コード例 #1
ファイル: X11Display.c プロジェクト: Pooouf/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver
 * Method:    CompleteDisplay
 * Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_CompleteDisplay0
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong display)
    Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    jlong javaObjectAtom;
    jlong windowDeleteAtom;

    if(dpy==NULL) {
        NewtCommon_FatalError(env, "invalid display connection..");

    javaObjectAtom = (jlong) XInternAtom(dpy, "NEWT_JAVA_OBJECT", False);
    if(None==javaObjectAtom) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not create Atom NEWT_JAVA_OBJECT, bail out!");

    windowDeleteAtom = (jlong) XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
    if(None==windowDeleteAtom) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not create Atom WM_DELETE_WINDOW, bail out!");

    // XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, RetainTemporary); // Just a try ..

    DBG_PRINT("X11: X11Display_completeDisplay dpy %p\n", dpy);

    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, displayCompletedID, javaObjectAtom, windowDeleteAtom);
コード例 #2
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: DashAndSlash/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorViewport0
 * Signature: (J)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorViewport0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong monitorInfo)
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;

    if( NULL == xrrCrtcInfo ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;

    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    jsize propCount = 4;
    jint prop[ propCount ];
    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height;

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, propCount);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", propCount);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, propCount, prop);
    return properties;
コード例 #3
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: 465060874/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorCurrentMode0
 * Signature: (JJ)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorCurrentMode0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong screenResources, jlong monitorInfo)
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;

    if( NULL == resources || NULL == xrrCrtcInfo ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;

    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    RRMode modeId = xrrCrtcInfo->mode;
    XRRModeInfo *mode = findMode(resources, modeId);
    if( NULL == mode ) {
        // oops ..
        return NULL;

    unsigned int dots = mode->hTotal * mode->vTotal;
    int refresh = (int) ( getVRefresh(mode) * 100.0f ); // Hz * 100
    int flags = 0;
    if (mode->modeFlags & RR_Interlace) {
        flags |= FLAG_INTERLACE;
    if (mode->modeFlags & RR_DoubleScan) {
        flags |= FLAG_DOUBLESCAN;

    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->width;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->height;
    prop[propIndex++] = 32; // TODO: XRandR > 1.4 may support bpp
    prop[propIndex++] = refresh;
    prop[propIndex++] = flags;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->id;
    prop[propIndex++] = NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(env, xrrCrtcInfo->rotation);

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL, prop);
    return properties;
コード例 #4
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: DashAndSlash/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorDevice0
 * Signature: (JJJJ)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorDevice0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display, jlong screenResources, jlong monitorInfo, jint crt_idx)
    Display * dpy = (Display *) (intptr_t) display;
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;

    if( NULL == resources || NULL == xrrCrtcInfo || crt_idx >= resources->ncrtc ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;

    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    RROutput output = xrrCrtcInfo->outputs[0];
    XRROutputInfo * xrrOutputInfo = XRRGetOutputInfo (dpy, resources, output);
    int numModes = xrrOutputInfo->nmode;

    jsize propCount = MIN_MONITOR_DEVICE_PROPERTIES - 1 + numModes;
    jint prop[ propCount ];
    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = propCount;
    prop[propIndex++] = crt_idx;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_height;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->mode; // current mode id
    prop[propIndex++] = NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(env, xrrCrtcInfo->rotation);
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<numModes; i++) {
        // avail modes ..
        prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->modes[i];

    XRRFreeOutputInfo (xrrOutputInfo);

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, propCount);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", propCount);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, propCount, prop);
    return properties;
コード例 #5
ファイル: X11Screen.c プロジェクト: 465060874/jogl
Rotation NewtScreen_Degree2XRotation(JNIEnv *env, int degree) {
    Rotation xrot;
    if(degree == 0) {
      xrot = RR_Rotate_0;
    else if(degree == 90) {
      xrot = RR_Rotate_90;
    else if(degree == 180) {
      xrot = RR_Rotate_180;
    else if(degree == 270) {
      xrot = RR_Rotate_270;
    } else {
      NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid degree: %d", degree);
    return xrot;
コード例 #6
ファイル: X11Screen.c プロジェクト: 465060874/jogl
int NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(JNIEnv *env, Rotation xrotation) {
    int degree;
    if(xrotation == RR_Rotate_0) {
      degree = 0;
    else if(xrotation == RR_Rotate_90) {
      degree = 90;
    else if(xrotation == RR_Rotate_180) {
      degree = 180;
    else if(xrotation == RR_Rotate_270) {
      degree = 270;
    } else {
      NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid native rotation: %d", xrotation);
    return degree;
コード例 #7
ファイル: X11Screen.c プロジェクト: 465060874/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_ScreenDriver
 * Method:    GetRandRVersion0
 * Signature: (J)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_ScreenDriver_getRandRVersion0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display) 
    Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    jint version[2];
    if( 0 == XRRQueryVersion(dpy, &version[0], &version[1] ) ) {
        version[0] = 0;
        version[1] = 0;
    jintArray jversion = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, 2);
    if (jversion == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size 2");
    // move from the temp structure to the java structure
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, jversion, 0, 2, version);
    return jversion;
コード例 #8
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: 465060874/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorDeviceIds0
 * Signature: (J)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorDeviceIds0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong screenResources)
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    int ncrtc = ( NULL != resources ) ? resources->ncrtc : 0;
    jintArray properties = NULL;
    if( 0 < ncrtc ) {
        int crtcs[ncrtc];
        int i;
        for(i=0; i<ncrtc; i++) {
            crtcs[i] = (int)(intptr_t)resources->crtcs[i];
        properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, ncrtc);
        if (properties == NULL) {
            NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", ncrtc);
        (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, ncrtc, crtcs);
    return properties;
コード例 #9
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: DashAndSlash/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorMode0
 * Signature: (JI)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorMode0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong screenResources, jint mode_idx)
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;

    if( NULL == resources || mode_idx >= resources->nmode ) {
        return NULL;

    XRRModeInfo *mode = &resources->modes[mode_idx];
    unsigned int dots = mode->hTotal * mode->vTotal;
    int refresh = (int) ( getVRefresh(mode) * 100.0f ); // Hz * 100
    int flags = 0;
    if (mode->modeFlags & RR_Interlace) {
        flags |= FLAG_INTERLACE;
    if (mode->modeFlags & RR_DoubleScan) {
        flags |= FLAG_DOUBLESCAN;

    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->width;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->height;
    prop[propIndex++] = 32; // TODO: XRandR > 1.4 may support bpp
    prop[propIndex++] = refresh;
    prop[propIndex++] = flags;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->id;
    prop[propIndex++] = -1; // rotation placeholder

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL, prop);
    return properties;
コード例 #10
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: DashAndSlash/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getAvailableRotations0
 * Signature: (J)I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getAvailableRotations0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong monitorInfo)
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;
    if( NULL == xrrCrtcInfo ) {
        return NULL;
    Rotation rotations_supported = xrrCrtcInfo->rotations;

    int num_rotations = 0;
    int rotations[4];
    if(0 != (rotations_supported & RR_Rotate_0)) {
      rotations[num_rotations++] = 0;
    if(0 != (rotations_supported & RR_Rotate_90)) {
      rotations[num_rotations++] = 90;
    if(0 != (rotations_supported & RR_Rotate_180)) {
      rotations[num_rotations++] = 180;
    if(0 != (rotations_supported & RR_Rotate_270)) {
      rotations[num_rotations++] = 270;

    jintArray properties = NULL;

    if(num_rotations>0) {
        properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, num_rotations);
        if (properties == NULL) {
            NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", num_rotations);
        // move from the temp structure to the java structure
        (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, num_rotations, rotations);
    return properties;
コード例 #11
ファイル: X11Event.c プロジェクト: masterav10/jogl
void X11EventPoll(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, Display *dpy, jlong javaObjectAtom, jlong windowDeleteAtom) {
    Atom wm_delete_atom = (Atom)windowDeleteAtom;
    int num_events = 100;
    int autoRepeatModifiers = 0;

    if ( NULL == dpy ) {

    // Periodically take a break
    while( num_events > 0 ) {
        jobject jwindow = NULL;
        XEvent evt;
        KeySym keySym = 0;
        jint modifiers = 0;
        char keyChar = 0;
        char text[255];

        // XEventsQueued(dpy, X):
        //   QueuedAlready    == XQLength(): No I/O Flush or system call  doesn't work on some cards (eg ATI) ?) 
        //   QueuedAfterFlush == XPending(): I/O Flush only if no already queued events are available
        //   QueuedAfterReading            : QueuedAlready + if queue==0, attempt to read more ..
        // if ( 0 >= XPending(dpy) ) 
        if ( 0 >= XEventsQueued(dpy, QueuedAfterFlush) )
            // DBG_PRINT( "X11: DispatchMessages 0x%X - Leave 1\n", dpy); 

        XNextEvent(dpy, &evt);

        if(dpy!=evt.xany.display) {
            NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "wrong display, bail out!");
            return ;

        if( 0==evt.xany.window ) {
            DBG_PRINT( "X11: DispatchMessages dpy %p, Event %d - Window NULL, ignoring\n", (void*)dpy, (int)evt.type);

        // DBG_PRINT( "X11: DispatchMessages dpy %p, win %p, Event %d\n", (void*)dpy, (void*)evt.xany.window, (int)evt.type);

        jwindow = getJavaWindowProperty(env, dpy, evt.xany.window, javaObjectAtom,
        #ifdef VERBOSE_ON

        if(NULL==jwindow) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning: NEWT X11 DisplayDispatch %p, Couldn't handle event %d for X11 window %p\n", (void*)dpy, evt.type, (void*)evt.xany.window);
        switch(evt.type) {
            case KeyRelease:
                if (XEventsQueued(dpy, QueuedAfterReading)) {
                  XEvent nevt;
                  XPeekEvent(dpy, &nevt);

                  if (nevt.type == KeyPress && nevt.xkey.time == evt.xkey.time &&
                      nevt.xkey.keycode == evt.xkey.keycode)
                    autoRepeatModifiers |= EVENT_AUTOREPEAT_MASK;
                  } else {
                    autoRepeatModifiers &= ~EVENT_AUTOREPEAT_MASK;
                // fall through intended
            case KeyPress:
                if(XLookupString(&evt.xkey,text,255,&keySym,0)==1) {
                    KeySym lower_return = 0, upper_return = 0;
                    XConvertCase(keySym, &lower_return, &upper_return);
                    // always return upper case, set modifier masks (SHIFT, ..)
                    keySym = X11KeySym2NewtVKey(upper_return);
                } else {
                    keySym = X11KeySym2NewtVKey(keySym);
                modifiers |= X11InputState2NewtModifiers(evt.xkey.state) | autoRepeatModifiers;

            case ButtonPress:
            case ButtonRelease:
            case MotionNotify:
                modifiers |= X11InputState2NewtModifiers(evt.xbutton.state);


        switch(evt.type) {
            case ButtonPress:
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, requestFocusID, JNI_FALSE);
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0 /*rotation*/);
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0 /*rotation*/);
            case ButtonRelease:
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0 /*rotation*/);
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0 /*rotation*/);
            case MotionNotify:
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xmotion.x, (jint) evt.xmotion.y, (jint) 0, 0 /*rotation*/); 
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xmotion.x, (jint) evt.xmotion.y, (jint) 0, 0 /*rotation*/); 
            case EnterNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . EnterNotify call %p %d/%d\n", (void*)evt.xcrossing.window, evt.xcrossing.x, evt.xcrossing.y);
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_ENTERED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0 /*rotation*/); 
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_ENTERED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0 /*rotation*/); 
            case LeaveNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . LeaveNotify call %p %d/%d\n", (void*)evt.xcrossing.window, evt.xcrossing.x, evt.xcrossing.y);
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0 /*rotation*/); 
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED, 
                                      (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0 /*rotation*/); 
            case KeyPress:
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendKeyEventID, (jint) EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, 
                                      modifiers, keySym, (jchar) -1);
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueKeyEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, 
                                      modifiers, keySym, (jchar) -1);

            case KeyRelease:
                #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendKeyEventID, (jint) EVENT_KEY_RELEASED, 
                                      modifiers, keySym, (jchar) -1);

                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendKeyEventID, (jint) EVENT_KEY_TYPED, 
                                      modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar);
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueKeyEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_KEY_RELEASED, 
                                      modifiers, keySym, (jchar) -1);

                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueKeyEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_KEY_TYPED, 
                                      modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar);

            case DestroyNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . DestroyNotify call %p, parent %p, child-event: %d\n", 
                    (void*)evt.xdestroywindow.window, (void*)evt.xdestroywindow.event, evt.xdestroywindow.window != evt.xdestroywindow.event);
                if ( evt.xdestroywindow.window == evt.xdestroywindow.event ) {
                    // ignore child destroy notification
            case CreateNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . CreateNotify call %p, parent %p, child-event: 1\n", 
                    (void*)evt.xcreatewindow.window, (void*) evt.xcreatewindow.parent);
            case ConfigureNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ConfigureNotify call %p (parent %p, above %p) %d/%d %dx%d %d, child-event: %d\n", 
                            (void*)evt.xconfigure.window, (void*)evt.xconfigure.event, (void*)evt.xconfigure.above,
                            evt.xconfigure.x, evt.xconfigure.y, evt.xconfigure.width, evt.xconfigure.height, 
                            evt.xconfigure.override_redirect, evt.xconfigure.window != evt.xconfigure.event);
                if ( evt.xconfigure.window == evt.xconfigure.event ) {
                    // ignore child window change notification
                        // update insets
                        int left, right, top, bottom;
                        NewtWindows_updateInsets(env, jwindow, dpy, evt.xany.window, &left, &right, &top, &bottom);
                    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sizeChangedID, JNI_FALSE,
                                            (jint) evt.xconfigure.width, (jint) evt.xconfigure.height, JNI_FALSE);
                    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, positionChangedID, JNI_FALSE,
                                            (jint) evt.xconfigure.x, (jint) evt.xconfigure.y);
            case ClientMessage:
                if (evt.xclient.send_event==True && evt.xclient.data.l[0]==wm_delete_atom) { // windowDeleteAtom
                    jboolean closed;
                    DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ClientMessage call %p type 0x%X ..\n", 
                        (void*)evt.xclient.window, (unsigned int)evt.xclient.message_type);
                    closed = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, jwindow, windowDestroyNotifyID, JNI_FALSE);
                    DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ClientMessage call %p type 0x%X, closed: %d\n", 
                        (void*)evt.xclient.window, (unsigned int)evt.xclient.message_type, (int)closed);
                    // Called by Window.java: CloseWindow(); 
                    num_events = 0; // end loop in case of destroyed display

            case FocusIn:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . FocusIn call %p\n", (void*)evt.xvisibility.window);
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, focusChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_TRUE);

            case FocusOut:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . FocusOut call %p\n", (void*)evt.xvisibility.window);
                (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, focusChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_FALSE);

            case Expose:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . Expose call %p %d/%d %dx%d count %d\n", (void*)evt.xexpose.window,
                    evt.xexpose.x, evt.xexpose.y, evt.xexpose.width, evt.xexpose.height, evt.xexpose.count);

                if (evt.xexpose.count == 0 && evt.xexpose.width > 0 && evt.xexpose.height > 0) {
                    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, windowRepaintID, JNI_FALSE,
                        evt.xexpose.x, evt.xexpose.y, evt.xexpose.width, evt.xexpose.height);

            case MapNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . MapNotify call Event %p, Window %p, override_redirect %d, child-event: %d\n", 
                    (void*)evt.xmap.event, (void*)evt.xmap.window, (int)evt.xmap.override_redirect,
                if( evt.xmap.event == evt.xmap.window ) {
                    // ignore child window notification
                        // update insets
                        int left, right, top, bottom;
                        NewtWindows_updateInsets(env, jwindow, dpy, evt.xany.window, &left, &right, &top, &bottom);
                    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, visibleChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_TRUE);

            case UnmapNotify:
                DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . UnmapNotify call Event %p, Window %p, from_configure %d, child-event: %d\n", 
                    (void*)evt.xunmap.event, (void*)evt.xunmap.window, (int)evt.xunmap.from_configure,
                if( evt.xunmap.event == evt.xunmap.window ) {
                    // ignore child window notification
                    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, visibleChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_FALSE);

            case ReparentNotify:
                    jlong parentResult; // 0 if root, otherwise proper value
                    Window winRoot, winTopParent;
                    #ifdef VERBOSE_ON
                        Window oldParentRoot, oldParentTopParent;
                        Window parentRoot, parentTopParent;
                        if( 0 == NewtWindows_getRootAndParent(dpy, evt.xreparent.event, &oldParentRoot, &oldParentTopParent) ) {
                            oldParentRoot=0; oldParentTopParent = 0;
                        if( 0 == NewtWindows_getRootAndParent(dpy, evt.xreparent.parent, &parentRoot, &parentTopParent) ) {
                            parentRoot=0; parentTopParent = 0;
                    if( 0 == NewtWindows_getRootAndParent(dpy, evt.xreparent.window, &winRoot, &winTopParent) ) {
                        winRoot=0; winTopParent = 0;
                    if(evt.xreparent.parent == winRoot) {
                        parentResult = 0; // our java indicator for root window
                    } else {
                        parentResult = (jlong) (intptr_t) evt.xreparent.parent;
                    #ifdef VERBOSE_ON
                        DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ReparentNotify: call %d/%d OldParent %p (root %p, top %p), NewParent %p (root %p, top %p), Window %p (root %p, top %p)\n", 
                            evt.xreparent.x, evt.xreparent.y, 
                            (void*)evt.xreparent.event, (void*)oldParentRoot, (void*)oldParentTopParent,
                            (void*)evt.xreparent.parent, (void*)parentRoot, (void*)parentTopParent,
                            (void*)evt.xreparent.window, (void*)winRoot, (void*)winTopParent);
                    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, reparentNotifyID, (jlong)evt.xreparent.parent);

            // unhandled events .. yet ..

                DBG_PRINT("X11: event . unhandled %d 0x%X call %p\n", (int)evt.type, (unsigned int)evt.type, (void*)evt.xunmap.window);
コード例 #12
ファイル: X11RandR13.c プロジェクト: 465060874/jogl
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorDevice0
 * Signature: (JJJJ)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorDevice0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display, jlong screenResources, jlong monitorInfo, jint crt_id)
    Display * dpy = (Display *) (intptr_t) display;
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    RRCrtc crtc = findRRCrtc( resources, (RRCrtc)(intptr_t)crt_id );
    if( 0 == crtc ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;
    if( NULL == xrrCrtcInfo ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;
    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    Window root = RootWindow(dpy, 0); // FIXME screen_idx);
    RROutput pxid = XRRGetOutputPrimary (dpy, root);
    int isPrimary = 0;

    RROutput output = xrrCrtcInfo->outputs[0];
    if ( None != pxid && pxid == output ) {
        isPrimary = 1;
    XRROutputInfo * xrrOutputInfo = XRRGetOutputInfo (dpy, resources, output);
    int numModes = xrrOutputInfo->nmode;

    jsize propCount = MIN_MONITOR_DEVICE_PROPERTIES - 1 + numModes;
    jint prop[ propCount ];
    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = propCount;
    prop[propIndex++] = crt_id;
    prop[propIndex++] = 0; // isClone, does not work: 0 < xrrOutputInfo->nclone ? 1 : 0;
    prop[propIndex++] = isPrimary;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_height;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;      // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;      // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;  // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height; // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;      // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;      // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;  // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height; // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->mode;   // current mode id
    prop[propIndex++] = NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(env, xrrCrtcInfo->rotation);
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<numModes; i++) {
        // avail modes ..
        prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->modes[i];
    XRRFreeOutputInfo (xrrOutputInfo);

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, propCount);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", propCount);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, propCount, prop);
    return properties;