コード例 #1
/* Use an single OWQ as a template for the aggregate one */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_aggregate( struct one_wire_query * owq_single )
    int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_all = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s with extension ALL", PN(owq_single)->path);

	if ( owq_all == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for extension ALL") ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq_all, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq_all) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	memcpy( PN(owq_all), PN(owq_single), sizeof(struct parsedname) ) ;
	PN(owq_all)->extension = EXTENSION_ALL ;
	OWQ_buffer(owq_all) = (char *) (& owq_all[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
	OWQ_offset(owq_all) = 0 ;
	if ( BAD( OWQ_allocate_array(owq_all)) ) {
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	return owq_all ;
コード例 #2
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_write_buffer( const char * write_buffer, size_t buffer_length, off_t offset, struct one_wire_query * owq )
	char * buffer_copy ;
	if ( buffer_length == 0 ) {
		// Buffer size is zero. Allowed, but make it NULL and no cleanup needed.
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		return gbGOOD ;
	buffer_copy = owmalloc( buffer_length+1) ;
	if ( buffer_copy == NULL) {
		// cannot allocate space for buffer
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Cannot allocate %ld bytes for buffer", buffer_length) ;
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		return gbBAD ;
	memcpy( buffer_copy, write_buffer, buffer_length) ;
	buffer_copy[buffer_length] = '\0' ; // make sure it's zero-ended
	OWQ_buffer(owq) = buffer_copy ;
	OWQ_size(owq)   = buffer_length ;
	OWQ_length(owq) = buffer_length ;
	OWQ_offset(owq) = offset ;
	OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_buffer ; // buffer needs cleanup
	return gbGOOD ;
コード例 #3
/* Create the Parsename structure and create the buffer */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_from_path(const char *path)
	int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s", path);

	if ( owq== NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for path %s",path) ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	if ( GOOD( OWQ_parsename(path,owq) ) ) {
		if ( GOOD( OWQ_allocate_array(owq)) ) {
			/*   Add a 1 byte buffer by default. This distinguishes from filesystem calls at end of buffer */
			/*   Read bufer is provided by OWQ_assign_read_buffer or OWQ_allocate_read_buffer */
			OWQ_buffer(owq) = (char *) (& owq[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
			return owq ;
コード例 #4
static GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_parsename_plus(const char *path, const char * file, struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);

	if ( FS_ParsedNamePlus(path, file, pn) != 0 ) {
		return gbBAD ;
	OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_pn ;
	return gbGOOD ;
コード例 #5
void OWQ_destroy(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	if ( owq == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		return ;
	if ( OWQ_cleanup(owq) & owq_cleanup_buffer ) {
		owfree(OWQ_buffer(owq)) ;
	if ( OWQ_cleanup(owq) & owq_cleanup_rbuffer ) {
		//owfree(OWQ_read_buffer(owq)) ;
	if ( OWQ_cleanup(owq) & owq_cleanup_array ) {
		owfree(OWQ_array(owq)) ;
	if ( OWQ_cleanup(owq) & owq_cleanup_pn ) {
		FS_ParsedName_destroy(PN(owq)) ;

	if ( OWQ_cleanup(owq) & owq_cleanup_owq ) {
		owfree(owq) ;
	} else {
		OWQ_cleanup(owq) = owq_cleanup_none ;
コード例 #6
/* Starts with a statically allocated owq space */
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_create_plus(const char *path, const char *file, struct one_wire_query *owq)
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s + %s", path, file);

	OWQ_cleanup(owq) = owq_cleanup_none ;
	if ( GOOD( OWQ_parsename_plus(path,file,owq) ) ) {
		if ( GOOD( OWQ_allocate_array(owq)) ) {
			return gbGOOD ;
	return gbBAD ;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ow_printparse.c プロジェクト: bootc/owfs-cvsimport
void _print_owq(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	char c[32];
	fprintf(stderr,"OWQ OneWireQuery structure of %s\n", PN(owq)->path);
	fprintf(stderr,"    OneWireQuery size=%lu offset=%lu, extension=%d\n",
		   (unsigned long) OWQ_size(owq), (unsigned long) OWQ_offset(owq), (int) OWQ_pn(owq).extension);
	if ( OWQ_buffer(owq) != NULL ) {
		Debug_Bytes("OneWireQuery buffer", (BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_size(owq));
	fprintf(stderr,"    Cleanup = %.4X",OWQ_cleanup(owq));
	fprintf(stderr,"    OneWireQuery I=%d U=%u F=%G Y=%d D=%s\n", OWQ_I(owq), OWQ_U(owq), OWQ_F(owq), OWQ_Y(owq), SAFESTRING(ctime_r(&OWQ_D(owq), c)));
	fprintf(stderr,"--- OneWireQuery done\n");
コード例 #8
static GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_array( struct one_wire_query * owq )
	struct parsedname * pn = PN(owq) ;
	if (pn->extension == EXTENSION_ALL && pn->type != ePN_structure) {
		OWQ_array(owq) = owcalloc((size_t) pn->selected_filetype->ag->elements, sizeof(union value_object));
		if (OWQ_array(owq) == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
			return gbBAD ;
		OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_array ;
	} else {
		OWQ_I(owq) = 0;
	return gbGOOD ;
コード例 #9
// create the buffer of size filesize
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_read_buffer(struct one_wire_query * owq )
	struct parsedname * pn = PN(owq) ;
	size_t size = FullFileLength(pn);

	if ( size > 0 ) {
		char * buffer = owmalloc(size+1) ;
		if ( buffer == NULL ) {
			return gbBAD ;
		memset(buffer,0,size+1) ;
		OWQ_buffer(owq) = buffer ;
		OWQ_size(owq) = size ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_buffer ;
	return gbGOOD;
コード例 #10
/* Use an aggregate OWQ as a template for a single element */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_separate( int extension, struct one_wire_query * owq_aggregate )
    int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_sep = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s with extension %d", PN(owq_aggregate)->path,extension);

	if ( owq_sep== NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for extension %d",extension) ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq_sep, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq_sep) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	memcpy( PN(owq_sep), PN(owq_aggregate), sizeof(struct parsedname) ) ;
	PN(owq_sep)->extension = extension ;
	OWQ_buffer(owq_sep) = (char *) (& owq_sep[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
	OWQ_offset(owq_sep) = 0 ;
	return owq_sep ;