コード例 #1
void CustomDGRayCastCar::SubmitConstraints (dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
	int constraintIndex;
	dFloat invTimestep;
	dMatrix bodyMatrix;  

	// get the simulation time
	invTimestep = 1.0f / timestep ;

	// get the vehicle global matrix, and use it in several calculations
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (m_body0, &bodyMatrix[0][0]);
	dMatrix chassisMatrix (m_localFrame * bodyMatrix);

	// get the chassis instantaneous linear and angular velocity in the local space of the chassis
	dVector bodyOmega;
	dVector bodyVelocity;
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity (m_body0, &bodyVelocity[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetOmega (m_body0, &bodyOmega[0]);

	// all tire is on air check
	m_vehicleOnAir = 0;
	constraintIndex = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_tiresCount; i ++ ) {

		Tire& tire = m_tires[i];
		tire.m_tireIsOnAir = 1;
		tire.m_tireIsConstrained = 0;	
		tire.m_tireForceAcc = dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		// calculate all suspension matrices in global space and tire collision
		dMatrix suspensionMatrix (CalculateSuspensionMatrix (i, 0.0f) * chassisMatrix);

		// calculate the tire collision
		CalculateTireCollision (tire, suspensionMatrix, threadIndex);

		// calculate the linear velocity of the tire at the ground contact
		tire.m_tireAxelPosit = chassisMatrix.TransformVector( tire.m_harpoint - m_localFrame.m_up.Scale (tire.m_posit));
		tire.m_tireAxelVeloc = bodyVelocity + bodyOmega * (tire.m_tireAxelPosit - chassisMatrix.m_posit); 
		tire.m_lateralPin = ( chassisMatrix.RotateVector ( tire.m_localAxis ) );
		tire.m_longitudinalPin = ( chassisMatrix.m_up * tire.m_lateralPin );

		if (tire.m_posit < tire.m_suspensionLenght )  {
			dFloat distance;
			dFloat sideSlipCoef;
			dFloat slipRatioCoef;
			dFloat tireForceMag;
			dFloat tireTorqueMag;
			dFloat suspensionSpeed;
			dFloat axelLinealSpeed;
			dFloat tireRotationSpeed;
			dFloat frictionCircleMag;
			dFloat longitudinalForceMag;
			dFloat lateralFrictionForceMag;

			tire.m_tireIsOnAir = 0;
			tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			if (tire.m_HitBody){
				dMatrix matrix;
				dVector com;
				dVector omega;

				NewtonBodyGetOmega (tire.m_HitBody, &omega[0]);
				NewtonBodyGetMatrix (tire.m_HitBody, &matrix[0][0]);
				NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (tire.m_HitBody, &com[0]);
				NewtonBodyGetVelocity (tire.m_HitBody, &tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity[0]);
				tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity += (tire.m_contactPoint - matrix.TransformVector (com)) * omega;

			// calculate the relative velocity
			dVector relVeloc (tire.m_tireAxelVeloc - tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity);
			suspensionSpeed = - (relVeloc % chassisMatrix.m_up);

			// now calculate the tire load at the contact point
			// Tire suspension distance and hard limit.
			distance = tire.m_suspensionLenght - tire.m_posit;
			_ASSERTE (distance <= tire.m_suspensionLenght);
			tire.m_tireLoad = - NewtonCalculateSpringDamperAcceleration (timestep, tire.m_springConst, distance, tire.m_springDamper, suspensionSpeed );
			if ( tire.m_tireLoad < 0.0f ) {
				// since the tire is not a body with real mass it can only push the chassis.
				tire.m_tireLoad = 0.0f;

			//this suspension is applying a normalize force to the car chassis, need to scales by the mass of the car
			tire.m_tireLoad *= (m_mass * 0.5f);

			tire.m_tireIsConstrained = (dAbs (tire.m_torque) < 0.3f);

			// convert the tire load force magnitude to a torque and force.
			// accumulate the force doe to the suspension spring and damper
			tire.m_tireForceAcc += chassisMatrix.m_up.Scale (tire.m_tireLoad);

			// calculate relative velocity at the tire center
			dVector tireAxelRelativeVelocity (tire.m_tireAxelVeloc - tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity); 

			// axle linear speed
			axelLinealSpeed = tireAxelRelativeVelocity % chassisMatrix.m_front;

			// calculate tire rotation velocity at the tire radio
			dVector tireAngularVelocity (tire.m_lateralPin.Scale (tire.m_angularVelocity));
			dVector tireRadius (tire.m_contactPoint - tire.m_tireAxelPosit);
			dVector tireRotationalVelocityAtContact (tireAngularVelocity * tireRadius);	

			longitudinalForceMag = 0.0f;
//			if (!tire.m_tireIsConstrained) {
				// calculate slip ratio and max longitudinal force
				tireRotationSpeed = tireRotationalVelocityAtContact % tire.m_longitudinalPin;
				slipRatioCoef = (dAbs (axelLinealSpeed) > 1.e-3f) ? ((-tireRotationSpeed - axelLinealSpeed) / dAbs (axelLinealSpeed)) : 0.0f;

				// calculate the formal longitudinal force the tire apply to the chassis
				longitudinalForceMag = m_normalizedLongitudinalForce.GetValue (slipRatioCoef) * tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;
//			} 

			// now calculate relative velocity a velocity at contact point
			dVector tireContactRelativeVelocity (tireAxelRelativeVelocity + tireRotationalVelocityAtContact); 

			// calculate the sideslip as the angle between the tire lateral speed and longitudila speed 
			sideSlipCoef = dAtan2 (dAbs (tireContactRelativeVelocity % tire.m_lateralPin), dAbs (axelLinealSpeed));
			lateralFrictionForceMag = m_normalizedLateralForce.GetValue (sideSlipCoef) * tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;

			// Apply brake, need some little fix here.
			// The fix is need to generate axial force when the brake is apply when the vehicle turn from the steer or on sliding.
			if ( tire.m_breakForce > 1.0e-3f ) {
				// row constrained force is save for later determine the dynamic state of this tire 
  				tire.m_isBrakingForceIndex = constraintIndex;
				constraintIndex ++;

				frictionCircleMag = tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;
				if (tire.m_breakForce > frictionCircleMag) {
					tire.m_breakForce = frictionCircleMag;

				//NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow ( m_joint, &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &chassisMatrix.m_front.m_x  );
				NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_longitudinalPin.m_x);
				NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction( m_joint, tire.m_breakForce);
				NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction( m_joint, -tire.m_breakForce);

				// there is a longitudinal force that will reduce the lateral force, we need to recalculate the lateral force
				tireForceMag = lateralFrictionForceMag * lateralFrictionForceMag + tire.m_breakForce * tire.m_breakForce;
				if (tireForceMag > (frictionCircleMag * frictionCircleMag)) {
  					lateralFrictionForceMag *= 0.25f * frictionCircleMag / dSqrt (tireForceMag);

			//project the longitudinal and lateral forces over the circle of friction for this tire; 
			frictionCircleMag = tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;
			tireForceMag = lateralFrictionForceMag * lateralFrictionForceMag + longitudinalForceMag * longitudinalForceMag;
			if (tireForceMag > (frictionCircleMag * frictionCircleMag)) {
				dFloat invMag2;
				invMag2 = frictionCircleMag / dSqrt (tireForceMag);
				longitudinalForceMag *= invMag2;
				lateralFrictionForceMag *= invMag2;

			// submit this constraint for calculation of side slip forces
			lateralFrictionForceMag = dAbs (lateralFrictionForceMag);
			tire.m_lateralForceIndex = constraintIndex;
			constraintIndex ++;
			NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_lateralPin[0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction (m_joint,  lateralFrictionForceMag);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction (m_joint, -lateralFrictionForceMag);

			// accumulate the longitudinal force
			dVector tireForce (tire.m_longitudinalPin.Scale (longitudinalForceMag));
			tire.m_tireForceAcc += tireForce;

			// now we apply the combined tire force generated by this tire, to the car chassis
			dVector torque ((tire.m_tireAxelPosit - chassisMatrix.m_posit) * tire.m_tireForceAcc);
			NewtonBodyAddForce (m_body0, &tire.m_tireForceAcc[0]);
			NewtonBodyAddTorque( m_body0, &torque[0] );

			// calculate the net torque on the tire
			tireTorqueMag = -((tireRadius * tireForce) % tire.m_lateralPin);
			if (dAbs (tireTorqueMag) > dAbs (tire.m_torque)) {
				// the tire reaction force can no be larger than the applied engine torque 
				// when this happens the net torque is zero and the tire is constrained to the vehicle linear motion
				tire.m_tireIsConstrained = 1;
				tireTorqueMag = tire.m_torque;

			tire.m_torque -= tireTorqueMag;
コード例 #2
void CustomDGRayCastCar::SubmitConstraints (dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)

	// get the simulation time
//	dFloat invTimestep = 1.0f / timestep ;

	// get the vehicle global matrix, and use it in several calculations
	dMatrix bodyMatrix;  
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (m_body0, &bodyMatrix[0][0]);
	dMatrix chassisMatrix (m_localFrame * bodyMatrix);

	// get the chassis instantaneous linear and angular velocity in the local space of the chassis
	dVector bodyForce;
	dVector bodyOmega;
	dVector bodyVelocity;

	NewtonBodyGetVelocity (m_body0, &bodyVelocity[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetOmega (m_body0, &bodyOmega[0]);

//static int xxx;
//dTrace (("frame %d veloc(%f %f %f)\n", xxx, bodyVelocity[0], bodyVelocity[1], bodyVelocity[2]));
//xxx ++;
//if (xxx >= 210) {
//xxx *=1;
//bodyVelocity.m_x = 0;
//bodyVelocity.m_z = 10;
//NewtonBodySetVelocity (m_body0, &bodyVelocity[0]);

//	dVector normalForces (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	// all tire is on air check
	m_vehicleOnAir = 0;
//	int constraintIndex = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_tiresCount; i ++) {

//		dTrace (("tire: %d ", i));

		Tire& tire = m_tires[i];
		tire.m_tireIsOnAir = 1;
//		tire.m_tireIsConstrained = 0;	
		tire.m_tireForceAcc = dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		// calculate all suspension matrices in global space and tire collision
		dMatrix suspensionMatrix (CalculateSuspensionMatrix (i, 0.0f) * chassisMatrix);

		// calculate the tire collision
		CalculateTireCollision (tire, suspensionMatrix, threadIndex);

		// calculate the linear velocity of the tire at the ground contact
		tire.m_tireAxelPositGlobal = chassisMatrix.TransformVector (tire.m_harpointInJointSpace - m_localFrame.m_up.Scale (tire.m_posit));
		tire.m_tireAxelVelocGlobal = bodyVelocity + bodyOmega * (tire.m_tireAxelPositGlobal - chassisMatrix.m_posit); 
		tire.m_lateralPinGlobal = chassisMatrix.RotateVector (tire.m_localAxisInJointSpace);
		tire.m_longitudinalPinGlobal = chassisMatrix.m_up * tire.m_lateralPinGlobal;

		if (tire.m_posit < tire.m_suspensionLenght )  {

			tire.m_tireIsOnAir = 0;
			tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			if (tire.m_HitBody){
				dMatrix matrix;
				dVector com;
				dVector omega;

				NewtonBodyGetOmega (tire.m_HitBody, &omega[0]);
				NewtonBodyGetMatrix (tire.m_HitBody, &matrix[0][0]);
				NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (tire.m_HitBody, &com[0]);
				NewtonBodyGetVelocity (tire.m_HitBody, &tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity[0]);
				tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity += (tire.m_contactPoint - matrix.TransformVector (com)) * omega;

			// calculate the relative velocity
			dVector tireHubVeloc (tire.m_tireAxelVelocGlobal - tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity);
			dFloat suspensionSpeed = - (tireHubVeloc % chassisMatrix.m_up);

			// now calculate the tire load at the contact point
			// Tire suspension distance and hard limit.
			dFloat distance = tire.m_suspensionLenght - tire.m_posit;
			_ASSERTE (distance <= tire.m_suspensionLenght);
			tire.m_tireLoad = - NewtonCalculateSpringDamperAcceleration (timestep, tire.m_springConst, distance, tire.m_springDamper, suspensionSpeed );
			if ( tire.m_tireLoad < 0.0f ) {
				// since the tire is not a body with real mass it can only push the chassis.
				tire.m_tireLoad = 0.0f;

			//this suspension is applying a normalize force to the car chassis, need to scales by the mass of the car
			tire.m_tireLoad *= (m_mass * 0.5f);

//			dTrace (("(load = %f) ", tire.m_tireLoad));

			//tire.m_tireIsConstrained = (dAbs (tire.m_torque) < 0.3f);

			// convert the tire load force magnitude to a torque and force.
			// accumulate the force doe to the suspension spring and damper
			tire.m_tireForceAcc += chassisMatrix.m_up.Scale (tire.m_tireLoad);

			// calculate relative velocity at the tire center
			//dVector tireAxelRelativeVelocity (tire.m_tireAxelVeloc - tire.m_hitBodyPointVelocity); 

			// axle linear speed
			//axelLinealSpeed = tireAxelRelativeVelocity % chassisMatrix.m_front;
			dFloat axelLinearSpeed = tireHubVeloc % chassisMatrix.m_front;

			// calculate tire rotation velocity at the tire radio
			//dVector tireAngularVelocity (tire.m_lateralPinGlobal.Scale (tire.m_angularVelocity));
			//dVector tireRadius (tire.m_contactPoint - tire.m_tireAxelPositGlobal);
			//dVector tireRotationalVelocityAtContact (tireAngularVelocity * tireRadius);	

			// calculate slip ratio and max longitudinal force
			//dFloat tireRotationSpeed = -(tireRotationalVelocityAtContact % tire.m_longitudinalPinGlobal);
			//dFloat slipRatioCoef = (dAbs (axelLinearSpeed) > 1.e-3f) ? ((tireRotationSpeed - axelLinearSpeed) / dAbs (axelLinearSpeed)) : 0.0f;

			//dTrace (("(slipRatio = %f) ", slipRatioCoef));

			// calculate the formal longitudinal force the tire apply to the chassis
			//dFloat longitudinalForceMag = m_normalizedLongitudinalForce.GetValue (slipRatioCoef) * tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;

			dFloat longitudinalForceMag = CalculateLongitudinalForce (i, axelLinearSpeed, tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction);

//			dTrace (("(longForce = %f) ", longitudinalForceMag));

#if 0

			// now calculate relative velocity a velocity at contact point
			//dVector tireContactRelativeVelocity (tireAxelRelativeVelocity + tireRotationalVelocityAtContact); 
			//dVector tireContactAbsoluteVelocity (tireHubVeloc + tireRotationalVelocityAtContact); 

			// calculate the side slip as the angle between the tire lateral speed and longitudinal speed 
			//dFloat lateralSpeed = tireContactRelativeVelocity % tire.m_lateralPin;
			dFloat lateralSpeed = tireHubVeloc % tire.m_lateralPinGlobal;

			dFloat sideSlipCoef = dAtan2 (dAbs (lateralSpeed), dAbs (axelLinearSpeed));
			dFloat lateralFrictionForceMag = m_normalizedLateralForce.GetValue (sideSlipCoef) * tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;

			// Apply brake, need some little fix here.
			// The fix is need to generate axial force when the brake is apply when the vehicle turn from the steer or on sliding.
			if ( tire.m_breakForce > 1.0e-3f ) {
				_ASSERTE (0);
				// row constrained force is save for later determine the dynamic state of this tire 
  				tire.m_isBrakingForceIndex = constraintIndex;
				constraintIndex ++;

				frictionCircleMag = tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;
				if (tire.m_breakForce > frictionCircleMag) {
					tire.m_breakForce = frictionCircleMag;

				//NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow ( m_joint, &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &chassisMatrix.m_front.m_x  );
				NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_tireAxelPosit[0], &tire.m_longitudinalPin.m_x);
				NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction( m_joint, tire.m_breakForce);
				NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction( m_joint, -tire.m_breakForce);

				// there is a longitudinal force that will reduce the lateral force, we need to recalculate the lateral force
				tireForceMag = lateralFrictionForceMag * lateralFrictionForceMag + tire.m_breakForce * tire.m_breakForce;
				if (tireForceMag > (frictionCircleMag * frictionCircleMag)) {
  					lateralFrictionForceMag *= 0.25f * frictionCircleMag / dSqrt (tireForceMag);

			//project the longitudinal and lateral forces over the circle of friction for this tire; 
			dFloat frictionCircleMag = tire.m_tireLoad * tire.m_groundFriction;

			dFloat tireForceMag = lateralFrictionForceMag * lateralFrictionForceMag + longitudinalForceMag * longitudinalForceMag;
			if (tireForceMag > (frictionCircleMag * frictionCircleMag)) {
				dFloat invMag2;
				invMag2 = frictionCircleMag / dSqrt (tireForceMag);
				longitudinalForceMag *= invMag2;
				lateralFrictionForceMag *= invMag2;

			// submit this constraint for calculation of side slip forces
			lateralFrictionForceMag = dAbs (lateralFrictionForceMag);
			tire.m_lateralForceIndex = constraintIndex;
			constraintIndex ++;
			NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &tire.m_tireAxelPositGlobal[0], &tire.m_tireAxelPositGlobal[0], &tire.m_lateralPinGlobal[0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction (m_joint,  lateralFrictionForceMag);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction (m_joint, -lateralFrictionForceMag);

			// accumulate the longitudinal force
			dVector tireForce (tire.m_longitudinalPinGlobal.Scale (longitudinalForceMag));
			tire.m_tireForceAcc += tireForce;

			// now we apply the combined tire force generated by this tire, to the car chassis
			dVector r (tire.m_tireAxelPositGlobal - chassisMatrix.m_posit);

			// add the toque the tire asserts on the car body (principle of action reaction)
			dVector torque (r * tire.m_tireForceAcc - tire.m_lateralPinGlobal.Scale (tire.m_torque));
			NewtonBodyAddForce (m_body0, &tire.m_tireForceAcc[0]);
			NewtonBodyAddTorque( m_body0, &torque[0] );
			// calculate the net torque on the tire
			dFloat tireTorqueMag = -((tireRadius * tireForce) % tire.m_lateralPinGlobal);
			if (dAbs (tireTorqueMag) > dAbs (tire.m_torque)) {
				// the tire reaction force cannot be larger than the applied engine torque 
				// when this happens the net torque is zero and the tire is constrained to the vehicle linear motion
				tire.m_tireIsConstrained = 1;
				tireTorqueMag = tire.m_torque;

			tire.m_torque -= tireTorqueMag;
//			normalForces += tire.m_tireForceAcc;

		} else {

			// there is a next torque on the tire
			tire.m_torque -= tire.m_angularVelocity * tire.m_Ixx * DG_TIRE_VISCUOS_DAMP;
			tire.m_angularVelocity += tire.m_torque * tire.m_IxxInv * timestep;
			if (m_tires[i].m_breakForce > dFloat (0.1f)) {
				tire.m_angularVelocity = 0.0f;

//		dTrace (("(tireTorque = %f) ", tire.m_torque));

		// spin the tire by the angular velocity
		tire.m_spinAngle = dMod (tire.m_spinAngle + tire.m_angularVelocity * timestep, 3.14159265f * 2.0f);

		// reset the tire torque
		tire.m_torque = 0.0f;
		tire.m_breakForce = 0.0f;  

//		dTrace (("\n"));


	// add a row to simulate the engine rolling resistance
//	float bodyWeight = dAbs (normalForces % chassisMatrix.m_up) * m_rollingResistance;
//	if (bodyWeight > (1.0e-3f) * m_mass) {
//		NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &chassisMatrix.m_posit[0], &chassisMatrix.m_posit[0], &chassisMatrix.m_front[0]);
//		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction( m_joint,  bodyWeight);
//		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction( m_joint, -bodyWeight);
//	}
コード例 #3
void dVehicleChassis::CalculateSuspensionForces(dFloat timestep)
	const int maxSize = 64;
	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobianPair m_jt[maxSize];
	dComplementaritySolver::dJacobianPair m_jInvMass[maxSize];
	dVehicleVirtualTire* tires[maxSize];
	dFloat massMatrix[maxSize * maxSize];
	dFloat accel[maxSize];
	dComplementaritySolver::dBodyState* const chassisBody = m_vehicle->GetBody();

	const dMatrix& chassisMatrix = chassisBody->GetMatrix(); 
	const dMatrix& chassisInvInertia = chassisBody->GetInvInertia();
	dVector chassisOrigin (chassisMatrix.TransformVector (chassisBody->GetCOM()));
	dFloat chassisInvMass = chassisBody->GetInvMass();

	int tireCount = 0;
	const dList<dVehicleNode*>& children = m_vehicle->GetChildren();
	for (dList<dVehicleNode*>::dListNode* tireNode = children.GetFirst(); tireNode; tireNode = tireNode->GetNext()) {
		dVehicleVirtualTire* const tire = (dVehicleVirtualTire*) tireNode->GetInfo()->GetAsTire();
		if (tire) {
			const dVehicleVirtualTire::dTireInfo& info = tire->m_info;
			tires[tireCount] = tire;
			dFloat x = tire->m_position;
			dFloat v = tire->m_speed;
			dFloat weight = 1.0f;
			switch (tire->m_suspentionType)
				case m_offroad:
					weight = 0.9f;
				case m_confort:
					weight = 1.0f;
				case m_race:
					weight = 1.1f;
//x = 0.1f;
//v = 10.0f;
			dComplementaritySolver::dBodyState* const tireBody = tire->GetBody();

			const dFloat invMass = tireBody->GetInvMass();
			const dFloat kv = info.m_dampingRatio * invMass;
			const dFloat ks = info.m_springStiffness * invMass;
			accel[tireCount] = -NewtonCalculateSpringDamperAcceleration(timestep, ks * weight, x, kv, v);

			const dMatrix& tireMatrix = tireBody->GetMatrix(); 
			const dMatrix& tireInvInertia = tireBody->GetInvInertia();
			dFloat tireMass = tireBody->GetInvMass();

			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear = chassisMatrix.m_up.Scale(-1.0f);
			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular = dVector(0.0f);
			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear = chassisMatrix.m_up;
			m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular = (tireMatrix.m_posit - chassisOrigin).CrossProduct(chassisMatrix.m_up);

			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear = m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear.Scale(tireMass);
			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular = tireInvInertia.RotateVector(m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular);
			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear = m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.Scale(chassisInvMass);
			m_jInvMass[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular = chassisInvInertia.RotateVector(m_jt[tireCount].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular);


	for (int i = 0; i < tireCount; i++) {
		dFloat* const row = &massMatrix[i * tireCount];

		dFloat aii = m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear) + m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_angular) +
					 m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear) + m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular.DotProduct3(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular);

		row[i] = aii * 1.0001f;
		for (int j = i + 1; j < tireCount; j++) {
			dFloat aij = m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.DotProduct3(m_jt[j].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear) + m_jInvMass[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular.DotProduct3(m_jt[j].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular);
			row[j] = aij;
			massMatrix[j * tireCount + i] = aij;

	dCholeskyFactorization(tireCount, massMatrix);
	dCholeskySolve(tireCount, tireCount, massMatrix, accel);

	dVector chassisForce(0.0f);
	dVector chassisTorque(0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < tireCount; i++) {
		dVehicleVirtualTire* const tire = tires[i];
		dComplementaritySolver::dBodyState* const tireBody = tire->GetBody();

		tires[i]->m_tireLoad = dMax(dFloat(1.0f), accel[i]);
		dVector tireForce(m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J01.m_linear.Scale(accel[i]));

		tireBody->SetForce(tireBody->GetForce() + tireForce);
		chassisForce += m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_linear.Scale(accel[i]);
		chassisTorque += m_jt[i].m_jacobian_J10.m_angular.Scale(accel[i]);
	chassisBody->SetForce(chassisBody->GetForce() + chassisForce);
	chassisBody->SetTorque(chassisBody->GetTorque() + chassisTorque);
コード例 #4
    void SubmitConstraints (dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
        dMatrix tirePivotMatrix;
        dMatrix chassisPivotMatrix;


        // calculate the position of the pivot point and the Jacobian direction vectors, in global space.
        CalculateGlobalMatrix (m_chassisLocalMatrix, m_tireLocalMatrix, chassisPivotMatrix, tirePivotMatrix);

        // Restrict the movement on the pivot point along all two orthonormal direction
        dVector centerInTire (tirePivotMatrix.m_posit);
        dVector centerInChassis (chassisPivotMatrix.m_posit + chassisPivotMatrix.m_up.Scale ((centerInTire - chassisPivotMatrix.m_posit) % chassisPivotMatrix.m_up));
        NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &centerInChassis[0], &centerInTire[0], &chassisPivotMatrix.m_front[0]);
        NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &centerInChassis[0], &centerInTire[0], &chassisPivotMatrix.m_right[0]);

        // get a point along the pin axis at some reasonable large distance from the pivot
        dVector pointInPinInTire (centerInChassis + chassisPivotMatrix.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
        dVector pointInPinInChassis (centerInTire + tirePivotMatrix.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
        NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &pointInPinInTire[0], &pointInPinInChassis[0], &chassisPivotMatrix.m_right[0]);
        NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &pointInPinInTire[0], &pointInPinInChassis[0], &chassisPivotMatrix.m_up[0]);

        //calculate the suspension spring and damper force
        dFloat dist;
        dFloat speed;
        dFloat force;

        dVector tireVeloc;
        dVector chassisVeloc;
        dVector chassisOmega;
        dVector chassisCom;
        dMatrix chassisMatrix;

        const NewtonBody* tire;
        const NewtonBody* chassis;

        // calculate the velocity of tire attachments point on the car chassis

        tire = GetBody1();
        chassis = GetBody0();

        NewtonBodyGetVelocity (tire, &tireVeloc[0]);
        NewtonBodyGetVelocity (chassis, &chassisVeloc[0]);
        NewtonBodyGetOmega (chassis, &chassisOmega[0]);
        NewtonBodyGetMatrix (chassis, &chassisMatrix[0][0]);
        NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (chassis, &chassisCom[0]);
        chassisCom = chassisMatrix.TransformVector(chassisCom);
        chassisVeloc += chassisOmega * (centerInChassis - chassisCom);

        // get the spring damper parameters
        speed = (chassisVeloc - tireVeloc) % chassisPivotMatrix.m_up;
        dist = (chassisPivotMatrix.m_posit - tirePivotMatrix.m_posit) % chassisPivotMatrix.m_up;
        // check if the suspension pass the bumpers limits
        if (-dist > m_suspenstionSpan* 0.5f) {
            // if it hit the bumpers then speed is zero
            speed = 0;
            NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &centerInChassis[0], &centerInChassis[0], &chassisPivotMatrix.m_up[0]);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, 0.0f);
        } else if (dist > 0.0f) {
            // if it hit the bumpers then speed is zero
            speed = 0;
            NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &centerInChassis[0], &centerInChassis[0], &chassisPivotMatrix.m_up[0]);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, 0.0f);

        // calculate magnitude of suspension force
        force = NewtonCalculateSpringDamperAcceleration (timestep, m_spring, dist, m_damper, speed) * m_effectiveSpringMass;

        dVector chassisForce (chassisMatrix.m_up.Scale (force));
        dVector chassisTorque ((centerInChassis - chassisCom) * chassisForce);
        NewtonBodyAddForce (chassis, &chassisForce[0]);
        NewtonBodyAddTorque (chassis, &chassisTorque[0]);

        dVector tireForce (chassisForce.Scale (-1.0f));
        NewtonBodyAddForce(tire, &tireForce[0]);

        // apply the engine torque to tire torque
        dFloat relOmega;
        dMatrix tireMatrix;
        dVector tireOmega;

        NewtonBodyGetOmega(tire, &tireOmega[0]);
        NewtonBodyGetMatrix (tire, &tireMatrix[0][0]);

        relOmega = ((tireOmega - chassisOmega) % tireMatrix.m_front);

        // apply engine torque plus some tire angular drag
        dVector tireTorque (tireMatrix.m_front.Scale (m_enginetorque - relOmega * m_Ixx * m_angularDragCoef));
        NewtonBodyAddTorque (tire, &tireTorque[0]);

        dVector chassisReationTorque (chassisMatrix.m_right.Scale (- m_enginetorque));
        NewtonBodyAddTorque(chassis, &chassisTorque[0]);

        m_enginetorque = 0.0f;

        // add the brake torque row
        if (dAbs(m_brakeToque) > 1.0e-3f) {

            relOmega /= timestep;
            NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow (m_joint, 0.0f, &tireMatrix.m_front[0]);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, relOmega);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_brakeToque);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_brakeToque);
        m_brakeToque = 0.0f;
