コード例 #1
ファイル: Epetra_Map.cpp プロジェクト: EllieGong/trilinos
Epetra_Map * Epetra_Map::RemoveEmptyProcesses() const
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  const Epetra_MpiComm * MpiComm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm*>(&Comm());

  // If the Comm isn't MPI, just treat this as a copy constructor
  if(!MpiComm) return new Epetra_Map(*this);

  MPI_Comm NewComm,MyMPIComm = MpiComm->Comm();

  // Create the new communicator.  MPI_Comm_split returns a valid
  // communicator on all processes.  On processes where color == MPI_UNDEFINED,
  // ignore the result.  Passing key == 0 tells MPI to order the
  // processes in the new communicator by their rank in the old
  // communicator.
  const int color = (NumMyElements() == 0) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : 1;

  // MPI_Comm_split must be called collectively over the original
  // communicator.  We can't just call it on processes with color
  // one, even though we will ignore its result on processes with
  // color zero.
  int rv = MPI_Comm_split(MyMPIComm,color,0,&NewComm);
  if(rv!=MPI_SUCCESS) throw ReportError("Epetra_Map::RemoveEmptyProcesses: MPI_Comm_split failed.",-1);

  if(color == MPI_UNDEFINED)
    return 0; // We're not in the new map
  else {
    Epetra_MpiComm * NewEpetraComm = new Epetra_MpiComm(NewComm);

    // Use the copy constructor for a new map, but basically because it does nothing useful
    Epetra_Map * NewMap = new Epetra_Map(*this);

    // Get rid of the old BlockMapData, now make a new one from scratch...
    if(GlobalIndicesInt()) {
      NewMap->BlockMapData_ = new Epetra_BlockMapData(NumGlobalElements(),0,IndexBase(),*NewEpetraComm,false);
    else {
      NewMap->BlockMapData_ = new Epetra_BlockMapData(NumGlobalElements64(),0,IndexBase64(),*NewEpetraComm,true);

    // Now copy all of the relevent bits of BlockMapData...
    //    NewMap->BlockMapData_->Comm_                    = NewEpetraComm;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->LID_                     = BlockMapData_->LID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MyGlobalElements_int_    = BlockMapData_->MyGlobalElements_int_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MyGlobalElements_LL_     = BlockMapData_->MyGlobalElements_LL_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->FirstPointInElementList_ = BlockMapData_->FirstPointInElementList_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->ElementSizeList_         = BlockMapData_->ElementSizeList_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->PointToElementList_      = BlockMapData_->PointToElementList_;

    NewMap->BlockMapData_->NumGlobalElements_       = BlockMapData_->NumGlobalElements_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->NumMyElements_           = BlockMapData_->NumMyElements_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->IndexBase_               = BlockMapData_->IndexBase_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->ElementSize_             = BlockMapData_->ElementSize_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MinMyElementSize_        = BlockMapData_->MinMyElementSize_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MaxMyElementSize_        = BlockMapData_->MaxMyElementSize_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MinElementSize_          = BlockMapData_->MinElementSize_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MaxElementSize_          = BlockMapData_->MaxElementSize_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MinAllGID_               = BlockMapData_->MinAllGID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MaxAllGID_               = BlockMapData_->MaxAllGID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MinMyGID_                = BlockMapData_->MinMyGID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MaxMyGID_                = BlockMapData_->MaxMyGID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MinLID_                  = BlockMapData_->MinLID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->MaxLID_                  = BlockMapData_->MaxLID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->NumGlobalPoints_         = BlockMapData_->NumGlobalPoints_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->NumMyPoints_             = BlockMapData_->NumMyPoints_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->ConstantElementSize_     = BlockMapData_->ConstantElementSize_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->LinearMap_               = BlockMapData_->LinearMap_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->DistributedGlobal_       = NewEpetraComm->NumProc()==1 ? false : BlockMapData_->DistributedGlobal_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->OneToOneIsDetermined_    = BlockMapData_->OneToOneIsDetermined_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->OneToOne_                = BlockMapData_->OneToOne_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->GlobalIndicesInt_        = BlockMapData_->GlobalIndicesInt_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->GlobalIndicesLongLong_   = BlockMapData_->GlobalIndicesLongLong_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->LastContiguousGID_       = BlockMapData_->LastContiguousGID_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->LastContiguousGIDLoc_    = BlockMapData_->LastContiguousGIDLoc_;
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->LIDHash_                 = BlockMapData_->LIDHash_ ? new Epetra_HashTable<int>(*BlockMapData_->LIDHash_) : 0;

    // Delay directory construction
    NewMap->BlockMapData_->Directory_               = 0;

    // Cleanup
    delete NewEpetraComm;

    return NewMap;
    // MPI isn't compiled, so just treat this as a copy constructor
    return new Epetra_Map(*this);
コード例 #2
void Epetra_BlockMap::Print(ostream & os) const
  int * FirstPointInElementList1 = 0;
  int * ElementSizeList1 = 0;
  if (!ConstantElementSize()) {
    FirstPointInElementList1 = FirstPointInElementList();
    ElementSizeList1 = ElementSizeList();
  int MyPID = Comm().MyPID();
  int NumProc = Comm().NumProc();
  for (int iproc = 0; iproc < NumProc; iproc++) {
    if (MyPID == iproc) {
      if (MyPID == 0) {
  os <<  "\nNumber of Global Elements  = "; os << NumGlobalElements64(); os << endl;
  os <<    "Number of Global Points    = "; os << NumGlobalPoints64(); os << endl;
  os <<    "Maximum of all GIDs        = "; os << MaxAllGID64(); os << endl;
  os <<    "Minimum of all GIDs        = "; os << MinAllGID64(); os << endl;
  os <<    "Index Base                 = "; os << IndexBase(); os << endl;
  if (ConstantElementSize())
    os <<  "Constant Element Size      = "; os << ElementSize(); os << endl;
      os << endl;
      os <<    "Number of Local Elements   = "; os << NumMyElements(); os << endl;
      os <<    "Number of Local Points     = "; os << NumMyPoints(); os << endl;
      os <<    "Maximum of my GIDs         = "; os << MaxMyGID64(); os << endl;
      os <<    "Minimum of my GIDs         = "; os << MinMyGID64(); os << endl;
      os << endl;
      os <<  "     MyPID"; os << "    ";
      os <<  "       Local Index "; os << " ";
      os <<  "      Global Index "; os << " ";
      if (!ConstantElementSize()) {
  os <<" FirstPointInElement "; os << " ";
  os <<"   ElementSize "; os << " ";
      os << endl;
      for (int i = 0; i < NumMyElements(); i++) {
  os <<  MyPID; os << "    ";
  os <<  i; os << "    ";

    long long * MyGlobalElements1 = MyGlobalElements64();
    os <<  MyGlobalElements1[i]; os << "    ";
    throw ReportError("Epetra_BlockMap::Print: ERROR, GlobalIndicesLongLong but no API for it.",-1);
  else if(BlockMapData_->GlobalIndicesInt_)
    int * MyGlobalElements1 = MyGlobalElements();
    os <<  MyGlobalElements1[i]; os << "    ";
    throw ReportError("Epetra_BlockMap::Print: ERROR, no GlobalIndicesLongLong but no API for it.",-1);

  if (!ConstantElementSize()) {    
    os << FirstPointInElementList1[i]; os << "    ";
    os << ElementSizeList1[i]; os << "    ";
  os << endl;
      os << flush;
    // Do a few global ops to give I/O a chance to complete