コード例 #1
ファイル: DIB.cpp プロジェクト: codebachi/ProjectDirectX
void CDIB::ClipDraw(
	int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, CDIB* dib, int sx, int sy
) {
	SelectClipRgn(DC, dib->Rgn);
	OffsetClipRgn(DC, dx-sx, dy-sy);
	StretchBlt(DC, dx, dy, dw, dh, dib->DC, sx, sy, dw, dh, SRCCOPY);
	SelectClipRgn(DC, NULL);
コード例 #2
void CDrawContext::SetClipRect( const CRect &rc )
	HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rc );
	::SelectClipRgn( m_hdc, hrgn );
	POINT pt;
	GetWindowOrgEx( m_hdc, &pt );
	OffsetClipRgn( m_hdc, -pt.x, -pt.y );
	VAPI( ::DeleteObject( hrgn ) );
コード例 #3
ファイル: DIB.cpp プロジェクト: codebachi/ProjectDirectX
// DC <- CDIB
void CDIB::ClipDraw(
	HDC dc, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy
) {
	GetViewportOrgEx(dc, &p);
	SelectClipRgn(dc, Rgn);
	OffsetClipRgn(dc, p.x+dx-sx, p.y+dy-sy);
	StretchBlt(dc, dx, dy, dw, dh, DC, sx, sy, dw, dh, SRCCOPY);
	SelectClipRgn(dc, NULL);
コード例 #4
ファイル: VideoWindow.cpp プロジェクト: fishman/virtualdub
void VDVideoWindow::NCPaint(HRGN hrgn) {
	HDC hdc;
	// MSDN docs are in error -- if you do not include 0x10000, GetDCEx() will
	// return NULL but still won't set an error flag.  Feng Yuan's Windows
	// Graphics book calls this the "undocumented flag that makes GetDCEx()
	// succeed" flag. ^^;
	// WINE's source code documents it as DCX_USESTYLE, which makes more sense,
	// and that is the way WINE's DefWindowProc() handles WM_NCPAINT.  This is
	// a cleaner solution than using DCX_CACHE, which also works but overrides
	// CS_OWNDC and CS_PARENTDC.  I'm not going to argue with years of reverse
	// engineering.
	// NOTE: Using DCX_INTERSECTRGN as recommended by MSDN causes Windows 98
	//       GDI to intermittently crash!

	hdc = GetDCEx(mhwnd, NULL, DCX_WINDOW|0x10000);

	if (hdc) {
		RECT rc;
		GetWindowRect(mhwnd, &rc);

		if ((WPARAM)hrgn > 1) {
			OffsetClipRgn(hdc, rc.left, rc.top);
			ExtSelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgn, RGN_AND);
			OffsetClipRgn(hdc, -rc.left, -rc.top);

		OffsetRect(&rc, -rc.left, -rc.top);

		rc.left		+= 2;
		rc.right	-= 2;
		rc.top		+= 2;
		rc.bottom	-= 2;

		ReleaseDC(mhwnd, hdc);
コード例 #5
    Display *display,
    Drawable src,
    Drawable dest,
    GC gc,
    int src_x, int src_y,
    unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
    int dest_x, int dest_y)
    HDC srcDC, destDC;
    TkWinDCState srcState, destState;
    TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;

    srcDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, src, &srcState);

    if (src != dest) {
	destDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, dest, &destState);
    } else {
	destDC = srcDC;

    if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
	SelectClipRgn(destDC, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
	OffsetClipRgn(destDC, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);

    BitBlt(destDC, dest_x, dest_y, (int) width, (int) height, srcDC,
	    src_x, src_y, (DWORD) tkpWinBltModes[gc->function]);

    SelectClipRgn(destDC, NULL);

    if (src != dest) {
	TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(dest, destDC, &destState);
    TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(src, srcDC, &srcState);
    return Success;
コード例 #6
ファイル: mapping.c プロジェクト: hoangduit/reactos
static void test_dc_layout(void)
    INT ret, size_cx, size_cy, res_x, res_y, dpi_x, dpi_y;
    SIZE size;
    POINT pt;
    HBITMAP bitmap;
    RECT rc, ret_rc;
    HDC hdc;
    HRGN hrgn;

    if (!pGetLayout || !pSetLayout)
        win_skip( "Don't have SetLayout\n" );

    hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
    bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, 100, 100 );
    SelectObject( hdc, bitmap );

    size_cx = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZSIZE);
    size_cy = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTSIZE);
    res_x = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
    res_y = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES);
    dpi_x = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
    dpi_y = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);

    ret = GetMapMode( hdc );
    ok(ret == MM_TEXT, "expected MM_TEXT, got %d\n", ret);
    expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 1, 1);
    expect_window_ext(hdc, 1, 1);
    expect_world_transform(hdc, 1.0, 1.0);
    expect_LPtoDP(hdc, 1000, 1000);

    pSetLayout( hdc, LAYOUT_RTL );
    if (!pGetLayout( hdc ))
        win_skip( "SetLayout not supported\n" );

    ret = GetMapMode( hdc );
    ok(ret == MM_ANISOTROPIC, "expected MM_ANISOTROPIC, got %d\n", ret);
    expect_viewport_ext(hdc, 1, 1);
    expect_window_ext(hdc, 1, 1);
    expect_world_transform(hdc, 1.0, 1.0);
    expect_LPtoDP(hdc, -1000 + 99, 1000);
    GetViewportOrgEx( hdc, &pt );
    ok( pt.x == 0 && pt.y == 0, "wrong origin %d,%d\n", pt.x, pt.y );
    GetWindowOrgEx( hdc, &pt );
    ok( pt.x == 0 && pt.y == 0, "wrong origin %d,%d\n", pt.x, pt.y );
    GetDCOrgEx( hdc, &pt );
    ok( pt.x == 0 && pt.y == 0, "wrong origin %d,%d\n", pt.x, pt.y );
    if (pGetTransform)
        XFORM xform;
        BOOL ret = pGetTransform( hdc, 0x204, &xform ); /* World -> Device */
        ok( ret, "got %d\n", ret );
        ok( xform.eM11 == -1.0, "got %f\n", xform.eM11 );
        ok( xform.eM12 == 0.0, "got %f\n", xform.eM12 );
        ok( xform.eM21 == 0.0, "got %f\n", xform.eM21 );
        ok( xform.eM22 == 1.0, "got %f\n", xform.eM22 );
        ok( xform.eDx == 99.0, "got %f\n", xform.eDx );
        ok( xform.eDy == 0.0, "got %f\n", xform.eDy );

    SetRect( &rc, 10, 10, 20, 20 );
    IntersectClipRect( hdc, 10, 10, 20, 20 );
    hrgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    GetClipRgn( hdc, hrgn );
    GetRgnBox( hrgn, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );
    pSetLayout( hdc, LAYOUT_LTR );
    SetRect( &rc, 80, 10, 90, 20 );
    GetClipRgn( hdc, hrgn );
    GetRgnBox( hrgn, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );
    GetClipBox( hdc, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );
    IntersectClipRect( hdc, 80, 10, 85, 20 );
    pSetLayout( hdc, LAYOUT_RTL );
    SetRect( &rc, 15, 10, 20, 20 );
    GetClipRgn( hdc, hrgn );
    GetRgnBox( hrgn, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );
    GetClipBox( hdc, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );
    SetRectRgn( hrgn, 60, 10, 80, 20 );
    pSetLayout( hdc, LAYOUT_LTR );
    ExtSelectClipRgn( hdc, hrgn, RGN_OR );
    pSetLayout( hdc, LAYOUT_RTL );
    SetRect( &rc, 15, 10, 40, 20 );
    GetClipRgn( hdc, hrgn );
    GetRgnBox( hrgn, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );
    GetClipBox( hdc, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );

    /* OffsetClipRgn mirrors too */
    OffsetClipRgn( hdc, 5, 5 );
    OffsetRect( &rc, 5, 5 );
    GetClipRgn( hdc, hrgn );
    GetRgnBox( hrgn, &ret_rc );
    ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
        ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );

    /* GetRandomRgn returns the raw region */
    if (pGetRandomRgn)
        SetRect( &rc, 55, 15, 80, 25 );
        pGetRandomRgn( hdc, hrgn, 1 );
        GetRgnBox( hrgn, &ret_rc );
        ok( EqualRect( &rc, &ret_rc ), "wrong clip box %d,%d - %d,%d\n",
            ret_rc.left, ret_rc.top, ret_rc.right, ret_rc.bottom );

    SetMapMode(hdc, MM_LOMETRIC);
    ret = GetMapMode( hdc );
    ok(ret == MM_ANISOTROPIC, "expected MM_ANISOTROPIC, got %d\n", ret);

    expect_viewport_ext(hdc, res_x, -res_y);
    ok( GetWindowExtEx( hdc, &size ), "GetWindowExtEx failed\n" );
    ok( rough_match( size.cx, size_cx * 10 ) ||
        rough_match( size.cx, MulDiv( res_x, 254, dpi_x )),  /* Vista uses a more precise method */
        "expected cx %d or %d, got %d\n", size_cx * 10, MulDiv( res_x, 254, dpi_x ), size.cx );
    ok( rough_match( size.cy, size_cy * 10 ) ||
        rough_match( size.cy, MulDiv( res_y, 254, dpi_y )),  /* Vista uses a more precise method */
        "expected cy %d or %d, got %d\n", size_cy * 10, MulDiv( res_y, 254, dpi_y ), size.cy );
    expect_world_transform(hdc, 1.0, 1.0);
    expect_LPtoDP(hdc, -MulDiv(1000 / 10, res_x, size_cx) + 99, -MulDiv(1000 / 10, res_y, size_cy));

    SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
    ret = GetMapMode( hdc );
    ok(ret == MM_ANISOTROPIC, "expected MM_ANISOTROPIC, got %d\n", ret);
    pSetLayout( hdc, LAYOUT_LTR );
    ret = GetMapMode( hdc );
    ok(ret == MM_ANISOTROPIC, "expected MM_ANISOTROPIC, got %d\n", ret);
    SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
    ret = GetMapMode( hdc );
    ok(ret == MM_TEXT, "expected MM_TEXT, got %d\n", ret);

    DeleteObject( bitmap );
コード例 #7
ファイル: tkWinDraw.c プロジェクト: Kiriwa/ns-allinone-2.35
    Display *display,
    Drawable src,
    Drawable dest,
    GC gc,
    int src_x, int src_y,
    unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
    int dest_x, int dest_y,
    unsigned long plane)
    HDC srcDC, destDC;
    TkWinDCState srcState, destState;
    HBRUSH bgBrush, fgBrush, oldBrush;
    TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;


    if (plane != 1) {
	Tcl_Panic("Unexpected plane specified for XCopyPlane");

    srcDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, src, &srcState);

    if (src != dest) {
	destDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, dest, &destState);
    } else {
	destDC = srcDC;

    if (clipPtr == NULL || clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
	 * Case 1: opaque bitmaps. Windows handles the conversion from one bit
	 * to multiple bits by setting 0 to the foreground color, and 1 to the
	 * background color (seems backwards, but there you are).

	if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
	    SelectClipRgn(destDC, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
	    OffsetClipRgn(destDC, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);

	SetBkMode(destDC, OPAQUE);
	SetBkColor(destDC, gc->foreground);
	SetTextColor(destDC, gc->background);
	BitBlt(destDC, dest_x, dest_y, (int) width, (int) height, srcDC,
		src_x, src_y, SRCCOPY);

	SelectClipRgn(destDC, NULL);
    } else if (clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_PIXMAP) {
	if (clipPtr->value.pixmap == src) {

	     * Case 2: transparent bitmaps are handled by setting the
	     * destination to the foreground color whenever the source pixel
	     * is set.

	    fgBrush = CreateSolidBrush(gc->foreground);
	    oldBrush = SelectObject(destDC, fgBrush);
	    SetBkColor(destDC, RGB(255,255,255));
	    SetTextColor(destDC, RGB(0,0,0));
	    BitBlt(destDC, dest_x, dest_y, (int) width, (int) height, srcDC,
		    src_x, src_y, MASKPAT);
	    SelectObject(destDC, oldBrush);
	} else {

	     * Case 3: two arbitrary bitmaps. Copy the source rectangle into a
	     * color pixmap. Use the result as a brush when copying the clip
	     * mask into the destination.

	    HDC memDC, maskDC;
	    HBITMAP bitmap;
	    TkWinDCState maskState;

	    fgBrush = CreateSolidBrush(gc->foreground);
	    bgBrush = CreateSolidBrush(gc->background);
	    maskDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, clipPtr->value.pixmap,
	    memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(destDC);
	    bitmap = CreateBitmap((int) width, (int) height, 1, 1, NULL);
	    SelectObject(memDC, bitmap);

	     * Set foreground bits. We create a new bitmap containing (source
	     * AND mask), then use it to set the foreground color into the
	     * destination.

	    BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, (int) width, (int) height, srcDC, src_x, src_y,
	    BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, (int) width, (int) height, maskDC,
		    dest_x - gc->clip_x_origin, dest_y - gc->clip_y_origin,
	    oldBrush = SelectObject(destDC, fgBrush);
	    BitBlt(destDC, dest_x, dest_y, (int) width, (int) height, memDC,
		    0, 0, MASKPAT);

	     * Set background bits. Same as foreground, except we use ((NOT
	     * source) AND mask) and the background brush.

	    BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, (int) width, (int) height, srcDC, src_x, src_y,
	    BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, (int) width, (int) height, maskDC,
		    dest_x - gc->clip_x_origin, dest_y - gc->clip_y_origin,
	    SelectObject(destDC, bgBrush);
	    BitBlt(destDC, dest_x, dest_y, (int) width, (int) height, memDC,
		    0, 0, MASKPAT);

	    TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(clipPtr->value.pixmap, maskDC, &maskState);
	    SelectObject(destDC, oldBrush);
    if (src != dest) {
	TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(dest, destDC, &destState);
    TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(src, srcDC, &srcState);