static rtl_Locale * _parse_locale( const char * locale ) { static sal_Unicode c_locale[2] = { (sal_Unicode) 'C', 0 }; /* check if locale contains a valid string */ if( locale ) { size_t len = strlen( locale ); if( len >= 2 ) { rtl_uString * pLanguage = NULL; rtl_uString * pCountry = NULL; rtl_uString * pVariant = NULL; size_t offset = 2; rtl_Locale * ret; /* language is a two or three letter code */ if( (len > 3 && '_' == locale[3]) || (len == 3 && '_' != locale[2]) ) offset = 3; /* convert language code to unicode */ rtl_string2UString( &pLanguage, locale, offset, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US, OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS ); OSL_ASSERT(pLanguage != NULL); /* convert country code to unicode */ if( len >= offset+3 && '_' == locale[offset] ) { rtl_string2UString( &pCountry, locale + offset + 1, 2, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US, OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS ); OSL_ASSERT(pCountry != NULL); offset += 3; } /* convert variant code to unicode - do not rely on "." as delimiter */ if( len > offset ) { rtl_string2UString( &pVariant, locale + offset, len - offset, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US, OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS ); OSL_ASSERT(pVariant != NULL); } ret = rtl_locale_register( pLanguage->buffer, pCountry ? pCountry->buffer : c_locale + 1, pVariant ? pVariant->buffer : c_locale + 1 ); if (pVariant) rtl_uString_release(pVariant); if (pCountry) rtl_uString_release(pCountry); if (pLanguage) rtl_uString_release(pLanguage); return ret; } else return rtl_locale_register( c_locale, c_locale + 1, c_locale + 1 ); } return NULL; }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_sendPipe(oslPipe pPipe, const void* pBuffer, sal_Int32 BytesToSend) { DWORD nBytes; OVERLAPPED os; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); memset(&os, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); os.hEvent = pPipe->m_WriteEvent; ResetEvent(pPipe->m_WriteEvent); if (! WriteFile(pPipe->m_File, pBuffer, BytesToSend, &nBytes, &os) && ((GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) || ! GetOverlappedResult(pPipe->m_File, &os, &nBytes, TRUE))) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) nBytes = 0; else nBytes = (DWORD) -1; pPipe->m_Error = osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionAbort; } return (nBytes); }
static void osl_gen_random_name_impl_(rtl_uString** rand_name) { static uint64_t value; char buffer[RAND_NAME_LENGTH]; struct timeval tv; uint64_t v; int i; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); value += ((uint64_t)tv.tv_usec << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ getpid(); v = value; for (i = 0; i < RAND_NAME_LENGTH; i++) { buffer[i] = LETTERS[v % COUNT_OF_LETTERS]; v /= COUNT_OF_LETTERS; } rtl_string2UString( rand_name, buffer, RAND_NAME_LENGTH, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US, OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS); OSL_ASSERT(*rand_name != NULL); }
sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getSystemTime(TimeValue* pTimeVal) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME CurTime, OffTime; __int64 Value; OSL_ASSERT(pTimeVal != 0); GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &CurTime); SystemTime.wYear = 1970; SystemTime.wMonth = 1; SystemTime.wDayOfWeek = 0; SystemTime.wDay = 1; SystemTime.wHour = 0; SystemTime.wMinute = 0; SystemTime.wSecond = 0; SystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0; SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &OffTime); Value = *((__int64 *)&CurTime) - *((__int64 *)&OffTime); pTimeVal->Seconds = (unsigned long) (Value / 10000000L); pTimeVal->Nanosec = (unsigned long)((Value % 10000000L) * 100); return (sal_True); }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_sendPipe(oslPipe pPipe, const void* pBuffer, sal_Int32 BytesToSend) { int nRet=0; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); if ( pPipe == 0 ) { OSL_TRACE("osl_sendPipe : Invalid socket"); errno=EINVAL; return -1; } nRet = send(pPipe->m_Socket, (sal_Char*)pBuffer, BytesToSend, 0); if ( nRet <= 0 ) { OSL_TRACE("osl_sendPipe failed : %i '%s'",nRet,strerror(errno)); } return nRet; }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_writePipe( oslPipe pPipe, const void *pBuffer , sal_Int32 n ) { /* loop until all desired bytes were send or an error occurred */ sal_Int32 BytesSend= 0; sal_Int32 BytesToSend= n; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); while (BytesToSend > 0) { sal_Int32 RetVal; RetVal= osl_sendPipe(pPipe, pBuffer, BytesToSend); /* error occurred? */ if(RetVal <= 0) { break; } BytesToSend -= RetVal; BytesSend += RetVal; pBuffer= (sal_Char*)pBuffer + RetVal; } return BytesSend; }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_receivePipe(oslPipe pPipe, void* pBuffer, sal_Int32 BytesToRead) { DWORD nBytes; OVERLAPPED os; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); memset(&os, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); os.hEvent = pPipe->m_ReadEvent; ResetEvent(pPipe->m_ReadEvent); if (! ReadFile(pPipe->m_File, pBuffer, BytesToRead, &nBytes, &os) && ((GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) || ! GetOverlappedResult(pPipe->m_File, &os, &nBytes, TRUE))) { DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); if (lastError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) nBytes = BytesToRead; else { if (lastError == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) nBytes = 0; else nBytes = (DWORD) -1; pPipe->m_Error = osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionAbort; } } return (nBytes); }
oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_searchPath_impl(const sal_Char* pszName, const sal_Char* pszPath, sal_Char Separator, sal_Char *pszBuffer, sal_uInt32 Max) { sal_Char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; sal_Char *pchr; path[0] = '\0'; OSL_ASSERT(pszName != NULL); if ( pszName == 0 ) { return osl_Process_E_NotFound; } if (pszPath == NULL) pszPath = "PATH"; if (Separator == '\0') Separator = ':'; if ( (pchr = getenv(pszPath)) != 0 ) { sal_Char *pstr; while (*pchr != '\0') { pstr = path; while ((*pchr != '\0') && (*pchr != Separator)) *pstr++ = *pchr++; if ((pstr > path) && ((*(pstr - 1) != '/'))) *pstr++ = '/'; *pstr = '\0'; strcat(path, pszName); if (access(path, 0) == 0) { char szRealPathBuf[PATH_MAX] = ""; if( NULL == realpath(path, szRealPathBuf) || (strlen(szRealPathBuf) >= (sal_uInt32)Max)) return osl_Process_E_Unknown; strcpy(pszBuffer, path); return osl_Process_E_None; } if (*pchr == Separator) pchr++; } } return osl_Process_E_NotFound; }
sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getHomeDir(oslSecurity Security, rtl_uString **pustrDirectory) { rtl_uString *ustrSysDir = NULL; sal_Bool bSuccess = sal_False; if (Security != NULL) { oslSecurityImpl *pSecImpl = (oslSecurityImpl*)Security; if (pSecImpl->m_pNetResource != NULL) { rtl_uString_newFromStr( &ustrSysDir, pSecImpl->m_pNetResource->lpRemoteName); bSuccess = (sal_Bool)(osl_File_E_None == osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSysDir, pustrDirectory )); } else { #if 0 if (pSecImpl->m_hToken) { DWORD nInfoBuffer = 512; UCHAR* pInfoBuffer = malloc(nInfoBuffer); while (!GetTokenInformation(pSecImpl->m_hToken, TokenUser, pInfoBuffer, nInfoBuffer, &nInfoBuffer)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) pInfoBuffer = realloc(pInfoBuffer, nInfoBuffer); else { free(pInfoBuffer); pInfoBuffer = NULL; break; } } /* not implemented */ OSL_ASSERT(sal_False); if (pInfoBuffer) { /* if (EqualSid() ... */ } } else #endif bSuccess = (sal_Bool)(GetSpecialFolder(&ustrSysDir, CSIDL_PERSONAL) && (osl_File_E_None == osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath(ustrSysDir, pustrDirectory))); } } if ( ustrSysDir ) rtl_uString_release( ustrSysDir ); return bSuccess; }
oslSecurityError SAL_CALL osl_loginUser( rtl_uString *strUserName, rtl_uString *strPasswd, oslSecurity *pSecurity ) { oslSecurityError ret; if (!isWNT()) { *pSecurity = osl_getCurrentSecurity(); ret = osl_Security_E_None; } else { sal_Unicode* strUser; sal_Unicode* strDomain = _wcsdup(rtl_uString_getStr(strUserName)); HANDLE hUserToken; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 LUID luid; #endif if (NULL != (strUser = wcschr(strDomain, L'/'))) *strUser++ = L'\0'; else { strUser = strDomain; strDomain = NULL; } // this process must have the right: 'act as a part of operatingsystem' OSL_ASSERT(LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_TCB_NAME, &luid)); if (LogonUserW(strUser, strDomain ? strDomain : L"", rtl_uString_getStr(strPasswd), LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &hUserToken)) { oslSecurityImpl* pSecImpl = malloc(sizeof(oslSecurityImpl)); pSecImpl->m_pNetResource = NULL; pSecImpl->m_hToken = hUserToken; pSecImpl->m_hProfile = NULL; wcscpy(pSecImpl->m_User, strUser); *pSecurity = (oslSecurity)pSecImpl; ret = osl_Security_E_None; } else ret = osl_Security_E_UserUnknown; if (strDomain) free(strDomain); else free(strUser); } return ret; }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL rtl_str_valueOfDouble(sal_Char * pStr, double d) { rtl_String * pResult = NULL; sal_Int32 nLen; rtl_math_doubleToString( &pResult, 0, 0, d, rtl_math_StringFormat_G, RTL_STR_MAX_VALUEOFDOUBLE - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("-x.E-xxx"), '.', 0, 0, sal_True); nLen = pResult->length; OSL_ASSERT(nLen < RTL_STR_MAX_VALUEOFDOUBLE); rtl_copyMemory(pStr, pResult->buffer, (nLen + 1) * sizeof(sal_Char)); rtl_string_release(pResult); return nLen; }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_receivePipe(oslPipe pPipe, void* pBuffer, sal_Int32 BytesToRead) { DWORD nBytes; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); /* if we have a system pipe use it */ if ( IS_NT /*pPipe->m_File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE*/) { OVERLAPPED os; rtl_zeroMemory(&os,sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); os.hEvent = pPipe->m_ReadEvent; ResetEvent(pPipe->m_ReadEvent); if (! ReadFile(pPipe->m_File, pBuffer, BytesToRead, &nBytes, &os) && ((GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) || ! GetOverlappedResult(pPipe->m_File, &os, &nBytes, TRUE))) { DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); if (lastError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) nBytes = BytesToRead; else { if (lastError == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) nBytes = 0; else nBytes = (DWORD) -1; pPipe->m_Error = osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionAbort; } } } else { BOOL fSuccess = ReadSimplePipe( pPipe->m_File, pBuffer, BytesToRead, &nBytes, TRUE ); if ( !fSuccess ) { nBytes = 0; pPipe->m_Error = osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionAbort; } } return (nBytes); }
sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getSystemTime(TimeValue* pTimeVal) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME CurTime, OffTime; __int64 Value; typedef VOID (WINAPI *GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_PROC)(LPFILETIME); static HMODULE hModule = NULL; static GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_PROC pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime = NULL; OSL_ASSERT(pTimeVal != 0); if ( !hModule ) { hModule = GetModuleHandleA( "Kernel32.dll" ); if ( hModule ) pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime = (GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_PROC) GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime"); } // use ~1 microsecond resolution if available if (pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime) pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(&CurTime); else { GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &CurTime); } SystemTime.wYear = 1970; SystemTime.wMonth = 1; SystemTime.wDayOfWeek = 0; SystemTime.wDay = 1; SystemTime.wHour = 0; SystemTime.wMinute = 0; SystemTime.wSecond = 0; SystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0; SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &OffTime); Value = *((__int64 *)&CurTime) - *((__int64 *)&OffTime); pTimeVal->Seconds = (unsigned long) (Value / 10000000L); pTimeVal->Nanosec = (unsigned long)((Value % 10000000L) * 100); return sal_True; }
sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getConfigDir(oslSecurity Security, rtl_uString **pustrDirectory) { sal_Bool bSuccess = sal_False; if (Security != NULL) { oslSecurityImpl *pSecImpl = (oslSecurityImpl*)Security; if (pSecImpl->m_pNetResource != NULL) { rtl_uString *ustrSysDir = NULL; rtl_uString_newFromStr( &ustrSysDir, pSecImpl->m_pNetResource->lpRemoteName); bSuccess = (sal_Bool)(osl_File_E_None == osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSysDir, pustrDirectory)); if ( ustrSysDir ) rtl_uString_release( ustrSysDir ); } else { if (pSecImpl->m_hToken) { /* not implemented */ OSL_ASSERT(sal_False); } else { rtl_uString *ustrFile = NULL; sal_Unicode sFile[_MAX_PATH]; if ( !GetSpecialFolder( &ustrFile, CSIDL_APPDATA) ) { OSL_VERIFY(GetWindowsDirectoryW(sFile, _MAX_DIR) > 0); rtl_uString_newFromStr( &ustrFile, sFile); } bSuccess = (sal_Bool)(osl_File_E_None == osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath(ustrFile, pustrDirectory)); if ( ustrFile ) rtl_uString_release( ustrFile ); } } } return bSuccess; }
void SAL_CALL osl_freeProcessHandle(oslProcess Process) { if (Process != NULL) { oslProcessImpl *pChild, *pPrev = NULL; OSL_ASSERT(ChildListMutex != NULL); if ( ChildListMutex == 0 ) { return; } osl_acquireMutex(ChildListMutex); pChild = ChildList; /* remove process from child list */ while (pChild != NULL) { if (pChild == (oslProcessImpl*)Process) { if (pPrev != NULL) pPrev->m_pnext = pChild->m_pnext; else ChildList = pChild->m_pnext; break; } pPrev = pChild; pChild = pChild->m_pnext; } osl_releaseMutex(ChildListMutex); osl_destroyCondition(((oslProcessImpl*)Process)->m_terminated); free(Process); } }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_sendPipe(oslPipe pPipe, const void* pBuffer, sal_Int32 BytesToSend) { DWORD nBytes; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); if (IS_NT/*pPipe->m_File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE*/) { OVERLAPPED os; rtl_zeroMemory(&os, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); os.hEvent = pPipe->m_WriteEvent; ResetEvent(pPipe->m_WriteEvent); if (! WriteFile(pPipe->m_File, pBuffer, BytesToSend, &nBytes, &os) && ((GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) || ! GetOverlappedResult(pPipe->m_File, &os, &nBytes, TRUE))) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) nBytes = 0; else nBytes = (DWORD) -1; pPipe->m_Error = osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionAbort; } } else { BOOL fSuccess = WriteSimplePipe( pPipe->m_File, pBuffer, BytesToSend, &nBytes, TRUE ); if ( !fSuccess ) { nBytes = 0; pPipe->m_Error = osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionAbort; } } return (nBytes); }
static IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr, sal_Int32 nCount ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pDest; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSrc; IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pData = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( pStr->length ); OSL_ASSERT(pData != NULL); pDest = pData->buffer; pSrc = pStr->buffer; while ( nCount > 0 ) { *pDest = *pSrc; pDest++; pSrc++; nCount--; } *ppThis = pData; return pDest; }
void _imp_getProcessLocale( rtl_Locale ** ppLocale ) { WCHAR langCode[ELP_LANGUAGE_FIELD_LENGTH]; WCHAR ctryCode[ELP_COUNTRY_FIELD_LENGTH]; LCID localeId; OSL_ASSERT( ppLocale ); /* get the LCID to retrieve information from */ localeId = GetUserDefaultLCID(); /* call GetLocaleInfo to retrieve the iso codes */ if( GetLocaleInfo( localeId, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME , langCode, ELP_LANGUAGE_FIELD_LENGTH ) && GetLocaleInfo( localeId, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME , ctryCode, ELP_COUNTRY_FIELD_LENGTH ) ) { *ppLocale = rtl_locale_register( langCode, ctryCode, L"" ); } else { *ppLocale = rtl_locale_register( L"C", L"", L"" ); } }
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_getTempDirURL( rtl_uString** pustrTempDir ) { oslFileError error; /* described in environ(7) */ const char *pValue = getenv( "TMPDIR" ); rtl_uString *ustrTempPath = NULL; if ( !pValue ) pValue = getenv( "TEMP" ); if ( !pValue ) pValue = getenv( "TMP" ); if ( !pValue ) pValue = "/tmp"; rtl_string2UString( &ustrTempPath, pValue, strlen( pValue ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS ); OSL_ASSERT(ustrTempPath != NULL); error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrTempPath, pustrTempDir ); rtl_uString_release( ustrTempPath ); return error; }
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_readPipe( oslPipe pPipe, void *pBuffer , sal_Int32 n ) { /* loop until all desired bytes were read or an error occurred */ sal_Int32 BytesRead= 0; sal_Int32 BytesToRead= n; OSL_ASSERT( pPipe ); while (BytesToRead > 0) { sal_Int32 RetVal; RetVal= osl_receivePipe(pPipe, pBuffer, BytesToRead); /* error occurred? */ if(RetVal <= 0) { break; } BytesToRead -= RetVal; BytesRead += RetVal; pBuffer= (sal_Char*)pBuffer + RetVal; } return BytesRead; }
static sal_Bool GetSpecialFolder(rtl_uString **strPath, int nFolder) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; HINSTANCE hLibrary; sal_Char PathA[_MAX_PATH]; sal_Unicode PathW[_MAX_PATH]; if ((hLibrary = LoadLibrary("shell32.dll")) != NULL) { BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA)(HWND, LPSTR, int, BOOL); BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW)(HWND, LPWSTR, int, BOOL); pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND, LPSTR, int, BOOL))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA"); pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND, LPWSTR, int, BOOL))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetSpecialFolderPathW"); if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA) { if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathA(GetActiveWindow(), PathA, nFolder, TRUE)) { rtl_string2UString( strPath, PathA, (sal_Int32) strlen(PathA), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS); OSL_ASSERT(*strPath != NULL); bRet = sal_True; } } else if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW) { if (pSHGetSpecialFolderPathW(GetActiveWindow(), PathW, nFolder, TRUE)) { rtl_uString_newFromStr( strPath, PathW); bRet = sal_True; } } else { HRESULT (WINAPI *pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation)(HWND, int, LPITEMIDLIST *) = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(HWND, int, LPITEMIDLIST *))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation"); BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetPathFromIDListA)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPSTR) = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPSTR))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetPathFromIDListA"); BOOL (WINAPI *pSHGetPathFromIDListW)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPWSTR) = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPWSTR))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetPathFromIDListW"); HRESULT (WINAPI *pSHGetMalloc)(LPMALLOC *) = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPMALLOC *))GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "SHGetMalloc"); if (pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation && (pSHGetPathFromIDListA || pSHGetPathFromIDListW ) && pSHGetMalloc ) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; LPMALLOC pMalloc; HRESULT hr; hr = pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation(GetActiveWindow(), nFolder, &pidl); /* Get SHGetSpecialFolderLocation fails if directory does not exists. */ /* If it fails we try to create the directory and redo the call */ if (! SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HKEY hRegKey; if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", &hRegKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LONG lRet; DWORD lSize = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(PathA); DWORD Type = REG_SZ; switch (nFolder) { case CSIDL_APPDATA: lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, "AppData", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)PathA, &lSize); break; case CSIDL_PERSONAL: lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, "Personal", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)PathA, &lSize); break; default: lRet = -1l; } if ((lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Type == REG_SZ)) { if (_access(PathA, 0) < 0) CreateDirectory(PathA, NULL); hr = pSHGetSpecialFolderLocation(GetActiveWindow(), nFolder, &pidl); } RegCloseKey(hRegKey); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pSHGetPathFromIDListW && pSHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl, PathW)) { /* if directory does not exist, create it */ if (_waccess(PathW, 0) < 0) CreateDirectoryW(PathW, NULL); rtl_uString_newFromStr( strPath, PathW); bRet = sal_True; } else if (pSHGetPathFromIDListA && pSHGetPathFromIDListA(pidl, PathA)) { /* if directory does not exist, create it */ if (_access(PathA, 0) < 0) CreateDirectoryA(PathA, NULL); rtl_string2UString( strPath, PathA, (sal_Int32) strlen(PathA), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS); OSL_ASSERT(*strPath != NULL); bRet = sal_True; } } if (SUCCEEDED(pSHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))) { pMalloc->lpVtbl->Free(pMalloc, pidl); pMalloc->lpVtbl->Release(pMalloc); } } } } FreeLibrary(hLibrary); return bRet; }
sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_impl_convertUStringToString(rtl_String ** pTarget, sal_Unicode const * pSource, sal_Int32 nLength, rtl_TextEncoding nEncoding, sal_uInt32 nFlags, sal_Bool bCheckErrors) { OSL_ASSERT(pTarget != NULL && (pSource != NULL || nLength == 0) && nLength >= 0 && rtl_isOctetTextEncoding(nEncoding)); if ( !nLength ) rtl_string_new( pTarget ); else { rtl_String* pTemp; rtl_UnicodeToTextConverter hConverter; sal_uInt32 nInfo; sal_Size nSrcChars; sal_Size nDestBytes; sal_Size nNewLen; sal_Size nNotConvertedChars; sal_Size nMaxCharLen; /* Optimization for UTF-8 - we try to calculate the exact length */ /* For all other encoding we try an good estimation */ if ( nEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) { nNewLen = rtl_ImplGetFastUTF8ByteLen( pSource, nLength ); /* Includes the string only ASCII, then we could copy the buffer faster */ if ( nNewLen == (sal_Size)nLength ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; if ( *pTarget ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *pTarget ); *pTarget = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLength ); OSL_ASSERT(*pTarget != NULL); pBuffer = (*pTarget)->buffer; do { /* Check ASCII range */ OSL_ENSURE( *pSource <= 127, "rtl_uString2String() - UTF8 test is encoding is wrong" ); *pBuffer = (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)(unsigned char)*pSource; pBuffer++; pSource++; nLength--; } while ( nLength ); return sal_True; } nMaxCharLen = 4; } else { rtl_TextEncodingInfo aTextEncInfo; aTextEncInfo.StructSize = sizeof( aTextEncInfo ); if ( !rtl_getTextEncodingInfo( nEncoding, &aTextEncInfo ) ) { aTextEncInfo.AverageCharSize = 1; aTextEncInfo.MaximumCharSize = 8; } nNewLen = nLength*aTextEncInfo.AverageCharSize; nMaxCharLen = aTextEncInfo.MaximumCharSize; } nFlags |= RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_FLUSH; hConverter = rtl_createUnicodeToTextConverter( nEncoding ); for (;;) { pTemp = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); OSL_ASSERT(pTemp != NULL); nDestBytes = rtl_convertUnicodeToText( hConverter, 0, pSource, nLength, pTemp->buffer, nNewLen, nFlags, &nInfo, &nSrcChars ); if (bCheckErrors && (nInfo & RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_ERROR) != 0) { rtl_freeMemory(pTemp); rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextConverter(hConverter); return sal_False; } if ((nInfo & RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL) == 0) break; /* Buffer not big enough, try again with enough space */ rtl_freeMemory( pTemp ); /* Try with the max. count of characters with additional overhead for replacing functionality */ nNotConvertedChars = nLength-nSrcChars; nNewLen = nDestBytes+(nNotConvertedChars*nMaxCharLen)+nNotConvertedChars+4; } /* Set the buffer to the correct size or is there to much overhead, reallocate to the correct size */ if ( nNewLen > nDestBytes+8 ) { rtl_String* pTemp2 = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nDestBytes ); OSL_ASSERT(pTemp2 != NULL); rtl_str_ImplCopy( pTemp2->buffer, pTemp->buffer, nDestBytes ); rtl_freeMemory( pTemp ); pTemp = pTemp2; } else { pTemp->length = nDestBytes; pTemp->buffer[nDestBytes] = 0; } rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextConverter( hConverter ); if ( *pTarget ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *pTarget ); *pTarget = pTemp; /* Results the conversion in an empty buffer - create an empty string */ if ( pTemp && !nDestBytes ) rtl_string_new( pTarget ); } return sal_True; }
oslPipe SAL_CALL osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe pPipe) { oslPipe pAcceptedPipe = NULL; HANDLE Event; OVERLAPPED os; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); if (IS_NT) { DWORD nBytesTransfered; rtl_uString* path = NULL; rtl_uString* temp = NULL; OSL_ASSERT (pPipe->m_File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); Event = pPipe->m_AcceptEvent; rtl_zeroMemory(&os, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); os.hEvent = pPipe->m_AcceptEvent; ResetEvent(pPipe->m_AcceptEvent); if ( !ConnectNamedPipe(pPipe->m_File, &os)) { switch ( GetLastError() ) { case ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: // Client already connected to pipe case ERROR_NO_DATA: // Client was connected but has already closed pipe end // should only appear in nonblocking mode but in fact does // in blocking asynchronous mode. break; case ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING: // Only for nonblocking mode but see ERROR_NO_DATA case ERROR_IO_PENDING: // This is normal if not client is connected yet case ERROR_MORE_DATA: // Should not happen // blocking call to accept if( !GetOverlappedResult( pPipe->m_File, &os, &nBytesTransfered, TRUE ) ) { // Possible error could be that between ConnectNamedPipe and GetOverlappedResult a connect // took place. switch ( GetLastError() ) { case ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: // Pipe was already connected case ERROR_NO_DATA: // Pipe was connected but client has already closed -> ver fast client ;-) break; // Everything's fine !!! default: // Something went wrong return 0; } } break; default: // All other error say that somethings going wrong. return 0; } } pAcceptedPipe = __osl_createPipeImpl(); OSL_ASSERT(pAcceptedPipe); osl_incrementInterlockedCount(&(pAcceptedPipe->m_Reference)); rtl_uString_assign(&pAcceptedPipe->m_Name, pPipe->m_Name); pAcceptedPipe->m_File = pPipe->m_File; rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&temp, PIPESYSTEM); rtl_uString_newConcat(&path, temp, pPipe->m_Name); rtl_uString_release(temp); // prepare for next accept pPipe->m_File = CreateNamedPipeW(path->buffer, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 4096, 4096, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, pAcceptedPipe->m_Security); rtl_uString_release( path ); } else /* Win9x */ { pAcceptedPipe = __osl_createPipeImpl(); OSL_ASSERT(pAcceptedPipe); osl_incrementInterlockedCount(&(pAcceptedPipe->m_Reference)); rtl_uString_assign(&pAcceptedPipe->m_Name, pPipe->m_Name); pAcceptedPipe->m_File = pPipe->m_File; pAcceptedPipe->m_File = AcceptSimplePipeConnection( pPipe->m_File ); } return pAcceptedPipe; }
rtl_TextEncoding osl_getTextEncodingFromLocale( rtl_Locale * pLocale ) { const _pair *language=0; char locale_buf[64] = ""; char codeset_buf[64]; char *ctype_locale = 0; char *codeset = 0; /* default to process locale if pLocale == NULL */ if( NULL == pLocale ) osl_getProcessLocale( &pLocale ); /* convert rtl_Locale to locale string */ _compose_locale( pLocale, locale_buf, 64 ); /* basic thread safeness */ pthread_mutex_lock( &aLocalMutex ); /* remember the charset as indicated by the LC_CTYPE locale */ ctype_locale = setlocale( LC_CTYPE, NULL ); /* set the desired LC_CTYPE locale */ if( NULL == setlocale( LC_CTYPE, locale_buf ) ) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&aLocalMutex); return RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW; } /* get the charset as indicated by the LC_CTYPE locale */ #if defined(NETBSD) && !defined(CODESET) codeset = NULL; #else codeset = nl_langinfo( CODESET ); #endif if ( codeset != NULL ) { /* get codeset into mt save memory */ strncpy( codeset_buf, codeset, sizeof(codeset_buf) ); codeset_buf[sizeof(codeset_buf) - 1] = 0; codeset = codeset_buf; } /* restore the original value of locale */ if ( ctype_locale != NULL ) setlocale( LC_CTYPE, ctype_locale ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &aLocalMutex ); /* search the codeset in our language list */ if ( codeset != NULL ) { language = _pair_search (codeset, _nl_language_list, SAL_N_ELEMENTS( _nl_language_list ) ); } OSL_ASSERT( language && ( RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW != language->value ) ); /* a matching item in our list provides a mapping from codeset to * rtl-codeset */ if ( language != NULL ) return language->value; return RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW; }
oslPipe SAL_CALL osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe pPipe) { int s, flags; oslPipe pAcceptedPipe; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); if ( pPipe == 0 ) { return NULL; } OSL_ASSERT(strlen(pPipe->m_Name) > 0); #if defined(LINUX) pPipe->m_bIsAccepting = sal_True; #endif s = accept(pPipe->m_Socket, NULL, NULL); #if defined(LINUX) pPipe->m_bIsAccepting = sal_False; #endif if (s < 0) { OSL_TRACE("osl_acceptPipe : accept error '%s'", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } #if defined(LINUX) if ( pPipe->m_bIsInShutdown ) { close(s); return NULL; } #endif /* LINUX */ else { /* alloc memory */ pAcceptedPipe = __osl_createPipeImpl(); OSL_ASSERT(pAcceptedPipe); if(pAcceptedPipe==NULL) { close(s); return NULL; } /* set close-on-exec flag */ if (!((flags = fcntl(s, F_GETFD, 0)) < 0)) { flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; if (fcntl(s, F_SETFD, flags) < 0) { OSL_TRACE("osl_acceptPipe: error changing socket flags. " "Errno: %d; %s",errno,strerror(errno)); } } pAcceptedPipe->m_Socket = s; } return pAcceptedPipe; }
void ReadJPEG( void* pJPEGReader, void* pIStm, long* pLines ) { struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct my_error_mgr jerr; struct JPEGCreateBitmapParam aCreateBitmapParam; HPBYTE pDIB; HPBYTE pTmp; long nWidth; long nHeight; long nAlignedWidth; JSAMPLE * range_limit; HPBYTE pScanLineBuffer = NULL; long nScanLineBufferComponents = 0; // declare bDecompCreated volatile because of gcc // warning: variable 'bDecompCreated' might be clobbered by `longjmp' or `vfork' volatile long bDecompCreated = 0; /* Falls der Stream nicht ausreicht (IO_PENDING) wird ueber ein longjmp in der Schleife nach Exit gesprungen, wir geben dann die Anzahl der bisher bearbeiteten Scanlines zurueck*/ if ( setjmp( jerr.setjmp_buffer ) ) goto Exit; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error( & ); = my_error_exit; = my_output_message; jpeg_create_decompress( &cinfo ); bDecompCreated = 1; jpeg_svstream_src( &cinfo, pIStm ); jpeg_read_header( &cinfo, sal_True ); cinfo.scale_num = 1; cinfo.scale_denom = 1; cinfo.output_gamma = 1.0; cinfo.raw_data_out = sal_False; cinfo.quantize_colors = sal_False; if ( cinfo.jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr ) cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB; else if ( cinfo.jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCCK ) cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK; OSL_ASSERT(cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK || cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE || cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_RGB); /* change scale for preview import */ if( nPreviewWidth || nPreviewHeight ) { if( nPreviewWidth == 0 ) { nPreviewWidth = ( cinfo.image_width*nPreviewHeight )/cinfo.image_height; if( nPreviewWidth <= 0 ) nPreviewWidth = 1; } else if( nPreviewHeight == 0 ) { nPreviewHeight = ( cinfo.image_height*nPreviewWidth )/cinfo.image_width; if( nPreviewHeight <= 0 ) nPreviewHeight = 1; } for( cinfo.scale_denom = 1; cinfo.scale_denom < 8; cinfo.scale_denom *= 2 ) { if( cinfo.image_width < nPreviewWidth * cinfo.scale_denom ) break; if( cinfo.image_height < nPreviewHeight * cinfo.scale_denom ) break; } if( cinfo.scale_denom > 1 ) { cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST; cinfo.do_fancy_upsampling = sal_False; cinfo.do_block_smoothing = sal_False; } } jpeg_start_decompress( &cinfo ); nWidth = cinfo.output_width; nHeight = cinfo.output_height; aCreateBitmapParam.nWidth = nWidth; aCreateBitmapParam.nHeight = nHeight; aCreateBitmapParam.density_unit = cinfo.density_unit; aCreateBitmapParam.X_density = cinfo.X_density; aCreateBitmapParam.Y_density = cinfo.Y_density; aCreateBitmapParam.bGray = cinfo.output_components == 1; pDIB = CreateBitmap( pJPEGReader, &aCreateBitmapParam ); nAlignedWidth = aCreateBitmapParam.nAlignedWidth; range_limit=cinfo.sample_range_limit; if ( cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK ) { nScanLineBufferComponents = cinfo.output_width * 4; pScanLineBuffer = rtl_allocateMemory( nScanLineBufferComponents ); } if( pDIB ) { if( aCreateBitmapParam.bTopDown ) pTmp = pDIB; else { pTmp = pDIB + ( nHeight - 1 ) * nAlignedWidth; nAlignedWidth = -nAlignedWidth; } for ( *pLines = 0; *pLines < nHeight; (*pLines)++ ) { if (pScanLineBuffer!=NULL) { // in other words cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK int i; int j; jpeg_read_scanlines( &cinfo, (JSAMPARRAY) &pScanLineBuffer, 1 ); // convert CMYK to RGB for( i=0, j=0; i < nScanLineBufferComponents; i+=4, j+=3 ) { int c_=255-pScanLineBuffer[i+0]; int m_=255-pScanLineBuffer[i+1]; int y_=255-pScanLineBuffer[i+2]; int k_=255-pScanLineBuffer[i+3]; pTmp[j+0]=range_limit[ 255L - ( c_ + k_ ) ]; pTmp[j+1]=range_limit[ 255L - ( m_ + k_ ) ]; pTmp[j+2]=range_limit[ 255L - ( y_ + k_ ) ]; } } else { jpeg_read_scanlines( &cinfo, (JSAMPARRAY) &pTmp, 1 ); } /* PENDING ??? */ if ( cinfo.err->msg_code == 113 ) break; pTmp += nAlignedWidth; } } if ( pDIB ) { jpeg_finish_decompress( &cinfo ); } else { jpeg_abort_decompress( &cinfo ); } if (pScanLineBuffer!=NULL) { rtl_freeMemory( pScanLineBuffer ); pScanLineBuffer=NULL; } Exit: if( bDecompCreated ) jpeg_destroy_decompress( &cinfo ); }
static void ChildStatusProc(void *pData) { pid_t pid = -1; int status = 0; int channel[2]; ProcessData data; ProcessData *pdata; int stdOutput[2] = { -1, -1 }, stdInput[2] = { -1, -1 }, stdError[2] = { -1, -1 }; pdata = (ProcessData *)pData; /* make a copy of our data, because forking will only copy our local stack of the thread, so the process data will not be accessible in our child process */ memcpy(&data, pData, sizeof(data)); if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, channel) == -1) status = errno; fcntl(channel[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl(channel[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); /* Create redirected IO pipes */ if ( status == 0 && data.m_pInputWrite ) if (pipe( stdInput ) == -1) status = errno; if ( status == 0 && data.m_pOutputRead ) if (pipe( stdOutput ) == -1) status = errno; if ( status == 0 && data.m_pErrorRead ) if (pipe( stdError ) == -1) status = errno; if ( (status == 0) && ((pid = fork()) == 0) ) { /* Child */ int chstatus = 0; sal_Int32 nWrote; if (channel[0] != -1) close(channel[0]); if ((data.m_uid != (uid_t)-1) && ((data.m_uid != getuid()) || (data.m_gid != getgid()))) { OSL_ASSERT(geteuid() == 0); /* must be root */ if (! INIT_GROUPS(data.m_name, data.m_gid) || (setuid(data.m_uid) != 0)) OSL_TRACE("Failed to change uid and guid, errno=%d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); #if defined(LINUX) || defined (FREEBSD) unsetenv("HOME"); #else putenv("HOME="); #endif } if (data.m_pszDir) chstatus = chdir(data.m_pszDir); if (chstatus == 0 && ((data.m_uid == (uid_t)-1) || ((data.m_uid == getuid()) && (data.m_gid == getgid())))) { int i; for (i = 0; data.m_pszEnv[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strchr(data.m_pszEnv[i], '=') == NULL) { unsetenv(data.m_pszEnv[i]); /*TODO: check error return*/ } else { putenv(data.m_pszEnv[i]); /*TODO: check error return*/ } } OSL_TRACE("ChildStatusProc : starting '%s'",data.m_pszArgs[0]); /* Connect std IO to pipe ends */ /* Write end of stdInput not used in child process */ if (stdInput[1] != -1) close( stdInput[1] ); /* Read end of stdOutput not used in child process */ if (stdOutput[0] != -1) close( stdOutput[0] ); /* Read end of stdError not used in child process */ if (stdError[0] != -1) close( stdError[0] ); /* Redirect pipe ends to std IO */ if ( stdInput[0] != STDIN_FILENO ) { dup2( stdInput[0], STDIN_FILENO ); if (stdInput[0] != -1) close( stdInput[0] ); } if ( stdOutput[1] != STDOUT_FILENO ) { dup2( stdOutput[1], STDOUT_FILENO ); if (stdOutput[1] != -1) close( stdOutput[1] ); } if ( stdError[1] != STDERR_FILENO ) { dup2( stdError[1], STDERR_FILENO ); if (stdError[1] != -1) close( stdError[1] ); } pid=execv(data.m_pszArgs[0], (sal_Char **)data.m_pszArgs); } OSL_TRACE("Failed to exec, errno=%d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); OSL_TRACE("ChildStatusProc : starting '%s' failed",data.m_pszArgs[0]); /* if we reach here, something went wrong */ nWrote = write(channel[1], &errno, sizeof(errno)); if (nWrote != sizeof(errno)) OSL_TRACE("sendFdPipe : sending failed (%s)",strerror(errno)); if (channel[1] != -1) close(channel[1]); _exit(255); } else { /* Parent */ int i = -1; if (channel[1] != -1) close(channel[1]); /* Close unused pipe ends */ if (stdInput[0] != -1) close( stdInput[0] ); if (stdOutput[1] != -1) close( stdOutput[1] ); if (stdError[1] != -1) close( stdError[1] ); if (pid > 0) { while (((i = read(channel[0], &status, sizeof(status))) < 0)) { if (errno != EINTR) break; } } if (channel[0] != -1) close(channel[0]); if ((pid > 0) && (i == 0)) { pid_t child_pid; osl_acquireMutex(ChildListMutex); pdata->m_pProcImpl->m_pid = pid; pdata->m_pProcImpl->m_pnext = ChildList; ChildList = pdata->m_pProcImpl; /* Store used pipe ends in data structure */ if ( pdata->m_pInputWrite ) *(pdata->m_pInputWrite) = osl_createFileHandleFromFD( stdInput[1] ); if ( pdata->m_pOutputRead ) *(pdata->m_pOutputRead) = osl_createFileHandleFromFD( stdOutput[0] ); if ( pdata->m_pErrorRead ) *(pdata->m_pErrorRead) = osl_createFileHandleFromFD( stdError[0] ); osl_releaseMutex(ChildListMutex); osl_setCondition(pdata->m_started); do { child_pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } while ( 0 > child_pid && EINTR == errno ); if ( child_pid < 0) { OSL_TRACE("Failed to wait for child process, errno=%d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); /* We got an other error than EINTR. Anyway we have to wake up the waiting thread under any circumstances */ child_pid = pid; } if ( child_pid > 0 ) { oslProcessImpl* pChild; osl_acquireMutex(ChildListMutex); pChild = ChildList; /* check if it is one of our child processes */ while (pChild != NULL) { if (pChild->m_pid == child_pid) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) pChild->m_status = WEXITSTATUS(status); else pChild->m_status = -1; osl_setCondition(pChild->m_terminated); } pChild = pChild->m_pnext; } osl_releaseMutex(ChildListMutex); } } else { OSL_TRACE("ChildStatusProc : starting '%s' failed",data.m_pszArgs[0]); OSL_TRACE("Failed to launch child process, child reports errno=%d (%s)\n", status, strerror(status)); /* Close pipe ends */ if ( pdata->m_pInputWrite ) *pdata->m_pInputWrite = NULL; if ( pdata->m_pOutputRead ) *pdata->m_pOutputRead = NULL; if ( pdata->m_pErrorRead ) *pdata->m_pErrorRead = NULL; if (stdInput[1] != -1) close( stdInput[1] ); if (stdOutput[0] != -1) close( stdOutput[0] ); if (stdError[0] != -1) close( stdError[0] ); //if pid > 0 then a process was created, even if it later failed //e.g. bash searching for a command to execute, and we still //need to clean it up to avoid "defunct" processes if (pid > 0) { pid_t child_pid; do { child_pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } while ( 0 > child_pid && EINTR == errno ); } /* notify (and unblock) parent thread */ osl_setCondition(pdata->m_started); } } }
oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_joinProcessWithTimeout(oslProcess Process, const TimeValue* pTimeout) { oslProcessImpl* pChild = ChildList; oslProcessError osl_error = osl_Process_E_None; OSL_PRECOND(Process, "osl_joinProcess: Invalid parameter"); OSL_ASSERT(ChildListMutex); if (NULL == Process || 0 == ChildListMutex) return osl_Process_E_Unknown; osl_acquireMutex(ChildListMutex); /* check if process is a child of ours */ while (pChild != NULL) { if (pChild == (oslProcessImpl*)Process) break; pChild = pChild->m_pnext; } osl_releaseMutex(ChildListMutex); if (pChild != NULL) { oslConditionResult cond_res = osl_waitCondition(pChild->m_terminated, pTimeout); if (osl_cond_result_timeout == cond_res) osl_error = osl_Process_E_TimedOut; else if (osl_cond_result_ok != cond_res) osl_error = osl_Process_E_Unknown; } else /* alien process; StatusThread will not be able to set the condition terminated */ { pid_t pid = ((oslProcessImpl*)Process)->m_pid; if (pTimeout) { int timeout = 0; struct timeval tend; gettimeofday(&tend, NULL); tend.tv_sec += pTimeout->Seconds; while (!is_process_dead(pid) && ((timeout = is_timeout(&tend)) == 0)) sleep(1); if (timeout) osl_error = osl_Process_E_TimedOut; } else /* infinite */ { while (!is_process_dead(pid)) sleep(1); } } return osl_error; }
oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_psz_executeProcess(sal_Char *pszImageName, sal_Char *pszArguments[], oslProcessOption Options, oslSecurity Security, sal_Char *pszDirectory, sal_Char *pszEnvironments[], oslProcess *pProcess, oslFileHandle *pInputWrite, oslFileHandle *pOutputRead, oslFileHandle *pErrorRead ) { int i; sal_Char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; ProcessData Data; oslThread hThread; path[0] = '\0'; memset(&Data,0,sizeof(ProcessData)); Data.m_pInputWrite = pInputWrite; Data.m_pOutputRead = pOutputRead; Data.m_pErrorRead = pErrorRead; if (pszImageName == NULL) pszImageName = pszArguments[0]; OSL_ASSERT(pszImageName != NULL); if ( pszImageName == 0 ) { return osl_Process_E_NotFound; } if ((Options & osl_Process_SEARCHPATH) && (osl_searchPath_impl(pszImageName, NULL, '\0', path, sizeof(path)) == osl_Process_E_None)) pszImageName = path; Data.m_pszArgs[0] = strdup(pszImageName); Data.m_pszArgs[1] = 0; if ( pszArguments != 0 ) { for (i = 0; ((i + 2) < MAX_ARGS) && (pszArguments[i] != NULL); i++) Data.m_pszArgs[i+1] = strdup(pszArguments[i]); Data.m_pszArgs[i+2] = NULL; } Data.m_options = Options; Data.m_pszDir = (pszDirectory != NULL) ? strdup(pszDirectory) : NULL; if (pszEnvironments != NULL) { for (i = 0; ((i + 1) < MAX_ENVS) && (pszEnvironments[i] != NULL); i++) Data.m_pszEnv[i] = strdup(pszEnvironments[i]); Data.m_pszEnv[i+1] = NULL; } else Data.m_pszEnv[0] = NULL; if (Security != NULL) { Data.m_uid = ((oslSecurityImpl*)Security)->m_pPasswd.pw_uid; Data.m_gid = ((oslSecurityImpl*)Security)->m_pPasswd.pw_gid; Data.m_name = ((oslSecurityImpl*)Security)->m_pPasswd.pw_name; } else Data.m_uid = (uid_t)-1; Data.m_pProcImpl = (oslProcessImpl*) malloc(sizeof(oslProcessImpl)); Data.m_pProcImpl->m_pid = 0; Data.m_pProcImpl->m_terminated = osl_createCondition(); Data.m_pProcImpl->m_pnext = NULL; if (ChildListMutex == NULL) ChildListMutex = osl_createMutex(); Data.m_started = osl_createCondition(); hThread = osl_createThread(ChildStatusProc, &Data); osl_waitCondition(Data.m_started, NULL); osl_destroyCondition(Data.m_started); for (i = 0; Data.m_pszArgs[i] != NULL; i++) free((void *)Data.m_pszArgs[i]); for (i = 0; Data.m_pszEnv[i] != NULL; i++) free((void *)Data.m_pszEnv[i]); if ( Data.m_pszDir != 0 ) { free((void *)Data.m_pszDir); } osl_destroyThread(hThread); if (Data.m_pProcImpl->m_pid != 0) { *pProcess = Data.m_pProcImpl; if (Options & osl_Process_WAIT) osl_joinProcess(*pProcess); return osl_Process_E_None; } osl_destroyCondition(Data.m_pProcImpl->m_terminated); free(Data.m_pProcImpl); return osl_Process_E_Unknown; }
int SAL_CALL main (void) { rtlCipher cipher; /* ECB */ cipher = rtl_cipher_create (rtl_Cipher_AlgorithmBF, rtl_Cipher_ModeECB); OSL_ASSERT(cipher != 0); if (cipher != 0) { rtlCipherError result; sal_uInt8 ecb_in[40], ecb_out[40]; sal_uInt32 length = strlen(cbc_data) + 1; result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionBoth, cbc_key, sizeof(cbc_key), NULL, 0); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (ecb_out, 0, sizeof(ecb_out)); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, cbc_data, length, ecb_out, sizeof(ecb_out)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (ecb_out, ecb_ok, sizeof(ecb_ok)) == 0); memset (ecb_in, 0, sizeof(ecb_in)); result = rtl_cipher_decode ( cipher, ecb_out, length, ecb_in, sizeof(ecb_in)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (ecb_in, cbc_data, length) == 0); rtl_cipher_destroy (cipher); } /* CBC */ cipher = rtl_cipher_create (rtl_Cipher_AlgorithmBF, rtl_Cipher_ModeCBC); OSL_ASSERT(cipher != 0); if (cipher != 0) { rtlCipherError result; sal_uInt8 cbc_in[40], cbc_out[40]; sal_uInt32 length = strlen(cbc_data) + 1; result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode, cbc_key, sizeof(cbc_key), cbc_iv, sizeof(cbc_iv)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (cbc_out, 0, sizeof(cbc_out)); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, cbc_data, length, cbc_out, sizeof(cbc_out)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (cbc_out, cbc_ok, sizeof(cbc_ok)) == 0); result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode, cbc_key, sizeof(cbc_key), cbc_iv, sizeof(cbc_iv)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (cbc_in, 0, sizeof(cbc_in)); result = rtl_cipher_decode ( cipher, cbc_out, length, cbc_in, sizeof(cbc_in)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (cbc_in, cbc_data, length) == 0); rtl_cipher_destroy (cipher); } /* CFB */ cipher = rtl_cipher_create (rtl_Cipher_AlgorithmBF, rtl_Cipher_ModeStream); OSL_ASSERT(cipher != 0); if (cipher != 0) { rtlCipherError result; sal_uInt8 cfb_in[40], cfb_out[40]; sal_uInt32 length = strlen(cbc_data) + 1; result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode, cbc_key, sizeof(cbc_key), cbc_iv, sizeof(cbc_iv)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (cfb_out, 0, sizeof(cfb_out)); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, cbc_data, length, cfb_out, sizeof(cfb_out)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (cfb_out, cfb_ok, sizeof(cfb_ok)) == 0); result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode, cbc_key, sizeof(cbc_key), cbc_iv, sizeof(cbc_iv)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (cfb_in, 0, sizeof(cfb_in)); result = rtl_cipher_decode ( cipher, cfb_out, length, cfb_in, sizeof(cfb_in)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (cfb_in, cbc_data, length) == 0); rtl_cipher_destroy (cipher); } /* ARCFOUR */ cipher = rtl_cipher_create (rtl_Cipher_AlgorithmARCFOUR, rtl_Cipher_ModeStream); OSL_ASSERT(cipher != 0); if (cipher != 0) { rtlCipherError result; sal_uInt8 arcfour_out[40]; sal_Size length; int i, n; n = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(arcfour_data_len); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { length = arcfour_data_len[i]; result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionBoth, &(arcfour_key[i][1]), arcfour_key[i][0], 0, 0); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (arcfour_out, 0, sizeof(arcfour_out)); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, &(arcfour_data[i][0]), length, arcfour_out, sizeof(arcfour_out)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (arcfour_out, arcfour_ok[i], length) == 0); } n = arcfour_data_len[3]; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { length = i; result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionBoth, &(arcfour_key[3][1]), arcfour_key[3][0], 0, 0); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (arcfour_out, 0, sizeof(arcfour_out)); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, &(arcfour_data[3][0]), length, arcfour_out, sizeof(arcfour_out)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (arcfour_out, arcfour_ok[3], length) == 0); OSL_ASSERT(arcfour_out[length] == 0); } n = arcfour_data_len[3]; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { length = i; result = rtl_cipher_init ( cipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionBoth, &(arcfour_key[3][1]), arcfour_key[3][0], 0, 0); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); memset (arcfour_out, 0, sizeof(arcfour_out)); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, &(arcfour_data[3][0]), length, &(arcfour_out[0]), sizeof(arcfour_out)); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); result = rtl_cipher_encode ( cipher, &(arcfour_data[3][length]), n - length, &(arcfour_out[length]), sizeof(arcfour_out) - length); OSL_ASSERT(result == rtl_Cipher_E_None); OSL_ASSERT(memcmp (arcfour_out, arcfour_ok[3], length) == 0); } rtl_cipher_destroy (cipher); } /* Done */ return 0; }