コード例 #1
ファイル: PCA.cpp プロジェクト: PaulBoersma/praat
static autoPCA NUMdmatrix_to_PCA (double **m, long numberOfRows, long numberOfColumns, bool byColumns) {
	try {
		if (! NUMdmatrix_hasFiniteElements(m, 1, numberOfRows, 1, numberOfColumns)) {
			Melder_throw (U"At least one of the matrix elements is not finite or undefined.");
		if (NUMfrobeniusnorm (numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, m) == 0.0) {
			Melder_throw (U"All values in your table are zero.");
		autoNUMmatrix<double> mcopy;
		long numberOfRows2, numberOfColumns2;
		if (byColumns) {
			if (numberOfColumns < numberOfRows) {
				Melder_warning (U"The number of columns in your table is less than the number of rows. ");
			numberOfRows2 = numberOfColumns, numberOfColumns2 = numberOfRows;
			mcopy.reset (1, numberOfRows2, 1, numberOfColumns2);
			for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfRows2; i ++) { // transpose
				for (long j = 1; j <= numberOfColumns2; j++) {
					mcopy [i] [j] = m [j] [i];
		} else {
			if (numberOfRows < numberOfColumns) {
				Melder_warning (U"The number of rows in your table is less than the number of columns. ");
			numberOfRows2 = numberOfRows, numberOfColumns2 = numberOfColumns;
			mcopy.reset (1, numberOfRows2, 1, numberOfColumns2);
			NUMmatrix_copyElements<double>(m, mcopy.peek(), 1, numberOfRows2, 1, numberOfColumns2);
		autoPCA thee = Thing_new (PCA);
		thy centroid = NUMvector<double> (1, numberOfColumns2);
		NUMcentreColumns (mcopy.peek(), 1, numberOfRows2, 1, numberOfColumns2, thy centroid);
		Eigen_initFromSquareRoot (thee.get(), mcopy.peek(), numberOfRows2, numberOfColumns2);
		thy labels = NUMvector<char32 *> (1, numberOfColumns2);

		PCA_setNumberOfObservations (thee.get(), numberOfRows2);

			The covariance matrix C = A'A / (N-1). However, we have calculated
			the eigenstructure for A'A. This has no consequences for the
			eigenvectors, but the eigenvalues have to be divided by (N-1).

		for (long i = 1; i <= thy numberOfEigenvalues; i++) {
			thy eigenvalues [i] /= (numberOfRows2 - 1);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"No PCA created from ", byColumns ? U"columns." : U"rows.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: CCA.cpp プロジェクト: eginhard/praat
CCA TableOfReal_to_CCA (TableOfReal me, long ny) {
	try {
		long n = my numberOfRows, nx = my numberOfColumns - ny;

		if (ny < 1 || ny > my numberOfColumns - 1) {
			Melder_throw (U"Dimension of first part not correct.");
		if (ny > nx) {
			Melder_throw (U"The dimension of the dependent part (", ny, U") must be less than or equal to "
				"the dimension of the independent part (", nx, U").");
		if (n < ny) {
			Melder_throw (U"The number of observations must be larger then ", ny, U".");

		TableOfReal_areAllCellsDefined (me, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		// Use svd as (temporary) storage, and copy data

		autoSVD svdy = SVD_create (n, ny);
		autoSVD svdx = SVD_create (n, nx);

		for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {
				svdy -> u[i][j] = my data[i][j];
			for (long j = 1; j <= nx; j++) {
				svdx -> u[i][j] = my data[i][ny + j];

		double **uy = svdy -> u;
		double **vy = svdy -> v;
		double **ux = svdx -> u;
		double **vx = svdx -> v;
		double fnormy = NUMfrobeniusnorm (n, ny, uy);
		double fnormx = NUMfrobeniusnorm (n, nx, ux);
		if (fnormy == 0.0 || fnormx == 0.0) {
			Melder_throw (U"One of the parts of the table contains only zeros.");

		// Centre the data and svd it.

		NUMcentreColumns (uy, 1, n, 1, ny, nullptr);
		NUMcentreColumns (ux, 1, n, 1, nx, nullptr);

		SVD_compute (svdy.peek()); SVD_compute (svdx.peek());

		long numberOfZeroedy = SVD_zeroSmallSingularValues (svdy.peek(), 0.0);
		long numberOfZeroedx = SVD_zeroSmallSingularValues (svdx.peek(), 0.0);

		// Form the matrix C = ux' uy (use svd-object storage)

		autoSVD svdc = SVD_create (nx, ny);
		double **uc = svdc -> u;
		double **vc = svdc -> v;

		for (long i = 1; i <= nx; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {
				double t = 0;
				for (long q = 1; q <= n; q++) {
					t += ux[q][i] * uy[q][j];
				uc[i][j] = t;

		SVD_compute (svdc.peek());
		long numberOfZeroedc = SVD_zeroSmallSingularValues (svdc.peek(), 0.0);
		long numberOfCoefficients = ny - numberOfZeroedc;

		autoCCA thee = CCA_create (numberOfCoefficients, ny, nx);
		thy yLabels = strings_to_Strings (my columnLabels, 1, ny);
		thy xLabels = strings_to_Strings (my columnLabels, ny + 1, my numberOfColumns);

		double **evecy = thy y -> eigenvectors;
		double **evecx = thy x -> eigenvectors;
		thy numberOfObservations = n;

			Y = Vy * inv(Dy) * Vc
			X = Vx * inv(Dx) * Uc
			For the eigenvectors we want a row representation:
			colums(Y) = rows(Y') = rows(Vc' * inv(Dy) * Vy')
			colums(X) = rows(X') = rows(Uc' * inv(Dx) * Vx')
			rows(Y') = evecy[i][j] = Vc[k][i] * Vy[j][k] / Dy[k]
			rows(X') = evecx[i][j] = Uc[k][i] * Vx[j][k] / Dx[k]

		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfCoefficients; i++) {
			double ccc = svdc -> d[i];
			thy y -> eigenvalues[i] = thy x -> eigenvalues[i] = ccc * ccc;
			for (long j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {
				double t = 0.0;
				for (long q = 1; q <= ny - numberOfZeroedy; q++) {
					t += vc[q][i] * vy[j][q] / svdy -> d[q];
				evecy[i][j] = t;
			for (long j = 1; j <= nx; j++) {
				double t = 0.0;
				for (long q = 1; q <= nx - numberOfZeroedx; q++) {
					t += uc[q][i] * vx[j][q] / svdx -> d[q];
				evecx[i][j] = t;

		// Normalize eigenvectors.

		NUMnormalizeRows (thy y -> eigenvectors, numberOfCoefficients, ny, 1);
		NUMnormalizeRows (thy x -> eigenvectors, numberOfCoefficients, nx, 1);
		Melder_assert (thy x -> dimension == thy xLabels -> numberOfStrings &&
		               thy y -> dimension == thy yLabels -> numberOfStrings);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": CCA not created.");
コード例 #3
ファイル: CCA.c プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
CCA TableOfReal_to_CCA (TableOfReal me, long ny)
	CCA thee = NULL;
	SVD svdy = NULL, svdx = NULL, svdc = NULL;
	double fnormy, fnormx, **uy, **vy, **ux, **vx, **uc, **vc;
	double **evecy, **evecx;
	long i, j, q, n = my numberOfRows;
	long numberOfZeroedy, numberOfZeroedx, numberOfZeroedc;
	long numberOfCoefficients;
	long nx = my numberOfColumns - ny;
	if (ny < 1 || ny > my numberOfColumns - 1) return Melder_errorp1 (L"Dimension of first part not correct.");

	if (! TableOfReal_areAllCellsDefined (me, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return NULL;

		The dependent 'part' of the CCA should be the smallest dimension.
	if (ny > nx) return Melder_errorp5 (L"The dimension of the dependent "
		"part (", Melder_integer (ny), L") must be less than or equal to the dimension of the "
		"independent part (", Melder_integer (nx), L").");
	if (n < ny) return Melder_errorp2 (L"The number of "
		"observations must be larger then ", Melder_integer (ny));

		Use svd as (temporary) storage, and copy data

	svdy = SVD_create (n, ny);
	if (svdy == NULL) goto end;
	svdx = SVD_create (n, nx);
	if (svdx == NULL) goto end;

	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
		for (j = 1; j <= ny; j++)
			svdy -> u[i][j] = my data[i][j];
		for (j = 1; j <= nx; j++)
			svdx -> u[i][j] = my data[i][ny + j];

 	uy = svdy -> u; vy = svdy -> v;
 	ux = svdx -> u; vx = svdx -> v;
	fnormy = NUMfrobeniusnorm (n, ny, uy);
	fnormx = NUMfrobeniusnorm (n, nx, ux);
	if (fnormy == 0 || fnormx == 0)
		(void) Melder_errorp1 (L"One of the parts of the table contains only zeros.");
		goto end;

		Centre the data and svd it.

	NUMcentreColumns (uy, 1, n, 1, ny, NULL);
	NUMcentreColumns (ux, 1, n, 1, nx, NULL);

	if (! SVD_compute (svdy) || ! SVD_compute (svdx)) goto end;

	numberOfZeroedy = SVD_zeroSmallSingularValues (svdy, 0);
	numberOfZeroedx = SVD_zeroSmallSingularValues (svdx, 0);

		Form the matrix C = ux' uy (use svd-object storage)

	svdc = SVD_create (nx, ny);
	if (svdc == NULL)  goto end;
 	uc = svdc -> u; vc = svdc -> v;

	for (i = 1; i <= nx; i++)
		for (j = 1; j <= ny; j++)
			double t = 0;
			for (q = 1; q <= n; q++)
				t += ux[q][i] * uy[q][j];
			uc[i][j] = t;

	if (! SVD_compute (svdc)) goto end;
	numberOfZeroedc = SVD_zeroSmallSingularValues (svdc, 0);
	numberOfCoefficients = ny - numberOfZeroedc;

	thee = CCA_create (numberOfCoefficients, ny, nx);
	if (thee == NULL) goto end;
	thy yLabels = strings_to_Strings (my columnLabels, 1, ny);
	if ( thy yLabels == NULL) goto end;
	thy xLabels = strings_to_Strings (my columnLabels, ny+1, my numberOfColumns);
	if ( thy xLabels == NULL) goto end;
	evecy = thy y -> eigenvectors;
	evecx = thy x -> eigenvectors;
	thy numberOfObservations = n;

		Y = Vy * inv(Dy) * Vc
		X = Vx * inv(Dx) * Uc
		For the eigenvectors we want a row representation:
		colums(Y) = rows(Y') = rows(Vc' * inv(Dy) * Vy')
		colums(X) = rows(X') = rows(Uc' * inv(Dx) * Vx')
		rows(Y') = evecy[i][j] = Vc[k][i] * Vy[j][k] / Dy[k]
		rows(X') = evecx[i][j] = Uc[k][i] * Vx[j][k] / Dx[k]

	for (i = 1; i <= numberOfCoefficients; i++)
		double ccc = svdc -> d[i];
		thy y -> eigenvalues[i] = thy x -> eigenvalues[i] = ccc * ccc;
		for (j = 1; j <= ny; j++)
			double t = 0;
			for (q = 1; q <= ny - numberOfZeroedy; q++)
				t += vc[q][i] * vy[j][q] / svdy -> d[q];
			evecy[i][j] = t;	
		for (j = 1; j <= nx; j++)
			double t = 0;
			for (q = 1; q <= nx - numberOfZeroedx; q++)
				t += uc[q][i] * vx[j][q] / svdx -> d[q];
			evecx[i][j] = t;	
		Normalize eigenvectors.
	NUMnormalizeRows (thy y -> eigenvectors, numberOfCoefficients, ny, 1);
	NUMnormalizeRows (thy x -> eigenvectors, numberOfCoefficients, nx, 1);

	forget (svdy); 
	forget (svdx); 
	forget (svdc);
	Melder_assert (thy x -> dimension == thy xLabels -> numberOfStrings && 
		thy y -> dimension == thy yLabels -> numberOfStrings);
	if (Melder_hasError ()) forget (thee);
	return thee;