コード例 #1
// TryConvention()
// check if we can use an Jacoby 2NT Bid here
BOOL CJacoby2NTConvention::TryConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
										 const CConventionSet& conventions, 
										 CHandHoldings& hand, 
										 CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
										 CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
										 CBidEngine& bidState,  
										 CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// the requirements for an Jacoby 2NT Bid are:
	// 1: Partner must have opened with 1 of a major
	// 2: we must not have bid yet
	// 3: we have 13+ points and 4+ card trump support

	int nOpeningBid = pDOC->GetOpeningBid();
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;

	// test conditions 1 - 4
	if ( ISBID(nOpeningBid) && (nOpeningBid == nPartnersBid) && 
		 (ISMAJOR(BID_SUIT(bidState.nPartnersBid))) && (bidState.nPartnersBidLevel == 1) &&
		 (bidState.m_numBidTurns == 0) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)) &&
		 (bidState.numSupportCards >= 4) )
		 // passed the test
		return FALSE;
	// calc adjusted pts
	int nSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DUMMY, nSuit, TRUE);

	status << "J2N1! Partner opened " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & ", and with " &
			  bidState.fAdjPts & " pts in hand and " & bidState.numSupportCards & 
			  "-card trump support, we can bid Jacoby 2NT to ask for partner's strength.\n";
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED);
	return TRUE;
コード例 #2
// RespondToConvention()
// respond to partner's preemptive shutout bid of 3, 4, or 5
BOOL CShutoutBidsConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
											     const CConventionSet& conventions, 
											     CHandHoldings& hand, 
											     CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
												 CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
											     CBidEngine& bidState,  
											     CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if (bidState.GetActiveConvention())
		return FALSE;

	// Bidding in response to an opening preemptive shutout bid? 
	// check requirements
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;

	// check to see if partner did in fact make a shutout bid
	if (((nPartnersBidLevel >= 3) &&  (nPartnersBidLevel <= 5)) && 
						(bidState.m_numPartnerBidsMade == 1) &&
						(nPartnersSuit != NOTRUMP) &&
		// okay, met requirements
		// failed the test
		return FALSE;

	// in general, pass a shutout bid unless we have an exceedingly 
	// strong hand
	// first state expectations
	bidState.m_fPartnersMin = OPEN_PTS(6);
	bidState.m_fPartnersMax = OPEN_PTS(9);
	status << "SHUTR0! Partner made a preemptive " & bidState.szPB & 
			  " bid, showing a " & 
			  ((bidState.nPartnersBidLevel==3)? 7:(bidState.nPartnersBidLevel==4)? 8:9) &
			  "-card " & bidState.szPSS & " suit with no tricks outside the suit, and most likely " &
			  bidState.m_fPartnersMin & "-" & bidState.m_fPartnersMax & " points.\n";

	// adjust team point estimates
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
	bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
	bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
	bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

	// raise a 3 bid to game if we have enough to make game
	// the requiremetns are:
	// 1: 4 cards in the suit,
	// 2: 5 playing tricks for a major suit, or 6 for a minor
	// 3: 2 QT's, and
	// 4: >= 26 team pts for a major game, or >= 29 pts for a minor game
	int nBid;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;
	int nPartnersSuitSupport = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	double numQuickTricks = bidState.numQuickTricks;
	int numLikelyWinners = bidState.numLikelyWinners;
	double fMinTPPoints = bidState.m_fMinTPPoints;
	double fMaxTPPoints = bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints;
	if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 3) && (ISMAJOR(nPartnersSuit)) &&
		(numSupportCards >= 4) && (numQuickTricks >= 2) && 
		(numLikelyWinners >= 5) && (fMinTPPoints >= PTS_GAME)) 
		nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersSuit,4);
		status << "SHUTR2! We have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & "/" & fAdjPts & 
				  " points in hand, for a total of " & fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints &
				  " points in the partnership, strong support for partner's long " &
				  bidState.szPSS & " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
				  "), plus " & numQuickTricks & " QTs and " & numLikelyWinners & 
				  " likely winners, so we can safely bid game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// raise a minor to game as above, but with 5-card
	// support && 6+ winners && 28+ TPs
	if ((nPartnersBidLevel <= 4)  && (ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit)) &&
		(numSupportCards >= 5) && (numQuickTricks >= 2) && 
		(numLikelyWinners >= 6) && (fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MINOR_GAME)) 
		nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersSuit,5);
		status << "SHUTR4! We have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & "/" & fAdjPts & 
				  " points in hand, for a total of " & fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints &
				  " points in the partnership, strong support for partner's long " &
				  bidState.szPSS & " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
				  "), plus " & numQuickTricks & " QTs and " & numLikelyWinners & 
				  " likely winners, so we can safely bid a minor game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// raise a 3 or 4 bid to slam with strong support,
	// >= 32 TPs, and 4 QTs
	if ((nPartnersBidLevel < 5) && (nPartnersSuitSupport >= SS_GOOD_SUPPORT) &&
		(numQuickTricks >= 4) && (fMinTPPoints >= PTS_SLAM)) 
		nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersSuit,6);
		status << "SHUTR6! We have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & "/" & fAdjPts & 
				  " points in hand, for a total of " & fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints &
				  " points in the partnership, " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) &
				  " support for partner's long " & bidState.szPSS & 
				  " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & "), plus " & numQuickTricks & 
				  " QTs, so we can safely bid a slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// else, just pass
	nBid = BID_PASS;
	status << "SHUTR9! With " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & "/" & fAdjPts & 
			  " points in hand, for a total of " & fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints &
			  " points in the partnership, holding " & bidState.szHP & 
			  " in support of partner's " & bidState.szPSS & " suit, and with only " & 
			  numQuickTricks & " QTs and " & numLikelyWinners & 
			  " likely winners, we have no real reason to bid anything, so just pass.\n";
	return TRUE;
コード例 #3
// TryConvention()
// check if we can use an Gambling 3NT Bid here
BOOL CGambling3NTConvention::TryConvention(const CPlayer& player,
        const CConventionSet& conventions,
        CHandHoldings& hand,
        CCardLocation& cardLocation,
        CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
        CBidEngine& bidState,
        CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
    // the requirements for opening a STANDARD Gambling 3NT Bid are:
    // 1: a solid 7+ card minor suit,
    // 2: 10-12 HCPs,
    // 3: no voids or small singletons, and
    // 4: no outside stoppers
    // the requirements for opening an ACOL Gambling 3NT Bid are:
    // 1: a solid 7+ card minor suit,
    // 2: 16-21 HCPs,
    // 3: no voids or small singletons, and
    // 4: stoppers in at least 2 of the remaining 3 suits

    // see which version we're playing
    int bStandardGambling3NT = (pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tnGambling3NTVersion) == 0);

    // see if we have any small singletons
    bool bSmallSingletons = false;
    if (bidState.numSingletons > 0)
        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
            CSuitHoldings& suit = hand.GetSuit(i);
            if ((suit.GetNumCards() == 1) && (suit[0]->GetFaceValue() < TEN))
                bSmallSingletons = true;

    // see if we have a solid suit
    int nSuit = NONE;
    if (hand.GetSuit(CLUBS).IsSolid() && (bidState.numCardsInSuit[CLUBS] >= 7))
        nSuit = CLUBS;
    else if (hand.GetSuit(DIAMONDS).IsSolid() && (bidState.numCardsInSuit[DIAMONDS] >= 7))
        nSuit = DIAMONDS;

    // test for std and ACOL Gambling 3NT conditions
    int numValidBidsMade = pDOC->GetNumValidBidsMade();
    if ( bStandardGambling3NT && (numValidBidsMade  == 0) && (ISSUIT(nSuit)) &&
            (bidState.fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && (bidState.fCardPts <= OPEN_PTS(12)) &&
            (bidState.numVoids == 0) && !bSmallSingletons &&
            (bidState.numSuitsStopped == 1) )
        // passed the test for standard gambling 3NT
        status << "G3NT1! With a solid " & bidState.numCardsInSuit[nSuit] &
               "-card " & STSS(nSuit) & " suit, " & bidState.fCardPts &
               " HCPs, no voids, no small singletons, and no outside stoppers, "
               " go ahead and bid a Gambling 3NT.\n";
    else if ( !bStandardGambling3NT && (numValidBidsMade == 0) && (ISSUIT(nSuit)) &&
              (bidState.fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(16)) && (bidState.fCardPts <= OPEN_PTS(21)) &&
              (bidState.numVoids == 0) && !bSmallSingletons &&
              (bidState.numSuitsStopped >= 3) )
        // passed the test for ACOL gambling 3NT
        status << "G3NT2! With a solid " & bidState.numCardsInSuit[nSuit] &
               "-card " & STSS(nSuit) & " suit, " & bidState.fCardPts &
               " HCPs, no voids, no small singletons, and stoppers in " &
               ((bidState.numSuitsStopped == 4)? "all four suits" : "two outside suits") &
               ", go ahead and bid an ACOL Gambling 3NT.\n";
        return FALSE;

    // OK, go ahead and bid 3NT
    bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED);
    return TRUE;
コード例 #4
// respond to partner's Gambling 3NT Bid
BOOL CGambling3NTConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player,
        const CConventionSet& conventions,
        CHandHoldings& hand,
        CCardLocation& cardLocation,
        CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
        CBidEngine& bidState,
        CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
    // first see if another convention is active
    if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
            (bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
        return FALSE;

    // make a responding bid
    int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
    int nOpeningBid = pDOC->GetOpeningBid();
    int nBid = NONE;

    int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
    if (nStatus == CONV_INACTIVE)
        // Bidding in response to partner's Gambling 3NT

        // and test conditions
        // partner must have opened at 3NT
        if ( (nOpeningBid == nPartnersBid) && (bidState.nPartnersBid == BID_3NT) )
            // passed the test
            return FALSE;

        // see which version of gambling 3NT we're playing
        int bStandardGambling3NT = (pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tnGambling3NTVersion) == 0);

        if (bStandardGambling3NT)
            // standard Gambling 3NT
            status << "G3NT10! Partner bid a Gambling 3NT, indicating " &
                   OPEN_PTS(10) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(12) & " HCPs, a solid 7+ card minor, "
                   " no voids or small singletons, and no outside stoppers.\n";

            // revalue partnership totals
            bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(10, 12);

            // if we have stoppers in at least 3 suits and no void minors, pass
            if ((bidState.numSuitsStopped >= 3) &&
                    (bidState.numCardsInSuit[CLUBS] > 0) && (bidState.numCardsInSuit[DIAMONDS] > 0))
                status << "G3NT12! Since we have " & bidState.numSuitsStopped & " suits stopped and no minor suit voids, we can pass.\n";
                nBid = BID_3NT;
                nBid = BID_4C;
                if (bidState.numSuitsStopped < 3)
                    status << "G3NT13! But since we have only " & bidState.numSuitsStopped & " suits stopped, we have to respond with " & BTS(nBid) &
                           ", which partner can correct to 4D if necessary.\n";
                    status << "G3NT14! But since we are void in the " &
                           ((bidState.numCardsInSuit[CLUBS] == 0)? "Club" : "Diamond") &
                           " suit, we have to respond at " & BTS(nBid) &
                           ", which partner can correct to 4D if necessary.\n";
                bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1);
                return TRUE;
            // ACOL Gambling 3NT
            // pass unless there's interest in slam
            status << "G3NT20! Partner bid an ACOL Gambling 3NT, indicating " &
                   OPEN_PTS(16) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(21) & " HCPs, a solid 7+ card minor, "
                   " no voids or small singletons, and stoppers in at least 2 outside suits.\n";

            // revalue partnership totals
            bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(16, 21);

            // respond positively only if there's interest in slam
            if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_SLAM)
                // bid slam directly
                if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_GRAND_SLAM)
                    nBid = BID_7NT;
                    status << "G3NT21! With a total of " &
                           bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints &
                           " pts in the partnership, bid a grand slam directly at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
                    nBid = BID_6NT;
                    status << "G3NT22! With a total of " &
                           bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints &
                           " pts in the partnership, bid slam directly at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
                // gotta pass
                status << "G3NT29! But with a total of " &
                       bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints &
                       " pts in the partnership, we have no interest in slam and have to pass.\n";
                nBid = BID_PASS;
        bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
        return TRUE;
    else if (nStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1)
        // we must have responded with a 4C, so pass here
        // see if partner made sense
        if ((nPartnersBid == BID_4D) || (nPartnersBid == BID_PASS))
            status << "G3NT40! Pass partner's " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & " and conclude the Gambling 3NT convention and pass.\n";
            status << "G3NT41! Partner's " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid doesn't make sense, so end the Gambling 3NT convention and pas.\n";
        bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
コード例 #5
// MakeOpeningBid()
// make initial bid
int CBidEngine::MakeOpeningBid()
	CPlayerStatusDialog& status = *m_pStatusDlg;

	status << "2Opening bid for team.\n";

	// First check to see if we can open using a convention
	// e.g., weak 2, stong 2, preemptive 3/4, etc.
	if (pCurrConvSet->ApplyConventionTests(*m_pPlayer, *m_pHand, *m_pCardLocation, m_ppGuessedHands, *this, *m_pStatusDlg))
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

	// see if we can open No Trumps

	int	NTMin[3], NTMax[3];
	NTMin[0] = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn1NTRangeMinPts);
	NTMax[0] = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn1NTRangeMaxPts);
	NTMin[1] = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn2NTRangeMinPts);
	NTMax[1] = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn2NTRangeMaxPts);
	NTMin[2] = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn3NTRangeMinPts);
	NTMax[2] = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn3NTRangeMaxPts);

	if ((bBalanced) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(NTMin[0]))) 
		status << "A00! Have " & fCardPts & " HCP's with a balanced hand.\n";

		// but if we have a good 5-card major, open it in a suit
		// but not if we have to overcall to do so
		BOOL bNeedToOvercall = FALSE;
		if ( ((nLHOBid > BID_PASS) || (nRHOBid > BID_PASS)) && (nPartnersBid <= BID_PASS))
			bNeedToOvercall = TRUE;
		if (IsSuitOpenable(HEARTS) && !bNeedToOvercall)
			status << "A02! But with an openable " & numCardsInSuit[HEARTS] &
					  "-card Heart suit, prefer to open in the major instead of in No Trump.\n";
			goto escape1;
		if (IsSuitOpenable(SPADES) && !bNeedToOvercall) 
			status << "A04! But with an openable " & numCardsInSuit[SPADES] &
					  "-card Spade suit, prefer to open in the major instead of in No Trump.\n";
			goto escape1;

		// check range for 1NT
		// NCR-285 Need stopper if opponents have bid!!!
		BOOL bHaveOppsStopped = TRUE;
		if ((nRHOBid != BID_PASS) && ISSUIT(nRHOSuit))
			bHaveOppsStopped = m_pHand->IsSuitStopped(nRHOSuit);  // NCR-285 consider if their suit is stopped
		else if ((nLHOBid != BID_PASS) && ISSUIT(nLHOSuit))
			bHaveOppsStopped = m_pHand->IsSuitStopped(nLHOSuit);  // NCR-285 ditto

		if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(NTMin[0])) && (fCardPts <= NTMax[0]) && bHaveOppsStopped) // NCR-285 added test
			// NCR-18 Check if RHO bid NT and double 
			if(nRHOBid == BID_1NT){
				m_nBid = BID_DOUBLE;	// NCR-337 Problem here. This is not a Takeout double???
				status << "A07! This meet the rqmts for the 1NT opening range (" & NTMin[0] & "-" & NTMax[0] 
						& "), but RHO has bid 1NT, so Double.\n";
			}else {
				// open 1NT
				m_nBid = BID_1NT;
				status << "A08! This meet the rqmts for the 1NT opening range (" & NTMin[0] & "-" & NTMax[0] & "), so bid 1NT.\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
		else if ((fCardPts > OPEN_PTS(NTMax[0])) && (fCardPts < NTMin[1])) 
			// in-between 1 & 2 situation; bid interim suit
			m_nNextIntendedBid = NIB_JUMP_NT;
			if (numOpenableSuits > 0) 
				// bid 1 of lowest openable suit
				m_nBid = GetLowestOpenableBid(SUITS_ANY,OT_OPENER,1);
				// NCR-335 Don't bid 4 card major with 5CardMajor convention
				if (ISMAJOR(BID_SUIT(m_nBid)) && pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tid5CardMajors)
					&& (numCardsInSuit[BID_SUIT(m_nBid)] < 5) ) 
					// Use Diamonds if 4, else clubs (have balanced hand here)
					Suit bidThis = numCardsInSuit[DIAMONDS] >= 4 ? DIAMONDS : CLUBS;
					m_nBid = MAKEBID(bidThis, 1);  // NCR-335 use minor
				status << "A10! This exceeds the max pts for a 1NT opening (" & NTMax[0] & 
								 "), but is less than min pts for 2NT (" & NTMin[1] & 
								 ").  So bid the lowest openable suit of " & BTS(m_nBid) & 
								 " for now, then try for a jump shift to 2NT later.\n";
				// go ahead and bid the preferred suit
				if (!pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tid5CardMajors) )
					m_nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit,1);
					m_nBid = BID_1C;
				status << "A14! This exceeds the max pts for a 1NT opening (" & NTMax[0] &
					      "), but is less than min pts for 2NT (" & NTMin[1] &
						  " and we have no good openable suit, so just bid " & BTS(m_nBid) &
						  " for now.\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

		// NCR can't use 2NT if using unusual NT convention
		else if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(NTMin[1])) && (fCardPts <= NTMax[1]) 
//			     && !pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tidUnusualNT)  // NCR not relevant for Opening???
				 // NCR test that hand does NOT have a worthless doubleton
				 && ((m_pHand->GetNumDoubletons() == 0)  // OK if no doubletons
				     || (m_pHand->GetNumDoubletons() >= 1) 
				         && !m_pHand->HasWorthlessDoubleton()) //or if its not worthless
			// open 2NT
			m_nBid = BID_2NT;
			status << "A20! This meets the rqmts for a 2NT opening (" & 
					  NTMin[1] & "-" & NTMax[1] & "), so bid 2NT.\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

		else if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(NTMax[1])) && (NTMin[2] < 0))  // NCR ??? see next else if

			// > pts for 2NT, but 3NT opening not allowed  NCR what does not allowed mean???
			// so bid 2C
			m_nBid = BID_2C;
			status << "A30! This exceeds the max pts for a 2NT opening (" & NTMax[1] & 
					   "), but a 3NT opening has been disallowed, so open with " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

		else if ((fCardPts > OPEN_PTS(NTMax[1])) && (fCardPts < NTMin[2])) 

			// in-between 2 & 3 situation; bid 2 of interim suit
			// and bid NT later
			m_nNextIntendedBid = NIB_NT;
			if (numOpenableSuits > 0) 
				// bid 1 of lowest openable suit
				m_nBid = GetLowestOpenableBid(SUITS_ANY,OT_OPENER,1);
				status << "A40! This exceeds the max pts for a 2NT opening (" &
						  NTMax[1] & "), but is less than min pts for 3NT (" &
						  NTMin[2] & ").  So bid the lowest openable suit of " &
						  BTS(m_nBid) & " for now, then jump shift to NT later.\n";
				// no good openable suits; just bid preferred suit
				m_nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit,1);;
				status << "A42! This exceeds the max pts for a 2NT opening (" &
						  NTMax[1] & "), but is less than min pts for 3NT (" &
						  NTMin[2] & "), and have no good openable suit, so bid " &
						  BTS(m_nBid) & " for now.\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

		else if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(NTMin[2])) && (fCardPts <= NTMax[2])
				 // NCR test that hand does NOT have a worthless doubleton
				 && ((m_pHand->GetNumDoubletons() == 0)  // OK if no doubletons
				     || (m_pHand->GetNumDoubletons() >= 1) 
				         && !m_pHand->HasWorthlessDoubleton()) //or if its not worthless

			// open 3NT
			m_nBid = BID_3NT;
			status << "A50! Bid 3NT.\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
/*  NCR remove falling into a 3NT bid
		else // if(!pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tidUnusualNT)) // NCR added Unusual test??? 
			// > 3NT point range? unusual, but open 3NT for now
			m_nBid = BID_3NT;
			status << "A60! bid 3NT with balanced hand and " & fCardPts & " points.\n"; // NCR
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	}  // end balanced hand with > min pts



	// See if we can open at the 1-level
	// open at the 1-level if we have:
	//  1:  14+ points in high cards
	//  2:  13+ HCPs with 2 Quick Tricks
	//  3:  12+ HCPs with 2 QTs and a rebiddable suit
	//  4:  12+ HCPs with 2 QTs and a 5-card suit
	//  5:  12+ HCPs with balanced dist (weak NT mode only)
	//  6:  10+ HCPs opening in 3rd or 4th seat and a good suit  NCR ???
	//  7:  15+ Total points with 2 QTs
	//  8:  14+ Total points with 2 QTs and a rebiddable suit
	//  9:  13+ Total points with 2 QTs and a rebiddable suit of 6+ cards
	// we can only open if the opponents haven't opened yet
	// if they have, the COvercallsCovention object should have looked into
	// a posssible overcall.
	if ((nLHOBid > BID_PASS) || (nRHOBid > BID_PASS))
		status << "B00! We cannot overcall and the hand is not appropriate for any other bid, so pass.\n";
		m_nBid = BID_PASS;
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

	// the suit to open us usually the best suit
	nSuit = GetBestOpeningSuit();

	// case 1:  14+ points in high cards
	if (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(14)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E01! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	// case 2:  13+ HCP's && 2 QT's
	if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)) && (numQuickTricks >= 2)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E02! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards and " & numQuickTricks & 
				  " quick tricks, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// case 3:  12+ HCP's, 2 QT's, & a rebiddable suit
	// NCR-680  reduce QTs
	if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(12)) && (numQuickTricks >= PT_COUNT(2)) && 
								(numRebiddableSuits > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E03! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards, " & numQuickTricks &
				  " quick tricks, and a rebiddable suit in " & STS(nSuit) & 
				  ", so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// case 4:  12+ HCP's, 2 QT's, & a 5-card suit
	if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(12)) && (numQuickTricks >= 2) && 
							(m_pHand->GetNumSuitsOfAtLeast(5) > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E04! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards, " & numQuickTricks & 
				  " quick tricks, and a " & numCardsInSuit[nSuit] & 
				  "-card suit, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	// case 5:  12+ HCP's & a balanced dist in Weak NTs
	if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(12)) && (bBalanced) && 
				(pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn1NTRange) == 0)) 
		m_nBid = BID_1NT;
		status << "E05! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards, a balanced hand, " &
				  "and playing Weak No Trumps, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	// case 6:  10+ HCPs opening in 3rd or 4th seat & a good suit
//	if ((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) 
	if ((fCardPts >= 10)  // NCR-206 Hard 10  and > 4 cards  
		 && (((nBiddingOrder == 2) && (numCardsInSuit[nSuit] > 4)) 
		                              // NCR require Having spades to open light in 4th
		     || ((nBiddingOrder == 3) & (numCardsInSuit[SPADES] > 3))
		                              && (nSuit == SPADES))
		 &&	(numOpenableSuits > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E07! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards in " 
				  & ((nBiddingOrder == 2)? "3rd" :  "4th") &
				  " position and a " & SSTS(nSuit) & " " & STSS(nSuit) & 
				  " suit, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	// case 7:  15+ Total points and 10 HCPs, with 2 QTs
	if ((fPts >= OPEN_PTS(15)) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && (numQuickTricks >= 2)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E08! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & " total points with " 
				  & numQuickTricks & " QT's, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	// case 8:  14+ Total points with 10+ HCPs, 2 QTs 
	// and a rebiddable suit
	if ((fPts >= OPEN_PTS(14)) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && 
		(numQuickTricks >= 2) && (numRebiddableSuits > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E09! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & " total points with "
				  & numQuickTricks & " QT's and a rebiddable suit, so bid "
				  & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// case 9:  13+ Total points with 10+ HCPs, 2 QTs and a 
	// rebiddable suit of 6+ cards
	if ((fPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && 
		(numQuickTricks >= 2) && (numRebiddableSuits > 0) && 
		(numPrefSuitCards >= 6) &&
		(nSuitStrength[nPrefSuit] > SS_OPENABLE)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E10! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & " total points with "
				  & numQuickTricks & " QT's and a " & numCardsInSuit[nSuit] & 
				  "-card rebiddable suit, so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

	// now test for optional 1-level openings
	int nAllowed1Opens = pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tnAllowable1Openings);

	// option 1:  11+ HCPs with 2 QTs, a rebiddable suit, &
	// length in both majors
	if ((nAllowed1Opens & OB_11_HCPS_RBS_LM) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(11)) && 
		(numQuickTricks >= 2) && (numRebiddableSuits > 0) &&
		(numCardsInSuit[HEARTS] >= 4) && (numCardsInSuit[SPADES] >= 4)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E21! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards, " & numQuickTricks & 
				   " quick tricks, a rebiddable suit, and length in both majors " &
				   "(optional opening condition #1), so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);
	// option 2:  11+ HCPs with 2 QTs and a 6-card suit
	if ((nAllowed1Opens & OB_11_HCPS_6CS) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(11)) && 
				(numQuickTricks >= 2) && 
				(m_pHand->GetNumSuitsOfAtLeast(6) > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E22! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards with " & numQuickTricks & 
			      " QT's and a " & numCardsInSuit[nSuit] & 
				  "-card suit (optional opening condition #2), so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// option 3:  14+ Total points with 10 HCPs, 2 QTs, and a 
	// good suit
	if ((nAllowed1Opens & OB_14_TCPS_GS) && 
				(fPts >= OPEN_PTS(14)) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && 
				(numQuickTricks >= 2) && (numSolidSuits > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E23! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & "total points with " & numQuickTricks &
				  " QT's and a " & SSTS(nSuit) & " " & STSS(nSuit) & 
				  " suit (optional opening condition #3), so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// option 4:  14+ Total points with 10 HCPs, 2 QTs, and a 
	// long suit (6+ cards)
	if ((nAllowed1Opens & OB_14_TCPS_LS) && 
		(fPts >= OPEN_PTS(14)) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && 
		(numQuickTricks >= 2) && 
		(m_pHand->GetNumSuitsOfAtLeast(6) > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E24! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & " total points with " & numQuickTricks &
				  " QT's and a " & numCardsInSuit[nSuit] &"-card " & STSS(nSuit) & 
				  " suit (optional opening condition #4), so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// option 5:  13+ Total points with 2 QTs, 10 HCPs,
	// and a 6-card suit
	if ((nAllowed1Opens & OB_13_TCPS_LS) && 
		      // NCR-390 Add in distribution points here and below in status msg
		((fPts + fDistPts) >= OPEN_PTS(13)) && (fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)) && 
		(numQuickTricks >= 2) && 
		(m_pHand->GetNumSuitsOfAtLeast(6) > 0)) 
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E25! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & (fPts+fDistPts) &" total points with " & numQuickTricks &
				  " QT's and a " & numCardsInSuit[nSuit] & "-card " & STSS(nSuit) & 
				  " suit (optional opening condition #5), so bid " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

	// special case:  13 pts + 1 for every 0.5 QTs missing
	if ((fPts > OPEN_PTS(13)) && (numQuickTricks < 2)) 
		int nRqmt = 13 + (int)(((2.0 - numQuickTricks)*2));
		if (fPts >= nRqmt) 
			m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
			status << "E27! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & 
					  " total points; shade opening requirement of 2 QT's and make do with " & numQuickTricks &
					  " QT's in light of the high total point count; open " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
			return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	// NCR-356 Loosen up a bit here - bid 5 card major if ...
	if((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)) &&  ISMAJOR(nSuit) && (numCardsInSuit[nSuit] >= 5)
		&& pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tid5CardMajors) )
		m_nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit,1);
		status << "E28! Have " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & 
				  " total points; shade opening requirement of 2 QT's and make do with " & numQuickTricks &
				  " QT's; open " & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;
	} // end NCR-356

	// NCR Is Convenient minor (goes with 5card Majors) appropriate - 13 HCPs and 3 clubs
	if((fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)) && pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tid5CardMajors)
		&& (numCardsInSuit[CLUBS] >= 3)) 
		m_nBid = BID_1C;
		if(numCardsInSuit[DIAMONDS] > numCardsInSuit[CLUBS]) // NCR-507 Bid Diamonds if more of them
			m_nBid = BID_1D;
		status << "E31! Have " & fCardPts & " points in high cards , so bid a Convenient minor "
			        & BTS(m_nBid) & ".\n";
		return ValidateBid(m_nBid);

	// All attempts at opening failed, so return a PASS
	status << "Z00! Hand is insufficient for any opening, so pass.\n";
	m_nBid = BID_PASS;
	return ValidateBid(m_nBid);;				

コード例 #6
// TryConvention()
// check if we can bid a takeout double here
BOOL CNegativeDoublesConvention::TryConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
											   const CConventionSet& conventions, 
											   CHandHoldings& hand, 
											   CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
											   CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
											   CBidEngine& bidState,  
											   CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// Negative doubles are made in the third position after
	// partner opens and RHO overcalls up to 2S.
	// The requirements for a negative doubles are:
	// 1: partner must have opened the bidding,
	// 2: we must either have passesed or not bid yet
	// 3: RHO must have overcalled at a level no higher than 2S, 
	// 4: have 4+ cards in each unbid major, (5+ at the 2-level), 
	// 5: holding 6+ points at the 1-level, or 11+ at the 2-level, and finally,
	// 6: don't have decent support for partner's suit

	// test conditions 1, 2, 3, and 5
	if ((bidState.m_bPartnerOpenedForTeam) && (bidState.m_numBidTurns <= 1) &&
		(bidState.nLHOBid <= BID_PASS) && (bidState.nRHOBid > BID_PASS)
		// NCR-145 Can't do NegDouble over Opening bid of Double 
		&& (bidState.nPartnersOpeningBid != BID_DOUBLE)
		// NCR-294 Can't do NegDbl over NT
		&& (bidState.nRHOSuit != NOTRUMP) 
		// NCR-116 split test into 2 parts depending on bid level
		&& (((bidState.nRHOBid <= BID_1S) && (bidState.fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(6)))
		    // NCR-116 higher level takes more points
		    || ((bidState.nRHOBid <= BID_2S) && (bidState.fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(11))))
		&& !ISBID(bidState.nPreviousBid))  // NCR test if we made a previous bid
		 // passed the initial tests
		return FALSE;

	// test condition #6
	// if we can raise partner or shift over the opponent, 
	// don't bother with a negative double
	int nRHOBid = bidState.nRHOBid;
	int nRHOBidLevel = bidState.nRHOBidLevel;
	int nRHOSuit = bidState.nRHOSuit;
	if (nRHOBidLevel == 1) 
		// see if we can raise partner at the 2-level
		if (pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tidLimitRaises))
			if ((bidState.numSupportCards >= 3) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(6)))
				// we can raise partner at the 2-level, so forget the neg double
				return FALSE;
			else if (bidState.numSupportCards >= 3) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(6)))
				// likewise, w/o limit raises
				return FALSE;
		if ((bidState.numSupportCards >= 3) &&
			(bidState.numSupportCards >= 3) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(6)))
			// if we can raise partner at the 2-level, forget the neg double
			if (pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tidLimitRaises) && 
						(bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(11)) && (bidState.fPts < OPEN_PTS(13)))
				return FALSE;	// limit raise
			else if (!pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tidLimitRaises) && 
						(bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)) && (bidState.fPts < OPEN_PTS(17)))
				return FALSE;	// single raise
		// check up to 2 suits
		for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
			// see if we can switch to this suit
			int nSuit = hand.GetSuitsByPreference(i);
			if (bidState.IsSuitShiftable(nSuit) && (nSuit > nRHOSuit))
				return FALSE;
	if (nRHOBidLevel == 2) 
		// see if we can safely raise partner at the 2-level
		if ((bidState.numSupportCards >= 3) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(6)) && (bidState.nPartnersSuit > nRHOSuit))
			// we can raise partner at the 2-level, so forget the neg double
			return FALSE;
		// see if we can raise partner to the 3-level (either 11 or 13 pts)
		double nReqPts = pCurrConvSet->IsConventionEnabled(tidLimitRaises)? OPEN_PTS(11) : OPEN_PTS(13);
		if ((bidState.numSupportCards >= 4) && (bidState.fPts >= nReqPts))
			// we can raise partner to the 3-level, so forget the neg double
			return FALSE;
		// check up to 2 suits for a shift at the 2-level
		for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
			// see if we can switch to this suit
			int nSuit = hand.GetSuitsByPreference(i);
			if (bidState.IsSuitShiftable(nSuit))
				// we can shift to the suit, but see if we have the pts
				if ((nSuit < bidState.nPartnersSuit) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(10)))
					return FALSE;	// can shift to a lower suit at the 2-level
				else if ((nSuit > bidState.nPartnersSuit) && (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(19)))
					return FALSE;	// can (jump) shift to a higher suit at the 2-level
	else if (nRHOBidLevel == 3) 
		// opp. overcalled at 3-level; too high a level for a neg. double
		return FALSE;

	// test condition 4
	// mark which majors are unbid
	int nMajorSuits[2] = { 1, 1 };
	if (bidState.nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)
		nMajorSuits[0] = 0;	// Hearts have been bid
	else if (bidState.nPartnersSuit == SPADES)
		nMajorSuits[1] = 0;	// spades have been bid
	if (bidState.nRHOSuit == HEARTS)
		nMajorSuits[0] = 0;
	else if (bidState.nRHOSuit == SPADES)
		nMajorSuits[1] = 0;

	// if both majors have been bid, we can't use negative doubles
	if ((!nMajorSuits[0]) && (!nMajorSuits[1]))
		return FALSE;
	if (bidState.nRHOBidLevel == 1)
		// at the 1-level, need 4+ cards in each unbid major and 6+ pts
		if ( ((nMajorSuits[0]) && (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) < 4)) || 
			 ((nMajorSuits[1]) && (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) < 4)) ||
			 (bidState.fPts < OPEN_PTS(6)))
			return FALSE;
		// at the 2-level, need 5+ cards in each unbid major and 11+ pts
		if ( ((nMajorSuits[0]) && (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) < 5)) || 
			 ((nMajorSuits[1]) && (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) < 5)) ||
			 (bidState.fPts < OPEN_PTS(11)))
			return FALSE;

	// finally, see if we have _too many_ points for a neg. double (19+)
	if (bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(19))
//		status << "NEGDBLX! We have the holdings for a negative double, but our " &
//				  bidState.fPts & " points are too much\n";
		return FALSE;

	// we've now passed all the tests, so make the bid
	if (bidState.nRHOBidLevel == 1)
		status << "NEGDBL1! With " & bidState.fPts & "/" & bidState.fPts & 
				  " points and 4 cards in the unbid majors, bid a negative double.\n";
		status << "NEGDBL2! With " & bidState.fPts & "/" & bidState.fPts & 
				  " points and 5+ cards in the unbid majors, bid a negative double.\n";
	int nBid = BID_DOUBLE;
//	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED);
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
	return TRUE;
コード例 #7
// respond to partner's negative double
BOOL CNegativeDoublesConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
													 const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													 CHandHoldings& hand, 
													 CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
													 CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													 CBidEngine& bidState,  
													 CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// Bidding in response to partner's negative bid? check requirements
	// the identifying marks of a negative double are:
	// 1: this must be round #1 or 2
	// 2: we must have opened bidding, and 
	// 3: LHO must have bid over our initial bid, up to 2S

	int nBid;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nMajorSuits[2] = { 1, 1 };
	if (bidState.nPreviousSuit == HEARTS)
		nMajorSuits[0] = 0;
	else if (bidState.nPreviousSuit == SPADES)
		nMajorSuits[1] = 0;
	if (bidState.nLHOSuit == HEARTS)
		nMajorSuits[0] = 0;
	else if (bidState.nLHOSuit == SPADES)
		nMajorSuits[1] = 0;

	// apply tests #1, 2, and 3
	if ( (nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) &&
		 ((bidState.nRound == 0) || (bidState.nRound == 1)) && 
		 (bidState.m_bOpenedBiddingForTeam) && 
		 (bidState.nLHOBid > BID_PASS) && (bidState.nLHOBid <= BID_2S)
		 // NCR-195 bid must be suit
		 && ISSUIT(BID_SUIT(bidState.nLHOBid))
		status << "NEGDR2! Partner has bid a negative double, indicating 4+ cards in the unbid majors " &
				  ((nMajorSuits[0] && nMajorSuits[1])? "(Hearts and Spades)" :
					nMajorSuits[0]? "(Hearts)" : "(Spades)") & ".\n";
		return FALSE;

	// estimate partner's strength
	if (bidState.nLHOBidLevel == 1)
		// 6-9 pts for a neg dbl the 1-level  (NCR TryConvention uses 19 max???)
		bidState.m_fPartnersMin = OPEN_PTS(6);
		bidState.m_fPartnersMax = Min(OPEN_PTS(19),40 - bidState.fCardPts); // NCR changed 9 to 19
		bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		status << "2NEGDR8! Partner's negative double indicates " &  
				  bidState.m_fPartnersMin & "-" & bidState.m_fPartnersMax &
				  " points, for a total in the partnership of " &
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
				  " points.\n";
		// 11-18 pts for a neg double at the 2 level
		bidState.m_fPartnersMin = OPEN_PTS(11);
		bidState.m_fPartnersMax = Min(OPEN_PTS(18),40 - bidState.fCardPts);
		bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		status << "2NEGDRT8! Partner's negative double indicates 11+ pts, for a total in the partnership of " &
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
				  " points.\n";

	// and respond to the bid
	int nSuit;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	int nLHOBid = bidState.nLHOBid;
	int nRHOBid = bidState.nRHOBid;

	// with support for one or the other major, raise
	// but discount the majors already bid by us or LHO
	int numHearts = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS);
	int numSpades = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES);

	// gotta beat RHO's bid if possible
	int nTopBid = nLHOBid;
	if ((nRHOBid > BID_PASS) && (nRHOBid != BID_REDOUBLE))
		nTopBid = nRHOBid;
	// see if the majors are available
	if ( (nMajorSuits[0] && nMajorSuits[1]) &&
		 ((numHearts >= 3) || (numSpades >= 3)) )
		// both majors are available, so pick the better one
		int nSuit = bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(HEARTS,SPADES);
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nTopBid);
		// see if the bid is affordable
		if (bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid))
			status << "NEGDTR20! With " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & " pts in the partnership and " &
				      " both majors available in response to the negative double, go with the " &
					  hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) & "-card " & STSS(nSuit) & " suit and bid " & 
					  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "NEGDTR21! We have both majors avaialblem but with " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & 
					  " pts in the partnership, we do not have enough points to bid either suit and have to pass.\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;
	else if ( ((nMajorSuits[0]) && (numHearts >= 3)) ||
			  ((nMajorSuits[1]) && (numSpades >= 3)) )
		// bid the suit
		if ((nMajorSuits[0]) && (numHearts >= 3))
			nSuit = HEARTS;
			nSuit = SPADES;
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nTopBid);
		// see if the bid is affordable
		double fAdj = bidState.fAdjPts; // NCR-717 theApp.GetBiddingAgressiveness()*1.5; // NCR change test amt?
		if (bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid, fAdj)) // NCR adjust???
			status << "NEGDTR30! With " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & " pts in the partnership and " &
				      hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) & " cards available in " &
					  STS(nSuit) &", bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "NEGDTR31! We have " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) & " cards in the " & 
					  STSS(nSuit) & " suit, but with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & 
					  " pts in the partnership, we can't go any higher.\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	// we have no majors available, so bid NT if possible
	if (bidState.BidNoTrumpAsAppropriate(FALSE))
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	// else bid something, anything
	nSuit = bidState.GetRebidSuit(bidState.nPreviousSuit);
	if(nSuit == NONE) { //NCR test for no rebidable suit return
		nBid = BID_1NT;  // NCR Hardcoded ??? vs get cheapest
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nTopBid);
	// NCR-415 Test if safe bid
	if (!bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid, bidState.fDistPts)  // NCR-592 set adj to dist pts
		&& (bidState.nRHOBid > BID_PASS) ) // NCR-637 Only if RHO bid
		nBid = BID_PASS;
		status << "NEGDTR36! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints
				  & " pts in the partnership, we cannot safely bid further, so pass.\n";
	}  // end NCR-415
		if (!ISMAJOR(nSuit))
			status << "NEGDTR40! Unfortunately we don't have a major to respond with, so bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "NEGDTR41! Our best response is " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
	return TRUE;
コード例 #8
// RespondToConvention()
// Check to see if a Gerber query has been made, 
// and if so, respond as appropriate
BOOL CGerberConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
											   const CConventionSet& conventions, 
											   CHandHoldings& hand, 
											   CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
											   CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
											   CBidEngine& bidState,  
											   CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
//	if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
//					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
//		return FALSE;

	// first look for a Gerber _Query_ from partner -- 
	// any 4C in response to a natural NT bid is Gerber
	// NCR unless partner has bid clubs before
	int nGerberStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
	int numAces = bidState.numAces;
	int numKings = bidState.numKings;
	int nPrevioousBid = bidState.nPreviousBid;
	int nBid;

	// is partner asking for aces?
	if ( (bidState.nPartnersBid == BID_4C) 
		  // NCR-552 I didn't open 1C
		  && (bidState.nNextPrevBid != BID_1C) // Or test if CLUBs ???
		  // NCR-521 4C must be Jump to be Gerber
          && ((bidState.GetBidType(bidState.nPartnersBid) & (BT_Jump + BT_Leap)) != 0) // NCR-551 Also Leap
		  && ((nPrevioousBid == BID_1NT) || ((nPrevioousBid == BID_2NT) 
		                                     // NCR-184 was it Unusual 2NT ? use pts  ???
		                                     && (bidState.fCardPts >= OPEN_PTS(13)))  // NCR-324 use OPEN_PTS
/* NCR-466		      || ((nPrevioousBid == BID_3NT) 
			      // NCR-152 & NCR-170 Check if clubs are partner's suit
				                                                // NCR-299 Not if I bid clubs
			       && ((bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit != CLUBS) && (bidState.nNextPrevSuit != CLUBS)) ) */  // NCR-14 After 3NT ???
                 //NCR-246a Also after Stayman 2C
			  || ((bidState.nPartnersPrevBid == BID_2C) && (bidState.nNextPrevSuit == NOTRUMP)
			      // NCR-509 Pard is using Gerber only if I opened NT
			      && bidState.m_bOpenedBiddingForTeam)	 ) )
		// respond
		if ((numAces == 0) || (numAces == 4))
			nBid = BID_4D;
		else if (numAces == 1)
			nBid = BID_4H;
		else if (numAces == 2)
			nBid = BID_4S;
		else if (numAces == 3)
			nBid = BID_4NT;  // NCR 4NT NOT 5
		status << "GRB10! With " & numAces & " Ace" & ((numAces > 1)? "s," : ",") &
				  " respond to partner's Gerber inquiry with " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1);	// answered Aces, ready for Kings
		return TRUE;

	// is partner asking for kings?
	if ((nGerberStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1) && 
					(bidState.nPartnersBid == BID_5C))	
		// respond
		if ((numKings == 0) || (numKings == 4))
			nBid = BID_5D;
		else if (numKings == 1)
			nBid = BID_5H;
		else if (numKings == 2)
			nBid = BID_5S;
		else if (numKings == 3)
			nBid = BID_5NT;
		status << "GRB12! With " & numKings & " King" & ((numKings > 1)? "s," : ",") &
				  " respond to partner's Gerber inquiry with " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND2);	// Gerber complete
		return TRUE;

	// no Gerber
	return FALSE;
コード例 #9
// respond to partner's Jacoby 2NT Bid
BOOL CJacoby2NTConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
											   const CConventionSet& conventions, 
											   CHandHoldings& hand, 
											   CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
											   CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
											   CBidEngine& bidState,  
											   CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// make a responding bid
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPreviousBid = bidState.nPreviousBid;
	int numTotalBidTurns = pDOC->GetNumBidsMade();

	int nBid;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;

	// see what round this is
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
	if (nStatus == CONV_INACTIVE)
		// Bidding in response to partner's Jacoby 2NT bid? 
		// the requirements for a Jacoby 2NT Bid are:
		// 1: we must have opened the bidding with 1 of a major
		// 2: Partner responded with 2NT
		int nOpeningBid = pDOC->GetOpeningBid();

		// test conditions
		if ( (bidState.m_numBidTurns == 1) && (ISMAJOR(BID_SUIT(nPreviousBid))) && 
			(nOpeningBid == nPreviousBid) && (BID_LEVEL(nPreviousBid) == 1) && 
			 (bidState.nPartnersBid == BID_2NT) )
			 // passed the test
			return FALSE;

		status << "J2N20! Partner has made a Jacoby 2NT inquiry bid, indicating " & 
				  OPEN_PTS(13) & " pts and 4+ card support.\n";

		// adjust points as declarer
		int nSuit = bidState.nPreviousSuit;
		fPts = bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DECLARER, nSuit, TRUE);

		// partner has 13+ pts
		bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(13, 13);

		// our options are as follows, in order:
		// - with 18+ pts, rebid the suit at the 3 level
		// - with 15-17 pts and a strong 5-card side suit, bid that suit at the 4-level
		// - with 15-17 pts and a short suit, bid the short suit at the 3 level
		// - with 15-17 pts an no short suit, bid 3NT
		// - otherwise, sign off in game at the 4-level

		// check point count
		if (fPts >= 18)
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 3);
			status << "J2N21! With " & fPts & " points in hand, "
					  "respond to partner's Jacoby 2NT inquiry with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		else if (fPts >= 15)
			// see if we have a strong side suit
			int nSideSuit = NONE;
			for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
				if ((i != nSuit) && (bidState.nSuitStrength[i] <= SS_STRONG) &&
						(bidState.numCardsInSuit[i] >= 5))
			if (i < 4)
				// bid the suit at the 4 level
				nSuit = i;
				nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 4);
				status << "J2N22! With " & fPts & " points in hand and a good " & 
						  bidState.numCardsInSuit[nSuit] & "-card suit in " & STS(nSuit) & 
						  ", respond to partner's Jacoby 2NT inquiry with " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			else if (bidState.numVoids >= 1)
				// bid the void suit
					if (bidState.numCardsInSuit[nSuit] == 0)
				nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 3);
				status << "J2N24! With " & fPts & " points in hand and a void suit in " & STS(nSuit) & 
						  ", respond to partner's Jacoby 2NT inquiry with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			else if (bidState.numSingletons >= 1)
				// bid the singleton
					if (bidState.numCardsInSuit[nSuit] == 1)
				nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 3);
				status << "J2N26! With " & fPts & " points in hand and a singleton in " & STS(nSuit) & 
						  ", respond to partner's Jacoby 2NT inquiry with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// bid 3NT
				nBid = BID_3NT;
				status << "J2N28! With " & fPts & " points in hand and no short suits, " 
						  " respond to partner's Jacoby 2NT inquiry with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			// sign off at the 4-level
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 4);
			status << "J2N31! With only " & fPts & " points in hand, sign off in game at " & 
					  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";

		// and return
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
コード例 #10
// Rebidding as opener after partner responds to an Jacoby 2NT Bid
BOOL CJacoby2NTConvention::HandleConventionResponse(const CPlayer& player, 
													const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													CHandHoldings& hand, 
													CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
													CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													CBidEngine& bidState,  
													CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// check status
	if ((bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1) &&
		(bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2))
		return FALSE;

	// get some info
	int nBid = NONE;
	int nPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int nSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;

	// handling partner's Drury response
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);

	if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED)
		// here, our actions depend on partner's response
		if (bidState.nPartnersBid == MAKEBID(nPrevSuit, 3))
			// partner responded in the suit at the 3-level, for 18+ pts
			status << "J2N40! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by rebidding his " & 
					   STSS(nPrevSuit) & " suit at the 3-level, indicating " & 
					   OPEN_PTS(18) & "+ points.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(18, pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn2ClubOpeningPoints));
		else if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 3) && ISSUIT(nSuit) && (nSuit != nPrevSuit))
			// partner responded in a different suit at the 3-level
			status << "J2N41! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by bidding the " & 
					   STSS(nSuit) & " suit at the 3-level, indicating " & OPEN_PTS(15) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(17) & 
					   " points and a singleton or void in " & STS(nSuit) & ".\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(15, 17);
		else if (nPartnersBid == BID_3NT)
			// partner responded with 3NT
			status << "J2N42! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by bidding 3NT, indicating " &
					   OPEN_PTS(15) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(17) & " points with a balanced hand.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(15, 17);
		else if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 4) && ISSUIT(nSuit) && (nSuit != nPrevSuit))
			// partner responded in a different suit at the 4-level
			status << "J2N44! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by bidding the " & 
					   STSS(nSuit) & " suit at the 4-level, indicating a strong 5-card side suit and " & 
					   OPEN_PTS(15) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(17) & " points in the hand.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(15, 17);
		else if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 4) && (nSuit == nPrevSuit))
			// partner responded in the original suit at the 4-level
			status << "J2N44! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by rebidding his " & 
					   STSS(nSuit) & " suit at the 4-level, indicating a minimum opener of approx. " & 
					   OPEN_PTS(12) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(14) & " points in the hand.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(12, 14);
		else if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// the convention is cancelled!
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
			return FALSE;

		// now figure out what to do
		if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_SLAM)
			// go to Blackwood
			status << "J2N60! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
					  " pts in the partnership, push on to slam in partner's " & STSS(nPrevSuit) & " suit.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;
		else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MAJOR_GAME)
			// we want to bid game
			if (nPartnersBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nPrevSuit))
				// raise or shift to game
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPrevSuit);
				status << "J2N62! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, go to game in " & STS(nPrevSuit) &
						  " with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// here partner bid game or higher -- pass unless it needs correction
				if (nSuit == nPrevSuit)
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					status << "J2N64! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
							  " pts in the partnership, pass partner's " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid.\n";
					// correct to the original suit
					nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrevSuit, nPartnersBid);
					status << "J2N66! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
							  " pts in the partnership, we want to stop at game in " & STS(nPrevSuit) & 
							  "; correct partner's " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			// oops, caught with too few points
			// either pass 3NT , or return to the suit at the cheapest level possible
			if ((nPartnersBid == BID_3NT) || ((nSuit == nPrevSuit)))
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "J2N70! With a total of only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to stop here at " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
						  ", so pass.\n";
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrevSuit, nPartnersBid);
				status << "J2N72! With a total of only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to return to the " & STSS(nPrevSuit) & 
						  " and stop at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";

		// done
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;


	// oops!
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
	return FALSE;
コード例 #11
// TryConvention()
// check if we can use a Michaels Cue Bid here
BOOL CMichaelsCueBidConvention::TryConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
											  const CConventionSet& conventions, 
											  CHandHoldings& hand, 
											  CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
											  CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
											  CBidEngine& bidState,  
											  CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// the requirements for a Michaels Cue Bid are:
	// 1: RHO must have opened a suit (not NT) at the 1-level
	// 2: this must be our first bidding opportunity
	// 3: need a 2-suited hand; i.e., 
	//    - if RHO bid a minor, need 5/5 or 5/(good)4 in the majors
	//    - if RHO bid a major, need 5 in the other major, plus 5 in a minor
	//    the two suits should also be rather comparable
	// 4: need either 6-11 pts or 17+ pts
	//    (with 12-16 pts, we generally overcall or double for takeout)
	// 5: if we have 12+ pts and playing takeout doubles, cannot have a 
	//    hand suitable for a takeout (???)

	// test conditions 1, 2, & 4
	if ( ((bidState.nRHOBid >= BID_1C) && (bidState.nRHOBid <= BID_1S)) &&
		 ( ((bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(6)) && (bidState.fPts <= OPEN_PTS(11))) || ((bidState.fPts >= OPEN_PTS(17))/*&& (bidState.fPts <= 18)*/) ) &&
 		  (bidState.m_numBidTurns == 0) && (bidState.m_numPartnerBidTurns == 0) )
		 // passed
		return FALSE;

	// test condition #3
	int nOppSuit = bidState.nRHOSuit;
	BOOL bEnoughLength = FALSE;
	if (ISMINOR(nOppSuit))
		// need 5/5 in the majors, or 5 + good 4
		int numHearts = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS);
		int numSpades = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES);
		if ((hand.GetSuitStrength(HEARTS) < SS_MARGINAL_OPENER) || (hand.GetSuitStrength(SPADES) < SS_MARGINAL_OPENER) ||
			(Abs(hand.GetSuitStrength(HEARTS) - hand.GetSuitStrength(SPADES)) > 1) )
			return FALSE;
		if ((numHearts >= 5) && (numSpades >= 5))
			bEnoughLength = TRUE;
			status << "2MCL1! We have at least 5/5 in the majors, so we can make a Michaels cue bid.\n";
		else if ((numHearts >= 5) && (numSpades == 4) && 
						(hand.GetSuitStrength(SPADES) >= SS_STRONG))
			bEnoughLength = TRUE;
			status << "2MCL2! We have 5/4 in the majors, but the 4 Spades are strong, so we can make a Michaels cue bid.\n";
		else if ((numHearts == 4) && (numSpades >= 5) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(HEARTS) >= SS_STRONG))
			bEnoughLength = TRUE;
			status << "2MCL3! We have 5/4 in the majors, but the 4 Hearts are strong, so we can make a Michaels cue bid.\n";
		// need 5 in the unbid major, and 5 in a minor
		int nOtherMajor = (nOppSuit == HEARTS)? SPADES : HEARTS;
		int numMajors = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nOtherMajor);
		int numClubs = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(CLUBS);
		int numDiamonds = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(CLUBS);

		// check that the major suit is OK
		if ((numMajors < 5) || (hand.GetSuitStrength(nOtherMajor) < SS_MARGINAL_OPENER))
			return FALSE;

		// then check the minor & compare the suits
		if ((numClubs >= 5) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(CLUBS) >= SS_MARGINAL_OPENER) &&
			(Abs(hand.GetSuitStrength(nOtherMajor) - hand.GetSuitStrength(CLUBS)) <= 1) )
			bEnoughLength = TRUE;
			status << "2MCL5! We have 5+ cards in " & STS(nOtherMajor) & 
					  " and 5+ cards in a minor (Clubs), so we can make a Michaels cue bid.\n";
		else if ((numDiamonds >= 5) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(DIAMONDS) >= SS_MARGINAL_OPENER) &&
				(Abs(hand.GetSuitStrength(nOtherMajor) - hand.GetSuitStrength(DIAMONDS)) <= 1) )
			bEnoughLength = TRUE;
			status << "2MCL5! We have 5+ cards in " & STS(nOtherMajor) & 
					  " and 5+ cards in a minor (Diamonds), so we can make a Michaels cue bid.\n";

	// check condition
	if (!bEnoughLength)
		return FALSE;

	// OK, go ahead and cue-bid the enemy suit
	int nBid = MAKEBID(nOppSuit, 2);
	status << "MCL9! With a 2-suited hand, make a Michaels cue bid over RHO's " & STS(nOppSuit) & 
			  " with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED);
	return TRUE;
コード例 #12
// respond to partner's Michaels Cue Bid
BOOL CMichaelsCueBidConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
													const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													CHandHoldings& hand, 
													CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
												    CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													CBidEngine& bidState,  
													CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// make a responding bid
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int nBid, nSuit;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;

	// see what round this is
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
	if (nStatus == CONV_INACTIVE)
		// Bidding in response to partner's Michael's bid? check requirements
		// the identifying marks of a Michaels bid are:
		// 1: we must not have bid yet
		// 2: LHO must have bid a suit at the 1 level, and 
		// 3: partner overcalled LHO's suit at the 2 level
		int nLastValidBid = pDOC->GetLastValidBid();

		// apply tests #1, 2, and 3
		int nOpeningBid = pDOC->GetOpeningBid();
		int nOpeningBidder = pDOC->GetOpeningBidder();
		BOOL bLHOMajor = ISMAJOR(nOpeningBid);
		if (ISBID(nOpeningBid) && (GetPlayerTeam(nOpeningBidder) != player.GetTeam()) &&
			 ((nOpeningBid >= BID_1C) && (nOpeningBid <= BID_1S)) &&
			  (nPartnersSuit == bidState.nLHOSuit) && (nPartnersBidLevel == 2) &&
			  (bidState.m_numBidsMade == 0) )
			status << "MCLR10! Partner has made a Michaels Cue bid of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
					  ", indicating 5/5 length in " &
					  (bLHOMajor? ((bidState.nLHOSuit == HEARTS)? "Spades and a minor" : "Hearts and a minor") : "the majors") & ".\n";
			return FALSE;

		// did partner bid a minor, indicating both majors?
		if (ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit))
			// Pard has both majors -- pick the preferred one
			nSuit = bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(HEARTS, SPADES);
			if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) < 3)
				// should have at least 3 trumps
				int nOtherSuit = (nSuit == HEARTS)? SPADES : HEARTS;
				if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nOtherSuit) >= 3)
					nSuit = nOtherSuit;
		else if (nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)
			// pard has Spades + a minor
			// see if Spades are decent (3-card support)
//			if ((hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) >= 3) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(SPADES) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
			if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) >= 3)
				// fine, go with Spades
				nSuit = SPADES;
				// Spades are too weak; look for a minor
				if ((hand.GetSuitStrength(CLUBS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT) || (hand.GetSuitStrength(DIAMONDS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
					nSuit = NOTRUMP;
					nSuit = SPADES;	// minors are no good either, so go with Spades
			// pard has Hearts + a minor
			// see if Hearts are decent (3-card support)
//			if ((hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) >= 3) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(HEARTS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
			if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) >= 3)
				// fine, go with Hearts
				nSuit = HEARTS;
				// Spades are too weak; look for a minor
				if ((hand.GetSuitStrength(CLUBS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT) || (hand.GetSuitStrength(DIAMONDS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
					nSuit = NOTRUMP;
					nSuit = HEARTS;	// minors are no good either, so go with Hearts

		// now adjust point count
		if (ISSUIT(nSuit))
			fPts = bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DECLARER, nSuit, TRUE);
		// partner may have 6-11 OR 17+ pts; assume it's a weak hand
		bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(6, 11);

		// and make a responding bid
		CString strChoices = ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit)? "the two majors" : 
					(nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)? "Spades and a minor" : "Hearts and an unknown minor";
		int numTrumps = ISSUIT(nSuit)? hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) : 0;

		// set initial convention status to finished
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);

		// see if we need to look at the minor
		if (nSuit == NOTRUMP)
			// bid 2NT to ask for the minor
			nBid = BID_2NT;
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				if (nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)
					status << "MCLR12! Given a choice between a " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) &
							  "-card Spade suit and an unknown minor, we're forced to ask for the minor by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					status << "MCLR12! Given a choice between a " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) &
							  "-card Heart suit and an unknown minor, we're forced to ask for the minor by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// this convention will go another round
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1);
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR13! We'd like to bid 2NT to ask for partner's minor, but we can't do so after RHO's interference, so we have to pass.\n";
		else if ((numTrumps >= 5) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(20)) &&
			ISMAJOR(nSuit) && (MAKEBID(nSuit, 4) > nLastValidBid))
			// make a preemptive bid if possible
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 4);
			status << "MCLR15! With " & numTrumps & " " & STS(nSuit) & " and a total of " & 
					  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
					  " pts in the partnership, make a shutout bid in " & STS(nSuit) & 
					  " by jumping to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(21))
			// respond at the 2-level
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nLastValidBid);
			if (BID_LEVEL(nBid) == 2)
				status << "MCLR20! Given a choice between " & strChoices & 
						   ", respond to partner's Michaels with the preferred " & 
						   STSS(nSuit) & " suit with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR21! After RHO interference, we don't have the points to go to the 3-level in response to partner's Michaels, so pass.\n";
		else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(24))
			// bid at the 3-level
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 3);
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				status << "MCLR24! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership and a choice between " & strChoices &
						   ", invite game in " & STS(nSuit) & " by jumping to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR25! After RHO interference, we don't have the points to go to the 4-level in response to partner's Michaels, so pass.\n";
		else if (ISMINOR(nSuit) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(27)))
			// with 25+ pts, bid game
			nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nSuit);
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				status << "MCLR27! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership and a choice between " & strChoices & 
						   ", jump to the 4-level in " & STS(nSuit) & " with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR28! After RHO interference, we don't have the points to go to the 5-level in response to partner's Michaels, so pass.\n";
			// with 25+ pts in a major, or 28+ pts in a minor, bid game
			nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nSuit);
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				status << "MCLR30! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership and a choice between " & strChoices & 
						   ", jump to game in " & STS(nSuit) & " at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR31! After RHO interference, we don't want to bid past game, so pass.\n";

		// done!
		return TRUE;

	else if (nStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1)
		// round 2 -- we must've bid 2NT last time to ask for partner's minor

		// see if partner cue bid the enemy suit again
		if (nPartnersSuit == nPartnersPrevSuit)
			// partner has 17+ pts
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(OPEN_PTS(17), MIN(17,40 - bidState.fCardPts));

			// bid 4NT to ask for the minor again
			if (fPts >= PT_COUNT(15))
				// else make a natural game bid
				nBid = BID_4NT;
				status << "MCLR35! Partner cue bid the enemy suit again, indicating a strong Michaels opening hand with " &
						   OPEN_PTS(17) & "+ pts; so with " & 
						   bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership, ask for the other minor by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND2);
				// else make a natural 3NT game bid
				nBid = BID_3NT;
				status << "MCLR36! Partner cue bid the enemy suit again, indicating a strong Michaels opening hand with " &
						   OPEN_PTS(17) & "+ pts; but with " & 
						   bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership, stop at game with a natural bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			// done
			return TRUE;

		// see if partner's bid is valid
		if (!ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit))
			status << "MCLR40! After his opening Michaels Cue Bid, partner did not respond properly to our 2NT minor suit inquiry, so michaels is off.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
			return FALSE;

		// see if we can live with partner's minor
		int nAgreedSuit;
		if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) >= 3)
			// stick with the minor
			status << "4MCLR41! Since we have " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) & 
					  " cards in the " & STSS(nPartnersSuit) & " suit, choose that suit for our response.\n";
			nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
			// minor's not so great; select the better of the minor or the major
			nAgreedSuit = bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(nPartnersSuit, bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit);
			if (nAgreedSuit == nPartnersSuit)
				status << "4MCLR42! The " & STSS(nPartnersSuit) & " suit isn't great, but it's better than " &
						   STS(bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit) & ", so choose that suit for our response.\n";
				status << "4MCLR43! The " & STSS(nPartnersSuit) & " suit is poor, so pick the major suit ("& 
						   STS(bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit) & ") for our response.\n";
			bidState.SetAgreedSuit(bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(nPartnersSuit, bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit));

		// recalc points as dummy
		fPts = bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DECLARER, nAgreedSuit, TRUE);

		// select the bid level
		if (ISMINOR(nAgreedSuit))
			// Clubs or Diamonds
			if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PTS_MINOR_GAME-6)	// <= 22
				nBid = BID_PASS;
			else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PTS_MINOR_GAME-4)	// <= 24
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 4);
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 5);	// go for game
			if (nBid == BID_PASS)
				status << "MCLR45! Partner showed his minor to be " & STS(nPartnersSuit) & 
						  ", which we can support with " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) &
						  " trumps, but with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to pass.\n";
				status << "MCLR46! Partner showed his minor to be " & STS(nPartnersSuit) & 
						  ", which we can support with " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) &
						  " trumps, so with " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			// sticking with the major (though not a very good one!)
			// sign off at the 3-level or go to game
			if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints < PTS_MAJOR_GAME)	// < 25
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 3);
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 4);
			if (BID_LEVEL(nBid) == 3)
				status << "MCLR47! With " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  "-card support for partner's " & STS(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  ", and with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to pass.\n";
				status << "MCLR47! With " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  "-card support for partner's " & STS(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  ", and with " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we can go to game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";

		// done!
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;
	else if (nStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND2)
		// round 3 -- we must've bid 4NT last time to ask for partner's minor
		//            after partner's second Michaels cue bid


	return FALSE;