コード例 #1
ファイル: probe_arch.c プロジェクト: kevinoid/atlas-debian
int ProbeOneInt(enum OSTYPE OS0, enum ASMDIA asmd0, char *targ0,
                char *flag, char *find, int *sure)
 * Handles calls to all available backend probes that return one int,
 * keeps trying them until out of probes or one returns good (non-zero) value
   char osname[128];
   char *cmnd, *res, *frm, *targ;
   enum OSTYPE OS;
   enum ASMDIA asmd;
   int i, iret=0;

   *sure = 0;
   asmd = (asmd0 > ASM_None && asmd0 < NASMD) ? asmd0 : gas_x86_32;
   OS = (OS0 > OSOther && OS0 < NOS) ? OS0 : OSLinux;
   if (OS == OSOSX)
      strlowcpy(osname, osnam[OSFreeBSD]);
   else if (OSIsWin(OS))
      strcpy(osname, "win");
      strlowcpy(osname, osnam[OS]);
   if (targ0)
      i = strlen(targ0) + 24;
      targ = malloc(sizeof(char)*i);
      sprintf(targ, "atlrun=atlas_runX targ=%s", targ0);
      targ = malloc(sizeof(char));
      targ[0] = '\0';

 * If Assembler right or unspecified, try x86 probe
   if (asmd == gas_x86_32 || asmd == gas_x86_64)
      frm = "make IRunArchInfo_x86 MYFLAGS=\"-DATL_OS_%s -DATL_%s\" args=\"%s\" %s | fgrep '%s'";
      i = strlen(frm) + strlen(osnam[OS]) + strlen(ASMNAM[asmd]) + strlen(flag)
          + strlen(targ) + strlen(find) + 1;
      cmnd = malloc(sizeof(char)*i);
      sprintf(cmnd, frm, osnam[OS], ASMNAM[asmd], flag, targ, find);
      res = atlsys_1L(NULL, cmnd, 0, 0);
      if (res)
         iret = GetFirstInt(res);
         *sure = GetLastInt(res);
 * If that didn't work, try OS-specific probe
   if (!iret)
      frm = "make IRunArchInfo_%s MYFLAGS=\"-DATL_OS_%s -DATL_%s\" args=\"%s\" %s | fgrep '%s'";
      i = 1 + strlen(frm) + strlen(osname) + 3+strlen(osnam[OS]) +
          strlen(ASMNAM[asmd]) + strlen(flag) + strlen(targ) + strlen(find);
      cmnd = malloc(sizeof(char)*i);
      sprintf(cmnd, frm, osname, osnam[OS], ASMNAM[asmd], flag, targ, find);
      res = atlsys_1L(NULL, cmnd, 0, 0);
      if (res)
         iret = GetFirstInt(res);
         *sure = GetLastInt(res);
コード例 #2
ファイル: SpewMakeInc.c プロジェクト: apollos/atlas
int main(int nargs, char **args)
   enum OSTYPE OS;
   enum MACHTYPE mach;
   int h, i, j, k, verb, asmb, nof77, mhz;
   int vecexts, ISAX;
   int ptrbits, l2size;
   int delay=0;  /* change this to come from "special" ints in GetFlags */
   int THREADS=0;
   int Use3DNow=0;  /* this needs to come from getflags */
   int ncpu, omp, AntThr, lapackref;
   int *tids;
   #define NPREC 4
   char pres[NPREC] = {'s', 'd', 'c', 'z'};
   char *targ, *sp, *pmake, *flapack, *ADd;
   char *comps[3*NCOMP], *comp, *flags, *srcdir, *blddir, *f2cdefs, *cdefs;
   char *outfile, *smaflags, *dmaflags, *f77lib, *gccflags, *goodgcc;
   char targarg[256], ln[1024];
   FILE *fpout;
   char *adnames[NARDEF] = {"sKERNDEF", "dKERNDEF", "sMMDEF", "dMMDEF"};

   GetFlags(nargs, args, &verb, &OS, (enum ASMDIA*) &asmb, &vecexts, &mach,
            &mhz, &ptrbits, &ncpu, &tids, &omp, &AntThr, comps, &gccflags,
            &outfile, &srcdir, &blddir, &USEDEFL1, &USEARCHDEF, &USEIEEE,
            &LATUNE, &nof77, &lapackref, &f2cdefs, &cdefs, &pmake, &flapack,
            &smaflags, &dmaflags, &f77lib, &ADd, &l2size, &targ);
   if (ncpu > 1) THREADS = 1;
   if (!outfile)
      fpout = stdout;
      fpout = fopen(outfile, "w");
   assert(srcdir && blddir);
 * Update l2size, and set f2cdefs/cdefs if they are null
   if (!l2size) l2size = 4*1024*1024;
   else l2size *= 1024;
   if (!f2cdefs) f2cdefs = "";
 * Append any appended flags, and then we have just compilers and flags
   for (i=2*NCOMP; i < 3*NCOMP; i++)
      if (comps[i])
         comps[i-NCOMP] = NewAppendedString(comps[i-NCOMP], comps[i]);
         comps[i] = NULL;
 * If any C compiler is unspecified, use it to specify the others
 * Use DKC preferentially if it is specified
   if (comps[DKC_] && comps[NCOMP+DKC_])
      k = DKC_;
      k = -1;
      for (i=0; i < F77_; i++)
         if (comps[i] && comps[NCOMP+i])
            k = i;
      if (k < 0)
         fprintf(stderr, "Need a valid C compiler and flags\n");
   for (i=0; i < F77_; i++)
      if (!comps[i])
         comps[i] = comps[k];
      if (!comps[NCOMP+i])
         comps[NCOMP+i] = comps[NCOMP+k];
   USEMINGW = (OSIsWin(OS) && strstr(comps[GCC_], "mgwgcc"));
 * If F77 compiler unspecified or nof77 asserted, set it to ICC for linking
   if (!comps[F77_] || nof77)
      comps[F77_] = comps[ICC_];
      comps[NCOMP+F77_] = comps[NCOMP+ICC_];
 * Find dominant ISA extension
   ISAX = 0;
   for (i=1; i < NISA && !ISAX; i++)
      if (vecexts & (1<<i))
         ISAX = i;

   fprintf(fpout, "#  ----------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Make.inc for ATLAS3.10.2\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ----------------------------\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  ----------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Make sure we get the correct shell\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ----------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   SHELL = /bin/sh\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Name indicating the platform to configure BLAS to\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ARCH = %s", machnam[mach]);
   fprintf(fpout, "%d", ptrbits);
   if (ISAX)
      fprintf(fpout, "%s", ISAXNAM[ISAX]);
   if (!USEIEEE)
      fprintf(fpout, "NONIEEE");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  ----------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Paths to various directories\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ----------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   BLDdir = %s\n", blddir);
   fprintf(fpout, "   SRCdir = %s\n", srcdir);
   fprintf(fpout, "   INCAdir = $(BLDdir)/include\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   INCSdir = $(SRCdir)/include\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   BINdir = $(BLDdir)/bin\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   LIBdir = $(BLDdir)/lib\n\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   SYSdir = $(BLDdir)/tune/sysinfo\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   GMMdir = $(BLDdir)/src/blas/gemm\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   GMVdir = $(BLDdir)/src/blas/gemv\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   GR1dir = $(BLDdir)/src/blas/ger\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   L1Bdir = $(BLDdir)/src/blas/level1\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   L2Bdir = $(BLDdir)/src/blas/level2\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   L3Bdir = $(BLDdir)/src/blas/level3\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   TSTdir = $(BLDdir)/src/testing\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   AUXdir = $(BLDdir)/src/auxil\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   CBLdir = $(BLDdir)/interfaces/blas/C/src\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   FBLdir = $(BLDdir)/interfaces/blas/F77/src\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   MMTdir = $(BLDdir)/tune/blas/gemm\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   MVTdir = $(BLDdir)/tune/blas/gemv\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   R1Tdir = $(BLDdir)/tune/blas/ger\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   L1Tdir = $(BLDdir)/tune/blas/level1\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   L3Tdir = $(BLDdir)/tune/blas/level3\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   FLAdir = $(BLDdir)/src/lapack/reference\n");
   if (ADd)
      fprintf(fpout, "   ADdir  = %s\n", ADd);
      fprintf(fpout, "   ADdir  = $(SRCdir)/CONFIG/ARCHS\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n");

"#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
"#  Name and location of scripts for running executables during tuning\n");
"#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ATLRUN = $(BLDdir)/bin/ATLrun.sh\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ATLFWAIT = $(BLDdir)/bin/xatlas_waitfile\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  ---------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Libraries to be built\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ---------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ATLASlib = $(LIBdir)/libatlas.a\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   CBLASlib = $(LIBdir)/libcblas.a\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   F77BLASlib = $(LIBdir)/libf77blas.a\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   LAPACKlib = $(LIBdir)/liblapack.a\n");
   if (THREADS)
      fprintf(fpout, "   PTCBLASlib = $(LIBdir)/libptcblas.a\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "   PTF77BLASlib = $(LIBdir)/libptf77blas.a\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "   PTLAPACKlib = $(LIBdir)/libptlapack.a\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   TESTlib = $(LIBdir)/libtstatlas.a\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Upper bound on largest cache size, in bytes\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   L2SIZE = -DL2SIZE=%d\n\n", l2size);

   fprintf(fpout, "#  ---------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Command setting up correct include path\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ---------------------------------------\n");
           "   INCLUDES = -I$(INCAdir) -I$(INCSdir) -I$(INCSdir)/contrib\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Defines for setting up F77/C interoperation\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   F2CDEFS = %s\n\n", f2cdefs);

   fprintf(fpout, "#  ------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Architecture identifying flags\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ARCHDEFS =");
   if (OS != OSOther)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_OS_%s", osnam[OS]);
   if (mach != MACHOther)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_ARCH_%s", machnam[mach]);
   if (mhz)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_CPUMHZ=%d", mhz);
   if (OS == OSSunOS)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DSUN_HR");
   if (OSIsWin(OS))
      fprintf(fpout, " -DGCCWIN -DUseClock");
   for (i=1; i < NISA; i++)
      if (vecexts & (1<<i))
         fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_%s", ISAXNAM[i]);
   if (Use3DNow) fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_3DNowFLOPS");
   if (ptrbits == 64)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_USE64BITS");
   if (mach == IA64Itan || mach == IA64Itan2 )
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_MAXNREG=128");
   if (asmb != ASM_None) fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_%s", ASMNAM[asmb]);
   if (mach == IA64Itan2)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_IntelIccBugs");
 * Need up update handling of apple vs. gnu gcc for altivec
   if ((ISAX == ISA_AV || ISAX == ISA_VSX) && CompIsGcc(comps[DMC_]) &&
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_AVgcc");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n\n");
   if (tids)
      int k;
      fprintf(fpout, "   TIDLIST= -tl %d", ncpu);
      for (k=0; k < ncpu; k++)
         fprintf(fpout, " %d", tids[k]);
      fprintf(fpout, "TIDLIST=");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n\n");

   "#  -------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   "#  NM is the flag required to name a compiled object/executable\n");
   "#  OJ is the flag required to compile to object rather than executable\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  These flags are used by all compilers.\n");
   "#  -------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   NM = -o\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   OJ = -c\n\n");

   sprintf(ln, "%s/CONFIG/src/CompMake.txt", srcdir);
   DisplayFile(ln, fpout, 0);
   fprintf(fpout, "   NPROC=%d\n", ncpu);
   fprintf(fpout, "   CDEFS = $(L2SIZE) $(INCLUDES) $(F2CDEFS) $(ARCHDEFS)");
   if (!USEIEEE)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_NONIEEE=1");
 * Dump -m32/-m64 to CDEFS if it is in normal flags, so that generic flags
 * given in index files will still work.  If the user mixes gcc which mandates
 * these flags, with other compilers that can't take them, there will be
 * trouble.
   if (strstr(comps[NCOMP+DKC_], " -m32"))
      fprintf(fpout, " -m32");
   else if (strstr(comps[NCOMP+DKC_], " -m64"))
      fprintf(fpout, " -m64");
   if (cdefs) fprintf(fpout, " %s", cdefs);
   if (THREADS)
      fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_NCPU=$(NPROC)");
      if (OS == OSFreeBSD) fprintf(fpout, " -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT");
      if (OS == OSAIX) fprintf(fpout, " -DIBM_PT_ERROR");
      if (OS == OSIRIX) fprintf(fpout, " -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L");
      if (AntThr) fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_TRUST_ANTPT");
      else if (omp) fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_OMP_THREADS");
      if (AntThr > 1) fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_ANTOINE_THREADS");
   if (delay) fprintf(fpout, " -DATL_FOPENDELAY");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n\n");
   for (i=0; i < NCOMP; i++)
      fprintf(fpout, "   %s = %s\n", COMPNAME[i], comps[i]);
      if (i == F77_)
         fprintf(fpout, "   %sFLAGS = %s\n", COMPNAME[i], comps[NCOMP+i]);
      else if (i == ICC_ || i == XCC_)
         fprintf(fpout, "   %sFLAGS = $(CDEFS) %s\n",
                 COMPNAME[i], comps[NCOMP+i]);
      else /* non-interf comps don't include CDEFS by default (added later) */
         fprintf(fpout, "   %sFLAGS = %s\n",
                 COMPNAME[i], comps[NCOMP+i]);
   fprintf(fpout, "   F77NOOPT = $(F77FLAGS) -O0   # turn off optimization\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   SMAFLAGS =");
   if (smaflags)
      fprintf(fpout, " %s", smaflags);
   fprintf(fpout, "\n   DMAFLAGS =");
   if (dmaflags)
      fprintf(fpout, " %s", dmaflags);
   fprintf(fpout, "\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   CKC = $(SKC)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ZKC = $(DKC)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   sKCFLAGS = $(CDEFS) $(SKCFLAGS)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   dKCFLAGS = $(CDEFS) $(DKCFLAGS)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   cKCFLAGS = $(CDEFS) $(SKCFLAGS)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   zKCFLAGS = $(CDEFS) $(DKCFLAGS)\n");

   for (i=0; i < NCOMP; i++)
      if (i == XCC_) continue;  /* do not accept cross-compiler */
      j = strlen(comps[i]);
      if (j >= 3 && comps[i][j-3] == 'g' &&
          comps[i][j-2] == 'c' && comps[i][j-1] == 'c')
   goodgcc = (i < NCOMP) ? comps[i] : "gcc";
   fprintf(fpout, "   GOODGCC = %s", goodgcc);
   if (gccflags)
      fprintf(fpout, " %s", gccflags);
   GetGccVers(goodgcc, &i, &j, &k, &k);
   if (OSIsWin(OS) && ptrbits != 64)  /* stop gcc breaking ABI */
      fprintf(fpout, " -mstackrealign");
   sp = GetPtrbitsFlag(OS, mach, ptrbits, goodgcc);
   if (strlen(sp) > 0)
       fprintf(fpout, " %s", sp);
   #ifdef ATL_DYLIBS
      if (!OSIsWin(OS))
         fprintf(fpout, " -fPIC");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   KC = $(DKC)\n   KCFLAGS = $(CDEFS) $(DKCFLAGS)\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "   LDFLAGS =");
   if (MachIsX86(mach))
      if (OSIsWin(OS))
         fprintf(fpout, " -mi386pe");
         if (ptrbits == 32)
            fprintf(fpout, " -melf_i386");
         else if (ptrbits == 64)
            fprintf(fpout, " -melf_x86_64");
         if (OS == OSFreeBSD)
            fprintf(fpout, "_fbsd");
   if (MachIsS390(mach))
      fprintf(fpout, ptrbits == 32 ? "-m31" : "-m64");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n   F77SYSLIB = %s\n", f77lib ? f77lib : "");
   fprintf(fpout, "   BC = $(KC)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   NCFLAGS = $(KCFLAGS)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n   CLINKER = $(KC)\n   CLINKFLAGS = $(KCFLAGS)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   FLINKER = $(F77)\n");
   if (strstr(comps[F77_], "mgwgfortran"))
      fprintf(fpout, "   FLINKFLAGS = $(F77FLAGS) -static\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "   FLINKFLAGS = $(F77FLAGS)\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   FCLINKFLAGS = $(FLINKFLAGS)");
   if (strstr(comps[F77_], "ifort") && !OSIsWin(OS))
      fprintf(fpout, " -nofor_main");
   if (USEMINGW)
      fprintf(fpout, "\n   ARCHIVER = $(BLDdir)/mgwar\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "\n   ARCHIVER = ar\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   ARFLAGS  = r\n");
 * JF Mertens says that even x86 OS X still need ranlib for safety
   if (OS == OSOSX)
      fprintf(fpout, "   RANLIB   = ranlib\n\n");
   else if (USEMINGW)
      fprintf(fpout, "   RANLIB   = $(BLDdir)/mgwranlib\n\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "   RANLIB   = echo\n\n");

   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  tar, gzip, gunzip, and parallel make\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  -------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   TAR    = tar\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   BZIP   = bzip2\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   BUNZIP = bunzip2\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   PMAKE  = %s\n\n", pmake ? pmake : "$(MAKE)");
 * Need to add libs to GetFlags and update GetSysLib to do this right
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Reference and system libraries\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   FBLASlib = $(LIBdir)/libf77refblas.a\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   FLAPACKlib = ");
   if (flapack) fprintf(fpout, "%s", flapack);
   else if (lapackref) fprintf(fpout, "$(FLAdir)/lapack_$(ARCH).a");
   fprintf(fpout, "\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   SBLASlib = $(FBLASlib)  # should be serial sysblas\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   BLASlib = $(FBLASlib)   # should be parallel sysblas\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   SLAPACKlib =   # set to parallel system lapack\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "   SSLAPACKlib =  # set to serial system lapack\n");
   if (THREADS)
      if (OSIsWin(OS))
         fprintf(fpout, "   LIBS = -lkernel32 -lm\n\n");
         fprintf(fpout, "   LIBS = -lpthread -lm\n\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "   LIBS = -lm\n\n");

   "#  --------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   "#  Compiler names for architectural defaults and flags to atlas_install\n");
   "#  --------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   for (i=0; i < NCOMP; i++)
      sp = NewStringCopy(COMPNAME[i]);
      for (j=0; sp[j]; j++)
        sp[j] = tolower(sp[j]);
      fprintf(fpout, "   %sD = ", sp);
 *    Regardless of actual names, use standard gnu compiler names for defs
      if (CompIsGcc(comps[i]))
         if (i == F77_)
            GetGccVers(comps[i], &k, &j, &k, &k);
            if (j < 4)
               sp = NewStringCopy("g77");
               sp = NewStringCopy("gfortran");
         else sp = NewStringCopy("gcc");
         sp = NameWithoutPath(comps[i]);
         if (!strncmp(sp, "ATLwin_", 7))
            sp = NewStringCopy(comps[i]+7);
      fprintf(fpout, "%s\n", sp);
   fprintf(fpout, "   INSTFLAGS = -1 %d -a %d -l %d\n\n",

   "#  -------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   "#  Dependence info for building optional external threading interfaces\n");
   "#  -------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   for (i=0; i < NPREC; i++)
      fprintf(fpout, "   %cextthr =", pres[i]);
      if (AntThr)
         fprintf(fpout, " %cpt", pres[i]);
      fprintf(fpout, "\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ---------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  Generic targets needed by all makefiles\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "#  ---------------------------------------\n");
   fprintf(fpout, "do_it: all\n");
   if (delay)
      fprintf(fpout, "   waitfile = wfdefault\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "waitfile:\n\tcd $(BINdir) ; $(MAKE) xatlas_waitfile\n");
      fprintf(fpout, "\t$(ATLFWAIT) -s %d -f $(waitfile)\n", delay);
   else fprintf(fpout, "waitfile:\n");
   if (fpout != stdout && fpout != stderr) fclose(fpout);