void Dlg_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { switch (id) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwnd, id); break; case IDC_BTN_START_BATCH: OnStartBatch(); break; case IDC_BTN_CREATE_POOL: OnCreatePool(); break; case IDC_BTN_RUN: OnRun(); break; case IDC_BTN_DELETE_POOL: OnDeletePool(); break; } }
void CCWidget::Run(){ OnRun(); for(int i=0; i<m_Children.GetCount(); i++){ CCWidget* pCurWnd = m_Children.Get(i); pCurWnd->Run(); } }
void ZBirdDummyAI::Run() { if (!m_bCreated) return; OnRun(); }
void CBatchRunBtn::OnHotkey(UINT hkID) { switch(hkID) { case HOTKEY_RUN: OnRun(); break; } }
BOOL P2PConnection::OnRead() { ENTER_METHOD; OnRun(); LEAVE_METHOD; return TRUE; }
void ParamBox::OnFlag(wxCommandEvent& event) { int id = event.GetId(); wxString flag = flagrefs->GetRef(id); if((*modflags)[flag] == 0) (*modflags)[flag] = 1; else (*modflags)[flag] = 0; if(autorun) OnRun(event); }
void CJob::Run() { m_RunResult = IZ_FALSE; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex); { if (m_IsCanceled) { return; } m_State = State_Running; } } m_RunResult = OnRun(); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex); { m_State = State_WillFinish; } } }
void Transfers::OnTimeOut(OpTimer* timer) { ENTER_METHOD; OnRun(); time_t now = op_time(NULL); if(now > m_last_resource_check + 5) { // do resource cleanup every 5 seconds Clear(); m_last_resource_check = now; } CalculateTransferRates(); BT_RESOURCE_CHECKPOINT(FALSE); m_check_timer.Start(CHECK_INTERVAL_BT); LEAVE_METHOD; }
bool HeeksCADapp::InputLength(const wxChar* prompt, const wxChar* value_name, double &value) { if(m_input_uses_modal_dialog) { HDialog dlg(m_frame); wxBoxSizer *sizerMain = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxStaticText *static_label = new wxStaticText(&dlg, wxID_ANY, prompt); sizerMain->Add( static_label, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, dlg.control_border ); CLengthCtrl* value_control = new CLengthCtrl(&dlg); dlg.AddLabelAndControl(sizerMain, value_name, value_control); sizerMain->Add( dlg.MakeOkAndCancel(wxHORIZONTAL), 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, dlg.control_border ); dlg.SetSizer( sizerMain ); sizerMain->SetSizeHints(&dlg); sizerMain->Fit(&dlg); value_control->SetFocus(); if(dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { value = value_control->GetValue(); return true; } return false; } else { CInputMode* save_mode = input_mode_object; CLengthInput length_input(prompt, value_name, value); SetInputMode(&length_input); OnRun(); SetInputMode(save_mode); if(CLengthInput::m_success)value = length_input.m_value; return CLengthInput::m_success; } }
// Talk to the other computer, write the output buffer to the socket and read from the socket to the input buffer // Return true if this worked, false if we've lost the connection BOOL CConnection::DoRun() { // If this socket is invalid, call OnRun and return the result (do) if ( ! IsValid() ) return OnRun(); // Setup pEvents to store the socket's internal information about network events WSANETWORKEVENTS pEvents = {}; if ( WSAEnumNetworkEvents( m_hSocket, NULL, &pEvents ) != 0 ) return FALSE; // If the FD_CONNECT network event has occurred if ( pEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_CONNECT ) { // If there is a nonzero error code for the connect operation, this connection was dropped if ( pEvents.iErrorCode[ FD_CONNECT_BIT ] != 0 ) { Statistics.Current.Connections.Errors++; OnDropped(); return FALSE; } // The socket is now connected m_bConnected = TRUE; m_tConnected = m_mInput.tLast = m_mOutput.tLast = GetTickCount(); // Store the time 3 places // Call CShakeNeighbour::OnConnected to start reading the handshake if ( ! OnConnected() ) return FALSE; Network.AcquireLocalAddress( m_hSocket ); } // If the FD_CLOSE network event has occurred, set bClosed to true, otherwise set it to false BOOL bClosed = ( pEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE ) ? TRUE : FALSE; // If the close event happened, null a pointer within the TCP bandwidth meter for input (do) if ( bClosed ) m_mInput.pLimit = NULL; // Change the queued run state to 1 (do) m_nQueuedRun = 1; // Write the contents of the output buffer to the remote computer, and read in data it sent us if ( ! OnWrite() ) return FALSE; if ( ! OnRead() ) return FALSE; // If the close event happened if ( bClosed ) { // theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("socket close() error %i"), pEvents.iErrorCode[ FD_CLOSE_BIT ] ); // Call OnDropped, telling it true if there is a close error OnDropped(); // True if there is an nonzero error code for the close bit return FALSE; } // Make sure the handshake doesn't take too long if ( ! OnRun() ) return FALSE; // If the queued run state is 2 and OnWrite returns false, leave here with false also if ( m_nQueuedRun == 2 && ! OnWrite() ) return FALSE; // Change the queued run state back to 0 and report success (do) m_nQueuedRun = 0; return TRUE; }
void CEasyThread::Execute() { while((!IsTerminate())&&(OnRun())) { } }
ZTaskResult ZTask::Run(float fDelta) { return OnRun(fDelta); }
virtual void Run(uint32_t now) { OnRun(now); }
void ParamBox::OnSpin(wxSpinEvent& event) { if(mainwin->diagnostic) mainwin->SetStatusText("on spin"); if(autorun) OnRun(event); }
void ParamBox::OnDefault(wxCommandEvent& event) { ParamLoad("default"); if(autorun) OnRun(event); }
void MCommandCommunicator::Run() { OnPrepareRun(); while(1){ MCommand* pCommand = GetCommandSafe(); if(pCommand==NULL) break; OnPrepareCommand(pCommand); if ((pCommand->m_pCommandDesc->IsFlag(MCDT_PEER2PEER)==true)) { if (pCommand->m_Sender != m_This) { #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnRecv(pCommand); m_CommandProfiler.OnCommandBegin(pCommand, GetGlobalTimeMS()); #endif OnCommand(pCommand); #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnCommandEnd(pCommand, GetGlobalTimeMS()); #endif } else { #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnSend(pCommand); #endif SendCommand(pCommand); #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnCommandBegin(pCommand, GetGlobalTimeMS()); #endif OnCommand(pCommand); #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnCommandEnd(pCommand, GetGlobalTimeMS()); #endif } } else if (pCommand->m_pCommandDesc->IsFlag(MCDT_LOCAL)==true || (m_This.IsValid() && pCommand->m_Receiver==m_This)) { #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnRecv(pCommand); m_CommandProfiler.OnCommandBegin(pCommand, GetGlobalTimeMS()); #endif OnCommand(pCommand); // Local Command면 로컬에서 처리 #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnCommandEnd(pCommand, GetGlobalTimeMS()); #endif } else { #ifdef _CMD_PROFILE m_CommandProfiler.OnSend(pCommand); #endif SendCommand(pCommand); // 그외에는 설정된 Receiver로 전송 } delete pCommand; pCommand = NULL; } OnRun(); }