コード例 #1
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static bool8 NPClientReplyPhaseSpanTest (void)
	uint8   mes[21];
	int		l = npclient.numplayers * 4 + 1;

	NPNotification("Client: Replying sending / receiving pad states test...", -1);

	for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
		if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l)
			return (false);

		if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, 5) != 5)
			return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Replied sending / receiving pad states test.", -1);

	NPNotification("Client: Receiving phase span value from server...", -1);

	if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4)
		return (false);

	npclient.phasespan = READ_LONG(mes + 0);

	NPNotification("  phase span: %d (frames)", npclient.phasespan);

	NPNotification("Client: Received phase span value from server.", -1);

	return (true);
コード例 #2
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
bool8 NPServerStartServer (int port)
#ifndef SELF_TEST
	struct sockaddr_in	address;
	struct sockaddr_un	address;
	int					v = 1;

	NPNotification("Server: Starting server...", -1);

#ifndef SELF_TEST
	if ((npserver.socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
	if ((npserver.socket = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
		NPError("Server: Failed to create listening socket.", 1001);
		return (false);

	if ((setsockopt(npserver.socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &v, sizeof(v))) < 0)
		NPError("Server: Failed to set socket option.", 1002);
		return (false);

	memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
#ifndef SELF_TEST
	address.sin_family      = AF_INET;
	address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
	address.sin_port        = htons(port);
	address.sun_family      = AF_UNIX;
    strcpy(address.sun_path, SOCK_NAME);

#ifndef SELF_TEST
	if ((bind(npserver.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address))) < 0)
	if ((bind(npserver.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address))) < 0)
		NPError("Server: Failed to bind socket to port number.", 1003);
		return (false);

	if ((listen(npserver.socket, NP_MAX_CLIENTS)) < 0)
		NPError("Server: Failed to get new socket to listen.", 1004);
		return (false);

	npplayer[0].socket = npserver.socket;

	NPNotification("Server: Started server.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static void NPServerWaitStartReply (void)
	struct timeval	timeout;
	fd_set			readfds;
	int				maxfd;
	bool8			allok, flag[NP_MAX_PLAYERS];

	NPNotification("Server: Waiting clients reply to start...", -1);

	allok = false;
	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		flag[c] = false;

	while (!allok)
		maxfd = 0;

		for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
			if (npplayer[c].ready)
				FD_SET(npplayer[c].socket, &readfds);
				if (maxfd < npplayer[c].socket)
					maxfd = npplayer[c].socket;

		timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
		timeout.tv_usec = 50000;

		if (select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) > 0)
			for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
				if (npplayer[c].ready)
					if (FD_ISSET(npplayer[c].socket, &readfds))
						if (NPServerGetMesFromClient(c) == kNPClientStartWait)
							flag[c] = true;

		allok = true;
		for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
			if (npplayer[c].ready && !flag[c])
				allok = false;

	NPNotification("Server: All clients are ready to start netplay.", -1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static bool8 NPClientGetPlayerListFromServer (void)
	if (!npclient.online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Receiving player list from server...", -1);

	if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerPlayerWillSend)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5701);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientPlayerWaiting) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5702);
		return (false);

	for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		uint8	mes[10];
		uint32	l;

		if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 10) != 10)
			NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5703);
			return (false);

		npcinfo[i].ready  = READ_BYTE(mes + 1);
		npcinfo[i].player = READ_LONG(mes + 2);

		l = READ_LONG(mes + 6);

		if (l && (socket_read(npclient.socket, (uint8 *) npcinfo[i].name, l) != (int) l))
			NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5704);
			return (false);

		npcinfo[i].name[l] = 0;

	npclient.numplayers = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if (npcinfo[i].ready)

	NPNotification("Client: Received player list from server.", -1);
	NPNotification("Client: Number of players: %d", npclient.numplayers);

	return (true);
コード例 #5
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static void * NPClientNetPlayThread (void *)
	uint8	mes[NP_MAX_PLAYERS * 64 * 4 + 1];
	uint8	count = 0;
	int		l;

	NPNotification("Client: Entered pad thread.", -1);

	while (npclient.padloop)

		l = npclient.numplayers * npclient.phasespan * 4 + 1;
		if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l)
			npclient.exitsgn = true;

		if ((mes[0] & 0xF) != count)
			NPNotification("Client: Warning: Failed to synchronize server.", -1);

		npclient.header = mes[0] & 0xF0;

		for (int i = 0; i < npclient.numplayers; i++)
			for (uint32 j = 0; j < npclient.phasespan; j++)
				npcrecvpad[i][j] = READ_LONG(mes + (i * npclient.phasespan + j) * 4 + 1);

		WRITE_BYTE(mes + 0, count);

		for (uint32 j = 0; j < npclient.phasespan; j++)
			WRITE_LONG(mes + j * 4 + 1, npcsendpad[j]);

		l = npclient.phasespan * 4 + 1;
		if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l)
			npclient.exitsgn = true;

		count = (count + 1) & 0xF;


	npclient.exitsgn = true;

	NPNotification("Client: Exited pad thread.", -1);
	return (NULL);
コード例 #6
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static void * NPServerNetPlayThread (void *p)
	uint8	mes[NP_MAX_PLAYERS * 64 * 4 + 1];
	uint8	count = 0;
	int 	c = *((int *) p), l;

	NPNotification("Server: Entered pad thread for client %d.", c);

	while (npplayer[c].padloop)

		WRITE_BYTE(mes + 0, count | npserver.header);

		for (int i = 0; i < npserver.numplayers; i++)
			for (uint32 j = 0; j < npserver.phasespan; j++)
				WRITE_LONG(mes + (i * npserver.phasespan + j) * 4 + 1, npsendpad[i][j]);

		l = npserver.numplayers * npserver.phasespan * 4 + 1;
		if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, mes, l) != l)
			npplayer[c].exitsgn = true;

		l = npserver.phasespan * 4 + 1;
		if (socket_read(npplayer[c].socket, mes, l) != l)
			npplayer[c].exitsgn = true;

		for (uint32 j = 0; j < npserver.phasespan; j++)
			nprecvpad[npplayer[c].player][j] = READ_LONG(mes + j * 4 + 1);

		if ((mes[0] & 0xF) != count)
			NPNotification("Server: Warning: Failed to synchronize client %d.", c);

		count = (count + 1) & 0xF;


	npplayer[c].exitsgn = true;

	NPNotification("Server: Exited pad thread for client %d.", c);
	return (NULL);
コード例 #7
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static bool8 NPServerSendROMInfoToClient (int c)
	if (!npplayer[c].online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sending ROM information to client %d...", c);

	if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerROMInfoWillSend) == false)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send messsage to client.", 1301);
		return (false);

	if (NPServerGetMesFromClient(c) != kNPClientROMInfoWaiting)
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive messsage from client.", 1302);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[16];
	uint32	l;
	char	drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], fname[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1];

	_splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, fname, ext);
	l = strlen(fname);

	WRITE_LONG(mes + 0,  Memory.ROMCRC32);
	WRITE_LONG(mes + 4,  deviceSetting);
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 8,  0);	// reserved
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 9,  0);	// reserved
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 10, 0);	// reserved
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 11, 0);	// reserved
	WRITE_LONG(mes + 12, l);

	if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, mes, 16) != 16)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send ROM information to client.", 1303);
		return (false);

	if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, (uint8 *) fname, l) != (int) l)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send ROM name to client.", 1304);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sent ROM information to client %d.", c);
	return (true);

	// next: kNPClientROMOpened
コード例 #8
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static bool8 NPClientGetSRAMFromServer (void)
	if (!npclient.online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Receiving SRAM from server...", -1);

	if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerSRAMWillSend)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5501);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientSRAMWaiting) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5502);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[4];
	uint32	sramsize;

	if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive SRAM size from server.", 5503);
		return (false);

	sramsize = READ_LONG(mes + 0);

	if (sramsize != (uint32) (Memory.SRAMSize ? (1 << (Memory.SRAMSize + 3)) * 128 : 0))
		NPError("Client: SRAM size mismatch.", 5504);
		return (false);

	if (sramsize && (socket_read(npclient.socket, Memory.SRAM, sramsize) != (int) sramsize))
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive SRAM from server.", 5505);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientSRAMLoaded) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5506);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Received SRAM from server.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #9
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static void * NPServerProcessThread (void *)
	NPNotification("Server: Entered process thread.", -1);


	npserver.dialogprocess = kNPSDialogDone;

	NPNotification("Server: Exited process thread.", -1);
	return (NULL);
コード例 #10
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static bool8 NPClientConnectToServer (int port)
#ifndef SELF_TEST
	struct sockaddr_in	address;
	struct sockaddr_un	address;

	NPNotification("Client: Connecting to server...", -1);

	memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
#ifndef SELF_TEST
	address.sin_family      = AF_INET;
	address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(npclient.serverIP);
	address.sin_port        = htons(port);
	address.sun_family      = AF_UNIX;
	strcpy(address.sun_path, SOCK_NAME);

#ifndef SELF_TEST
	if (address.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)
		NPError("Client: Server IP is invalid.", 5001);
		return (false);

#ifndef SELF_TEST
	if ((npclient.socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
	if ((npclient.socket = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
		NPError("Client: Failed to create socket.", 5002);
		return (false);

	if (connect(npclient.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)) < 0)
		NPError("Client: Failed to connect to server.", 5003);
		return (false);

	npclient.online = true;

	NPNotification("Client: Connected to server.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #11
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: alesegdia/snes-sdk
static bool8 NPClientGetROMInfoFromServer(void)
	if (!npclient.online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Receiving ROM information from server...", -1);

	if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerROMInfoWillSend)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5201);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientROMInfoWaiting) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5202);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[16];
	uint32	l;

	if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 16) != 16)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive ROM information from server.", 5203);
		return (false);

	nprominfo.crc32      = READ_LONG(mes + 0);
	nprominfo.input      = READ_LONG(mes + 4);
	//reserved1 = READ_BYTE(mes + 8);
	//reserved2 = READ_BYTE(mes + 9);
	//reserved3 = READ_BYTE(mes + 10);
	//reserved4 = READ_BYTE(mes + 11);

	l = READ_LONG(mes + 12);

	if (socket_read(npclient.socket, (uint8 *) nprominfo.fname, l) != (int) l)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive ROM name from server.", 5204);
		return (false);

	nprominfo.fname[l] = 0;
	nprominfo.length   = l;

	NPNotification("Client: Received ROM information from server.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #12
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
void NPClientDetachNetPlayThread (void)
	NPNotification("Client: Detaching pad thread...", -1);

	npclient.padloop = true;
	npclient.exitsgn = false;

	csememu = sem_open(n_csememu, O_CREAT, 0600, 0);
	csempad = sem_open(n_csempad, O_CREAT, 0600, 0);

	pthread_create(&gamepadthread, NULL, NPClientNetPlayThread, NULL);

	NPNotification("Client: Detached pad thread.", -1);
コード例 #13
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static int NPServerAcceptClient (int port)
#ifndef SELF_TEST
	struct sockaddr_in	address;
	struct sockaddr_un	address;
	int					newfd;
	int					c;
	socklen_t			l;

	NPNotification("Server: Accepting new client connection...", -1);

	for (c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		if (!npplayer[c].online)

	if (c > NP_MAX_CLIENTS)
		NPError("Server: Maximum number of clients have already connected.", 1101);
		return (-1);

	l = sizeof(address);
	memset(&address, 0, l);

	if ((newfd = accept(port, (struct sockaddr *) &address, &l)) < 0)
		NPError("Server: Can't accept client connection.", 1102);
		return (-1);

	npplayer[c].online = true;
	npplayer[c].socket = newfd;

#ifndef SELF_TEST
	if (address.sin_family == AF_INET)
		strcpy(npplayer[c].ip, inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr));
		strcpy(npplayer[c].ip, "unknown");
		strcpy(npplayer[c].ip, "Unix");

	NPNotification("Server: new client %d has connected.", c);

	return (c);
コード例 #14
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static bool8 NPClientROMReadyToServer (void)
	if (!npclient.online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Sending ROM ready sign to server...", -1);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientROMOpened) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5401);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Sent ROM ready sign to server.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #15
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
void NPClientDisconnect (void)
	if (npclient.socket != -1)
		NPNotification("Client: Disconnecting from server...", -1);

		npclient.socket = -1;

		NPNotification("Client: Disconnected from server.", -1);

	npclient.online      = false;
	npclient.name[0]     = 0;
	npclient.serverIP[0] = 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static bool8 NPServerSendPlayerListToClient (int c)
	if (!npplayer[c].online || !npplayer[c].ready)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sending player list to client %d...", c);

	if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerPlayerWillSend) == false)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send messsage to client.", 1601);
		return (false);

	if (NPServerGetMesFromClient(c) != kNPClientPlayerWaiting)
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive messsage from client.", 1602);
		return (false);

	for (int i = 0; i < NP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		uint8	mes[10];
		uint32	l;

		l = npplayer[i].ready ? strlen(npplayer[i].name) : 0;

		WRITE_BYTE(mes + 0, (i == c));
		WRITE_BYTE(mes + 1, npplayer[i].ready);
		WRITE_LONG(mes + 2, npplayer[i].player);
		WRITE_LONG(mes + 6, l);

		if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, mes, 10) != 10)
			NPError("Server: Failed to send name size to client.", 1603);
			return (false);

		if (l && (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, (uint8 *) npplayer[i].name, l) != (int) l))
			NPError("Server: Failed to send name to client.", 1604);
			return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sent player list to client %d.", c);
	return (true);
コード例 #17
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static bool8 NPClientSendNameToServer (void)
	if (!npclient.online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Sending player name to server...", -1);

	if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerNameRequest)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5101);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[4];
	uint32	l;

	l = strlen(npclient.name);
	WRITE_LONG(mes + 0, l);

	if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send name size to server.", 5102);
		return (false);

	if (socket_write(npclient.socket, (uint8 *) npclient.name, l) != (int) l)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send name to server.", 5103);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerNameReceived)
		NPError("Client: Failed to receive messsage from server.", 5104);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientNameSent) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5105);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Sent player name to server.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #18
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static void * NPClientConnectThread (void *)
	NPNotification("Client: Entered connection thread.", -1);

	if ((NPClientConnectToServer(NP_PORT) == false) ||
		(NPClientSendNameToServer()       == false) ||
		(NPClientGetROMInfoFromServer()   == false))
		npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogConnectFailed;
		return (NULL);

	npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogOpenBegin;
	NPNotification("Client: Exited connection thread.", -1);
	return (NULL);
コード例 #19
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
void NPClientStopNetPlayThread (void)
	NPNotification("Client: Stopping pad thread...", -1);

	npclient.padloop = false;

	while (!npclient.exitsgn)


	NPNotification("Client: Stopped pad thread.", -1);
コード例 #20
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
static void * NPClientPrepareThread (void *)
	NPNotification("Client: Entered preparing thread.", -1);

	if ((NPClientROMReadyToServer()        == false) ||
		(NPClientGetSRAMFromServer()       == false) ||
		(NPClientGetPlayerListFromServer() == false) ||
		(NPClientReplyPhaseSpanTest()      == false))
		npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogPrepareFailed;
		return (NULL);

	npclient.dialogprocess = kNPCDialogShowList;
	NPNotification("Client: Exited preparing thread.", -1);
	return (NULL);
コード例 #21
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static bool8 NPServerSendSRAMToClient (int c)
	if (!npplayer[c].online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sending SRAM to client %d...", c);

	if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerSRAMWillSend) == false)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send messsage to client.", 1401);
		return (false);

	if (NPServerGetMesFromClient(c) != kNPClientSRAMWaiting)
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive messsage from client.", 1402);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[4];
	uint32	sramsize;

	sramsize = Memory.SRAMSize ? (1 << (Memory.SRAMSize + 3)) * 128 : 0;

	WRITE_LONG(mes + 0, sramsize);

	if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, mes, 4) != 4)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send SRAM size to client.", 1403);
		return (false);

	if (sramsize && (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, Memory.SRAM, sramsize) != (int) sramsize))
		NPError("Server: Failed to send SRAM to client.", 1404);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sent SRAM to client %d.", c);
	return (true);

	// next: kNPClientSRAMLoaded
コード例 #22
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static bool8 NPServerGetNameFromClient (int c)
	if (!npplayer[c].online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Receiving player name from client %d...", c);

	if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerNameRequest) == false)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send messsage to client.", 1201);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[4];
	uint32	l;

	if (socket_read(npplayer[c].socket, mes, 4) != 4)
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive name size from client.", 1202);
		return (false);

	l = READ_LONG(mes + 0);

	if (socket_read(npplayer[c].socket, (uint8 *) npplayer[c].name, l) != (int) l)
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive name from client.", 1203);
		return (false);

	npplayer[c].name[l] = 0;

	if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerNameReceived) == false)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send messsage to client.", 1204);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Received player name from client %d.", c);
	return (true);

	// next: kNPClientNameSent
コード例 #23
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
void NPServerDetachNetPlayThread (void)
	NPNotification("Server: Detaching pad threads...", -1);

	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		if (npplayer[c].ready)
			npplayer[c].padloop = true;
			npplayer[c].exitsgn = false;

			sememu[c] = sem_open(n_sememu[c], O_CREAT, 0600, 0);
			sempad[c] = sem_open(n_sempad[c], O_CREAT, 0600, 0);

			pthread_create(&padthread[c], NULL, NPServerNetPlayThread, &(npplayer[c].client));

	NPNotification("Server: Detached pad threads.", -1);
コード例 #24
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static void NPServerShutdownClient (int c)
	if (npplayer[c].online)
		NPNotification("Server: Closing client %d connection...", c);

		if (npplayer[c].socket != -1)
			npplayer[c].socket = -1;

		npplayer[c].online  = false;
		npplayer[c].ready   = false;
		npplayer[c].client  = 0;
		npplayer[c].player  = 0;
		npplayer[c].ip[0]   = 0;
		npplayer[c].name[0] = 0;

		NPNotification("Server: Client %d has disconnected.", c);
コード例 #25
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
void NPServerStopServer (void)
	NPNotification("Server: Stopping server...", -1);

	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)

	npplayer[0].online  = false;
	npplayer[0].ready   = false;
	npplayer[0].socket  = -1;
	npplayer[0].client  = 0;
	npplayer[0].player  = 0;
	npplayer[0].ip[0]   = 0;
	npplayer[0].name[0] = 0;

	if (npserver.socket != -1)
		npserver.socket = -1;

	NPNotification("Server: Stopped server.", -1);
コード例 #26
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
void NPServerStopNetPlayThread (void)
	NPNotification("Server: Stopping pad threads...", -1);

	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		if (npplayer[c].ready)
			npplayer[c].padloop = false;

			while (!npplayer[c].exitsgn)


	NPNotification("Server: Stopped pad threads.", -1);
コード例 #27
ファイル: mac-client.cpp プロジェクト: RedGuyyyy/snes9x
bool8 NPClientNetPlayWaitStart (void)
	NPNotification("Client: Waiting start flag...", -1);

	if (NPClientSendMesToServer(kNPClientStartWait) == false)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5801);
		return (false);

	if (NPClientGetMesFromServer() != kNPServerStart)
		NPError("Client: Failed to send messsage to server.", 5802);
		return (false);

	npclient.phasecount = 0;
	npclient.header     = 0;


	NPNotification("Client: Netplay started.", -1);
	return (true);
コード例 #28
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
void NPServerStartClients (void)
	NPNotification("Server: Sending start flag to clients...", -1);

	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		if (npplayer[c].ready)
			if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerStart) == false)

	NPNotification("Server: Sent start flag to clients.", -1);

	npserver.phasecount = 0;
	npserver.header     = 0;

	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		if (npplayer[c].ready)

	NPNotification("Server: Netplay started.", -1);
コード例 #29
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static void NPServerAllotPlayers (void)
	int	n = 1;

	for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
		if (npplayer[c].ready)
			npplayer[c].client = c;
			npplayer[c].player = n++;

	npplayer[0].client = 0;
	npplayer[0].player = 0;

	npserver.numplayers = n;

	NPNotification("Server: Number of players: %d", n);
コード例 #30
ファイル: mac-server.cpp プロジェクト: OV2/snes9x-libsnes
static void * NPServerListenLoop (void *)
	struct timeval	timeout;
	fd_set			readfds;
	int				maxfd;

	NPNotification("Server: Entered listening loop.", -1);

	while (npserver.listenloop)
		maxfd = 0;

		if (npserver.socket != -1)
			FD_SET(npserver.socket, &readfds);
			maxfd = npserver.socket;

		for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
			if (npplayer[c].online)
				FD_SET(npplayer[c].socket, &readfds);
				if (maxfd < npplayer[c].socket)
					maxfd = npplayer[c].socket;

		timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
		timeout.tv_usec = 50000;

		if (select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) > 0)
			for (int c = 1; c <= NP_MAX_CLIENTS; c++)
				if (npplayer[c].online)
					if (FD_ISSET(npplayer[c].socket, &readfds))
						switch (NPServerGetMesFromClient(c))
							case kNPClientNameSent:
								if (!NPServerSendROMInfoToClient(c))

							case kNPClientROMOpened:
								if (!NPServerSendSRAMToClient(c))

							case kNPClientSRAMLoaded:
								npplayer[c].ready = true;


			if (FD_ISSET(npserver.socket, &readfds))
				int	client;

				if ((client = NPServerAcceptClient(npserver.socket)) != -1)
					if (!NPServerGetNameFromClient(client))

	NPNotification("Server: Exited listening loop.", -1);

	return (NULL);