/* Same as DrawEdge invoked with BF_DIAGONAL */ BOOL FASTCALL IntDrawDiagEdge(HDC hdc, LPRECT rc, UINT uType, UINT uFlags) { POINT Points[4]; signed char InnerI, OuterI; HPEN InnerPen, OuterPen; POINT SavePoint; HPEN SavePen; int spx, spy; int epx, epy; int Width = rc->right - rc->left; int Height= rc->bottom - rc->top; int SmallDiam = Width > Height ? Height : Width; BOOL retval = !( ((uType & BDR_INNER) == BDR_INNER || (uType & BDR_OUTER) == BDR_OUTER) && !(uFlags & (BF_FLAT|BF_MONO)) ); int add = (LTRBInnerMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)] != -1 ? 1 : 0) + (LTRBOuterMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)] != -1 ? 1 : 0); /* Init some vars */ OuterPen = InnerPen = (HPEN)NtGdiGetStockObject(NULL_PEN); SavePen = (HPEN)NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, InnerPen); spx = spy = epx = epy = 0; /* Satisfy the compiler... */ /* Determine the colors of the edges */ if(uFlags & BF_MONO) { InnerI = LTRBInnerMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; OuterI = LTRBOuterMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } else if(uFlags & BF_FLAT) { InnerI = LTRBInnerFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; OuterI = LTRBOuterFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } else if(uFlags & BF_SOFT) { if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM) { InnerI = RBInnerSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; OuterI = RBOuterSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } else { InnerI = LTInnerSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; OuterI = LTOuterSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } } else { if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM) { InnerI = RBInnerNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; OuterI = RBOuterNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } else { InnerI = LTInnerNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; OuterI = LTOuterNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } } if(InnerI != -1) InnerPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN); if(OuterI != -1) OuterPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN); GreMoveTo(hdc, 0, 0, &SavePoint); /* Don't ask me why, but this is what is visible... */ /* This must be possible to do much simpler, but I fail to */ /* see the logic in the MS implementation (sigh...). */ /* So, this might look a bit brute force here (and it is), but */ /* it gets the job done;) */ switch(uFlags & BF_RECT) { case 0: case BF_LEFT: case BF_BOTTOM: case BF_BOTTOMLEFT: /* Left bottom endpoint */ epx = rc->left-1; spx = epx + SmallDiam; epy = rc->bottom; spy = epy - SmallDiam; break; case BF_TOPLEFT: case BF_BOTTOMRIGHT: /* Left top endpoint */ epx = rc->left-1; spx = epx + SmallDiam; epy = rc->top-1; spy = epy + SmallDiam; break; case BF_TOP: case BF_RIGHT: case BF_TOPRIGHT: case BF_RIGHT|BF_LEFT: case BF_RIGHT|BF_LEFT|BF_TOP: case BF_BOTTOM|BF_TOP: case BF_BOTTOM|BF_TOP|BF_LEFT: case BF_BOTTOMRIGHT|BF_LEFT: case BF_BOTTOMRIGHT|BF_TOP: case BF_RECT: /* Right top endpoint */ spx = rc->left; epx = spx + SmallDiam; spy = rc->bottom-1; epy = spy - SmallDiam; break; } GreMoveTo(hdc, spx, spy, NULL); NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, OuterPen); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(OuterI)); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx, epy); NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, InnerPen); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(InnerI)); switch(uFlags & (BF_RECT|BF_DIAGONAL)) { case BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMLEFT: case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_BOTTOM): case BF_DIAGONAL: case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_LEFT): GreMoveTo(hdc, spx-1, spy, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx, epy-1); Points[0].x = spx-add; Points[0].y = spy; Points[1].x = rc->left; Points[1].y = rc->top; Points[2].x = epx+1; Points[2].y = epy-1-add; Points[3] = Points[2]; break; case BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMRIGHT: GreMoveTo(hdc, spx-1, spy, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx, epy+1); Points[0].x = spx-add; Points[0].y = spy; Points[1].x = rc->left; Points[1].y = rc->bottom-1; Points[2].x = epx+1; Points[2].y = epy+1+add; Points[3] = Points[2]; break; case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_BOTTOM|BF_RIGHT|BF_TOP): case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_BOTTOM|BF_RIGHT|BF_TOP|BF_LEFT): case BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPRIGHT: case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_RIGHT|BF_TOP|BF_LEFT): GreMoveTo(hdc, spx+1, spy, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx, epy+1); Points[0].x = epx-1; Points[0].y = epy+1+add; Points[1].x = rc->right-1; Points[1].y = rc->top+add; Points[2].x = rc->right-1; Points[2].y = rc->bottom-1; Points[3].x = spx+add; Points[3].y = spy; break; case BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPLEFT: GreMoveTo(hdc, spx, spy-1, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx+1, epy); Points[0].x = epx+1+add; Points[0].y = epy+1; Points[1].x = rc->right-1; Points[1].y = rc->top; Points[2].x = rc->right-1; Points[2].y = rc->bottom-1-add; Points[3].x = spx; Points[3].y = spy-add; break; case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_TOP): case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_BOTTOM|BF_TOP): case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_BOTTOM|BF_TOP|BF_LEFT): GreMoveTo(hdc, spx+1, spy-1, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx, epy); Points[0].x = epx-1; Points[0].y = epy+1; Points[1].x = rc->right-1; Points[1].y = rc->top; Points[2].x = rc->right-1; Points[2].y = rc->bottom-1-add; Points[3].x = spx+add; Points[3].y = spy-add; break; case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_RIGHT): case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_RIGHT|BF_LEFT): case (BF_DIAGONAL|BF_RIGHT|BF_LEFT|BF_BOTTOM): GreMoveTo(hdc, spx, spy, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, epx-1, epy+1); Points[0].x = spx; Points[0].y = spy; Points[1].x = rc->left; Points[1].y = rc->top+add; Points[2].x = epx-1-add; Points[2].y = epy+1+add; Points[3] = Points[2]; break; } /* Fill the interior if asked */ if((uFlags & BF_MIDDLE) && retval) { HBRUSH hbsave; HPEN hpsave; hbsave = (HBRUSH)NtGdiSelectBrush(hdc, NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_BRUSH)); hpsave = (HPEN)NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN)); IntSetDCBrushColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(uFlags & BF_MONO ? COLOR_WINDOW : COLOR_BTNFACE)); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(uFlags & BF_MONO ? COLOR_WINDOW : COLOR_BTNFACE)); IntPolygon(hdc, Points, 4); NtGdiSelectBrush(hdc, hbsave); NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, hpsave); } /* Adjust rectangle if asked */ if(uFlags & BF_ADJUST) { if(uFlags & BF_LEFT) rc->left += add; if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT) rc->right -= add; if(uFlags & BF_TOP) rc->top += add; if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM) rc->bottom -= add; } /* Cleanup */ NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, SavePen); GreMoveTo(hdc, SavePoint.x, SavePoint.y, NULL); return retval; }
INT Test_NtGdiSelectPen(PTESTINFO pti) { HDC hDC; HPEN hPen, hOldPen; LOGBRUSH logbrush; hDC = GetDC(NULL); ASSERT(hDC); hPen = GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN); /* Test NULL DC */ SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(NULL, hPen); TEST(hOldPen == NULL); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test invalid DC */ SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen((HDC)((ULONG_PTR)hDC & 0x0000ffff), hPen); TEST(hOldPen == NULL); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test NULL pen */ SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, NULL); TEST(hOldPen == NULL); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test invalid pen */ SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, (HPEN)((ULONG_PTR)hPen & 0x0000ffff)); TEST(hOldPen == NULL); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test valid pen */ SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, hPen); TEST(hOldPen == GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, hOldPen); TEST(hOldPen == hPen); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test extpen */ SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); logbrush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; logbrush.lbColor = RGB(0x12,0x34,0x56); hPen = ExtCreatePen(PS_COSMETIC|PS_ALTERNATE, 1, &logbrush, 0, NULL); ASSERT(hPen); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, hPen); TEST(hOldPen != NULL); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, hOldPen); TEST(hOldPen == hPen); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test deleting pen */ SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, hPen); TEST(DeleteObject(hPen) == 1); hOldPen = NtGdiSelectPen(hDC, hOldPen); TEST(hOldPen == hPen); TEST(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); /* Test that fallback pen is BLACK_PEN */ DeleteDC(hDC); return APISTATUS_NORMAL; }
/* Same as DrawEdge invoked without BF_DIAGONAL * * 23-Nov-1997: Changed by Bertho Stultiens * * Well, I started testing this and found out that there are a few things * that weren't quite as win95. The following rewrite should reproduce * win95 results completely. * The colorselection is table-driven to avoid awfull if-statements. * The table below show the color settings. * * Pen selection table for uFlags = 0 * * uType | LTI | LTO | RBI | RBO * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 0000 | x | x | x | x * 0001 | x | 22 | x | 21 * 0010 | x | 16 | x | 20 * 0011 | x | x | x | x * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 0100 | x | 20 | x | 16 * 0101 | 20 | 22 | 16 | 21 * 0110 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 20 * 0111 | x | x | x | x * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 1000 | x | 21 | x | 22 * 1001 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 21 * 1010 | 21 | 16 | 22 | 20 * 1011 | x | x | x | x * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 1100 | x | x | x | x * 1101 | x | x (22)| x | x (21) * 1110 | x | x (16)| x | x (20) * 1111 | x | x | x | x * * Pen selection table for uFlags = BF_SOFT * * uType | LTI | LTO | RBI | RBO * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 0000 | x | x | x | x * 0001 | x | 20 | x | 21 * 0010 | x | 21 | x | 20 * 0011 | x | x | x | x * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 0100 | x | 22 | x | 16 * 0101 | 22 | 20 | 16 | 21 * 0110 | 22 | 21 | 16 | 20 * 0111 | x | x | x | x * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 1000 | x | 16 | x | 22 * 1001 | 16 | 20 | 22 | 21 * 1010 | 16 | 21 | 22 | 20 * 1011 | x | x | x | x * ------+-------+-------+-------+------- * 1100 | x | x | x | x * 1101 | x | x (20)| x | x (21) * 1110 | x | x (21)| x | x (20) * 1111 | x | x | x | x * * x = don't care; (n) = is what win95 actually uses * LTI = left Top Inner line * LTO = left Top Outer line * RBI = Right Bottom Inner line * RBO = Right Bottom Outer line * 15 = COLOR_BTNFACE * 16 = COLOR_BTNSHADOW * 20 = COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT * 21 = COLOR_3DDKSHADOW * 22 = COLOR_3DLIGHT */ BOOL FASTCALL IntDrawRectEdge(HDC hdc, LPRECT rc, UINT uType, UINT uFlags) { signed char LTInnerI, LTOuterI; signed char RBInnerI, RBOuterI; HPEN LTInnerPen, LTOuterPen; HPEN RBInnerPen, RBOuterPen; RECT InnerRect = *rc; POINT SavePoint; HPEN SavePen; int LBpenplus = 0; int LTpenplus = 0; int RTpenplus = 0; int RBpenplus = 0; BOOL retval = !( ((uType & BDR_INNER) == BDR_INNER || (uType & BDR_OUTER) == BDR_OUTER) && !(uFlags & (BF_FLAT|BF_MONO)) ); /* Init some vars */ LTInnerPen = LTOuterPen = RBInnerPen = RBOuterPen = (HPEN)NtGdiGetStockObject(NULL_PEN); SavePen = (HPEN)NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, LTInnerPen); /* Determine the colors of the edges */ if(uFlags & BF_MONO) { LTInnerI = RBInnerI = LTRBInnerMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; LTOuterI = RBOuterI = LTRBOuterMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } else if(uFlags & BF_FLAT) { LTInnerI = RBInnerI = LTRBInnerFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; LTOuterI = RBOuterI = LTRBOuterFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; /* Bertho Stultiens states above that this function exactly matches win95 * In win98 BF_FLAT rectangles have an inner border same color as the * middle (COLOR_BTNFACE). I believe it's the same for win95 but since * I don't know I go with Bertho and just sets it for win98 until proven * otherwise. * Dennis Björklund, 10 June, 99 */ if( LTInnerI != -1 ) LTInnerI = RBInnerI = COLOR_BTNFACE; } else if(uFlags & BF_SOFT) { LTInnerI = LTInnerSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; LTOuterI = LTOuterSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; RBInnerI = RBInnerSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; RBOuterI = RBOuterSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } else { LTInnerI = LTInnerNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; LTOuterI = LTOuterNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; RBInnerI = RBInnerNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; RBOuterI = RBOuterNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)]; } if((uFlags & BF_BOTTOMLEFT) == BF_BOTTOMLEFT) LBpenplus = 1; if((uFlags & BF_TOPRIGHT) == BF_TOPRIGHT) RTpenplus = 1; if((uFlags & BF_BOTTOMRIGHT) == BF_BOTTOMRIGHT) RBpenplus = 1; if((uFlags & BF_TOPLEFT) == BF_TOPLEFT) LTpenplus = 1; if(LTInnerI != -1) LTInnerPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN); if(LTOuterI != -1) LTOuterPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN); if(RBInnerI != -1) RBInnerPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN); if(RBOuterI != -1) RBOuterPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN); if((uFlags & BF_MIDDLE) && retval) { FillRect(hdc, &InnerRect, IntGetSysColorBrush(uFlags & BF_MONO ? COLOR_WINDOW : COLOR_BTNFACE)); } GreMoveTo(hdc, 0, 0, &SavePoint); /* Draw the outer edge */ NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, LTOuterPen); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(LTOuterI)); if(uFlags & BF_TOP) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.top, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right, InnerRect.top); } if(uFlags & BF_LEFT) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.top, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.bottom); } NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, RBOuterPen); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(RBOuterI)); if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.bottom-1, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right, InnerRect.bottom-1); } if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-1, InnerRect.top, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-1, InnerRect.bottom); } /* Draw the inner edge */ NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, LTInnerPen); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(LTInnerI)); if(uFlags & BF_TOP) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+LTpenplus, InnerRect.top+1, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-RTpenplus, InnerRect.top+1); } if(uFlags & BF_LEFT) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+1, InnerRect.top+LTpenplus, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+1, InnerRect.bottom-LBpenplus); } NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, RBInnerPen); IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(RBInnerI)); if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+LBpenplus, InnerRect.bottom-2, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-RBpenplus, InnerRect.bottom-2); } if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT) { GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-2, InnerRect.top+RTpenplus, NULL); NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-2, InnerRect.bottom-RBpenplus); } if( ((uFlags & BF_MIDDLE) && retval) || (uFlags & BF_ADJUST) ) { int add = (LTRBInnerMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)] != -1 ? 1 : 0) + (LTRBOuterMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)] != -1 ? 1 : 0); if(uFlags & BF_LEFT) InnerRect.left += add; if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT) InnerRect.right -= add; if(uFlags & BF_TOP) InnerRect.top += add; if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM) InnerRect.bottom -= add; if(uFlags & BF_ADJUST) *rc = InnerRect; } /* Cleanup */ NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, SavePen); GreMoveTo(hdc, SavePoint.x, SavePoint.y, NULL); return retval; }