void *executeEventLoop() { /* The event loop. Put other processing you need done continually in here */ while (1 != g_end_stack) { if (kEipStatusOk != NetworkHandlerProcessOnce() ) { OPENER_TRACE_ERR("Error in NetworkHandler loop! Exiting OpENer!\n"); break; } } }
int main(int argc, char *arg[]) { EipUint16 nUniqueConnectionID; if (argc != 2) { printf("Wrong number of command line parameters!\n"); printf("The correct command line parameters are:\n"); printf( "./OpENer ip-address\n"); printf( " e.g. ./OpENer\n"); exit(0); } else { DoublyLinkedListInitialize(&connection_list, CipConnectionObjectListArrayAllocator, CipConnectionObjectListArrayFree); /* fetch Internet address info from the platform */ ConfigureDomainName(); ConfigureHostName(); ConfigureNetworkInterface(arg[1] ); } /*for a real device the serial number should be unique per device */ SetDeviceSerialNumber(123456789); /* nUniqueConnectionID should be sufficiently random or incremented and stored * in non-volatile memory each time the device boots. */ nUniqueConnectionID = rand(); /* Setup the CIP Layer */ CipStackInit(nUniqueConnectionID); /* Setup Network Handles */ if ( kEipStatusOk == NetworkHandlerInitialize() ) { g_end_stack = 0; #ifndef WIN32 /* register for closing signals so that we can trigger the stack to end */ signal(SIGHUP, LeaveStack); #endif /* The event loop. Put other processing you need done continually in here */ while (1 != g_end_stack) { if ( kEipStatusOk != NetworkHandlerProcessOnce() ) { break; } } /* clean up network state */ NetworkHandlerFinish(); } /* close remaining sessions and connections, cleanup used data */ ShutdownCipStack(); return -1; }
int main(int argc, char *arg[]) { EipUint8 acMyMACAddress[6]; EipUint16 nUniqueConnectionID; if (argc != 12) { printf("Wrong number of command line parameters!\n"); printf("The correct command line parameters are:\n"); printf( "./OpENer ipaddress subnetmask gateway domainname hostaddress macaddress\n"); printf( " e.g. ./OpENer test.com testdevice 00 15 C5 BF D0 87\n"); exit(0); } else { /* fetch Internet address info from the platform */ ConfigureNetworkInterface(arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]); ConfigureDomainName(arg[4]); ConfigureHostName(arg[5]); acMyMACAddress[0] = (EipUint8) strtoul(arg[6], NULL, 16); acMyMACAddress[1] = (EipUint8) strtoul(arg[7], NULL, 16); acMyMACAddress[2] = (EipUint8) strtoul(arg[8], NULL, 16); acMyMACAddress[3] = (EipUint8) strtoul(arg[9], NULL, 16); acMyMACAddress[4] = (EipUint8) strtoul(arg[10], NULL, 16); acMyMACAddress[5] = (EipUint8) strtoul(arg[11], NULL, 16); ConfigureMacAddress(acMyMACAddress); } /*for a real device the serial number should be unique per device */ SetDeviceSerialNumber(123456789); /* nUniqueConnectionID should be sufficiently random or incremented and stored * in non-volatile memory each time the device boots. */ nUniqueConnectionID = rand(); /* Setup the CIP Layer */ CipStackInit(nUniqueConnectionID); /* Setup Network Handles */ if (kEipStatusOk == NetworkHandlerInitialize()) { g_end_stack = 0; #ifndef WIN32 /* register for closing signals so that we can trigger the stack to end */ signal(SIGHUP, LeaveStack); #endif /* The event loop. Put other processing you need done continually in here */ while (1 != g_end_stack) { if (kEipStatusOk != NetworkHandlerProcessOnce()) { break; } } /* clean up network state */ NetworkHandlerFinish(); } /* close remaining sessions and connections, cleanup used data */ ShutdownCipStack(); return -1; }