コード例 #1
ファイル: n_les_assemble.c プロジェクト: rashadkm/grass_cmake
 * \brief Assemble a linear equation system (les) based on 2d location data  (raster)
 * The linear equation system type can be set to N_NORMAL_LES to create a regular
 * matrix, or to N_SPARSE_LES to create a sparse matrix. This function returns
 * a new created linear equation system which can be solved with 
 * linear equation solvers. An 2d array with start values and an 2d status array
 * must be provided as well as the location geometry and a void pointer to data 
 * passed to the callback which creates the les row entries. This callback
 * must be defined in the N_les_callback_2d strcuture.
 * The creation of the les is parallelized with OpenMP. 
 * If you implement new callbacks, please make sure that the 
 * function calls are thread safe.
 * the les can be created in two ways, with dirichlet and similar cells and without them,
 * to spare some memory. If the les is created with dirichlet cell, the dirichlet boundary condition
 * must be added.
 * \param les_type int
 * \param geom      N_geom_data*
 * \param status    N_array_2d *
 * \param start_val N_array_2d *
 * \param data void *
 * \param cell_type int  -- les assemble based on N_CELL_ACTIVE or N_CELL_DIRICHLET
 * \param call N_les_callback_2d *
 * \return N_les *
 * */
N_les *N_assemble_les_2d_param(int les_type, N_geom_data * geom,
			       N_array_2d * status, N_array_2d * start_val,
			       void *data, N_les_callback_2d * call,
			       int cell_type)
    int i, j, count = 0, pos = 0;
    int cell_type_count = 0;
    int **index_ij;
    N_array_2d *cell_count;
    N_les *les = NULL;

	    "N_assemble_les_2d: starting to assemble the linear equation system");

    /* At first count the number of valid cells and save 
     * each number in a new 2d array. Those numbers are used 
     * to create the linear equation system.
     * */

    cell_count = N_alloc_array_2d(geom->cols, geom->rows, 1, CELL_TYPE);

    /* include dirichlet cells in the les */
    if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
	for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		/*use all non-inactive cells for les creation */
		if (N_CELL_INACTIVE < N_get_array_2d_c_value(status, i, j) &&
		    N_get_array_2d_c_value(status, i, j) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE)
    /*use only active cell in the les */
    if (cell_type == N_CELL_ACTIVE) {
	for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		/*count only active cells */
		if (N_CELL_ACTIVE == N_get_array_2d_d_value(status, i, j))

    G_debug(2, "N_assemble_les_2d: number of used cells %i\n",

    if (cell_type_count == 0)
	    ("Not enough cells [%i] to create the linear equation system. Check the cell status. Only active cells (value = 1) are used to create the equation system.",

    /* Then allocate the memory for the linear equation system (les). 
     * Only valid cells are used to create the les. */
    index_ij = (int **)G_calloc(cell_type_count, sizeof(int *));
    for (i = 0; i < cell_type_count; i++)
	index_ij[i] = (int *)G_calloc(2, sizeof(int));

    les = N_alloc_les_Ax_b(cell_type_count, les_type);

    count = 0;

    /*count the number of cells which should be used to create the linear equation system */
    /*save the i and j indices and create a ordered numbering */
    for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
	for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
	    /*count every non-inactive cell */
	    if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
		if (N_CELL_INACTIVE < N_get_array_2d_c_value(status, i, j) &&
		    N_get_array_2d_c_value(status, i, j) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE) {
		    N_put_array_2d_c_value(cell_count, i, j, count);
		    index_ij[count][0] = i;
		    index_ij[count][1] = j;
			    "N_assemble_les_2d: non-inactive cells count %i at pos x[%i] y[%i]\n",
			    count, i, j);
		/*count every active cell */
	    else if (N_CELL_ACTIVE == N_get_array_2d_c_value(status, i, j)) {
		N_put_array_2d_c_value(cell_count, i, j, count);
		index_ij[count][0] = i;
		index_ij[count][1] = j;
			"N_assemble_les_2d: active cells count %i at pos x[%i] y[%i]\n",
			count, i, j);

    G_debug(2, "N_assemble_les_2d: starting the parallel assemble loop");

    /* Assemble the matrix in parallel */
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, pos, count) schedule(static)
    for (count = 0; count < cell_type_count; count++) {
	i = index_ij[count][0];
	j = index_ij[count][1];

	/*create the entries for the */
	N_data_star *items = call->callback(data, geom, i, j);

	/* we need a sparse vector pointer anytime */
	G_math_spvector *spvect = NULL;

	/*allocate a sprase vector */
	if (les_type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect = G_math_alloc_spvector(items->count);
	/* initial conditions */
	les->x[count] = N_get_array_2d_d_value(start_val, i, j);

	/* the entry in the vector b */
	les->b[count] = items->V;

	/* pos describes the position in the sparse vector.
	 * the first entry is always the diagonal entry of the matrix*/
	pos = 0;

	if (les_type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect->index[pos] = count;
	    spvect->values[pos] = items->C;
	else {
	    les->A[count][count] = items->C;
	/* western neighbour, entry is col - 1 */
	if (i > 0) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, -1, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->W,
	/* eastern neighbour, entry col + 1 */
	if (i < geom->cols - 1) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, 1, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->E,
	/* northern neighbour, entry row - 1 */
	if (j > 0) {
	    pos =
		make_les_entry_2d(i, j, 0, -1, count, pos, les, spvect,
				  cell_count, status, start_val, items->N,
	/* southern neighbour, entry row + 1 */
	if (j < geom->rows - 1) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, 0, 1, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->S,
	/*in case of a nine point star, we have additional entries */
	if (items->type == N_9_POINT_STAR) {
	    /* north-western neighbour, entry is col - 1 row - 1 */
	    if (i > 0 && j > 0) {
		pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, -1, -1, count, pos, les, spvect,
					cell_count, status, start_val,
					items->NW, cell_type);
	    /* north-eastern neighbour, entry col + 1 row - 1 */
	    if (i < geom->cols - 1 && j > 0) {
		pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, 1, -1, count, pos, les, spvect,
					cell_count, status, start_val,
					items->NE, cell_type);
	    /* south-western neighbour, entry is col - 1 row + 1 */
	    if (i > 0 && j < geom->rows - 1) {
		pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, -1, 1, count, pos, les, spvect,
					cell_count, status, start_val,
					items->SW, cell_type);
	    /* south-eastern neighbour, entry col + 1 row + 1 */
	    if (i < geom->cols - 1 && j < geom->rows - 1) {
		pos = make_les_entry_2d(i, j, 1, 1, count, pos, les, spvect,
					cell_count, status, start_val,
					items->SE, cell_type);

	/*How many entries in the les */
	if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect->cols = pos + 1;
	    G_math_add_spvector(les->Asp, spvect, count);

	if (items)

    /*release memory */

    for (i = 0; i < cell_type_count; i++)


    return les;
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_les.c プロジェクト: imincik/pkg-grass
/* *************************************************************** */
int test_les(void)
    N_spvector *spvector = NULL;
    N_les *les = NULL;
    N_les *sples = NULL;
    int i, j;

    les = N_alloc_les(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_les_A(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_les_Ax(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_les_Ax_b(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_nquad_les(6, 3, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_nquad_les_A(6, 3, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_nquad_les_Ax(6, 3, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_nquad_les_Ax_b(6, 3, N_NORMAL_LES);

    les = N_alloc_les(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_NORMAL_LES);
    sples = N_alloc_les(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_SPARSE_LES);

    G_message(_("\t * testing les creation in parallel\n"));
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j) shared(les)
    for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; j++) {
	    if (i != j)
		les->A[i][j] = 2e-2;
	    les->A[i][i] = -1e2 - i;
	les->x[i] = 273.15 + i;
	les->b[i] = 1e2 - i;

#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j) shared(sples, spvector)
    for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; i++) {
	spvector = N_alloc_spvector(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS);

	for (j = 0; j < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; j++)
	    if (i != j)
		spvector->index[j] = 2e-2;

	spvector->index[0] = i;
	spvector->values[0] = -1e2 - i;

	N_add_spvector_to_les(sples, spvector, i);
	sples->x[i] = 273.15 + i;
	sples->b[i] = 1e2 - i;


    G_message(_("\t * testing les creation in serial\n"));

    les = N_alloc_les(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_NORMAL_LES);
    sples = N_alloc_les(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS, N_SPARSE_LES);

    for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; j++) {
	    if (i != j)
		les->A[i][j] = 2e-2;
	    les->A[i][i] = -1e2 - i;
	les->x[i] = 273.15 + i;
	les->b[i] = 1e2 - i;

    for (i = 0; i < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; i++) {
	spvector = N_alloc_spvector(TEST_N_NUM_ROWS);

	for (j = 0; j < TEST_N_NUM_ROWS; j++)
	    if (i != j)
		spvector->index[j] = 2e-2;

	spvector->index[0] = i;
	spvector->values[0] = -1e2 - i;

	N_add_spvector_to_les(sples, spvector, i);
	sples->x[i] = 273.15 + i;
	sples->b[i] = 1e2 - i;


    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: n_les_assemble.c プロジェクト: rashadkm/grass_cmake
 * \brief Assemble a linear equation system (les) based on 3d location data (g3d)
 * The linear equation system type can be set to N_NORMAL_LES to create a regular
 * matrix, or to N_SPARSE_LES to create a sparse matrix. This function returns
 * a new created linear equation system which can be solved with 
 * linear equation solvers. An 3d array with start values and an 3d status array
 * must be provided as well as the location geometry and a void pointer to data 
 * passed to the callback which creates the les row entries. This callback
 * must be defined in the N_les_callback_3d structure.
 * The creation of the les is parallelized with OpenMP. 
 * If you implement new callbacks, please make sure that the 
 * function calls are thread safe.
 * the les can be created in two ways, with dirichlet and similar cells and without them,
 * to spare some memory. If the les is created with dirichlet cell, the dirichlet boundary condition
 * must be added.
 * \param les_type int
 * \param geom      N_geom_data*
 * \param status    N_array_3d *
 * \param start_val N_array_3d *
 * \param data void *
 * \param call N_les_callback_3d *
 * \param cell_type int  -- les assemble based on N_CELL_ACTIVE or N_CELL_DIRICHLET
 * \return N_les *
 * */
N_les *N_assemble_les_3d_param(int les_type, N_geom_data * geom,
			       N_array_3d * status, N_array_3d * start_val,
			       void *data, N_les_callback_3d * call,
			       int cell_type)
    int i, j, k, count = 0, pos = 0;
    int cell_type_count = 0;
    N_array_3d *cell_count;
    N_les *les = NULL;
    int **index_ij;

	    "N_assemble_les_3d: starting to assemble the linear equation system");

    cell_count =
	N_alloc_array_3d(geom->cols, geom->rows, geom->depths, 1, DCELL_TYPE);

    /* First count the number of valid cells and save  
     * each number in a new 3d array. Those numbers are used 
     * to create the linear equation system.*/

    if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
	/* include dirichlet cells in the les */
	for (k = 0; k < geom->depths; k++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		    /*use all non-inactive cells for les creation */
		    if (N_CELL_INACTIVE <
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k) &&
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j,
						    k) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE)
    else {
	/*use only active cell in the les */
	for (k = 0; k < geom->depths; k++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		    /*count only active cells */
		    if (N_CELL_ACTIVE
			== (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k))


	    "N_assemble_les_3d: number of  used cells %i\n", cell_type_count);

    if (cell_type_count == 0.0)
	    ("Not enough active cells [%i] to create the linear equation system. Check the cell status. Only active cells (value = 1) are used to create the equation system.",

    /* allocate the memory for the linear equation system (les). 
     * Only valid cells are used to create the les. */
    les = N_alloc_les_Ax_b(cell_type_count, les_type);

    index_ij = (int **)G_calloc(cell_type_count, sizeof(int *));
    for (i = 0; i < cell_type_count; i++)
	index_ij[i] = (int *)G_calloc(3, sizeof(int));

    count = 0;
    /*count the number of cells which should be used to create the linear equation system */
    /*save the k, i and j indices and create a ordered numbering */
    for (k = 0; k < geom->depths; k++) {
	for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
		    if (N_CELL_INACTIVE <
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k) &&
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j,
						    k) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE) {
			N_put_array_3d_d_value(cell_count, i, j, k, count);
			index_ij[count][0] = i;
			index_ij[count][1] = j;
			index_ij[count][2] = k;
				"N_assemble_les_3d: non-inactive cells count %i at pos x[%i] y[%i] z[%i]\n",
				count, i, j, k);
		else if (N_CELL_ACTIVE ==
			 (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k)) {
		    N_put_array_3d_d_value(cell_count, i, j, k, count);
		    index_ij[count][0] = i;
		    index_ij[count][1] = j;
		    index_ij[count][2] = k;
			    "N_assemble_les_3d: active cells count %i at pos x[%i] y[%i] z[%i]\n",
			    count, i, j, k);

    G_debug(2, "N_assemble_les_3d: starting the parallel assemble loop");

#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, k, pos, count) schedule(static)
    for (count = 0; count < cell_type_count; count++) {
	i = index_ij[count][0];
	j = index_ij[count][1];
	k = index_ij[count][2];

	/*create the entries for the */
	N_data_star *items = call->callback(data, geom, i, j, k);

	G_math_spvector *spvect = NULL;

	/*allocate a sprase vector */
	if (les_type == N_SPARSE_LES)
	    spvect = G_math_alloc_spvector(items->count);
	/* initial conditions */

	les->x[count] = N_get_array_3d_d_value(start_val, i, j, k);

	/* the entry in the vector b */
	les->b[count] = items->V;

	/* pos describes the position in the sparse vector.
	 * the first entry is always the diagonal entry of the matrix*/
	pos = 0;

	if (les_type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect->index[pos] = count;
	    spvect->values[pos] = items->C;
	else {
	    les->A[count][count] = items->C;
	/* western neighbour, entry is col - 1 */
	if (i > 0) {
	    pos =
		make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, -1, 0, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				  cell_count, status, start_val, items->W,
	/* eastern neighbour, entry col + 1 */
	if (i < geom->cols - 1) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 1, 0, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->E,
	/* northern neighbour, entry row -1 */
	if (j > 0) {
	    pos =
		make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, -1, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				  cell_count, status, start_val, items->N,
	/* southern neighbour, entry row +1 */
	if (j < geom->rows - 1) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, 1, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->S,
	/*only for a 7 star entry needed */
	if (items->type == N_7_POINT_STAR || items->type == N_27_POINT_STAR) {
	    /* the upper cell (top), entry depth + 1 */
	    if (k < geom->depths - 1) {
		pos =
		    make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, 0, 1, count, pos, les,
				      spvect, cell_count, status, start_val,
				      items->T, cell_type);
	    /* the lower cell (bottom), entry depth - 1 */
	    if (k > 0) {
		pos =
		    make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, 0, -1, count, pos, les,
				      spvect, cell_count, status, start_val,
				      items->B, cell_type);

	/*How many entries in the les */
	if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect->cols = pos + 1;
	    G_math_add_spvector(les->Asp, spvect, count);

	if (items)


    for (i = 0; i < cell_type_count; i++)


    return les;