コード例 #1
 * Request boot up voltage
 * @param[in]  LinkCap             Global GEN capability
 * @param[in]  Pcie                Pointer to PCIe configuration data area
PcieFmSetBootUpVoltage (
  IN      PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CAP   LinkCap,
  FCRxFE00_70A2_STRUCT  FCRxFE00_70A2;
  D18F3x15C_STRUCT      D18F3x15C;
  UINT8                 TargetVidIndex;
  UINT32                Temp;
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieFmSetBootUpVoltage Enter\n");
  ASSERT (LinkCap <= PcieGen2);
  GnbLibPciRead (
    MAKE_SBDFO ( 0, 0, 0x18, 3, D18F3x15C_ADDRESS),
    GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie)
  Temp = D18F3x15C.Value;
  if (LinkCap > PcieGen1) {
    FCRxFE00_70A2.Value = NbSmuReadEfuse (FCRxFE00_70A2_ADDRESS, GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
    TargetVidIndex = (UINT8) FCRxFE00_70A2.Field.PcieGen2Vid;
  } else {
    TargetVidIndex = PcieSiliconGetGen1VoltageIndex (GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (PCIE_MISC, "  Set Voltage for Gen %d, Vid Index %d\n", LinkCap, TargetVidIndex);
  if (TargetVidIndex == 3) {
    D18F3x15C.Field.SclkVidLevel2 = D18F3x15C.Field.SclkVidLevel3;
    GnbLibPciWrite (
      MAKE_SBDFO ( 0, 0, 0x18, 3, D18F3x15C_ADDRESS),
      GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie)
    PcieSiliconRequestVoltage (2, GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
  GnbLibPciWrite (
    MAKE_SBDFO ( 0, 0, 0x18, 3, D18F3x15C_ADDRESS),
    GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie)
  PcieSiliconRequestVoltage (TargetVidIndex, GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie));
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieFmSetBootUpVoltage Exit\n");
コード例 #2
 * Family 14h core 0 entry point for performing power plane initialization.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. BIOS must initialize D18F3xD8[VSRampSlamTime].
 *    2. BIOS must configure D18F3xA0[PsiVidEn & PsiVid] and
 *       D18F3x128[NbPsiVidEn & NbPsiVid].
 *    3. BIOS must program D18F3xDC[NbPs0Vid] = FCRxFE00_6000[NbPs0Vid] - 1.
 *       BIOS must program D18F3xDC[NbPs0Vid] = FCRxFE00_6000[NbPs0Vid].
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F14PmPwrPlaneInit (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32                SystemSlewRate;
  UINT32                PciRegister;
  UINT32                WaitTime;
  UINT32                VSRampSlamTime;
  PCI_ADDR              PciAddress;
  FCRxFE00_6000_STRUCT  FCRxFE00_6000;

  // Step 1 - Configure D18F3xD8[VSRampSlamTime] based on platform requirements.
  // Voltage Ramp Time = maximum time to change voltage by 12.5mV rounded to the next higher encoding.
  SystemSlewRate = (CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.VrmProperties[CoreVrm].SlewRate <=
                    CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.VrmProperties[NbVrm].SlewRate) ?
                    CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.VrmProperties[CoreVrm].SlewRate :

  ASSERT (SystemSlewRate != 0);

  // First, calculate the time it takes to change 12.5mV using the VRM slew rate.
  WaitTime = (12500 * 100) / SystemSlewRate;
  if (((12500 * 100) % SystemSlewRate) != 0) {

  // Next, round it to the appropriate encoded value.  We will start from encoding 111b which corresponds
  // to the fastest slew rate, and work our way down to 000b, which represents the slowest an acceptable
  // VRM can be.
  for (VSRampSlamTime = ((sizeof (F14VSRampSlamWaitTimes) / sizeof (F14VSRampSlamWaitTimes[0])) - 1); VSRampSlamTime > 0; VSRampSlamTime--) {
    if (WaitTime <= F14VSRampSlamWaitTimes[VSRampSlamTime]) {

  if (WaitTime > F14VSRampSlamWaitTimes[0]) {
    // The VRMs on this motherboard are too slow for this CPU.

  // Lastly, program D18F3xD8[VSRampSlamTime] with the appropriate encoded value.
  PciAddress.AddressValue = CPTC1_PCI_ADDR;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL1_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->VSRampSlamTime = VSRampSlamTime;
  LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);

  // Step 2 - Configure D18F3xA0[PsiVidEn & PsiVid] and D18F3x128[NbPsiVidEn & NbPsiVid].
  F14PmVrmLowPowerModeEnable (FamilySpecificServices, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);

  // Step 3 - Program D18F3xDC[NbPs0Vid] = FCRxFE00_6000[NbPs0Vid] - 1.
  //          Program D18F3xDC[NbPs0Vid] = FCRxFE00_6000[NbPs0Vid].
  FCRxFE00_6000.Value = NbSmuReadEfuse (FCRxFE00_6000_ADDRESS, StdHeader);

  F14EarlySampleCoreSupport.F14PowerPlaneInitHook (&FCRxFE00_6000, StdHeader);

  PciAddress.AddressValue = CPTC2_PCI_ADDR;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->NbPs0Vid = FCRxFE00_6000.Field.NbPs0Vid - 1;
  LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->NbPs0Vid = FCRxFE00_6000.Field.NbPs0Vid;
  LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);