コード例 #1
ファイル: lock.c プロジェクト: jeffhammond/ospri
void* thread_routine(void* input)
    pami_result_t           res = PAMI_ERROR;
    pami_context_t          ctx = (pami_context_t)input;
    int                     my_key;

    // get the lock
    do {
        res = PAMI_Context_trylock (ctx);
    } while (res != PAMI_SUCCESS);

    // modify the common data
    my_key = keys;
#if DBG
    fprintf (stderr,
             "%d: changed common data from %d to %d\n",
             pthread_self(), my_key, my_key+1);
    my_key ++;
    keys = my_key;

    // release the lock
    res = PAMI_Context_unlock (ctx);
    if (res != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr,
                 "Error. Unable to unlock the pami context. result = %d\n",

コード例 #2
void async_progress_enable(async_progress_t * async_progress, pami_context_t context)
    pami_result_t rc = PAMI_ERROR;
    async_progress_impl_t * async = (async_progress_impl_t *) async_progress;

    /* Register the async progress event handlers for this context. */
    rc = PAMI_ERROR;
    rc = async->register_fn(context,
            NULL,    /* progress function */
            NULL,    /* suspend function */
            NULL,    /* resume function */
            NULL);   /* cookie */

    /* Enable async progress for this context. */
    rc = PAMI_ERROR;
    rc = async->enable_fn(context, ASYNC_PROGRESS_EVENT_ALL);

    /* Async progress is enabled when the async progress extension acquires the context lock. */
        rc = PAMI_ERROR;
        rc = PAMI_Context_trylock (context);

        if (rc == PAMI_SUCCESS)
            PAMI_Context_unlock (context);
    while (rc == PAMI_SUCCESS);

コード例 #3
void async_progress_enable (async_progress_t * async_progress,
                            pami_context_t     context)
  pami_result_t result;
  async_progress_impl_t * async = (async_progress_impl_t *) async_progress;

   * Register the async progress event handlers for this context.
  result = PAMI_ERROR;
  result = async->register_fn (context,
                               NULL,    /* progress function */
                               NULL,    /* suspend function */
                               NULL,    /* resume function */
                               NULL);   /* cookie */
  assert (result == PAMI_SUCCESS);

   * Enable async progress for this context.
  result = PAMI_ERROR;
  result = async->enable_fn (context, ASYNC_PROGRESS_EVENT_ALL);
  assert (result == PAMI_SUCCESS);

   * Async progress is enabled when the async progress extension acquires the
   * context lock.
  fprintf (stdout, "(%03d) Waiting for the async progress extension to acquire the context lock.\n", __LINE__);
    result = PAMI_ERROR;
    result = PAMI_Context_trylock (context);
    assert (result != PAMI_ERROR);

    if (result == PAMI_SUCCESS)
      PAMI_Context_unlock (context);
  while (result == PAMI_SUCCESS);
  fprintf (stdout, "(%03d) Async progress enabled for the context.\n", __LINE__);

コード例 #4
ファイル: endpoint_table.c プロジェクト: jeffhammond/ospri
int main ()
  pami_client_t client;
  pami_context_t *context;
  pami_result_t result;
  pami_configuration_t configuration;
  PAMI_Client_create ("TEST", &client, NULL, 0);
  configuration.name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_CONTEXTS;
  result = PAMI_Client_query(client, &configuration, 1);
  size_t num = configuration.value.intval;
  context = (pami_context_t*) malloc (num*sizeof(pami_context_t));
  /* Create four contexts - every task creates the same number */
  PAMI_Context_createv (client, NULL, 0, context, num);

  createEndpointTable (client, num);

  pami_dispatch_callback_function fn;
  fn.p2p = test_dispatch;
  pami_dispatch_hint_t options = {0};
  pami_send_hint_t hints = {0};
  volatile size_t expect = 0;

  size_t i;
  for (i=0; i<num; i++)
    PAMI_Context_lock (context[i]);
    result = PAMI_Dispatch_set (context[i], 0, fn, (void *)&expect, options);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable register pami dispatch. result = %d\n", result);
      return 1;

  configuration.name = PAMI_CLIENT_TASK_ID;
  result = PAMI_Client_query(client, &configuration, 1);
  if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
    fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable query configuration (%d). result = %d\n", configuration.name, result);
    return 1;
  pami_task_t task_id = configuration.value.intval;
  fprintf (stderr, "My task id = %d\n", task_id);

  configuration.name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_TASKS;
  result = PAMI_Client_query(client, &configuration, 1);
  if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
    fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable query configuration (%d). result = %d\n", configuration.name, result);
    return 1;
  size_t num_tasks = configuration.value.intval;
  fprintf (stderr, "Number of tasks = %zu\n", num_tasks);

  uint8_t header[16];
  uint8_t data[1024];
  volatile size_t active = 1;

  pami_send_t parameters;
  parameters.send.dispatch        = 0;
  parameters.send.header.iov_base = header;
  parameters.send.header.iov_len  = 16;
  parameters.send.data.iov_base   = data;
  parameters.send.data.iov_len    = 1024;
  parameters.send.hints           = hints;
  parameters.events.cookie        = (void *) &active;
  parameters.events.local_fn      = decrement;
  parameters.events.remote_fn     = NULL;

  /* Send a message to endpoint "num_tasks * num_contexts - 1" */
  pami_task_t target_task = (pami_task_t) -1;
  size_t      target_offset = (size_t) -1;
  PAMI_Endpoint_query (_endpoint[num*num_tasks-1], &target_task, &target_offset);
  if (task_id == target_task) expect += num_tasks;
  send_endpoint (context[0], num*num_tasks-1, &parameters);

  fprintf (stdout, "before advance, active = %zu, expect = %zu\n", active, expect);
  while ((active + expect) > 0) PAMI_Context_advancev (context, num, 100);

  for (i=0; i<num; i++) PAMI_Context_unlock (context[i]);

  result = PAMI_Context_destroyv (context, num);
  if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
    fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to destroy pami context. result = %d\n", result);
    return 1;

  result = PAMI_Client_destroy (&client);
  if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
    fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to finalize pami client. result = %d\n", result);
    return 1;

  fprintf (stdout, "Success (%d)\n", task_id);

  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: lock.c プロジェクト: jeffhammond/ospri
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    pami_client_t           client;
    pami_context_t          context;
    pami_result_t           result = PAMI_ERROR;
    pami_configuration_t*   configuration = NULL;
    char                    cl_string[] = "TEST";
    pthread_t               threads[MAX_THREAD_NUM];
    int                     i, rc;

    result = PAMI_Client_create (cl_string, &client, NULL, 0);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to initialize pami client. result = %d\n", result);
        return 1;

    result = PAMI_Context_createv(client, configuration, 0, &context, 1);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to create the pami context. result = %d\n", result);
        return 1;

    /* Test a context lock */
    result = PAMI_Context_lock (context);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to lock the pami context. result = %d\n", result);
        return 1;

    /* Test a context unlock */
    result = PAMI_Context_unlock (context);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to unlock the pami context. result = %d\n", result);
        return 1;

    // test context trylock with multiple threads
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_NUM; i ++) {
        rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, thread_routine, (void*)context);
        if (rc) {
            fprintf (stderr,
                     "Error. Unable to create %d-th thread with rc %d\n",
                     i, rc);
            return 1;

    // join all the created threads
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_NUM; i ++) {
        do {
            rc = pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
            if (rc) {
                fprintf (stderr,
                         "Error. Unable to join %d-th thread with rc %d\n",
                         i, rc);
        } while (0 != rc);

    // check the common data
    if ( MAX_THREAD_NUM == keys ) {
        fprintf (stderr,
                 "Trylock with multiple threads passed. %d (%d expected)\n",
                 keys, MAX_THREAD_NUM);
    } else {
        fprintf (stderr,
                 "Error. Trylock with multiple threads failed. %d (%d expected)\n",
                 keys, MAX_THREAD_NUM);

    /* Destroy the context */
    result = PAMI_Context_destroyv(&context, 1);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to destroy the pami context. result = %d\n", result);
        return 1;

    /* Finalize (destroy) the client */
    result = PAMI_Client_destroy(&client);
    if (result != PAMI_SUCCESS)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Unable to finalize pami client. result = %d\n", result);
        return 1;

    fprintf (stderr, "Success.\n");

    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: remote_update.c プロジェクト: jeffhammond/ospri
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    pami_client_t         client;
    pami_context_t        context;
    pami_result_t         status = PAMI_ERROR;
    pami_configuration_t  pami_config;
    pami_geometry_t       world_geo;
    size_t                barrier_alg_num[2];
    pami_algorithm_t*     bar_always_works_algo = NULL;
    pami_metadata_t*      bar_always_works_md = NULL;
    pami_algorithm_t*     bar_must_query_algo = NULL;
    pami_metadata_t*      bar_must_query_md   = NULL;
    pami_xfer_t           barrier;
    int                   my_id;
    volatile int          is_fence_done   = 0;
    volatile int          is_barrier_done = 0;

    /* create PAMI client */
    RC( PAMI_Client_create("TEST", &client, NULL, 0) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Client created successfully at 0x%p\n",client));

    /* create PAMI context */
    RC( PAMI_Context_createv(client, NULL, 0, &context, 1) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Context created successfully at 0x%p\n",context));

    /* query my task id */
    bzero(&pami_config, sizeof(pami_configuration_t));
    pami_config.name = PAMI_CLIENT_TASK_ID;
    RC( PAMI_Client_query(client, &pami_config, 1) );
    my_id = pami_config.value.intval;
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"My task id is %d\n", my_id));

    /* get the world geometry */
    RC( PAMI_Geometry_world(client, &world_geo) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"World geometry is at 0x%p\n",world_geo));

    /* query number of barrier algorithms */
    RC( PAMI_Geometry_algorithms_num(world_geo, PAMI_XFER_BARRIER, 
                barrier_alg_num) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"%d-%d algorithms are available for barrier op\n",
                barrier_alg_num[0], barrier_alg_num[1]));
    if (barrier_alg_num[0] <= 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. No (%lu) algorithm is available for barrier op\n",
        return 1;

    /* query barrier algorithm list */
    bar_always_works_algo =
    bar_always_works_md =
    bar_must_query_algo =
    bar_must_query_md =

    RC( PAMI_Geometry_algorithms_query(world_geo, PAMI_XFER_BARRIER,
                bar_always_works_algo, bar_always_works_md, barrier_alg_num[0],
                bar_must_query_algo, bar_must_query_md, barrier_alg_num[1]) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Algorithm [%s] at 0x%p will be used for barrier op\n",
                bar_always_works_md[0].name, bar_always_works_algo[0]));

    /* begin PAMI fence */
    RC( PAMI_Fence_begin(context) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI fence begins\n"));

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

    pami_extension_t          extension;
    const char                ext_name[] = "EXT_hfi_extension";
    const char                sym_name[] = "hfi_remote_update";
    hfi_remote_update_fn      remote_update = NULL;
    hfi_remote_update_info_t  remote_info;
    pami_memregion_t          mem_region;
    size_t                    mem_region_sz = 0;
    unsigned long long        operand = 1234;
    unsigned long long        orig_val = 0;
    int                       offset = (operand)%MAX_TABLE_SZ;

    /* initialize table for remote update operation */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE_SZ; i ++) {
        table[i] = (unsigned long long) i;
    orig_val = table[offset];

    /* open PAMI extension */
    RC( PAMI_Extension_open (client, ext_name, &extension) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Open %s successfully.\n", ext_name));

    /* load PAMI extension function */
    remote_update = (hfi_remote_update_fn) 
        PAMI_Extension_symbol (extension, sym_name);
    if (remote_update == (void *)NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error. Failed to load %s function in %s\n",
                 sym_name, ext_name); 
        return 1;
    } else {
        DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Loaded function %s in %s successfully.\n", 
                    sym_name, ext_name));

    /* create a memory region for remote update operation */
    RC( PAMI_Memregion_create(context, table, 
                MAX_TABLE_SZ*sizeof(unsigned long long),
                &mem_region_sz, &mem_region) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"%d-byte PAMI memory region created successfully.\n",

    /* perform a PAMI barrier */
    is_barrier_done = 0;
    barrier.cb_done = barrier_done;
    barrier.cookie = (void*)&is_barrier_done;
    barrier.algorithm = bar_always_works_algo[0];
    RC( PAMI_Collective(context, &barrier) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI barrier op invoked successfully.\n"));
    while (is_barrier_done == 0)
        PAMI_Context_advance(context, 1000);
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI barrier op finished successfully.\n"));

    RC( PAMI_Context_lock(context) );

    /* prepare remote update info */
    remote_info.dest = my_id^1;
    remote_info.op = 0;           /* op_add */
    remote_info.atomic_operand = operand;
    remote_info.dest_buf = (unsigned long long)(&(table[offset]));

    /* invoke remote update PAMI extension function */
    RC( remote_update(context, 1, &remote_info) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Function %s invoked successfully.\n", 

    RC( PAMI_Context_unlock(context) );

    /* perform a PAMI fence */
    is_fence_done = 0;
    RC( PAMI_Fence_all(context, fence_done, (void*)&is_fence_done) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI_Fence_all invoked successfully.\n")); 
    while (is_fence_done == 0)
        PAMI_Context_advance(context, 1000);
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI_Fence_all finished successfully.\n")); 

    /* perform a PAMI barrier */
    is_barrier_done = 0;
    barrier.cb_done = barrier_done;
    barrier.cookie = (void*)&is_barrier_done;
    barrier.algorithm = bar_always_works_algo[0];
    RC( PAMI_Collective(context, &barrier) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI barrier op invoked successfully.\n"));
    while (is_barrier_done == 0)
        PAMI_Context_advance(context, 1000);
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI barrier op finished successfully.\n"));

    /* verify data after remote update operation */
    if (table[offset] != orig_val + operand) {
        printf("Data verification at offset %d with operand %lu failed: "
                "[%lu expected with %lu updated]\n",
                offset, operand, orig_val+operand, table[offset]);
    } else {
        printf("Data verification at offset %d with operand %lu passed: "
                "[%lu expected with %lu updated].\n",
                offset, operand, orig_val+operand, table[offset]);

    /* destroy the memory region after remote update operation */
    RC( PAMI_Memregion_destroy(context, &mem_region) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI memory region removed successfully.\n"));

    /* close PAMI extension */
    RC( PAMI_Extension_close (extension) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"Close %s successfully.\n", ext_name));

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

    /* end PAMI fence */
    RC( PAMI_Fence_end(context) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr,"PAMI fence ends\n"));

    /* destroy PAMI context */
    RC( PAMI_Context_destroyv(&context, 1) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr, "PAMI context destroyed successfully\n"));

    /* destroy PAMI client */
    RC( PAMI_Client_destroy(&client) );
    DBG_FPRINTF((stderr, "PAMI client destroyed successfully\n"));

    return 0;