コード例 #1
ファイル: Physics.cpp プロジェクト: scanberg/engine
NewtonBody* CreateRigidBody (NewtonWorld* world, NewtonEntity* ent, NewtonCollision* collision, dFloat mass)
	glm::vec3 minBox;
	glm::vec3 maxBox;
	glm::vec3 origin;
	glm::vec3 inertia;
	NewtonBody* body;

    glm::mat4 matrix = createMat4(ent->curRotation,ent->curPosition);

	// Now with the collision Shape we can crate a rigid body
	body = NewtonCreateBody (world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// bodies can have a destructor.
	// this is a function callback that can be used to destroy any local data stored
	// and that need to be destroyed before the body is destroyed.
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (body, DestroyBodyCallback);

	// save the entity as the user data for this body
	NewtonBodySetUserData (body, ent);

	// we need to set the proper center of mass and inertia matrix for this body
	// the inertia matrix calculated by this function does not include the mass.
	// therefore it needs to be multiplied by the mass of the body before it is used.
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);

	// set the body mass matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (body, mass, mass * inertia.x, mass * inertia.y, mass * inertia.z);

	// set the body origin
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (body, &origin[0]);

	// set the function callback to apply the external forces and torque to the body
	// the most common force is Gravity
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (body, ApplyForceAndTorqueCallback);

	// set the function callback to set the transformation state of the graphic entity associated with this body
	// each time the body change position and orientation in the physics world
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, SetTransformCallback);

	return body;
コード例 #2
	AdvancePlayerEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, CustomPlayerControllerManager* const manager, dFloat radius, dFloat height, const dMatrix& location)
		:DemoEntity (dGetIdentityMatrix(), NULL)
		// add this entity to the scene for rendering

		// now make a simple player controller, 
		dMatrix playerAxis; 
		playerAxis[0] = dVector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // the y axis is the character up vector
		playerAxis[1] = dVector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // the x axis is the character front direction
		playerAxis[2] = playerAxis[0] * playerAxis[1];
		playerAxis[3] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		// make the player controller, this function makes a kinematic body
		m_controller = manager->CreatePlayer(80.0f, radius, radius * 0.5f, height, height * 0.33f, playerAxis);

		// players by default have the origin at the center of the lower bottom of the collision shape.
		// you can change this by calling SetPlayerOrigin, for example if a player has it origin at the center of the AABB you can call 
		//m_controller->SetPlayerOrigin (height * 0.5f);

		// get body from player, and set some parameter
		NewtonBody* const body = m_controller->GetBody();

		// set the user data
		NewtonBodySetUserData(body, this);

		// set the transform callback
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the player matrix 
		NewtonBodySetMatrix(body, &location[0][0]);

		// create the visual mesh from the player collision shape
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);
		DemoMesh* const geometry = new DemoMesh("player", collision, "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");

		SetMesh(geometry, dGetIdentityMatrix());
コード例 #3
ファイル: Car.cpp プロジェクト: Alexei-Kornienko/Racing-Game
void Car::initPhysics() {

    NewtonWorld * nWorld = this->controller->getWorld();
    NewtonCollision* collision;
    float mass = 900.0f;

    vector3df v1 = this->carNode->getBoundingBox().MinEdge;
    vector3df v2 = this->carNode->getBoundingBox().MaxEdge;

    dVector minBox(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z);
    dVector maxBox(v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z);

    dVector size(maxBox - minBox);
    dVector origin((maxBox + minBox).Scale(0.5f));

    size.m_w = 1.0f;
    origin.m_w = 1.0f;

    dMatrix offset(GetIdentityMatrix());
    offset.m_posit = origin;

    collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, 0, &offset[0][0]);

    dVector inertia;

    matrix4 m = this->carNode->getRelativeTransformation();
    NewtonConvexHullModifierSetMatrix(collision, m.pointer());
    NewtonBody * body = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision, m.pointer());
    NewtonBodySetUserData(body, this);
    NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);
    NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(body, mass, mass * inertia.m_x, mass * inertia.m_y, mass * inertia.m_z);
    NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(body, &origin[0]);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, applyCarMoveForce);
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, applyCarTransform);
    int matId = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(nWorld);
    NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(nWorld, matId, matId, this, 0, applyCarCollisionForce);

    NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, collision);
    this->setCarBodyAndGravity(body, dVector(0,-10,0,0));
コード例 #4
ファイル: newtonnode.cpp プロジェクト: pkamenarsky/hastegame
void Newtonnode::initCube(NewtonWorld *pWorld,const float xlength,const float ylength,const float zlength)
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initCube()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_pBody, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);
コード例 #5
ファイル: PhysObject.cpp プロジェクト: BigFax/NazaraEngine
void NzPhysObject::SetMass(float mass)
	if (m_mass > 0.f)
		float Ix, Iy, Iz;
		NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix(m_body, &m_mass, &Ix, &Iy, &Iz);
		float scale = mass/m_mass;
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, mass, Ix*scale, Iy*scale, Iz*scale);
	else if (mass > 0.f)
		NzVector3f inertia, origin;
		m_geom->ComputeInertialMatrix(&inertia, &origin);

		NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &origin.x);
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, mass, inertia.x*mass, inertia.y*mass, inertia.z*mass);
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, &ForceAndTorqueCallback);
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_body, &TransformCallback);

	m_mass = mass;
コード例 #6
	dCustomPlayerController* CreatePlayer(const dMatrix& location, dFloat height, dFloat radius, dFloat mass)
		// get the scene 
		DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(GetWorld());

		// set the play coordinate system
		dMatrix localAxis(dGetIdentityMatrix());

		//up is first vector
		localAxis[0] = dVector(0.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		// up is the second vector
		localAxis[1] = dVector(1.0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		// size if the cross product
		localAxis[2] = localAxis[0].CrossProduct(localAxis[1]);

		// make a play controller with default values.
		dCustomPlayerController* const controller = CreateController(location, localAxis, mass, radius, height, 0.4f);

		// get body from player, and set some parameter
		NewtonBody* const body = controller->GetBody();
		DemoEntity* const playerEntity = DemoEntity::LoadNGD_mesh("whiteman.ngd", scene->GetNewton(), scene->GetShaderCache());

		// set the user data
		NewtonBodySetUserData(body, playerEntity);

		// set the transform callback
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// save player model with the controller

		// set higher that 1.0f friction

		return controller;
コード例 #7
static void AddSingleCompound(DemoEntityManager* const scene)
    NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

    NewtonCollision* compoundCollision = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);

    NewtonCollision* boxCollision = NewtonCreateBox(world, 50, 50, 50, 0, NULL);
    NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision(compoundCollision, boxCollision);

    dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
    matrix.m_posit.m_y = 10.0f;

    NewtonBody* compoundBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, compoundCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

    // scale after creating body slows everything down. Without the scale it runs fine even though the body is huge
    NewtonCollisionSetScale(NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody), 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);

    // adding some visualization
    NewtonBodySetMassProperties (compoundBody, 1.0f, NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody));
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(compoundBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(compoundBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

    DemoMesh* mesh = new DemoMesh("geometry", NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody), "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");
    DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);
    entity->SetMesh(mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());
    NewtonBodySetUserData(compoundBody, entity);

    NewtonBodySetSimulationState(compoundBody, 0);
    NewtonBodySetSimulationState(compoundBody, 1);
コード例 #8
ファイル: PhysicsActor.cpp プロジェクト: SgtFlame/indiezen
PhysicsActor::attachBody(pCollisionShape_type _collision)
    // valid Newton collision primitives include the following:
    //   Null, Box, Sphere (ovoid), Cone, Capsule, Cylinder, ChamferCylinder,
    //   ConvexHull (not impl yet), CompoundCollision (not impl),
    //   TreeCollision (not impl yet), UserMesh (heightfield)

    m_pActor = NewtonCreateBody(dynamic_cast<PhysicsZone*>(m_pZone.get())->getZonePtr(), dynamic_cast<CollisionShape*>(_collision.get())->getShapePtr());
    NewtonReleaseCollision(dynamic_cast<PhysicsZone*>(m_pZone.get())->getZonePtr(), dynamic_cast<CollisionShape*>(_collision.get())->getShapePtr());

    // set the transform call back function
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_pActor, TransformCallback);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_pActor, ApplyForceAndTorqueCallback);
    NewtonBodySetAutoactiveCallback(m_pActor, ActivationStateCallback);


    NewtonBodySetUserData(m_pActor, this);

    return true;
コード例 #9
static void OnEmitFracturedCompound (NewtonBody* const fracturedCompound)
	NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld(fracturedCompound);
	DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);

	// set the force an torque call back
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (fracturedCompound, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// set the transform callback 
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (fracturedCompound, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

	// create the visual entity and mesh, and set the use data
	dMatrix matrix;
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (fracturedCompound, &matrix[0][0]);

	DemoEntity* const visualChunkEntity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);

	NewtonBodySetUserData (fracturedCompound, visualChunkEntity);

	// create the mesh geometry and attach it to the entity
	DemoMesh* const visualChunkMesh = new DemoMesh ("fracturedChuckMesh");
	visualChunkEntity->SetMesh (visualChunkMesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());

	// get the fractured compound mesh from the body
	NewtonCollision* const fracturedCompoundCollision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(fracturedCompound);
	dAssert (NewtonCollisionGetType(fracturedCompoundCollision) == SERIALIZE_ID_FRACTURED_COMPOUND);

	// add the vertex data
	NewtonFracturedCompoundMeshPart* const mainMesh = NewtonFracturedCompoundGetMainMesh (fracturedCompoundCollision);
	AddMeshVertexwData (visualChunkMesh, mainMesh, fracturedCompoundCollision);

	// add the mesh indices
	OnReconstructMainMeshCallBack (fracturedCompound, mainMesh, fracturedCompoundCollision);
コード例 #10
static void AddStructuredFractured (DemoEntityManager* const scene, const dVector& origin, int materialID, const char* const assetName)
	// create the shape and visual mesh as a common data to be re used
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

#if 0
	// load the mesh asset
	DemoEntity entity(GetIdentityMatrix(), NULL);	
	entity.LoadNGD_mesh (assetName, world);
	DemoMesh____* const mesh = entity.GetMesh();
	dAssert (mesh);

	// convert the mesh to a newtonMesh
	NewtonMesh* const solidMesh = mesh->CreateNewtonMesh (world, entity.GetMeshMatrix() * entity.GetCurrentMatrix());
	int externalMaterial = LoadTexture("wood_0.tga");
	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, dGetIdentityMatrix(), dVector (3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f, 0.0), _BOX_PRIMITIVE, 0);
	NewtonMesh* const solidMesh = NewtonMeshCreateFromCollision(collision);
	NewtonMeshApplyBoxMapping (solidMesh, externalMaterial, externalMaterial, externalMaterial);

	// create a random point cloud
	dVector points[MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE];
	int pointCount = MakeRandomPoisonPointCloud (solidMesh, points);
//	int pointCount = MakeRandomGuassianPointCloud (solidMesh, points, MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE);

	// create and interiors material for texturing the fractured pieces
	//int internalMaterial = LoadTexture("KAMEN-stup.tga");
	int internalMaterial = LoadTexture("concreteBrick.tga");

	// crate a texture matrix for uv mapping of fractured pieces
	dMatrix textureMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	textureMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / 2.0f;
	textureMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / 2.0f;

	/// create the fractured collision and mesh
	int debreePhysMaterial = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(world);
	NewtonCollision* structuredFracturedCollision = NewtonCreateFracturedCompoundCollision (world, solidMesh, 0, debreePhysMaterial, pointCount, &points[0][0], sizeof (dVector), internalMaterial, &textureMatrix[0][0],
																							OnReconstructMainMeshCallBack, OnEmitFracturedCompound, OnEmitFracturedChunk);

// uncomment this to test serialization
#if 0
	FILE* file = fopen ("serialize.bin", "wb");
	NewtonCollisionSerialize (world, structuredFracturedCollision, DemoEntityManager::SerializeFile, file);
	NewtonDestroyCollision (structuredFracturedCollision);
	fclose (file);

	file = fopen ("serialize.bin", "rb");
	structuredFracturedCollision = NewtonCreateCollisionFromSerialization (world, DemoEntityManager::DeserializeFile, file);
	NewtonFracturedCompoundSetCallbacks (structuredFracturedCollision, OnReconstructMainMeshCallBack, OnEmitFracturedCompound, OnEmitFracturedChunk);
	fclose (file);

#if 0
	// test the interface
	dTree<void*, void*> detachableNodes;

	// remove all chunk that can be detached for the first layer
	for (void* node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetFirstNode(structuredFracturedCollision); node; node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNextNode(structuredFracturedCollision, node)) { 
		if (NewtonFracturedCompoundIsNodeFreeToDetach (structuredFracturedCollision, node)) {
			detachableNodes.Insert(node, node);

		// remove any node that can be deched fro the secund layer, this codul; be reusive
		void* neighbors[32];
		int count = NewtonFracturedCompoundNeighborNodeList (structuredFracturedCollision, node, neighbors, sizeof (neighbors) / sizeof (neighbors[0]));
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {
			if (NewtonFracturedCompoundIsNodeFreeToDetach (structuredFracturedCollision, neighbors[i])) {
				detachableNodes.Insert(node, node);

	// now delete the actual nodes
	dTree<void*, void*>::Iterator iter (detachableNodes) ;
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) { 
		void* const node = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo(); 
		NewtonCompoundCollisionRemoveSubCollision (structuredFracturedCollision, node);
#if 1
	dVector plane (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	NewtonCollision* const crack = NewtonFracturedCompoundPlaneClip (structuredFracturedCollision, &plane[0]);
	if (crack) {
		NewtonDestroyCollision (structuredFracturedCollision);

    dVector com(0.0f);
    dVector inertia(0.0f);
    NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (structuredFracturedCollision, &inertia[0], &com[0]);	

    //dFloat mass = 10.0f;
    //int materialId = 0;
    //create the rigid body
	dMatrix matrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	matrix.m_posit = origin;
	matrix.m_posit.m_y = 20.0;
	matrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
    NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody (world, structuredFracturedCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// set the mass and center of mass
	dFloat density = 1.0f;
	dFloat mass = density * NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (structuredFracturedCollision);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties (rigidBody, mass, structuredFracturedCollision);

	// set the transform call back function
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

	// set the force and torque call back function
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// create the entity and visual mesh and attach to the body as user data
	CreateVisualEntity (scene, rigidBody);

    // assign the wood id
//    NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, materialId);

    // set a destructor for this rigid body
//    NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// release the interior texture
//	ReleaseTexture (internalMaterial);

	// delete the solid mesh since it no longed needed
	NewtonMeshDestroy (solidMesh);

	// destroy the fracture collision
	NewtonDestroyCollision (structuredFracturedCollision);
コード例 #11
void AddRollingBeats (NewtonWorld* nWorld)
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	NewtonBody* bar;
	NewtonCollision* collision;

	dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	location.m_posit.m_x =  5.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_y =  2.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -2.0f; 
	dVector size (10.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f);

	bar = NULL;
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////             
	// create a bar and attach it to the world with a hinge with limits
	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		CustomHinge* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new CylinderPrimitive (location, size.m_y, size.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (nWorld, size.m_y, size.m_x, NULL); 

		// craete the bar body
		bar = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

		// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(bar, visualObject);

		// set a destructor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (bar, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (bar, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (bar,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_y * size.m_y + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_y * size.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (bar, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (bar, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (bar, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pin (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		pivot.m_x -= size.m_x * 0.5f;
		// connect these two bodies by a ball and sockect joint
		//joint = NewtonConstraintCreateHinge (nWorld, &pivot.m_x, &pin.m_x, link0, link1);
		joint = new CustomHinge (pivot, pin, bar, NULL);

		// no limits
		//joint->EnableLimits (true);
		//joint->SetAngleLimis (-30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f, 30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f); 

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a sliding visualObject with limits
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomSlider* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x += size.m_x * 0.25f;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, beatSize.m_x, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_z, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin (beatLocation.m_front);
		joint = new CustomSlider (pivot, pin, beat, bar);

		// claculate the minimum and maximum limit for this joints
		dFloat minLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) - size.m_x * 0.5f);
		dFloat maxLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) + size.m_x * 0.5f);

		joint->SetLimis (minLimits, maxLimits); 

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a corkscrew visualObject with limits
		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomCorkScrew* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 1.25f, 1.25f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x -= size.m_x * 0.25f;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		//visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);
		visualObject = new ChamferCylinderPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (nWorld, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin (beatLocation.m_front);
		joint = new CustomCorkScrew (pivot, pin, beat, bar);

		// claculate the minimum and maximum limit for this joints
		dFloat minLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) - size.m_x * 0.5f);
		dFloat maxLimits = ((location.m_posit.m_x - beatLocation.m_posit.m_x) + size.m_x * 0.5f);

		joint->SetLimis (minLimits, maxLimits); 

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a universal joint visualObject with limits
		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomUniversal* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 1.25f, 1.25f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x -= size.m_x * 0.5f;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		//visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);
		visualObject = new ChamferCylinderPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (nWorld, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin0 (beatLocation.m_front);
		dVector pin1 (beatLocation.m_up);
		// tell this joint to destroiy its local private data when destroyed
		joint = new CustomUniversal (pivot, pin0, pin1, beat, bar);

		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// add a universal joint visualObject with limits
		// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		NewtonBody* beat;
		CustomUniversal* joint;
		RenderPrimitive* visualObject;
		dMatrix beatLocation (location);
		dVector beatSize (0.5f, 1.25f, 1.25f);

		beatLocation.m_posit.m_x = size.m_x;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		//visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize);
		visualObject = new ChamferCylinderPrimitive (beatLocation, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x);

		// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
		collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (nWorld, beatSize.m_y, beatSize.m_x, NULL); 

		beat = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision);
		NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

			// attach graphic object to the rigid body
		NewtonBodySetUserData(beat, visualObject);

		// set a destyuctor function
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (beat, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (beat, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (beat,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
		mass = 5.0f;
		Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_z * beatSize.m_z) / 12.0f;
		Izz = 0.7f * mass * (beatSize.m_x * beatSize.m_x + beatSize.m_y * beatSize.m_y) / 12.0f;

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (beat, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for both the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (beat, &beatLocation[0][0]);

		// set the pivot relative for the first bar
		dVector pivot (beatLocation.m_posit); 
		dVector pin0 (beatLocation.m_front.Scale(-1.0f));
		dVector pin1 (beatLocation.m_up);
		// tell this joint to destroiy its local private data when destroyed
		joint = new CustomUniversal (pivot, pin0, pin1, beat, bar);

コード例 #12
void AddDoubleSwingDoors (NewtonWorld* nWorld)
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	NewtonBody* link0;
	NewtonBody* link1;
	CustomHinge* joint;
	BoxPrimitive* visualObject;
	NewtonCollision* collision;

	dVector size (2.0f, 5.0f, 0.5f);

	// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
	mass = 5.0f;
	Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_y * size.m_y + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Izz = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_y * size.m_y) / 12.0f;

	// create 100 tack of 10 boxes each
	dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	location.m_posit.m_x = -2.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_y =  3.0f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -2.0f; 

	// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
	collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, NULL); 

	// make first wing
		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (location, size);

		//create the rigid body
		link1 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link1, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link1, visualObject);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link1, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link1, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link1,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link1, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link1, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link1, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		dVector pin (location.m_up);
		pivot.m_x += size.m_x * 0.5f;

		// connect these two bodies by a ball and sockect joint
		joint = new CustomHinge (pivot, pin, link1, NULL);

		joint->EnableLimits (true);
		joint->SetLimis (-30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f, 30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f); 

	// make second wing

		location.m_posit.m_x -= size.m_x;

		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new BoxPrimitive (location, size);

		//create the rigid body
		link0 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link0, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link0, visualObject);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link0, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link0, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link0,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link0, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link0, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link0, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		dVector pin (location.m_up);
		pivot.m_x += size.m_x * 0.5f;

		// connect these two bodies by a ball and sockect joint
		//joint = NewtonConstraintCreateHinge (nWorld, &pivot.m_x, &pin.m_x, link0, link1);
		joint = new CustomHinge (pivot, pin, link0, link1);

		joint->EnableLimits (true);
		joint->SetLimis (-30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f, 30.0f * 3.1416f/180.0f); 

	// release the collision geometry when not need it
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);
コード例 #13
// create a rope of boxes
void AddRope (NewtonWorld* nWorld)
	int i;
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	NewtonBody* link0;
	NewtonBody* link1;
	NewtonCustomJoint* joint;
	NewtonCollision* collision;
	RenderPrimitive* visualObject;

	dVector size (2.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f);

	// calculate a acurate momenet of inertia
	mass = 2.0f;
	Ixx = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_y * size.m_y + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Iyy = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_z * size.m_z) / 12.0f;
	Izz = 0.7f * mass * (size.m_x * size.m_x + size.m_y * size.m_y) / 12.0f;

	// create 100 tack of 10 boxes each
	//dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	dMatrix location (dgRollMatrix(3.1426f * 0.5f));
	location.m_posit.m_y = 11.5f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -5.0f; 

	// create a collision primitive to be shared by all links
	collision = NewtonCreateCapsule (nWorld, size.m_y, size.m_x, NULL);
	link0 = NULL;

	// create a lon vertical rope with limits
	for (i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new CapsulePrimitive (location, size.m_y, size.m_x);

		//create the rigid body
		link1 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// add some damping to each link
		NewtonBodySetLinearDamping (link1, 0.2f);
		dVector angularDamp (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
		NewtonBodySetAngularDamping (link1, &angularDamp.m_x);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link1, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link1, visualObject);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link1, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link1, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link1,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link1, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link1, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link1, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		pivot.m_y += (size.m_x - size.m_y) * 0.5f;

		dFloat coneAngle = 2.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dFloat twistAngle = 2.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dVector pin (location.m_front.Scale (-1.0f));

		joint = new CustomConeLimitedBallAndSocket(twistAngle, coneAngle, pin, pivot, link1, link0);

		link0 = link1;
		location.m_posit.m_y -= (size.m_x - size.m_y);

	// vrete a short horizontal rope with limits
	location = GetIdentityMatrix();
	location.m_posit.m_y = 2.5f; 
	location.m_posit.m_z = -7.0f; 
	link0 = NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
		// create the a graphic character (use a visualObject as our body
		visualObject = new CapsulePrimitive (location, size.m_y, size.m_x);

		//create the rigid body
		link1 = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

		// add some damping to each link
		NewtonBodySetLinearDamping (link1, 0.2f);
		dVector angularDamp (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
		NewtonBodySetAngularDamping (link1, &angularDamp.m_x);

		// Set Material Id for this object
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (link1, woodID);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData (link1, visualObject);

		// make sure it is active
		NewtonWorldUnfreezeBody (nWorld, link1);
		//NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze (link1, 0);

		// set a destrutor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (link1, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the tranform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (link1, PhysicsSetTransform);

		// set the force and torque call back funtion
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (link1,PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (link1, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

		// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
		NewtonBodySetMatrix (link1, &location[0][0]);
		PhysicsSetTransform (link1, &location[0][0]);

		dVector pivot (location.m_posit);
		pivot.m_x += (size.m_x - size.m_y) * 0.5f;

		dFloat coneAngle = 10.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dFloat twistAngle = 10.0 * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
		dVector pin (location.m_front.Scale (-1.0f));
		joint = new CustomConeLimitedBallAndSocket(twistAngle, coneAngle, pin, pivot, link1, link0);

		link0 = link1;
		location.m_posit.m_x -= (size.m_x - size.m_y);

	// release the collision geometry when not need it
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);
コード例 #14
ファイル: tutorial.cpp プロジェクト: brettminnie/BDBGame
// create physics scene
void InitScene()
	BoxPrimitive* box;
	BoxPrimitive* floor;
	NewtonBody* boxBody;
	NewtonBody* floorBody; 
	NewtonCollision* collision;

	// create the newton world
	nWorld = NewtonCreate (PhysicsAlloc, PhysicsFree);

	// set the linear solver model for faster speed 
	NewtonSetSolverModel (nWorld, 8);

	// set the adpative friction model for faster speed 
	NewtonSetFrictionModel (nWorld, 1);

	// Set the termination function

	// create the the floor graphic objects
	dVector size (100.0f, 2.0f, 100.0f);
	dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	location.m_posit.m_y = -5.0f; 
	// create a box for floor 
	floor = new BoxPrimitive (location, size, g_floorTexture);

	// create the the floor collision, and body with default values
	collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, NULL); 
	floorBody = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

	// set the transformation for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &location[0][0]);

	// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
	NewtonBodySetUserData (floorBody, floor);

	// set a destrutor for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (floorBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// set the initial size
	size = dVector(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

	// create the collision 
	collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, NULL); 

	// create 100 stacks of 10 boxes each
	location.m_posit.m_x = -10.0f; 
	for (int k = 0; k < 10; k ++) { 
		location.m_posit.m_z =  0.0f; 
		for (int j = 0; j < 10; j ++) { 
			location.m_posit.m_y =  2.0f; 

			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {

				// create a graphic box
				box = new BoxPrimitive (location, size);

				//create the rigid body
				boxBody = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

				// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
				NewtonBodySetUserData (boxBody, box);

				// set a destrutor for this rigid body
				NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (boxBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

				// set the tranform call back function
				NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (boxBody, PhysicsSetTransform);

				// set the force and torque call back funtion
				NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (boxBody, PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque);

				// set the mass matrix
				//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f  / 6.0f);
				NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

				// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
				NewtonBodySetMatrix (boxBody, &location[0][0]);
				PhysicsSetTransform (boxBody, &location[0][0]);

				location.m_posit.m_y += size.m_y * 2.0f;
			location.m_posit.m_z -= size.m_z * 4.0f; 	
		location.m_posit.m_x += size.m_x * 4.0f; 

	// release the collsion geometry when not need it
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

コード例 #15
	BasicCarEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, CustomVehicleControllerManager* const manager, const dMatrix& location, const BasciCarParameters& parameters)
		:DemoEntity (dGetIdentityMatrix(), NULL)
		,m_tireaLigmentMatrix (dYawMatrix(3.141592f * 90.0f / 180.0f))
		,m_helpKey (true)
		,m_gearUpKey (false)
		,m_gearDownKey (false)
		,m_reverseGear (false)
		// add this entity to the scene for rendering

		// place entity in the world
		ResetMatrix (*scene, location);

		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

		// create the vehicle collision shape
		NewtonCollision* const chassisCollision = CreateChassisCollision (world);

		// caret the visual mesh form the collision shape
		DemoMesh* const visualMesh = new DemoMesh ("vehicle chassis", chassisCollision, "metal_30.tga", "metal_30.tga", "metal_30.tga");
		SetMesh (visualMesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());
		// create the coordinate system 
		dMatrix chassisMatrix;
		chassisMatrix.m_front = dVector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);			// this is the vehicle direction of travel
		chassisMatrix.m_up	  = dVector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);			// this is the downward vehicle direction
		chassisMatrix.m_right = chassisMatrix.m_front * chassisMatrix.m_up;	// this is in the side vehicle direction (the plane of the wheels)
		chassisMatrix.m_posit = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		// create a default vehicle controller
		m_controller = manager->CreateVehicle (chassisCollision, chassisMatrix, parameters.MASS, dVector (0.0f, DEMO_GRAVITY, 0.0f, 0.0f));

		// get body the vehicle rigid body and set the Newton rigid body physics properties
		NewtonBody* const body = m_controller->GetBody();

		// set the user data
		NewtonBodySetUserData(body, this);

		// set the transform callback
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the standard force and torque call back
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		// set the player matrix 
		NewtonBodySetMatrix(body, &location[0][0]);

		// destroy the collision helper shape 

		// map the gear to a look up table: gear 0 is reverse, gea 1 is neutral, gear 1 is first, gear 2 is second and so on
		for (int i = 0; i < int ((sizeof (m_gearMap) / sizeof (m_gearMap[0]))); i ++) {
			m_gearMap[i] = i;
		m_gearMap[0] = 1;
		m_gearMap[1] = 0;
コード例 #16
	void SimulationPostListener(DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoEntityManager::dListNode* const mynode, dFloat timeStep)
		// see if the net force on the body comes fr a high impact collision
		dFloat breakImpact = 0.0f;
		for (NewtonJoint* joint = NewtonBodyGetFirstContactJoint(m_myBody); joint; joint = NewtonBodyGetNextContactJoint(m_myBody, joint)) {
			for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact(joint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact(joint, contact)) {
				dVector contactForce;
				NewtonMaterial* const material = NewtonContactGetMaterial(contact);
				dFloat impulseImpact = NewtonMaterialGetContactMaxNormalImpact(material);
				if (impulseImpact > breakImpact) {
					breakImpact = impulseImpact;

		// if the force is bigger than N time Gravities, It is considered a collision force
		breakImpact *= m_myMassInverse;
//		breakImpact = 1000.0f;
			NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld(m_myBody);

			dMatrix bodyMatrix;
			dVector com(0.0f);
			dVector veloc(0.0f);
			dVector omega(0.0f);
			dFloat Ixx;
			dFloat Iyy;
			dFloat Izz;
			dFloat mass;

			NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_myBody, &veloc[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_myBody, &omega[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass(m_myBody, &com[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_myBody, &bodyMatrix[0][0]);
			NewtonBodyGetMass(m_myBody, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

			com = bodyMatrix.TransformVector(com);
			dMatrix matrix(GetCurrentMatrix());
			dQuaternion rotation(matrix);

			// we need to lock the world before creation a bunch of bodies

			for (FractureEffect::dListNode* node = m_effect.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
				FractureAtom& atom = node->GetInfo();

				DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(dMatrix(rotation, matrix.m_posit), NULL);
				entity->SetMesh(atom.m_mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());

				int materialId = 0;

				dFloat debriMass = mass * atom.m_massFraction;

				//create the rigid body
				NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, atom.m_collision, &matrix[0][0]);

				// calculate debris initial velocity
				dVector center(matrix.TransformVector(atom.m_centerOfMass));
				dVector v(veloc + omega.CrossProduct(center - com));

				// set initial velocity
				NewtonBodySetVelocity(rigidBody, &v[0]);
				NewtonBodySetOmega(rigidBody, &omega[0]);

				// set the debris mass properties, mass, center of mass, and inertia 
				NewtonBodySetMassProperties(rigidBody, debriMass, atom.m_collision);

				// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
				NewtonBodySetUserData(rigidBody, entity);

				// assign the wood id
				NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(rigidBody, materialId);

				//  set continuous collision mode
				//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

				// set a destructor for this rigid body
				NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

				// set the transform call back function
				NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

				// set the force and torque call back function
				NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);


			// unlock the work after done with the effect 
コード例 #17
ファイル: car.cpp プロジェクト: pkamenarsky/hastegame
Car::Car(const ion::base::String& identifier,NewtonWorld *pWorld,const ion::video::Mesh& srcmesh,const float mass,
		 const float Ixx,const float Iyy,const float Izz):Node(identifier),m_pNewtonChassisCollision(0),m_pBody(0),
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Car::Car()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if (!srcmesh.isValid()) {
		ion::base::log("Car::Car()",ion::base::Error) << "Source mesh is invalid\n";

	if (!srcmesh.vertexstream().isMapped()) {
		ion::base::log("Car::Car()",ion::base::Error) << "source mesh \"" << srcmesh.objIdentifier() << " is not mapped!\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonChassisCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	float *pPoints;
		pPoints=new float[3*srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity()];
		for (ion_uint32 v=0;v<srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity();++v) {
			const ion::math::Vector3f &rV=srcmesh.vertexstream().position(v);

	ion::math::Matrix4f c;


	ion::math::Vector3f origin,inertia;

	// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (m_pNewtonChassisCollision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	

	float ixx = mass * inertia[0];
	float iyy = mass * inertia[1];
	float izz = mass * inertia[2];

	// set the mass matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (m_pBody, mass, ixx, iyy, izz);

	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (m_pBody, &origin[0]);



	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);

	float updir[3]={0,1,0};


	delete [] pPoints;
コード例 #18
	void SimulationLister(DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoEntityManager::dListNode* const mynode, dFloat timeStep)
		m_delay --;
		if (m_delay > 0) {

		// see if the net force on the body comes fr a high impact collision
		dFloat maxInternalForce = 0.0f;
		for (NewtonJoint* joint = NewtonBodyGetFirstContactJoint(m_myBody); joint; joint = NewtonBodyGetNextContactJoint(m_myBody, joint)) {
			for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact (joint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact (joint, contact)) {
				//dVector point;
				//dVector normal;	
				dVector contactForce;
				NewtonMaterial* const material = NewtonContactGetMaterial (contact);
				//NewtonMaterialGetContactPositionAndNormal (material, &point.m_x, &normal.m_x);
				NewtonMaterialGetContactForce(material, m_myBody, &contactForce[0]);
				dFloat forceMag = contactForce % contactForce;
				if (forceMag > maxInternalForce) {
					maxInternalForce = forceMag;


		// if the force is bigger than 4 Gravities, It is considered a collision force
		dFloat maxForce = BREAK_FORCE_IN_GRAVITIES * m_myweight;

		if (maxInternalForce > (maxForce * maxForce)) {
			NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld(m_myBody);

			dFloat Ixx; 
			dFloat Iyy; 
			dFloat Izz; 
			dFloat mass; 
			NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix(m_myBody, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

			dVector com;
			dVector veloc;
			dVector omega;
			dMatrix bodyMatrix;

			NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_myBody, &veloc[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_myBody, &omega[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass(m_myBody, &com[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_myBody, &bodyMatrix[0][0]);
			com = bodyMatrix.TransformVector (com);

			dMatrix matrix (GetCurrentMatrix());
			dQuaternion rotation (matrix);
			for (ShatterEffect::dListNode* node = m_effect.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
				ShatterAtom& atom = node->GetInfo();

				DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity (NULL);
				entity->SetMesh (atom.m_mesh);
				entity->SetMatrix(*scene, rotation, matrix.m_posit);
				entity->InterpolateMatrix (*scene, 1.0f);

				int materialId = 0;

				dFloat debriMass = mass * atom.m_massFraction;
				dFloat Ixx = debriMass * atom.m_momentOfInirtia.m_x;
				dFloat Iyy = debriMass * atom.m_momentOfInirtia.m_y;
				dFloat Izz = debriMass * atom.m_momentOfInirtia.m_z;

				//create the rigid body
				NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateBody (world, atom.m_collision, &matrix[0][0]);

				// set the correct center of gravity for this body
				NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &atom.m_centerOfMass[0]);

				// calculate the center of mas of the debris
				dVector center (matrix.TransformVector(atom.m_centerOfMass));

				// calculate debris initial velocity
				dVector v (veloc + omega * (center - com));

				// set initial velocity
				NewtonBodySetVelocity(rigidBody, &v[0]);
				NewtonBodySetOmega(rigidBody, &omega[0]);

				// set the  debrie center of mass
				NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &atom.m_centerOfMass[0]);

				// set the mass matrix
				NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (rigidBody, debriMass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

				// activate 
				//	NewtonBodyCoriolisForcesMode (blockBoxBody, 1);

				// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
				NewtonBodySetUserData (rigidBody, entity);

				// assign the wood id
				NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, materialId);

				//  set continue collision mode
				//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

				// set a destructor for this rigid body
				NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

				// set the transform call back function
				NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, DemoEntity::SetTransformCallback);

				// set the force and torque call back function
				NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

			NewtonDestroyBody(world, m_myBody);
			scene->RemoveEntity	(mynode);
コード例 #19
void CreateScene (NewtonWorld* world, SceneManager* sceneManager)
    Entity* floor;
    NewtonBody* floorBody;
    NewtonCollision* shape;

    	void* materialManager;
    	SoundManager* sndManager;
    	PhysicsMaterialInteration matInterations;

    	sndManager = sceneManager->GetSoundManager();

    	// Create the material for this scene, and attach it to the Newton World
    	materialManager = CreateMaterialManager (world, sndManager);

    	// add the Material table
    	matInterations.m_restitution = 0.6f;
    	matInterations.m_staticFriction = 0.6f;
    	matInterations.m_kineticFriction = 0.3f;
    	matInterations.m_scrapingSound = NULL;

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("metalMetal.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_metal, &matInterations);

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("boxBox.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_wood, m_wood, &matInterations);

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("metalBox.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_wood, &matInterations);

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("grass0.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_wood, m_grass, &matInterations);

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("boxHit.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_wood, m_bricks, &matInterations);

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("grass1.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_grass, &matInterations);

    	matInterations.m_impactSound = sndManager->LoadSound ("metal.wav");
    	AddMaterilInteraction (materialManager, m_metal, m_bricks, &matInterations);

    // Create a large body to be the floor
    floor = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
    int materialMap[] = {m_bricks, m_grass, m_wood,	m_metal};


    // add scene collision from a level m*esh
    shape = CreateHeightFieldCollision (world, "h2.raw", materialMap);
    floorBody = CreateRigidBody (world, floor, shape, 0.0f);

    // make a visual mesh for the collision data
    CreateHeightFieldMesh (shape, floor);

    // set the matrix at the origin
    dVector boxP0;
    dVector boxP1;
    dMatrix matrix (floor->m_curRotation, floor->m_curPosition);
    NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (shape, &matrix[0][0], &boxP0.m_x, &boxP1.m_x);

    // place the origin of the visual mesh at the center of the height field
    matrix.m_posit = (boxP0 + boxP1).Scale (-0.5f);
    matrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
    floor->m_curPosition = matrix.m_posit;
    floor->m_prevPosition = matrix.m_posit;

    // relocate the body;
    NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &matrix[0][0]);


    floor->LoadMesh ("LevelMesh.dat");

    // add static floor Physics

    shape = CreateMeshCollision (world, floor, materialMap);
    floorBody = CreateRigidBody (world, floor, shape, 0.0f);

    // set the Transformation Matrix for this rigid body
    dMatrix matrix (floor->m_curRotation, floor->m_curPosition);
    NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &matrix[0][0]);


    // now we will use the properties of this body to set a proper world size.
    dVector minBox;
    dVector maxBox;
    NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (shape, &matrix[0][0], &minBox[0], &maxBox[0]);

    // add some extra padding
    minBox.m_x -=  50.0f;
    minBox.m_y -= 500.0f;
    minBox.m_z -=  50.0f;

    maxBox.m_x +=  50.0f;
    maxBox.m_y += 500.0f;
    maxBox.m_z +=  50.0f;

    // set the new world size
    NewtonSetWorldSize (world, &minBox[0], &maxBox[0]);

    // Create a Body and attach a player controller joint
        dFloat y0;
        Entity* player;
        NewtonBody* playerBody;
        NewtonCollision* shape;

        // find  the a floor to place the player
        y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 0.0f) + 1.0f;

        // load the player mesh
        player = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
        player->LoadMesh ("gymnast.dat");
        player->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
        player->m_prevPosition = player->m_curPosition;

        // get the bounding Box of the player to get the collision shape dimensions
        dVector minBox;
        dVector maxBox;
        player->GetBBox (minBox, maxBox);

        // calculate player high and width
        dFloat padding = 1.0f / 64.0f;  // this si the default padding, for teh palye joint, we must subtract it from the shape
        dFloat playerHigh = (maxBox.m_y - minBox.m_y) - padding;
        dFloat playerRadius0 = (maxBox.m_z - minBox.m_z) * 0.5f;
        dFloat playerRadius1 = (maxBox.m_x - minBox.m_x) * 0.5f;
        dFloat playerRadius = (playerRadius0 > playerRadius1 ? playerRadius0 : playerRadius1) - padding;

        // No we make and make a upright capsule for the collision mesh
        dMatrix orientation;
        orientation.m_front = dVector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);			// this is the player up direction
        orientation.m_up    = dVector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);			// this is the player front direction
        orientation.m_right = orientation.m_front * orientation.m_up;   // this is the player sideway direction
        orientation.m_posit = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

        // add a body with a box shape
        //shape = CreateNewtonCapsule (world, player, playerHigh, playerRadius, m_wood, orientation);
        shape = CreateNewtonCylinder (world, player, playerHigh, playerRadius, m_wood, orientation);
        playerBody = CreateRigidBody (world, player, shape, 10.0f);

        // make sure the player does not go to sleep
        NewtonBodySetAutoSleep (playerBody, 0);

        // now we will attach a player controller to the body
        NewtonUserJoint* playerController;
        // the player can take step up to 0.7 units;
        dFloat maxStairStepFactor = 0.7f / playerHigh;
        playerController = CreateCustomPlayerController (&orientation[0][0], playerBody, maxStairStepFactor, padding);

        // set the Max Slope the player can climb to PLAYER_MAX_SLOPE degree
        CustomPlayerControllerSetMaxSlope (playerController, PLAYER_MAX_SLOPE * 3.1416f / 180.0f);

        // now we will append some application data for the application to control the player
        PlayerController* userControl = (PlayerController*) malloc (sizeof (PlayerController));
        userControl->m_isThirdView = 1;
        userControl->m_point = dVector (0.0f, playerHigh, 0.0f,0.0f);

        // set the user data for the application to control the player
        CustomSetUserData (playerController, userControl);

        // set the destruction call back so that the application can destroy local used data
        CustomSetDestructorCallback (playerController, PlayerController::Destroy);

        // set a call back to control the player
        CustomSetSubmitContraintCallback (playerController, PlayerController::ApplyPlayerInput);

        // we also need to set override the transform call back so the we can set the Camera
        userControl->m_setTransformOriginal = NewtonBodyGetTransformCallback(playerBody);
        NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (playerBody, PlayerController::SetTransform);

        // we will need some ID to fin this joint in the transform Callback
        CustomSetJointID (playerController, PLAYER_JOINT_ID);

    		// add some visual entities.
    		dFloat y0;
    		y0 = FindFloor (world, 0.0f, 0.4f) + 10.5f;
    		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
    			Entity* frowny;
    			NewtonBody* frownyBody;
    			NewtonCollision* shape;

    			frowny = sceneManager->CreateEntity();
    			frowny->LoadMesh ("Frowny.dat");
    			frowny->m_curPosition.m_z = 0.4f;
    			frowny->m_curPosition.m_y = y0;
    			y0 += 2.0f;
    			frowny->m_prevPosition = frowny->m_curPosition;

    			// add a body with a Convex hull shape
    			shape = CreateNewtonConvex (world, frowny, m_wood);
    			frownyBody = CreateRigidBody (world, frowny, shape, 10.0f);
    // set the Camera EyePoint close to the scene action
    SetCameraEyePoint (dVector (-15.0f, FindFloor (world, -15.0f, 0.0f) + 5.0f, 0.0f));
コード例 #20
static void CreateDebriPiece (const NewtonBody* sourceBody, NewtonMesh* mesh, dFloat volume)
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat shapeVolume;
	NewtonWorld* world;
	NewtonBody* rigidBody;
	NewtonCollision* collision;
	OGLMesh* meshInstance;
	SceneManager* system;
	RenderPrimitive* primitive;
	dVector inertia;
	dVector origin;
	dVector veloc;
	dVector omega;
	dMatrix matrix;

	world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (sourceBody);

	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (sourceBody, &matrix[0][0]);

	NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (sourceBody, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

	// make a visual object
	meshInstance = new OGLMesh();

	meshInstance->BuildFromMesh (mesh);

	// create a visual geometry
	primitive = new RenderPrimitive (matrix, meshInstance);

	// save the graphics system
	system = (SceneManager*) NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);
	system->AddModel (primitive);

	collision = NewtonCreateConvexHullFromMesh (world, mesh, 0.1f, DEBRI_ID);

	// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
	shapeVolume = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (collision);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	

	mass = mass * shapeVolume / volume;
	Ixx = mass * inertia[0];
	Iyy = mass * inertia[1];
	Izz = mass * inertia[2];

	//create the rigid body
	rigidBody = NewtonCreateBody (world, collision);

	// set the correct center of gravity for this body
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &origin[0]);

	// set the mass matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (rigidBody, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

	// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
	NewtonBodySetUserData (rigidBody, primitive);

	// assign the wood id
//	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, NewtonBodyGetMaterialGroupID(source));

	// set continue collision mode
	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, 1);

	// set a destructor for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// set the transform call back function
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsSetTransform);

	// set the force and torque call back function
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// set the matrix for both the rigid body and the graphic body
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (rigidBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	PhysicsSetTransform (rigidBody, &matrix[0][0], 0);

	NewtonBodyGetVelocity(sourceBody, &veloc[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetOmega(sourceBody, &omega[0]);
	veloc += omega * matrix.RotateVector(origin);

// for now so that I can see the body
veloc = dVector (0, 0, 0, 0);
//	omega = dVector (0, 0, 0, 0);

	NewtonBodySetVelocity(rigidBody, &veloc[0]);
	NewtonBodySetOmega(rigidBody, &omega[0]);

	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);
