int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { nvxio::Application &app = nvxio::Application::get(); // // Parse command line arguments // // std::string sourceUri = app.findSampleFilePath("file:///dev/video0"); // "/home/ubuntu/VisionWorks-SFM-0.82-Samples/data/sfm/parking_sfm.mp4"; std::string sourceUri = "/home/px4/test.mp4"; std::string configFile = app.findSampleFilePath("sfm/sfm_config.ini"); bool fullPipeline = false; std::string maskFile; bool noLoop = false; app.setDescription("This sample demonstrates Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithm"); app.addOption(0, "mask", "Optional mask", nvxio::OptionHandler::string(&maskFile)); app.addBooleanOption('f', "fullPipeline", "Run full SfM pipeline without using IMU data", &fullPipeline); app.addBooleanOption('n', "noLoop", "Run sample without loop", &noLoop); app.init(argc, argv); nvx_module_version_t sfmVersion; nvxSfmGetVersion(&sfmVersion); std::cout << "VisionWorks SFM version: " << sfmVersion.major << "." << sfmVersion.minor << "." << sfmVersion.patch << sfmVersion.suffix << std::endl; std::string imuDataFile; std::string frameDataFile; if (!fullPipeline) { imuDataFile = app.findSampleFilePath("sfm/imu_data.txt"); frameDataFile = app.findSampleFilePath("sfm/images_timestamps.txt"); } if (app.getPreferredRenderName() != "default") { std::cerr << "The sample uses custom Render for GUI. --nvxio_render option is not supported!" << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RENDER; } // // Read SfMParams // nvx::SfM::SfMParams params; std::string msg; if (!read(configFile, params, msg)) { std::cout << msg << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_VALUE; } // // Create OpenVX context // nvxio::ContextGuard context; // // Messages generated by the OpenVX framework will be processed by nvxio::stdoutLogCallback // vxRegisterLogCallback(context, &nvxio::stdoutLogCallback, vx_false_e); // // Add SfM kernels // NVXIO_SAFE_CALL(nvxSfmRegisterKernels(context)); // // Create a Frame Source // std::unique_ptr<nvxio::FrameSource> source( nvxio::createDefaultFrameSource(context, sourceUri)); if (!source || !source->open()) { std::cout << "Can't open source file: " << sourceUri << std::endl; // int haha=3; // fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d \n", haha); return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RESOURCE; } nvxio::FrameSource::Parameters sourceParams = source->getConfiguration(); // // Create OpenVX Image to hold frames from video source // vx_image frame = vxCreateImage(context, sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight, sourceParams.format); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE(frame); // // Load mask image if needed // vx_image mask = NULL; if (!maskFile.empty()) { mask = nvxio::loadImageFromFile(context, maskFile, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8); vx_uint32 mask_width = 0, mask_height = 0; vxQueryImage(mask, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, &mask_width, sizeof(mask_width)); vxQueryImage(mask, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, &mask_height, sizeof(mask_height)); if (mask_width != sourceParams.frameWidth || mask_height != sourceParams.frameHeight) { std::cerr << "The mask must have the same size as the input source." << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_DIMENSIONS; } } // // Create 3D Render instance // std::unique_ptr<nvxio::Render3D> render3D(nvxio::createDefaultRender3D(context, 0, 0, "SfM Point Cloud", sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight)); nvxio::Render::TextBoxStyle style = {{255, 255, 255, 255}, {0, 0, 0, 255}, {10, 10}}; if (!render3D) { std::cerr << "Can't create a renderer" << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RENDER; } float fovYinRad = 2.f * atanf(sourceParams.frameHeight / 2.f / params.pFy); render3D->setDefaultFOV(180.f / nvxio::PI_F * fovYinRad); EventData eventData; render3D->setOnKeyboardEventCallback(eventCallback, &eventData); // // Create SfM class instance // std::unique_ptr<nvx::SfM> sfm(nvx::SfM::createSfM(context, params)); // // Create FenceDetectorWithKF class instance // FenceDetectorWithKF fenceDetector; nvxio::FrameSource::FrameStatus frameStatus; do { frameStatus = source->fetch(frame); } while (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT); if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::CLOSED) { std::cerr << "Source has no frames" << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_FRAMESOURCE; } vx_status status = sfm->init(frame, mask, imuDataFile, frameDataFile); if (status != VX_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << "Failed to initialize the algorithm" << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } const vx_size maxNumOfPoints = 2000; const vx_size maxNumOfPlanesVertices = 2000; vx_array filteredPoints = vxCreateArray(context, NVX_TYPE_POINT3F, maxNumOfPoints); vx_array planesVertices = vxCreateArray(context, NVX_TYPE_POINT3F, maxNumOfPlanesVertices); // // Run processing loop // vx_matrix model = vxCreateMatrix(context, VX_TYPE_FLOAT32, 4, 4); float eye_data[4*4] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1}; vxWriteMatrix(model, eye_data); nvxio::Render3D::PointCloudStyle pcStyle = {0, 12}; nvxio::Render3D::PlaneStyle fStyle = {0, 10}; GroundPlaneSmoother groundPlaneSmoother(7); nvx::Timer totalTimer; totalTimer.tic(); double proc_ms = 0; float yGroundPlane = 0; while (!eventData.shouldStop) { if (!eventData.pause) { frameStatus = source->fetch(frame); if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT) { continue; } if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::CLOSED) { if(noLoop) break; if (!source->open()) { std::cerr << "Failed to reopen the source" << std::endl; break; } do { frameStatus = source->fetch(frame); } while (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT); sfm->init(frame, mask, imuDataFile, frameDataFile); fenceDetector.reset(); continue; } // Process nvx::Timer procTimer; procTimer.tic(); sfm->track(frame, mask); proc_ms = procTimer.toc(); } // Print performance results sfm->printPerfs(); if (!eventData.showPointCloud) { render3D->disableDefaultKeyboardEventCallback(); render3D->putImage(frame); } else { render3D->enableDefaultKeyboardEventCallback(); } filterPoints(sfm->getPointCloud(), filteredPoints); render3D->putPointCloud(filteredPoints, model, pcStyle); if (eventData.showFences) { fenceDetector.getFencePlaneVertices(filteredPoints, planesVertices); render3D->putPlanes(planesVertices, model, fStyle); } if (fullPipeline && eventData.showGP) { const float x1(-1.5), x2(1.5), z1(1), z2(4); vx_matrix gp = sfm->getGroundPlane(); yGroundPlane = groundPlaneSmoother.getSmoothedY(gp, x1, z1); nvx_point3f_t pt[4] = {{x1, yGroundPlane, z1}, {x1, yGroundPlane, z2}, {x2, yGroundPlane, z2}, {x2, yGroundPlane, z1}}; vx_array gpPoints = vxCreateArray(context, NVX_TYPE_POINT3F, 4); vxAddArrayItems(gpPoints, 4, pt, sizeof(pt[0])); render3D->putPlanes(gpPoints, model, fStyle); vxReleaseArray(&gpPoints); } double total_ms = totalTimer.toc(); // Add a delay to limit frame rate app.sleepToLimitFPS(total_ms); total_ms = totalTimer.toc(); totalTimer.tic(); std::string state = createInfo(fullPipeline, proc_ms, total_ms, eventData); render3D->putText(state.c_str(), style); if (!render3D->flush()) { eventData.shouldStop = true; } } // // Release all objects // vxReleaseImage(&frame); vxReleaseImage(&mask); vxReleaseMatrix(&model); vxReleaseArray(&filteredPoints); vxReleaseArray(&planesVertices); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS; }
FrameSource::FrameStatus GStreamerBaseFrameSourceImpl::fetch(vx_image image, vx_uint32 /*timeout*/) { if (end) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } handleGStreamerMessages(); if (gst_app_sink_is_eos(GST_APP_SINK(sink))) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } if ((lastFrameTimestamp.toc()/1000.0) > Application::get().getSourceDefaultTimeout()) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } lastFrameTimestamp.tic(); #if GST_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 std::unique_ptr<GstBuffer, GStreamerObjectDeleter> bufferHolder( gst_app_sink_pull_buffer(GST_APP_SINK(sink))); GstBuffer* buffer = bufferHolder.get(); #else std::unique_ptr<GstSample, GStreamerObjectDeleter> sample(gst_app_sink_pull_sample(GST_APP_SINK(sink))); if (!sample) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } GstBuffer* buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample.get()); #endif gint width; gint height; #if GST_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 std::unique_ptr<GstCaps, GStreamerObjectDeleter> bufferCapsHolder(gst_buffer_get_caps(buffer)); GstCaps* bufferCaps = bufferCapsHolder.get(); #else GstCaps* bufferCaps = gst_sample_get_caps(sample.get()); #endif // bail out in no caps assert(gst_caps_get_size(bufferCaps) == 1); GstStructure* structure = gst_caps_get_structure(bufferCaps, 0); // bail out if width or height are 0 if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "width", &width) || !gst_structure_get_int(structure, "height", &height)) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } int depth = 3; #if GST_VERSION_MAJOR > 0 depth = 0; const gchar* name = gst_structure_get_name(structure); const gchar* format = gst_structure_get_string(structure, "format"); if (!name || !format) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } // we support 2 types of data: // video/x-raw, format=BGR -> 8bit, 3 channels // video/x-raw, format=GRAY8 -> 8bit, 1 channel if (strcasecmp(name, "video/x-raw") == 0) { if (strcasecmp(format, "RGB") == 0) { depth = 3; } else if(strcasecmp(format, "GRAY8") == 0) { depth = 1; } } #endif if (depth == 0) { close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } vx_imagepatch_addressing_t decodedImageAddr; decodedImageAddr.dim_x = width; decodedImageAddr.dim_y = height; decodedImageAddr.stride_x = depth; // GStreamer uses as stride width rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4 decodedImageAddr.stride_y = ((width*depth+3)/4)*4; decodedImageAddr.scale_x = 1; decodedImageAddr.scale_y = 1; vx_image decodedImage = NULL; vx_df_image_e vx_type_map[5] = { VX_DF_IMAGE_VIRT, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8, VX_DF_IMAGE_VIRT, VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB, VX_DF_IMAGE_RGBX }; // fetch image width and height vx_uint32 actual_width, actual_height; vx_df_image_e actual_format; NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(image, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, (void *)&actual_width, sizeof(actual_width)) ); NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(image, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, (void *)&actual_height, sizeof(actual_height)) ); NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(image, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT, (void *)&actual_format, sizeof(actual_format)) ); bool needScale = width != (int)configuration.frameWidth || height != (int)configuration.frameHeight; // config and actual image sized must be the same! if ((actual_height != configuration.frameHeight) || (actual_width != configuration.frameWidth) || (actual_format != configuration.format)) { close(); NVXIO_THROW_EXCEPTION("Actual image [ " << actual_width << " x " << actual_height << " ] does not equal configuration one [ " << configuration.frameWidth << " x " << configuration.frameHeight << " ]"); } // we assume that decoced image will have no more than 3 channels per pixel if (!devMem) { NVXIO_ASSERT( cudaSuccess == cudaMallocPitch(&devMem, &devMemPitch, width * 3, height) ); } // check if decoded image format has changed if (scaledImage) { vx_df_image_e scaled_format; NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(scaledImage, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT, (void *)&scaled_format, sizeof(scaled_format)) ); if (scaled_format != vx_type_map[depth]) { vxReleaseImage(&scaledImage); scaledImage = NULL; } } if (needScale && !scaledImage) { scaledImage = vxCreateImage(vxContext, configuration.frameWidth, configuration.frameHeight, vx_type_map[depth]); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE( scaledImage ); } #if GST_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 bool needConvert = configuration.format != VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB; void * decodedPtr = GST_BUFFER_DATA(buffer); #else GstMapInfo info; gboolean success = gst_buffer_map(buffer, &info, (GstMapFlags)GST_MAP_READ); if (!success) { printf("GStreamer: unable to map buffer\n"); close(); return FrameSource::CLOSED; } bool needConvert = configuration.format != vx_type_map[depth]; void * decodedPtr =; #endif if (!needConvert && !needScale) { decodedImage = vxCreateImageFromHandle(vxContext, vx_type_map[depth], &decodedImageAddr, &decodedPtr, VX_IMPORT_TYPE_HOST); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE( decodedImage ); NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( nvxuCopyImage(vxContext, decodedImage, image) ); } else { // 1. upload decoced image to CUDA buffer NVXIO_ASSERT( cudaSuccess == cudaMemcpy2D(devMem, devMemPitch, decodedPtr, decodedImageAddr.stride_y, decodedImageAddr.dim_x * depth, decodedImageAddr.dim_y, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) ); // 2. create vx_image wrapper for decoded buffer decodedImageAddr.stride_y = static_cast<vx_int32>(devMemPitch); decodedImage = vxCreateImageFromHandle(vxContext, vx_type_map[depth], &decodedImageAddr, &devMem, NVX_IMPORT_TYPE_CUDA); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE( decodedImage ); if (needScale) { // 3. scale image NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxuScaleImage(vxContext, decodedImage, scaledImage, VX_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_BILINEAR) ); // 4. convert to dst image NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxuColorConvert(vxContext, scaledImage, image) ); } else { // 3. convert to dst image NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxuColorConvert(vxContext, decodedImage, image) ); } } #if GST_VERSION_MAJOR != 0 gst_buffer_unmap(buffer, &info); #endif NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxReleaseImage(&decodedImage) ); return FrameSource::OK; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { nvxio::Application &app = nvxio::Application::get(); // // Parse command line arguments // std::string sourceUri = app.findSampleFilePath("cars.mp4"); std::string configFile = app.findSampleFilePath("feature_tracker_demo_config.ini"); app.setDescription("This demo demonstrates Feature Tracker algorithm"); app.addOption('s', "source", "Source URI", nvxio::OptionHandler::string(&sourceUri)); app.addOption('c', "config", "Config file path", nvxio::OptionHandler::string(&configFile)); #if defined USE_OPENCV || defined USE_GSTREAMER std::string maskFile; app.addOption('m', "mask", "Optional mask", nvxio::OptionHandler::string(&maskFile)); #endif app.init(argc, argv); // // Create OpenVX context // nvxio::ContextGuard context; // // Reads and checks input parameters // nvx::FeatureTracker::HarrisPyrLKParams params; std::string error; if (!read(configFile, params, error)) { std::cout<<error; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_VALUE; } // // Create a Frame Source // std::unique_ptr<nvxio::FrameSource> source( nvxio::createDefaultFrameSource(context, sourceUri)); if (!source || !source->open()) { std::cerr << "Can't open source URI " << sourceUri << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RESOURCE; } if (source->getSourceType() == nvxio::FrameSource::SINGLE_IMAGE_SOURCE) { std::cerr << "Can't work on a single image." << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_FORMAT; } nvxio::FrameSource::Parameters sourceParams = source->getConfiguration(); // // Create a Render // std::unique_ptr<nvxio::Render> renderer(nvxio::createDefaultRender( context, "Feature Tracker Demo", sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight)); if (!renderer) { std::cerr << "Can't create a renderer" << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RENDER; } EventData eventData; renderer->setOnKeyboardEventCallback(eventCallback, &eventData); // // Messages generated by the OpenVX framework will be processed by nvxio::stdoutLogCallback // vxRegisterLogCallback(context, &nvxio::stdoutLogCallback, vx_false_e); // // Create OpenVX Image to hold frames from video source // vx_image frameExemplar = vxCreateImage(context, sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight, sourceParams.format); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE(frameExemplar); vx_delay frame_delay = vxCreateDelay(context, (vx_reference)frameExemplar, 2); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE(frame_delay); vxReleaseImage(&frameExemplar); vx_image prevFrame = (vx_image)vxGetReferenceFromDelay(frame_delay, -1); vx_image frame = (vx_image)vxGetReferenceFromDelay(frame_delay, 0); // // Load mask image if needed // vx_image mask = NULL; #if defined USE_OPENCV || defined USE_GSTREAMER if (!maskFile.empty()) { mask = nvxio::loadImageFromFile(context, maskFile, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8); vx_uint32 mask_width = 0, mask_height = 0; NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(mask, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, &mask_width, sizeof(mask_width)) ); NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(mask, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, &mask_height, sizeof(mask_height)) ); if (mask_width != sourceParams.frameWidth || mask_height != sourceParams.frameHeight) { std::cerr << "The mask must have the same size as the input source." << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_DIMENSIONS; } } #endif // // Create FeatureTracker instance // std::unique_ptr<nvx::FeatureTracker> tracker(nvx::FeatureTracker::createHarrisPyrLK(context, params)); nvxio::FrameSource::FrameStatus frameStatus; do { frameStatus = source->fetch(frame); } while (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT); if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::CLOSED) { std::cerr << "Source has no frames" << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_FRAMESOURCE; } tracker->init(frame, mask); vxAgeDelay(frame_delay); // // Run processing loop // nvx::Timer totalTimer; totalTimer.tic(); double proc_ms = 0; while (!eventData.shouldStop) { if (!eventData.pause) { frameStatus = source->fetch(frame); if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT) { continue; } if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::CLOSED) { if (!source->open()) { std::cerr << "Failed to reopen the source" << std::endl; break; } continue; } // // Process // nvx::Timer procTimer; procTimer.tic(); tracker->track(frame, mask); proc_ms = procTimer.toc(); // // Print performance results // tracker->printPerfs(); } // // show the previous frame // renderer->putImage(prevFrame); // // Draw arrows & state // drawArrows(renderer.get(), tracker->getPrevFeatures(), tracker->getCurrFeatures()); double total_ms = totalTimer.toc(); std::cout << "Display Time : " << total_ms << " ms" << std::endl << std::endl; // // Add a delay to limit frame rate // app.sleepToLimitFPS(total_ms); total_ms = totalTimer.toc(); totalTimer.tic(); displayState(renderer.get(), sourceParams, proc_ms, total_ms); if (!renderer->flush()) { eventData.shouldStop = true; } if (!eventData.pause) { vxAgeDelay(frame_delay); } } // // Release all objects // vxReleaseImage(&mask); vxReleaseDelay(&frame_delay); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS; }
void convertFrame(vx_context vxContext, vx_image frame, const FrameSource::Parameters & configuration, vx_imagepatch_addressing_t & decodedImageAddr, void * decodedPtr, bool is_cuda, void *& devMem, size_t & devMemPitch, vx_image & scaledImage ) { vx_df_image_e vx_type_map[5] = { VX_DF_IMAGE_VIRT, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8, VX_DF_IMAGE_VIRT, VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB, VX_DF_IMAGE_RGBX }; vx_df_image_e decodedFormat = vx_type_map[decodedImageAddr.stride_x]; // fetch image width and height vx_uint32 frameWidth, frameHeight; vx_df_image_e frameFormat; NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(frame, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, (void *)&frameWidth, sizeof(frameWidth)) ); NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(frame, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, (void *)&frameHeight, sizeof(frameHeight)) ); NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(frame, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT, (void *)&frameFormat, sizeof(frameFormat)) ); bool needScale = frameWidth != decodedImageAddr.dim_x || frameHeight != decodedImageAddr.dim_y; bool needConvert = frameFormat != decodedFormat; // config and actual image sized must be the same! if ((frameWidth != configuration.frameWidth) || (frameHeight != configuration.frameHeight)) { NVXIO_THROW_EXCEPTION("Actual image [ " << frameWidth << " x " << frameHeight << " ] is not equal to configuration one [ " << configuration.frameWidth << " x " << configuration.frameHeight << " ]"); } // allocate CUDA memory to copy decoded image to if (!is_cuda) { if (!devMem) { // we assume that decoded image will have no more than 4 channels per pixel NVXIO_ASSERT( cudaSuccess == cudaMallocPitch(&devMem, &devMemPitch, decodedImageAddr.dim_x * 4, decodedImageAddr.dim_y) ); } } // check if decoded image format has changed if (scaledImage) { vx_df_image_e scaledFormat; NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxQueryImage(scaledImage, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT, (void *)&scaledFormat, sizeof(scaledFormat)) ); if (scaledFormat != decodedFormat) { NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxReleaseImage(&scaledImage) ); scaledImage = NULL; } } if (needScale && !scaledImage) { scaledImage = vxCreateImage(vxContext, frameWidth, frameHeight, decodedFormat); NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE( scaledImage ); } vx_image decodedImage = NULL; // 1. create vx_image wrapper if (is_cuda) { // a. create vx_image wrapper from CUDA pointer decodedImage = vxCreateImageFromHandle(vxContext, decodedFormat, &decodedImageAddr, &decodedPtr, NVX_IMPORT_TYPE_CUDA); } else { // a. upload decoded image to CUDA buffer NVXIO_ASSERT( cudaSuccess == cudaMemcpy2D(devMem, devMemPitch, decodedPtr, decodedImageAddr.stride_y, decodedImageAddr.dim_x * decodedImageAddr.stride_x, decodedImageAddr.dim_y, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) ); // b. create vx_image wrapper for decoded buffer decodedImageAddr.stride_y = static_cast<vx_int32>(devMemPitch); decodedImage = vxCreateImageFromHandle(vxContext, decodedFormat, &decodedImageAddr, &devMem, NVX_IMPORT_TYPE_CUDA); } NVXIO_CHECK_REFERENCE( decodedImage ); // 2. scale if necessary if (needScale) { // a. scale image NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxuScaleImage(vxContext, decodedImage, scaledImage, VX_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_BILINEAR) ); } else { scaledImage = decodedImage; } // 3. convert / copy to dst image if (needConvert) { NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxuColorConvert(vxContext, scaledImage, frame) ); } else { NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( nvxuCopyImage(vxContext, scaledImage, frame) ); } if (!needScale) scaledImage = NULL; NVXIO_SAFE_CALL( vxReleaseImage(&decodedImage) ); }