コード例 #1
ファイル: metadata_loader.cpp プロジェクト: nathanielc/mongo
    Status MetadataLoader::initCollection( const string& ns,
                                           const string& shard,
                                           CollectionMetadata* metadata ) const
        // Bring collection entry from the config server.

        BSONObj collDoc;
            try {
                ScopedDbConnection conn( _configLoc.toString(), 30 );
                collDoc = conn->findOne( CollectionType::ConfigNS, QUERY(CollectionType::ns()<<ns));
            catch ( const DBException& e ) {
                string errMsg = str::stream() << "could not query collection metadata"
                                              << causedBy( e );

                // We deliberately do not return conn to the pool, since it was involved
                // with the error here.

                return Status( ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, errMsg );

        string errMsg;
        if ( collDoc.isEmpty() ) {

            errMsg = str::stream() << "could not load metadata, collection " << ns << " not found";
            warning() << errMsg << endl;

            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, errMsg );

        CollectionType collInfo;
        if ( !collInfo.parseBSON( collDoc, &errMsg ) || !collInfo.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {

            errMsg = str::stream() << "could not parse metadata for collection " << ns
                                   << causedBy( errMsg );
            warning() << errMsg << endl;

            return Status( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, errMsg );

        log() << "Collection Info: " << collInfo << endl;

        if ( collInfo.isDroppedSet() && collInfo.getDropped() ) {

            errMsg = str::stream() << "could not load metadata, collection " << ns
                                   << " was dropped";
            warning() << errMsg << endl;

            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, errMsg );

        if ( collInfo.isKeyPatternSet() && !collInfo.getKeyPattern().isEmpty() ) {

            // Sharded collection, need to load chunks

            metadata->_keyPattern = collInfo.getKeyPattern();
            metadata->_shardVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, collInfo.getEpoch() );
            metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, collInfo.getEpoch() );
            metadata->_linkedNS = collInfo.getLinked();

            return Status::OK();
        else if ( collInfo.isPrimarySet() && collInfo.getPrimary() == shard ) {

            // A collection with a non-default primary

            // Empty primary field not allowed if set
            dassert( collInfo.getPrimary() != "" );

            metadata->_keyPattern = BSONObj();
            metadata->_shardVersion = ChunkVersion( 1, 0, collInfo.getEpoch() );
            metadata->_collVersion = metadata->_shardVersion;

            return Status::OK();
        else {

            // A collection with a primary that doesn't match this shard or is empty, the primary
            // may have changed before we loaded.

            errMsg = // br
                    str::stream() << "collection " << ns << " does not have a shard key "
                                  << "and primary "
                                  << ( collInfo.isPrimarySet() ? collInfo.getPrimary() : "" )
                                  << " does not match this shard " << shard;

            warning() << errMsg << endl;

            metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

            return Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteChangeDetected, errMsg );
コード例 #2
ファイル: metadata_loader.cpp プロジェクト: nathanielc/mongo
    Status MetadataLoader::initChunks( const string& ns,
                                       const string& shard,
                                       const CollectionMetadata* oldMetadata,
                                       CollectionMetadata* metadata ) const
        map<string, ChunkVersion> versionMap;

        // Preserve the epoch
        versionMap[shard] = metadata->_shardVersion;
        OID epoch = metadata->getCollVersion().epoch();
        bool fullReload = true;

        // Check to see if we should use the old version or not.
        if ( oldMetadata ) {

            // If our epochs are compatible, it's useful to use the old metadata for diffs
            if ( oldMetadata->getCollVersion().hasCompatibleEpoch( epoch ) ) {

                fullReload = false;
                dassert( oldMetadata->isValid() );

                versionMap[shard] = oldMetadata->_shardVersion;
                metadata->_collVersion = oldMetadata->_collVersion;

                // TODO: This could be made more efficient if copying not required, but
                // not as frequently reloaded as in mongos.
                metadata->_chunksMap = oldMetadata->_chunksMap;

                LOG( 2 ) << "loading new chunks for collection " << ns
                         << " using old metadata w/ version " << oldMetadata->getShardVersion()
                         << " and " << metadata->_chunksMap.size() << " chunks" << endl;
            else {
                warning() << "reloading collection metadata for " << ns << " with new epoch "
                          << epoch.toString() << ", the current epoch is "
                          << oldMetadata->getCollVersion().epoch().toString() << endl;

        // Exposes the new metadata's range map and version to the "differ," who
        // would ultimately be responsible of filling them up.
        SCMConfigDiffTracker differ( shard );
        log() << "Metadata attach" << endl;
        differ.attach( ns, metadata->_linkedNS, metadata->_chunksMap, metadata->_collVersion, versionMap );

        try {

            ScopedDbConnection conn( _configLoc.toString(), 30 );

            auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query( ChunkType::ConfigNS,
                                                           differ.configDiffQuery() );

            if ( !cursor.get() ) {

                // Make our metadata invalid
                metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                return Status( ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable,
                               "problem opening chunk metadata cursor" );

            // The diff tracker should always find at least one chunk (the highest chunk we saw
            // last time).  If not, something has changed on the config server (potentially between
            // when we read the collection data and when we read the chunks data).

            int diffsApplied = differ.calculateConfigDiff( *cursor );
            if ( diffsApplied > 0 ) {

                // Chunks found, return ok

                LOG(2) << "loaded " << diffsApplied << " chunks into new metadata for " << ns
                           << " with version " << metadata->_collVersion << endl;

                metadata->_shardVersion = versionMap[shard];

                dassert( metadata->isValid() );
                return Status::OK();
            else if ( diffsApplied == 0 ) {

                // No chunks found, the collection is dropping or we're confused
                // If this is a full reload, assume it is a drop for backwards compatibility
                // TODO: drop the config.collections entry *before* the chunks and eliminate this
                // ambiguity

                string errMsg =
                    str::stream() << "no chunks found when reloading " << ns
                                  << ", previous version was "
                                  << metadata->_collVersion.toString()
                                  << ( fullReload ? ", this is a drop" : "" );

                warning() << errMsg << endl;

                metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                return fullReload ? Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, errMsg ) :
                                    Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteChangeDetected, errMsg );
            else {

                // Invalid chunks found, our epoch may have changed because we dropped/recreated
                // the collection.

                string errMsg = // br
                        str::stream() << "invalid chunks found when reloading " << ns
                                      << ", previous version was "
                                      << metadata->_collVersion.toString()
                                      << ", this should be rare";

                warning() << errMsg << endl;

                metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                return Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteChangeDetected, errMsg );
        catch ( const DBException& e ) {
            string errMsg = str::stream() << "problem querying chunks metadata" << causedBy( e );

            // We deliberately do not return connPtr to the pool, since it was involved
            // with the error here.

            return Status( ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, errMsg );
コード例 #3
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability(UnsubscribeContextAvailabilityRequest* requestP, UnsubscribeContextAvailabilityResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant)
  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request");

  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context Availability"));

  DBClientConnection* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
   * in the request */
  responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj sub;
  try {
      OID id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("findOne() in '%s' collection _id '%s'}", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),

      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      sub = connection->findOne(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << id));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");

      if (sub.isEmpty()) {
          reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions)");
          return SccOk;
  catch( const AssertionException &e ) {
      /* This happens when OID format is wrong */
      // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. By the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
      // (odl issues #95)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo assertion exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo assertion exception)");
      return SccOk;
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                 " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                 " - exception: " + e.what());
      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo generic exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                 " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                 " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  /* Remove document in MongoDB */
  // FIXME: I would prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is the some similar
  // to findAndModify for this?
  try {
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("remove() in '%s' collection _id '%s'}", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),
      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      connection->remove(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                 " - remove() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                 " - exception: " + e.what());
      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "remove in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request (mongo generic exception)");
                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                 " - remove() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                 " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 unsubscribe request");
  return SccOk;
コード例 #4
    void BatchWriteExec::executeBatch( const BatchedCommandRequest& clientRequest,
                                       BatchedCommandResponse* clientResponse ) {

        LOG( 4 ) << "starting execution of write batch of size "
                 << static_cast<int>( clientRequest.sizeWriteOps() )
                 << " for " << clientRequest.getNS() << endl;

        BatchWriteOp batchOp;
        batchOp.initClientRequest( &clientRequest );

        // Current batch status
        bool refreshedTargeter = false;
        int rounds = 0;
        int numCompletedOps = 0;
        int numRoundsWithoutProgress = 0;

        while ( !batchOp.isFinished() ) {

            // Get child batches to send using the targeter
            // Targeting errors can be caused by remote metadata changing (the collection could have
            // been dropped and recreated, for example with a new shard key).  If a remote metadata
            // change occurs *before* a client sends us a batch, we need to make sure that we don't
            // error out just because we're staler than the client - otherwise mongos will be have
            // unpredictable behavior.
            // (If a metadata change happens *during* or *after* a client sends us a batch, however,
            // we make no guarantees about delivery.)
            // For this reason, we don't record targeting errors until we've refreshed our targeting
            // metadata at least once *after* receiving the client batch - at that point, we know:
            // 1) our new metadata is the same as the metadata when the client sent a batch, and so
            //    targeting errors are real.
            // OR
            // 2) our new metadata is a newer version than when the client sent a batch, and so
            //    the metadata must have changed after the client batch was sent.  We don't need to
            //    deliver in this case, since for all the client knows we may have gotten the batch
            //    exactly when the metadata changed.

            OwnedPointerVector<TargetedWriteBatch> childBatchesOwned;
            vector<TargetedWriteBatch*>& childBatches = childBatchesOwned.mutableVector();

            // If we've already had a targeting error, we've refreshed the metadata once and can
            // record target errors definitively.
            bool recordTargetErrors = refreshedTargeter;
            Status targetStatus = batchOp.targetBatch( *_targeter,
                                                       &childBatches );
            if ( !targetStatus.isOK() ) {
                // Don't do anything until a targeter refresh
                refreshedTargeter = true;
                dassert( childBatches.size() == 0u );

            // Send all child batches

            size_t numSent = 0;
            size_t numToSend = childBatches.size();
            bool remoteMetadataChanging = false;
            while ( numSent != numToSend ) {

                // Collect batches out on the network, mapped by endpoint
                OwnedHostBatchMap ownedPendingBatches;
                OwnedHostBatchMap::MapType& pendingBatches = ownedPendingBatches.mutableMap();

                // Send side

                // Get as many batches as we can at once
                for ( vector<TargetedWriteBatch*>::iterator it = childBatches.begin();
                    it != childBatches.end(); ++it ) {

                    // Collect the info needed to dispatch our targeted batch

                    TargetedWriteBatch* nextBatch = *it;
                    // If the batch is NULL, we sent it previously, so skip
                    if ( nextBatch == NULL ) continue;

                    // Figure out what host we need to dispatch our targeted batch
                    ConnectionString shardHost;
                    Status resolveStatus = _resolver->chooseWriteHost( nextBatch->getEndpoint()
                                                                       &shardHost );
                    if ( !resolveStatus.isOK() ) {


                        // Record a resolve failure
                        // TODO: It may be necessary to refresh the cache if stale, or maybe just
                        // cancel and retarget the batch
                        WriteErrorDetail error;
                        buildErrorFrom( resolveStatus, &error );

                        LOG( 4 ) << "unable to send write batch to " << shardHost.toString()
                                 << causedBy( resolveStatus.toString() ) << endl;

                        batchOp.noteBatchError( *nextBatch, error );

                        // We're done with this batch
                        // Clean up when we can't resolve a host
                        delete *it;
                        *it = NULL;

                    // If we already have a batch for this host, wait until the next time
                    OwnedHostBatchMap::MapType::iterator pendingIt = pendingBatches.find( shardHost );
                    if ( pendingIt != pendingBatches.end() ) continue;

                    // We now have all the info needed to dispatch the batch

                    BatchedCommandRequest request( clientRequest.getBatchType() );
                    batchOp.buildBatchRequest( *nextBatch, &request );

                    // Internally we use full namespaces for request/response, but we send the
                    // command to a database with the collection name in the request.
                    NamespaceString nss( request.getNS() );
                    request.setNS( nss.coll() );

                    LOG( 4 ) << "sending write batch to " << shardHost.toString() << ": "
                             << request.toString() << endl;

                    _dispatcher->addCommand( shardHost, nss.db(), request );

                    // Indicate we're done by setting the batch to NULL
                    // We'll only get duplicate hostEndpoints if we have broadcast and non-broadcast
                    // endpoints for the same host, so this should be pretty efficient without
                    // moving stuff around.
                    *it = NULL;

                    // Recv-side is responsible for cleaning up the nextBatch when used
                    pendingBatches.insert( make_pair( shardHost, nextBatch ) );

                // Send them all out
                numSent += pendingBatches.size();

                // Recv side

                while ( _dispatcher->numPending() > 0 ) {

                    // Get the response
                    ConnectionString shardHost;
                    BatchedCommandResponse response;
                    Status dispatchStatus = _dispatcher->recvAny( &shardHost, &response );

                    // Get the TargetedWriteBatch to find where to put the response
                    dassert( pendingBatches.find( shardHost ) != pendingBatches.end() );
                    TargetedWriteBatch* batch = pendingBatches.find( shardHost )->second;

                    if ( dispatchStatus.isOK() ) {

                        TrackedErrors trackedErrors;
                        trackedErrors.startTracking( ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion );

                        LOG( 4 ) << "write results received from " << shardHost.toString() << ": "
                                 << response.toString() << endl;

                        // Dispatch was ok, note response
                        batchOp.noteBatchResponse( *batch, response, &trackedErrors );

                        // Note if anything was stale
                        const vector<ShardError*>& staleErrors =
                            trackedErrors.getErrors( ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion );

                        if ( staleErrors.size() > 0 ) {
                            noteStaleResponses( staleErrors, _targeter );

                        // Remember if the shard is actively changing metadata right now
                        if ( isShardMetadataChanging( staleErrors ) ) {
                            remoteMetadataChanging = true;

                        // Remember that we successfully wrote to this shard
                        // NOTE: This will record lastOps for shards where we actually didn't update
                        // or delete any documents, which preserves old behavior but is conservative
                        _stats->noteWriteAt( shardHost,
                                             response.isLastOpSet() ? 
                                             response.getLastOp() : OpTime(),
                                             response.isElectionIdSet() ?
                                             response.getElectionId() : OID());
                    else {

                        // Error occurred dispatching, note it

                        stringstream msg;
                        msg << "write results unavailable from " << shardHost.toString()
                            << causedBy( dispatchStatus.toString() );

                        WriteErrorDetail error;
                        buildErrorFrom( Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteResultsUnavailable, msg.str() ),
                                        &error );

                        LOG( 4 ) << "unable to receive write results from " << shardHost.toString()
                                 << causedBy( dispatchStatus.toString() ) << endl;

                        batchOp.noteBatchError( *batch, error );


            // If we're done, get out
            if ( batchOp.isFinished() )

            // MORE WORK TO DO

            // Refresh the targeter if we need to (no-op if nothing stale)

            bool targeterChanged = false;
            Status refreshStatus = _targeter->refreshIfNeeded( &targeterChanged );

            if ( !refreshStatus.isOK() ) {

                // It's okay if we can't refresh, we'll just record errors for the ops if
                // needed.
                warning() << "could not refresh targeter" << causedBy( refreshStatus.reason() )
                          << endl;

            // Ensure progress is being made toward completing the batch op

            int currCompletedOps = batchOp.numWriteOpsIn( WriteOpState_Completed );
            if ( currCompletedOps == numCompletedOps && !targeterChanged
                 && !remoteMetadataChanging ) {
            else {
                numRoundsWithoutProgress = 0;
            numCompletedOps = currCompletedOps;

            if ( numRoundsWithoutProgress > kMaxRoundsWithoutProgress ) {

                stringstream msg;
                msg << "no progress was made executing batch write op in " << clientRequest.getNS()
                    << " after " << kMaxRoundsWithoutProgress << " rounds (" << numCompletedOps
                    << " ops completed in " << rounds << " rounds total)";

                WriteErrorDetail error;
                buildErrorFrom( Status( ErrorCodes::NoProgressMade, msg.str() ), &error );
                batchOp.abortBatch( error );

        batchOp.buildClientResponse( clientResponse );

        LOG( 4 ) << "finished execution of write batch"
                 << ( clientResponse->isErrDetailsSet() ? " with write errors" : "")
                 << ( clientResponse->isErrDetailsSet() &&
                      clientResponse->isWriteConcernErrorSet() ? " and" : "" )
                 << ( clientResponse->isWriteConcernErrorSet() ? " with write concern error" : "" )
                 << " for " << clientRequest.getNS() << endl;
コード例 #5
ファイル: get_last_error.cpp プロジェクト: EddieWu/mongo
        bool run( const string& dbname,
                  BSONObj& cmdObj,
                  string& errmsg,
                  BSONObjBuilder& result,
                  bool fromRepl ) {

            // Correct behavior here is very finicky.
            // 1.  The first step is to append the error that occurred on the previous operation.
            // This adds an "err" field to the command, which is *not* the command failing.
            // 2.  Next we parse and validate write concern options.  If these options are invalid
            // the command fails no matter what, even if we actually had an error earlier.  The
            // reason for checking here is to match legacy behavior on these kind of failures -
            // we'll still get an "err" field for the write error.
            // 3.  If we had an error on the previous operation, we then return immediately.
            // 4.  Finally, we actually enforce the write concern.  All errors *except* timeout are
            // reported with ok : 0.0, to match legacy behavior.
            // There is a special case when "wOpTime" and "wElectionId" are explicitly provided by 
            // the client (mongos) - in this case we *only* enforce the write concern if it is 
            // valid.
            // We always need to either report "err" (if ok : 1) or "errmsg" (if ok : 0), even if
            // err is null.

            LastError *le = lastError.disableForCommand();

            // Always append lastOp and connectionId
            Client& c = cc();
            c.appendLastOp( result );

            // for sharding; also useful in general for debugging
            result.appendNumber( "connectionId" , c.getConnectionId() );

            OpTime lastOpTime;
            BSONField<OpTime> wOpTimeField("wOpTime");
            FieldParser::FieldState extracted = FieldParser::extract(cmdObj, wOpTimeField, 
                                                                     &lastOpTime, &errmsg);
            if (!extracted) {
                result.append("badGLE", cmdObj);
                appendCommandStatus(result, false, errmsg);
                return false;
            bool lastOpTimePresent = extracted != FieldParser::FIELD_NONE;
            if (!lastOpTimePresent) {
                // Use the client opTime if no wOpTime is specified
                lastOpTime = cc().getLastOp();
            OID electionId;
            BSONField<OID> wElectionIdField("wElectionId");
            extracted = FieldParser::extract(cmdObj, wElectionIdField, 
                                             &electionId, &errmsg);
            if (!extracted) {
                result.append("badGLE", cmdObj);
                appendCommandStatus(result, false, errmsg);
                return false;

            bool electionIdPresent = extracted != FieldParser::FIELD_NONE;
            bool errorOccurred = false;

            // Errors aren't reported when wOpTime is used
            if ( !lastOpTimePresent ) {
                if ( le->nPrev != 1 ) {
                    errorOccurred = LastError::noError.appendSelf( result, false );
                    le->appendSelfStatus( result );
                else {
                    errorOccurred = le->appendSelf( result, false );

            BSONObj writeConcernDoc = cmdObj;
            // Use the default options if we have no gle options aside from wOpTime/wElectionId
            const int nFields = cmdObj.nFields();
            bool useDefaultGLEOptions = (nFields == 1) || 
                (nFields == 2 && lastOpTimePresent) ||
                (nFields == 3 && lastOpTimePresent && electionIdPresent);

            if ( useDefaultGLEOptions && getLastErrorDefault ) {
                writeConcernDoc = *getLastErrorDefault;

            // Validate write concern no matter what, this matches 2.4 behavior

            WriteConcernOptions writeConcern;
            Status status = writeConcern.parse( writeConcernDoc );

            if ( status.isOK() ) {
                // Ensure options are valid for this host
                status = validateWriteConcern( writeConcern );

            if ( !status.isOK() ) {
                result.append( "badGLE", writeConcernDoc );
                return appendCommandStatus( result, status );

            // Don't wait for replication if there was an error reported - this matches 2.4 behavior
            if ( errorOccurred ) {
                dassert( !lastOpTimePresent );
                return true;

            // No error occurred, so we won't duplicate these fields with write concern errors
            dassert( result.asTempObj()["err"].eoo() );
            dassert( result.asTempObj()["code"].eoo() );

            // If we got an electionId, make sure it matches
            if (electionIdPresent) {
                if (!theReplSet) {
                    // Ignore electionIds of 0 from mongos.
                    if (electionId != OID()) {
                        errmsg = "wElectionId passed but no replication active";
                        result.append("code", ErrorCodes::BadValue);
                        return false;
                else {
                    if (electionId != theReplSet->getElectionId()) {
                        LOG(3) << "oid passed in is " << electionId
                               << ", but our id is " << theReplSet->getElectionId();
                        errmsg = "election occurred after write";
                        result.append("code", ErrorCodes::WriteConcernFailed);
                        return false;

            cc().curop()->setMessage( "waiting for write concern" );

            WriteConcernResult wcResult;
            status = waitForWriteConcern( writeConcern, lastOpTime, &wcResult );
            wcResult.appendTo( &result );

            // For backward compatibility with 2.4, wtimeout returns ok : 1.0
            if ( wcResult.wTimedOut ) {
                dassert( !wcResult.err.empty() ); // so we always report err
                dassert( !status.isOK() );
                result.append( "errmsg", "timed out waiting for slaves" );
                result.append( "code", status.code() );
                return true;

            return appendCommandStatus( result, status );
コード例 #6
ファイル: version_manager.cpp プロジェクト: DjComandos/mongo
     * @return true if had to do something
    bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase * conn_in , const string& ns , ChunkManagerPtr refManager, bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) {
        // TODO: cache, optimize, etc...

        WriteBackListener::init( *conn_in );

        DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
        if ( ! conf )
            return false;

        DBClientBase* conn = getVersionable( conn_in );
        verify(conn); // errors thrown above

        unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0;

        ChunkManagerPtr manager;
        const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns );
        if ( isSharded ) {
            manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns , authoritative );
            // It's possible the chunk manager was reset since we checked whether sharded was true,
            // so must check this here.
            if( manager ) officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber();

        // Check this manager against the reference manager
        if( isSharded && manager ){

            Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() );
            if( refManager && ! refManager->compatibleWith( manager, shard ) ){
                throw SendStaleConfigException( ns, str::stream() << "manager (" << manager->getVersion( shard ).toString()  << " : " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << ") "
                                                                      << "not compatible with reference manager (" << refManager->getVersion( shard ).toString()  << " : " << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") "
                                                                      << "on shard " << shard.getName() << " (" << shard.getAddress().toString() << ")",
                                                refManager->getVersion( shard ), manager->getVersion( shard ) );
        else if( refManager ){
            Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() );
            string msg( str::stream() << "not sharded ("
                        << ( (manager.get() == 0) ? string( "<none>" ) :
                                str::stream() << manager->getSequenceNumber() )
                        << ") but has reference manager ("
                        << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") "
                        << "on conn " << conn->getServerAddress() << " ("
                        << conn_in->getServerAddress() << ")" );

            throw SendStaleConfigException( ns, msg,
                    refManager->getVersion( shard ), ChunkVersion( 0, OID() ));

        // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version?
        // (ie., last time we issued the setShardVersions below)
        unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(conn,ns);
        if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) {
            return false;

        ChunkVersion version = ChunkVersion( 0, OID() );
        if ( isSharded && manager ) {
            version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ) );

        if( ! version.isSet() ){
            LOG(0) << "resetting shard version of " << ns << " on " << conn->getServerAddress() << ", " <<
                      ( ! isSharded ? "no longer sharded" :
                      ( ! manager ? "no chunk manager found" :
                                    "version is zero" ) ) << endl;

            << " have to set shard version for conn: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " ns:" << ns
            << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << "  current: " << officialSequenceNumber
            << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get()
            << endl;

        const string versionableServerAddress(conn->getServerAddress());

        BSONObj result;
        if ( setShardVersion( *conn , ns , version , manager , authoritative , result ) ) {
            // success!
            LOG(1) << "      setShardVersion success: " << result << endl;
            connectionShardStatus.setSequence( conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber );
            return true;

        LOG(1) << "       setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl;

        if ( result["need_authoritative"].trueValue() )
            massert( 10428 ,  "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative );

        if ( ! authoritative ) {
            // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection
            // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure
            checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, 1, tryNumber + 1);
            return true;
        if ( result["reloadConfig"].trueValue() ) {
            if( result["version"].timestampTime() == 0 ){

                warning() << "reloading full configuration for " << conf->getName()
                          << ", connection state indicates significant version changes" << endl;

                // reload db
            else {
                // reload config
                conf->getChunkManager( ns , true );

        const int maxNumTries = 7;
        if ( tryNumber < maxNumTries ) {
            LOG( tryNumber < ( maxNumTries / 2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) 
                << "going to retry checkShardVersion host: " << versionableServerAddress << " " << result << endl;
            sleepmillis( 10 * tryNumber );
            // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection
            // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure
            checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, true, tryNumber + 1);
            return true;
        string errmsg = str::stream() << "setShardVersion failed host: " << versionableServerAddress << " " << result;
        log() << "     " << errmsg << endl;
        massert( 10429 , errmsg , 0 );
        return true;
コード例 #7
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUnsubscribeContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUnsubscribeContext(UnsubscribeContextRequest* requestP, UnsubscribeContextResponse* responseP, const std::string& tenant)
    bool         reqSemTaken;
    std::string  err;

    reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", SemWriteOp, &reqSemTaken);

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Unsubscribe Context"));

    /* No matter if success or failure, the subscriptionId in the response is always the one
     * in the request */
    responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

    if (responseP->subscriptionId.get() == "")
        LM_W(("Bad Input (no subscriptionId)"));
        return SccOk;

    /* Look for document */
    BSONObj sub;
    OID     id;
      id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());
    catch (const AssertionException &e)
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo assertion exception)", reqSemTaken);
      // This happens when OID format is wrong
      // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. For the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
      // (old issue #95)
      LM_W(("Bad Input (invalid OID format)"));
      return SccOk;

    if (!collectionFindOne(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << id), &sub, &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    if (sub.isEmpty())
       reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (no subscriptions found)", reqSemTaken);

       responseP->statusCode.fill(SccContextElementNotFound, std::string("subscriptionId: /") + requestP->subscriptionId.get() + "/");
       return SccOk;

    /* Remove document in MongoDB */
    // FIXME: I would prefer to do the find and remove in a single operation. Is there something similar
    // to findAndModify for this?    
    if (!collectionRemove(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(tenant), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), &err))
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request (mongo db exception)", reqSemTaken);
      responseP->statusCode.fill(SccReceiverInternalError, err);
      return SccOk;

    /* Destroy any previous ONTIMEINTERVAL thread */

    // FIXME P7: mongoSubCache stuff could be avoided if subscription is not patterned

    // Removing subscription from mongo subscription cache
    LM_T(LmtMongoSubCache, ("removing subscription '%s' (tenant '%s') from mongo subscription cache", requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str(), tenant.c_str()));

    cacheSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "Removing subscription from cache");

    CachedSubscription* cSubP = mongoSubCacheItemLookup(tenant.c_str(), requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str());

    if (cSubP != NULL)  // Will only enter here if wildcard subscription

    cacheSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "Removing subscription from cache");

    reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi10 unsubscribe request", reqSemTaken);

    return SccOk;