int main()
	std::vector<int> numberVector;
	std::cout  << "Get Pointer by Index:" << std::endl;
	int* pointer = &(numberVector[2]);
	*pointer = 100;
	std::cout  << "Get Pointer by Iterator:" << std::endl;
	std::vector<int>::iterator position = numberVector.begin() + 2;
	int* pointer2 = &(*position);
	*pointer2 = 1000;
	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Legacy.cpp プロジェクト: Erickmok/Examples
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  TestClass test;
  test.GetData()[1] = 5;

  //std::sort(test.GetData().begin(), test.GetData().end());
  std::sort(test.GetData().begin(), test.GetData().end(), SpecialSort);
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: KDTree.cpp プロジェクト: klhurley/ElementalEngine2
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Find nearest ray 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------
int KDTree::FindNearestToRay2( Ray& vRay, Vec3 &tmin, Vec3 &tmax, RayIntersectCallback callback, Matrix4x4 * temp )
	static bool bOutput = false;
	float tnear = 0;
	float tfar = ( tmax - tmin ).Length();
	int retval = 0;
	float D[3];
	float O[3];
	VecToFloatArray( vRay.m_Direction, D );
	VecToFloatArray( vRay.m_Origin, O );
	// We assume ray fits in extents
	// clip ray segment to box
	static AABB bbox;
	static int aa = 0;
	bbox.Set( tmin, tmax );
	if( !bbox.IntersectRay( vRay, tnear, tfar ) )
		return 0;
	if( tnear < 0 || 
		tfar < 0 || 
		tnear > tfar )
		return 0;
	stack< RayFindStruct > nodeStack;
	vector< KDTreeNode * > nodesToCheck;
	nodeStack.push( RayFindStruct( m_Root, tnear, tfar ) );
	while( nodeStack.size() > 0 )
		RayFindStruct curSearch =;
		DrawBox( curSearch.node->bounds.m_Bounds[0], curSearch.node->bounds.m_Bounds[1], temp );
		while( curSearch.node->pntidx < 0 )//is not a leaf
			int dim = curSearch.node->axis;
			float tSplit = (curSearch.node->key - O[dim]) / D[dim];
			KDTreeNode * first = m_Root + curSearch.node->leftIdx;
			KDTreeNode * second = m_Root + curSearch.node->rightIdx;
			//check dimension
			if( D[dim] < 0 )
				KDTreeNode * temp;
				temp = first;
				first = second;
				second = temp;
			if( tSplit >= curSearch.tmax 
				//|| tSplit < 0 
				curSearch.node = first;
				if( tSplit <= curSearch.tmin )
				curSearch.node = second;
				nodeStack.push( RayFindStruct( second, tSplit, curSearch.tmax ) );
				curSearch.node = first;
				curSearch.tmax = tSplit;
			DrawBox( curSearch.node->bounds.m_Bounds[0], curSearch.node->bounds.m_Bounds[1], temp );
		assert( curSearch.node != NULL );
		//check triangles
		nodesToCheck.push_back( curSearch.node );
		bool bresult = (*callback)( nodesToCheck );
		if( bresult )
			return 1;
	return 0;
	if( tnear == tfar )
		return 0;
	nodesToCheck.push_back( m_Root );
	bool bresult = (*callback)( nodesToCheck );
	if( bresult )
		if( g_Boxes.size() > 0 && aa < 5 
			vRay.m_Origin.z > 1000 )
			OutputDebugString("RAYDEBUG START----------------------\n");
			for( int i = 0; i < (int)g_Boxes.size(); i++ )
				static DWORD msgHash_AddAxisAlignedBox = CHashString(_T("AddAxisAlignedBox")).GetUniqueID();
				EngineGetToolBox()->SendMessage(msgHash_AddAxisAlignedBox,sizeof(g_Boxes[i]), &g_Boxes[i] );
				OutputVector(	g_Boxes[i].min, "Min" );
				OutputVector(	g_Boxes[i].max, "Max" );
			static CHashString h(_T("none"));
			ADDLINEPARAMS LineParam; = &h;
			LineParam.start = (*temp)*vRay.m_Origin;
			LineParam.end =  vRay.m_Origin + vRay.m_Direction*10000;
			LineParam.end = (*temp)*LineParam.end; = 0; = 0; = 255;
			static DWORD msgHash_AddLine = CHashString(_T("AddLine")).GetUniqueID();
			EngineGetToolBox()->SendMessage(msgHash_AddLine,sizeof(LineParam), &LineParam );
        return 1;
	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: KDTree.cpp プロジェクト: klhurley/ElementalEngine2
// This function creates a KD tree with the given
// points, array, and length
int KDTree::create(float *setpoints, int setnpoints, int setndim,
									 bool setCopy, struct KDTreeNode *setNodeMem)
  ndim = setndim;
  npoints = setnpoints;
  typedef int *intptr;
  // Copy the points from the original array, if necessary
  copyPoints = setCopy;
  if (copyPoints) {
    if(points) delete[] points;
    points = new float[ndim*npoints];
  // If we are not copying, just set the pointer
    points = setpoints;

  // Allocate some arrays;
  if (workArr)
  workArr = new int[npoints];

	if(!setNodeMem) {
		if(m_Root) delete[] m_Root;
		m_Root = new struct KDTreeNode[npoints*2+1];
		nodeMemAlloc = true;
	else {
		m_Root = setNodeMem;
		nodeMemAlloc = false;
	nodeMemCnt = 0;

	// Alocate array used for indexing
	if(intArrMem) delete[] intArrMem;
	intArrMem = 
		new int[(int)((float)(npoints+4)*
	intArrMemCnt = 0;

  // Create the "sortidx" array by 
  // sorting the range tree points on each dimension
  int **sortidx = new intptr[ndim];
		logmsg("KDTree: Sorting points\n");
	float imin[3];
	float imax[3];
	imin[0] = imin[1] = imin[2] = 999999.f;
	imax[0] = imax[1] = imax[2] = -999999.f;
  for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
    // Initialize the sortidx array for this
    // dimension
    sortidx[i] = new int[npoints];

    // Initialize the "tmp" array for the sort
    int *tmp = new int[npoints];
    for (int j = 0; j < npoints; j++)
      tmp[j] = j;

    // Sort the points on dimension i, putting
    // indexes in array "tmp"

    // sortidx is actually the inverse of the 
    // index sorts
    for (int j = 0; j < npoints; j++)
		sortidx[i][tmp[j]] = j;
		imin[i] = min( points[ j*3 + i ], imin[ i ] );
		imax[i] = max( points[ j*3 + i ], imax[ i ] );
    delete[] tmp;
	if(verbosity > 1)
		logmsg("KDTree: Done sorting points\n");

  // Create an initial list of points that references 
  // all the points
  int *pidx = new int[npoints];
  for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
    pidx[i] = i;

  // Build a KD Tree
  AABB extents;
  Vec3 vmin(  imin[0] ,
			 imin[2]  );
  Vec3 vmax(  imax[0] ,
			 imax[2]  );
  OutputVector( vmin, "VMin");
  OutputVector( vmax, "VMax");
  extents.Set( vmin,vmax );
  m_Root->bounds.Set( vmin, vmax );
	//add objects to this node
	if( m_NodeCreationCallBack )
		(*m_NodeCreationCallBack)( m_Root );
  build_kdtree(sortidx,	// array of sort values
							 0,	// The current dimension
							 pidx, npoints, extents);	// The list of points
  // Delete the sort index
  for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
  delete[] sortidx;

  // Delete the initial list of points
  delete[] pidx;

	// Delete the sort arrays
	delete[] intArrMem;

	// delete the work array
  if(workArr) {
    delete[] workArr;
    workArr = (int *)NULL;

	if(verbosity > 1)
		logmsg("KDTree: Done creating tree\n");
  return 0;
}				// end of create      
コード例 #5
ファイル: KDTree.cpp プロジェクト: klhurley/ElementalEngine2
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Engine::FindNearest
// Finds the nearest intersection in a KdTree for a ray
// -----------------------------------------------------------
int KDTree::FindNearestToRay( Ray& vRay, Vec3 &tmin, Vec3 &tmax, RayIntersectCallback callback, Matrix4x4 * temp )
	static bool bOutput = false;
	float tnear = 0;
	float tfar = ( tmax - tmin ).Length();
	float t;
	int retval = 0;
	float D[3];
	float O[3];
	VecToFloatArray( vRay.m_Direction, D );
	VecToFloatArray( vRay.m_Origin, O );
	// We assume ray fits in extents
	// clip ray segment to box
	static AABB bbox;
	bbox.Set( tmin, tmax );
	if( !bbox.IntersectRay( vRay, tnear, tfar ) )
		return 0;
	if( tnear < 0 || 
		tfar < 0 || 
		tnear > tfar )
		return 0;
	// init stack
	int entrypoint = 0, exitpoint = 1;
	// init traversal
	KDTreeNode* farchild, *currnode;
	farchild = 0;
	currnode = m_Root;
	m_Stack[entrypoint].t = tnear;
	if (tnear > 0.0f) 
		m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[0] = O[0] + D[0]*tnear;
		m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[1] = O[1] + D[1]*tnear;
		m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[2] = O[2] + D[2]*tnear;
		m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[0] = O[0];
		m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[1] = O[1];
		m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[2] = O[2];
	m_Stack[exitpoint].t = tfar;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[0] = O[0] + D[0]*tfar;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[1] = O[1] + D[1]*tfar;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[2]= O[2] + D[2]*tfar;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].node = 0;
	int dim = -1;
	// traverse kd-tree
	char buf[1024];

	static int aa = 0;
	if( bOutput )
		sprintf( buf, "tfar: %f, tnear: %f\n", tfar, tnear );
		OutputDebugString( buf );
		OutputVector( vRay.m_Origin, "Ray origin" );
		OutputVector( vRay.m_Direction, "Ray direction" );
		OutputVector( O, "Ray origin2" );
		OutputVector( D, "Ray direction2" );
		OutputVector( m_Stack[ entrypoint ].pb, "entry" );
		sprintf( buf, "exit far: %f\n", m_Stack[exitpoint].t );
		OutputDebugString( buf );
		OutputVector( m_Stack[ exitpoint ].pb, "exit" );
	KDTreeNode * lastNode = 0;
	vector< KDTreeNode * > nodesToCheck;
		if( aa < 1 )
			DrawBox( currnode->bounds.m_Bounds[0], currnode->bounds.m_Bounds[1], temp );
		//Is not a leaf?
		while( currnode->pntidx < 0 )
			lastNode = currnode;
			dim = (dim + 1) % ndim;
			if( m_Stack[entrypoint].pb[dim] <= currnode->key )
				if( m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[dim] <= currnode->key )
					currnode = m_Root + currnode->leftIdx;
				farchild = m_Root + currnode->rightIdx; // GetRight();
				currnode = m_Root + currnode->leftIdx;
				if (m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[dim] > currnode->key)
					currnode = m_Root + currnode->rightIdx;
				farchild = m_Root + currnode->leftIdx;
				currnode = m_Root + currnode->rightIdx; // GetRight();
			t = (currnode->key - O[dim]) / D[dim];
			int tmp = exitpoint++;
			if (exitpoint == entrypoint) 
			m_Stack[exitpoint].prev = tmp;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].t = t;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].node = farchild;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[dim] = currnode->key;
			int nextaxis = (dim + 1) % ndim;
			int prevaxis = (dim + 2) % ndim;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[nextaxis] = O[nextaxis] + t * D[nextaxis];
			m_Stack[exitpoint].pb[prevaxis] = O[prevaxis] + t * D[prevaxis];
		if( aa < 1 )
				DrawBox( currnode->bounds.m_Bounds[0], currnode->bounds.m_Bounds[1], temp );			
		float dist = m_Stack[exitpoint].t;
		nodesToCheck.push_back( currnode );
		entrypoint = exitpoint;
		currnode = m_Stack[exitpoint].node;
		exitpoint = m_Stack[entrypoint].prev;
	bool bfound = (*callback)( nodesToCheck );
	if( bfound )
		return 1;
//	return 0;
	//check by comparing all nodes
	nodesToCheck.push_back( m_Root );
	bool bresult = (*callback)( nodesToCheck );
	if( bresult )
		if( g_Boxes.size() > 0 && aa < 1 )
			for( int i = 0; i < (int)g_Boxes.size(); i++ )
				static DWORD msgHash_AddAxisAlignedBox = CHashString(_T("AddAxisAlignedBox")).GetUniqueID();
				EngineGetToolBox()->SendMessage(msgHash_AddAxisAlignedBox,sizeof(g_Boxes[i]), &g_Boxes[i] );
				OutputVector(	g_Boxes[i].min, "Min" );
				OutputVector(	g_Boxes[i].max, "Max" );
			static CHashString h(_T("none"));
			ADDLINEPARAMS LineParam; = &h;
			LineParam.start = (*temp)*vRay.m_Origin;
			LineParam.end =  vRay.m_Origin + vRay.m_Direction*10000;
			LineParam.end = (*temp)*LineParam.end; = 0; = 0; = 255;
			static DWORD msgHash_AddLine = CHashString(_T("AddLine")).GetUniqueID();
			EngineGetToolBox()->SendMessage(msgHash_AddLine,sizeof(LineParam), &LineParam );

        return 1;
	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: QuadTree.cpp プロジェクト: BillyKim/directxcode
This version use vertex and index buffer to draw
bool QuadTree::createTree1( TreeNode* root, float centerX, float centerZ, float radius, IDirect3DDevice9* device )
	// Initialize root node
	root->mcenterX = centerX;
	root->mcenterZ = centerZ;
	root->mwidth = radius;

	if (radius > TreeNode::MAXVERTEX)
		root->hasChild = true;

		for (int i  = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			// Calculate the centerX,  centerZ and width of the sub nodes
			float subCenterX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (radius / 2.0f) + centerX;
			float subCenterZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (radius / 2.0f) + centerZ;
			float subRadius = radius / 2;

			root->nodes[i] = new TreeNode();
			createTree1(root->nodes[i], subCenterX, subCenterZ, subRadius, device);

		root->hasChild = false ;
		root->id = TreeNode::NODEID++;
		OutputDebugString("node: ");

		// Calculate number of vertex
		int vertexCount = (radius * 2 + 1) * (radius * 2 + 1);
		int triangleCount = (radius * 2) * (radius * 2) * 2;
		int indexCount = triangleCount * 3;

		root->mvertexCount = vertexCount;
		root->mtriangleCount = triangleCount;

		// Create vertex array
		Vertex* vertices = new Vertex[vertexCount];

		// vertex count
		int k = 0;

		// Start and end coordinates of a quad
		int startX = centerX - radius;
		int endX   = centerX + radius;
		int startZ = centerZ - radius;
		int endZ   = centerZ + radius;

		// Fill the vertex array
		// The rows go from bottom to top
		for (int i = startZ; i <= endZ ; ++i)
			// The column go from left to right
			for (int j = startX; j <= endX; ++j)
				vertices[k].position.x = j;
				vertices[k].position.z = i;
				vertices[k].position.y = 0.0f;


				D3DXVECTOR3 vec3(j, 0, i);

		// Create index array
		DWORD* indices = new DWORD[triangleCount * 3];

		// index array index
		k = 0;

		DWORD numCellsperRow = 2 * radius;
		DWORD numCellsperCol = 2 * radius;

		DWORD numVertexperRow = numCellsperRow + 1;
		DWORD numVertexperCol = numCellsperCol + 1;

		// Fill the index array

		for (DWORD i = 0; i < numCellsperRow; ++i)
			for (DWORD j = 0; j < numCellsperCol; ++j)
				indices[k]     =       i * numVertexperCol + j;			// 0
				indices[k + 1] =	   i * numVertexperCol + (j + 1);	// 1
				indices[k + 2] = (i + 1) * numVertexperCol + j;			// 2

				indices[k + 3] = (i + 1) * numVertexperCol + j;			// 3
				indices[k + 4] =       i * numVertexperCol + (j + 1);	// 4
				indices[k + 5] = (i + 1) * numVertexperCol + (j + 1);	// 5

				// next quad
				k += 6;

		// Create vertex buffer
		if( FAILED( device->CreateVertexBuffer( vertexCount * sizeof(Vertex),
			NULL ) ) )
			return E_FAIL;

		// Lock vertex buffer and copy data
		VOID* pVertices;
		if( FAILED( root->mvertexBuffer->Lock( 0, 0, (void**)&pVertices, 0 ) ) )
			return E_FAIL;
		memcpy( pVertices, vertices, vertexCount * sizeof(Vertex) );

		// Delete vertices array
		delete []vertices;
		vertices = NULL;

		// Create index buffer
		if( FAILED( device->CreateIndexBuffer( indexCount * sizeof(DWORD), 
			0) ) )
			return E_FAIL ;

		// Lock index buffer and copy data
		DWORD *pIndices;
		if( FAILED( root->mindexBuffer->Lock( 0, 0, (void **)&pIndices, 0) ) )
			return E_FAIL;
		memcpy(pIndices, indices, indexCount * sizeof(DWORD) );
		root->mindexBuffer->Unlock() ;

		// Delete indices array
		delete []indices;
		indices = NULL;

	return true;