コード例 #1
//user function
void flux_calc_kernelz( double *vol_flux_z, const double *zarea,
                        const double *zvel0, const double *zvel1) {

  vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC0(0,0,0)] = 0.125 * dt * (zarea[OPS_ACC1(0,0,0)]) *
  ( zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0,0,0)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC2(1,0,0)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC2(1,0,0)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC2(1,1,0)] +
    zvel1[OPS_ACC3(0,0,0)] + zvel1[OPS_ACC3(1,0,0)] + zvel1[OPS_ACC3(0,1,0)] + zvel1[OPS_ACC3(1,1,0)]);
コード例 #2
// user function
inline void flux_calc_kernelx(double *vol_flux_x, const double *xarea,
                              const double *xvel0, const double *xvel1) {

  vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] =
      0.25 * dt * (xarea[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)]) *
      ((xvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)]) + (xvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 1)]) +
       (xvel1[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)]) + (xvel1[OPS_ACC3(0, 1)]));
コード例 #3
inline void advec_cell_kernel2_zdir(double *pre_vol, double *post_vol,
                                    const double *volume,
                                    const double *vol_flux_z) {

  pre_vol[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] = volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] +
                               vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 1)] -
                               vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)];
  post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)] = volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
コード例 #4
// user function
inline void advec_mom_kernel2_x(double *vel1, const double *node_mass_post,
                                const double *node_mass_pre,
                                const double *mom_flux) {

  vel1[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] =
      (vel1[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] * node_mass_pre[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] +
       mom_flux[OPS_ACC3(-1, 0, 0)] - mom_flux[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)]) /
      node_mass_post[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)];
コード例 #5
inline void advec_mom_kernel_y2(double *pre_vol, double *post_vol,
                                const double *volume,
                                const double *vol_flux_x) {

  post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] = volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)];
  pre_vol[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] = post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] +
                            vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC3(1, 0)] -
                            vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)];
コード例 #6
// user function
inline void flux_calc_kernely(double *vol_flux_y, const double *yarea,
                              const double *yvel0, const double *yvel1) {

  vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] =
      0.125 * dt * (yarea[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)]) *
      (yvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC2(1, 0, 0)] +
       yvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 1)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC2(1, 0, 1)] +
       yvel1[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)] + yvel1[OPS_ACC3(1, 0, 0)] +
       yvel1[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 1)] + yvel1[OPS_ACC3(1, 0, 1)]);
コード例 #7
inline void advec_mom_kernel_x1(double *pre_vol, double *post_vol,
                                const double *volume, const double *vol_flux_x,
                                const double *vol_flux_y,
                                const double *vol_flux_z) {

  post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)] =
      volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] + vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC4(0, 1, 0)] -
      vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC4(0, 0, 0)] + vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 1)] -
      vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 0)];
  pre_vol[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] = post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)] +
                               vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC3(1, 0, 0)] -
                               vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)];
コード例 #8
inline void update_halo_kernel1_fr2(double *density0, double *density1,
                          double *energy0, double *energy1,
                          double *pressure, double *viscosity,
                          double *soundspeed , const int* fields) {
  if(fields[FIELD_DENSITY0] == 1) density0[OPS_ACC0(0,0,0)] = density0[OPS_ACC0(0,0,-3)];
  if(fields[FIELD_DENSITY1] == 1) density1[OPS_ACC1(0,0,0)] = density1[OPS_ACC1(0,0,-3)];
  if(fields[FIELD_ENERGY0] == 1) energy0[OPS_ACC2(0,0,0)] = energy0[OPS_ACC2(0,0,-3)];
  if(fields[FIELD_ENERGY1] == 1) energy1[OPS_ACC3(0,0,0)] = energy1[OPS_ACC3(0,0,-3)];
  if(fields[FIELD_PRESSURE] == 1) pressure[OPS_ACC4(0,0,0)] = pressure[OPS_ACC4(0,0,-3)];
  if(fields[FIELD_VISCOSITY] == 1) viscosity[OPS_ACC5(0,0,0)] = viscosity[OPS_ACC5(0,0,-3)];
  if(fields[FIELD_SOUNDSPEED] == 1) soundspeed[OPS_ACC6(0,0,0)] = soundspeed[OPS_ACC6(0,0,-3)];

コード例 #9
// user function
inline void advec_cell_kernel1_ydir(double *pre_vol, double *post_vol,
                                    const double *volume,
                                    const double *vol_flux_x,
                                    const double *vol_flux_y) {

  pre_vol[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] =
      volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)] +
      (vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC4(0, 1)] - vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)] +
       vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC3(1, 0)] - vol_flux_x[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)]);
  post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] =
      pre_vol[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] -
      (vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC4(0, 1)] - vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)]);
コード例 #10
//user function
inline void preproc_kernel(const double *u, double *du,
double *ax, double *bx, double *cx, double *ay, double *by, double *cy,
double *az, double *bz, double *cz, int *idx){

  double a, b, c, d;

  if(idx[0]==0 || idx[0]==nx-1 || idx[1]==0 || idx[1]==ny-1 || idx[2]==0 || idx[2]==nz-1) {
    d = 0.0f;
    a = 0.0f;
    b = 1.0f;
    c = 0.0f;
  } else {
    d = lambda*( u[OPS_ACC0(-1,0,0)] + u[OPS_ACC0(1,0,0)]
               + u[OPS_ACC0(0,-1,0)] + u[OPS_ACC0(0,1,0)]
               + u[OPS_ACC0(0,0,-1)] + u[OPS_ACC0(0,0,1)]
               - 6.0f*u[OPS_ACC0(0,0,0)]);
    a = -0.5f * lambda;
    b =  1.0f + lambda;
    c = -0.5f * lambda;


  du[OPS_ACC1(0,0,0)] = d;
  ax[OPS_ACC2(0,0,0)] = a;
  bx[OPS_ACC3(0,0,0)] = b;
  cx[OPS_ACC4(0,0,0)] = c;
  ay[OPS_ACC5(0,0,0)] = a;
  by[OPS_ACC6(0,0,0)] = b;
  cy[OPS_ACC7(0,0,0)] = c;
  az[OPS_ACC8(0,0,0)] = a;
  bz[OPS_ACC9(0,0,0)] = b;
  cz[OPS_ACC10(0,0,0)] = c;
コード例 #11
// user function
inline void field_summary_kernel(const double *volume, const double *density0,
                                 const double *energy0, const double *pressure,
                                 const double *xvel0, const double *yvel0,
                                 double *vol, double *mass, double *ie,
                                 double *ke, double *press) {

  double vsqrd, cell_vol, cell_mass;

  vsqrd = 0.0;
  vsqrd = vsqrd +
          0.25 * (xvel0[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)] * xvel0[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)] +
                  yvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 0)] * yvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 0)]);
  vsqrd = vsqrd +
          0.25 * (xvel0[OPS_ACC4(1, 0)] * xvel0[OPS_ACC4(1, 0)] +
                  yvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 0)] * yvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 0)]);
  vsqrd = vsqrd +
          0.25 * (xvel0[OPS_ACC4(0, 1)] * xvel0[OPS_ACC4(0, 1)] +
                  yvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 1)] * yvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 1)]);
  vsqrd = vsqrd +
          0.25 * (xvel0[OPS_ACC4(1, 1)] * xvel0[OPS_ACC4(1, 1)] +
                  yvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 1)] * yvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 1)]);

  cell_vol = volume[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)];
  cell_mass = cell_vol * density0[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)];
  *vol = *vol + cell_vol;
  *mass = *mass + cell_mass;
  *ie = *ie + cell_mass * energy0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)];
  *ke = *ke + cell_mass * 0.5 * vsqrd;
  *press = *press + cell_vol * pressure[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)];
コード例 #12
// user function
inline void calc_dt_kernel_print(const double *xvel0, const double *yvel0,
                                 const double *zvel0, const double *density0,
                                 const double *energy0, const double *pressure,
                                 const double *soundspeed, double *output) {
  output[0] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)];
  output[1] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)];
  output[2] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
  output[3] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(1, 0, 0)];
  output[4] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(1, 0, 0)];
  output[5] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
  output[6] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(1, 1, 0)];
  output[7] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(1, 1, 0)];
  output[8] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
  output[9] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(0, 1, 0)];
  output[10] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(0, 1, 0)];
  output[11] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
  output[12] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 1)];
  output[13] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 1)];
  output[14] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 1)];
  output[15] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(1, 0, 1)];
  output[16] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(1, 0, 1)];
  output[17] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 1)];
  output[18] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(1, 1, 1)];
  output[19] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(1, 1, 1)];
  output[20] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 1)];
  output[21] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(0, 1, 1)];
  output[22] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(0, 1, 1)];
  output[23] = zvel0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 1)];
  output[24] = density0[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)];
  output[25] = energy0[OPS_ACC4(0, 0, 0)];
  output[26] = pressure[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 0)];
  output[27] = soundspeed[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)];
コード例 #13
inline void update_halo_kernel1_r2(double *density0, double *energy0,
                                   double *energy1, double *u, double *p,
                                   double *sd, const int *fields) {
  if (fields[FIELD_DENSITY] == 1)
    density0[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] = density0[OPS_ACC0(-3, 0)];
  if (fields[FIELD_ENERGY0] == 1)
    energy0[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] = energy0[OPS_ACC1(-3, 0)];
  if (fields[FIELD_ENERGY1] == 1)
    energy1[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)] = energy1[OPS_ACC2(-3, 0)];
  if (fields[FIELD_U] == 1)
    u[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)] = u[OPS_ACC3(-3, 0)];
  if (fields[FIELD_P] == 1)
    p[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)] = p[OPS_ACC4(-3, 0)];
  if (fields[FIELD_SD] == 1)
    sd[OPS_ACC5(0, 0)] = sd[OPS_ACC5(-3, 0)];
コード例 #14
// user function
inline void drhouupdx_kernel(const double *rhou_new, const double *rho_new,
                             const double *rhoE_new, double *rhou_res) {

  double fni =
      rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(0)] * rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(0)] / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)];
  double p = gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] - 0.5 * fni);
  fni = fni + p;
  double fnim1 =
      rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(-1)] * rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(-1)] / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(-1)];
  p = gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(-1)] - 0.5 * fnim1);
  fnim1 = fnim1 + p;
  double fnim2 =
      rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(-2)] * rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(-2)] / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(-2)];
  p = gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(-2)] - 0.5 * fnim2);
  fnim2 = fnim2 + p;
  double fnip1 =
      rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(1)] * rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(1)] / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(1)];
  p = gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(1)] - 0.5 * fnip1);
  fnip1 = fnip1 + p;
  double fnip2 =
      rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(2)] * rhou_new[OPS_ACC0(2)] / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(2)];
  p = gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(2)] - 0.5 * fnip2);
  fnip2 = fnip2 + p;

  double deriv = (fnim2 - fnip2 + 8.0 * (fnip1 - fnim1)) / (12.00 * dx);
  rhou_res[OPS_ACC3(0)] = deriv;
コード例 #15
// user function
inline void save_kernel(double *rho_old, double *rhou_old, double *rhoE_old,
                        const double *rho_new, const double *rhou_new,
                        const double *rhoE_new) {
  rho_old[OPS_ACC0(0)] = rho_new[OPS_ACC3(0)];
  rhou_old[OPS_ACC1(0)] = rhou_new[OPS_ACC4(0)];
  rhoE_old[OPS_ACC2(0)] = rhoE_new[OPS_ACC5(0)];
コード例 #16
// user function
inline void calc_dt_kernel(const double *celldx, const double *celldy,
                           const double *soundspeed, const double *viscosity,
                           const double *density0, const double *xvel0,
                           const double *xarea, const double *volume,
                           const double *yvel0, const double *yarea,
                           double *dt_min, const double *celldz,
                           const double *zvel0, const double *zarea) {

  double div, ds, dtut, dtvt, dtct, dtwt, dtdivt, cc, dv1, dv2, du1, du2, dw1,

  ds = MIN(MIN(celldx[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)], celldy[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)]),
           celldz[OPS_ACC11(0, 0, 0)]);
  ds = 1.0 / (ds * ds);

  cc = soundspeed[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] * soundspeed[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
  cc = cc + 2.0 * viscosity[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)] / density0[OPS_ACC4(0, 0, 0)];

  dtct = ds * cc;
  dtct = dtc_safe * 1.0 / MAX(sqrt(dtct), g_small);

  du1 = (xvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 0)] + xvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 1, 0)] +
         xvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 1)] + xvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 1, 1)]) *
        xarea[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)];
  du2 = (xvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 0, 0)] + xvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 1, 0)] +
         xvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 0, 1)] + xvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 1, 1)]) *
        xarea[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)];

  dtut = dtu_safe * 4.0 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)] /
         MAX(MAX(fabs(du1), fabs(du2)), 1.0e-5 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)]);

  dv1 = (yvel0[OPS_ACC8(0, 0, 0)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC8(1, 0, 0)] +
         yvel0[OPS_ACC8(0, 0, 1)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC8(1, 0, 1)]) *
        yarea[OPS_ACC9(0, 0, 0)];
  dv2 = (yvel0[OPS_ACC8(0, 1, 0)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC8(1, 1, 0)] +
         yvel0[OPS_ACC8(0, 1, 1)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC8(1, 1, 1)]) *
        yarea[OPS_ACC9(0, 0, 0)];

  dtvt = dtv_safe * 4.0 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)] /
         MAX(MAX(fabs(dv1), fabs(dv2)), 1.0e-5 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)]);

  dw1 = (zvel0[OPS_ACC12(0, 0, 0)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC12(0, 1, 0)] +
         zvel0[OPS_ACC12(1, 0, 0)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC12(1, 1, 0)]) *
        zarea[OPS_ACC13(0, 0, 0)];
  dw2 = (zvel0[OPS_ACC12(0, 0, 1)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC12(0, 1, 1)] +
         zvel0[OPS_ACC12(1, 0, 1)] + zvel0[OPS_ACC12(1, 1, 1)]) *
        zarea[OPS_ACC13(0, 0, 0)];

  dtwt = dtw_safe * 4.0 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)] /
         MAX(MAX(fabs(dw1), fabs(dw2)), 1.0e-5 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)]);

  div = du2 - du1 + dv2 - dv1 + dw2 - dw1;
  dtdivt = dtdiv_safe * 4.0 * (volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)]) /
           MAX(volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)] * 1.0e-05, fabs(div));

  dt_min[OPS_ACC10(0, 0, 0)] =
      MIN(MIN(MIN(dtct, dtut), MIN(dtvt, dtdivt)), dtwt);
コード例 #17
//user function
void poisson_kernel_populate(const int *dispx, const int *dispy, const int *idx, double *u, double *f, double *ref) {
  double x = dx * (double)(idx[0]+dispx[0]);
  double y = dy * (double)(idx[1]+dispy[0]);
  u[OPS_ACC3(0,0)] = sin(M_PI*x)*cos(2.0*M_PI*y);
  f[OPS_ACC4(0,0)] = -5.0*M_PI*M_PI*sin(M_PI*x)*cos(2.0*M_PI*y);
  ref[OPS_ACC5(0,0)] = sin(M_PI*x)*cos(2.0*M_PI*y);

コード例 #18
inline void advec_mom_kernel1_y_nonvector(const double *node_flux,
                                          const double *node_mass_pre,
                                          double *mom_flux,
                                          const double *celldy,
                                          const double *vel1) {

  double sigma, wind, width;
  double vdiffuw, vdiffdw, auw, adw, limiter;
  int upwind, donor, downwind, dif;
  double advec_vel_temp;

  if ((node_flux[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)]) < 0.0) {
    upwind = 2;
    donor = 1;
    downwind = 0;
    dif = donor;
  } else {
    upwind = -1;
    donor = 0;
    downwind = 1;
    dif = upwind;

  sigma =
      fabs(node_flux[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)]) / node_mass_pre[OPS_ACC1(0, donor, 0)];
  width = celldy[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)];
  vdiffuw = vel1[OPS_ACC4(0, donor, 0)] - vel1[OPS_ACC4(0, upwind, 0)];
  vdiffdw = vel1[OPS_ACC4(0, downwind, 0)] - vel1[OPS_ACC4(0, donor, 0)];
  limiter = 0.0;
  if (vdiffuw * vdiffdw > 0.0) {
    auw = fabs(vdiffuw);
    adw = fabs(vdiffdw);
    wind = 1.0;
    if (vdiffdw <= 0.0)
      wind = -1.0;
    limiter =
        wind * MIN(width * ((2.0 - sigma) * adw / width +
                            (1.0 + sigma) * auw / celldy[OPS_ACC3(0, dif, 0)]) /
                   MIN(auw, adw));
  advec_vel_temp = vel1[OPS_ACC4(0, donor, 0)] + (1.0 - sigma) * limiter;
  mom_flux[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] = advec_vel_temp * node_flux[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)];
// user function
inline void initialise_chunk_kernel_volume(double *volume, const double *celldy,
                                           double *xarea, const double *celldx,
                                           double *yarea, const double *celldz,
                                           double *zarea) {

  double d_x, d_y, d_z;

  d_x = (grid.xmax - grid.xmin) / (double)grid.x_cells;
  d_y = (grid.ymax - grid.ymin) / (double)grid.y_cells;
  d_z = (grid.zmax - grid.zmin) / (double)grid.z_cells;

  volume[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] = d_x * d_y * d_z;
  xarea[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] =
      celldy[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)] * celldz[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 0)];
  yarea[OPS_ACC4(0, 0, 0)] =
      celldx[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)] * celldz[OPS_ACC5(0, 0, 0)];
  zarea[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)] =
      celldx[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)] * celldy[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)];
コード例 #20
// user function
inline void calvar_kernel(const double *rho_new, const double *rhou_new,
                          const double *rhoE_new, double *workarray2,
                          double *workarray3) {
  double p, rhoi, u;
  rhoi = 1 / rho_new[OPS_ACC0(0)];
  u = rhou_new[OPS_ACC1(0)] * rhoi;
  p = gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] - 0.5 * rho_new[OPS_ACC0(0)] * u * u);

  workarray2[OPS_ACC3(0)] = p + rhou_new[OPS_ACC1(0)] * u;
  workarray3[OPS_ACC4(0)] = (p + rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(0)]) * u;
コード例 #21
// user function
inline void updateRK3_kernel(double *rho_new, double *rhou_new,
                             double *rhoE_new, double *rho_old,
                             double *rhou_old, double *rhoE_old,
                             const double *rho_res, const double *rhou_res,
                             const double *rhoE_res, const double *a1,
                             const double *a2) {

  rho_new[OPS_ACC0(0)] =
      rho_old[OPS_ACC3(0)] + dt * a1[0] * (-rho_res[OPS_ACC6(0)]);
  rhou_new[OPS_ACC1(0)] =
      rhou_old[OPS_ACC4(0)] + dt * a1[0] * (-rhou_res[OPS_ACC7(0)]);
  rhoE_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] =
      rhoE_old[OPS_ACC5(0)] + dt * a1[0] * (-rhoE_res[OPS_ACC8(0)]);

  rho_old[OPS_ACC3(0)] =
      rho_old[OPS_ACC3(0)] + dt * a2[0] * (-rho_res[OPS_ACC6(0)]);
  rhou_old[OPS_ACC4(0)] =
      rhou_old[OPS_ACC4(0)] + dt * a2[0] * (-rhou_res[OPS_ACC7(0)]);
  rhoE_old[OPS_ACC5(0)] =
      rhoE_old[OPS_ACC5(0)] + dt * a2[0] * (-rhoE_res[OPS_ACC8(0)]);
inline void advec_mom_kernel_post_pre_advec_y( double *node_mass_post, const double *post_vol,
                                  const double *density1, double *node_mass_pre, const double *node_flux) {

  node_mass_post[OPS_ACC0(0,0)] = 0.25 * ( density1[OPS_ACC2(0,-1)] * post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0,-1)] +
                              density1[OPS_ACC2(0,0)]   * post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0,0)]   +
                              density1[OPS_ACC2(-1,-1)] * post_vol[OPS_ACC1(-1,-1)] +
                              density1[OPS_ACC2(-1,0)]  * post_vol[OPS_ACC1(-1,0)]  );

  node_mass_pre[OPS_ACC3(0,0)] = node_mass_post[OPS_ACC0(0,0)] - node_flux[OPS_ACC4(0,-1)] + node_flux[OPS_ACC4(0,0)];

コード例 #23
// user function
inline void initialize_kernel(double *x, double *rho_new, double *rhou_new,
                              double *rhoE_new, double *rhoin, int *idx) {
  x[OPS_ACC0(0)] = xmin + (idx[0] - 2) * dx;
  if (x[OPS_ACC0(0)] >= -4.0) {
    rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)] = 1.0 + eps * sin(lambda * x[OPS_ACC0(0)]);
    rhou_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] = ur * rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)];
    rhoE_new[OPS_ACC3(0)] =
        (pr / gam1) +
        0.5 * pow(rhou_new[OPS_ACC2(0)], 2) / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)];
  } else {
    rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)] = rhol;
    rhou_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] = ul * rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)];
    rhoE_new[OPS_ACC3(0)] =
        (pl / gam1) +
        0.5 * pow(rhou_new[OPS_ACC2(0)], 2) / rho_new[OPS_ACC1(0)];

  rhoin[OPS_ACC4(0)] =
      gam1 * (rhoE_new[OPS_ACC3(0)] -
              0.5 * rhou_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] * rhou_new[OPS_ACC2(0)] /
コード例 #24
// user function
inline void
advec_cell_kernel4_zdir(double *density1, double *energy1,
                        const double *mass_flux_z, const double *vol_flux_z,
                        const double *pre_vol, const double *post_vol,
                        double *pre_mass, double *post_mass, double *advec_vol,
                        double *post_ener, const double *ener_flux) {

  pre_mass[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)] =
      density1[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] * pre_vol[OPS_ACC4(0, 0, 0)];
  post_mass[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)] = pre_mass[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)] +
                                 mass_flux_z[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] -
                                 mass_flux_z[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 1)];
  post_ener[OPS_ACC9(0, 0, 0)] =
      (energy1[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)] * pre_mass[OPS_ACC6(0, 0, 0)] +
       ener_flux[OPS_ACC10(0, 0, 0)] - ener_flux[OPS_ACC10(0, 0, 1)]) /
      post_mass[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)];
  advec_vol[OPS_ACC8(0, 0, 0)] = pre_vol[OPS_ACC4(0, 0, 0)] +
                                 vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)] -
                                 vol_flux_z[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 1)];
  density1[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] =
      post_mass[OPS_ACC7(0, 0, 0)] / advec_vol[OPS_ACC8(0, 0, 0)];
  energy1[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)] = post_ener[OPS_ACC9(0, 0, 0)];
コード例 #25
// user function
inline void ideal_gas_kernel(const double *density, const double *energy,
                             double *pressure, double *soundspeed) {

  double sound_speed_squared, v, pressurebyenergy, pressurebyvolume;

  v = 1.0 / density[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)];
  pressure[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] =
      (1.4 - 1.0) * density[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] * energy[OPS_ACC1(0, 0, 0)];

  pressurebyenergy = (1.4 - 1.0) * density[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)];
  pressurebyvolume =
      -1.0 * density[OPS_ACC0(0, 0, 0)] * pressure[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)];
  sound_speed_squared =
      v * v *
      (pressure[OPS_ACC2(0, 0, 0)] * pressurebyenergy - pressurebyvolume);
  soundspeed[OPS_ACC3(0, 0, 0)] = sqrt(sound_speed_squared);
コード例 #26
// user function
inline void calc_dt_kernel_print(const double *xvel0, const double *yvel0,
                                 const double *density0, const double *energy0,
                                 const double *pressure,
                                 const double *soundspeed, double *output) {
  output[0] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(1, 0)];
  output[1] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(1, 0)];
  output[2] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(-1, 0)];
  output[3] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(-1, 0)];
  output[4] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(0, 1)];
  output[5] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(0, 1)];
  output[6] = xvel0[OPS_ACC0(0, -1)];
  output[7] = yvel0[OPS_ACC1(0, -1)];
  output[8] = density0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)];
  output[9] = energy0[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)];
  output[10] = pressure[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)];
  output[11] = soundspeed[OPS_ACC5(0, 0)];
コード例 #27
// user function
inline void calc_dt_kernel(const double *celldx, const double *celldy,
                           const double *soundspeed, const double *viscosity,
                           const double *density0, const double *xvel0,
                           const double *xarea, const double *volume,
                           const double *yvel0, const double *yarea,
                           double *dt_min) {

  double div, dsx, dsy, dtut, dtvt, dtct, dtdivt, cc, dv1, dv2;

  dsx = celldx[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)];
  dsy = celldy[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)];

  cc = soundspeed[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)] * soundspeed[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)];
  cc = cc + 2.0 * viscosity[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)] / density0[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)];
  cc = MAX(sqrt(cc), g_small);

  dtct = dtc_safe * MIN(dsx, dsy) / cc;

  div = 0.0;

  dv1 = (xvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 0)] + xvel0[OPS_ACC5(0, 1)]) * xarea[OPS_ACC6(0, 0)];
  dv2 = (xvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 0)] + xvel0[OPS_ACC5(1, 1)]) * xarea[OPS_ACC6(1, 0)];

  div = div + dv2 - dv1;

  dtut = dtu_safe * 2.0 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0)] /
         MAX(MAX(fabs(dv1), fabs(dv2)), g_small * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0)]);

  dv1 = (yvel0[OPS_ACC8(0, 0)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC8(1, 0)]) * yarea[OPS_ACC9(0, 0)];
  dv2 = (yvel0[OPS_ACC8(0, 1)] + yvel0[OPS_ACC8(1, 1)]) * yarea[OPS_ACC9(0, 1)];

  div = div + dv2 - dv1;

  dtvt = dtv_safe * 2.0 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0)] /
         MAX(MAX(fabs(dv1), fabs(dv2)), g_small * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0)]);

  div = div / (2.0 * volume[OPS_ACC7(0, 0)]);

  if (div < -g_small)
    dtdivt = dtdiv_safe * (-1.0 / div);
    dtdivt = g_big;

  dt_min[OPS_ACC10(0, 0)] = MIN(MIN(dtct, dtut), MIN(dtvt, dtdivt));
コード例 #28
// user function
inline void tea_leaf_cg_calc_w_reduce_kernel(double *w, const double *Kx,
                                             const double *Ky, const double *p,
                                             const double *rx, const double *ry,
                                             double *pw) {
  w[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] = (1.0 + (*ry) * (Ky[OPS_ACC2(0, 1)] + Ky[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)]) +
                       (*rx) * (Kx[OPS_ACC1(1, 0)] + Kx[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)])) *
                          p[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)] -
                      (*ry) * (Ky[OPS_ACC2(0, 1)] * p[OPS_ACC3(0, 1)] +
                               Ky[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)] * p[OPS_ACC3(0, -1)]) -
                      (*rx) * (Kx[OPS_ACC1(1, 0)] * p[OPS_ACC3(1, 0)] +
                               Kx[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] * p[OPS_ACC3(-1, 0)]);
  *pw = *pw + w[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] * p[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)];
コード例 #29
// host stub function
void ops_par_loop_advec_cell_kernel2_ydir_execute(ops_kernel_descriptor *desc) {
  ops_block block = desc->block;
  int dim = desc->dim;
  int *range = desc->range;
  ops_arg arg0 = desc->args[0];
  ops_arg arg1 = desc->args[1];
  ops_arg arg2 = desc->args[2];
  ops_arg arg3 = desc->args[3];

  // Timing
  double t1, t2, c1, c2;

  ops_arg args[4] = {arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3};

  if (!ops_checkpointing_before(args, 4, range, 66))

  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    ops_timers_core(&c2, &t2);

  // compute locally allocated range for the sub-block
  int start[2];
  int end[2];

  for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
    start[n] = range[2 * n];
    end[n] = range[2 * n + 1];

#ifdef OPS_DEBUG
  ops_register_args(args, "advec_cell_kernel2_ydir");

  // set up initial pointers and exchange halos if necessary
  int base0 = args[0].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ pre_vol = (double *)(args[0].data + base0);

  int base1 = args[1].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ post_vol = (double *)(args[1].data + base1);

  int base2 = args[2].dat->base_offset;
  const double *__restrict__ volume = (double *)(args[2].data + base2);

  int base3 = args[3].dat->base_offset;
  const double *__restrict__ vol_flux_y = (double *)(args[3].data + base3);

  // initialize global variable with the dimension of dats
  int xdim0_advec_cell_kernel2_ydir = args[0].dat->size[0];
  int xdim1_advec_cell_kernel2_ydir = args[1].dat->size[0];
  int xdim2_advec_cell_kernel2_ydir = args[2].dat->size[0];
  int xdim3_advec_cell_kernel2_ydir = args[3].dat->size[0];

  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    ops_timers_core(&c1, &t1);
    OPS_kernels[66].mpi_time += t1 - t2;

#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int n_y = start[1]; n_y < end[1]; n_y++) {
#ifdef intel
#pragma loop_count(10000)
#pragma omp simd aligned(pre_vol, post_vol, volume, vol_flux_y)
#pragma simd
    for (int n_x = start[0]; n_x < end[0]; n_x++) {

      pre_vol[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] = volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)] +
                                vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC3(0, 1)] -
                                vol_flux_y[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)];
      post_vol[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] = volume[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)];
  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    ops_timers_core(&c2, &t2);
    OPS_kernels[66].time += t2 - t1;

  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    // Update kernel record
    ops_timers_core(&c1, &t1);
    OPS_kernels[66].mpi_time += t1 - t2;
    OPS_kernels[66].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg0);
    OPS_kernels[66].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg1);
    OPS_kernels[66].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg2);
    OPS_kernels[66].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg3);
コード例 #30
// host stub function
void ops_par_loop_update_halo_kernel1_b2_execute(ops_kernel_descriptor *desc) {
  ops_block block = desc->block;
  int dim = desc->dim;
  int *range = desc->range;
  ops_arg arg0 = desc->args[0];
  ops_arg arg1 = desc->args[1];
  ops_arg arg2 = desc->args[2];
  ops_arg arg3 = desc->args[3];
  ops_arg arg4 = desc->args[4];
  ops_arg arg5 = desc->args[5];
  ops_arg arg6 = desc->args[6];
  ops_arg arg7 = desc->args[7];

  // Timing
  double t1, t2, c1, c2;

  ops_arg args[8] = {arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7};

  if (!ops_checkpointing_before(args, 8, range, 9))

  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    ops_timers_core(&c2, &t2);

  // compute locally allocated range for the sub-block
  int start[2];
  int end[2];

  for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
    start[n] = range[2 * n];
    end[n] = range[2 * n + 1];

#ifdef OPS_DEBUG
  ops_register_args(args, "update_halo_kernel1_b2");

  // set up initial pointers and exchange halos if necessary
  int base0 = args[0].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ density0 = (double *)(args[0].data + base0);

  int base1 = args[1].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ density1 = (double *)(args[1].data + base1);

  int base2 = args[2].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ energy0 = (double *)(args[2].data + base2);

  int base3 = args[3].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ energy1 = (double *)(args[3].data + base3);

  int base4 = args[4].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ pressure = (double *)(args[4].data + base4);

  int base5 = args[5].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ viscosity = (double *)(args[5].data + base5);

  int base6 = args[6].dat->base_offset;
  double *__restrict__ soundspeed = (double *)(args[6].data + base6);

  const int *__restrict__ fields = (int *)args[7].data;

  // initialize global variable with the dimension of dats
  int xdim0_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[0].dat->size[0];
  int xdim1_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[1].dat->size[0];
  int xdim2_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[2].dat->size[0];
  int xdim3_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[3].dat->size[0];
  int xdim4_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[4].dat->size[0];
  int xdim5_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[5].dat->size[0];
  int xdim6_update_halo_kernel1_b2 = args[6].dat->size[0];

  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    ops_timers_core(&c1, &t1);
    OPS_kernels[9].mpi_time += t1 - t2;

#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int n_y = start[1]; n_y < end[1]; n_y++) {
#ifdef intel
#pragma loop_count(10000)
#pragma omp simd aligned(density0, density1, energy0, energy1, pressure,       \
                         viscosity, soundspeed)
#pragma simd
    for (int n_x = start[0]; n_x < end[0]; n_x++) {

      if (fields[FIELD_DENSITY0] == 1)
        density0[OPS_ACC0(0, 0)] = density0[OPS_ACC0(0, 3)];
      if (fields[FIELD_DENSITY1] == 1)
        density1[OPS_ACC1(0, 0)] = density1[OPS_ACC1(0, 3)];
      if (fields[FIELD_ENERGY0] == 1)
        energy0[OPS_ACC2(0, 0)] = energy0[OPS_ACC2(0, 3)];
      if (fields[FIELD_ENERGY1] == 1)
        energy1[OPS_ACC3(0, 0)] = energy1[OPS_ACC3(0, 3)];
      if (fields[FIELD_PRESSURE] == 1)
        pressure[OPS_ACC4(0, 0)] = pressure[OPS_ACC4(0, 3)];
      if (fields[FIELD_VISCOSITY] == 1)
        viscosity[OPS_ACC5(0, 0)] = viscosity[OPS_ACC5(0, 3)];
      if (fields[FIELD_SOUNDSPEED] == 1)
        soundspeed[OPS_ACC6(0, 0)] = soundspeed[OPS_ACC6(0, 3)];
  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    ops_timers_core(&c2, &t2);
    OPS_kernels[9].time += t2 - t1;

  if (OPS_diags > 1) {
    // Update kernel record
    ops_timers_core(&c1, &t1);
    OPS_kernels[9].mpi_time += t1 - t2;
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg0);
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg1);
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg2);
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg3);
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg4);
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg5);
    OPS_kernels[9].transfer += ops_compute_transfer(dim, start, end, &arg6);