コード例 #1
ファイル: models.cpp プロジェクト: cthielen/epiar
/**\brief Configure the ship's weapon slots based on the XML node weaponSlots.
bool Model::ConfigureWeaponSlots( xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node ) {

	xmlNodePtr slotPtr;
	string value;

	//if( (slotPtr = FirstChildNamed(node,"slot")) ){
        for( slotPtr = FirstChildNamed(node,"slot"); slotPtr != NULL; slotPtr = NextSiblingNamed(slotPtr,"slot") ){
		WeaponSlot newSlot;

		xmlNodePtr attr;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"name")) ){
			value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
			newSlot.name = value;
		} else return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"coord")) ){
			value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
			// go deeper...

			xmlNodePtr coordAttr;
			if( (coordAttr = FirstChildNamed(attr,"x")) ){
				newSlot.x = NodeToInt(doc,coordAttr);
			} else return false;
			if( (coordAttr = FirstChildNamed(attr,"y")) ){
				newSlot.y = NodeToInt(doc,coordAttr);
			} else return false;
		} else return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"angle")) ){
			newSlot.angle = NodeToFloat(doc,attr);
		} else return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"motionAngle")) ){
			value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
			newSlot.motionAngle = atof(value.c_str());
		} else return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"content")) ){
			// this check is necessary because NodeToString() won't translate <item></item> into ""
				value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
				value = ""; // slot is empty

			newSlot.content = Menu::GetCurrentScenario()->GetWeapons()->GetWeapon( value );
		} else return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"firingGroup")) ){
			newSlot.firingGroup = NodeToInt(doc,attr);
		} else return false;


        return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lua.cpp プロジェクト: cthielen/epiar
int Lua::ConvertFromXML( lua_State *L, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node )
    string key;
    string type;
    string keytype;

    keytype = (const char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "keytype");
    type    = (const char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "type");

    // Process the Key
    if(keytype == "number") {
        lua_pushnumber(L, atof( (const char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "key") ) );
    } else if(keytype == "string") {
        lua_pushstring(L, (const char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "key"));
    } else {
        LogMsg(WARN, "Unknown Lua/XML conversion type '%s'", type.c_str());
        return 0;

    // Process the Value
    if( type == "number") {
        float value = NodeToFloat(doc,node);
        lua_pushnumber(L, value);
    } else if( type == "string") {
        string value = NodeToString( doc, node );
        lua_pushstring(L, value.c_str());
    } else if( type == "boolean") {
        string value = NodeToString( doc, node );
        if (value == "true") {
            lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
        } else if (value == "false") {
            lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
        } else {
            LogMsg(WARN, "Unknown value '%s' for type '%s'", value.c_str(), type.c_str());

    } else if( type == "table") {
        int tableIndex;
        tableIndex = lua_gettop(L);
        // Create a table
        for( node = FirstChildNamed(node, "value"); node!=NULL; node = NextSiblingNamed(node, "value") ) {
            Lua::ConvertFromXML(L, doc, node);
            assert(lua_istable(L, tableIndex));
            lua_settable(L, tableIndex); // Pops the name and value.
            assert( tableIndex == lua_gettop(L) ); // The table should be at the top now.
    } else {
        LogMsg(WARN, "Unknown Lua/XML conversion type '%s'", type.c_str());
        return 1; // Just Key
    return 2; // Key, Value
コード例 #3
ファイル: player.cpp プロジェクト: DuMuT6p/Epiar
/**\brief Configure the ship's weapon slots, first copying the default slots
  * from the model, then updating it according to the saved player XML.
bool Player::ConfigureWeaponSlots( xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node ) {

	xmlNodePtr slotPtr;
	string value;

	// Grab the default slots from the player's ship model, then update it below.
	// This makes a copy, not a pointer or reference, so we don't have to worry
	// that it might alter the slots in the model.
	this->weaponSlots = this->GetModel()->GetWeaponSlots();

	for( slotPtr = FirstChildNamed(node,"weapSlot"); slotPtr != NULL; slotPtr = NextSiblingNamed(slotPtr,"weapSlot") ){
		WeaponSlot *existingSlot = NULL;

		xmlNodePtr attr;

		string slotName;
		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"name")) ){
			value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
			slotName = value;
		} else return false;

		for(unsigned int s = 0; s < weaponSlots.size(); s++){
			if(weaponSlots[s].name == slotName){
				existingSlot = &weaponSlots[s];
		if(!existingSlot) return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"content")) ){
			// this check is necessary because NodeToString() won't translate <item></item> into ""
				value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
				value = ""; // slot is empty

			Weapon* weapon = Weapons::Instance()->GetWeapon( value );
			existingSlot->content = weapon;
		} else return false;

		if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(slotPtr,"firingGroup")) ){
			value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
			existingSlot->firingGroup = (short)atoi(value.c_str());
		} else return false;


	// no need to push any WeaponSlot back into the player's weaponSlots; slots were edited in place

	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: planets.cpp プロジェクト: Maka7879/Epiar
/**\brief Parse one player out of an xml node.
bool Planet::FromXMLNode( xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node ) {
	xmlNodePtr  attr;
	string value;
	Coordinate pos;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"alliance")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		alliance = Alliances::Instance()->GetAlliance(value);
			LogMsg(ERR, "Could not create Planet '%s'. Unknown Alliance '%s'.", this->GetName().c_str(), value.c_str());
			return false;
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"x")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		pos.SetX( atof( value.c_str() ));
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"y")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		pos.SetY( atof( value.c_str() ));
	} else return false;

	SetWorldPosition( pos );

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"landable")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		landable = ( atoi( value.c_str() ) != 0);
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"traffic")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		traffic = (short int) atoi( value.c_str() );
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"image")) ){
		Image* image = Image::Get( NodeToString(doc,attr) );
		Image::Store(name, image);
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"militia")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		militiaSize = (short int) atoi( value.c_str() );
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"sphereOfInfluence")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		sphereOfInfluence = atoi( value.c_str() );
	} else return false;

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"technology"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"technology") ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		Technology *tech = Technologies::Instance()->GetTechnology( value );

	return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: player.cpp プロジェクト: DuMuT6p/Epiar
/**\brief Parse one player out of an xml node
bool Player::FromXMLNode( xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node ) {
	xmlNodePtr  attr;
	string value;
	Coordinate pos;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"name")) ){

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node, "planet"))){
		string temp;
		xmlNodePtr name = FirstChildNamed(attr,"name");
		lastPlanet = NodeToString(doc,name);
		Planet* p = Planets::Instance()->GetPlanet( lastPlanet );
		if( p != NULL ) {
			SetWorldPosition( p->GetWorldPosition() );
	}else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"model")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		Model* model = Models::Instance()->GetModel( value );
		if( NULL!=model) {
			SetModel( model );
		} else {
			LogMsg(ERR,"No such model as '%s'", value.c_str());
			return false;
	} else return false;
	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"engine")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		Engine* engine = Engines::Instance()->GetEngine( value );
		if( NULL!=engine) {
			SetEngine( engine );
		} else {
			LogMsg(ERR,"No such engine as '%s'", value.c_str());
			return false;
	} else return false;

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"credits")) ){
		value = NodeToString(doc,attr);
		SetCredits( atoi(value.c_str()) );
	} else return false;

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"weapon"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"weapon") ){
		AddShipWeapon( NodeToString(doc,attr) );

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"outfit"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"outfit") ){
		AddOutfit( NodeToString(doc,attr) );

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"cargo"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"cargo") ){
		xmlNodePtr type = FirstChildNamed(attr,"type");
		xmlNodePtr ammt = FirstChildNamed(attr,"amount");
		if(!type || !ammt)
			return false;
		if( NodeToInt(doc,ammt) > 0 )
			StoreCommodities( NodeToString(doc,type), NodeToInt(doc,ammt) );

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"ammo"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"ammo") ){
		xmlNodePtr type = FirstChildNamed(attr,"type");
		xmlNodePtr ammt = FirstChildNamed(attr,"amount");
		if(!type || !ammt)
			return false;
		AmmoType ammoType = Weapon::AmmoNameToType( NodeToString(doc,type) );
		int ammoCount = NodeToInt(doc,ammt);
		if( ammoType < max_ammo ) {
			AddAmmo( ammoType, ammoCount );
		} else return false;

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"Mission"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"Mission") ){
		Mission *mission = Mission::FromXMLNode(doc,attr);
		if( mission != NULL ) {
			LogMsg(INFO, "Successfully loaded the %s mission of player '%s'", mission->GetName().c_str(), this->GetName().c_str() );
			missions.push_back( mission );
		} else {
			LogMsg(INFO, "Aborted loading mission of player '%s'", this->GetName().c_str() );

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"favor"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"favor") ){
		xmlNodePtr alliance = FirstChildNamed(attr,"alliance");
		xmlNodePtr value = FirstChildNamed(attr,"value");
		if(!alliance || !value)
			return false;
		if( NodeToInt(doc,value) > 0 )
			UpdateFavor( NodeToString(doc,alliance), NodeToInt(doc,value) );

	for( attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"hiredEscort"); attr!=NULL; attr = NextSiblingNamed(attr,"hiredEscort") ){
		xmlNodePtr typePtr = FirstChildNamed(attr, "type");
		xmlNodePtr payPtr = FirstChildNamed(attr, "pay");
		assert(typePtr && payPtr);
		if(!typePtr || !payPtr) return false;
		string type = NodeToString(doc, typePtr);
		int pay = atoi( NodeToString(doc, payPtr).c_str() );
		// Adding it with sprite ID -1 means it's up to player.lua to go ahead and create the correct sprite.
		this->AddHiredEscort(type, pay, -1);

	if(this->ConfigureWeaponSlots(doc, node)){
		// great - it worked
		LogMsg( INFO, "Successfully loaded weapon slots");
	else {
		LogMsg( ERR, "Weapon slot XML helper failed to configure weapon slots");

	if( (attr = FirstChildNamed(node,"lastLoadTime")) ){
		lastLoadTime = NodeToInt(doc,attr);
	} else {
		lastLoadTime = (time_t)0;


	return true;