コード例 #1
void RealTimeSimpleDestruction(SceneManager& system)
	NewtonWorld* world;
	world = system.m_world;

	// create the sky box and the floor,
	BuildFloorAndSceneRoot (system);

	// save the system wit the world
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(system.m_world, &system);

	// Set a world destruction callback so that we can destroy all assets created for special effects
	NewtonWorldSetDestructorCallBack (system.m_world, DestroyWorldCallback);

	// Set a Function callback for when a Convex Body collision is destroyed if the force exceeded the Max break value
	NewtonSetDestroyBodyByExeciveForce (system.m_world, DestroyThisBodyCallback); 

	// this will load a assets to create destruction special effects 
	LoadDestructionCutterMesh (system.m_world);

	BreakableStruture (system, dVector (-10.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f, 0.0f), 2);
	BreakableStruture (system, dVector ( 10.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f, 0.0f), 5);
	BreakableStruture (system, dVector (-10.0f, 0.0f,  10.0f, 0.0f), 3);
	BreakableStruture (system, dVector ( 10.0f, 0.0f,  10.0f, 0.0f), 3);
コード例 #2
ファイル: dNewton.cpp プロジェクト: Kaoswerk/newton-dynamics
	// create a newton world
	m_world = NewtonCreate();

	// for two way communication between low and high lever, link the world with this class for 
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

	// set the simplified solver mode (faster but less accurate)
	NewtonSetSolverModel (m_world, 1);

	// by default runs on four micro threads
	NewtonSetThreadsCount(m_world, 4);

	// set the collision copy constructor callback
	NewtonWorldSetCollisionConstructorDestructorCallback (m_world, OnCollisionCopyConstruct, OnCollisionDestructorCallback);

	// use default material to implement traditional "Game style" one side material system
	int defaultMaterial = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID (m_world);
	NewtonMaterialSetCallbackUserData (m_world, defaultMaterial, defaultMaterial, m_world);
	NewtonMaterialSetCompoundCollisionCallback(m_world, defaultMaterial, defaultMaterial, OnCompoundSubCollisionAABBOverlap);
	NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback (m_world, defaultMaterial, defaultMaterial, OnBodiesAABBOverlap, OnContactProcess);

	// add a hierarchical transform manage to update local transforms
	new dNewtonTransformManager (this);

	// set the timer
コード例 #3
NzPhysWorld::NzPhysWorld() :
	m_world = NewtonCreate();
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);
コード例 #4
	PhysWorld3D::PhysWorld3D() :
		m_world = NewtonCreate();
		NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

		m_materialIds.emplace("default", NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(m_world));
コード例 #5
ファイル: OgreNewt_World.cpp プロジェクト: Mononofu/OTE
// Constructor
World::World(Ogre::Real desiredFps, int maxUpdatesPerFrames, Ogre::String name) :
#ifndef WIN32
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_ogreMutex, 0);
	setUpdateFPS(desiredFps, maxUpdatesPerFrames);
    m_limits = Ogre::AxisAlignedBox(Ogre::Vector3(-100,-100,-100), Ogre::Vector3(100,100,100));

    m_world = NewtonCreate();

    if (!m_world)
        // world not created!

    NewtonWorldSetUserData( m_world, this );

    // create the default ID.
    m_defaultMatID = new OgreNewt::MaterialID( this, NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID( m_world ) );

    m_leaveCallback = NULL;

	m_defaultAngularDamping = Ogre::Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
	m_defaultLinearDamping = 0.1f;

    m_debugger = new Debugger(this);

	// set the default solve mode to be iterative the fastest
	setSolverModel (SM_FASTEST);

	// use the more advanced hardware in the system
	Ogre::String description;
	setPlatformArchitecture (3);
	getPlatformArchitecture (description);

	// set one tread by default
	// store the world by name in a static map
	worlds[name] = this;
コード例 #6
void DemoEntityManager::Cleanup ()
	// is we are run asynchronous we need make sure no update in on flight.
	if (m_world) {
		NewtonWaitForUpdateToFinish (m_world);

	// destroy all remaining visual objects
	while (dList<DemoEntity*>::GetFirst()) {
		RemoveEntity (dList<DemoEntity*>::GetFirst());

	m_sky = NULL;

	// destroy the Newton world
	if (m_world) {
		// get serialization call back before destroying the world
		NewtonDestroy (m_world);
		m_world = NULL;

	//	memset (&demo, 0, sizeof (demo));
	// check that there are no memory leak on exit
	dAssert (NewtonGetMemoryUsed () == 0);

	// create the newton world
	m_world = NewtonCreate();

	// link the work with this user data
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

	// set joint serialization call back

	// add all physics pre and post listeners
	//	m_preListenerManager.Append(new DemoVisualDebugerListener("visualDebuger", m_world));
	new DemoEntityListener (this);
	m_cameraManager = new DemoCameraListener(this);
	//	m_postListenerManager.Append (new DemoAIListener("aiManager"));

	// set the default parameters for the newton world
	// set the simplified solver mode (faster but less accurate)
	NewtonSetSolverModel (m_world, 4);

	// newton 300 does not have world size, this is better controlled by the client application
	//dVector minSize (-500.0f, -500.0f, -500.0f);
	//dVector maxSize ( 500.0f,  500.0f,  500.0f);
	//NewtonSetWorldSize (m_world, &minSize[0], &maxSize[0]); 

	// set the performance track function
	//NewtonSetPerformanceClock (m_world, dRuntimeProfiler::GetTimeInMicrosenconds);

	// clean up all caches the engine have saved
	NewtonInvalidateCache (m_world);

	// Set the Newton world user data
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

	// we start without 2d render
	m_renderHood = NULL;
	m_renderHoodContext = NULL;