n", argn[i], argv[i]); */

        if( !strcmp( argn[i], "target" )
         || !strcmp( argn[i], "mrl")
         || !strcmp( argn[i], "filename")
         || !strcmp( argn[i], "src") )
            psz_target = argv[i];
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "text" ) )
            free( psz_text );
            psz_text = strdup( argv[i] );
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "autoplay")
              || !strcmp( argn[i], "autostart") )
            b_autoplay = boolValue(argv[i]);
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "fullscreen" ) )
            if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
                ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--fullscreen";
                ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-fullscreen";
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "mute" ) )
            if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
                ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--volume=0";
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "loop")
              || !strcmp( argn[i], "autoloop") )
            if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
                ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--loop";
                ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-loop";
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "version")
              || !strcmp( argn[i], "progid") )
            progid = argv[i];
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "toolbar" ) )
/* FIXME: Remove this when toolbar functionality has been implemented on
 * MacOS X and Win32 for Firefox/Mozilla/Safari. */
#ifdef XP_UNIX
            b_toolbar = boolValue(argv[i]);

    libvlc_exception_t ex;

    libvlc_instance = libvlc_new(ppsz_argc, ppsz_argv, &ex);
    if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
        return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

    libvlc_media_list = libvlc_media_list_new(libvlc_instance,&ex);
    if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
        return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

    ** fetch plugin base URL, which is the URL of the page containing the plugin
    ** this URL is used for making absolute URL from relative URL that may be
    ** passed as an MRL argument
    NPObject *plugin = NULL;

    if( NPERR_NO_ERROR == NPN_GetValue(p_browser, NPNVWindowNPObject, &plugin) )
        ** is there a better way to get that info ?
        static const char docLocHref[] = "document.location.href";
        NPString script;
        NPVariant result;

        script.utf8characters = docLocHref;
        script.utf8length = sizeof(docLocHref)-1;

        if( NPN_Evaluate(p_browser, plugin, &script, &result) )
            if( NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(result) )
                NPString &location = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(result);

                psz_baseURL = (char *) malloc(location.utf8length+1);
                if( psz_baseURL )
                    strncpy(psz_baseURL, location.utf8characters, location.utf8length);
                    psz_baseURL[location.utf8length] = '\0';

    if( psz_target )
        // get absolute URL from src
        char *psz_absurl = getAbsoluteURL(psz_target);
        psz_target = psz_absurl ? psz_absurl : strdup(psz_target);

    /* assign plugin script root class */
    /* new APIs */
    p_scriptClass = RuntimeNPClass<LibvlcRootNPObject>::getClass();

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
コード例 #7
NPError VlcPluginBase::init(int argc, char* const argn[], char* const argv[])
    /* prepare VLC command line */
    const char *ppsz_argv[32];
    int ppsz_argc = 0;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-plugins-cache";

    /* locate VLC module path */
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--vout=vout_macosx";
#elif defined(XP_WIN)
    HKEY h_key;
    DWORD i_type, i_data = MAX_PATH + 1;
    char p_data[MAX_PATH + 1];
    if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\VideoLAN\\VLC",
                      0, KEY_READ, &h_key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
         if( RegQueryValueEx( h_key, "InstallDir", 0, &i_type,
                              (LPBYTE)p_data, &i_data ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
             if( i_type == REG_SZ )
                 strcat( p_data, "\\plugins" );
                 ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--plugin-path";
                 ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = p_data;
         RegCloseKey( h_key );
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-one-instance";

#endif /* XP_MACOSX */

    /* common settings */
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "-vv";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-stats";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-media-library";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--intf=dummy";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-video-title-show";
    ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-xlib";

    bool b_autoloop = false;

    /* parse plugin arguments */
    for( int i = 0; (i < argc) && (ppsz_argc < 32); i++ )
       /* fprintf(stderr, "argn=%s, argv=%s\n", argn[i], argv[i]); */

        if( !strcmp( argn[i], "target" )
         || !strcmp( argn[i], "mrl")
         || !strcmp( argn[i], "filename")
         || !strcmp( argn[i], "src") )
            psz_target = argv[i];
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "text" ) )
            set_bg_text( argv[i] );
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "autoplay")
              || !strcmp( argn[i], "autostart") )
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "fullscreen" )
              || !strcmp( argn[i], "allowfullscreen" ) )
            set_enable_fs( boolValue(argv[i]) );
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "mute" ) )
            if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
                ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--volume=0";
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "loop")
              || !strcmp( argn[i], "autoloop") )
            b_autoloop = boolValue(argv[i]);
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "toolbar" ) )
            set_show_toolbar( boolValue(argv[i]) );
        else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "bgcolor" ) )
            set_bg_color( argv[i] );

    libvlc_instance = libvlc_new(ppsz_argc, ppsz_argv);
    if( !libvlc_instance )
        return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;


    vlc_player::set_mode(b_autoloop ? libvlc_playback_mode_loop :

    ** fetch plugin base URL, which is the URL of the page containing the plugin
    ** this URL is used for making absolute URL from relative URL that may be
    ** passed as an MRL argument
    NPObject *plugin = NULL;

    if( NPERR_NO_ERROR == NPN_GetValue(p_browser, NPNVWindowNPObject, &plugin) )
        ** is there a better way to get that info ?
        static const char docLocHref[] = "document.location.href";
        NPString script;
        NPVariant result;

        script.UTF8Characters = docLocHref;
        script.UTF8Length = sizeof(docLocHref)-1;

        if( NPN_Evaluate(p_browser, plugin, &script, &result) )
            if( NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(result) )
                NPString &location = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(result);

                psz_baseURL = (char *) malloc(location.UTF8Length+1);
                if( psz_baseURL )
                    strncpy(psz_baseURL, location.UTF8Characters, location.UTF8Length);
                    psz_baseURL[location.UTF8Length] = '\0';

    if( psz_target )
        // get absolute URL from src
        char *psz_absurl = getAbsoluteURL(psz_target);
        psz_target = psz_absurl ? psz_absurl : strdup(psz_target);

    /* assign plugin script root class */
    /* new APIs */
    p_scriptClass = RuntimeNPClass<LibvlcRootNPObject>::getClass();

    if( !events.init() )
        return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

    libvlc_media_player_t *p_md = getMD();
    if( p_md ) {
      libvlc_event_manager_t *p_em;
      p_em = libvlc_media_player_event_manager( getMD() );
      events.hook_manager( p_em, this );

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;